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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 14.06.2013
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

491 Produkte im Account
120 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 14:28
Schöne Grafik, eine sehr spannende Geschichte, auch für nicht Physik-Fans und super vertont!
Ich mag die Charaktere jetzt sogar richtig.
111 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.19 19:42
Sehr nice
50 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.18 14:06
420 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.17 07:02
Wer Back to the future mag wird hier gut bedient.
195 Produkte im Account
536 Reviews
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 11:59
Great Scott!
575 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 17:46
Ok just ok
552 Produkte im Account
250 Reviews
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 22:59
Each review is for an individual episode. But a rough ranking is here:

Episode 1 - 8/10
Episode 2 - 9/10 [Current Review]
Episode 3 - 10/10
Episode 4 - 6/10
Episode 5 - 10/10

The second Back to the Future episode is by far the shortest of the bunch, but it still served up some enjoyable story beats. You face the repercussions from the first episode, try to right all of the wrongs, and keep messing with history even more.

I think I simply enjoyed that it doubles down on you actively doing things whereas the first episode was a lot of watching and listening. Now you actually have to plan things out and see them through.
589 Produkte im Account
148 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.19 17:07
Slighty better than first episode but still not good enough.
593 Produkte im Account
205 Reviews
92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.19 22:26
Better then the first episode but still kinda of slow.
556 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.19 19:16
This episode is also great, just feels a bit shorter than previous (maybe it's just a feeling) :)
Great song during the end credits!
608 Produkte im Account
621 Reviews
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.16 18:18

Short version: 79%

In true Back to the Future fashion, solving one problem leads to even bigger ones, as we have to accompany Marty back to the same year we visited in the first episode, to bring some justice and to secure his future existence. ‘Get Tannen’ doesn’t really offer anything new compared to the first episode, but getting the same of everything isn’t that bad when that “everything” is pleasantly enjoyable.

Long version:

If we boil it down to basics, the plot of each Back to the Future film was about our heroes tampering with the timeline, causing bigger and bigger troubles, until all things eventually worked out somehow.
Same goes for this point ‘n’ click series, as we just witnessed at the end of the first episode, where Marty almost faded out of existence. This episode may resolve that particular issue quickly, but only to introduce even larger ones in 1931’s Hill Valley, where we have to properly deal with that era’s bootlegging Tannen by convincing a certain McFly and his future bride-to-be to rat out their boss to the authorities.

Probably the largest problem with ‘Get Tannen!’ is that it feels like a rerun of the first episode, as we mostly meet the same cast and deal with the same bad guys in more or less similar ways than we did in ‘It’s About Time’. Nothing is inherently wrong with the gameplay—TellTale even managed to fit their favourite combination searching puzzle type perfectly in the plot—but it feels too familiar in the end.
340 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.16 10:31

Was travelling through time:Wing

One basic thing, I've never watched a Back to the Future movie, so I can only think that game is based on a film.
Back to the Future is point-&-click game made by Telltale Games, as we all know, it must be episodic, game itself has 5 episodes that were released from 22 December 2010 to 23 June 2011. Game action takes place in fictional city Hill Valley. Here's the list of episodes and short description of what is going in them(I will try to include as little amount of spoilers as I can)[olist]
  • It's About Time - We begin game in 1986, but when we find out our best friend is missing, we are looking for him, after that, we are going back in time to 1931 to rescue our friend!
  • Get Tannen! - When everything seems ok, our friend finds out that our grandfather is going to die and we need to rescue him AND make the most dangerous criminal in Hill Valley, will go to jail!
  • Citizen Brown - Everything looks fixed, everyone is happy (except that one guy in jail), but then! We are transported to Future Hill Valley or Pure Hill Valley or, as I prefer to say Alternate Hill Valley. In this episode we need to make problems in Pure Hill Valley to meet Citizen Brown and convince that HIS Hill Valley is bad and people are unhappy!
  • Double Visions - After rescuing Citizen Brown and destroying his ideal vision of sad Hill Valley we need to rescue him again from his enraged wife, then go back in time to 1931 to find his younger self and convince him to break up with his future wife, after that is done, episode ends.
  • OUTATIME! - We are still in 1931 and we must find Younger Brown [spoiler]his older self kidnapped him[/spoiler] and then we must take care that Younger one, will do his presentation at Science Expo. After that, everything seems ok, but then! The Woman who broke with Brown, stole his DeLorean and went back in time, and we need to find out to what date she travelled, after that, we are going to 19th Century to stop arson of the Saloon and in consequence, destruction of wholeHill Valley. In the end, we must manipulate with stolen DeLorean and then make sure that she'll land in 1931... And in the end is kinda funny plot twist but discover it by yourself :)[/olist]
  • And now's time for few most important characters:
    • Marty McFly - Main protagonist, time traveler, also known as Sonny Crockett, Yakov Smirnoff
    • Emmett 'Doc' Brown - Best friend of Marty, time traveler, inventor, also known as Carl Sagan - The Infamous Arsonist
    • Edna Strickland - And here are 2:
    • - Young Edna - Cute, manipulating, desiring power and control over people [spoiler]She's the real arsonist[/spoiler] - Old Edna - Alone, miserable, spends days on yelling
    • Biff Tannen - Typical bully, in the right timeline he works for Marty's father.
    • Arthur McFly - Only seen in 1931, our Grandfather, he makes kinda big role in Marty adventure
    • Kid Tannen - The most dangerous gangster in 1931, he needs to be arrested (Episode 2)
    • Einstein - Our cute and lovely dog <3
    • Citizen Brown also known as Alternate Emmett - He thinks that HIS Hill Valley is perfect, we need to convince him that this city is Town of fear
    • Citizen Edna also known as Alternate Old Edna - Manipulates with Alternate Emmett, after Marty destroys her husband's vision of perfect city, she tries to manipulate with his memory
    • Young Emmett - Young inventor, feared of his dad, in sick love with Edna
    • Trixie Trotter also known as 'Sylvia' - Our (unknowingly until end of game) Grandmother, speakeasy stage performer, cute

    Let's see how it looks...
    Gameplay - 8/10 - Typical point-&-click, with annoying camera sometimes, yet still, gameplay is great
    Audio - 6/10 - Not bad, not good, decent, BUT with soundtrack from movie I think
    Graphics - 8/10 - Nice, clear, not-eye hurting, except characters sometimes look like dead (I mean, without emotions)
    Story - 10/10 - Great! Just Great!

    OVERALL - 8/10

    - Game itself has a few bugs here and there, and sometimes can be harder or easier, but this is one, great, funny story with lovely characters and with unfortunately decent audio, I can recommend it for fans of point-&-click or Telltale Games lovers

    Greetings, Wing
    814 Produkte im Account
    123 Reviews
    176 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.07.16 20:23
    I only recommend this game on sale to fans of the BTTF movies. It is a a bare bones point & click linear adventure game with many mildly infuriating components, but the story is a faithful 5 episode sequel to the BTTF movies. You play as Marty McFly in 1985 which starts with an homage to the first movie, but takes place after the 3 movies. I did enjoy this second episode and it fit in the greater story.
    Logo for Back to the Future: Ep 2 - Get Tannen!
    Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
    87.96% 95 13
    Release:14.06.2013 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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