Automobilista 2
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Über das Spiel

Mit wenigen Klicks können sie von einem Leihkart Rennen in moderner Zeit in Sao Paulo zu einem historischen Grand Prix Fahrzeug für eine Wahnsinnsfahrt über Monzas Steilkurven springen als wären sie in den 60ern; Nutzen sie eine der Meisterschaften des Spiels oder kreieren sie ihre eigene angepasste Saison durch einstellen der Klasse, Strecken, Punktesystem und Wetter nach ihren vorlieben; Reisen sie durch die Geschichte des Motorsports indem sie legendäre Maschinen wie den Lotus 72E, den mächtigen Gruppe C Porsche 962C oder den McLaren F1 GTR auf Strecken fahren, wo diese hingehörten; Genießen sie die einzigartige Erfahrung exotischer Rennautos mit genialen Vorrichtungen, welche besondere Geschichten aus dem Motorsport simulieren wie niemals zuvor in einer Rennsimulation wie das Brabham BT46B Fan Car oder der McLaren MP4/12 mit seinem einfallsreichen zweiten Bremspedal; entdecken sie die Freiheit die Automobilista 2 für die Erstellung von großartigen Events ermöglicht, welche nie real passierten oder sogar wirklich verrückte, welche nie real stattfinden könnten.
Mehr steht bevor in den Jahren voraus – neue Fahrzeuge & Strecken, mehr historische Inhalte, verschiedene Rennmodi, erweiterte Gameplay Features, bessere Rennqualität für Single- und Multiplayer; AMS2 bleibt ein sich weiter stetig entwickelndes und wachsendes Projekt welches weiterhin anstrebt größer und besser zu werden.
Von Leihkarts bis Hochleistungsprototypen, klassischen Grand Prix Autos hin zu modernen GTs und Renntrucks bietet Automobilista 2 dies zusammen mit einer Reihe wunderbar detaillierter Orte auf fünf Kontinenten
Automobilista 2 kombiniert weltklasse Grafik mit optimierter Leistung um herrliche Bildqualität sogar auf weniger leistungsfähigen Systemen zu ermöglichen und liefert eine der besten VR Erfahrungen unter den Rennspielen
Ausgestattet mit den fortschrittlichsten Systemen für dynamische Wetter- und Streckenbedingungen, 24-Stunden Zyklus, einem Modell für barometrischen Luftdruck, variierenden Windgeschwindigkeiten und Temperaturen – alles für sich ändernde Verhältnisse, Sitzung für Sitzung. AMS2 gibt ihnen volle Kontrolle über Rennen und nach was es auch immer verlangt, um zu sichern, dass jede Runde einzigartig wird.
– Reales Wetter verbindet AMS2's ultra-fortgeschrittenes Wettersystem mit einem globalen meteorologischen Datensystem um Echtzeit Wetter für alle vorhandenen Regionen im Spiel zu ermöglichen – das bedeutet wenn sie derzeitiges Datum und Zeit für ein Rennen auf Silverstone wählen und es regnet, werden sie das gleiche Wetter in AMS2 vorfinden; wenn es vor einiger Zeit aufgehört hat zu regnen wird die Strecke in der realen Welt immer noch nass sein, welches auch in AMS2 der Fall ist.Reales Wetter emuliert jedoch nicht nur das derzeitige Wetter – es beinhaltet Daten zu jedem einzelnen Tag der letzten 40 Jahre für jede Strecke im Spiel, welches historische Rennen in wechselnden Wetterbedingungen sehr nahe am echten Vorbild für den Nutzer ermöglicht.
- Automobilista 2 beinhaltet eines der umfassendsten Optionen an Regeln & Vorschriften aller Rennsimulationen, welche dem Nutzer erlauben die Regulierungen der meisten Hauptrennserien der Welt zu nutzen. In V1.4 wurde dies durch die Einführung von Ovalrennen und die Unterstützung von Full Course Yellows erweitert. AMS2 erlaubt Nutzern auch Multi-Klasse Rennen mit der genauen Anzahl and Gegnern jeder Klasse nach Vorlieben einzustellen
Eine wachsende Liste an historischen Rennwagen und Rennstrecken in ihrer Form über verschiedene Jahrzehnte bieten den Spielern die Möglichkeit, klassische Zeitalter der Motorsporthistorie zu durchleben
Automobilista 2 liefert mit der Versicherung zu einem Langzeit-Entwicklungszyklus das Erhalten von regulären monatlichen Updates, welche einen durchgehenden Fluss an neuen Funktionen und Verbesserungen, zusammen mit neuen Fahrzeugen und Strecken bereitstellen
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: 3.5 GHz Intel Core i5 3450 or AMD FX-8350
- GFX: GTX680 or equivalent
- Software: Windows 10 (+ specific versions of 7)
- HD: 50 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- Peripherie: SteamVR or Oculus PC
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i7 8700K / AMD Ryzen7 2700X
- GFX: NVidia GTX 1080Ti or equivalent
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 50 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- Peripherie: SteamVR or Oculus PC
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
3524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 21:28
Works also well in VR without needing a supercomputer like some other sim focusing on GT3 cars ;)
3911 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 14:52
1358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 13:10
Mein letztes Rennen: Automobilista 2 Nordschleife mit Gamepad (Youtube)
1358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 13:10
Mein letztes Rennen: Automobilista 2 Nordschleife mit Gamepad (Youtube)
1012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 10:58
Nicht Empfohlen
487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 17:09
501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 20:54
Nicht Empfohlen
2875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 21:19
Da warte ich heute noch drauf !! Das war auch ein Grund, warum ich es mir gekauft habe und jetzt steh ich da und verstehe nicht, was ich im Setup einstellen tu.
Deswegen kann ich es nicht empfehlen für Deutsche, die kein Englisch können.
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 17:26
Nicht Empfohlen
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 23:41
Zum einen ist es in meinen Augen eine Frechheit, dass man hier streng genommen eine ziemlich genau Kopie von Project Cars 1 mit einigen Details aus Project Cars 2 erhält. Ja klar, es sind einige Rennserien und -strecken dabei, die in Rennspielen fehlen, unter anderem Strecken wie Imola in 3 verschiedenen Versionen, der Circuit Gilles Villeneuve in ebenfalls 3 Versionen, oder Rennserien wie Stock Car Brasil. Leider sind aber auch viele fiktive Rennserien und ebenfalls auch fiktive Formel 1-Autos dabei. Und genau das ist der springende Punkt: Ich finde es ein Armutszeugnis, dass heutzutage noch fiktive Fahrzeuge in einem Spiel enthalten sind - in Anbetracht des recht hohen Preises von 40 Euro erst recht. Da ist eine Simulation wie Assetto Corsa um Längen voraus. Dass der McLaren MP 4/12 dabei ist, also der Formel 1-Wagen von Mika Hakkinen und David Coulthard aus dem Jahre 1997, ist ein sehr schwacher Trost. Aufgrund der sehr großen Ähnlichkeit (Ich würde es sogar als Klon bezeichnen!), der nicht besonders guten Grafik (Sie ist einfach nicht mehr zeitgemäß, da wäre mehr drin gewesen), der nicht besonders guten Modfähigkeit, des sehr geringen Umfangs (die Fahrzeugauswahl, welche zudem auch noch aus 90 Prozent fiktiven Fahrzeugen besteht) und dem nicht sehr guten Fahrgefühl hebe ich eine abschließende Bewertung von einer 4 (nach Schulnoten). Dass das Spiel nicht auf deutsch erhältlich ist, ist zwar meiner Meinung nach ein dickes Manko, aber das wusste ich bereits vor dem Kauf und floss nicht in die Bewertung hinein.
Nicht Empfohlen
618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 00:26
If you can get it cheap, maybe yes but not Fullprice!
5265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 22:15
Online ist leider noch wenig los, ab und an findet man aber gute Rennen. Ein Ranking System wäre noch schön. Die KI ist auch nicht perfekt aber auch nicht das schlechteste, was ich gesehen habe.
Die Grafik gefällt mir ziemlich gut und gerade Wetter und Nacht machen einiges her. Das Gute an der Madness Engine ist auch, dass diese sehr gut läuft. Bekomme bei 1440p mit hohen Einstellungen und mittlerem AA mal locker 150-200 fps mit ner RX5700XT. (Sieht auf nem 240 Hz Monitor einfach butterweich aus, auch ein Grund warum ich es so gerne spiele)
Das Spiel hat noch so manchen Bug, aber es ist auch noch ziemlich am Anfang seiner Entwicklung.
Kann AMS2 auf jeden Fall empfehlen und man wird definitiv länger damit Freude haben können, da das Spiel auch in Zukunft noch erweitert und verbessert wird.
2415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 17:51
AMS2 ist ein langfristiges Projekt das regelmäßig mit Updates (neue Fahrzeuge und Strecken) versorgt wird.
Die klassischen Grand Prix-Fahrzeugen z.b Lotus 72E- Brabham BT44 - Mclaren M23 ,
sowie eine Liste mit historischen Strecken wie die 1970er-Versionen von Interlagos, Imola, Kyalami,Spielberg,Hockenheimring und Silverstone und in diesem Jahr folgen noch Spa und natürlich die Nordschleife machen einfach höllisch Spaß.
Die Quallität der Wagen und Strecken sind einfach sehr gut,hinzu kommt ein Tag-Nacht wechsel mit einem Wettersystem was mit zu dem besten 2020 zählt.
Die brasilianischen Strecken sind natürlich nicht so bekannt,was dem Spass aber in keiner weise schadet.
.....dieses Spiel kann ich jedem Sim-Fan nur Empfehlen......
fast vergessen
das Force Feedback ist eine wucht ;-)
473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 13:15
Servus! Ich hab die meiste Zeit meiner Simracing-Zeit bei iRacing, F1 und zu guter letzt bei Assetto Corsa Competizione verbracht. Ich besitze zwar auch Rfactor2 und ProjectCars2, bin damit allerdings nie warm geworden.
Automobilista 2 ist so eine Mischung aus allen Spielen und gefällt mir insgesamt wirklich gut, weil:
- sehr hübsche Grafik
- nachvollziehbare Fahrphysik
- unfassbar geile Auswahl an Fahrzeugen und Strecken!
- nachvollziehbares ForceFeedback (Fanatec Elite Wheel Base)
- Hotlappen macht sehr viel Spaß
- viele Updates, die Probleme behoben haben. Die Entwickler sind hinterher!
Dinge, die mir nicht so gut gefallen:
- die Bremsen fühlen sich im Standart-Setup nicht gut an und die Räder blockieren viel zu schnell! (Fanatec V3). Da muss man leider etwas Setup-Arbeit leisten und die für sich optimalen Werte finden
- das Menü könnte etwas aufgeräumter sein
- der Setup-Screen und der ewige Speicherzwang ist etwas nervig
- in den Online-Lobbies ist leider immer wenig los
- die KI wirkt, über eine Runde betrachtet, nicht sonderlich konstant. Mal ultraschnell in der Kurve und in der nächsten folgt dann fast der Stillstand
Insgesamt bin ich aber zufrieden, und hoffe, dass sich das Spiel noch weiter entwickelt, so wie es ACC damals auch getan hat. Die Auswahl der Strecken und Fahrzeuge lässt auch manche Fehler entschuldigen, denn die ist wirklich gigantisch. Und gerade die historischen Varianten sind absolute Klasse und selten vorzufinden. Ich bin hauptsächlich am Hotlappen, wechsle immer die Fahrzeuge und Strecken und habe so meinen Spaß. Reine KI-Fahrer oder Online-Racer sollten vielleicht noch etwas warten oder sich in einer Liga organisieren, denn die Lobbies sind oft schlecht besucht. Wer sich ausschließlich mit GT3 und GT4s vergnügt und mit geringer Streckenauswahl leben kann, sollte sich ACC holen. Das ist wohl an Realismus und Qualität schwer zu toppen. Wer aber gerne mal Formel-Autos, historische Tourenwagen, LMPs oder auch Trucks fahren will, sollte unbedingt zuschlagen.
Achso, und ich finde mit ProjectCars hat das ganze hier wenig zutun, auch wenn die Engine die gleiche ist. Da liegen, positiv gesehen, Welten zwischen der Fahrphysik und den Realismusansprüchen der Entwickler!
Nicht Empfohlen
590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 16:37
Das bekommt so bestimmt noch keine Empfehlung.
655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 20:49
Nicht Empfohlen
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 10:17
Currently, the game has two modes: Single race and time trial. Thats it. The mp is also a calamity, because of the bad netcode.
The game needs minimum half year of additional development time but I tend to think it will be longer.
2211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.20 21:09
482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 08:43
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 09:30
Nun behaupen die Einen, AMS2 wäre lediglich PC2 mit AMS1 Content (B.S.). Die Anderen, daß es die Portierung von AMS1 auf die Madness Engine wäre.
Ich würde jetzt Letzeren beipflichten, aber das total positiv bewerten. Wieso das in meinen Augen perfekte Konzept des Vorgängers komplett über den Haufen werfen? Die neu dazugekommenen Features rechtefertigen durchaus einen Relaunch. Sind es ja auch die Sachen, die von Kritikern am Vorgänger immer angemault wurden. Nette Graphik, VR Support und Wetter sind jetzt im Spiel integriert.
FFB und Car Physics sind noch etwas inkonsistent. Einige Fahrzeuge fahren sich durchaus besser als in AMS1, andere sind noch verbessungsbedürftig.
Bei Allem muss man bedenken, daß es sich momentan noch nicht einmal um die V1.0 handelt, sondern von Reiza auf den EA Staus heruntergestuft wurde (mit entsprechendem EA Rabatt).
Aber wer den Werdegang von AMS1 kennt und bedenkt, daß es dort bis zur finalen V1.5x zwei Jahre gedauert hat, kann sich vorstellen, welches Potential hier noch auszuschöpfen ist.
Als Fazit würde ich AMS2 allen empfehlen, die eine aussergewöhnliche SIM wollen, aber auch Freude daran haben, den langsamen Fortschritt mitzuerleben.
Wer jedoch eine von Anfang an komplett funktionierendes und poliertes Spiel erwartet, sollte lieber noch zwei Jahre warten und sich AMS2 dann noch einmal ansehen.
Bitte nicht an meiner angezeigten Spielzeit rumnörgeln. Bin schon seit Wochen in der Beta unterwegs... :)
1668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 00:12
Eine sehr gute Simulation, man erkennt beim Fahren die Gene von AMS1 und Project Cars 2. Die Fahrphysik fällt, wie bei AMS1, sehr simulationslastig, erreicht jedoch nicht den Hardcore Bereich von AMS1. Man kann die Autos extrem pushen ohne die Reifen zu verheizen. Da sollte noch dran gearbeitet werden. Im großen und Ganzen aber eine sehr gute Simulation. Noch etliche Bugs, aber das wird.... Gute Arbeit Reiza !
Meine Simulationsreihenfolge:
1. rfactor2 (bestes Reifenmodell)
2. Automolbilista 2 (gute Mischung aus Physik und Grafik)
2. ACC (geile Grafik, gute Physik)
2. Automobilista 1
3. Raceroom
4. Assetto Corsa
1846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.22 05:41
Here's a list of the things I really like:
- Best VR support I've ever dealt with, on par or better than iRacing. It is extremely easy to hop into VR or switch back to normal monitors and you don't have to spend hours messing with settings (although there's a bunch to play with if you wish)
- Really good FFB, this is probably largely a preference thing but I think you can really feel the cars through the wheel, especially with their most recent tire and differential update.
- Multiplayer WITH AI - This is seriously the best part of this game. If you have a group of friends and still want a full grid you can totally do it. Plus ovals are coming soon! Full grid oval, yes please!
- The weather simulation is next level. We're talking wet spots, differing weather on different parts of the track, dry lines starting to appear as the weather improves, lightning, wind. It's all there.
- Finally, there's a huge selection of cars and tracks especially if you pick up the DLCs. And if you don't, you just need to find a friend that does - you can race together on DLC tracks even if only one of you owns it.
Some things I find annoying:
- The AI is fun but still acts weird at times. Especially if there are multiple classes, they'll randomly get stuck behind traffic for no reason and then suddenly swerve to pass and smash into you. Sometimes the same difficulty settings will be turtle slow on one track and insanely fast on another. Little things like that - although this too has improved a ton.
- Not a hugely active multiplayer scene or very good ranked multiplayer support. If you don't have a group of friends or a community you're a part of already, then you may have trouble finding random races or you'll need to seek out a group to experience that side of the game.
- Physics feel a bit funny on some cars. The latest tire/diff update hasn't rolled out to every car as of yet, and you can really feel a massive difference.
Overall, I'd highly recommend this game for anyone who either loves to race against AI, and/or has a group of friends to play with. Or anyone who just loves sim racing in general. However, this game is not an iRacing replacement. If you're looking for competitive racing against other people, you'll unfortunately have to look elsewhere for now.
97663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 16:34
2019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 00:46
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☑ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☑ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☑ 10
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 08:20
a lot of car, fantastic sounds and some not too-much know circuits give us some fresh air in the sim world.
furthermore, now Reiza bring us regular dev update with public roadmap. fantastic!
1108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 18:27
The Good:
This game is basically a sandbox full of cars and tracks to do whatever you please. Brazilian Stock Cars at Daytona? Sure. Formula Trucks racing with 125cc go-karts? Absolutely. This game is one of few racing titles that offers so much freedom to setup custom races however you want.
Graphics and audio come together fantastically to provide a very immersive experience... when the game works.
The bad:
Unfortunately, what would be one of the most immersive racing sims falls just short. Audio would be perfection, if it weren't for the lack of a voiced spotter or race engineer. You can turn on subtitles for the spotter, but you can't hear them.
Despite a huge variety of car classes to choose from, some classes feel phoned in and incomplete between some cars being generic to some lacking a damage model, despite the game having one of the best visual damage models.
AI can easily break your immersion thanks to being equipped with ARCA brakes and sometimes inexplicably forgetting you're beside them despite initially giving you room and door checking you hard enough to send you into the barrier.
Car handling/physics are hit or miss. Generally, the handling feels like the Need for Speed: Shift games, feeling a bit twitchy and bouncy (everyone compares this to Project Cars, but I've never played that series so-.) Some cars feel good, like the Brazilian Stock Cars. Unfortunately, GT3 cars and a few other classes feel almost out of control at all times. They just feel wrong and I absolutely do not recommend this game if you're looking to race mainly GT3's, stick to ACC for that.
Bugs? Plenty. Body panels I've had fly off my car sometimes reappear a lap later despite still having the same aero damage according to the HUD. I've seen cars fall halfway through the ground. Sometimes heavy collisions break the physics. Liveries/textures not loading on cars at all. Trackside replay camera mode getting stuck on one camera, giving you a great view of just the track infield. The bugs really hammer home the Early Access feel.
One more note, while there's a solid variety of cars and tracks, they're mostly Brazilian tracks and cars, so you'll have to purchase DLC for courses like Daytona or Nurburgring or if you want GT3 and GTE cars. Another reason to purchase this game while on sale.
In summary, there's certainly fun to be had here and there's a lot of potential here, just don't expect the most polished experience.
754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 11:23
861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 02:15
2313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 04:35
i got it on sale and didnt buy any dlc as i am too cheap.
5430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 13:39
A massive game! Reiza really knocked the ball out of the park with this one.
Iconic Selection of Cars and Tracks / Current & Historic : Check!
Amazing Day Night and Weather Cycle with Real Track Data: Check!
Proper Multiclassing for Endurance Races: Check!
Beautiful Graphics with Jaw Dropping Weather Effects: Check!
Still in Active Development and Reasonable Expansions: Check!
Great Attention to Detail: Check!
A UI that doesn't suck: Check!
Simply love this game! It just works so well as a package. Must be the most immersive Racing Sim I had the chance to play so far. I also picked up the Expansion Packs that feature Laser Scanned versions of fan favorites like Monza, Spa, Silverstone and the iconic Nurburing. All beautifully crafted.
Can''t wait to see what's on the horizon for AMS 2 in the future. Reiza got a massive gem on their hand that they will hopefully expand upon, because it is just that good. Highly recommened!
Cons: Like most other Racing won't get far with a gamepad, probably needless to point out with the genre, as these are basicly made with Wheels in mind.
Nicht Empfohlen
1213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 03:19
If you want variety as a Nascar Heat or F1 20xx player, and you don't have anything with multiple car options, this game offers that at a good clip.
Unless you are outright bored of a game like AC or itching for something specifically particular about AMS2 that you can't get from a mod for another game, then it would be hard for me to outright recommend .
Pros: Custom offline championships, some under-represented cars and tracks not seen commonly in other games.
Cons: Still missing features promised at launch (ie - it took over a year post-launch to deliver some type of custom championships). The USA DLC pack Pt 3 was promised in 2021 and now on 12/29 is still not delivered.
4297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 08:13
Without paying $12.00 per car or track?
or $2.00 per hour for a private session?
Without downloading 84 mods and following a guide on youtube to install or run a server?
The Devs are working really hard and producing great content - all off the back of a sim engine that was poorly leveraged by its original creators.
854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 23:25
19773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 19:51
19773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 19:51
Nicht Empfohlen
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 21:21
Two things really put me off.
1) cars don't turn. Yes. Cars DON'T TURN! You could be driving a F1, a 90's Touring Car, a damn Caterham, doesn't care.
Sometimes understeer felt nice, but 90% of the time it seems not right.
I tried changing sensitivity settings, controls, nothing.
No matter what car you drive, even entering corners at low speeds, cars don't turn like anything near real life.
Forget about hairpins!
2) physics.
Let's talk about physics.
I tried several cars/conditions/tracks and I've got the same feeling I had with Project Cars, where most of the times controlling a car is like trying to win the lottery.
Also good luck having any contacts during races. If you barely touch any other opponent or go on the grass, especially with less grippy cars, you can say goodbye to the race.
If you play solo against AI and touch any other cars, they recover from any crash like nothing happened.
Guess what? If you touch any of 'em, you go straight spinning or into a wall.
I played a bit with rain as it looked nice. FUNNY ENOUGH, it plays better than with clear weather.
Besides this, I think there's other games out there doing much more with less (Assetto Corsa is still unbeaten in price/quality and with mods it is the best deal).
Bugs? I haven't played enough to see much, but if you play with a rolling start race sometimes other cars overtake you before the race starts!!!!!!!!! WTF
Any upsides? Yes, there are some, but they don't balance the driving experience, which is most of what makes a game entertaining.
In short... it pissed me off, I won't lie. Lost occasion but I hope the team will make it better and finally playable properly.
For now, it's a no to me.
6176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 20:40
1000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 03:55
Graphically, as most people may already be aware, AMS2 uses the Project Cars Madness engine. This is a great thing because not only is it extremely well optimized, both in VR and on a single or triple screen setup, its visuals also happen to be fantastic. If you are new to sim racing, this is a pretty rare combination. Heck, this is the holy grail combination when it comes to graphics in most PC games, let alone racing ones. Did I mention all environmental factors can be tweaked? Day or night, rain or shine, any date on the calendar, race conditions are extremely customizable. Visually, its ahead of the competition, and could even be considered top tier, given the age of some of it's competitors (I'm looking at you rFactor 2.) ACC may have it beat on a flat screen, but it doesn't have AMS2's level of optimization.
I can't speak for the way this game feels much while trying to play with a controller, but with a wheel (both on a g29 and a t300,) the force feedback is pretty solid. As time has progressed it's only felt better to me as they've continuously updated things. Bumps in the road, hitting the apex of a turn, barely touching a kerb while tracking out, all feels really great and immersive. The game really gives you a solid idea of what your car is doing on the road. It doesn't punish you mercilessly for over driving the car, like say iRacing can.
Physics for the most part feel believable and realistic. And as I stated earlier, updates have only improved things over time in the physic department too.
Sound wise it's more or less run of the mill. It's not anything to write home about, but I also wouldn't consider it bad. It's adequate and immersive enough. People thinking this game is a Project Cars 2 clone would be mistaken, it's definitely better sound wise.
Even though this game isn't moddable when it comes to cars and tracks, it's still got more than plenty to offer. It has a very wide variety of tracks and cars. Most of the hits are included here. Some may not like that a nice chunk of the content leans towards Brazilian racing, but I think there's plenty here to enjoy even if you took out that content. Why you would want to do that? I don't know. Bottom line is you won't get bored trying different tracks and cars in this title.
As with most sim racing titles, the AI has it's strengths and weaknesses. I think the AI has improved but its very track and car dependent. Like most titles, you can tweak their aggression and skill levels. They will absolutely give you an aggressive, competitive race, though sometimes they can feel a bit on rails. I think the best thing about the AI is that they can be added to online races. Have a few friends but don't want to do a race with just 3 people? Fill out the field with the appropriate level AI and you will have a hassle free, co-op online race on your hands. This is something that's lacking in most sim racing titles on the market so this is a big plus. I wish more games would let you do this.
Overall, and I know there's more detail I could go into here, AMS2 is a fantastic title that I can see myself sinking tons of hours into now that it's received continuous updates. Is it worth the price tag? Absolutely. No sim racing game is perfect, but this title is slowly making progress in that direction. If you are a sim racer, this is the game for you.
1075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 15:53
- Do you want to have the same fun as those 'streamers' who've done this type of gaming for a living?
- Do you just not get the whole car 'setups' thing, with all those settings for camber, tire pressure, etc, etc?
- Do you like being able to jump right into a game and feel like, with some practice, you're going to be competitive?
Then do yourself a favor and just try this sim. VR is amazing, the feel of speed and the reactions of the car handling (though not perfect) are very enjoyable and definitely provide the racing enthusiast with some good old fashion, uncomplicated, fun.
Nicht Empfohlen
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 02:59
The error message that comes up with a 'Bugsplat' problem and despite numerous attempts at getting an answer nothing!
I'd really like to be positive about this title but so far it's a fail.
619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 19:56
Nicht Empfohlen
8659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 04:32
For the basics here with AMS 2, we have to look at the Madness Engine first of all. The Madness Engine was made by the creators of the Project Cars series and was an engine designed for games to bridge the gap for the typical Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport enjoyer to a more serious simulator experience. As a result of this, Reiza studios has bitten off perhaps more than it can chew. The engine is the backbone of a racing game, simulator or arcade, and when the engine is simply not proven to be an accurate model of realistic physics, you end up with what AMS 2 is: a giant game of catch-up from launch. I want to be clear, Reiza studios are very good at what they do. Looking at where the game is now versus where it was on launch is night and day, but even still, the game is far away from their objective of making a racing simulator in the Madness Engine.
So why is the game not a simulator after all this work by Reiza? Why is it not very realistic? Well, it's the same problem that Project Cars 1 and 2 had, and it's completely related to the physics engine and how everything is simulated in the car. The cars don't feel and drive like real racecars. They just don't. They are extremely bouncy, and exhibit weird behaviors when it comes to oversteer. The cars feel detached from the road somehow, like the simulator is simulating what it thinks the car should do instead of what the car is doing on the surface of the track if that makes any sense. With some precise tuning, you can tune out a lot of this strange behavior admittedly, but the amount of work on the user to make the car feel like a car instead of some abstract car-like thing is a bit much.
With the critique of the physics out of the way, there are actually some good things I can report on when it comes to the simulator side of things. The tracks are actually well made and seem very accurate for the most part. Some of the cars really gel and drive well even with the aforementioned physics issues, and whether or not they are accurate to their real counterpart, I can't say, but they are blasts to drive. Graphically, the game looks impeccable. The weather and day/night cycles are beautiful and showcase exactly why a developer would want to go through the effort of trying to turn the Madness Engine into a simulator. The graphical fidelty is simply unmatched, and the VR performance is great. These are all very good things going in favor for Reiza and AMS 2.
AMS 2 I feel also suffers from content bloat. There are so many different cars and tracks, and while this sounds great on paper, you quickly notice that between the different cars there seems to be a difference in feel and handling. Some cars handle in what seems to be the best the Madness Engine can offer, and others feel like driving a car straight out of Gran Turismo 3. This was a complaint I had about Project Cars 2, and when you look deeper into the game, you notice that there's a lot of similarities here. Where the first Automobilista succeeded, the second seems to have forgotten all those lessons. AMS 1 was really unique because it focused on tracks and cars that weren't run-of-the-mill by industry standards. It was Brazilian series and tracks, and while there is a lot of those in the game, it's clear that Reiza wanted to try and do what everyone else is doing, but better.
The game really feels like it has landed itself right next to Project Cars 2 in a lot of ways; too wide of a scope, and not realistic enough, yet wants to be seen as a simulator. On a graph with PC 2, I'd say AMS 2 is ever so slightly more towards a simulator than PC 2. Diehard fans of this game will absolutely hate me saying this, but I have quite a lot of experience in both games, and if you blindfolded me, hid the UI, and had me drive a car that was in both games, I'd have a hard time telling them apart. I can willingly admit that even though I despise PC 2. With that said, the lows of AMS 2 aren't the same lows of PC 2, and the highs are quite a bit higher, and it is a superior product.
This game almost makes PC 2 completely obsolete, which if Reiza took that as a benchmark, they at least are passing there.
Compared to other games in the genre on the market, I find it hard to recommend AMS 2. If you are wanting a good single-player sim-esque experience, I'd strongly recommend F1 2020. If you want a very good looking and sounding competitive online racing sim with a narrow focus, I'd recommend Assetto Corsa: Competizione. If you want the complete package in terms of accuracy and multiplayer racing, iRacing is the gold standard. And lastly, if you want a simulator with a wide breadth of content spanning many series and tracks with online and offline support, there is always RFactor 2 or Assetto Corsa, both of which do what AMS 2 wants to do.
At this point in time, I think AMS 2 is a fun game with some potential, and is definitely one I will be personally keeping my eye on because I really want this game to succeed. I want the Madness Engine to be able to deliver accurate driving cars and to be beautiful and have the best of all worlds. I guess that is what we all want, but sometimes what we want is just a dream that is not possible in reality.
Unfortunately AMS 2 gets a C- for me right now, and I'd say unless you really have a desire for Day/Night cycles in VR out of the box, stay away but keep your interest piqued. If Reiza nails this thing, it will be truly spectacular.
3354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 02:28
Is there anything bad about this game? Not really, if anything they need more contents. More tracks. I need tracks with longer miles. For example, I love the Long Beach track but it's too short. Of course, they're going to come out with more better it's just a matter of time. Tracks like some of the US oval tracks such as Texas Motorspeed Way or the Historic Spa track. So I am looking forward to them being released. Is it worth the price? Is it too expensive? I will say this...if you like the game and feel what I said above ring true, then it's worth the price. Whether you like it or not is a subjective thing, everyone is different in preference and taste. But in my opinion, this game scored a triple AAA.
856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 03:31
I messed around with AMS2 when it first came out, and it felt uncomplete to me, kind of like it was missing a lot of stuff. I fiddled around with various cars at various tracks, particularly the BMW Procar at Suzuka. But it felt off, and I simply waited for the updates to settle down a bit. Then 1.2 came out recently so I got back into it. Imagine my surprise when I spent the next 6 hours fiddling around with the Procar and the 2020 Brazil Stock Car and had an absolute blast. The tweaking of parameters is so much more intuitive and responsive than in other games, and can make an awful beast turn into a docile and fast race car. I've had a lot of fun so far and I think the game is finally in a state to recommend.
The game is very setup-dependent. You NEED to tweak the cars a bit in order to get them just right and fun to drive. But it doesn't take long! Maybe 30 minutes of practice at most. There's a great series by Steelcast/Steelreserve on Youtube and it's also linked in the Guides section on Steam. Highly recommend that too.
Great game and sim. Heartily recommend especially since it's come such a long way in the last year. Support small devs!
18739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 23:34
I'm racing in real life for over 14 years. And never have I experienced a sim that comes so incredibly close to the real thing than AMS2. For example: the rain conditions. SPOT ON! I've raced a lot in the wet. And I love it. When I drove in AMS2 for the first time in the rain. I was blown away how realistic this is.
After some time I started in some leagues. I've found great friends from everywhere in the world that are really great guys to race with. And of course at some point I created my own league. So yesterday was the release of the Racin' USA pack. What we got is revolutionary for simracing! We have 42 years of weather data from every day on every track. If I want to drive in rainy Hockenheim 2019, sure, nothing is going to stop me. I can even use the weather from Imola 1988 for example. That. Is. Mind. Blowing!
Now onto the physics. Many people don't liked them before the update. But they'll gonna like it now. You feel like you are really there in the sim. In the car and on the track.
The Youtubers that don't even have a go casually in AMS2 are so wrong.
And now after the update a lot of online lobbys are there that are full with drivers. I've hosted multiple servers today and I had on each server max 28 drivers. AMS2 is a new Standart in sim racing. This is the future. This sim is done by a incredibly small team with a very limited budget. But look what it's become. It's become the best sim there ever was. And I've played them all!
2342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 18:50
Everything about this game is shaping up for me. We are merely half way through the development cycle. I cannot wait to see where this game will be a year from now.
2800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 04:29
14369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 11:44
The FFB is being continuously worked upon and its starting to feel very nice.
The UI can stick a little some times when going through the options so I hope this can be worked on and no doubt Reiza will tackle any if all issues that are within the game. Given that they said this game would get 7 years development only proves what a fantastic company they are and committed to making their Sim as great as it can be.
The car list is impressive and there are some amazing ones to drive, The P3 Roco being one of my fav cars in the game, In VR racing online, well its one hell of a rush to be fair, the game for me would be worth it just for this car alone.
We have Gt3 and 4 cars, Caterham, F1 cars both modern and vintage, also Karts and even trucks to name a few.
So there is something in there for everyone no doubt, with more cars being added in updates and DLC down the road. i for one am very excited on the news of the Corvette Cr 8 coming to the game along with some new American tracks being added.
On the list of tracks we have many to drive on. It's great to see the Brazilian tracks in there as it offers something different from the usual tracks that are found in sims, but we also have the tracks we all know and love in there as well such as Oultan park, Donington, Brands Hatch and the Nordschleife which is incredible.
The one thing that i personally would love to see in the game would be a car editor for the liveries, would be really amazing to have the chance to make our own in the game and have more personalised cars as not all of us can edit cars in or have access to photoshop.
Something else that would be great would be to have perhaps along with the default set ups for the cars, to have a loose or stable set up similar to what was done in PC2, for those of us that find it hard to be a racing driver and engineer in one.
The car set up screen are done well but for myself i don't have much understanding on car set ups so I am at the mercy of the default setups that are on offer. But don't get me wrong, the default set ups are really good and a great place to start for each car.
I hope also that we get more historic tracks down the road as there are some amazing old circuits out there to possible go for but other than that, these are just the hopes and dreams of one old sim racer :) we can always want more, such is the nature of the beast. But so far what Reiza have done with AMS2 is amazing and i for one am here to stay for no where else gives me a racing rush as high as the one i get here in VR. I have managed a few world records mostly at the Nordshleife in F1 cars and the sense of achievement you get considering there are some insanely good Aliens on there on the leaderboards is awesome. getting a 1st here and there was a great feeling. I love the Time trial mode but hope full replays get added at some point for this mode as it would be nice to be able to save a good hotlap for the scrap book :)
Anyway thats my view on it. Its a work in progress folks, but the work is great so very much worth a purchase, and it goes on sale here and there so take that opportunity if it does and get this game. I very much recommend it if you are after a game that is a challenge to learn and not an easy pick up and play.
All the best
Orange Rug Gaming
Nicht Empfohlen
1609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 10:39
The AI is very inconsistent. They starting very slow, barely getting off the line only to crash into your back 2 corners later.
The developers still seem to struggle with the PC2 engine.
The tires also behave very strange. (Very sticky and bouncy)
I had high expectations for this game but (at least at this point of time) I'm not satisfied.
887 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 11:34
Nicht Empfohlen
2133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 00:34
52377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 23:11
Compared to ACC the ACC needs a CERN power PC to look as good as AMS2 looks with only decent PC specs.
Ffb feel much better on my T300rs on AMS2. In ACC the limit of grip is a vague zone, you need to guess it while in AMS you feel the limit and you can keep the car on the limit.
Compared to AC, AC feels dated and looks dated without modding. Tire model is also dated in AC and you cannot change it with any modding.
Compared to pcars2 the ffb in AMS2 is completely new, rewritten from scratch -as with all the car physics in game- light years better than pcars2, probably better that anything SMS could do. Sounds are also much better than pcars2, there are no more generic engine sounds and are constantly being improved. The only thing pcars2 has over the AMS2 is more popular content.
Content of AMS2 isbased on Imperio endurance championship of Brazil so cars and tracks are less popular but the game also has popular content like GT3/GT4, F1 cars from 60s to our days and tracks built using LIDAR data or laser scanned data like : Imola, Red Bull Ring, Suzuka, Oulton park, Brands Hatch, Snetterton, Nordshchleife, Spa, Hockenheim.
One cool feature unique to AMS2 is that quite a few tracks come also with old versions from 70s, 80s or 90s and more are coming.
New content is added constantly and most of it is free, actually DLC for this game are just a few tracks.
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79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 20:03
This is the first title i have ever refunded.
The FFB isnt great, its not terrible either, its just there kind of. But the braking feels all kinds of wrong. I never felt like i was truly in control of the car. I tried about a dozen cars, maybe 2 of those felt ok, the rest felt terrible compared to other racing sims.
ill maybe pick this up again in the future, but ill be doing a ton more research before i do.
Its just not ready, needs so much more work.
these guys where lauded as physics geniuses for their previous titles, im now wondering how much of their genius was really the underlying engine they build their games on. Because with this engine, its really disappointing
1863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 23:24
AMS 2 is almost there for me. I have tried all the sims...and given them all fair play time and a chance for me to adjust.
AC brought me back with Content Manager and Shaders Patch, AC has the best content collection for me. FFB and Sound leave alot to be desired.
RF2 is the best all around only hassle is Graphics for VR a bit outdated and old GU,I but for FFB its king for me.
AMS 2 is getting there,
FFB - has come a long way since beta testing. Every update it seems a bit better.
Sound - is good could be better, however I am an Audiophile and have higher standards than most, espicially when i know what theses cars sound like in real life.
Content - its getting there....more Global Tracks would really set it off for me. UK and Brazil seem well reperesented. the German Tracks are filtering in. but for me i need more North American Tracks. those are the tracks i know most and of course love the most. Actually if they just add Road Atlanta, Mid Ohio, Seabring and Mosport. im good
Content 2 - would love to see more global series cars LMP1 LMP2 DPI GTLM and GTD, also a Group C / IMSA pack would be amazing.
I think the biggest thing they can do right now is content. but it is growing and getting better. this sim has a ton of potential. and Reiza seems to actually care and listen to their customers.
425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 23:26
Nicht Empfohlen
810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 18:20
1) Career mode.
2) Custom championships (you can do a championship, but only one out of three pre-made ones)
3) No ranking or safety rating in the multiplayer (or lack of any structured multiplayer)
So at the moment you are forced to either do single races against AI, or race in random public lobbies. And honestly I can't decide which is worse.
AI is some of the worst I've seen in any sim. First of all they are completely inconsistent in regards to their skill, depending on the track / car combo. There are some combos where I have to put them as low as 70-80 to match their pace, whereas with other tracks / cars I can crank them up to 120 (maximum) and I will still be 2-3 seconds a lap faster than them. In short - have fun spending a ton of time trying to find the proper AI level to match you. Moreover their speed can vary greatly depending whether it's practice / quali / race. I had races where I was barely able to match AI speed in quali, only to be a second a lap faster than them in the race.
But let's say you finally manage to find the proper AI level to race them. Great? Nope! No at all. The AI is absolutely hopeless when it comes to racing you. They are unable to make proper defending / attacking moves. Often they just completely disregard your presence and will happily ram you off the road.
So, AI is unusable, so let's try MP shall we? Find one of the barely populated servers and then pray that the session will actually work... here are the things that may go wrong before you manage to get into a race:
1) you may join the lobby but it won't let you join the actual session (the join button is stuck at 'waiting')
2) you join the practice / quali, but the host decides to leave / forgets to advance to the next session
3) the host may still be there, but the game will decide to break and won't allow the host to advance the session unless they leave their own server
I often had to spend 15-30 minutes jumping from server to server to finally get any sort of race going...
Any experienced simmer knows how the racing is in random public lobbies, however. People of questionable skill, and manners, rammers and all the people lagging, oh god, the lag is just terrible. Cars are jumping all over the road, sometimes driving sideways.
Of course, there are things that are good about this game. There is a great variety of content, both cars and tracks. A lot of stuff you won't be able to experience in other sims. I especially liked the classic formula cars and tracks. Many of them drive, sound and feel great. FFB is OK on my CSL Elite. I don't really have any problems with the driving part of the sim. Graphically it also looks pretty good.
But every time I fire up AMS2 I just find myself wondering, what the hell am I supposed to do in this game? All these great cars and tracks, but no actual game! AI racing is terrible, public lobbies are usually just as bad. All you are left with is hot lapping I guess. If you are fine with just trying out different cars on different tracks, racing against the clock, you may find it fun. But if you want to RACE, then don't buy this.
814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 17:45
Runs really well and is well optimized, the FFB feels more alive than ACC (which is otherwise my #1 sim), graphics look good. But the real star of the show is the absolute wealth of content on display here, and that's just talking about the free content available for everyone.
AI is a bit inconsistent depending on the car, but is capable of offering clean, tight racing.
Reiza just added GT3 and GT4 cars out of nowhere for free, and that was just a great surprise. Well worth the (affordable) asking price if you're into simracing.
5216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 08:19
Initial experience is still a little confusing, with a somewhat dense (and semi-duplicated) class structure seemingly still remaining from the Beta and the carryover of no warnings whether a lobby will be playable when you're in the main browser, or if they're in the four minute session changeover zone (no explanation for which is offered in-game).
But, as soon as you get on track, none of it matters! Game physics are exceptional and a great selection of content I, and many of my friends, had no idea existed, much less had had opportunity to drive in a game. Very easy to lose hours just playing ten minute races in unlikely combinations and having the best time of your life. Default setups are also very good in almost all car/track combinations, meaning that only minor tweaks are needed to suit a style, rather than comprehensive overhalls that have been needed in some games!
Well worth the money so far from the entertainment perspective and I'm very excited by the development plan ahead (from the Dev's excellent PR work), it feels like any issues are identified and fixed quickly, not unlike the experience from high-end professional software, something I'm not used to in racing games!
7730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 13:08
So yes i highly recommend it to all hardcore sim racing enthusiasts.
There seems to be a lot of concern about this being on the Madness Engine, but really the only thing in my opinion being brought over from PC2 is the menu screens.
Everything else is pure Reiza Studios dedication as sim racers, to bring you the best possible experience they can.
They have a very active forum for error reporting and suggestions, which I'm very happy to say is actually listened too.
FFB/PYSICS : Some of the best I've experienced in a sim... No Really!
AUDIO : It's not groundbreaking but neither is it bad, lets just say for the most part its a little above good.
GRAPHICS : Let's just say, i have taken some screenshots that have made me double take as they've looked so real.
CARS & TRACKS : An ever growing list with each update, you'll find the classics here but also some of the lesser known tracks. Don't get me wrong though, just because you may not be familiar with some doesn't mean there not good.
A.I : for the most part at higher difficultly settings the A.I can really put up a fight, still some minor bugs or improvements but these are being addressed with each update.
MULTIPLAYER : At the moment its ok and its helped by SRS integration. the ranking system is promised but i feel unless the player base grows then it could turn into a casual racer. yet it deserves far more.
This sim needs more attention from the community.
If only they knew what they were missing.
3012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 22:23
Lots of variety of cars and tracks for a reasonable price along with some of the best FFB in a sim to date, up there to rival the likes of ACC.
Looks amazing, running on the SMS engine. along with the beutiful graphics comes a smattering of settings and tweaks that can be done to the time of day, weather, time of year etc.
Online public lobbies are a little sparsely populated with the lions share being taken up by iracing and ACC. but there's still a few lobbies online to get into.
If you want to take it to the next level then the best thing to do is find a club that races AMS 2 regularly, either casually or with leagues.
if you're looking for folks to race with, consider joining via discord.
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 22:42
In term of attention to detail in the cars it is not at the same level as PC2 but given the smaller team, less funds and more focus on driving accuracy that is to be expected. I would encourage anyone on the edge to try this game out at a friends house or to pirate it and try it. It is truly a gem among some great competition.
I'm sure many of you would buy it after trying it. But do not expect a great campaign or multiplayer, this is all about the actual accuracy of driving.
1694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 09:31
I was abit sceptical at 1st picking the sim up dew to the price and the A.I having problems on launch,
But glad i took the plunge the A.I seems great with the patches that have come out now, there so much variety to choose/drive and what has been achieved here is amazing imo thank you Reiza Studios
2221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 08:38
1501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 17:25
1745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 23:14
16364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 10:59
That has changed. Now, with the update 1.2.5., the time has come to buy Automobilista 2.
Why? First of all, because of the developer. Reiza Studios are relentless. Four months ago, on April 1st, the physics were weird and carried many Project CARS 2 characteristics. None of that remains anymore, the cars feel lively, slides can be saved, and when you spin, you will know why. Driving in this game is simply fun in a way that's hard to describe.
Back to April 1st: Multiplayer had massive synchronisation issues. Crashes without touching anyone and weird launches were the norm. As of this update, that is simply gone. Racing on multiplayer is now quite brilliant, especially because of one thing we're going to be tackling in a minute.
First, however, let's go back to April 1st again: The AI could barely be called such and was somehow worse than Project CARS 2's disastrous AI. Now, they are very lively racers, fighting each other for position, giving you space at all times, but still very much trying to beat you.
What I'm saying with this comparison is this: Buy AMS2 now, and you'll make a long term investment. Reiza have proven to deliver on their promises, and deliver quickly - which is rare in the sim industry. If you buy it now, I'd say most will be satisfied with the game they're getting. However: You simply know that, just a few months from now, you're going to have an even better game.
Selling point #2: Multiplayer. The bad thing about the multiplayer right now is that it's not very populated (more information on that, and why it probably won't stay that way, will be given later in this review).
However, the multiplayer has one perk no other sim except for Project CARS 2 has: Pick up and play. You do not have to fiddle with setting up servers, you can simply set up your own lobby to your liking within a minute, and have great races with friends. No connection issues remain.
Selling point #3: Obscure content. For many people, many weird Brazilian race cars that look like fantasy cars, and many Brazilian tracks that most never heard of, might be a turn-off. However. There are real gems in between. The Stock Cars are pretty exciting to drive, just as the small ARC Camaros make for brilliant cars to battle with. The Sprint Cars are basically rear-powered TCR-cars, which, for me, is an ideal compromise.
And for the tracks ... if you have never driven on Guaporé, or Ibarra circuit, or on Cascavel, or on Curitiba - I'd say you've missed out on something. These don't sound quite as mythical as Nordschleife, or Spa-Francorchamps (both of which, incidentally, will come to this game), but I assure you that doesn't stop them from being just as fun.
Selling point #4: VR-support. If you own a VR device, buying is basically a no-brainer, because there is no comparable performing sim for VR on the market.
Selling point #5: F1 cars. If you're an F1 fan, this has F1 cars from nearly every era you might think of. Most aren't licensed, but they still, at least to me, feel like proper representations of their respective area - and fitting skins can be found on RaceDepartment. Also, there are some interesting details in here - like the '97 McLaren, which had an additional brake pedal that is recreated in the sim.
Selling point #6: Again, the developer. Go visit the Reiza forums. I've yet to see a lead developer as communicative, polite and actually trustworthy as Mr. Simioni - nearly every concern that's been voiced on these forums has received a measured and thoughtful response, and the promises he's made have been delivered on without exception as of now. I personally feel like I'm in good hands with this sim.
Now we have tackled AMS2's strengths, it's time for the weaknesses. The game does have some, and I don't want to hide that it does.
First of all, yes, multiplayer has only few players. I hope it'll change, and I've got grounds to hope. Within the following months, two of the most raced tracks will be coming to AMS2 as DLC (Nordschleife and Spa-Francorchamps). Even more importantly, Group C/GT1, Touring Cars and GT3 cars are going to be added to the game for free in the next few months. Additionally, the most glaring flaws of the game that initially pushed people away from it - they're just gone now.
However, things like multiplayer population are difficult to predict, so I can't be sure it'll get better.
The next issue is AI consistency. When you managed to get them roughly to the speed you're at, you're going to have excellent races most of the time. However, you might have to fiddle a bit - the ARC Camaro AI on 100 difficulty is just a second slower than me, whereas I leave the Formula V10's in the dust by four seconds on the same difficulty. You can adjust difficulty from 70 to 120, but a bit of fiddling is required most of the time.
As with everything about this game, this will be significantly improved by Reiza (see selling point #1). But you might have to wait a few months.
In general, the offline experience doesn't have a career mode as of yet. The included championship mode is going to be vastly improved over the coming months, but as of now, it's basically just a placeholder.
Finally, the game does not support modding. I'm not sure it makes a difference, though, because the track list is pretty impressive (~40 locations, and many of these have very different historical versions).
The car list is as of yet a bit unbalanced (somewhat biased towards formula cars (25) and historic Brazilian touring cars (12)), but according to the development roadmap, that will have changed by December (when the aforementioned touring cars, GT3 cars and Group C/GT1 cars will have been added to the game).
Actually ... off the top of my hat, that's it. There are a few minor gripes. For example, the Formula Retro's (70's F1 cars) driving behaviour isn't quite to my liking yet. Some cars (especially the Sprint Car) like their lock-ups a bit too much in my opinion. A few car/track combinations don't work, because the car bounces too much on the track, which can lead to a bit of dizziness on the player's part. Seat positions do not save.
Several of these are a bit bothersome. However: Are these factors that keep you from buying? And if they are: Do they also prevent you from buying if you know that, a few months from now, they aren't goint to be issues anymore?
For me, AMS2 has been the most worthwhile sim game I've purchased. No part of it is truly broken anymore. There's much exciting content looming on the horizon, and the speed of the improvements remains staggering.
Join now, and watch as a (not-anymore-so) ragged diamond is carefully carved to perfection. It's quite beautiful thing to witness, I assure you.
Wholeheratedly recommended.
301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 07:21
The graphics and Audio
The graphics look pretty damn good. Especially it's weather patterns and time cycles. The cars are a bit of a mixed bag. Some look extremely well done while others look super generic and low quality. The tracks however all look pretty well done. This game so far in my opinion is one of the better running and looking. Seeing the windswept rain pelt your car and face and get kicked up by cars is really exhilarating. The audio sounds a bit poorly mixed. Some sounds are fair to good like the engines. Tyre grip and impacts sound pretty low quality. Overall though it looks and sounds fairly good. It runs very well whether on a monitor or in VR.
I feel like these elements are also a bit all over the spectrum. Some cars felt great and spot on to how they feel in other sims like their P1-P4 class LMP style cars or the older Formula cars. Lots of the other car physics felt a bit all over the spectrum though. None however felt bad. The physics in general felt better, though very similar to Project Cars. Just with a much greater emphasis on realism bringing the engine closer to a true simulator like Assetto Corsa. The force feedback on my G29 felt better than Project Cars. I am excited to try the Fanatec CSW here when i get it. Being on the G29 there are not a whole lot of details to begin with. What is there though felt ok and I was able to quickly correct for over steer in a stock car and felt the bumps in the road and some of the car impacts. The rumble strips are pretty weak though. Everything does feel a little dull though. The Tyre grip is the most pronounced and that is the most important part. The G29 has a horrible brake in general but I was always able to set it well in most games to avoid the aggressive curve at the end of the travel but in this game it felt really bad and very inconsistent. It has a set of presets for button layouts and for a variety of wheels; but when I clicked on one for the G29 it didn't actually apply any of the buttons and I ended up just setting them myself.
The AI in this game is pretty awful in some ways and pretty good in others. Sometimes it rails me right of the road in the middle of a slow turn. Other times it is sitting right next to you through a set of tight corners as you battle for the next position. It is also something that is rather inconsistent. At a certain point of difficulty the AI becomes a bit too difficult to keep up with. This is something I have only started to experience as I continue to progress and seen in some of the single races. I set the AI to 90 and it carries way more traction and grip through turns then I think you as the player can actually maintain at the same speed. My setups were getting me pretty good times. Not record breaking but not bad either. I was able to keep consistent lap times with good grip and high speeds but at a certain point I just wasn't able to keep up. I have noticed a few sim youtubers comment on this and I can say now for sure that it is definitely a thing.
It's mostly dead for me here in the US. There are maybe a few lobbies going at any given time. Never full, mostly just one or two players. I can't really say what its like other then the people I did play with the few times I could were much friendlier, better and cleaner drivers then I have ever experienced in an open lobby on a racing game.
It's expensive, but it is adding a lot to the game. Having a fair few tracks and a fair amount of cars in each of its releases for the price is better then one car or one track for the same price. I would rather spend the $130 US i did for the game and it's season pass (obviously I did,) then pay for subscriptions or a $60 plus $15-30 for individual cars and tracks any day. While the whole game isn't cheap, it is certainly a better deal then most of these games. It's a monetization system that i am ok with.
I think with more time and effort this game could be fantastic. It is as other have said a niche game within a niche genre. It's focus on Brazilian cars and tracks makes it an outlier. The tracks are unfamiliar and cars a little different. What's here though feels good. It runs and looks amazing in VR. It for me fits right where I want it. Its right in between being just a typical simcade like Project Cars and being an actual sim like Assetto Corsa and ACC. I like that it has a better variety of cars compared to the F1 games and ACC, and I like that it's more of a sim than Project Cars or Forza and the like. I really have enjoyed this game so far and I hope people will start playing it more. It's a genuinely fun experience and is a great VR experience. I think it's a good place to start a venture into sim racing. It has more realism than other games like PC, F1, Forza, Gran Turismo; But it's also a bit easier to get into as a sim than ACC and iRacing and the like. Its a good game and despite some of the bad like the AI or some of car physics not feeling quite that great I still think this game is worth it.
Hope you found this review helpful and thanks for reading!
2108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 18:52
To understand why it’s not a surprise to me, we need to go back in time, before the likes of Assetto Corsa and even Automobilista for that matter: 2013. That was when the then crowdfunded Project Cars had its first public builds to supporters. It was - back then - a full blown simulator, eventually dumbed down to fit the arcade agenda and sell more copies. SMS wanted money, and the simracing niche wouldn’t be able to splash enough cash. By catering to a wider audience, they could get a lot more copies sold, thus making a lot more money. Reiza, on the other hand, could care less about the money. They know very well that the mainstream public would rather watch paint dry than buy a game that features obscure brazilian racing series. If it doesn’t have Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Porsches, world renowned tracks, they don’t even bat an eye. And even so, Automobilista 2 is a thing. Which proves, once and for all, that it’s a love testament rather than a wannabe blockbuster. And what a love testament it is! By embracing the rather different and unique brazilian categories and tracks, Reiza brings something “new”* to the table. It’s all about the love for motorsports.
With amazing visuals, informative FFB, realistic tyre deformation physics and above the average sounds, Automobilista 2 made its way into the absolute pinnacle of racing simulation. Reiza did an amazing job with the rF1 engine* (Automobilista 1) and made sure to do it again with MADNESS. Despite being labeled as a bootleg pCars by many (wrongly, of course), it has nothing in common with the previous other than the graphics engine and a few UI elements which are eventually going to be replaced. It drives and sounds completely different. If anything, Automobilista 2 is the Project CARS that people wanted to see in 2013/2014. The simulator that didn’t happen to see the light of the day. Reiza could care less about millions of copies sold and pleasing the mainstream market with dumbed down physics. The community was desperate for a proper next-gen sim - VR compatible - and they duly delivered. A sim from racing lovers to racing lovers.
Therefore, you should be wondering why haven’t you bought it yet rather than if you should buy it. It’s absolute madness.
Nicht Empfohlen
521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 21:11
- parts of UI missing,
- some gagues non functional,
- poor to mediocre audio,
- AI having different physics,
- only openwheel cars are good (rest is poor),
- 80$ season pass,
- graphic bugs same as in PCARS,
- lackluster multiplayer,
- nonexistant singleplayer career.
Finish. The. Game. First.
Nicht Empfohlen
785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 06:06
- It's not a game yet; no career, just mindless racing/practice, but well, beta, this will be surely fixed
- some physics anomalies that really annoy me, like fishtailing on low power FWD cars with no actual weight in the rear end
- FFB allone cannot exactly tell when tires are slipping (even PC2 had this right somehow).
I bought it because a lot of enthusiasts reccomended it. I don't regret doing it, I know Reiza can do a great sim, but I think this product is overrated at this very moment (which is June 2020)
Edit: I will eventually, hopefuly, change this to a positive review as the product evolves
3032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 18:39
Edit: Since so many people find this comment helpful I'll elaborate a bit:
rFactor 2 - Great driving, the most realistic, quite a bit of content, crappy everything else (user interface, cost of content...)
Asseto Corsa - The worst driving of the three by far, the most amount of content, the most online activity
Automobilista - Best driving (although maybe not the most realistic), smallest amount of content (still enough for me), good VR polish (interface, visuals, performance)
3784 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 00:57
3118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 14:36
Nicht Empfohlen
7614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 12:58
656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 11:16
FFB: Better than AC. Probably closest/on par with ACC in terms of information through the wheel, however I feel like this is more natural everrrrr so slightly. Really pleasant to feel how the tyres are loading up, as it is translated well.
Graphics: Being on Slightly Mad engine it looks gorgeous and runs very smoothly at all times of day, with the possibility to improve the graphics over time as the engine improves. I haven't noticed any performance drop in rain or with multiple cars .(GTX980Ti 2015)
Weather: It has tons of weather options, times of day, and the option for changeable weather, or random dynamic weather. It all looks excellent, even in VR. It basically looks like AC with SOL but better.
Physics: Not quite there in terms of the tyre model of some cars, but the majority are good, and some of the more popular series feel sublime. However, Reiza are constantly working and improving their cars. They've shown with series like the Stock Car V8 and the current version of Formula V10 that they can *nail* the tyre model and handling aspect, I have no doubt that it will get up to that same objective standard in all other series too. For instance, the V8 Formula Car feels slightly weird at the edge of grip. Some collisions cause weird effects to happen, such as slowing the car drastically upon brushing a barrier. Which again, is fixable.
Tracks: Personally, I love a lot of the Brazilian tracks. Ibarra, Guapore, Curvelo, Interlagos etc, all feel amazing to drive. Oulton park is a very nice circuit where most corners are mid/high speed, as is Donington. I hope to see more of the generic ones everyone loves also though, such as Spa. I feel it will attract a massive amount of new players in the future. But i'm sure things like that are on the roadmap
AI: Haven't tested it.
My recommendation is this: Try Stock Car V8 at Donington, run 20-30 laps. The car warms up very nicely and convincingly after one and a half laps, uncovering its true potential. The tyre fall off feels convincing and lovely too. The Formula V10 at Interlagos is another one to try. Those combinations have won me over entirely. The slip angle on the Formula V10 feels spot on
I started with AC and PC2. I still play a ton of AC and bounce between ACC, AC, rFactor 2, AMS, and now AMS2. As a sim racer, I honestly think most people should own this game, it will only improve and it has all the core elements ready to go. Once fully realised, it will be a fantastic sim.
803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 00:47
I practice with rFactor2, and race with AC.
This sim is thankfully not akin to Project Cars. It feels like Automobilista.
To keep it simple, somewhere in between the big 3, and rightfully.
FFB is very good, while I would consider AMS1's to be fantastic. Very close, and detailed, but not quite as, ehhhh....rugged. Something. It does NOT, however fulfill any worries about the madness engine. With a T500, it feels like a hardcore sim.
Graphics are great, and seems to run well. On triples, and still tweaking with a 980.
Sound is good, however in 2020, just average. Enjoyable, nothing groundbreaking.
Menus are PC2 menus in a nutshell.
Weather is wonderful, live track dynamics are great.
Any worries about the game engine itself went away with the first drive. It's an early review, with just about 2 hrs in game. It's familiarity instantly filled me with a comfort for how this game will turn out.
My big worry, however is this game's true life and user base. With this content, and don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all, I fear that the user base will remain small. This needs to pull out some bigger name content. The game's core is heading in a great direction. It's solid, strong physics are noticeable quickly. But kinda want to feel this game (and engine)'s advanced physics......with a Ferraria F40. Or maybe the GTTC 1960's era cars. And that's the draw that can keep this game from breathing fresh air. Without modding support, the remedy is crushed. And so we are left with a really good, hardcore simulator, with great content, that is unfamiliar. Personally for me that's okay, the good physics and pretty good multiplayer racing or decent AI racing still is worth it. But I'm not sure it'll be worth it for everyone. I'll still recommend it. For the best combination of high-end physics with high-end graphics.
214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 20:13
1669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 14:15
Lot of cars have great handling and sound.
High quality and detailed tracks. Some of them are very rare in simracing games.
Graphics wise the sim looks stunning. (Thanks Madness Engine & PC2! ????)
The game is already more optimised than PC2 ever was.
Kerb handling is 10/10.
Ok controller support.
The game is still in EA, but there are tons of bugs and a lot of basic game features are not working.
Examples: DRS, windshield wiper, headlights, ABS is broken, rolling start bug, etc..
Gravel traps are terribly bumpy.
Frequent aquaplaning in the wet. (Same as PC2.)
Updates are coming relatively fast to the game, which is nice.
More modern era tracks & cars needed tbh. Can't wait for the GT3/GT4 pack with Bathurst!
On the long term the game is definitely worth it at the current price. ~28 € in Early Access.
422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 06:30
then imagine you could buy it for, oh I dont know... $29 ?
THEN imagine rockstar games set the pricing for ALL future DLC
the driving physics, while improved over PC2, still use the same physics engine and tire model, and the limitations of that physics engine and tire model are still very apparent
it appears Reiza can only work so much magic,
the AI are also straight out of PC2, very inconsistent, arcade like, scripted bumper cars,
ok in one race, terrible in the next,
Reiza are on the right track, and it is still an early access work in progress, so I fully expect it to continue to improve over time, it does have the potential to be a very good racing game/sim
eventually,....I hope
782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 11:21
Nicht Empfohlen
83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 21:32
Reiza Studios
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos