• Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.
  • Avadon: The Black Fortress: Screen zum Spiel Avadon: The Black Fortress.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 17.08.2011
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Preis Update 01.01.25

Über das Spiel

Avadon: Die Schwarze Festung ist eine epische, Indie-Fantasy Rollenspiel-Saga. Gründen Sie eine Gruppe von geschickten Kriegern, erforschen Sie Verliese, suchen Sie nach Schätzen, lernen Sie viele einzigartige und mächtige Fähigkeiten und versuchen Sie eine Verschwörung aufzudecken, die Ihr Heimatland zu zerstören droht!

Fünf bedeutende Nationen haben sich zusammengschlossen, um den "Pakt" zu schließen. Der Pakt wird von Avadon verteidigt, einer geheimnisvollen Sekte von Spionen und Assassinen. Ihre Agenten sind überall. Ihr Wort ist Gesetz.

Sie wurden als eine Hand von Avadon rekrutiert und mit Missionen beauftragt, die schnelles Handeln und eine starke Faust verlangen. Doch die Feinde des Paktes haben ihre eigenen Pläne und den Händen von Avadon wird einem nach dem anderen ein Ende bereitet. Es wird an Ihnen liegen, die Angriffe zu überleben und die Verschwörung letztendlich ans Tageslicht zu bringen, die die Sicherheit des Paktes zerschlagen und Ihr Heimatland ins Chaos stürzen könnte.

Nehmen Sie sich in Acht! Verbündete sind rar. Verräter sind überall. Und je näher Sie der Wahrheit kommen, desto näher werden Ihre Assassinen Ihnen kommen.

  • Episches, Indie-Fantasy Rollenspiel-Abenteuer in einer riesigen und einzigartigen Welt.
  • Vier unterschiedliche Rollenklassen, mit Dutzenden von Zaubersprüchen und Fähigkeiten.
  • Enthüllen Sie die faszinierende Geschichte Avadons und des Landes von Lynaeus.
  • Zahlreiche verschiedene Enden. Ihre Wahl wird die Welt verändern.
  • Entdecken Sie Dutzende von Seitenmissionen, versteckte Verliese und Geheimnisse.
  • Finden Sie hunderte von magischen Gegenständen. Benutzen Sie verzauberte Kristalle, um Ihre Artefakte noch mächtiger zu machen.
  • Gigantisches Abenteuer mit jeder Menge Wiederspielwert.


  • CPU: 1,6 GHz CPU
  • GFX: OpenGL kompatible Grafikkarte
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Software: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
  • HD: 300 MB
  • SFX: Soundkarte
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1056 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
3915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.15 17:15
Avadon ist ein sehr gutes rundebasiertes Spiel mit einer spannenden Story in einem interessanten Universum.
494 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.11 18:22
Nichts für Grafikfanatiker. Ansonsten super RPG. Man spielt in einer glaubwürdigen Fantasy-Welt mit umfangreicher Hintergrundstory. Dazu kommen taktische Rundenkämpfe mit mehreren Charakteren.
157 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
4466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 22:17
Avadon: The Black Fortress is an old school cRPG and the first game of a three game series. Its an isometric game and the graphics and sound may be basic but the plot, characters and dialogue are great.

PLOT: Good to very good.

GAMEPLAY: Pretty much a dungeon crawl with a turn based combat system.

DIFFICULTY: Reasonable in my opinion although there are a couple of nasty spikes and I didn't try the hardest difficulty settings.

GRAPHICS & SOUND: Graphics: Basic. Sound: Poor.

REPLAY VALUE: There is probably a second play through in it tasking a different starting class and the other two companions (assuming you tended to stick with the same two first time round). My personal advice would the to play another Spiderweb game instead rather than replaying the same one, there's plenty to be going at.

ISSUES AND BUGS: None. The game itself works “straight out of the box” with no messing around and appears to be completely bug free. There may be a few issues with the Steam achievements not activating when they should?

ACHIEVEMENTS AND TRADING CARDS: Partial integration with Steam Platform. Steam achievements for those interested but no trading cards.

VALUE FOR MONEY: Excellent. These games aren't expensive and there is 60+ hours of gameplay here.

Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. Spiderweb Software is an independent video game developer founded in 1994 by Jeff Vogel in Seattle, Washington. It is basically a two man band (well one man and one woman) being Jeff who does the programming and his wife Mariann Krizsan who does everything else which translates to all website maintenance, customer support, testing, and whatever design work is kicking around.

Avadon: The Black Fortress is an old school cRPG and the first game of a three game series. Its an isometric game and visually and audibly, the game is nothing to write home about, the only music is on the title screen and if you play multiple Spiderweb games the are a lot of recycled graphics and sound effects. Being the work of a one man band this is understandable, they are functional enough not to detract from or get in the way of the game and do not interfere with the gameplay.

This isn't another Avernum game. The big changes to the formula are a new setting and a significantly more linear progression than most of the other entries in their line up. You make one of the four base archetypes as the “main” character and there are then four NPCs (one for each archetype). These NPC's are fully fleshed out characters with their own backgrounds and agendas who can be spoken to between missions. The game is clever in that although you usually adventure with two companions all four gain experience. This means you don't suffer the problem some games have that if you don't use a character for a while it falls so far behind the power curve that it become as much use as a chocolate teapot.

There did feel to be a lot of backtracking in this game returning to areas previously visited to pick up later quests etc. and although the plot is good personally I didn't like some parts of it as you are forced to kill a group of people I didn't want to kill. There are also a couple of things that have slightly “unfinished” feel about them, mainly the fact that here are light sources present in the game but nowhere you actually need a light source.
151 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
6659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 04:55
Good addition to the Spiderweb series of games. I enjoyed this cRPG, enough for a second playthrough, which is a lot for me.
67 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 11:49
I played this a long time ago and feel obligated to review this now.

It has a good plot, intrigue, moral dilemmas and a nice fantasy world set-up. Lore is interesting. Game mechanics is decent. I enjoyed this and recommend it despite me giving its sequel a thumbs down. You can refer to that if interested.
768 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 23:29
An old school classic that has a solid gameplay foundation. The true gem, though, is the complicated story. Politics are intertwined that pose challenging moral questions, your answers actually dictate the outcome of quests, the deeper you get into the game, the more dangerous and sinister the world becomes. Good luck. You will need it because anything higher than normal difficulty in this game is CHALLENGING.
1010 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
2810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 23:37
Although lengthy (I clocked about 46 hours per Steam doing everything except the optional stuff), it was a mostly enjoyable experience the entire time. Unlike say Geneforge (the only other Spiderweb series I've played), the game is pretty linear: talk to someone who gives you a quest in one of three regions, go to the region and solve whatever issue you were sent there with only a few locations available so you can't really get lost. Along the way, you can talk to anyone with a name and they likely have a new side quests (and new ones after each main quest). Simple, yet as someone who is older with less time, I find that I appreciated it. Again, I still put in roughly 46 hours so there is a lot of content here.

Combat is also pretty simple: you have four classes (and a companion for each class - though you can only take two at a time) and each class has three trees to develop. There are also only 30 levels which you will reach prior to end game (assuming that like me you keep talking to everyone with names to unlock sidequests and thoroughly explore everywhere). In battle, it's basically just a turn-based system where you have action points.

That said, I found the balance to be off. I don't know if it's just because I've played a lot of RPGs, I have read up on some builds, or if it's simply an easy game, but I found the game to be easy enough on Normal. I rarely had to use items or even bother with crafting/forging. I sold pretty much everything and ended up with like 20,000 gold with nothing to buy. Outside of the challenge fights (which i didn't feel like doing), the only hard fights were early on when I didn't really have skills or late game where there were tedious things like you can't hurt the boss until you do something else (which I don't want to spoil it). Not to mention one of the last areas has the infinite respawning enemies which is a thing that i hate.

Equipment variety wasn't really a thing: end game stuff was typically only from companion sidequests or end game bosses. Other than that, there was no variety (i.e. shadowalkers start with iron razor disk for ranged attack, then get steel razor disk for like 90% of the game until you get titansteel) so if you like loot, this isn't the game.

Also, there really aren't sides in the game. There's loyalty to avadon and rebellion. The game almost seems to push you to rebellion, but don't bother. The fight at the end is by all accounts one of the worst designed fights in all of Spiderweb games (long and tedious even if you know what to do). You are really meant to be loyal (which I believe is canon anyway).
513 Produkte im Account
268 Reviews
4964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 13:12
I am a huge fan of Spiderweb Software games!

People who love oldschool isometric CRPGs and don't mind “simple” graphics will love this game.

In comparison to the Geneforge Saga and Avernum the game is more linear and straightforward. But I don´t think that is a bad thing. There is still a lot to explore and a good amount of sidequests.

The story is deep and meaningful and you can influence the ending through decisions you make during your play.

The NPCs and companions are interesting and their backgrounds and motives are thought out.

Combat is turn-based and pretty challenging (especially on higher difficulties). Normally I hoard all potions, scrolls and special items, but this game “forces” you to use these items.
805 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 19:12
This game has renewed my interest in RPG's.

It's no witcher 3, but in more ways than you could expect when you let yourself guide by the old school graphics, it sometimes surpasses it. Avandon is a truly interesting world where most of the typical RPG clichés are avoided.

Great storytelling. A comprehensive skill upgrade system and fun battles. Most if not all games of that sort are a simple battle betwen Good an Evil. Here you play a Hand which has to uphold the law of the Pact. Through many adventures and encounters with the different races that populate Avandon, you get a different view of what's good and what's bad. Your decisions are meaningfull and you are not guided by the hand through the story.

There is a lot to learn about Avandon, but unlike many other RPG's, you are not bombarded by useless filler info. Everything you read or get to know matters.

And weirdly, the old school graphics, combined with the superb story telling drags you deeper in the world than any other RPG that I've played. And I played a lot of them!

Enjoy if you are new to the games of Spiderweb Software. You lucky ******! :D

9,5/10 (just because I don't give tens)
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 04:51
this guy has been making indie rpgs for a long time. he does great work. he deserves recognition
97 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 22:19
Great old-school rpg
38 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 11:54
If you go in just expecting a fun retro crpg with a good story, you won't be disappointed. If you are used to graphics, and hardcore options you won't find them here. The gameplay is simple and reasonably intuitive. I was a fan of the old Ultima series and found this was somewhat similar.
939 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
7264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 04:20
get the series one of the best i played from these guys.
1222 Produkte im Account
140 Reviews
4576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 15:08
I really liked the amount and depth of the story, with many twists and turns, as well as the companion mechanics in this game. The medieval setting isn't usually my bag of tea, but the political dynamics waved into the plot between the different kingdoms made it very interesting. I also liked the tactical gameplay and I personally really like the art style too.
639 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 21:33
An old school turn-based RPG in the style of some of the old D&D games from the mid-90s. It does a great job of world-building, which is mostly done through dialogue and descriptions of things. The story is interesting and draws you into the world of Avadon and its many factions vying for power.

The combat is okay. There are a bunch of different classes with multiple build options. Like many similar games, Avadon has a clunky interface and mediocre graphics.

Make no mistake, this is a niche game for a niche audience. The guy who runs Spiderweb Software (Jeff Vogel) says that he often gets made fun of at gaming conventions for still making games that look like they're from 25 years ago. But, this is his passion, and if it's yours too, you'll have a good time.
22 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 06:40
Highly rewarding experience. Well-written, well-designed. The only thing I needed to change was sound off and put on some other music.
156 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 19:13
Not my cup of tea. I think for me the most important thing that pushed me away from the game was the absolute lack of visual appeal.
554 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 02:12
I felt the Ultima-like design and approach felt a bit too dated. UI, graphics, engine, etc. are all straight out of the late 90s or early 2000s RPGs like Ultima, or even similar to other modern top-down like The Age of Decadence.

Unfortunately, while there is a lot here for fans of a specific niche - I don't think general audiences of 2020 would find much to enjoy. I enjoyed bits here and there, but overall couldn't get into a stride that felt right.

Or at least that's my take.
1376 Produkte im Account
162 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 17:19
I give this a sincere effort but after a certain point, I looked back at the time I'd spent in the game and how it all looked and felt the same, and how much time I had left in the game and how I could expect the same, and I just felt bored. Additionally you hit a point where the boss fights start introducing endlessly spawning mooks, teleporting you around to separate your group, and bosses you can only reach by fighting your way through the endlessly spawning enemies to trigger switches to access them, and it just got tedious.
573 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 02:36
Let's set expectations: this isn't Skyrim or Dragon Age Origins or Jade Empire, but instead a game by a dev for niche audiences. The mechanics appear to be pretty basic (so far), and the overall aesthetic may immediately make you regret your purchase upon first launch. The sound and graphics are best described as functional, and at worst described as simply minimal effort. Exception to this is I actually really like the portraits and some of the other artwork like the maps and stills. The engine seems clunky as all get out and I really dislike the UI. Like, intensely dislike it. In linux, you'll need to edit an ini file to make the game window fill the screen. So why am I recommending this budget RPG from an indie developer? Story. Lots of text doesn't turn me off and I like that the writing feels aimed at computer gaming fans like me. Only a couple of hours in and I'm hooked. I hope the game continues to be enjoyable. No discernible bugs is a huge plus given my recent experiences with games on Steam!
549 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 19:20
playthrough in progress; played mostly offline
Avadon: The Black Fortress is a party-RPG with turn-based combat. The story is interesting enough, though it has been somehow linear. The controls are mostly rebindable (camera is bound to arrows and map to Tab and they cannot be reassigned). Character builds for one class don't seem diverse at the moment (I've reached level 8). Animations are fast, combat is slightly repetitive on low levels. There are text descriptions for environment, which is most welcome, considering the graphics.
13 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.20 03:36
1300 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.19 03:53
Spiderweb Software: Two decades of stagnation and self copying. Not much else to say. Avadon is a really boring game and a bare minimum for an RPG.

Don't waste your time and money, find something better.
418 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.19 02:33
Like other Spiderweb games, this game shows the creator's love for his world and the details. Excellent story, history and compelling gameplay. If you like turn based RPGs that show more concern for story than FPS, you'll love this game.
1632 Produkte im Account
237 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.19 14:35
I would say after reading Pinky review, it's clear crystal that someone actually noticed the correct things.
This game ain't fitting to 2019, and no, it's not worth it even for nostalgia. If you remember this game as a good game then just stick with that feeling and don't bother to test it. If you feel it's awful, well... you're right, it's awful.
3/10 oh no here comes angry comments.
548 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.17 06:10
Avadon's weakness is that it's not Avernum or Geneforge.

I know it's the comparison everyone draws, but I think it's a valid one. Having finally played my way through the series, Avadon isn't a bad game, it's even a good one. But Avernum and Geneforge were GREAT. I don't mean graphically, but the tremendous open worlds in Avernum (excluding 5), the complex and nuanced moral choice in Geneforge (excluding 3), and the sheer number of things to do and see and explore were something that made Spiderweb RPGs so great.

Avadon is, well, interesting. Morally it's wanting to be Geneforge, but exploring the ethics of government and law (and how far is permissible in the service of protecting the people) as opposed to bioethics as in Geneforge. It feels as though it falls short, though. There is less nuance, less picking a side, and more railroad tracks. These are not necessarily bad things in an RPG, but Avadon doesn't feel, well, strong enough to support it.

I tentatively recommend, but only if you have a soft spot for graphically weak tactical RPGs. I'd recommend Avernum to anyone who can withstand the shoddy graphics (it's amazing), but for Avadon it really needs to be your cup of tea for me to advise buying it.
213 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.14 20:15
A very well-crafted game world. What the writing lacks in concision it makes up for in quality. The RPG gameplay is engaging, if not a bit OCD-inducing. My major gripe with the game would be the repetitive ambient sounds used in place of music, but that mostly comes my having previously played other Spiderweb Software games that also recycled these sounds. Still, though, the gameplay and player-influenceable story are more than enough to make the game worth playing on their own.

Edit: after reading some of the other reviews, I should mention that I'm playing on Casual (not ashamed to admit it), so I'm not really experiencing some of the difficulty-related complaints that others are. Pretty much the only difficulty-related thing I'm running into is that I don't really have a chance to use up my consumables fast enough on Casual, so I probably waste more time managing my inventory than I might on a harder difficulty. But that's very minor.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
82.3% 358 77
Release:17.08.2011 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Spiderweb Software Vertrieb: Spiderweb Software Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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