• Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Ascent - The Space Game: Screenshots zum Artikel
Diese Spiel kann monatliche Kosten von bis 2.97$ verursachen.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 12.04.2016
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Preis Update 08.09.23

Über das Spiel

Ascent is a PVE sandbox space MMO with 270 BILLION star systems and an emphasis on strong Sci Fi. It encourages Exploration, Colonization, Research, Asteroid mining, Farming, Trading, and Combat. Outside the tutorial sector, everything in-game has been built by players.

So jump in and enjoy the vast expanse of features we're proud to offer:
  • Exploration - more than 270 billion star systems generated with unique planets, mineral concenrations, agriculturual values and climate
  • Farming and mining on planet surfaces - players can build their own planetary bases for resource harvesting. City simulation style play.
  • Personal starbase construction - players can construct their own starbase to their own design. This becomes your home in space, and your centre for heavy zero-g manufacturing and research
  • Trading - dynamic local NPC markets, player to player global market
  • Dynamic NPC mission system - combat, trade (supply/demand), passenger transport, courier and salvage missions
  • Asteroid mining - manual control of ship and axial mining beam. Player and character skill based.
  • Research - blueprint fragments attainable from salvage missions allow the player to research forgotten and new ships and components, as well as enhancements to their buildings
  • Manufacturing - every ship, weapon and utility module in the game can be manufactured by players and sold or used to customise their ships (which can also be given a custom paint scheme)
  • Gas giant harvesting - because sometimes you need things like hydrogen and oxygen!
  • Space combat - manual control fighter to fighter dogfighting, scales up to big ship broadside duels between cruisers
  • Colonization of outer systems - the largest so far has over 50,000 structures and hundreds of thousands of colonists
  • Outer Star Bases - these can also grow to vast size, open ended in 3D space just as colonies are on the surface
  • Governments - Players who own colonies in a given system can vote for a colony mayor, planetary governor, system Senator and a colonial President. Governors can rename their planets, Senators can rename their systems and approve Jump Gate construction to their systems, and the President can approve jump gate construction to the inner systems.
  • Player constructed jump gates - when approved by the relevant government authorities, players can band together for a community mega-project of constructing new jump gates, extending the reach of new players into the colonized outer systems
  • NPC AI - we are implementing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs with our NPCs, giving them motivation to act within the game world. We are also developing a system which will enable them to engage in actual text chat with players (like old adventure games only we now have access to incredible new parser technology) in order to achieve their aims.
  • Hiring NPCs as pilots - they will not be able to warp or jump unaided but that leaves a lot of capability
  • Colonial Laws - these will enable you to outlaw or allow certain goods (e.g. alcohol) at your colonies, and lead to...
  • Smuggling - setting up smuggler networks and sneaking banned goods into colonies for fun and profit

As an MMO, Ascent is open to constant development. Below are some of the features we plan to add.
  • Bounty hunting - tracking down fugitive NPCs, whether they are running from the law, or just their enemies
  • Crime and punishment - setting up police and prisons in your colonies, and adventuring as a freelance investigator
  • Assassination - whether blowing up the ship they're in, or tracking them to their home and pulling the trigger, you're a stone cold killer for hire


  • CPU: Dual Core, 2Ghz
  • GFX: Intel HD 5000, AMD A8
  • RAM: 4096 MB
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, 10
  • HD: 2 GB
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • CPU: Quad Core, 3-4Ghz
  • GFX: AMD 6970, NVIDIA GTX 580
  • RAM: 8192 MB
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, 10
  • HD: 2 GB
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

274 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.16 14:28
Erster Eindruck:


Ascent - The Space Game ist eine Mischung aus Buy2Play mit zusätzlichem Premium und eingeschränktem Free2Play. Der Premium Zugang kostet 2,97 USD (ca. 2,65€) pro Monat und wird per PayPal Bezahlt. Im Premium enthalten sind 300 Stellar Credits pro Monat die man für den Unterhalt von Raumstationen je 40SC/Monat (Stationen die weniger als 200Km über der eigegen Kolonie gebaut werden sind kostenlos)und 80SC je Kolonie pro Monat. 3 Monate Premium sind im kaufpreis enthalten und können ingame zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt eingelöst werden. Man kann also erst mal Spielen bis man wirklich Premium braucht.

Ohne Premium

* 1 Ring für 6 Module für die eigene Sternenbasis
* Benutzung von Schiffsmodulen bis Klasse 5 (max. Klasse 15)
* Man kann Grundstücke nur in Ceres (Grain Farm) und Vulcan (Iron Mine) besitzen.
* Kolonien und Stationen außerhalb der 9 Kern Systeme sind zwar möglich, müssen aber mit SC unterhalten werden die man extra kaufen muss.

Mit Premium

Ich mache es kurz, jegliche einschränkung ist aufgehoben. Eigene Sternenbasen mit über 200 Ringen, Grundstücke auf allen Kernplaneten, usw.

Die DLCs

Man braucht eigentlich keine davon. Die Hawk ist ein Klasse 1 Schiff das ziemlich schnell überhohlt ist. Die Bowhead ist ein Klasse 12 Schiff mit relativ viel Laderaum. Das bringt einen Vorteil wenn man per FTL Houlern will. Ein Klasse 14 Schiff hat aber schon mehr Laderaum. Im Prinziep sind die DLCs nur dazu da um den Entwickler zu unterstützen wenn man das möchte.

Frühes und Mittleres Gameplay

Anfangs geht es hauptsächlich darum genug Geld zu erwirtschaften um Beserre Schiffe, Blueprints für die eigene Station, das eigene Grundstück oder die Eigene Kolonie zu kaufen.
Blueprints für Schiffe und Module können entweder per Selvatching gesammelt und anschließend Erforscht oder (teuer) von NPCs gekauft werden.

Geld verdient man ähnlich wie in Elite durch Handelsrouten, Missionen, Bergbau und dem Verkaufen von selbst hergestellten Materialien und Schiffen (?und Modulen?).

Grundstücke und Kolonien Produzieren Materialien die man zum Bau von Schiffen und deren Modulen braucht.


Hat man ein passendes Schiff mit FTL Antrieb und genügend Treibstoff kann man sich auf den Weg machen neue Sternensysteme (es gibt 270 Billionen davon) entecken und erkunden. Das besonderre daran ist das Neu entdeckte Sternensysteme nach dem Entdecker benannt werden. In dieses Systemen kann man dann Kolonien und Sternen Basen bauen. Damit auch Spieler ohne FTL in das neu enteckte System kommen muss man dieses mit einem Sprungtor (genauer gesagt eins auf jeder Seite) mit einem anderren (das schon mit Sprungtoren zugänglich ist) verbinden. Oder man baut sich ein eigenes unabhängiges Tornetzwerk auf.

Die Grafik

Eine Hochglanzgrafik hat A-TSG eindeutig nicht. Ich habe aber auch schon Spiele gesehen die (ohne Retro wirken zu wollen) deutlich schlimmer waren. Die Grafik ist verglaichbar mit der von EVE Online zum Release.
332 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.16 20:06
Über die Qualität des Spiels kann man geteilter Meinung sein. Es gibt viele gute Aspekte (z.b. Basenbau) aber genauso viel schlechte. (z.b. Kampf)

Was mich total nervt ist das immer noch nicht richtig auf der Shopseite darauf hingewiesen wird, das es ein Abo-Model in dem Spiel gibt, gerne Premiummode genannt. Ohne Abo sind viele Optionen im Spiel nur eingeschenkt nutzbar. Außerdem wird das auch noch damit begründet das man ja den Serverbetrieb bezahlen muss usw.. Es sind ja nur ein paar Doller usw. es geht hier einfach ums Prinzip. So eine wichtige Sache verschweigt man nicht, außerdem ist es eine Frechheit dieses in einem Early-Access Spiel zu verlangen. Early Access ist nicht dafür da die Entwicklung bzw. den Serverbetrieb zu bezahlen Das ist eher etwas für Patreon.
268 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
13057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.15 17:27
Dieses Spiel ist super. Man hat sehr viele Möglichkeiten und eine sehr tolle Community, die einen immer hilft. Jeder der Weltraum mag, sollte es sich mal anschauen.
982 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
28384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.15 14:34
Sehr schickes Spiel mit oldschool Wurzeln, für mich eine gute Mischung aus Elite und X3.
724 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.15 12:32
i just played 3 hours and i'm already addicted. This game is where Elite Dangerous should be (sorry David).
To be honest this game can't show up with the graphics of Elite or any other AAA game title but the game's
depth is very nice without to overhelm you. It's Early Access but worth any penny and it's pretty stable.
If gameplay impresses you more the graphics, come and play, you will have some great hours. I can't wait to see what features this game brings to us in future
168 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
3085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.15 13:28
Also dieses Spiel hat es in sich! Ich spielte über die Jahre viele Space-Spiele. Von Freespace und Freelancer geprägt zu X-Universe. Alle Teile durch bis auf den neusten. Auch sind viele in Aussicht wie ED oder SC. Aber ich mache mir da eher sorgen schon vor Release über den Tiefgang. Viel ist dort einfach nicht wirklich neu.
Und dann kommt mal aus der Versenkung einfach hier so ein Ascent - The Space Game. Und ich staunte Bauklötze!

Habe mich jetzt ein paar Tage damit beschäftigt und bin völlig Baff von der Umsetzung, Denn es geht hier nicht um Augenwischerei durch schicke Grafik und Effekte (zudem passt der Stil der Darstellung sehr gut) sondern ein System mit einem Tiefgang der alles bisherige in den Schatten stellt. Schiffe und Stationen bauen. Kolonien gründen und Ressourcen abbauen, samt Farmen, Fabrik-ketten bauen und Wohnen. In ein politisches System einsteigen mit Senatoren der Systeme und Gouverneuren der Planeten. Das schließt Atmosphärenflug und Planeten- und Mondlandungen mit ein. Auch Asteroidenfelder (hoch dynamisch) und Gasriesen (samt Atmosphärenflug) können angeflogen werden um dort Ressourcen zu bekommen. Korrektes Newton-isches Flugverhalten, sodass Swing-by und andere Gravitationsmanöver um Planeten oder anderen Himmelskörpern möglich sind. Und ich bin hier gerade erst an der Oberfläche am kratzen. Dieses Spiel hat sehr großes Potential endlich die Grenze einzureißen die bisher kein Space Game durchbrechen konnte um all diese Features der Weltraumerfahrung möglichst vollständig umzusetzen.

Da auch die Community und die Developer sehr aktiv und sehr freundlich ist, kann ich mich nur auf die weiter Zukunft dieses Space Games freuen! Ein Mega Fortschritt in der Immersion der Spielerfahrung!

P.s. für alle Linux User: Ich spiele hier unter openSUSE mit wine das Spiel und es wird nativ super unterstützt.
322 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 08:36
This is not the way.

This game had a lot of potential based on its description and the review from RAM. However, upon buy the game, and trying to register a new account to play, I never got the activation email. I waited two days to receive it, and I looked into the problem. There are several other users that posted about this issue, and the developer even replied to them in the forums with a BS response about how the new method requires any new account to activate before you can log in, but he never addressed the issue the original poster was asking about, that being that the activation email never arrives, in spam or otherwise. I waited 24 hours for an email, never arrived. This is why I have refunded the game, and leave this review.

I wanted this game to work, it has a lot of what I am looking for in a good sim game, but if I can't even get into the game, I wonder how good the game its self may be.
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 01:45
After a long absence, I thought to give it another try. I couldn't find an email in my account, so I opted to register a new account. However, the username is already registered, and I can't get it to give me the log-in screen anymore: it's locked on the register screen. But this reminded me as to why I stopped playing this game.
103 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
35180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 19:41
Not recommended, since the developer is not working on A:TSG anymore... kinda sucks, since he put a lot of work into it. (But that is why you can just release new games, right?)
Although it was really fun to progress through the development tree in-game, it is mostly considered as a dead game because the developer has not advertised the game enough.
At the time of it's hype, the first year of release, it was really really fun with other players around to trade with, but that was only thousands in the end.
383 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 16:47
the basic ideas are good, a universe that players can create has not been done yet.

however this is not a finished project, its feels very very unfinished and abandoned.
luckily only bought this on a cheap key site - if it was full steam price it would be a terrible ripoff.

avoid avoid avoid
59 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
27564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.19 17:01
If you've played EVE Online and don't like PVP, this is probably the best alternative. The game is not free, but at this time,purchased through Steam, get 3 months Premium membership free. The Premium price is a fraction of what EVE Online charges. There is a little bit of a learning curve. Not enough players, but that can change if those interested would come on board. Kudos to the developer. Needs to keep politics out of the forum.

Now I'm at25+ hours into the game. Still loving it. Room for improvement, but so much more relaxing and enjoyable than PVP space games. I hear there are updates in the works. If you are like minded and don't mind helping it grow, come aboard. :)
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
357426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.17 15:06
After over 5000 hours playing, here is my review. I am in no way associated with the company that provides Ascent. I am just a long time player.

What Ascent Is and Is Not

Ascent came on line mid 2013. Since then, there has been many changes and additions. With all those changes, there are still some things at the core of the game that can be highlighted.

Ascent is:

A sandbox. Similar to Lego, it gives the player pieces to create what each person imagines within the boundaries of the game environment. We are given set pieces and are allowed to put them together as we want.

A MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) game. It allows players to interact, chat, trade, and cooperate in game play and on large projects such as jump gate building and terraforming worlds. At the core of the game is a place to cooperate.

An environment with 270,000,000,000 stars, each explorable with an average of 10 planets/moons in each star system. It is an entire galaxy waiting to be discovered. Each system is procedurally created from random seeds. This means that each system can have a wide variety of differing features, planets, and resources from a base standard set of resources which are available in game. Some are quite common, while a few are quite rare, yet all have been found and can be available to any player within the game.

A game with a very basic storyline. We are not forced within a story that limits the players to a defined outcome or role. We are free to create our own story and empire. The dynamics are very easy to work with and after a short time, each player soon becomes a tycoon or master of their realm. There is so much room to play, that one can create an empire and never bump into another player, or create their empire on well established systems and join in on the projects going on within the game. One can switch back and forth between the two easily if mood calls for a day alone, or a day of play and interactions with the community.

A place for traders. Trade is another core part of the game. Players can trade with NPC Space Stations in the Inner9 systems, or player Stock Markets in the outer systems. Mining asteroids is also a way to get free resources and sell to players or SS Local Markets for high profit trading.

A Relaxed Community. Because we are given tools of cooperation, not destruction, we are able to assist each other and coordinate our efforts for the good of humanity, not the destruction of it. We get to know each other and enjoy catching up and joking. While we take the game seriously, we can relax and enjoy interacting and relating to each other. The game has a light layer of politics with a few elected positions, so good relations are also a tool within game to further one’s political career. The game waits for the player and is designed for someone to either play heavily, or a few hours a week, if they choose. The few quests in game are more for a tutorial than for locked in play. One can start and stop them at any time and place. Once achieved, the quests are done and allows for a return to relaxed free play. One can even drop into and out of the quests and the storyline waits for the player to want to go to the next step in the quest. The community also puts a lot of time and effort into creating game support. The game wiki pages are supplied and run by the players along with multiple other support tools. While play style can be relaxed, one can do some serious number crunching and documenting. Again, the player gets to choose which way they want to play.

A light PvE(Player versus Environment) game. There are Non Player Character (NPC) pirates that are limited to selected areas. These are the only things players can shoot and attack. They are only in designated areas, so one has to seek them out. This allows to player to choose if they want to fight, or just build your empire. It allows for the relaxed game play. Pirates can be engaged, or ignored. A player can choose to take out some pirates one day and ignore them the next.

Not a finished game. The game is well developed, but not completed. With one developer and many pieces available, like Legos, it can be a never ending play, or one you build a few things, then grow tired. New pieces are added slowly at times and quickly other times. The simple things come fast, but the more complex parts of the game take much more development and come slower. Each piece gives multiple ways of using it, so one piece can just add a little, or change the entire game dynamic. We often do not know until exploring it for a while to see how it effects things. Again, part of the open play that some like, while others do not. Serious bugs are addressed and dealt with, but a few additions are still in process of completion and have small issues that are on the list to be fixed. These issues are not game breaking, but one does need to be patient as they are slowly woven into completed game design. While this can be frustrating to some, remembering that there are some interconnectivity of other features that are coming may be why it is left as is for the present. One developer has to choose what is critical to put time into. Sometimes that time is just running the business and design has to be put on the back burner for a bit. Looking back over the past 4 years, the speed of new game development and additions are quite impressive for one person to have achieved. There is plenty of content for the cost of the game.

Not for everyone. Sandbox games are not for everyone. Some like the tight quests and goals set by a designer. Many enjoy the player to player conflicts. Others enjoy a harsh game environment they must struggle against. Ascent has none of these elements. Those seeking these things will not connect easily.

Not a place for PvP (Player versus Player). It is a place that you can not loose what you have. No one can destroy something you have worked to build or create. The core of the game is construction, not destruction. One player can not negatively affect another player’s game in a major way. No one can own systems, planets, or asteroid fields. They are all open to everyone. While you can not be locked out of anything, you can also not lock out anyone else from anything except your own colonies and starbases. You control those areas and share the rest of the areas of play. If your goal is to cause grief to others, you will find you have little tools to do that. Ascent is not a place to go after others.

No where close to finding Earth. The ultimate goal is to find our way back to Earth. There is so much room and game play left before we can get back to Earth. We are not even sure what is between us and Earth. We suspect some alien influence, but only one encounter of extraterrestrials while progressing through the Neptune Project quest has been revealed. Our fears (really hopes) are there is a large alien force that we much face as we get closer to Earth, but this is all speculation.

Well worth the price. Along with the purchase of the game, the player gets 3 months of premium subscription. This is more than enough time to delve into and build a massive empire. If the player enjoys the community and game play, it is only $3 a month for premium access after the first 3 months.

Ready for you. The game and welcoming community is always ready for many more new Pilot Citizens (PC). We need those who have the neural pathways (imaginary thing needed in game to use warp and hyperjump drives) which allow their imaginations to determine their game-play. Are you tired of the constant drama and conflict? Are you ready for a totally different way to play a MMO? Are you ready to join us as we work together continuing to expand humanity’s reach into the galaxy on our way home? If you have read this far, we think you may just be one of the ones we are looking for. Come ready to have fun.
179 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
121574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.15 17:22
I started playing this game late in 2013. I registered in the beginning of 2014, and my adventure started from there. This game has been unique to me in so many aspects, I really don't have the room in a review to talk about them all. The sandbox aspects, the fact it's an indie game by basically a one-man-team, or the fact it's the most expansive space-sim I've played to date, bringing back nostalgia of Freelancer.

One thing that has kept me going is the continuous rise of the community. Slowly, we had less than five active players for weeks on end. Then a few dozen in the next months. Eventually, the game expanded and more players joined, and I really felt the small part of the mysterious galaxy we were all in come alive. Industry was a boon, mining operations became a thing, and eventually the galactic market was properly being utilized which was surprising to many of us so early on.

I eventually had to take a break to focus on real life, but this game was always great about treating you right. I could play for 15 minutes or 12 hours a day, didn't matter - I progressed. I could skip weeks or months at a time, didn't matter, I could start off right where I left off. It's always been a pleasure seeing the game constantly updated on a daily basis. It's been even more of a pleasure having a dev who will directly communicate and give his time of day to the players.

I was a skeptic at first, but soon came to truly believe in there being billions of solar systems to explore, everything procedurally generating to be a unique experience every time. Eventually, players started exploring and graphing charts of planets and moons to settle on. Then players started constructing gates, expanding the inner systems, and really bringing the heart of the game to life - the reconstruction of the empire of humanity.

It's been over a year now, and myself and other older vets have watched this game bloom like a beautiful flower, and I'm proud to write such a positive review for it. I could sit and try to come up with excuses all day long, but I honestly can't, this game has been going in the right direction nonstop, and has never ran out of *ahem* Steam.

If you want to see what the game looked like a year ago - and my basic introduction to it, check out my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/sinstrite There are also new videos being uploaded right now, based on my attempt at a Let's Play of the game. I don't think a Let's Play has been attempted with a game quite like this, so I find it interesting myself how tough it is to actually product the content.

Here are some helpful links!

http://www.thespacegame.com - play in the web browser for free
http://forum.thespacegame.com/index.php - the official forums
http://wiki.thespacegame.com/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page - the official wiki
http://www.facebook.com/TheSpaceGame - the official facebook page
http://thespacegame.uservoice.com/forums/194252-general - vote for player ideas

I really do advise the new player to visit the wiki. Many veterans have put in a lot of work to build it from the ground up, and even as one of the oldest players I still find myself using it constantly. Let it be your space-bible.

Keep in mind that you purchased the game for $10.00 and paid another $10.00 for the three months of premium bundled with the purchase. When you first start, do not use your premium right away, save it for when you will most be able to use it.

Planetary Premium - $0.99 monthly - You get access to the six other planets to build settlements on. As a free player you can only access Ceres for grain and Vulcan for Iron. You will also be able to produce: titanium, carbon, aluminium, meat, fruit, vegetables. This is very good for expanding your starbase later on which brings us to...

Industry Premium - $0.99 monthly - Use this to expand your Apollo starbase to 100 rings (600 modules) and really pump out some products with your factories. You can make a lot of progression this way as a new player, and I highly advise you to get all 100 rings going if you plan on building a colony later on. This also allows you to use modules above class 5 such as the mining beam, ram scoop, salvage beam, etc. This really is the best premium to purchase in my opinion.

Combat Premium - $0.99 monthly - If you want to make some credits fighting in Janus A, you want to throw some huge guns on your ship. With this premium, you can access all weaponry over class 5 which allows you to move to the highest rank, making around 60,000,000 each mission ;)

For you want-to-be colony builders... You need Stellar Credits. Each premium gives you 100 stellar credits a month, so if you have all three premiums going, you get 300 SC a month. A colony costs 80 a month to upkeep, so you can have three colonies just for having the three premiums.

OSB - Starbases that can be attached to your colony in high orbit. They costs SC if they are not attached, but are free if they are.

Other acronyms:

MB / ML - Mining Beam, Mining Level
RS - Ram Scoop
TS - Trading Skill
SB - Starbase
HD - Hyperdrive
CL - Class
MD - Module
SY - Shipyard
GH - Gas harvesting
Hydro - Hydrogen (used to power ships when hyperjumping)
MP - Mechanical Parts
EL - Electronics
GR / Graph - Graphene (made from carbon)
SC, SCC, SCoil - Superconducting Coils
Nio - Niobium (mined from Columbite)
Aut - Autunite (gives uranium for contracts)
SS - Space Station
KS - Kickstarter
Steamie - What the players who came in through the Steam purchases are called
Elders - Players that have been around for a year or longer
Vets - Players that have played months before the Steam release

If I think of more I will add them, and one more thing...

/ignore PLAYERNAME is your best friend.
Logo for Ascent - The Space Game
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
68.18% 210 98
Release:12.04.2016 Genre: Weltraum-Action Entwickler: Fluffy Kitten Studios Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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