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Über das Spiel

Vor einigen Jahrhunderten gab es eine weltenverändernde Katastrophe, die die Galaxie aus den Fugen geraten ließ. Seitdem klaffen überall Risse und eine unüberwindbare Kluft aus zerrissener Hyperraummaterie umgibt das Zentrum, unpassierbar für normale Raumschiffe.
Seit 'dem Ereignis', wie es von den Galaxiebewohnern genannt wird, ist es niemandem gelungen, in die zentralen Regionen der Galaxis vorzudringen. Es ist nur bekannt, dass eine fremdartige Alienrasse, die Xsotan, aufgetaucht ist. Sie scheinen die Einzigen zu sein, die den zerrissenen Subraum überwinden können. Doch jegliche Versuche mit ihnen Kontakt aufzunehmen waren bisher vergebens.
Es gibt außerdem Gerüchte über ein mysteriöses neues Material namens "Avorion", das zur selben Zeit in der Nähe des Zentrums aufgetaucht ist. Die Xsotan nutzen es wohl zum Schiffsbau.
Du beginnst als Niemand am Randder Galaxis und arbeitest dich Schritt für Schritt an die Spitze einer Galaxie, die gefährlicher, aber auch reicher an Schätzen wird, je mehr du dich ihrem Zentrum näherst. Avorion nimmt sich Sandbox-Elemente aus Spielen wie X oder Freelancer, lässt sich mit Freunden im Ko-Op spielen und ermöglicht es dir, deine eigenen Raumschiffe zu bauen. Die Schiffe sind aus einzelnen, unterschiedlich skalierten Blöcken mit verschiedenen Eigenschaften und Vorteilen aufgebaut. Durch diese Struktur wird ermöglicht, dass sie an genau den Stellen zerbrechen, an denen sie getroffen werden.
Rüste dein Schiff mit Maschinengewehren, Lasern und anderen Waffen aus, um deine Feinde zu bekämpfen. Nutze die Möglichkeit, gezielt einzelne Blöcke deiner Gegnerschiffe zu zerstören, zu deinem taktischen Vorteil. Statte dein Schlachtschiff mit Hangars aus und schicke als Kapitän deine Geschwader von Raumjägern in den Kampf. Interagiere mit den zahlreichen unterschiedlichen Fraktionen, schütze deine Verbündeten vor Piraten, oder sei selbst Pirat und überfalle Frachter, die wertvolle Güter zwischen Fabriken transportieren. Sei ein Kopfgeldjäger oder ergreife Partei im Krieg zweier befeindeter Fraktionen. Es liegt in deiner Hand.
Erkunde die Galaxis
Durchquere farbenfrohe Nebel und dichte Asteroidenfelder, in denen versteckte Schätze auf ihre Entdeckung warten. Interagiere mit den verschiedenen Fraktionen der Galaxie, die über ihren eigenen Einflussbereich verfügen und diesen auch verteidigen. Jede Fraktion hat eigene Charaktereigenschaften, z.B. friedlich, intelligent oder aggressiv, und hat einen eigenen, erkennbaren Stil, aus dem prozedural die einzelnen Schiffe und Stationen generiert werden.
Plündere Schiffswracks, entdecke Asteroidenfelder voller Ressourcen, beanspruche Riesenasteroiden und baue sie zu Minen aus. Finde heraus, was sich vor hunderten von Jahren in der Galaxis zugetragen hat und stoße in ihre Mitte vor.
Baue deine Flotte
Es gibt keine Obergrenze für die Größe oder Anzahl deiner Schiffe, abgesehen von deinen Ressourcen. Der Schiffsbau in Avorion ist einfach und du kannst dich umd das große Ganze kümmern, z.B. Ästhetik, dass die Besatzung genug Platz hat und der Energiebedarf gedeckt ist. Passe deine Schiffe perfekt auf ihren Einsatzzweck an, indem du etwa leichte, wendige oder schwere, gepanzerte Schiffe baust.
Spezialisiere dich als Händler mit viel Frachtraum, oder als schwer zu knackender Kreuzer mit starken Schilden. Sammle Beute von besiegten Feinden, um dein Schiff weiter aufzuwerten und zu spezialisieren. Installiere Systemupgrades, die mehr Bewaffnung ermöglichen, deine Antriebe verstärken, den Bergbau erleichtern oder deine Übersicht beim Handel verbessern. Steige schließlich zum Kommandeur deiner ganzen Flotte auf, indem du Kapitäne anheuerst, die deine Befehle entgegennehmen.
Wirtschaft und Handel
Statte dein Schiff mit Frachtraumblöcken aus, finde profitable Deals und transportiere über einhundert verschiedene Handelsgüter, um Geld zu verdienen und dich in der Nahrungskette nach oben zu kaufen. Vergrößere deinen Einfluss in der Galaxis mit Hilfe von Minen oder Fabriken, die mit ihren produzierten Waren NPC-Händler anlocken.
All diesen Herausforderungen musst du dich nicht alleine stellen, denn du kannst Avorion komplett Ko-Op mit deinen Freunden spielen! Lade sie ein, um mit ihnen gemeinsam Stationen und Schiffe zu bauen, Seite an Seite gegen Piraten zu kämpfen oder auch gegeneinander in PvP-Schlachten anzutreten!
In Avorion wählst du deinen persönlichen Spielstil. Erfahre die Sandbox auf deine Art!
- CPU: Dual Core CPU
- GFX: A graphics device that supports OpenGL 3.0 or higher.
- Software: Windows 7 or higher
- HD: 600 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
- CPU: Quad Core CPU
- GFX: A graphics device that supports OpenGL 4.5.
- Software: Windows 7 or higher
- HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
50280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 07:17
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☑ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑Easy to learn
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☑ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☑ 9
☐ 10
34788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 15:39
Im Prinzip ist wirklich alles im Spiel extrem Rudimentär.
Es gäbe sehr viel Potential etwas draus zu machen bis hin zu einem großem MMO wenn genug Entwickler daran gesetzt werden.
Objektiv betrachtet ist im Weltraum nämlich nicht viel los. Die Wirtschaft ebenfalls nur Rudimentär.
Das einzige was einen wirklich im Moment mitreist ist das selber Bauen seiner Schiffe und anschließende sie fliegen zu können. Auch wenn hier ebenfalls sehr viel Luft nach oben wäre.
Stationsbau ist ebenfalls noch so eine Baustelle an der ich nicht erkennen kann was ein Docken verschiedener Stationen für einen Sinn macht.
Trotzdem reicht das Konzept schon jetzt damit ich 400 Stunden im Spiel versengt habe und es nicht bereue.
Das Spiel kriegt einen klaren Daumen hoch von mir und die Hoffnung mitgegeben das noch viel daraus gemacht wird oder die Entwickler das ganze evtl. mit einem größeren Team nochmal neu angehen.
12802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 13:16
Fangen wir erst einmal mit dem Negativen an. Die Zufalls-basierten Missionen wiederholen sich irgendwann, wobei sich die Details aber trotzdem unterscheiden. Und auch beim Fahrzeugbau muss man vieles beachten, wobei man durch verschiedene Missionen hier teilweise eine sehr gute Möglichkeit hat, Fehler zu erkennen und zu beheben.
Aber was mach das Spiel so interessant? Fangen wir mal mit den Raumschiff-Bau an. Alles im Spiel basiert auf Blöcken. Aber die Formen und Funktionen sind vielseitig. Außerdem kann man vieles individuell anpassen. Und viele Blöcke haben besondere Eigenschaften. Jetzt ist es aber nicht so, dass man nur die Blöcke verwenden kann, die man findet. Statt dessen gibt es verschiedene Rohstoffe und auch Geld. Außerdem gibt es diverse Händler, bei denen ich Rohstoffe in Geld oder umgekehrt tauschen kann.
Beim Bau verwendet man dann seine Rohstoffe um die geeigneten Blöcke zu bauen und zu einem Raumschiff zu kombinieren. Anschließend kann man die Eigenschaften durch einige Bonus-Objekte und die Waffen-Blöcke nochmals beeinflussen. Jetzt fehlt noch das Personal und der Flug kann beginnen. Später gibt es auch Kommandanten, die deine Raumschiffe für dich fliegen.
Auch wenn alles auf Blöcken basiert und man keine Personen sieht, ist das Spiel sehr komplex. Egal ob man jetzt alleine spielt oder zusammen auf einem Server. Man hat eine riesige Welt mit vielen Möglichkeiten, in der man sich frei entfalten kann. Die Story-Line hilft dabei, sich durch das Spiel zu bewegen, lässt einen aber gleichzeitig alle Freiheiten den Spielverlauf selbst zu gestalten.
Ein sehr gelungenes Spiel, trotz oder gerade wegen seinen einfachen Aufbau über einzelne Blöcke. Und auch die Grafik überzeugt.
Nicht Empfohlen
47631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 15:58
Nicht nur das - vorhandene Spielstände konnte ich aufgrund der Größe meiner Schiffe nicht mehr vernünftig spielen.
Ich habe das Spiel nach mehr als 900Stunden nun deinstalliert - Schade.
Nicht Empfohlen
35227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 15:22
Would I recommend this game? Before 2.0 : absolutely.
After 2.0: I would love to get a refund.
Normally I would say, I had 500 hours of fun with the game, why would I want a refund? Because with 2.0, they destroyed it.
If I want a damn idle game, I would play a damn idle game.
I literally went mowing my lawn 2 hours while my ships were on damn idle missions.
devs, you destroyed the game
16641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 00:39
Avorion ist ein fantastisches Spiel, von dessen Qualität meine Freunde und ich überrascht waren. Ich empfehle es für:
- Deutsche
- Menschen mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Störung
13251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 09:00
3036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 17:21
Hab erst knapp 10 Stunden aber die Suchtspirale hat mich schon fest im Griff. Dieses spiel hat alles was ich mit von einem Space Sim seit Freelancer immer gewünscht habe: Die Spielemechaniken der X Reihe in einem Online Game. Mit Stationsbau usw. Hab mal gelesen sowas ist nicht machbar...das wäre viel zu Komplex... EGOSOFT hörst du mich? ;-)
Und dann gibt es als Sahnehäubchen auch noch die Möglichkeit eigene Schiffe frei Schnauze zu bauen und ein prozedural generiertes Universum. Halleluja. Die Eierlegende Wollmilchsau.... Und das soweit ich weiß als 1 Mann Projekt.
Ich hoffe jetzt schon irgendwann mal von Avorion 2 zu hören... Das Spiel hat JETZT schon das Zeug die großen des Genres (Everspace, die X Reihe usw) ziemlich alt aussehen zu lassen...
41860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 23:08
Ein echt gutes Spiel
ist ein schönes Spiel erinnert stark an die X-Serie,
es hat mich und Freunde gute 600 stunden beschäftigt.
Man kann sich gut darin verlieren, Story, Handel, Piratentum ^^ und natürlich das bauen.
Das kleine Team ist auch sehr nett und kümmert sich gut um bug fixes.
9346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 19:09
11497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 08:47
Wenn man also eine kreative Ader hat...hier kann man sie ungezügelt ausleben. Vorsicht im Baumodus kann es schnell passieren, dass es draußen wieder hell wird bevor man merkt wie lange man schon baut. ;)
5892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 16:21
Gebaute schiffe kann man auch von der ferne befehligen sucht Faktor 100%
Achtung der Herr Mighty Brankor macht die geilsten schiffe im Workshop falls ihr mal eines braucht
2468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 15:53
Minecraft & Elite Dangerous im Weltraum miteinander vereint.
Nicht zu schwer, nicht zu leicht, aber mit einer äußerst interessanten Hintergrundstorie, der man unbedingt folgen sollte.
Das Bausystem für Raumschiffe und Stationen ist ein wenig komplex gehalten, aber leicht genug, daß man es leicht versteht. Einige Teile sind vordefiniert, aber man kann Waffentürme entsprechend anpassen. Also alles sehr leicht gehalten.
Das wäre der Minecraft-Aspekt, denn man kann jedes Raumschiff, jede Station, selbst bauen. Selbst Fabriken auf Asteroiden anzulegen ist sehr einfach und nochmals leicht. Das System ist selbsterklärend.
Andererseits wären da noch die Bösewichter, die sich überall herumtreiben.
Geballert wird eigentlich nur, wenn man angegriffen wird. Ansonsten kommt man mit Diplomatie auch ziemlich weit. Nur muß man einige Artefakte beschaffen, um das Spiel zu schaffen. Diese Artefakte erst einmal zu finden, ist interessant. Doch man braucht mehr als 100h, um wirklich weite Teile der prozedual erzeugten Galaxis zu sehen. In einem Durchlauf ist das kaum möglich.
Aber das ist egal, es macht Spaß.
Wer erst einmal heraus hat, wie man ein Raumschiff vernünftig baut und damit auch überlebt, wird seine wahre Freude damit haben. Es gibt keinerlei Massenbeschränkung beim Bau, selbst Raumstationen können gewaltig gebaut und ausgerüstet werden.
Es gibt Updates für Alles. Für den Hyperraumantrieb, für Waffensysteme, für den Handel.
Alles kann geupdatet werden.
Es ist auch möglich, Sektoren selbst zu übernehmen, dies kostet maximal den Bau einer Station in dem betreffenden Gebiet und der Stationierung eines Wachschiffes. Bei den vielen Raumpiraten, die einem in die Quere kommen, ist das auch manchmal nötig.
Das Spiel macht Spaß.
Und es bietet einige Überraschungen.
Verbündete findet man übrigens im Verlauf der Kampagne auch.
Es ist ein Spiel, welches sich lohnt, auch wenn es nicht sonderlich aussieht.
Grafisch und technisch ist das Game auf einfachem Niveau. Doch das stört nicht. Minecraft hat auch nur Voxelgrafik, und dort lieben die Leute es. Mit der gleichen Grafik kann man auch Weltaumgames machen, und es schadet absolut nicht.
Technisch nimmt das Game nicht allzu viel voraus, denn es läuft auch auf Systemen, die nicht so mit RAM gesegnet sind. Hier muß man einfach nur den Seed anpassen, der die Galaxis generiert, dann funktioniert es durchaus.
Ich empfehle das Game weiter - weil es neben dem Single-Player auch noch einen Multiplayer aufweist. Man kann also auch mit Freunden zocken, wenn man möchte. Und dies sollte allen gefallen, die an MP Gefallen finden.
66787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 23:05
Nach all der Zeit und jetzt auch nach Release muss ich allerdings hier und da zustimmen, wenn es darum geht, dass das Endgame doch ein wenig schwach ausfällt. Hinter der Barriere sollte mehr Chaos herrschen, mehr Gefahr drohen. Fiese Flotten, riesige Battelships usw... da gibt es auf jeden Fall noch Luft nach oben.
Aber der Schiffsbau, kombiniert mit den Waffenoptionen und der Möglichkeit des Flottenbaus. Themenschiffe, wie Carrier, Reparaturbarken und was nicht alles - genial. Davon ab sind auch die Kämpfe wirklich sehr gelungen und machen Spaß. Top Game!
2468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 17:21
Besonder möchte ich auf den Workshop hinweisen, welcher eine riesige Anzahl an Vorlagen für Schiffe bietet, wie z.Bsp.: Orca (Eve Onlline) oder Sternenzerstörer (Star Wars)
12785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 15:07
Unheimlich viele Möglichkeiten, sich neben der guten Hauptstory auch noch anderweitig durch das Universum zu schlagen. Ob als Händler, Pirat oder Minenbetreiber. Alles ist möglich.
7207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 00:25
100% Ego wer möchte....keine nervigen K,,, usw.! Im Mehrspielermodus das gegenteil.....
Suchtfaktor 200%.
Wer gerne sammelt Tage lang ...oder nur Vernichten will ...alle kommen in diesem Spiel zu Ihrem Glück.
Könnte schon paar Jahre gehen mit dem Spiel.
PS: Der Anfang ist bischen Nervig weil das Tutorial mit Shift, Alt, linke Maus, rechte Maus die grauen Gehirnzellen leicht zur Verzweiflung bringt.... bis Mann oder Frau es raus hat gehen schon paar Minuten(zwinker ) ins Land.Mit einem Wort eigentlich so wie damals Freelancer ....
2519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 19:08
Entweder als einsamer Wolf oder mit einer eigenen Armee im rücken kann man eine ganze Galaxie erkunden und eventuell auch erobern. Auch eine Fraktion zu gründen, alleine oder online mit Freunden ist im bereich des Möglichen. Ganze Infastrukturen können gebaut werden. Von Schiffswerften zu Raumjägerfabriken oder Wirtschaftlich vom einfachen Gassammler bis zur komplexen Roboterfabrik kann man alles bauen und verwalten.
Die neue Möglichkeit, Allianzen zu gründen, mit NPC oder online mit Freunden gibt noch viel mehr Möglichkeiten, vom Erkunden bis zu riesigen PvP Schlachten in der Galaxie. Ich persönlich würde mir mehr Ränge wünschen, aber dennoch ist es eine großartige Sache.
Zu empfehlen für jeden der Si-Fi mag, gerne Fraktionen gründet und verwaltet und gerne Erkundet.
LG NiceGuy ;D
Great game with lots of options.
Either as a lone wolf or with your own army in the back, you can explore and possibly conquer an entire galaxy. It is also possible to found a faction, alone or online with friends. Entire infrastructures can be built. From shipyards to space fighter factories or economically from simple gas collectors to complex robot factories, you can build and manage everything.
The new way to form alliances, with NPC or online with friends, offers many more opportunities, from exploring to huge PvP battles in the galaxy. I personally would like more ranks, but it's still a great thing.
Recommended for everyone who likes Si-Fi, likes to found and manage fractions and likes to explore.
greetings NiceGuy ;D
17554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 16:21
Es ist wirklich ein gelungener Ansatz. Man könnte es als Symbiose aus Homeworld, Space Engineers und Freelancer beschreiben.
Homeworld weil man sich eine grosse Flotte zusammenstellen kann und diese kommandiert.
Space Engineers weil man alle Schiffe selbst designen kann, sogar schöner als bei Space Engineers.
Freelancer weil man eine gewaltige Galaxie erkundet, Handel treibt, Schurken durchsiebt, Diplomatie pflegt und sogar eigene Stationen bauen kann.
Es mag nicht die hübscheste Engine sein aber das Gameplay macht das locker wieder wett.
Bei Space Engineers, im Single Player, kommt irgendwann der Punkt, wo man sich fragt, wozu man all die riesigen Schiffe im Hangar hat.
Bei Avorion weiss man wozu, da hat man ein klares Ziel vor Augen.
Wer es mag kann hier Zeit ohne Ende drin versenken.
10477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 02:22
Mine and destroy pirates, conquer the galaxy !
Fun game, a little complex to create your ship not everything fall into place.
But you will have a lot of fun playing this, combat can be pretty intense.
On the cons side, stations are pretty useless, you don't really make credit from owning them and it doesn't bring you much.
4043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 12:01
What to expect:
You have full control over your ships and its systems as well as the crews that command them. Captains and crew members can level up and no two captains are alike, each with their own stats and traits. You'll need to choose wisely which one will command your vessels as Merchant Captains will do much better on Trade Freighters flying trade routes and Scavengers on Salvage Barges looking for ships to scrap. Captains are also based on a Teir system so some are better and will grow stronger than others. You'll want to find skilled captains if you want the best performance out of your fleet.
You can build all your own ships from scratch if you want or head to a shipyard and buy new ones. You can craft your own turrets building them to look anyway you like and though I havnet been able to buy one yet, it looks like you can build your own space stations as well. You'll need the money and materials though so stock up when you can. Ships have have limitations based on the technology you know so you'll be on the lookout for better tech and blue prints as you cruise the galaxy. The building system is one of the most intuitive I've seen as it lets you explore ways to build that make your creations truly unique. I've built several different classed ships of various designs now that I'm super proud of so for me it gets that crafting itch real good.
One of the biggest surprises to me is that there is a fantastic loot system that ranges from petty to legendary items. Each item has its own stats, so if you receive 2 Tech Level 15 Plasma type turrets, one will likely be more powerful than the other with say 30% more damage stat or 26% accuracy. There are many bonus attributes so like diablo, you'll comparing stats quite a bit. This means that you'll be hunting for loot and checking through your stash quite a bit hoping to find that next item that is better than the last. Installable equipment for your ships are of two types, ship systems and turrets but within those two categories are a plethora of different choices to make for your ship. Turrets are not only weapons, you'll also find mining, refining, salvage, PDC's, anti-fighter, repair, etc. Then within those catagories are more variations and ways to use them that effect the way you use/build your ships. If your ship is equipped to handle it you can set certain weapons to auto-track targets by setting up priorities for weapon groups (like defensive or offensive, etc.) or you can simply stick with manual control. Ship systems range from scanners, radar, velocity boost, power management, turret controllers, hyperspace, shield management, hull reinforcements, etc. And I'm still in what is considered early game content and there is still a long way to go and a lot more to see.
For the price, this game is worth every penny and the dev's seem pretty cool too so you'll see new content rolled out as frequently as they can manage (I think the dev team is pretty small). Avorion is all about crafting, designing and refining so you can make your own way across the galaxy. I'm going to play this for many many hours, I can tell. I'll probably come back to it many times over the years and I'll for sure be adding it to my favorites. Thanks dev team, Avorion rocks.
TL;DR Go buy it, it's radical.
15871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 03:16
Now years later going back at it to see its 2.0 update and I must say it was quite the pleasant surprise.
I am now in Ogonite core sector, ive got a bunch of mines/stations in 'safe' sector giving me passive income while my fleet is making its way into the core.
If you havent tried 2.0 yet, start a new game, story/campagn mode and have fun !
If you never played it yet, its minecraft meets EVE online, try it !!
Check out this ytube series which explain a lot for new comers.
Now make some DLC's so I can throw you some well deserved money :)
Nicht Empfohlen
13912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 18:23
The UI is confusing, the devs seem intent on making the game into a micromanagement empire (ex. trading, where there are no commands to send your own ships to continually pick up resources and deliver them to another factory, so you are forced to manually make sure each ship trades unless you like managing a dozen ships across 2 dozen factories constantly interrupting you).
I frequently have to restart to ensure that the game is working properly, which is likely due to the mods that I had to download to make the UI understandable and gameplay better. Most of my mods are utility mods, to improve aspects of the game that USED to exist until the devs took them out.
The mods that I did find were all updated mid-2021, almost nothing has been created recently except ship designs (the one true beauty of this game).
The game pulls you in with these amazing concepts like building your own ships, creating a fleet and telling your ships to go do tasks or escort you through enemy territory. You can also build factories, supply chains, etc.
You cant even use fighters properly because the devs decided to make them only have a 2-5km range. They USED to have full sector range, which makes sense. They have their own power generation...why wouldnt they be able to go past that distance? Sure if you target each individual thing you want them to attack, they can go further distances - but again, micromanaging. I want my fighters to attack/mine/salvage in a way thats useful and not just sit there until I pick a target and give commands to each squad. Not to mention how much ass the pathing sucks. You can have mining fighters that teleport resources to you just flying past mine-able asteroids looking for something to do. And if you do get to mid game like I did, and you want to be able to mine, your ship is huge and expected to navigate asteroid fields to accommodate the 2-5km range the fighters have (unless you want to individually target, wait for the fighters to finish mining, then target again 2500 asteroids in each system). The best solution I found, was to put your ship on autopilot. But then youre not actually playing the game, so what's the point? (You can switch ships, so if you want to you set current ship to autopilot, enter another ship and go do other stuff - but once you have a number of ships thats also micromanaging)
Anyway, I probably forgot a bunch of stuff. The game has so much potential, and truly I think they took it the wrong direction for 2.0 with direct limitations on the players looking to build a stellar empire...the whole reason why I got the game.
Anyway, the devs I knew originally were very involved in the player community years ago, perhaps they plan on changing these issues but until then I cant recommend it.
Nicht Empfohlen
17906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 04:06
There's way too many loading screens. I need to do missions to make money but the missions take me through several sectors so I end up having to see loading screens entering every one of them. In one minute I might see the loading screen 3 or 4 times. It breaks the immersion for me and just makes the gameplay drag.
2141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 03:38
But it's actually space Valheim.
And it plays like Freelancer.
And it has the deepest ship-building outside of a purpose-built crafting game.
To be real, it doesn't quite have the economic simulation of X, and ends up being more of an ARPG in its overall structure and arc, but damn if it isn't fun to discover, trade, fight, and build badass cap ships to cooperatively crew with friends. This will more than tide you over until an X game actually has co-op for once.
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1505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 18:32
I think if they stopped development of the engine and mechanics for a bit and focused entirely on a curated gaming experience it could be pretty interesting.
250716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 22:13
If you want to slowly make your way to the core of the galaxy and dominate in grand form with a ship running from start to finish, in an open realm/world, this is a game for you.
Mods make the game better. :)
12777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 21:48
The later game gets more complicated but the start is simple enough. The player ships can become AI controlled but require manual control until some progress is to automate a ship. There is some minor crew management lite here as a bonus. Combat is a seamless mix of RTS and or action reflex.
Its so sandbox and free form that might not be for everyone but its maximum free fomr and procedual for those that prefer super sandbox 4x, the game is perfect for.
The game loop of grinding manually some to progress to automate/AFK/idle is a seriously good reward system. I become so lost in the design aspect but a ship can also be auto grinding during that is great.
14953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 11:23
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8756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 21:54
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152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 01:16
3670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 05:37
One such review stated you needed to get 250k in game currency to build with titanium, this is false, when you mine titanium for the first time the adventurer gives you the titanium building knowledge, its in your mail, then your inventory.
Naonite onwards is very expensive to be fair, however, if your ship is strong enough you can just get a pirate sector, it has a 100% chance to drop in a pirate sector, heck, I managed to get both Naontie and Trinium knowledge in the same ship with no upgrades whatsoever on expert mode.
But, this game is very fun, I understand that a lot of people dont like the 2.0 changes to how captains work, but big servers got a very big performance boost because of it, I too wish I could loop commands still, but atleast with a captain I can send them on like 7 hour trips unless its something like scouting I guess.
Nicht Empfohlen
10442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 20:31
Update 2.0 ruined the game. Almost every single aspect of the game was changed to let the player feel more pain.
It doesn't feel like a fun game anymore, you find yourself constantly in a stressful, time consuming or limited situation. To get out this situation you have to do a lot of boring stuff for hours and days, just to find the next limitations.
Locking the fun parts of a game behind time consuming and boring endless-tasks was a bad idea.
Since 2.0 it feels like boring busywork and should be renamed to Borion or Avoidion.
13382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 21:50
After 200+ hours and still haven't completed it, I can say without question that everyone was right and this game is awesome. The creative aspect of this game is probably the most endearing aspect of it. Fleet management is a welcome layer to the game, but it doesn't seem as fleshed out as the creative side. Miniboss battles are interesting and sometimes quite surprising when they happen. Learning how to tackle them takes me back to old school NES days of gaming. Looking forward to another 200 hours!
12932 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 20:51
9996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 03:06
If you enjoy any three of those things, don't think about it, just buy the game already. Have fun and try not to wreck your ship!
Tip for beginners: Use some simple Iron Workshop designs when you first start, it'll help you get the hang of things.
9779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 22:22
The devs are still actively working on the game as I write this. and hopefully they can flesh out the missions more and just give more value to exploration. There's a vast galaxy, but after you explore about 5% of it, you've seen it all. (That's still a lot of exploring, it's BIG.)
If you enjoy building very freeform ships and Diablo-style loot, check it out. it's not that expensive, and I got over 100 hours out of it. If you prefer more focused narratives or more dirrected gameplay, you may want to look elsewhere.
Nicht Empfohlen
18099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 15:23
116229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 02:58
I tell people that what really makes this game is moments. That time you jumped away from a pirate ambush with 2% health. The time you were deep in a lonely nebula, and found a secret stash hidden between some asteroids. The first time you discovered a boss, some sassy, some scary, some like nothing you expected at all. The first time you have a second or third ship to fight beside you, that moment where you go from being a ship to a fleet.
If you take a little time, have a little patience, and don't mind learning a new build system, you will enjoy this game for many hundreds of hours. If designing isn't your thing, the workshop is full of works from talented, dedicated creators. If you love your Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar, anything you've ever heard of, trust me when I say: You can tell the game creators have seen every movie and show, and played every game, and this is their love song to them all.
This is the game you've been waiting for all your life.
Nicht Empfohlen
14960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 20:52
38213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 15:53
The upcomming (now beta) 2.0 release is not a sandbox game anymore and feels very restrictive to get stuff done.
i cincerely hope that the older version will stay availeble together with the 2.0 version.
current game: i reccoment
upcomming game: doubtfull
20199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 06:08
house lockdown , this game just will to kill time and give fun.just amazed ship Building
creative , with alot management and other activities as ye adavance and move on toward center
of galaxy where trouble brews. The workshop offers mods of alot stuff to help the fight
if run out of creative ideas. So much content and good internet stable connection game for
hours game that will up your steam record. Pretty good time chilling sandbox game that will
cut a lot of time on your hands and will be keeping you hooked. Servers may vary some would
require more connection then others thou.
7721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 15:41
6439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 03:20
2160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 07:36
The main selling point is the ship building which is honestly just amazing, being simple enough to understand but allowing for several levels of mastery and customisation. From appearance to performance, same with turrets. I do feel after the building the main emphasis is put on combat, mining, scrapping, as a pilot, and the rts/fleet management and other activities can be a bit clunky but there is full mod workshop support to tweak anything you want, with custom ships, parts, turrets and more.
Honestly so much content that I would need at least 100 hours for a fair review. This game is definitely one that is going to have some of the highest replay-ability and just overall hours on your steam record. Great for binging or an hour every day if that's all the time you have.
21981 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 02:06
My designs look like crap, but you can easily download a better looking ship and reconfigure it to your own liking -- easily swapping materials & scaling big or small.
Like EVE you can get rich and build massive ships or stations. Unlike EVE you can hire AI to fly these ships for you.
10 / 10 .. and I am not even to the center of my first galaxy.
(153 hrs shown .. a lot was AFK mining :D )
14351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 16:56
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535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 19:55
2966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 04:45
It´s a combination of minecraft (building mechanics) and X; with all the elements trade, mine, fight, explore, expand.
It´s astonishingly good. Very complexe; maybe even more complex than X Foundations. And it seems the Empire-building part is also more elaborated. O.K.; graphics are a little worse, but else it seems to be the better game.
Can only recommend.
2056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 22:17
great concept
single player
and multiplayer modes
nice game mechanics
great fleet mechanics
mods help
warp gates
there is some balancing needed how ever the community
of modders take care of this
there are bosses you have to fight so exploration can be annoying,
if you're not established enough to take on a shield tanking boss
private servers have a vac ban error issue which is annoying,
especially when your account is in good standing.
since i've got back into this game its been a pleasant time waster.
You can afk mine by sending fleets out.
Look up some mods to balance the game how you want via the steam workshop
43496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 00:20
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13917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 21:44
I should be able to play this game on the best graphic settings and maintain 60 fps but I have averaged 11fps throughout all my hours.
14432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 11:46
Large variety of things to do
Many ways to progress
No hard time limits
Official mod Support
Large range of difficulty
You will get burnt out after while (I'd recommend doing breaks for other games / activities when you feel the game got stale)
The galaxy feels too large at times.
Pretty cool game, would recommend.
8340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 21:57
the main issues with the game are HP vs DPS scaling, in the late game fights will take forever, I had an issue where pirates continually warped in reinforcements and I was fighting them for an hour or more before I finally killed them despite running over 50 weapon slots all at tech level 45+ and have over 20k omicron, my ship had so much shielding and hull by this point that I wasn't really ever in danger so it became a point and click game, and this is my main issue with the game, late game weaponry isn't strong enough to deal with hug fights, and in a fight with even 1 fully packed carrier of fighters quickly becomes a lag fest, let alone more than 1 carrier. upgrading ships can also be a hassle when you cant find the required crew to staff it, and unless it was HUGE upgrade needing atleast another 300 crew members you might be stuck crawling at a snail pace from station to station to get the engineers you need so your ship can move at full speed.
It's also incredibly grindy getting the materials to create turrets at factories, the game has the systems in place where it can eventually become a 4x game when you progress far enough but its not viable due to the current turret system, as staffing a fleet with turrets to make them viable would be incredibly grindy, there needs to be more credit and material based weaponry, (spinal weapons would be cool, the closest we have is coaxial weaponry but it doesnt do enough damage to be viable with how difficult it is to aim)
anyway I'm ranting, despite all these issues that eventually lead to me quitting the game (atleast for now) I still reccomend this game as it gave me over 100 hours of addiction level gaming and ruined my sleeep schedule for a couple weeks
hopefully the devs can iron out some of the issues with the late game I'd love to revisit and start creating an actual empire in space, not enough space sims allow this
82416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 16:08
Also, why is Steam auto-correcting the word 'voxel'? Maybe I'm spelling it wrong.
26238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 12:08
Developer actively take in community feedback, with the recent (relatively recent) release of the DLC, I didn't expect much change from when I had played prior, but holy smokes they added so many things that were tedious before, I love it even more now and I am eager to see what else they'll add!
437 hours and counting, so I deffo got my money's worth!
28210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 21:13
6052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 23:37
If X3/X4, MineCraft, and StarPoint Gemini: Warlords had a baby
If you love space games, then buy this. It's an immediate 5/5.
To summarize, this game you start with nothing and have to build up from there. You can customize your ships essentially however you want. You want Borg Cube? Make Borg Cube. Do you want the Enterprise? Make the Enterprise. Do you want the Millennium Falcon? You get the point. From there you can start either tackling bigger challenges (destroy pirates, sell there stuff, acquire resources at resource depots). What if you feel like your not making enough? Then make small mining ships put some commanders on there and have them do automation (mining, salvaging). Oh so you want a space station? Make one! There is an fairly intuitive trading system and you can make all kinds of factories to refine or create all kinds of things. It's a true sandbox empire creation game, where soon you'll have so many ships you won't know what to do but take over the galaxy.
Oh man, the game is getting kinda boring? Mods. There are tons of them (I had around 30 running at once). You now have essentially a brand new experience. I feel like I don't need to really explain any more. The servers work well and haven't noticed to much desync except when mods get involved which can sometimes cause problems but hey, that's not the games fault, it's the mods and yours.
To wrap this up, it's probably one of the best space sandbox games out there and it only really lacks dynamic missions or story but I understand as it's a procedurally generated galaxy. I really hope this game keeps growing as I love it and I know any one that enjoys space will too!
17234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 19:43
I highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys creative games and/or space themed games.
12662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 20:21
3861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 19:17
This game has definitely made the favs list!
16112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 02:06
Nicht Empfohlen
1008 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 14:34
My main gripe with it is that in a game all about maintaining and building your space empire (No, this is NOT a space exploration sim/game like Elite, Freelancer, NMS, whatever) the tools given to do so are extremely finicky and very frustrating. A few short examples:
You can set up 'trade routes' for your ships to automatically trade once you've found a decent route. Problem is, this order queuing system cannot be changed or modified once you've actually set it up, meaning any minor tweaks require you to start the whole operation from scratch. Heaven forbid you accidentally select your trading ship and then rightclick ANYWHERE on the map, as it will instantly delete your entire string of carefully made orders. (this is easier said than done, as it is not immediately clear if/when you have a ship selected, and doing anything on the map often requires multiple clicks to register. Yes, just giving orders in the main maps is so glitchy it takes multiple tries!)
The trade system itself is, unfortunately, utter garbage. One would think that systems with large amounts of -- say -- steel factories would be selling steel cheap and buying commodities to make said steel in bulk... but in actual truth of the matter, trade is completely random from one system to the next. The most profitable trade routes I found involved buying a commodity made by a half dozen stations in one sector, and selling the same commodities to a trade hub in the SAME SYSTEM at a hefty margin. Meantime, the sector chock full of breweries was selling beer at a higher price than the distant habitats were buying it for. In fact, almost everywhere was buying things at a lower price than it was being sold for, leading to trading being a minigame of wander around until you find the unicorn system to exploit.
Oh, and good luck finding any trade routes without just buying the special trade module -- without it, you're relying on manually searching through the stations in a sector, and constant reference to screenshots and notes you've made. I guess some people get off on that. Me, not so much.
Flying in the game is passable, sort of. Combat is about as exciting as if you got to control one of your own ships in Sins of a Solar Empire. That is to say, pretty boring. Just fly around and watch your turrets out DPS their turrets. That's it.
The building suite is acceptable, but nothing extraordinary/groundbreaking when compared to any similar game with a similar building system. Optimal placement doesn't seem to matter much. Just slap in enough of everything and you're good to go. I mean, how much can you expect from a system that randomly designs functional ships for every NPC faction? I never even got to the factory chain part of the game -- which was presumably the end game -- as my struggles with just setting up orders for my automated ships were so frustrating, I finally just threw up my hands and gave up.
A shame, because the entire concept of the game seems brilliant. It's just, the execution is painfully bad. From forced loading screens every time you want to change your sector of interest (even if you're never planning on leaving the galaxy map!), to ships bugging out and not accepting/not following orders, to an order queuing system that seemed by design to make the process as painful as possible, the number of frustrations far outweighed the fun I was trying to have.
All that, and then the final nail in the coffin is the incredibly linear, shallow gameplay. You can go deeper into the galaxy for better materials to build better ships... or you could just stay where you start and have precisely the same experience. Game is really an idle space simulator more than anything else. Build your ships, give them orders, sit around and watch the materials/money gradually pile up. Build more ships/stations to make more money, rinse, repeat. There's nothing more engaging here unless you just REALLY like designing ships. In which case your time is better spent somewhere like Space Engineers, where you at least feel your ship designs have some depth to them.
The absurdly positive reviews are definitely a case of rose-tinted, indie glasses here. No mainstream game could be this rough around the edges and yet garner reviews this positive. And no, I don't give a fuck that it's 'early access'. What game have you played in the last five years that isn't early access? EA isn't a shield for devs to hide behind to excuse all negative qualities.
19340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 09:35
2340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 17:21
You could spend days alone just designing ships, from which you'll just automate and almost never get to see anymore. But thats great, as all the automation allows you to focus on more of what you really like, so you don't have to slog through any tedium to get to what *you* really want to do.
20870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 08:53
8.5/10 Would bonk small iron ship with my railguns again
This game is a very versatile spaceship sim, good for roleplay due to the very good build tool. The very well used workshop makes this even better, lazyness allowed! Plenty of QoL and other mods present, as well as good builds. The gameplay is quite fun, but building a fleet can be tedious because of resource gathering, QoL mods can really help out there, as well as snowballing by having a mining fleet.
To start with some positive points. The almost entirely Newtonian physics system is lit as balls, using momentum to perform hit-and-run tactics on enemies and stomping them in one drive-by is a lot of fun. Ramming is a valid tactic (if you build your ship for it!) and mucking up by smashing into and asteroid at max boost has ended more than one of my ships. For the pussies out there, you can turn down collision damage so no whining about that.
Talking about the spacefights, there are weapon types for everyone, from big boy cannons that miss all. the. time. to railguns and chainguns and missiles. Balancing is important and is constantly done, and every weapon serves a real purpose, and the randomly generated stats (to a certain degree) make building fleets a real specialisation treat.
Missions aplenty now too, no more running the same errand everytime and with recent improvements to the economy system a domination through trade has never been more fun and less tedious. Missions of all types exist, exploration, trade, [strike] murder [/strike]
The only real problem i have with this game is the NPC Empire's ship strength. There is really no way to ever match the firepower of individual cruisers of an empire due to the Processing power mechanic and how that limits a certain volume/firepower ratio. NPC ships are not limited in this way, and so tend to have ridicules ratios, often outgunning you 10:1. End of the day this does not truly matter for two reasons: 1. Because their volume is so limited, they tend to become glass cannons (low HP, big boom) and much more important; 2: Fighting these NPC Empires isn't actually the goal of the game, nor the main enemy present. Those two things go toward the Xsotan and pirate enemy types. I just wish I could subjugate enemy empires, even if i can merely 'match' their cruisers for firepower with my dreadnought.
The storyline is probably good, I just never get to it because i'm too busy stomping the shit out of local stations for loot, shits and giggles. Since update 1.2 (i think?) killing stations actually affects the empire for territory and economic control, thats pretty cool, but since their ships are so ridiculously strong you don't really get a chance at fighting same-tier enemies fairly. Hit and run tactics are your only friend there.
This firepower issue also leaks into immersion somewhat, because why do they need my lousy help killing pirates if they can send one ship to end an entire empire of the little rats.
But, again, while i cry and whine about this, it does not matter. End of the day, it's not the goal of this game to bonk the empires on the head, but the foul xenos scum!
TL;DR Game good at what it is supposed to do, however due to some small flaws in design choices certain roleplay things dont work out too good.
2704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 21:17
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9520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 02:01
You build your ship according to certain rules, gun placement, power, shields interior and exterior components. The AI however doesn't seem to follow these rules in fact sometimes you wonder just how is this thing even moving. They are just a garble or sticks that not only seem to need a lot of firepower to destroy at times but when it comes to eye strain you feel like your constantly having to line up your crosshair with individual pixels on the screen and after a while this just gets annoying for what should be you easily cutting a ship in half by its flimsy attachment ends up being the worst strategy all because the game, cheats because if that was your ship there's no way you'd win in it. I hated this so much I swore until they do a major revamp of the AI ships I would never play this game again.
38618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 06:38
1398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 03:17
19025 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 09:53
105106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 13:17
61575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 16:21
18844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 02:41
Looking forward to the DLC, tho I would buy it no matter what was in it just to support you guys. Great job!
17525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 17:19
22092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 23:01
All the game mechanics are really solid, and core game takes hundreds of hours to get through so absolutely a steal when it comes to value for money.
Play this if you have any interest at all in 4X style games - it involves fleet management, ship design, pirate killing, looting, crafting, mining, research, bosses, building stations, and everything else you can think of.
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19150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 12:32
Steam needs a more detailed rating system. A thumbs up/down rating is pointless. I'd like to give it 60% positive. 40% negative based almost entirely on the save-game system. But I'll give it a thumbs down because that issue drove me to stop playing altogether.
Nicht Empfohlen
34233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 05:01
60721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 14:28
But beware! This game is huge. Each new galaxy map has 1 million possible sectors for you to explore. Obviously you'll never explore them all, and there are ways to purchase partial maps from friendly civilizations that will help guide your exploration, but even so there is a *lot* to see and do in this game. (You're not going to beat it in a weekend!)
You can be a miner, constantly looking for new asteroids rich in minerals that you can mine and sell, or use to make your ship bigger (or to make more ships). You can be a trader, always looking for the best price on goods that you can sell to other stations in neighboring sectors. You can be an altruistic, white-knight, galaxy policeman on a crusade against pirates. Or you can be a pirate yourself, attacking poorly defended stations with your ship bristling with guns and then stealing all their goods which you cram into your oversize cargo bay to sell to smugglers.
You can go it alone with a single ship that you can enlarge and upgrade as you progress, or you can build a fleet of ships with their own AI captains to help you progress faster by offloading repetitive tasks to the fleet. Multiplayer games can be co-op or PVP, and multiplayer co-op with alliance ships and shared resources makes for a *ton* of fun!
This is not a game where you will reach the end-game right away. Despite that fact, it's really not too hard to get started. The basics of the game are surprisingly easy to learn. Mine some minerals with your drone until you've got enough to build a small ship. Your first ship will be tiny, and it doesn't need to be pretty. Even if it's just a bunch of blocks haphazardly slapped together it's still yours to command. (If you'd rather not design your own ship you can download one from the workshop or let the game randomly design a ship for you at a shipyard.) Now you're off!
Mine more minerals so you can make your ship bigger. Take on a few trade missions to earn some money. Improve your ship's radar and jump range so you can explore. Work with new factions you encounter to gain their trust so you can purchase better equipment and weapons for your ship. Defend your allies against pirate attacks. Learn about the Xostan alien race and how they have become the scourge of the galaxy.
Improve your ship by adding new materials and new blocks to gain abilities like shields, fighter bays, torpedo bays, and cargo storage. Research new gun turrets to improve your ship's combat abilities. Consider raiding a faction that you don't get along with to increase your wealth. Fly all over the galaxy, exploring wormholes, asteroid fields, pirate groups, smugglers, and multiple civilizations while you battle the ever-increasing Xostan alien attackers. Consider building your own stations to buy and sell goods, or to create your own weapons to beef up your ship's combat abilities.
Find your way to the galactic core to finally confront the Xostan and hope that your behemoth of a starship is tough enough to withstand the onslaught. And when you're done, you can start again with a new galaxy seed and play it all over again. Maybe crank up the difficulty another notch this time! Since everything is procedurally-generated, each new play-through will be unique.
I have over 1000 hours invested in Avorion and I'm still playing it and still loving it. Admittedly the tutorial is somewhat light on the details though, so if you feel lost you may want to check out some of the excellent beginner's guides here on Steam or on YouTube. Or you may want to play with a friend. (Like I mentioned above, a co-op game where both players are in an alliance and have their ships designated as alliance vessels makes for a great experience!)
You don't need to get deep into the details unless you want to, but be aware that you can get *very* deep into details for things like ship building (where to place certain blocks for optimal performance), trading (there are spreadsheets available to explain where to buy and sell various goods and what the price spread should be), and combat (turret performance depends on multiple factors, not all of which are immediately obvious). Or you can just slap a ton of guns on your ship and start shooting at things. :) Either way, you're going to have a lot of fun, at least until you look up and realize that you've been playing non-stop for 13 hours straight and you need to get some sleep.
51668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 21:39
Next to EvE Online, this game satisfied all my space combat needs.
Think of Eve Online and Minecraft had a baby... lol.
Who am I to say crap on this game, Im biased and LOVE IT. 850+ hours.. you decide.
5543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 02:52
I really enjoyed:
- building my own spaceships. Exploring the different weapons.
- creating my own AI run fleet of mining ships
- building a production and supply chain between my player owned asteroids and stations
- Progressing through the different segments in the galaxy. I liked to move to the next segment as early as possible. It made me feel like an underdog.
I didn't enjoy
- the main quests. Some people might enjoy them, but I found myself traveling a needlessly far distance to confront challenges that were needlessly uninteresting.
- the story isn't that bad. I like the idea of getting to center of the galaxy, but the journey to get there had some lame challenges.
- alliance/war. This mechanic seems underdeveloped to me.
I would recommend this game to anyone that loves spaceships and exploring. 8/10
Nicht Empfohlen
11992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 12:33
Cons: game very bugged but devs refusing to fix it.
Nearly always sound in game is only BGM. All other sounds not reproduced from the start of the client or disappear few minutes after launch.
Always graphical glitches;
Missing textures, beams etc;
Client crashes quite often.
Sometimes FPS drops drastically to single digit numbers (and continue to stay low), CPU/GPU/RAM/SSD load levels all low during that.
Most of issues with game is critical technical ones. Gameplay now looks like launch game, do something, restart client, do something else and restart again, find the boss, start battle and get client crash.
Trying to play in standard UHD resolution (rendering in 5760*3240 for less aliasing) with 7.1 audio. Game logs full of errors like buffer overflow or pointer is NULL.
So main problem for now is no support from the devs. Last fix was released more than a month ago.
3755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 05:24
8708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 13:16
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42979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 23:08
1. Take Eve Online and reduce 90% of the possibilities, 75% of the risk, all of the grieving and scamming, and you land here. There is a little bit of everything: some pve/pvp, some trading, some exploring, some mining, but nothing is really fleshed out and motivates to dive into it full-scale for a prolonged time.
2. Exploring is just a massive PITA. the sectors are dynamically generated (=they don't exist until you enter them for the first time), so in order to uncover parts pf the huge map, you either buddy up with the numerous factions and purchase their territorial maps, or you spend several days RL to fly around and visit every radar blimp with a mass at least once. Some rifts in the map will prevent you from travelling straight from A to B, and although that is a nice gimmick, it just becomes a major nuisance after a while.
3. Unless you have solid halfway state-of-the-art computer, get ready to enjoy some lag here and there, which will totally fuck up every option to shot enemies out of the sky/space and collect there loot afterwards. I can run Eve Online without any lag, so Avorion should work as well.
4. Trading is ok-ish, but takes a shitton of time and is not really a big money maker either. You can use it along the way to cash up here and there, but it is nothing that motivated me to spend too much time on.
5. Talking about making money, mining is the way to go, and auto-mining is the best way obviously. Equip some vessels with decent stuff to shot ore asteroids, hire a crew and then give them orders to rake along uncovered systems. I did that before going to bed, and the next morning, I was always significantly wealthier. While that is a feasible possibility, it might also happen that some time during the order queue, the vessel just keeps stopping with what they are supposed to do, mostly while jumping to another sector, so it is not as reliable as it should be. Also, auto-mining brings you only around 5-10% of the amount of mined ore compared to DIY, but it frees you up for other stuff.
6. Ship-building is something that offers a ton of options, but also an immense potential for frustration. I gave it up rather soon and relied on the often great ship design from the workshop. Plenty of players invested hours of their time to create beautiful vessels for each kind of task, and this dedicated community is one of the positive points of this game. but ship-building myself? No fucking way!
7. The raw game is only half the fun without the mods (see point above). They enrich the game massively, but you will rely on the creators to keep the mods updated and in working order (in my experience, around 10% won't work). Sometimes, mods will cease to work, and you can kiss a beloved function goodbye until further notice (or for good).
8. To advance in the game, you need to reach the inner sectors, and for that you have to cross a barrier for which you require eight pieces of equipment, and to get those is a full-time job. Some will be dropped from boss fights, very occasionally a trader might offer one, but apart of that, it is just travelling around the systems and hoping for the best (see point 2).
All in all, I wish the developers the best of success, and I really hope to see this game become a solid success. But for now, I can not recommend it as is, for the reasons stated above (and maybe some more that I might have forgotten).
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8923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 01:41
Procedurally generated galaxy, harvest resources, trade, build ships and space stations and be creative with your designs.
All good so far.
So what's wrong?
The combat eventually comes down to sitting around, holding down left mouse for a minute or two (or more) until health bars drop to zero.
The AI in general is really stupid and your fleet AI needs constant babysitting.
Exploring the galaxy is tedious, thanks to frequent loading screens.
Trade requires you to look up guides (mostly outdated) online to figure out routes, and comparing prices is a chore because the in game UI systems designed to help you do this tied to rare upgrades that seem to be withheld from you until you're almost done with the game (I still havn't found the one for the map overview).
The most dissapointing aspect though is that multiplayer is limited to small servers, with additonal limits to how many sectors you can be active in, and poor performance overall. This breaks the 4x aspect of the game in multiplayer mode.
This game would really shine in a player driven online environment, but as a single player / coop game it is just mediocre imo.
In the end it's not a terrible game, but I wouldn't recommend it.
63643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 07:18
cons: to many panels for different menus. meh.
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21226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 08:13
Avorion is a pretty fun game, however despite it's appealing design and gameplay there are glaring game mechanic and UI issues that will make you feel you're battling the game itself more than the enemies in it.
>>>WARNING<<< - You will need a lot of processing power if you want to participate in large battles with more than 10-20 large ships and their fighter squadron escorts.
What you can do in Avorion :
- Build ships, fighters , frigates and stations. Command eash ship separately, pilot your own and create huge frigates to guard you. Every block contributes to the ship's stats and there are many .. Ship hull, shield , mass , inertia, thrust, crew on board, fighters on board etc.
- Mine asteroids, salvage wrecks (via turrets or have AI fighters do it for you), set up production facilities and establish trade with factions using AI traders (You can set up a ship to do what you ask and loop the actions, so long as the ship has a captain)
- Fight pirates / alien vessels from the center of the galaxy ; Declare war or make allies with factions you find as you explore the procedurally-generated world.
- Establish your own system with stations, huge frigates and other defenses.
- Train crew for your ships (with a basic leveling system), setup cloning stations and fighter production facilities.
What the game lacks :
- You cannot land on planets. They are there only for decoration, but even without them there's enough replayability for you to enjoy the sandbox aspect for many hours.
- Main storyline. Reaching the center of the galaxy to obtain the best materials possible counts as nothing in terms of story.
- The quests you can receive from AI stations (your own included) are incredibly simple, few in count and repetitive. Most often you'll be asked to deliver cargo / find specific cargo that a station has in shortage / free slaves. Often you'll get distress signals that either lead to a ship wreck with some module upgrades or a pirate trap.
There's very little depth in these quests and you best do them only to gain rep with factions.
- Consistency. Factions spawn with random stations and if you need some kind of rare resourse for a delivery quest, the station providing the resourse could either spawn near you or in the other corner of the galaxy.
Why I'm leaving a negative review, despite liking the game?
Because the UI and some of the game mechanics just get in your way and MOST CERTAINLY will get you or your fleet killed.
All examples I've found in the 115h I've played, I've listed in this thread :
You can have a ton of fun making your own story by just messing with the sandbox aspect.
However I will not flip this review to positive until the listed issues are addressed.
18698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 16:25
1. Avorion
2. Endless Sky
3. Faster Than Light
4. Stellaris
5. Elite Dangerous
6. Empyrion
6. Space Engineers
7. No Man's Sky
8. Starcom: Nexus
9. Dual Universe
9. Star Citizen
218. Surviving Mars
219. That thing the Civ series tried to call a game.
Avorion is amazing. It pains me to think how good it would be with a larger team or better modding support.
Best played with friends but 100% enjoyable solo.
It has kept 9 of us interested in it for almost a month now. In my group of friends, that is one of the best compliments a game can receive, as we all jump games very fast.
If you're checking it out, just buy it.
15658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 15:44
X3 with voxel building. Fleet management, procedurally generated galaxy, factions, ships, starbases. Diablo-style weapon and module drops. No planets. You are your spaceship Eve Online-style. No interiors (you can make ones if you REALLY want to). Exploration of relatively small 3D pockets of space. Stretchable voxels. (!) No sub-grids. Crazy good optimization and virtually limitless spaceship size potential (yes, you can make 1:1 Death Star replica.) Good Steam Workshop support. Very good Quality of Life features. Mining, trading, piracy, wars, boss fights, quests, healing lasers, beam canons, railguns, shields, torpedoes, fighter carriers, salvaging, and many more. Multiplayer #1: players can man the turret groups on your ship, #2 players can operate their own ships and fly in a corporate fleet with you. Otherwise singleplayer. Progression incentivized by unlocking ship capabilities by better materials. Sound design is poo-poo, almost non-existent music. Overall, 9/10.
32081 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 20:37
This is a pretty amazing and interesting game with loads of things to do, but a steep learning curve barring entry.
It’s also a great game “not to play” because….. well… the AI does pretty much everything better than you!
-You Mine asteroids to gather resources,
but you can also setup the AI to mine/refine and jump systems. It's also more effective than doing it yourself, you can setup multiple ships to do this then just make dinner, go to sleep etc. It also handles mining fighters better than humans, instant retargeting at range, something players need 24 clicks per asteroid to manage.
-You can enter space combat, use giant Cannons or pathetic lasers, launch wings of combat fighters and blow your enemies from the sky!
But if you pop out of your ship and tell it to attack, it will lead fire all its guns with godlike accuracy, autotarget without the 50% damage penalty players get on independent fire. The AI will also launch and instantly retarget fighters between ships with a speed players can only match using a downloaded mod or that 24 clicks per target.
-You can Salvage destroyed pirate ships from assaults or invasions or at a scrapyard,
But if you get the AI to do it, it will also make use of salvage fighters and find every wreck in the system, something players aren’t really capable of because wrecks are so small in large systems and float away going out of vision.
-You can trade!
Actually the AI is pretty bad at this, you must give it a buy price, sell price and it often gets stuck in a system trading 1 item, so yes Players actually win at something…. Except the AI will do this forever! and it is getting updated next patch. Also you fall asleep, Weak human!
-You can explore new systems
But you have to wait on a loading screen, the AI can be setup to just jump down a chain and has no loading times, it also seems to suffer less recharge times. Because no player is present, pirates won’t warp in to kill it!
Despite my fears about Skynet stealing all my jobs, this is a pretty amazing game with loads of things to do.
The ship builder is quite robust with resizable and scalable pieces. It can get a little “janky” with locking blocks and larger blocks embedded inside other blocks. It also has some issues with certain modules scaling more effectively than others. EG Gyro’s are simply inferior to thrusters past a certain mass point. Cheap, light solar panels can be layered for almost infinite power with no downsides.
You can build stations that provide …. basically limitless funds, but they are expensive to make so locked at a point where money looses value.
Stations also offer a lot of options for using the builder, setting up supply chains, messing with trade and setting up your own logistics for building turrets, fighters and new ships.
the main story is a bit weak, you basically run through 6 random spawn events. If you don’t luck upon these before you reach the barrier it can be a little tedious going back and basically jumping about for over an hour.
once you get to the centre there is not really anything to do.
The Balance is also pretty poor, certain weapons are just better, certain weapons can be avoided by holding down the W key! Fighters scale to be comically strong and soon every encounter in the game is a joke.
Difficulty if further skewed by random chance, in the first system you can get (and I have gotten) a “burst fire cannon” that 1 shots every hostile ship you meet till you cross the barrier. Random chance also effects what modules drop, what shops spawn and the faction rating. If you wish to trade a trading module is almost mandatory but it can often be hours in a new game without getting a drop or spawn in a shop.
The game also has many bugs and issues, it almost requires mods to have an enjoyable game experience.
However, the game is in early access, mods exist, the galaxy is massive, and frustrations can be managed.
Great game once you get into it.
67729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 18:47
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos