Avencast: Rise of the Mage
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Über das Spiel

Ausgestattet mit unzähligen Kampftechniken und Zaubersprüchen sowie einer großen Auswahl an Ausrüstungen müssen Sie sich auf die Suche nach der Quelle allen Übels machen und auf dem Weg dorthin Ihre Feinde vernichten. Verrat und Betrug bleiben nicht unentdeckt, denn die teuflische Armee bedroht die Existenz von Avencast zusehends. In all diesem Chaos werden Sie eine erstaunliche Entdeckung machen, die den vom Kampf gezeichneten Zauberer für immer verändern wird.
- CPU: 2.2 GHz Intel Pentium oder 2200+ AMD Athlon Prozessor
- GFX: GeForce FX 5700 oder besser / ATI Radeon 9700 oder besser
- RAM: 512 MB (1 GB Vista)
- Software: Windows XP/Vista/7
- HD: 4.4 GB frei
- SFX: DirectSound kompatibel
- DX: 9.0c
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.18 21:50
es erinnert mich ein wenig an ein altes Harry Potter Gameboy Spiel das ich mal hatte und sehr geliebt hab.
Das Spiel hat was und wenn man es wie ich im Sale für 0.99€ bekommen kann ist es auf jedenfall einen Blick wert.
Nicht Empfohlen
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.16 19:25
1151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.16 22:56
934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 10:13
1.good mechanics
2.less bugs
3.nice skill tree which you can upgrade to get new magic skills
4.hitpoints to upgrade your soul or blood magic or your health and mana
5.variety of villians and mobs plus bosses
6.big game
7.satisfied with the ending
8.good puzzles and side quest
overall i recommend this game <3
74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 03:08
911 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 17:08
Avencast: Rise of the Mage - Full review over at Nepiki Gaming
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Nepiki's Stats
Overall length | 12-15 hours for beating. | [/tr]
Overall difficulty | Low difficulty | [/tr]
Overall score | ★★★☆☆ | [/tr]
The area where Avencast suffers the most is an inconsistent pace–the story goes by like a bullet train, but the gameplay feels like a slow chore. Personally, I think a slower pace to give more attention to world-building and the characters would definitely help in that regard, but that would only solve one problem. Areas are massive, but not in a good way. They are often empty, with rewards for exploration often feeling disappointing due to gear never feeling like that much of an improvement–if they are an improvement to begin with. What also doesn’t help is that some enemies can feel like genuine damage sponges, with a combat system that can potentially be uninteresting as I never had to worry about dying when casting spells from a distance as that was the magic school I specialized in. Changing skilltrees is possible for sure, but points spent are in no way able to be refunded so experimentation comes with a risk. That said, I definitely don’t think Avencast is a bad game at its core. While areas are massive, they did often have fun puzzles to offer for the invested gamers checking every nook and cranny. And while it wasn’t a story that deserves an oscar, it was one I could laugh at due to how cliché it is.
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Nicht Empfohlen
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 06:42
The voice acting, music, and even graphics were all fine if not pretty good, but yhe game misses the mark on way too many parts for me to be able to recommend. Hard pass.
3583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 02:27
Oh, and make sure you change the game.cfg file to make the camera less claustrophobic, the vanilla game's camera is kinda crappy: https://www.avencast.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=526
116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 06:15
I don't post reviews much anymore; people generally just hate on you for having an opinion other than theirs. However, this game deserves some honest praise, so I'll break my silence to offer my recommendation (with reservations.)
It's production values are minimal, it's budget clearly not high. Or perhaps, in the interests of being fair, it is simply an older game. The graphics are quite dated (but not terrible), and I'm pretty sure there were only two people doing the voice acting for all the parts. That being said, they clearly have talent despite sometimes sounding like amateur tabletop RPG players humorously voicing their characters' dialog. Still, I've played a lot of CONSIDERABLY more expensive games which had far, far less voiced content, and lower quality voice acting. Every character I came across had all of its dialog spoken. Impressive for a game I picked up for a couple of bucks! Also, the music wasn't half-bad, although it did get old after an hour or more due to pure repetition.
It has remarkably good design choices that, should it have had the resources of a modern AAA game studio, would have made it really amazing. Unlike it's more button-mashing focused peers, this game forces you to be dexterous on the keyboard to pull off its abilities - and these days it is a welcome change for an RPG to actually involve the skill of the player and not just being all about numbers and high level equipment, or button mashing. (Although those things all play their part, don't get me wrong.) I loved that you can dodge in several ways, you must anticipate your enemies movements to aim over distances, and positioning your character can have a real influence. For example, I was often able to maneuver myself so that enemies' projectiles were blocked by other enemies.
Please note that players who really like a challenge will be bored quickly. I hate hard games because I'm usually terrible at them, but even I had to play this game on its hardest difficulty to feel challenged. However its biggest failing is in balancing. As you level up you can gain abilities just like in similar isometric dungeon crawlers, yet unlike its peers it didn't feel like a reward. I was astounded at how worthless the abilities felt once I unlocked them and finally got to use them. Enemies would walk right through my brand-new unlocked spells like I was blowing a bit of dust their direction while using only half a lung. I ended up just spending most of my time using the same single projectile spell with which I started. I feel like this game (while I respect it) would have been a lot more fun if the developers had spent more time polishing and testing it, and just generally making the different abilities feel powerful. It's not horribly unbalanced or anything, but the spells each felt like a missed opportunity for more fun.
Also, while it actually has a story, and I have seen worse, I don't recommend purchasing it for the story. The early game is all about helping a bunch of senile instructors who are too busy standing around to go find that thing they dropped or kill low level enemies. I mean, how did they get their positions in the first place? The only magic school staffed entirely by volunteer seniors from the local care home, and our character found it! A couple of them do have a few years of life left, although given that one of them seems to narrate his conversations in the third person, I'm not sure anyone there is still casting with a full mana bar, if you catch my meaning. I jest about this in part because I feel like the creators had something of a sense of humor about their creation, and while I might mock it a bit, I really respect that too.
So, should you buy it? Depends. Get it on sale for a couple bucks and fire it up with reasonably set expectations of a low-budget / older title and you may just find a Steam hidden gem. I hope someday the creators can resurrect this game (or one very similar) with a larger budget and more polish, because they clearly have skill as artists and designers. However if you're looking for a more refined, more challenging, and quite simply more fun game right now, there are better (if more expensive) options out there which have similar design elements. I respectfully tip my hat to the developers on this one.
1560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 11:55
The game has a bit of a Harry Potter vibe to it, though the world isn't nearly as well fleshed out. The story is decent though.
While simple, the combos are fun and a little more engaging than just pressing a single key to use an ability (though I believe you can set it up to play that way if you so wish). The combos are intuitive and use the movement keys where your fingers are already positioned, and the spell isn't cast until you either left or right click (depending on whether you're casting a blood magic or soul magic spell). Enemies also actively attempt to dodge your spells.
The graphics are a little dated even for a 2007 game. The spells look decent for the age though.
The main issue with the game is the poor handling of mouse input. There is no raw input option, and the sensitivity slider affects both your camera sensitivity and your cursor speed in menus. I would fully recommend using a mouse that allows you to quickly switch between two DPI settings on the fly. The sensitivity slider also has the all-too-common issue of not going low enough.
All in all it's a fun little game. I wouldn't lose sleep over missing it, but it's worth a play through if you enjoy this kind of game. I'd advise saving frequently, as once you die the only way to continue is to load your last save. Re-playing entire sections can get boring fast. As a side note, you can choose between blood magic (melee/close quarters focused) and soul magic (ranged focused). I chose soul magic, but after completing the game I have since learned that blood magic is significantly easier. I also noticed that most of the items dropped by enemies and sold in the shop seemed to favour tanks and blood mages significantly more often that soul mages.
1054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 17:53
Where Avencast shines is in the gameplay and music. You know when an enemy is around, because the music gets faster and more intense and then changes back to a calmer melody when all enemies in the vicinity are dead. Both the calm and battle music are pretty good and sets the mood, which is something I always like in a game.
What separates Avencast from other games is that it uses combos for its spells that are triggered by the directional keys. You can rebind them, but I just went with the default WASD layout. Launching a firewall is A + D + right mouse button and there's a setting for how slow/fast the key combination is for it to succeed. You also have four hotkeys, that are F1-F4 by default, but those four can also be changed. Using the combos works fine, it's just that I tend to forget the ones I don't use regularly. Sometimes you fire off the wrong spell and sometimes that's a stroke of luck, sometimes you're stuck in an animation for a few seconds while the enemy gets free attacks. Fortunately, at least on Easy (which I play to minimize the impact of any BS difficulty mechanics or other stupid design decisions), you won't lose that much health when you mistrigger. It's not until the endgame until you encounter enemies that can kill you in a few moments. The game has manual saving, so you won't lose progress as long as you save frequently (it doesn't autosave that often).
Unfortunately, the game get's increasingly worse as you progress. There's stupid/tedious puzzles, bosses and traps and most of the sidequests, especially early on, aren't worth your time. You only get a bit of experience from the side quests, which you could have gained by just killing a few monsters. I hardly ever switched out my gear, the loot is as enticing as the main plot. However, none of that was much of an issue the first ten hours and the traps (spike trap on ground, sentry gun) only show up in the endgame area. The fact that I kept playing for almost 18 hours is because I wanted to unlock all of the spells of my chosen category. Your examination from the academy consists of going through a cave and picking either Blood Magic or Soul Magic. Blood Magic is focused on melee buffs to your staff while Soul Magic is ranged casting. I chose Soul Magic, because melee combat is usually not that well implemented in games. The spells are quite varied and gives you several tactical options, they're definitely the best thing about the game.
Another great feature is the enhanced movement compared to other games. I can only think of Risen that has similar (and also better) movement mechanics. You can dodge roll in all four directions by pressing the directional key twice, but I preferred to use the spacebar which lets you dash short distances. Hitting spacebar + backwards a few times after hitting an enemy let's you quickly get out of harm's way, which makes for efficient hit-and-run attacks. The pathfinding AI is quite dumb, so with some of the stronger/too-many-hitpoints-y enemies, I exploited it to make them stand/move around in my firewall, which quickly killed most of them. That's an exploit I used during the later stages where the grind got to me and it seemed like the game would never end (I didn't finish it, but I got within hours of the ending). Being a completionist, having to uncover every last section of any area, I guess I have myself to blame for thinking the game has too many enemies (though rarely too many at one time). The fighting is pretty fun and the spells plus movement abilities makes for varied combat, but it eventually becomes too much. The annoying BS traps, enemies and stupid design decisions I mentioned earlier overshadowed everything and I decided to quit.
If you're more patient than I am, then I'm sure you would have a better gaming experience. This isn't a great game, but it's pretty good and held my attention for quite a while.
1360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 00:40
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.19 07:07
2006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.19 16:36
I bought it here for 99 cents just to have it in my Steam library and decided to give it one more try. This time I put it on easy, hoping that the fights would go faster and it would feel less tedious. It did. I managed to finish it this time. I accidentally left it on overnight once (or maybe twice) so I'm not sure how long it actually took to finish. Most likely about 15-18 hours. The length was about right. It ended before it overstayed its welcome, but I was ready for it to end.
It does not support a controller, but works very well with xpadder during exploring and combat. I still used the mouse to do inventory, skills, etc.
The graphics are dated but acceptable to me, the sound effects were fine and the voice acting fairly decent. I have no opinion on the story because I typically ignore it as much as possible. It is a slow-paced game. Most enemies take several hits to kill and you walk a bit slow until you find gear to boost your walking speed.
Overall, it's a very fun game.
1147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.14 16:11
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos