Assetto Corsa Competizione
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Über das Spiel

Designed to innovate, Assetto Corsa Competizione will be set to promote eSports, bringing players at the heart of the Blancpain GT Series and putting them behind the wheel of Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens and many other prestigious GT racing cars, all reproduced with outstanding level of detail.
Assetto Corsa Competizione is designed to faithfully recreate the performance and the driving experience of real Blancpain GT Series cars through a sophisticated mathematical model that accurately replicates tyre grip, aerodynamic impact, engine parameters, suspensions and electronics systems that determine vehicle balance, as well as the influence of mechanical damage on the car's drivability.
Unreal Engine 4 guarantees photorealistic rendering and an accurate representation of scenarios, car materials and weather conditions. Thanks to the multi-channel audio sampling of real GT cars, the game conveys captivating and immersive acoustic surroundings and realistic environmental effects.
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.22 18:58
Nach circa 10 Jahren habe ich mal wieder eine Racing-Sim ausprobiert. Ich muß sagen ACC hat mich wirklich begeistert. Es läuft mit meiner 980Ti flüssig bei >60fps in 2,7K und fast allen Einstellungen auf Epic. Der Sound ist fantastisch und es lässt sich auch mit einem XBOX-Controller recht gut steuern. Sicherlich ist ein Lenkrad für eine präzise Steuerung sehr zu empfehlen, aber mit dem Pad geht es auch. Man wird damit garantiert nicht das letzte Quäntchen herauskitzeln, für ein paar gepflegte Feierabendrunden mit mehr Anspruch als bei NFS reicht es aber allemal.
373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.22 23:43
Und heiß, wie Feuer küsst
Lasse ich dich niemals gehen
Denn mit dir ist alles schön
Weil du ein Engel bist
Und heiß, wie Feuer küsst
Sag' ich für immer ja zu dir
Du bist wie ein Teil von mir
Wie beim ersten Kuss
Kann Glück nie schöner sein
Aber irgendwann kehr oft der Alltag ein
Ich liebe dich noch heut'
So wie am ersten Tag
Ich weiß', warum am Ring
Ich deinen Namen sag'
Weil du ein Engel bist
Und heiß, wie Feuer küsst
Lasse ich dich niemals gehen
Denn mit dir ist alles schön
Weil du ein Engel bist
Und heiß, wie Feuer küsst
Sag' ich für immer ja zu dir
Du bist wie ein Teil von mir
Ich weiß' noch genau
Wir tanzten Hand in Hand
Unter Sternen warst du dort
Im warmen Sand
Und als der Morgen kam
Da war mir einfach klar
Warum mit dir, von Anfang an
Ich glücklich war
Weil du ein Engel bist
Und heiß, wie Feuer küsst
Lasse ich dich niemals gehen
Denn mit dir ist alles schön
Weil du ein Engel bist
Und heiß, wie Feuer küsst
Sag' ich für immer ja zu dir
Du bist wie ein Teil von mir
Weil du ein Engel bist
Und heiß, wie Feuer küsst
Lasse ich dich niemals gehen
Denn mit dir ist alles schön
Weil du ein Engel bist
Und heiß, wie Feuer küsst
Sag' ich für immer ja zu dir
Du bist wie ein Teil von mir
Sag' ich für immer ja zu dir
Du bist wie ein Teil von mir
20462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 13:18
16570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 23:39
Der Simulationsgrad ist extrem hoch, von realistischer TC und ABS über das Reifenmodell bis hin zu Marbles und Wasser auf der Strecke wird so ziemlich alles möglichst realitätsgetreu dargestellt.
Am besten sind natürlich die Online-Langstreckenrennen mit Fahrerwechseln die ein gutes Rennfeeling erzeugen und auch über 24 Stunden hinweg nicht langweilig werden.
Klare Kaufempfehlung, besonders im Sale.
13016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 12:33
1. Grafik und Performance
2. Gameplay und Physik
3. Singleplayer/Multplayer.
1. Grafik und Performance
Das Spiel sieht super aus. Die Fahrzeuge sind super detailliert gebaut. Die Lichtstimmung ist realistisch gemacht. Eine Augenweide für jeden Gamer. Das Spiel läuft bei mir mit 60 FPS (AMD Ryzen 7 2700X, GTX1060 OC, 32GB DDR4). Es gibt einige Passagen auf einigen Strecken, da gibt es FPS-Drops. Ist aber eher selten.
2. Gameplay und Physik
Das Spiel ist eine SIMULATION. Es ist kein Need for Speed oder GRID. Man bekomm ein gutes Fahrgefühl eines GT3 Boliden. Die perfekte Immersion bekommt man mit einem Lenkrad mit Pedalen. Das wichtigste ist hier nicht das Lenkrad, sondern die Pedale. Diese Spiel ist schwer zu meistern. Wenn man schnell sein will muss man bremsen können. Schnell sein heißt BREMSEN können. Man kann durch Setups vieles am Boliden ändern.
3. Singleplayer/Multiplayer
Der Singleplayer ist eine gute Sache um ins Spiel zu finden. Die KI ist sehr gut programmiert und man kann sich gute Action mit dieser liefern. Dies ist auch wichtig um sich sein Fahrer-Rating aufzubauen. Dieses Rating ist das wichtigste im Spiel. Es wird u.a. auf Sicheres Fahren geachtet.
Der volle Spielspaß kommt im Multiplayer zutragen. Hier ist aber vor allem nicht der allgemeine Multiplayer, sondern eher die Online Ligen mit ihren Communitys (z.b. Rennwelten). Im allgemeinen Multiplayer kommt sehr viel Frust auf, da es viele Kiddies gibt, die nicht wissen, was es bedeutet ein Rennen zu fahren. Daher schnell auf Twitch einer Community betreten ;)
843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 15:33
5123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 19:09
Fazit am Ende: gepflegte 9/10
Gutes Spiel, gut umgesetzes Gameplay, vollste Kaufempfehlung...
Aber macht euch am besten ein eigenes Bild
Nochmal zum Abschluss: Ich empfehle auf jeden Fall die Nutzung eines Lenkrades oder zumindest Controller( zwar schon oben erwähnt aber doppelt hält besser... :D )
Viel Spass beim Rennen fahren !
2643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 14:31
2742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 03:04
Ich spiele in VR und kann dies von meinen Pc zuhause nicht behaupten. Hier werden die Frames Steinhart erarbeitet von der Engine und von der Hardware. Das ganze kommt anfangs sehr Zäh daher und braucht einige Anpassung um wirklich zu Zünden und sich zu Entfalten. Nehmt euch ein bissel Zeit eine Engine.ini aus dem Forum auszutauschen und eure Grafiksettings zu finden. Aber dann....ufff einfach nur WOW!
Dieses Produkt ist für mich Persönlich eher eine Vision wie ich Spielen könnte wenn mein nächstes System doppelt soviel zu leisten vermag (in VR). Dennoch habe ich Kunos soweit ich gehen kann unterstützt und alle DLC gleich mit gekauft.
Ganz ehrlich hier Kauft man beinahe Autos für das Geld ^^
Das FF ist satt und prall gefühlt. Die Fahrzeuge haben ein deutlich glaubhafteres Gewichtsverlagerung, Beschleunigung und vor allem Bremsverhalten als noch in Assetto Corsa. Man steigt ins Auto und kann als Autofahrer beinahe sofort die grenzen des Vehikels ausloten. Man fühlt und spürt jeden Zentimeter Kampf mit seinen Konkurrenten (AI) die wirklich richtig verbissen (aber stetst Fair) die Linie Verteidigen, Blocken und sogar zurück Schlagen. Es gibt keine Sim wo ich der AI beinahe echte Namen Verpassen würde. Ich habe hier öfters schon vor mir her gekichert wie ein Kleinkind weil der Rennkampf sich auch wirklich wie einer Anfühlt!
Eine Absolute Kauf Empfehlung. Erst recht im Sale. Aber ihr müsst wirklich das Ding bei euch auch Anständig zu laufen bekommen. Ich kann das leider nur mit 5 AI´s und daher ist das zwar der Leckerste Sim-Kuchen der Welt aber für mich erst in paar Jahren zu Genießen, wenn der Hardwaremarkt sich Preislich vlt wieder beruhigt hat.
Derzeit benutzte ich derweil weiter Assetto Corsa wo mein Pc dann doch locker 24 AI mit sogar noch Höher Aufgedrehter Grafik Prima funktioniert. Durch Mods die Ilja (CSP) uns zur Verfügung stellt ist dies zwar sehr sehr tröstlich und macht dadurch auch eine menge Spaß. Aber hat man einmal die Wucht und Realitätstreue von Cometizione gespürt versucht man verzweifelt dies in AC1 irgendwie zu Kopieren. Aber leider Völlig Hoffnungslos.
Competizione ist ganz deutlich von unterbau AC1 überlegen will dafür aber auch Ordentlich gefüttert werden .
Ich spiele mit einem AMD 3600x und einer NVidea2060S(8gb) mit 16Gb Arbeitsspeicher aber dieser Löwe will deutlich mehr um Richtig zu Brüllen.
Aber wenn er dies tut....schweigt der restliche Dschungel!
Dies hier ist ein Guß. Andere Sims mögen vlt noch andere kleinere Teil Diziplinen etwas mehr dominieren. (ich habe alle. ALLE!)
Aber insgesamt, als Gesamtkunstwerk betrachtet, ist dies die Phalaxspitze des SimRacings!
2475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 13:05
8493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 07:18
483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 11:52
????Try not to get addicted
☑️Very good
????Nothing special
????Just dont
????Will do
????Very good
????Not too bad
---{PC Requirements}---
????Check if you can run paint
????Rich boi
????Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☑️Doesn't have
????Something isnt nothing I guess
????Not greatly told
????Will make you cry or smile alot
☑️Varies a little bit from person to person
????Weapon AND character classes
????Weapon OR character classes
????Creative AND Survival
????Creative OR Survival
????Melee AND Ranged
????Melee OR Ranged
????Just press a bunch of buttons
????Significant brain usage
☑️Easy to learn / Hard to master
????Not so easy
????Dark Souls
☑️ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
????Isnt necessary to progress
????A bit grindy sometimes
????Average grind level
????A bit grindy
---{Game Time}---
????Long enough for a cup of tea
????Depends on you
????Just buy it
☑️Worth the price
☑️Wait for sale
????Maybe if you have some spare money left
????Not recommended
????Dont throw money into a rubbish bin
????Mobile Game(Necessary if you don’t want to wait 15 weeks to construct a toaster)
????”Premium” Currency AND Normal Currency
????”Premium” Currency OR Normal Currency
????Quick way to advance
????Only to show off big time
????Never had any
☑️Minor bugs/glitches
????Few bugs/glitches
????Can get annoying
????Ruining the game
????The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs/glitches
2052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 21:08
Walter Röhrl
Nicht Empfohlen
7351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 16:29
Dann lieber Race Room ... da gibt es dann on top auch noch die Nordschleife .
3304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 17:15
2794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 19:31
3999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 13:55
7842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 07:07
Ich starte das Spiel , setz mich ins Auto, lausche dem herrlichen Sound des Motors und bin voller Vorfreude auf die erst Runde in Monza...
Ich drück das Gas voll durch , lenke ein und dreh mich direkt in der Box schon zum ersten mal... xD
Ok, auf der Strecke wird es sicher besser klappen. Fehlanzeige... was ist hier los?
Ja willkommen Neuling, das ist eine Simulation. Hier fährst als Anfänger nicht du das Auto , sondern das Auto mit dir... Frust macht sich breit.
Hmmm, was jetzt?
Ok, ich aktiviere Youtube und finde die „Rennfahrerfahranfängerfahrschule“ die ich jedem Einsteiger nur wärmstens empfehlen kann.
Nachdem mir dort unter anderem nahegelegt wurde mal gaaaaaanz langsam anzufangen , die strecke und bremspunkte kennenzulernen passierte etwas unglaubliches. Meine Reifen blieben auf der Strecke. Runde um Runde wurde ich immer ein kleines bisschen sicherer. Die infoboxen des Ratings oben rechts bestätigten mir das.
Voller Freude und neuen Mutes drückte ich wieder mehr aufs gas und.... und.... flog wieder ab. Ohhh, diese Curbs sind nicht alle gleich hoch? Alles klar weiter gehts. Und so lernte ich die Strecke immer besser kennen. Die Zeiten wurden besser und nach einigen stunden flog ich gefühlt über die strecke obwohl auf die Bestzeiten anderer immer noch Sekunden fehlen.
Und jetzt komme ich zum größten Pluspunkt was nämlich die meisten Leute nicht wissen. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sind nicht die Schnellsten Zeiten. In meiner Zweiten Onlinerunde die ich auf meiner geübten strecke fuhr, wurde ich von 12 Leuten immerhin 4er. Nicht weil ich schnell war sondern weil ich einfach nur konstant gefahren bin. Es bringt dir die schnellste runde nichts wenn du in der nächsten im Kiesbett landest und 20 Sec verlierst.
Ich empfehle aber nur wirklich geübte strecken online zu fahren um so Unfällen durch viel zu frühes bremsen und zu häufigen ausdrehen aus kurven zu verringern. I dem Spiel gibt es nämlich ein sicherheitsrating das unfälle aufzeichnet. Umso häufiger man in einen verwickelt ist umso schlechter das Rating. Dann sind viele server gesperrt und kann nur noch mit Raudis fahren.
Wer jetzt noch Angst vor der „Setup“ Geschichte an Autos hat. Ja das gibt es . Man kann eine Menge schrauben an den PS Monstern . Doch auch hier gibt es drei vorgefertigte Setups. „Regen“ „Sicher“ und „Aggressiv“. Die sind wirklich klasse und man kann mit denen ohne weiters vorne mitmischen und muss sich seeeeehr lange keine Gedanken darum machen.
Ich kann das Spiel wirklich nur weiterempfehlen. Geduld wird selten so hoch belohnt wie hier und jeder Fortschritt ist ein echt gutes Gefühl .
Auf die Konstanz und die Fairness.
Danke für diese Perle von Rennspiel.
4961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 18:29
Die Streckenauswahl ist ebenfalls auf die Strecken der Blancpain Serie reduziert (+ Intercontinental GT Pack als DLC), die dafür allesamt mit sehr hoher Qualität aufwarten.
Die Karriere ist wenig abwechslungsreich gestaltet, Online-Rennen können allerdings aufgrund des sehr detaillierten Rating-Systems sehr viel Spaß machen, vorausgesetzt man findet für sich den passenden Server, da es ohne eigenen Server leider nicht möglich ist ein Online-Rennen zu veranstalten.
Sobald man es aber auf die Rennstrecke geschafft hat, bietet ACC ein Fahrgefühl das seines gleichen sucht.
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 17:58
1733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 05:43
Pros : Focus on Detail, Physics and Competition
Cons : Only 1 Race-Class ( GT3 ), a few Tracks and lots of Way more Experienced Drivers
But Overall, its so much Fun to Race, even if you only have a Controller :D
2272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 20:13
3613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 04:14
2245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 10:22
+ great dynamic weather
+ you really feel the differences between the different cars(even between standard and Evo)
- you have to get used to the race starts (even though they got updated recently)
3219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.20 18:09
Die Neuauflage ist wirklich sehr gut gelungen und ich vermisse NICHT die eckigen Reifen durch Brems-Verschleiß^^ aus dem alten Assetto. Wer dazu noch im Besitz eines halbwegs vernünftigen Lenkrades pp ist (Thrustmaster/Fanatec), kommt voll auf seine Kosten.
1153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 17:33
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☑ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level (safety rating etc)
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☑ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☑ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 06:06
1540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 15:54
15282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 10:46
The handling is predictable, the sounds are great, the AI is professional.
The Tracks are detailed, you feel the road like your do on a bicycle.
You can even play it single player and save long endurance races to go poop.
The rating system is well designed. too late to review already at 250 hours play time (which is actually on the lower side, should play it more).
5238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 08:58
12755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 19:03
One of the advantages of narrowing down the content variety is that it allows for extra care and attention to detail, which Kunos took full advantage of. Every one of the 32 (!) GT3 cars handle differently, with realistic performance figures taken directly from the manufacturers, along with unique engine sounds that make real-life sound dull in comparison. By far the best sound effects out there, making the competition sound like bumper cars. The modeling is also impeccable, both internally and externally, with fantastic texturing that looks just like the real thing. When they meant an authentic GT3 simulation, they weren’t kidding.
But we all know that a racing simulator isn’t just made of cars. Tracks are important, too. Kunos knows that very well and doesn’t disappoint. Each one of the 11 base game tracks is masterfully replicated through laser-scanning, which means they are just like the real thing in every sense of the word. Every bump, crack, elevation change, weathering, and so on is carried over to the simulator so that both cars and surfaces can offer unparalleled accuracy. The other 8 DLC tracks are equally as good.
As far as game modes are concerned, ACC delivers the usual stuff: career mode, multiplayer, hot lap, practice, and free race. Unfortunately, it doesn’t sport a full-fledged career mode like the F1 franchise, for example, but it’s good enough. From humble beginnings to the top of the category, with an excruciatingly slow introduction in Monza, which takes away from the experience a little bit but doesn’t fully compromise it. If you want to buy it just for the career mode, don’t. With that being said, the single-player races within and outside the career mode are very engaging, thanks to a very good AI that can either be very fast or very forgiving, depending on difficulty. You can customize the length (10, 20, 30 minutes, and so on), weather, time of day, grid size, mandatory or optional pit stops, qualifying length (or just disable it altogether), just like most modern sims would. Races are very engaging, and the rating system is a stimulus to keep you going. Oh yes, the rating system. It goes up if you race cleanly, goes down if you crash into other drivers. It might be strange at first, but it certainly helps to transform you into a clean racer, making you drive like the gentleman driver the sport expects you to.
The multiplayer mode is decent, thanks to the rating system. There are official races (where you get competition points for winning that improve your driver rating) and non-official, where only the safety rating gets deducted or increased and, the track and car control related ratings. Server owners can set a minimum amount of safety rating points so that people with low SA can’t join and ruin the race by crashing into everyone, making it so most races are trouble-free. This doesn’t mean that incidents don’t happen, they are just less encouraged because the perpetrators get punished.
As far as additional content goes, there’s a DLC that brings the International GT series and 4 new tracks, another one with GT4 cars (11 of them!), and a British GT DLC that replicates the 2019 BGT season as accurately as it can be, along with three new tracks. For their respective price tags, one could say it’s a whole lotta bang for the buck, transforming a very complete GT experience into an even more refined product.
Assetto Corsa Competizione, like fine wine, got better over time. From a troubled early access start with people questioning its physics and lack of content to hands down one of the most complete and authentic simulators on the market.
Nicht Empfohlen
619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 19:55
I played this game 8 hours, if you call trying to fix VR settings playing. Only because I couldn't believe a nice game like this will have a so bad VR port. Its not only FPS its the Quality. I tried everything preset settings, low settings, everything max and the quality was just bad... I have RTX 3080 TI I played half life alyx, Hellblade and Project Cars 2 everything maxed at settings with average 100 fps and they looked like real life...
TLDR : I wasted 8 hours of my life on this game that i can't even refund because I couldn't believe the VR port was that bad and i thought i was doing something wrong... Ask me anything!
44094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 15:47
jokes aside, a very good, yet content limited simulator (licensing). Works best with wheel. Mostly for online races - in my opinion single play is just there, to be there and to have people learn the game.
4464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 11:05
Yes, it's really badly optimized for VR, and the unreal engine probably will never address this. No, I wouldn't recommend it in VR for anyone with less than a 3070 GPU or equivalent. Yes, the original Assetto Corsa running Sol looks better in many ways and runs far smoother never missing a beat at 90fps and high/very high settings...
But tweaking the settings down a little, and reducing anti-aliasing gets me to a place where I get zero frame drops, even on a 20 car grid start and reprojection mode looks better in ACC than many other VR games I play.
Once you get to this reasonably happy place you can finally start having fun; the driving model, sound design and force feedback are amazingly immersive. It's the little things, like the noise of the brakes as you leave it late into turn 1 at Monza, the sound of the chassis and car floor as you cut over a kerb that you really should have avoided and the feeling of the back end trying to get away from you on overcooked tyres.
The longer you play, the more you see the skill and effort that's gone into it. I'm just glad I persisted to get to a graphics setting that worked so that I can now appreciate why ACC gets the praise it does.
IN the next few days DLSS gets added too - so those lucky enough to have an RTX card should find it even easier to get to graphics settings that do the game justice.
4894 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 04:25
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 10:26
It's a hard game but every clean lap, every win, every overtake is satisfying and awarding.. The game is not moddable, but there are a lot of awesome cars and awesome tracks! DLCs are worth the money too for me :)
275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 20:46
The cars are tough to control so not only you have to worry about other drivers, a battle with the track, you have a battle with the 4 wheeler you chose...
If you are just a causal racing game fan that plays titles like Project Cars, Gran Turismo, Shift and even the OG Assetto Corsa... Competizione will kick your butt...
I started the career mode on the Lambo youngster tests and I cannot even finish the first event... I had better luck with Dirt Rally and that game is not easy...
If you do get the game, start with practicing with the Huracan on Monza.
If you just want to race and enjoy casual play, be ready for disappointment. The game then is not for you.
I decided not to refund it for the 16 euros I got since it is (was) on sale, because I want to improve my racing game experience and toughen things up.
1377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 13:01
906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 09:11
781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 14:31
tl;dr: You're forgiving the game more often than the game is forgiving you. Feel like this game would be more popular than GTR if it were more welcoming to new players.
I picked up sim racing about a month ago with Gran Turismo Sport. After a couple of days playing I was pretty much hooked. It's been a lot of fun learning about the racing world, driving techniques and trying to improve myself. I started racing online and while I'm definitely still a noob, I was enjoying it immensely. After the latest update to GTS though, the online penalty system broke and has become a total wreck-fest in my driver ranking group. So, I figured I'd pick up something for the PC and after doing some research I ended up with AC & ACC.
First off, the driving simulation itself is great and I highly recommend it. I'm liking the realism and I can clearly see why AC is the creme-de-la-creme of racing sims. My problems with the game really start to stem out of how the game itself is set up and the problems it's giving me before I can even start racing.
1. Every time I boot up the game, my driving wheel is off. The game seems to have a bad habit of throwing off my wheel's calibration. I open up the game, go to race only to find my wheel's off center. I have to back out of the game, spend 20 minutes calibrating the wheel before I can even get going. It's immensely frustrating.
2. You have to know to set your wheel up properly. If your wheel/pedals aren't set up appropriately you're going to have a bad time. When I first booted up the game and started career mode, I was clocking about 2:06 in the Monza tests compared to the AI's 1:56. At first I contributed to the fact that I must have really just sucked at the game, but come to find out that the wheel/pedals just weren't set properly. After doing some research, I finally got it set up and almost instantly shaved 6 seconds off that time. The problem here is that I had to spend time outside of the game to even come to that realization.
3. Career mode just seems awful. I'm not expecting some grand and immersive career mode, but there just doesn't seem to be any progress. After you finish the first tests that set the AI level, etc, you get to select a car to use during the course of your career, but you can't seem to change it after you've selected it. If you're like me and totally new to this, you need to be able to experiment, go back and try things differently, but that option just doesn't seem to be available. If you select the wrong car and want to change it, you have to start career mode all over.
4. Sometimes it seems too realistic. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes it just sounds like the engines in these cars are about to fall out of the underside, or like there's just gravel all up in the engine. It's incredibly distracting when you feel like the engine is about to break out of every turn you come out of.
5. The track competency system doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense and my laps seems to get invalidated for the tiniest mistakes. In the early career mode tests at Monza my laps kept being invalidated coming out of turn one and I just could not figure out why, even if I felt like I took the turns perfectly.
6. The game doesn't seem to be too keen on explaining the basics to you. During the first race at Zurburing, after spending a number of hours even getting through free practice and qualifying, I was doing pretty well, but I almost missed my pit window. I had 0 idea that I needed to pit. Pitting's fine, I just wasn't aware and it cost me my position in the race and I finished in last. At that point I was at least happy I had actually finished a race, but now it's like ok, I'd like maybe a course on pitting or something. I don't want to have to get out of the game and search youtube videos or something to learn how to do this stuff.
Overall, I really want to like the game, it just feels like there's a mountain to climb to even get there. I guess they expect you to have a basic working knowledge of racing sims before you even get the game. I think it would really benefit from a plug-n-play style like Gran Turismo while also having the capability of being a full blown sim racer.
5632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 09:58
573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 18:08
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I’m not saying it is the best, I just see Forza as some sophisticated simulation working for too many years and some people believe that's an unfair or unbeatable advantage. I don’t think that, given the proper work to convince me.
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Here’s inside the British and both GT3 and GT4 cars including the tracks of its respective events, and of course its drivers. More about that down the review because of the DLCs, this isn’t exactly a slideshow of “civilian” cars; I love them but the thing here is about the corpo cars, filled with corpo decals, rather than fantasy racing running all naked. Given that, naturally the game abides to Blanpainc rules and regulations. You can race casually, but this isn’t one of those games.
Steering and artificial intelligence is slowly nearing there, even if with unstable curving trying to maintain it, still I have never experienced this before and you can impress other game’s drivers. Everytime I run Assetto Corsa Competizione I can almost smell the gas, if it wasn’t for a few things that still aren’t quite there but hopefully will one day. If you’re interested in this only for screenshots or to admire the scenery, random npcs or how good the grass looks, you got another thing coming. The graphics didn’t impress me and screen shot “cinema hud” options are weird to work with.
Those are tertiary elements in the scale of importance. What the driver is really interested in after buying; emulation, simulation, steering - I emphasize that part, and competition with all that in motion. But if they want us to truly smell the carbon dioxide, they gotta work more on the outtern details too, more immersive particle effects. That screenshot has filters and reshade mods that the game should have in first place, that impacted my final scoring in this review.
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My first phase testing with the Lamborghini Youngster Programme was humiliating, as if I have never been behind any steering wheels. Yes I had to borrow from a nearby friend just to feel like a pro, but once I returned it, I had to readapt myself with a Xbone joystick - but don’t think this limited me, I managed to program it for the level of realism I like even with a joystick.
After taking care of my control situation, I decided to tweak my black demon. They give you a Huracàn Super Trofeo that growls like a devil hissing for meat, demanding sacrifices in the temple of speed. The devs decision to start the career at Monza was just too right.
So instead of 60 liters - the default fuel quantity they give you, I deducted only the enough amount for 5 laps instead around 21 liters, super basic but we tend to forget about these - because the game isn’t interested in doing everything for me which is great. Easing pressure, caring about the brakes and other dynamics and vóila, I could finally reach third to last position (better than last position) and with better knowledge I started climbing the ladder. I’m more interested in learning through experience and readings, but you can always look for setups around the the internet and then place it on your files and load it up.
The dynamics are so beautiful and harmonical, so realistic, I could finally see why some pilots in history performed better during rainy weather, to experience that for the first time in my gaming life - ever. Guys like Ayrton Senna in the F1 category for example and so many others.
The fight is different during the rain in the real world, your worries are condensed and the car and the tires are sliced. Little to none beneficial things like cooler brakes and bad omens like thin layers of water under the tires. A driver in the rainy weather would prefer to use the best line to avoid that part of the track that still is wet, not just water puddles because it is more complex than that - the fight during rainy weather is different and this is simulated on where it should. ACC proved me I’m a rainy racer, having greater time results whenever Jupiter is angry.
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That doesn’t mean the casual should avoid it, but I’m afraid they would rather play something else, Competizione still can be tough even on easier modes. The setup isn’t like Dirt Rally 2.0 for example, with bars to slide around even on advanced setups (you’d see bars but it’s different) you either know what you’re doing or you do not. It is intuitive enough to keep you interested in it, experimenting, but you will need to know it anyway because there are not enough hints if you’re out of place. There are only a couple of basic pre-settings, but very often they’re not enough, just a rough bet for the things you’re going to face.
The hud seems overwhelming at first but you can remove things. I don’t recommend that because the devs thought about everything, even swapping colors in the speed meter when you need to shift but got no time to look at it, meant to alert your peripheral vision.
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I don’t own any VR and no hero in my vicinity does, can’t rent around here either so you won’t have my views on that, as ironic as it sounds. There is a camera angle you can choose like a first person view from inside the helmet, but I don’t see much bobblehead physics, maybe it wouldn’t work? There is no gravity simulation shaking that camera angle nor when I brake too hard and I think simulation should start thinking about that.
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If you liked this review please follow my curator's page right here!
About DLCs It could have been worse but they removed the dreadered Imola circuit from the base game. Separating immortal classic circuits in different packs mixing it with cars that maybe you don’t need or want. They compressed it with little decency left but if they want to keep me around, stop increasing it as the base game isn’t really that cheap either. Just wishlist these and wait for a discount.
102024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 22:18
Kunos Simulazioni may be a small team, perhaps a tenth of the size of other companies, but their work far outrivals many of them. Simply, they're a bunch of motorsport and car guys, highly skilled, intelligent and love what they do. As sim racers, we strive ever further to improve our laptimes by that tenth of second, or even hundredths of a second, focusing on the little details, similarly, Kunos focus on the fine details of simulation and it all comes together to create a truly incredible simulation
3799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 23:27
I think a few big tips with this game are, pick a car you like, and a track you like and start slow. The game will punish you for overcooking. And once you start getting a feel for it know that tyre pressure is soooo important. Maintain it between 27-27.5 and it will transform your car. You dont need to fiddle with setups too much just use safe to start then aggressive once comfortable then build up to playing with it using youtube.
I have recently started playing online and I am hooked. Consistency is EVERYTHING online especially when you are new. Just make sure you build that safety rating up as much as possible before you begin.
This game is incredible, immersive and with amazing sound and visuals. Of the driving games I have played it is by far the most realistic and satisfying when you piece together an awesome lap. I would safely give it a 10/10
2280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 20:07
The cars feel alive and organic, driving on the edge raises your heartbeat and injects you with the most addictive adrenaline spike - just like in real life.
Find a lobby/join a league of like minded racers and find yourself getting immersed to an experience that rivals the real life down to the smallest of details. Be warned though, once you start to notice yourself improving - you will be hooked, guaranteed.
2105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 16:47
I'm 13 hours into Assetto Corsa Competizione, having played a few endurance races, and a majority with the Audi R8 LMS Evo on Nurburgring, and I enjoy this game much more.
The physics feel so much nicer, braking, steering, and even ABS and TC feel much more authentic. Tire pressure and temperatures also feel vastly superior to Project Cars 2's model.
I know in this game, that if I happen to make a mistake, it's entirely my own fault that forced it.
My only complaint (and I'm not entirely sure if it's my roughness/aggressiveness in racing sims or it's an AI issue) is that the AI tend to be overly-aggressive/ ignorant of where you are. There are times I take an alternate racing line to accommodate the AI's racing line and respect their space, but they overstep their own line, and either take me out, or force me to emergency brake. I feel like I know enough about racing lines and racing safety that this isn't entirely my fault when these incidents occur. These AI are on 0% aggression setting.
Nonetheless, I still enjoy the game for what it is, and can forgive the setbacks for the amazing physics and gameplay that it offers over other racing sims.
As a fan of GT World Challenge series and GT3 cars in general, this game is awesome, and is my main racing game from now on. It's everything I want in a racing simulator especially used with my Logitech G920 racing wheel.
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 23:54
So, before playing this, I play Project Car (1), and playing this game after that feel very different in positive way:
+ The control is more easy than PC1 , with more explorable setting.
+ Preset to everything. This make setting a car with different condition is easy as clicking.
+ AI is good. I remember playing Project Car (1) and the AI just ramming at everything that made it unplayable. This AI at least try to avoid my car if posible.
+ Community is alive and well
+ I really feel like learning to become better and better in this game.
The neural aspect I feel about this game:
. This game is a sim game, not a common racing game, so expect to be very difficult at first.
. Graphic is 7.5/10 for me. Visual is kinda outdated and performance is kinda heavy, but still enjoyable.
. No game achievement!! For other maybe this not important, but for me, I usually only play game for just do a complete thing. And it a parameter for me to stop playing games. Which without one I usually stop playing it early than it should be.
The negative thing I found this game:
- This game is hard.
515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 18:01
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 17:57
2452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 14:04
Out of the box, Competizione just plays so well. I don't need to fiddle with setups and all of that, I can just jump into the car and race and think about learning to set the cars up later.
1150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 23:31
The level of realism is insane. Graphically is superb, while the possible choice of circuits could have honestly been bigger. I hope some other circuits will be added in the close future, even if they will probably be a non-free extension.
I suggest this game to all of those players out there that don't like to start playing and immediately start winning easily; this game requires practice, dedication and focus (and that's also why I love it!)
Nicht Empfohlen
10538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 19:38
I'm not talking about the multiplayer experience that you get in iRacing with races being automatically scheduled every 30 mins or so.
I'm talking about the more primitive multiplayer experience where you can login and perhaps see that your friend is also logged in and join that friends server.
I'm talking about the multiplayer experience in where you could perhaps, even offline, compare your laptimes with your friends.
I'm talking about the multiplayer experience where you could even see if a friend is playing at all.
None of these things exist in ACC. No multiplayer features that promotes driving with friends.
You can join servers, but you will be playing with strangers.
When it comes to servers there are no filtering options. There exist some non-functioning weighting options that are quite useless.You can't, for instance, filter out servers that you aren't allowed to play on, because you might lack some skill stat.
If you love racing simulators, have no friends and don't mind jumping into servers without any control this is the game for you.
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 20:47
Simulation dos not stop here
If you find yourself caught in the rain on slicks then you can pick up the 'Marbles' of rubber which have come off other cars at the corners and braking zones.
The marbles help create channels for water to flow out from underneath the tire thus allowing for you to get more rubber in contact with the tarmac.
Now that is simulation :)
28383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 20:47
This sim is the result of a passionate team that is only satisfied with the best and that keeps continuing striving for the best.
1286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 05:23
It was a clever move to focus it on certain race series instead of adding all cars in existence. Not as if that was a problem - but it has been done already in the predecessor Asetto Corsa. So considering this franchise it is sort of refreshing. It was done before in many games of course (think of GTR series or Sports Car GT from the ancient times) but very few games have such a cleverly designed online competition and rule system. So, if online sim racing is your thing, you can be easily lost in a Bermuda trianlge of Asetto Corsa Competitione - RaceRoom - F1 20xx for weeks.
2028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 22:26
I initially was on the fence about getting this game due to the limited class of cars. Also, while I really wanted to like the original Assetto Corsa, I was turned off by the unpolished UI and it needed a lot of tweaking to get my wheel running properly (what can I say, I'm a casual I guess). I bought ACC on a whim and went into it without much expectation and have to say I've been really impressed. Overall, while your car choices are more limited than other racing games, it does what it does really well.
The menus and UX are much improved over the original Assetto Corsa and my wheel/pedals felt good to me right out of the box. Regarding the cars - I've found I really don't mind just having the GT3 class (GT4 is now available through DLC too). I usually enjoy driving historic cars due to the nostalgia factor, but I have other options for those in other games. And honestly, I find I usually don't use half the available cars in other games any ways.
The game is getting regular updates and there is additional DLC planned (British GT).
27177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 16:02
9530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 05:27
finally a good tyre model that is realistic to use,gone are the shonky use of tyre pressures to gain unrealistic performance,these tyres have specific windows for premium performance,go outside the windows and you will suffer.
the approach taken on the setups and telemetry is quite new and will take vet sim drivers awhile to understand.if you use the same method approach used in other sims,you will wonder what the hell is happening.again,the cars have operational windows,step outside those windows in set ups,you will go backward.
there is far to much to list here,best spend some time on youtube to get up to speed.
the tracks are the best ive seen so far in any sim,the new standard is laser scanned tracks,the bathurst track is incredible to behold.
i praised racerooms version of mt panorama,and this is even better,the sensation of the altitude drop.climb is superb,the transitional weather and lighting effects are too good.
a decent pc is required,mostly when there are other cars on the track,compromises will have to be made in a field of 70 or single player
the GT3 sounds are perfectly suited to surround sound and offer so much depth to the driver
the driving is outstanding and is more important to be consistant over a blistering one lap,guys go to fast to0 early end up binning it or burning out the tyres ,destroying brakes etc.
this is elbow to elbow racing,the cars are extremely close in performance and all have their little pros and cons.some suit a specific track and some dont.
some cars,like the 991 ,are very tricky to set up and requires a new approach on different tracks.
Motec is supported and if you are a half decent driver/engineer,you will need it,as it will help you understand what the hell is happening in your set up.
i've tried and competed in many sims over the years and this one is clearly a superior product,even if its limited to GT3/4.
i cant think why you wouldnt want to give it a shot,just leave your old helmet at home and bring anew one,as the learning curve will take awhile to sink in
Online driver swaps and 12 hour races are impressive and well implemented,if you want the real thing.
no complaints with this one,lads
Nicht Empfohlen
377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 18:11
On a 1080ti with all settings to low, shadows off, AA off, mirrors off, and 100% resolution the game still fails to run at 80 fps on my Index, and failed to maintain 90 fps on my previous Vive while looking muddy and pixelated. I purchased this game based off the original - which runs fantastic in VR; however, over the last year I have spent all 6 hours of my 'game time' messing with settings trying to get it to run.
If you primarily play in VR, avoid this game as it runs terribly compared to the other sim racers on the market.
2681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 20:30
The game itself is great, there is just no immediate punishment for people who break the rules. In dire need of an introduction of some form of real penalties for these type of racers.
1460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 16:37
THIS IS THE BEST GT3 Simulator out there!
Assetto Corsa Competizione = Life like crisp graphics of Project Cars 2 + seriousness of a sim like Raceroom!
**NOTE for Beginners**-
Set Brake Gamma to 1.00 (the preset for logitech g29 is set wayyy higher, making you spin and crash everywhere, took 1 hour to figure that out!)
**NOTE for Developers**-
I know this is based on the Official Blancpain GT series and all cars have already been added in the base game, only liveries and tracks will be added I guess but I have a few suggestions!
1. Add a retro DLC pack set in the time when things were a mess and when GT1 and GT3 co-existed! I would love to see the following cars in the dlc :-
i) Aston Martin DBR9 GT 1
ii) Lamborghini Murciélago R-SV Blancpain GT 1
iii) Vodafone Maserati MC12 GT1
75415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 19:30
Been in since day one of EA, there were some rocky moments at the beginning but the guys at Kunos worked their behinds off and especially since the 1.1 and 1.2 updates and now today's 1.3 update the sim is really been brought to the fore as THE GT3 racing simulator.
The sound has massively been improved since the original Assetto Corsa and is a treat to the ears, the physics and FBB make each car a delight to drive and how the cars feel when the dynamic weather decides to fill the track with rain will put a smile on your face for sure!
As someone who pretty much races exclusively in multiplayer, there's not much i'd change, the only thing i'd love is to have more hours in the day to spend more time driving in ACC. :D
100% recommended for ANY simracing enthusiast.