- CPU: 1.6 GHz
- GFX: 3D Grafikkarte, Open GL kompatibel
- RAM: 256 MB RAM, 512 MB empfohlen
- Software: Windows XP
- HD: 300 MB
- LANG: Englisch
Avernum: Escape From the Pit
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
4268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.19 05:45
+ interessante Story mit guter Erzählweise
+ faires Kampfsystem mit einigen Möglichkeiten
+ Schwierigkeitsgrad ist überraschend ausgewogen
- Flächenzauber sind manchmal schwer zu zielen
- das Aufsammeln von Gegenständen ist unnötig schwer gestaltet
- es gibt ein Limit an Gold was man haben kann
Avernum: EFTP ist zwar ein recht lang gezogenes Spiel, aber wenn man sich an den älteren Stil gewöhnt, wird man mit einer schönen Reise belohnt.
2083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.15 11:35
In gewisser Weise ist Avernum ein Dungeon Crawler, allerdings keinesfalls in purer Form. Dazu läuft der Spieler dann doch etwas zu oft durch Städte und redet mit NPCs. Ich nenne es deshalb Dungeon Crawler, weil die Spielwelt an sich ein riesiges Verlies ist, dass sich in viele kleine Dungeon unterteilt.
Du erstellst dir eine eigene Gruppe, bestehend aus vier Mitgliedern (oldschool!) und erledigst allerlei Quests für die anderen Exilanten, die derweil in dieser unterirdischen Welt ihre eigenen Städte und Verbünde gründeten. Die Story ist hierbei aber ohnehin nur Vorwand für das Szenario, welches ganz klar der größere Fokus bei der Entwicklung war.
Das Kampfsystem ist rundenbasierend und erinnert stark an klassische RPGs wie Pool of Radiance. Strategische Tiefe hält sich dabei mit Würfelglück die Waage – soll heißen es gibt eine prozentuale Wahrscheinlichkeit bei der Treffer- und Schadensberechnung, die durch passende Ausrüstung und Stufenanstiege der Charaktere verbessert werden können.
Level-Ups kommen in angemessenem Maße, sie werden dem Spieler nicht nachgeschmissen, sind aber häufig genug, um die Motivation aufrecht zu halten. Der moderate Schwierigkeitsgrad ist ebenfalls ein Pluspunkt in Sachen Motivation. Jede Einstellung des Anspruchs ist direkt spürbar und schlägt sich schlicht in den Werten der Feinde nieder, nicht aber in deren eher zweckmäßiger KI.
Die Monster sind allgemein eher doof und lassen sich mit typischen Taktiken wie Engpässen oder Hit and Run locker überwinden.
Grafik und Sound... sind mit zweckmäßig hingegen noch SEHR wohlwollend beschrieben. Dadurch, dass alles unter Tage spielt, werdet ihr euch mit der Farbe grau anfreunden müssen. Das Design hätte deutlich mehr Farbe vertragen können und die Höhlen-Ausrede lasse ich da nicht durchgehen. Andere Dungeon-Crawler bekommen das schließlich auch hübscher hin. Immerhin gibt’s Lila-Korallenwälder.
Musik existiert außerhalb des Titelbildschirms übrigens nicht. Höchstens mal kleine Jingles. Soundeffekte sind vorhanden. Das ist alles was ich über den Ton sagen kann.
Ich hatte mit Avernum aus zwei Gründen meinen Spaß:
1. Die Spielwelt ist mit seinen vielen Tunneln und unterirdischen Gewässern ein Fest für Entdecker. Die Entwickler haben glücklicherweise dafür gesorgt, dass es auch viel zu entdecken gibt für mutige Wanderer.
2. Ich mag diese Art des Kampfsystems aus der Iso-Perspektive.
Wenn du dich in diesen Punkten wiederfindest, dann ist Avernum was für dich.
2917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 01:11
Nicht Empfohlen
4554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 05:04
1461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 02:31
Developer Jeff Vogel has been in the indie rpg market for longer than many gamers have been alive, and while Avernum may not look sleek it bears the mark of a creator who has learned exactly what areas to refine for a specific audience... even if the UI isn't the sexiest, the sprites aren't the cleanest, the soundscape isn't the lushest, etc. There's an intangible sense of approachability to Avernum that makes it easy to pick up and easy to stick with, and it exceeds even some genre classics in this regard.
It might look like a relic but it's as engaging and fresh as any fancier rpg I've played, and I definitely recommend it.
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1123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 21:46
Avernum is an old school RPG made in a time before the customs of modern gaming. There are many outdated ideas and customs that make no sense. For example, upgraded boots/shields/cloaks can be sold to a merchant, but basic ones can't. Also, there's a finite amount of items and enemies in the world. Once those items and enemies are gone they are gone for good and no new ones will appear, unless a new game is created.
These antique mechanics were common way back in the 90s when the original games were made. This one has updated graphics and minor changes, but is missing fundamental pieces. If you love old school RPGs then there is some challenge and fun here, though you have to work unreasonably hard for it. For everyone else, leave this to the history books.
3165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 00:06
This is a game for RPG fans who don't care about production values or anything - it's made by a very small, but reputable team so you aren't getting anything flashy, but you get a solid game that can get your monies worth.
I wouldn't say anything is spectacular (again it's not a AAA blockbuster type game), but I found it fun for the most part. I found the difficulty just fine for the most part - there's a clear progression in enemy types (i.e. goblins to Nephil to Nephar to Slith to things like various demons and strong monsters) so you can usually can tell if you are ready for the next area by how easy it is to face certain enemies.
That said, there were times where some foes felt annoying - particularly bosses. They never felt hard to me as much as they just seemed like simple bullet sponges. They were no threat as long as I had my protections up but it felt like it took needlessly long to kill them. Eventually I reached a point (max level, good equipment) where nothing was a threat - like the final quests or dragons. That said, I would rather the game get easy, but be quick than easy, but take forever (looking at you Divinity Original Sin 2...) or hard (though I'm not really a fan of hard games - at least at the end of a long journey when I'm ready to complete it.
I also found the game was a little too long in the sense that around 40ish hours was when things got easy, but there was still a lot to do for the ending quests which required annoying puzzles and a lot of running around the world (even if there was things like teleporation).
5706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 15:00
It is better in every way to the original, and having just completed it I am looking forward to playing the many sequels.
Although it can get a bit repetitive at times, this game is great fun!
1799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 13:35
5290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 16:03
I’ve spent years looking at this game from afar, never really giving it the time of day, thinking that it was just going to be a wall of text adventure, with tedious micromanaging of your party and with little excitement to be had. How wrong I was. This is a great game that fires on all cylinders. Just don’t expect triple A polish. That’s not what this game is about. Avernum: Escape from the Pit is about exploration and good old-fashioned D&D inspired adventure. This is old school for sure, but it is very approachable. The writing is topnotch and the setting is superb.
The lack of really any sort of a soundtrack does hurt the experience in the long run I think, but I was completely satisfied with listening to the lonely wind howling through the caverns and the forlorn drip from a distant stalactite for hours on end.
Just as a side note, I’ve been using the Steam controller to play this and it works great.
2547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 22:55
Be wary though, it uses old school RPG difficulty and level mechanics so don't be dismayed if something whoops your ass while playing. Instead, when you run into that often too hard boss, record the locations, and leave the area and go explore for a while. You'll soon return to find you are now an even match for the enemy that gave you troubles.
1876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 23:05
True to the vision of the original Exile series, Jeff Vogel's genius shines through this rework, and hits you with a powerful RPG world.
Are the graphics amazing? Nope. Are they perfect for the world? YES. If you like immersive RPG single player experience, this unique and fun RPG is more than worth the price.
It's not an easy game, so set it to casual or normal difficulty until you get levels and gear.
16786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 23:01
You die at 80 and that little plus is a moment in time. We let so many moments go unchecked and don't mind. Most of our life go out the door as sleep and work. Its not big deal to live intentionaly for just a moment and try this game. You may love it or hate it but why not give it a try? If nothing else you are strengthening youre grey matter to try new things despite the self imposed oposition. My god I cant spell but it is my right to contribute a verse when I feel it in me.
3021 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 21:46
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 23:10
I was a little esceptic at first because i'm not a huge fan of turn based games on isometric (i prefer those that are from up to down). Because I played Exile 3 and Blades of Exile i had an idea of what to spect with this saga of games.
So even before playing a lot i can tell you:
The Lore is the best Lore i've ever played on a video game. Masterfully crafted and really inmersive. I never played the first Exile or the second, so this game is completly new to me.
Just a couple of minutes playing this game i can see a lot of new additions to the combat and spell mechanics.
From my experience i can 100% say: You can replay this game many times and never get tired. Once you finished the game, you'll desire to play it again with another aproach and other kind of characters (i write this with my experience of Blades of Exile from behind).
If you love turn based games, this one is a MUST HAVE. I wish this game were more popular because is an absolute jewel.
And i will say this anytime i could: if the developer read this review, please upload Blades of Exile to Steam, it's my favorite turn based game ever. The posibility of making your own adventures, opens a huge chance for the community to build great things. Pixel art games are well apreciated on the steam community.
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 04:53
After my recent switch to Mac, I was worried about not finding decent games, but behold, the classics are still available.
Reminds me of playing DnD as a kid.
2112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 00:41
(This game lacks music, which some might not like, but it is incredibly easy to find fantasy themed lists on spotify)
927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 11:19
The graphics are basic, the sound design questionable, and the music non-existent. But with a bit of imagination, and guided by the high quality of writing, Avernum is a truly interesting and unique setting that's ripe for exploration.
Exploring the world can feel difficult, at times, due to the levelled world forcing you to poke around until you find somewhere level-appropriate. But once you do, the world's packed with random encounters, towns, dungeons, and so on, so that you'll always be rewarded for exploration.
Getting new loot isn't represented graphically at all, so the impact can often feel small. But the magical items in the game are well-designed to reward the player for obtaining them, be it powerful weapons, or items that let you open up new paths in the overworld and in dungeons.
There's few real opportunities for you to roleplay your characters, and no companion system beyond your starting party. But the characters you meet are well-written, and at times, provide some great comic relief.
Avernum is for players who want an old-school RPG, and are willing to accept the game's limitations.
7343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 01:58
A massive open world to explore.
Quite lengthy.
Very interesting game setting and story imo.
Pretty decent writing for describing NPCs and areas.
Can be quite challenging, with plenty of difficulty battles.
Graphics are very dated.
Can be a pain to get started in the early game. While the world is massive, enemies stronger than you are basically can't dodge most of your attacks, do lots of damage to you, get first move and resist most of your damage that you actually manage to land (enemies have quite heavy resist in the game I found) so a lot of the early part of my game was stumbling around trying to figure out where to heck to go at my level. Acid and Lightning damage absolutely wrecks you early game.
There's no way to see enemy stats so you're kind of blind when attacking stuff as you have no idea what type of stats it has or even what level it is; this winds up with quicksaving, getting wrecked, quick loading a lot.
Quests are very simplistic, with no real moral choices. This is a dungeon crawler but would have been nice to have some more meaningful decisions.
Combat can get a little repetitive I guess.
Bit of a nitpick but pathfinding can be a little annoying. It can be difficult to move to certain squares due to the player sprites and characters can swap places with each other but only if you do this yourself so if they don't have a clear path to attack something or move to a place they'll try to take the long route (and potentially run into other enemies doing so).
Dungeons balance tends to be a tad random at times. Some have areas of increasing difficulty, while dungeon bosses can be far more difficulty than other content. Often you'll find yourself having to clear out parts of the dungeon that you can then go looking for other content to gain level before you can tackle the rest. Basically expect to do lots of quicksaving + loading as you explore and do dungeons.
Recommended assuming you can tolerate the 'old-school' graphics and slow turn based gameplay.
2523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 10:26
People who love oldschool isometric CRPGs and don´t mind “simple” graphics will love this game.
Avernum: Escape From The Pit is the first instalment of the Avernum trilogy.
Like all Spiderweb Software games the story is deep and meaningful (prepare to read a lot), there are tons of side quests, encounters and dungeons. Decisions you make during your play will influence the ending of the game.
I needed more than 40 hours to explore the whole map!
I enjoy the turn-based combat. It is challenging (especially on higher difficulties) and “forces” you to use everything you have available (potions, scrolls, magic items, skills). No more hoarding items like other RPGs.
1371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 19:11
1289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 01:13
Like most Spiderweb Software games, this is a true indie gem and a labor of love. I highly recommend playing the free demo if you are curious, or just buy the full game if this sounds like your bag of holding.
Nicht Empfohlen
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 05:45
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327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 09:07
That being said, I thought I'd give Avernum 4 a go to see how Mr Vogel had developed as a writer and game designer. Afterall, I did like the way Escape From the Pit felt, and the snappy, though simple gameplay. But I couldn't even get past character creation. The mouse was so painfully slow I couldn't bear it. I know that there is a fix for this issue but I just can't be bothered figuring it out. There are so many much better crpgs to play.
5069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 15:06
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 22:28
5314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 18:54
As for the game itself, I will spare you the usual comments such as tired interface, graphics etc... In all honesty, the game is a labour of love. There is so much lore in the game, this little world is very believable. You don't have to spend 2 hours crossing the map, yet there is so much to do, you won't feel bored. I have a feeling that this is an 80-100 hours game in terms of content. One last thing, the ambient sound effects are really great.
My only gripe with this game is that it is difficult to gauge whether you are within shooting/casting distance, resulting in your squishies (mage, priest, archer) running up to the enemy instead of staying safely behind.
2205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 01:52
1867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 14:28
3279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 19:14
Game is good. You just have to push yourself inside for twenty minutes. Very satisfactory world, story and events.
806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 03:31
I would not even know about this game if it wasn't for me playing EXILE III RUINED WORLD on my moms grey-cream looking PC when I was a child. It was amazing. I could customize 6 PCs eventually after a week of play figure out how to leave the fucking spawn castle to the overworld. And then my entire party repeatedly die until I figured out how magic worked. So fucking nostalgic.
I hope the next game or at least III allows non-human races. Was so fun. I'm enjoying myself a lot.
Nicht Empfohlen
1936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 00:58
Good points:
A large open world with a lot to explore. Interesting underground setting. Sandboxy in a generally good way.
Old school, but not unpleasant combat. D&D lite.
Not too punishing, save almost any time.
Some art by legendary artist Phil Foglio!
Name your own characters.
Not-so-good points:
It's...kind of ugly.
Character models are tiny! As I get older this makes a difference.
Quests are boring and scattershot. After 30 hours, I'd have to think hard to even determine what my major goals are.
NPCs are not memorable, and I don't feel invested in a story.
Loot is boring and mostly junk, and the perks you can level up are boring incremental increases for the most part.
Let me be clear, I enjoyed some of my time with Avernum, but there are so many more engaging indie RPGs out there these days, I felt like I was sort of wasting my time by taking it any further.
Nicht Empfohlen
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 18:46
Nicht Empfohlen
899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 18:37
- Exploration is far too tedious.
- Overwhelming amount of empty space, useless items, trash NPCs that serve no purpose, lifeless quests, etc.
- Repetitious battle system. There's really nothing more you can do other than spam the same spells, buffs, debuffs, and attacks until everyone you can see is dead. I supposed that's every RPG in a nut shell but never before has it felt so boring as it does here.
- Too many enemies at any given time. Sure, more enemies means more challenge but when your available options for how to fight them is so limited, it just becomes a slog of attrition.
- For the love of all that's holy, I should not miss four 95% chance attacks in a row. The amount of times the game RNG rolls on less than 10% to miss is anything but random. I'm not a mathematician but good lord is it not fun to CONSTANTLY miss attacks. Watching my characters skip multiple turns in a row because they can't hit anything is infuriating.
- Complete lack of in-depth enemy stats. Perhaps I would want to know what I'm getting into before starting a fight I can't reasonably win.
- Leveling up is tedious and unsatisfying. The skill tree looks fun at first glance but moving to a place your character is halfway decent takes far too long and there are too many skills that are seemingly less 'good' than other skills.
- Having skills, abilities, and magic potency tied to in-game loot hunts or money sinks. Let me level up my dang character instead of forcing me to grind for gold to 'train' so my spells can be worth a crap.
- Not being able to see anything isn't a game breaker but it starts to wear on you the more you play. It's a QOL thing but the game isn't so interesting you can get past it.
- Pathing is frustrating more often than not.
- The only redeeming factor in a game like this is the writing but all the good parts of the story are buried under hundreds of lines of useless dialogue.
Ultimately this isn't my kind of game. If you enjoy it, that's good. I really want to enjoy it but I just don't get it.
3929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 09:48
Ever since I was young, when I first came across a demo version of Avernum back when they used to include CDs with demo software/games in magazines, I've always loved playing this game.
The Avernum series, in my view, is one of the best turn based RPG game series out there.
I love the amount of quests this game has and how everything in the game is so well planned and well thought out.
Hours and hours of fun, also this game isn't that graphically demanding, it'll run on just about anything.
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 23:51
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724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 16:54
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 20:01
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.20 00:01
This is the first of the re-remakes that I've enjoyed.
If you liked the Exile games, well, these are an upgrade in just about all ways. It is so much fun to retread nostalgic areas and also face new challenges. This is not a walk in the park, even as a veteran of the series! :)
9003 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.19 00:32
2990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.19 16:00
37430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.19 01:58
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