• Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.
  • Avadon 2: The Corruption: Screen aus dem Strategie-RPG.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.10.2013
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Preis Update 07.05.24

Über das Spiel

Avadon 2: The Corruption is a huge, indie fantasy role-playing adventure, the second chapter in the epic Avadon trilogy. You will serve the keep of Avadon, working as a spy and warrior to fight the enemies of your homeland. As a servant of the Black Fortress, your word is law. Experience an exciting fantasy role-playing adventure as you try to save your homeland from civil war and fiery destruction.

Avadon 2: The Corruption is an epic fantasy role-playing adventure in an enormous and unique world. You can choose from five different character classes, each with dozens of unique spells and abilities. Explore cunning dungeons, hunt for hundreds of magical artifacts, and travel through an enormous world, full of secrets. Avadon 2 features many different endings. Save your people, or betray them. The choice is yours!

  • Epic fantasy role-playing adventure in an enormous and unique world.
  • Five different character classes, with dozens of unique spells and abilities.
  • Uncover the fascinating histories of Avadon and the many lands of Lynaeus.
  • Many different endings. Will you be loyal to Avadon or switch sides and bring it down? The choice is yours!
  • Dozens of side quests, dungeons, and secrets to discover.
  • Hundreds of magical items to find. Use powerful crystals to make your artifacts even more powerful.
  • Huge adventure with lots of replay value. Experience with Avadon: The Black Fortress is entirely unnecessary to enjoy Avadon 2.


  • CPU: 800 MhZ processor.
  • GFX: Video card or processor with OpenGL support.
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Software: Windows XP
  • HD: 200 MB
  • LANG: English
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

2850 Produkte im Account
891 Reviews
441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.18 13:59
Avadon 2: The Corruption ist ein Oldschool Rollenspiel im Stil der 1990iger RPGs. Die Grafik ist auch nicht sonderlich hübscher und leider soweit ich das sehen kann, gibt es auch keine Heldengruppe sondern man steuert einen einzelnen Helden. Dafür aber bietet das Spiel neben einer textlastigen Story auch eine reichhaltige Spielstruktur an Gegner, Gegenständen und einigen interessanten Skills. Das Spiel ist zwar trotzdem eher im B-Movie Bereich angesiedelt, aber für Fans von alten RPGs mit wenig Anspruch an die Optik eine interessante Möglichkeit, mein größter Wermutstropfen ist die fehlender Zoombarkeit, alles ist sehr winzig dargestellt, da hätte ich ein Zoomscrollen ins Bild wirklich begrüßt.

1056 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
4011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.15 17:17
Der zweite Teil kommt dem ersten gleich und knüpft wunderbar an, sowohl im Gameplay als auch bei der spannenden Story.
1509 Produkte im Account
193 Reviews
5111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.15 09:35
Achtung! Macht weiterhin süchtig!

Und schon wieder 80-85 Stunden im Eimer. Obwohl Avadon 2: The Corruption nicht mehr ganz so taufrisch wirkt wie Teil 1 und neben kleineren Verbesserungen auch kleinere Verschlechterungen vorzuweisen hat, muss ich doch wieder ein klares Lob für eines von Spiderwebs Indi-RPG's aussprechen. Wer den Vorgänger mochte kann auch hier wieder bedenkenlos zuschlagen. Bahnbrechende Neuerungen sucht man zwar vergebens, aber wer auf taktische Rasterfeld-Rundenkämpfe steht und dabei auf vorzeigbare Grafik und cineastische Präsentation verzichten kann, sollte sich Jeff Vogel's Rollenspiele definitiv reinziehen! Die aufgerundet 10 Euro für den Steam-Download zu Avadon 2 sind gut angelegt und wer sich sein eigenes Bild machen möchte kann sich auch hier wieder eine umfassende Demo auf der Spiderweb-Homepage herunterladen.

Pro und Kontra:

- sämtliche Vorzüge des Vorgängers gelten auch für die Fortsetzung
- der Tinkermage ist eine der coolsten Charakterklassen die man sich wünschen kann!
- einige Optionen die man im Vorgänger vermisst hatte kamen nun hinzu (Wahl des Geschlechts, Wahl der Himmelsrichtung von der die Maps betreten werden können)

- fast sämtliche Nachteile des Vorgängers gelten auch für die Fortsetzung
- Level-Cap von Stufe 30 kann diesmal schon nach zwei Spieldritteln erlangt werden. Dies kann zu einem ärgerlichen Motivationseinbruch führen
- Schwierigkeitsgrad wirkt lascher als im Vorgänger

???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German / English ????⠀⠀⠀
529 Produkte im Account
279 Reviews
3572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 13:33
I am a huge fan of Spiderweb Software games!

People who love oldschool isometric CRPGs and don´t mind “simple” graphics will love this game.

Avadon 2: The Corruption is the second instalment of the Avadon trilogy.

Like its predecessor the story is deep and meaningful, there are tons of sidequests, decisions during the play can influence the ending and companions (and other NPCs) are interesting with compelling backgrounds and motives.

The biggest difference to Avadon: The Black Fortress is the increased amount of areas you can explore.

I enjoy the turn-based combat. It is challenging (especially on higher difficulties) and “forces” you to use everything you have available (potions, scrolls, magic items, skills). No more hoarding items like other RPGs.
525 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 22:32
I've been a fan of Spiderweb Games for decades. I played the first Exile RPGs back in the mind-90s.

This is just too difficult. I don't know why, but the creatures are too tough and the gameplay therefore isn't fun. Even on easy mode, the shade in The Corruption wiped me out.

Maybe I'm supposed to do something different. Maybe I need to grind somehow — although as soon as you clear an area, the monsters never come back. Maybe I should use different equipment or something.

But as someone who has been playing RPGs all my life, I feel qualified to say that if I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, maybe the problem isn't me.
183 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
3982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 22:58
Yeah - this is a good story. The text is just nice - not too short - not too long. Really nice story arcs. The Combat's good too and the buff/de-buff and general combat tactics is nice. The combat's better than I thought it would be - the game system is nice. But the real cherry is the good writing and the story. A really good game.
74 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 00:50
Greatly punishes even the slightest non-minmaxy play, and throws way more combat at you than you possibly have the ability to take on without cheating even in the relatively early game. Add in being less engaging and more irritating than the creator's previous titles like Geneforge and it's simply a stain on Spiderweb Software's record.
463 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 01:50
Having been disappointed with the first instalment, I tried the sequel to see if it had made any improvements. To my delight, Avadon 2 has improved the formula and I enjoyed it... that is, up until roughly the 20 hour mark.

Starting with the positives, the combat system has received slight improvements. Characters no longer gain extra attacks on level up and neither do most enemies, which means combat is more controllable. The story is good as well. There are many different choices to make and many different endings. The narrative is as good as ever in Spiderweb Software games. Everything is well written and interesting to read (bar a few of the less entertaining quest dialogues). Numerous, different regions are fun to explore and quests will keep you occupied. The levelling system does its job and all the different abilities are a nice touch. Character classes feel very unique in the way they play. Side characters have their own interactions throughout the game and can sometimes be involved in their own troubles, which you can save them from if you want. Even the difficulty curve is reasonable and there are less obscenely dangerous encounters. The epilogue is very satisfying to read through as you get to see the results of your actions throughout the game.

However, a lot of the positives which exist in Avadon 2 are shared with Avadon, since it uses the exact same engine. Classes are very similar, items are very similar, monsters are just about identical with only a couple new additions, almost all of the visuals are recycled and the game still lacks music. Avadon 2 only really surpasses Avadon 1 in a couple of areas: the combat, the difficulty curve and the story/narrative.

When I said that I enjoyed the game up to the 20 hour mark, what I mean is that this is the point when Avadon 2's content starts to recycle to an insane degree and the gameplay boils down to little more than tedium.
- First of all, monster recolours go off the chart. Avadon 1 had dozens of recoloured enemies and Avadon 2 is no different. You end up seeing every enemy the game has to offer about a third of the way through.
- Secondly, new regions start to become less and less frequent. Instead of exploring new regions and completing them like in most other RPGs, Avadon 2 has you backtracking endlessly. Seriously, this takes up such an enormous amount of game time that I feel I'd go insane just trying to contemplate it. This is partially because the main quest has you flip flopping between old regions and also because of the way quests work.
- This brings me onto the third critical flaw. In Avadon 2, quests build up and stay in your journal for most of the game. Many of these quests consist of multiple parts which require you to complete one part, level up a bit, then continue the quest, rinse and repeat. That's bad design. Not only does this mean that you can never complete a lot of quests until the end of the game, but it means that it's harder to find the quests you can actually do and it also means that you have to keep backtracking through old regions over and over again. This is easily the worst part of Avadon 2 and it absolutely kills the game by itself.
- Fourthly, the combat system is still hugely flawed. Earlier on in the game, combat feels quite natural and enemies die at a reasonable pace. Towards the end, monsters start getting ridiculous HP totals which makes each combat mind-numbingly dull as it drags on for ages - and there is a LOT of combat! Some special named characters have literally thousands of HP and it takes dozens of rounds to whittle their HP gauge down, one pixel at a time. In addition, enemy spells are considerably more potent than your own. The reason why is because of this weird, ridiculous skew in the way player characters and enemies function. You have low HP and high damage, whereas they have high HP and low damage. Spells which reflect damage are considerably more effective for enemies. Also, combat is still dominated by effects like Slow and Battle Frenzy.
- Fifthly, some hero classes and builds are much better than others. Dexterity is the king of all stats whereas Endurance is near useless. Every character needs a healthy investment in Dexterity because it decreases damage dealt to characters and it increases their chance to dodge. The Tinkermage, Blademaster and Shadow Stalker are clearly better than classes like the Shaman. Also, you end up getting most abilities for your character build really early on in the game and as you level up, there's nothing much left to develop.

Overall, Avadon 2 leaves me bittersweet. I like the story, there's some good characters, some reasonably distinct places and plenty of hard choices, but there's nowhere near enough content to sustain you over the course of your playtime. By the 20 hour mark, everything becomes a downhill slope into a deep and endless mire within which all motivation to play is lost. I only kept going out of obligation due to the time I already invested in it. Every part of the game except the story is heavily impacted by the general lack of content and if the game was about a third as long and polished up in a couple of areas, it could have been an entertaining game. Instead, it's a tedious slog that only the most obsessed can manage to get through. It's not as good as Avernum: Escape from the Pit, let alone the numerous, highly exposed and/or acclaimed cRPGs out there like Fallout 1/2/Tactics, Baldur's Gate 1/2, Icewind Dale 1/2, Pillars of Eternity, Planescape Torment, Arcanum, Shadowrun etc. Get any of the aforementioned instead of Avadon.
74 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 05:01
The first 50 hours of this game had me glued to my computer.

This game offers fun, meaningful exploration, has good writing and is overall well polished.

Definitely a nice relaxing game with some tough story choices. The only downside for me was a couple gimmicky battles but its really a nitpick.

I found Avadon 2 to be a pleasant surprise and worth the money.
1198 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.14 17:43
One of Spiderweb Software's weaker offerings. The combat feels like a slog, with too many fights that seem to only pad out the game, and too many gimmicks in the more serious fights. The plot is not particularly engaging, and I could not really bring myself to care about the things going on. Finally, the ending was anticlimactic.

Play one of the Avernum or Geneforge games instead.
191 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
5794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.14 06:45
classic RPG. Rainy day outside, get a coffee, some junk food, turn the heater on and get lost in this for some old school fun.
556 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
4697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.14 20:30
$10 for 80 hours of content on a single playthrough should be enough for you to run and buy this game.

Jeff Vogel and company continue to produce a quality product that satisfies my desire for world exploration, solid story telling and turn based party combat.
1703 Produkte im Account
311 Reviews
2641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.14 07:44
A good follow-up to the first Avadon and another fine entry in the Spiderweb Software catalogue. The graphics are bad, the sound is terrible, and the presentation leaves a lot to be desired... but the writing is great, the story and setting are interesting, and the game is a fun old-school RPG. I suggest listening to some good instrumental music and playing this with all the sound off. There's a lot of reading.

Recommended, if you can get over the bad aesthetics and are looking for an old-school RPG.
333 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
5251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.13 07:34
-Good writing in general
-Quite open though it's a linear game
-Good Combat system
-Interesting story
-With more than 50h gametime quite big

-very basic graphics
-no background music
-A couple of quests are badly executed
-Some Balance issues making the game too easy
-clumsy interface

All in all a good game if you can accept the graphics and lack of music, especially considering the base price is below 10 bucks already.

German video review at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fU-AlsDCxwQ
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
78.26% 108 30
Release:30.10.2013 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Spiderweb Software Vertrieb: Spiderweb Software Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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