• As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.
  • As Far As The Eye: Screen zum Spiel As Far As The Eye.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 10.09.2020
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Preis Update 30.04.21

Über das Spiel

Auf, auf mit dir, in die Lüfte, Seufzen. Es ist Zeit, die in der Welt verstreuten Zöglinge zu mir zurückzubringen und sie auf ihrem Weg zu führen. Keine Sorge. Sie werden dich erkennen, sobald sie deinen Atem auf ihren Gesichtern spüren und sobald ihre wollenen Gewänder in der Luft zu wehen beginnen. Sie werden verstehen, weil sie bereits auf dich warten. Umschmeichle ihre Füße, trage ihre Körper, erhebe ihre Seelen und erfülle sie mit Hoffnung und Beharrlichkeit.
Hab keine Scheu mit den Böen, die sie begreifen lassen, dass der Weg noch lang ist und immer weitergehen muss – bis zu mir.

Du spielst als der Wind, der die Zöglinge leitet – einen Stamm, der sich auf eine Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Welt begibt. Deine Aufgabe ist es, ihre Rohstoffe, ihre Gebäude und ihre Leben zu verwalten. Hilf ihnen, durch Landwirtschaft, Herstellung von Gütern und wissenschaftliche und mystische Forschungen an Wissen zu gewinnen, ehe die Welt im Wasser versinkt. Doch sei vorsichtig: Du musst deinen Stamm vorbildlich führen und sichergehen, dass sie nicht verhungern oder von dem Nahen der Welle überrascht werden.

Dieses Spiel ist ein nomadischer, rundenbasierter Städtebausimulator. Beginne eine prozedural generierte Reise und überlebe Rast um Rast, bis du das Auge erreichst.
  • Plane den besten Pfad für deinen Stamm, um bis zum Auge zu reisen.
  • Erkunde, analysiere und durchsuche besondere Stätten, um auf deiner prozedural generierten Reise lang verschollene Schätze zu bergen.
  • Sammle, baue, häufe Vorräte an und verlasse deine Rast, ehe die Welle deinen Stamm verschlingt.
  • Verbessere deine Zöglinge über das Handwerkssystem, deine Gebäude über das Aufwertungssystem und deinen gesamten Stamm über das Stammeswissen.
  • Überlebe große Gefahren und beschütze die Zöglinge vor zufälligen Ereignissen.
  • Treffe auf Verbündete, feilsche um Rohstoffe, rekrutiere neue Zöglinge und vieles mehr!
  • Erbringe Opfergaben an heiligen Stätten oder plündere sie. Doch vergiss nicht: Du wirst mit den Konsequenzen deiner Taten leben müssen.
  • Erlebe ein friedliches Abenteuer, denn in As Far As The Eye gibt es keine Gegner
  • Begebe dich jedes Mal auf ein neues Abenteuer – dank unseres Roguelike-Stammessystems


  • CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E4300 / AMD Athlon Dual Core 4450e
  • GFX: GeForce 8800 GTX / Intel HD 4600 / Radeon HD 3850
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Polnisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

949 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 18:30
Bewerte jedes Spiel in meiner Bibliothek #50

As Far As The Eye

Allein durch die deutsche Übersetzung fühle ich mich geistig irgendwie geschädigt.
Im Prinzip ist es ein kleines Rätsel Spiel. Sammel jene Ressourcen um mit einer Karawane weiter zu kommen. Es ist irgendwie schon süß, aber wirklicher Spaß ist was anderes. Vielleicht gibt es welche, die solche Art von Spiel mögen... ich bin keiner davon.
343 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 07:28
Das ist so eine bezaubernde kleine Welt. Man will dort sein, will seine Zöglinge beschützen und anleiten, damit man sich zu guter Letzt gemeinsam vor Eintreffen der großen Flut ins Trockene rettet.
Und wenn man es dann nach den ersten Rasten endlich auf dem Schirm gekriegt hat, eine stabile kleine Wanderwirtschaft zu etablieren, in der jeder sein Auskommen hat, in seinem jeweiligen Beruf Außerordentliches leistet, wenn Du deinen Stamm vergrößern kannst, ohne daß jemand hungern muß, und dann zufrieden die Koffer für die nächste Station packst, glücklich darüber, daß auch schon eine voll ausgebaute mobile Bäckerei zwischen den Snacks und den Holzstapeln liegt, dann, dann …
… setzt dich das Spiel in einer derart lebensfeindlichen, besch… Ecke ab, voll mit fiesen Auren, die Dir die paar Kürbitze nicht gönnen, die Du brauchst, um durchzustehen. Von dem Geraffel, das es bräuchte, um weiterzukommen, ganz zu schweigen.
Wenn man sich gegen Enttäuschungen im realen Leben abhärten möchte, ist dies Spiel der perfekte Trainingssimulator. Gerade deshalb so effizient in der Motivationszerstörung, weil es an vielen Stellen so toll gemacht ist. Die Verantwortlichen für Basiskonzept und Grafik im Entwicklerteam bitte liebevoll in den Arm nehmen und mit Kaffee und Kuchen bewirten, die Abteilung, die das Game Balancing so derart an die Wand gefahren hat, bitte in den Kartoffelkeller umziehen lassen (Kartoffeln vorher entfernen, sollen sie am Putz lutschen).
Resümee: so, so, sooo, SOOOOOO SCHADE!
593 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
2290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 12:08
Nice gameplay. Not easy. Stupid archievements.
26 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 21:35
Ich habe bei der zweiten Kampagne der Weststämme alles probiert um diese Kampagne zu schaffen. Aus meiner Sicht ist das Schaffen der zweiten Kampagne wie ein Sechser im Lotto. Ich lasse mich allerdings gerne vom Gegenteil überzeugen.
479 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 09:22
As Far As The Eye ist ein sehr komplexes aber wirklich schönes Spiel.Ich habe jetzt die Kampagne fast durch gespielt, mit hier und da ein paar mehr Anläufen.Es ist wirklich nicht ganz leicht, aber ich finde es macht viel Spaß!Noch dazu ist die Geschichte und die kleinen Zöglinge die man durch die Welt bewegt wirklich gut gestaltet.Mir hat es sehr gut gefallen!Im Grunde muss man mit Ressourcen hantieren und immer ein Auge darauf haben was welcher deiner kleinen Männchen grade was tut. Dadurch das es Runden basiert ist und man um eine Runde weiter zu kommen klicken muss, finde ich es aber ganz übersichtlich.Die Erklärung ist sehr ausführlich, vielleicht ein bisschen zu ausführlich, aber ich finde man versteht es relativ schnell.Ein bisschen gestört hat mich, das die Kampagne tatsächlich so schwer ist und ich das Kapitel 3 erst beim 3ten Anlauf geschafft habe. Aber wenn man sich darauf einlässt, finde ich es völlig in Ordnung. Es ist eben ein komplexes Spiel!Meinen Stream dazu findet ihr hier: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/741045224
97 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 09:53
Challenging :)
360 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 12:24
Ich bin Streamer und habe meine ersten Eindrücke gestreamt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5nJ2jKwPp8

Note: Befriedigend (3)

Nach dem Update:

Das Balancing ist DEUTLICH schlechter geworden, ich habe dem Spiel eine ganze Note abgezogen. Das Glück ist deutlich mehr in den Fokus gerutscht und der Skill ins Hintertreffen.

Das Prinzip:

Führe dein kleines Volk vom Rand der Welt zur Mitte, um der Flutwelle zu entgehen. Man sammelt Ressourcen, levelt seine Untertanen und muss am Ende planen, was man in der Zukunft benötigt.

Vergleichbar mit:

Civ 6, Nimbatus, FTL, ONI, Rimworld


Deine Untergebenen sind ohne dich vollkommen hilflos. Man muss ihnen sagen, was zu sammeln ist, was gebaut werden soll und welches Gebiet zu erkunden ist.

Der Ablauf ist denkbar einfach, man kommt auf einer Karte an, setzt seine Leute ab und fängt an das Gebiet zu looten. Nebenbei muss man die Nahrung managen und den Skill der Leute vorantreiben. Nach und nach baut man einen stabilen Grundstock an Materialien und Gebäuden auf, welche auf die nächste Map mitgenommen werden.

Jeder Untertan hat einen Skillbaum, der durch die Tätigkeit selbst verbessert wird. Dadurch entstehen mit der Zeit Spezialisten auf einigen Gebieten.

Die Gefahr besteht in diesem Spiel nur aus der Natur, wobei die Natur einige böse Waffen hat, welche Sie gegen einen in Stellung bringt.


- Die Grafik ist sehr angenehm und passt zum Spiel
- Der Skillbaum jedes Untertanen ist sehr vielfältig und interessant zu füllen - es gibt kaum nutzlose Skills
- Das Forschungssystem ist eher gut, obwohl es hier auch negative Punkte gibt
- Die Story ist kurz und verständlich, das LSV (Lese-Spiel-Verhältnis) ist sehr gut
- Es gibt unterschiedliche Gebäude, welche fest oder mobil sein können, was den Aufbau sehr strategisch macht
- Trotz Rouge like Elementen ist das Spiel eher abhängig vom eigenen Spielstil, statt vom Zufall


- Einige Probleme, die durch das TBS Dasein entstehen erschweren das Spiel, wie z.B. das automatische Wechseln der Figuren, wodurch plötzlich der Falsche eine Aufgabe bearbeitet, was man nicht ausschalten kann
- Es gibt einige, das Spiel stark beeinflussende Bugs, wie z.B. wurde mir bei einer erkundeten Ruine 200 Eisenerz versprochen, welche dann nicht gesammelt werden konnten, weshalb ich eine Runde verloren habe
- Nach einiger Zeit ist ein Grafikglitch zu bestaunen, welcher durch keinen Neustart behoben werden konnte
- Einige Einstellungen die man von Civ 6 kennt, um das Hexfeld übersichtlicher zu machen, fehlen mir


Das Spielprinzip ist sehr gut, die Umsetzung ist ziemlich gut, es muss aber Abzüge geben, weil es Bugs und Glitches gibt, generell aber ein empfehlenswertes Spiel!
1284 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 13:59
Runde um Runde einen Nomadenstamm vor der Flut in Sicherheit bringen und das ohne Kämpfe: Ein echtes Rohstoffmanagement-Spiel.
572 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 16:03
Umfangreiches Spiel mit guter Kampagne um einen langsam auf die Spielmechaniken hinzuarbeiten.

Strategiespiel ohne Zeitdrang, ähnlich wie Civilization.
447 Produkte im Account
234 Reviews
496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 15:58

As Far As The Eye

???? Story

Eine wirkliche Story sucht man vergebens. Die Kampagne besteht aktuell nur aus 4 Tutorials die eigentlich die gleiche Geschichte erzählen wie die freien Spiele. Ihr müsst einen Stamm von Gestaltwandlern zum Auge bringen. Einem riesigen Felsplateau, wo die Zöglinge, wie die Wesen heißen, vor dem stiegenden Wasser sicher sind. Dort treffen sich dann alle Überlebenden und tauschen ihr Wissen miteinander. Geht das Wasser zurück zerstreuen sich die Zöglinge wieder. Diese Wanderung zum Auge wiederholt sich in regelmäßigen Abständen, ähnlich wie Ebbe und Flut.

???? Gameplay

Um eure kleinen Kreaturen zum Auge zu bekommen müsst ihr von Rast zu Rast reisen. Dies sind Orte an denen euer Stamm Rohstoffe finden kann um sich für die beschwerliche Reise zu rüsten. An jeder Rast könnt ihr unterschiedliche Güter finden. Manche beherbergen Fische, andere Weizen. An einigen Orten findet ihr Holz an anderen eher Steine. Einen Teil der Güter könnt ihr zur nächsten Rast mitnehmen, dazu ladet ihr sie einfach auf eure Karawane und Lasttiere in einem Tetrisartigen Spiel.

Um zu einem anderen Ort zu Reisen müsst ihr aber auch immer bestimmte Ressourcen aufbringen. Manche reisen erfordern z.B. Holz und Wolle um ein Segelboot zu bauen, damit man den Fluss überqueren kann. Andere Strecken erfordern viel Nahrung weil der Weg sehr weit ist und wieder andere benötigen Eisen und Holz um eine Brücke zu bauen.

Neben der Vorbereitung für die Weiterreise, müsst ihr eure Leute aber auch ernähren indem ihr Lebensmittel sammelt und am besten auch von einem Koch zu Speisen weiter verarbeiten lasst. Dazu müssen auch Gebäude errichtet werden, was natürlich kostbare Rohstoffe erfordert. Dabei haben die meisten Gebäude eine feste und eine mobile Variante. Mobile Gebäude können jederzeit wieder verstaut und an einem anderen Ort wieder aufgebaut werden. Zudem können sie bei einer Reise zur nächsten Rast auch auf der Karawane mitgeführt werden. Dafür benötigen sie sehr viel Platz und sind meist teurer als die stationären Varianten. Dadurch muss man sich genau überlegen welches Gebäude es wert ist, dass man die mobile Version errichtet.

Die verschiedenen Tätigkeiten wie das Sammeln von Nahrung oder Holz, das Jagen, fischen, kochen oder auch bauen kann von jedem einzelnen Mitglied des Stammes durchgeführt werden. Umso häufiger ein Zögling eine Arbeit verrichtet umso mehr Erfahrung sammelt er in dem Bereich und schaltet Verbesserungen frei. Es ist also sinnvoll im Verlauf des Spieles seine einzelnen Figuren zu spezialisieren, damit sie möglichst effektiv in dem sind, was sie tun.

Alles in allem geht es also um vorrauschende Planung und eine sinnvolle Verwaltung der Ressourcen. Dabei steht einem zum plündern der jeweiligen Karte immer eine feste Anzahl an Runden zur Verfügung bis die Flut kommt und der Stamm ertrinkt. Diese Frist bis zum Ende auszureitzen macht in der Regel aber keinen Sinn, denn der Flut gehen kleinere Katastrophen vorraus, die verschiedene negative Auswirkungen haben. Wenn man sich also bereit zur Abreise fühlt, sollte man auch weiter ziehen.

???? Grafik

Die farbenfrohe Grafik bietet neben vielen niedlichen Charaktermodellen und Eindrucksvollen Tieren verschiedenste Landschaften. Grüne, weite Ebenen, dichte Regenwälder, Seenlandschaften oder auch trockene Gebirgslandschaften. Hinzu kommen verschiedene Ruinen, Altare und andere spezielle Objekte. Die Animationen sind nicht besonders zahlreich, sehen aber flüssig aus.

???? Sound

Klanglich ist das Spiel sehr ruhig und zum ausspannen geeignet. Es sind nicht übermäßig viele Titel und auch die Soundeffekte sind sehr überschaubar.

❤︎ Fazit

Ein gutes Strategie- oder besser gesagt Rohstoffmanagementspiel welches leicht gelernt aber schwer gemeistert ist und sich dadurch sowohl für Neueinsteiger als auch erfahrene Spieler eignet. Durch die verschiedenen Stämme und weil jeder Durchlauf anders abläuft, kann man es auch problemlos merhfach zocken ohne das Interesse zu verlieren.

Wenn euch die Review gefallen/geholfen hat dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm und wenn ihr mir etwas zu dieser Review mitteilen wollt dann schreibt gerne in die Kommentare.

Das Spiel wurde der GGC für Reviewzwecke zur Verfügung gestellt.
525 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 00:17
I really tried to like this game but the mechanics are poorly designed. As far as survival strategy games this ranks at the bottom. If you want a good survival strategy game, there are better games than this available.
721 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 22:42
This game has come cute core concepts, but it's not really enjoyable overall. Like they tried to make a game based on artwork, instead of the other way around.
357 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 17:12
Died in the tutorial - ✔
My game is in 3 different languages - ✔
Discovered ruins and got a virus of unknow origins - ✔
Yes, this game is an experience
4602 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 11:36
I tried to get into the game as a more relaxed and slow-paced city/colony management sim but that's not what the game is at all. That's only the surface and once you start playing it's clearly a difficult resource management game that's very prone to RNG and generating scenarios doomed to failure from the start (insufficient resources generated across maps to complete requirements, etc). But then if you treat the game as a challenging city builder or colony sim it falls short because it actually has very little complexity beyond the rpg-driven resource scarcity. Sure, there are many buildings and upgrades, unit classes and specialisations, etc but often those make little difference if there are just not enough resources to progress.
81 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 01:56
no save while playing (only allows save if you leave), so if you mess up, start your 8+ hours over
290 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 11:55
How have they not fixed the bugs that make the tutorial unplayable!? I needed to run a non native resolution to be able to interact with the tutorial overlay. And then it just continues being frustatingly annoying, asking you to move the camera while movement is diasabled.
And with no UI scaling the UI is bloody massive and intruding.
150 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 04:53
If you don't pay attention you'll suffer. Even if you do, you'll still suffer, but not in a good masochistic way. There's a learning curve to games like xcom, darkest dungeon, hades, fighting in tight spaces etc that punish you for mistakes but reward good gameplay. In this game, there's no feeling of achievement, satisfaction, or even purpose.

There's a lot of good aspects; the unique character traits, upgrades, classes/specialization, appealing environment/models/soundtrack, solid resource management. The base game is pretty enjoyable, but the purpose is almost absent. It has a tutorial campaign and a rudimentary narrative about migration which is fine, but there's nothing satisfying about clearing a stage. The idea of why you need certain resources in certain amounts is weirdly addressed for like 10 seconds and then never mentioned again. In the tutorial you're crossing a mountain or something so you need wool to stay warm or something like that; its simple, reasonable, and gives you some idea of why. The rest of the game is literally you need X to the go to Y with nothing in between but a line connecting them. I don't need an animation of humanoids using the harvest wood to make a raft to travel downstream between locations, just something.

Maybe this sounds minor and insignificant, but when you're getting rolled by what feels like a deliberate anti-success algorithm (same turn I build a structure it catches on fire, the exact tree im actively harvesting gets hit by lightning, etc) you need some kind of substance to warrant the abuse.

tl;dr unfair difficulty + no direction
132 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 23:20
Without question the most luck orientated game i have ever played, the entire set up of each game is random and more often than not you will come across a map you cannot get past even if you play it perfectly. Such as a map where i need to collect 600 stone to advance + other resources, but there is only 300 stone on the map, even with a fully upgraded market its a 6 -1 ratio to buy stone meaning you need to collect at least 1800 other resources before the time runs and got a random event that shortened the time limit by 20%, and this sort of thing is a pretty common occurrence, If you have played battle brothers and found the RNG too nice and forgiving in that game you might like this otherwise I would avoid.
219 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 06:00
After understanding the game I was enjoying it. But then I ran into a halt where I realized I'd never be able to get the required resources because I just didn't have any spawns for it AT ALL on the map I ended up in.

Someone online said you should try to plan for RNG to screw your over. But RNG can't screw you over if you uninstall. And no animals to tame on the map either meant I couldn't make a market. I'm fine with RNG fucking you, but it should at least be fair.
446 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 02:27
This is a Positive review.

Pretty cool game, neat gameplay loop and unique idea for a rogue-like, but there are a couple of dumb things that break this game for me.
One: It's entirely possible for the requisites to leave a zone (Halt) to not be present within the the one you're in. Twice in 3 runs I had an impossible/no-win scenario where I needed a LOT of Rations and either Pepkins or Cereal to leave to the only connecting zone and then there was only a SINGLE patch of pepkins/cereal. Even with feverishly harvesting everyhting else and trading it all on the market, I could not generate 600 Rations while keeping 450 pepkins/cereal. Literally getting RNG'd out of the game, not fun.
Two: Food management is not handled well. I had a scenario where I had 23 Rations, 17 Pepkins (I was one turn from profiting Rations) when a Puny character starved to death when the requirements was 24 Rations. Like, you telling me your system isn't smart enough to mix and match, it HAS to be all of one food type? Alt+F4, bye. MAJOR red flag for the game's systems if this simple concept is absent.

Fix these (among other things like the camera functions not working/bugging out, shift-stacking move commands, etc) and it's an easy Recommend.
410 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 10:09
[24h at the time of writing] As Far As The Eye is an interesting take on the resource optimization genre mixed with Civilization hex optimization and logistics. Challenging and rewarding while learning the game fulfills my personal desires for a video game.

Everything is scarce and I managed to fail the easiest journey several times before getting my first victory. However, every run I learnt something interesting and often could only blame myself for the mistakes. Many of the reviews harp on the game being unfair - I do not share this opinion. Like in many deeper resource management games the point of failure is NOT the point of error. Neither should losing count as negative, but as a learning experience. If one attributes a lost game to the last event that tipped you over the edge you fail to improve on what lead you to such a teetering position in the first place. Long term planning and a balance of greed while knowing when its time to run is the key.

Each of the offerred tribes come with their unique challenges and I found myself adjusting my strategy heavily from previous run to win with the harder difficulties.

If you enjoy resource management / rogue like / city builders the game is well worth the 9.99$ that I paid on sale. Thumbs up.
507 Produkte im Account
191 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 06:04
Lost interest - the game is a slow turn-based resource management with a barely cobbled together lore and narrative. The world is flooding collect these resources to get to the next area. That's pretty much it - build buildings, harvest and level up. Played through the tutorial and that's really enough for me. Got this in a bundle, can't really recommend it.
175 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 13:46
Saw the reviews; bought it anyway. Glad I did, but also understand why this game doesn't have universal appeal.

TL;DR up front: If you like Reus, Rimworld, and Monopoly, you'll probably like this game. If you like to reload when you get a really bad dice roll or open a chest and get some garbage sword and you're a mage (there's no dice or swords; it's a metaphor), you probably will not.

There's no saving in the tutorial (the campaign is the tutorial), and you're going to die more than once in the tutorial. Be prepared for both these realities. In the regular game you can only save and exit and there's only 1 save file. Ironman mode is mandatory. (p.s. the campaign is short and unforgiving. The regular game also has a built in tutorial, but very little guidance as far as strategy)

Like Reus, the game is beautiful, and gameplay is short. You sit down, start a new game, play for an hour, you either win, lose, or give up, then you either start a new game or you close the game and go do something else. There's no epic saga where you play the same squad for months and months, there's no building a massive base with 10 million of everything, in fact there's even a game mechanic to punish you for taking more than you need from the land. If you so much as exit back to the menu, your play through is gone.

Like Rimworld, the game is a *little* bit forgiving, but not very. If you screw up badly enough over the course of 4-5 turns, or get a really rocky start, you'll probably find yourself dying unless you're really good at pulling rabbits (and food/medicine) out of your hat, and sometimes on day 1 a boomrat explodes and sets the whole map on fire and everyone dies.

Like Monopoly (assuming you play 4+ players of equal ability), you're going to lose far more times than you're going to win, and sometimes it will just feel like you only lost because luck was against you and you kept landing on tax squares and couldn't get all the railroads like you hoped. Better players will usually do better, but sometimes plans just don't work. And even if you win, no matter how rich you might have been, next time you play you will start with nothing.

People who find these games frustrating will probably find As Far As The Eye frustrating.

People who like these games will probably like As Far As The Eye.
687 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 16:03
What do I like
It has gorgeous graphics and a nice gameplay loop. I like the fact that you have to think ahead and plan out your route and plan your resources. But that's about it...

What do I not like?
The game feels unbalanced. I Could not even finish the campaign without failing many times. I mean gathering food is so slow that if you get 1 more pupil, you are already lacking in food. Even when I had 1 gatherer and 1 baker and a wood gatherer (needed for the bakery) I barely had enough food to keep up the 3 pupils. That was in the campaign.... where you almost have no debuffs. I couldn't even gather all the other resources I needed without the pupils starving to death. Not untill I got the 4th pupil, an expert baker in the campaign, could i finish the first halt. But boy was that the worst decision I could make, cause in the next halt I couldn't get enough food to even maintain the 4 pupils I had. So yea, one could argue that I suck in the game. Or that the game is just unforgiving if I can't even keep 3 pupils alive even if I have put them all on food gathering/creation duty.

Also there are a few questionable choices regarding difficulty... Like all pupils above the amount of 3 need a camp or else they won't do anything. And if you come across a halt without a rhino thing, you can't build a camp. This means you have 4 pupils that need food, but 1 pupil that doesn't do anything without a camp. Feels a bit like a forced difficulty. If you need to survive, who cares if you have a camp... You will get one if you contribute, not when everyone is dead because there is no resource to create a camp for you. In the next runs I made sure not to have more than 3 pupils.

After this campaign mission, I felt like trying a custom game. When I started noticing the complaints of some people in the other negative reviews, I decided to refund the game and not even go beyond the treshold of no return for refunds. I feel that the learning curve for this game is just way too steep and you need lots of hours and luck to win some runs. So this is definitely a no go for me at least and I won't recommend it to anyone. Just don't underestimate the difficulty of this game.
53 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 17:39
This is a challenging game. I play several strategy games myself. However, 32 hours in, I managed only 2 wins with this game. If you like a challenge, then this is the game for you. It's definitely a love/hate situation for me but I'm still continuing to play it for the foreseeable future.
556 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 22:23
+ managing proper placement of buildings is quite fun
+ progression between levels - you take your stuff from one level to the next with a tetris-like inventory system

+/- it's just resource management of ~10 resources (of which you will probably not use all in a single playthrough) - no more no less
+/- very difficult, your min-maxing has to be top notch, but it does not seem there is much to discover after a game or two (which you will fail), so it's a matter of repetition until you get good and get good dice rolls

- unnecessary micromanagement - e.g. there is a random effect in which a stonecutters will get sick in next turn. So I have to stop harvesting stone for one turn on this one tribesman and restart it on the turn afterwards. Or there is a fire in the forest, but the woodcutter still goes there and loses life.
- extreme negative snowball - lost a building or a tribesman? Restart. This is caused by low number of everything - you start with - 3 tribesmen (probably you woul end the game with ~6) and no buildings - creating new ones is very costly, so you cannot lose anything
- getting a new tribe members at correct time is essential but also random
- pretty much everything that can happen has negative effects - there is nothing to look forward to, everything just gets worse, occasional random effects range between bad and forced-game-restart (e.g. random building destroyed, because it was not at 100%)
90 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 15:43
I highly recommend this game if you don't mind suffering, you become obsessed with winning and you have a lot of time to sink into realizing the universe is out to kill your pupils.

I really enjoy resource and strategy games like this. The concept is fantastic, it's complex and each campaign is unique. My complaint is that it may be a little too hard. The amount of times I've become attached to my pupils just to watch them perish literally a few resources away from the eye was very heartbreaking. I was definitely obsessed for a bit there and may have screwed over my sleep cycle to suffer just a little longer.

In other news, thanks to all the beautiful strategy experience in this game, I was finally able to beat the New Home campaign in Frostpunk so I can't be too mad.

All in all, this game is really hard. Don't expect to win the first, fifth or twentieth campaign you play. Honestly, don't expect to win at all and then maybe you'll be surprised! Happy gaming y'all.
97 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 04:10
So its probably a 6 or 7 out of ten for me. Its really unique resource gathering game without combat and with a ticking clock becasue of the rising tides. However where it falls short for me is the conflict of the game 'aura' pretty lame mechanic in my opinion because nowhere does it show how long or short it will last once you 'sooth' the aura. So once you walk your worker over to the aura spot to 'sooth' it you have no idea if you need to sooth it again soon because i've had it last 20 turns but also had it go back after a few turns and stop production right at the end when i needed just a few more production then i lost because of it. Now don't get me wrong the game is good, its fun, but its not as chill and relaxed as i was expecting. If you don't mind losing ocasionally to random map generation and like walking around 'soothing aura' i recomend.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 17:21
*Edited* I'm changing my review from not recommended to recommended as I played this game more. It has a very steep learning curve and I found it almost impossible to actually complete the game at first. In the beginning it was extremely frustrating and disappointing to never be able to finish, because there is no ability to save the game in between stages in case you make a mistake or have bad luck. I almost quit playing because of this and I still think that saves would be a good feature to add. (Note: I'm not a great gamer and just wanted something casual to play)

Finally I was able to complete the game, which unlocks other stages. These come with bonus features that make it easier. It feels much more rewarding now and I feel like I actually have a decent chance of completing it when I play. My favorite part of the game is how many skills there are for your characters and how you can really specialize their abilities in different ways. There are lots of options in this game for paths that you take, so you can strategize in different ways each time. I also enjoy the graphics and peaceful music and vibes. So, if you can make it past (what I found to be) the really difficult first part and steep learning curve I think you could really enjoy this game.
263 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 16:37
Really nice idea and cute graphics, but REALLY bad execution. I've played 11 hours and never managed to win once. Even in your best run you get unwinnable halts (including the last one, where there were something like 8-9 Aura tiles on all the main resources I needed to harvest. I even managed to harvest the other 2 needed resources, but due to all the turns wasted sooting auras I just couldn't harvest enough pumpkins to feed my tribe and clear the requirement). The game should at least allow you to restart an individual halt instead of the whole game, because no matter how good you are, you could just be unlucky in your last halt and everything's lost. I might try to at least play some custom games instead of abandoning it completely, but knowing you can't see 90% of the game (the other tribes unlock only after you win with the first) really make you lose interest. I could have loved this game, but ended up feeling like I wasted my time :(
665 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 23:11
This game could of been great, it has a lot to do, and you get to try a bunch of different strategies, but it is an exercise in frustration. RNG is way to op in this.

Sometimes a few turns before leaving the halt, oh now there's a new second resource that you must gather to advance. I lose. Next game, almost ready to leave the halt, Flood only ten turns away let's add a new resource when you were barely gonna move on and your run is over. Like adding resources within 30 sometimes 50 turns of the flood is a death sentence. There's no fun in that. What, I just have to gather 300 of a random resource and hope I'm right to win?

222 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 18:55
I really wanted to like this game, the art style is beautiful and I like the zen-ness of it, but the unwinnable scenarios are pretty frustrating. I am really good at these kinds of games too. I played through the tutorials, easy enough. I read a bunch of stuff about people saying how you just need to prepare properly and what not, and that's fine, so I did. I got through all the Vargies that lowered how many turns I had and wrecked all my buildings. Felt pretty confident. My final Halt (The areas you stop and play in) had 10, freaking, 10 Aura's on it. Most of them interlinked with one another. For those of you who don't know an Aura is something you have to send a Druid to calm down so that your other Pupils can harvest resources in that area. The only issue is I have one druid, and by the time I calmed down two Auras in an area and started working on a third aura in the area, the first would kick back up and prevent anything from being harvested. That was just for one small spot of the map, not even mentioning the other seven. There was literally nothing I could do. No amount of preparation of resources could get through this wall. You would need several druids to clear the map, and the game only allows you 3 pupils at start, and two that you can get through other caravans. Even if I had all five pupils from that scenario, I would have had to have them all constantly calming the aura's while having one harvest food, simply so we didn't starve, let alone gather the resources to move on from the flood.

Just sort of bad RNG. I feel like if the game had like, a limit to how many auras can spawn on a map or something, and how close to one another, this unbeatable wall would have been unavoidable.
1157 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 04:32
First, let me say that this game is beautiful and I love the premise.

My only issue is with the RNG, I have played over 16 hours and have been unable to win even one game with the very first tribe that starts out unlocked. Most games I have tried don't even have the resources necessary to move forward. Even trying the marketplace and trading doesn't work. The trades are too expensive and you harvest too slowly to be able to trade for a lacking resource before the wave gets to you.

You need more hands to do the work, but then you have a food supply issue because all the pupils eat too much unless you are lucky to get one with a special trait.

The campaign is easy compared to the rest of the game and is more of a tutorial than a campaign. It doesn't teach you about all the game features at all, but it covers the basics.

I would love to be able to recommend the game, but as it is, I can not. However, if you like simple games that are very difficult or maybe nearly impossible to win, then you might enjoy it, like a difficult game of solitaire.

53 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 23:53
I really enjoyed this game except for the random component. For example, you have no real control over your starting group and many of the combinations you end up with are just un-playable. I like thinking my way through a challenge, but it's just not fun to lose because of a bad roll of a RNG.
668 Produkte im Account
455 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 21:27
Great premise but flawed execution. The art and music are perfect for the style of game, and there are several redeeming factors to this game such as the character progression, tetris-style inventory management, and camp and council upgrade trees, but not enough to overcome the base-level issues.

Selecting each unit is a pain, with the only two options being clicking on the balloons/units themselves, or their portrait in the lower left but having to hover over each one to see their names (if you've memorized which one is which since you can't rename them; I had to have a word document open of each unit's name and what they were good at).

All points of the game are way too harsh and reliant on RNG. Even on the very easiest mode one turn I got a vagary, then the very next turn I got TWO MORE vagaries... Like chill I'm on the first zone of my first game lets back it up please. Then the second zone was so small there were only 4 places to put buildings at all, and that's after I cleared the pack animal out of one, and from my research there is no other way besides exhausting a resorce to clear a hex for further construction so that's just the end of the run.
I love a good difficult roguelike, but this feels more like Russian roulette where your choices do not matter and any preparation you have done does not affect your overall success which all comes down to luck.
1121 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 02:34
I keep wanting to like As Far As The Eye, but the game mechanics make it no fun. Early game you spend your time trying to ramp up food production before your pupils starve. Late game you're penalized for having efficient production. It feels bad.

A lot of folks seem to be complaining about the RNG. I'd agree, but with a little nuance. You can definitely learn how to get better at the game and that'll increase the number of successful attempts. By the mid and late game you should have the resources to recover from bad RNG.

That said, in the early game a single bad event/trait can tank your game. If you make it passed the first 2 halts, you should have the ability to deal with most bad events. Early game though, you have no such wiggle room, and there is little you can do beside abandon the run and start another. Again... it just feels bad.
883 Produkte im Account
152 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 23:30
This is an odd turn-based strategy game about efficiency. There are a lot of resources to worry about, logistics of moving things around, and random events or prices you need to contend with. I am not a fan, but I also didn't hate this game, it exists in some weird little corner niche of the strategy game genre. In fact, I applaud them for reaching into such a strange place to establish this game. I just wish that the game was actually fun to play.


The bright, colorful world, is at first really nice to look at. Especially in the first 2 missions of the tutorial. After that the game sort of turns into a mess of details. Too much of this and that, too much clutter, most things are either shaped similarly or colored similarly. Building are almost impossible to tell apart, resources are often similar in appearance, or worse yet hidden behind or inside of each other. Even the characters, the Pupils, that you need to control are difficult to tell apart or even figure out which hex they are standing on (since they sit on the edge of hexes I was constantly miss-reading their actual locations).

The Tutorial/Campaign

The first two missions of the campaign do a good job of teaching some of the basics of controls. I still don't understand the movement system in this game (I swear sometimes the Pupils move through hills and bogs faster than they ought to), but I got most of the basics. After that, oh boy. The other three missions are weird and messy, things aren't really explained to you clearly or at all, and they are long, requiring you to restart them over and over again.

The game never really explains the math of the food system which is the most crucial thing that you need to figure out.


It's the heart of the game. You need to move Pupils around, gather resources, and travel to the next region. I feel like the game was inspired by the first few turns of a strategy game, where you plan out the whole game and get stuff moving. Since you have to keep moving in this game that's all you do, get started, over and over and over again.

Yes the Pupils improve, but mostly in the sense that they can carry +5 of a resources per trip (called cycle), or generate +15 of a secondary Knowledge resource when gathering a specific resource. Mostly you'll just be building things and leaving them behind.

Which brings us to the issue of actually moving on and leaving things behind. The game punishes you for harvesting more resources than you need. Leaving stuff behind causes the game to throw more bad events at you. But actually taking stuff is really annoying. When you are prepared to move from one area to another you have a packing minigame, with each 100 of a resource taking a tetris block-like shape that you need to fit on the back of your caravan. While I get the basic idea it's really just annoying to deal with, and the game doesn't give you any warning that you have more stuff than you can carry, this massive, massive problem just gets thrust upon you suddenly with no real good way to handle it.

FOOD, oh god, why is the food system so horrible?!

It really is, too. It's absolutely horrible. A single Pupil gathering fruit can barely feed themself plus one more.

Pupils eat 6 rations or fruit each turn. It takes between 3 to 4 turns for a Pupil to gather the fruit and return it, carrying 40 per trip. So a net of 22 to 16 fruit per trip (cycle).

You aren't really supposed to survive on fruits alone, and you can't while getting other things that you need, so you should be harvesting other things like wheat, spices, fish, or meat and cooking them into rations using wood for fuel. But this doesn't really make it easier, it makes it more complex. The whole game is basically balancing your food industry with other needs. And did I mention the lovely, wonderful, joyous fact that you get to rebuild the whole food industry each level, over and over and over again?! And if you invest in say training a baker and building a portable bakery you may land in a region without wheat. So not only do you need to rebuild your whole food industry in each region you also may find that none of your Pupils have the skills to use the resources in the new region!


If you read only one nasty comment about this game then I bet it was this. Randomness is important in games. I actually really like it! I love it! The issue here is that the randomness can swing into completely insane territory. It can require you to have skills that are impossible to get in the current region. Require vast sums of resources that aren't available i the current region. Completely obviate all of your planing and preparation. Random events can strip skills from your Pupils, change or remove resources from the map, destroy buildings. It's just too much.

I wish that this game was better

This game isn't horrible. I wanted to like it, I played a bit really trying to find stuff to like or figure out how the pieces fit together. I just don't think that they do. That being said, I bet there are lots of people who like this sort of random onslaught of issues and problems, and trying to fit difficult pieces together to scrape by. I think those people would like this game. Sadly, I'm not among them.
1192 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 06:20
I got this game from Humble Bundle so as the other reviews say I will point out things I agree with along with a small description of gameplay:

It's an interesting take on a strategy board game. You are trying to beat the time limit (Tide) and progress through the map through resource collecting, prioritizing task and making the bare minimum to make it to the next stage. Yes, you can build structures to make collecting resources faster though it's not necessary for basic materials. You can also focus skills on specific people to make them masters at the task you give them. The visuals remind me of niche but it definitely isn't. That said I think the game is fun for the few hours i've played it but the thing that hinders me from wanting to play more is that there is no save function to restart a stage if you messed up.

Biggest Point:
It's unforgiving, this is a very hardcore game and mistakes can throw away hours of work. There is no save function which I find the biggest drawback from getting this game at full price. You should know this before getting the game, this is honestly the only reason I just can't recommend it. I will admit I'm not a perfect person and I like to play strategy games while drunk... when the stages can take up to an hour or more to do and there is no option to restart I tend to rage quit. I really like this game but, because of that lack of a save function I kinda got discouraged at campaign and rage quit.

Otherwise it is a very fun game, I hope the devs make it an option to do hardcore instead of forcing it into the main game. The work put into it is very apparent and it really is well done. It's just because of the lack of being able to save I just can't recommend it because it's such a vital thing for a game like this. Hopefully it makes more sense if I play more into it but at a bit more than 2hrs I don't know if I'll be retrying this.

Imagine playing Civ 5 without a save function and you had to depend on RNG to win. Then do that again several times without a save function through each civ map and that's probably why besides some folks hating the User Interface.
1782 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 02:43
Seems like there's an interesting game in here, but unfortunately it's just lost in poor design. It's very hard to tell what's going on and what each of your characters is doing. Important actions are buried in different kinds of menus. It really seems like it's missing a few iterations of testing and polish.
646 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 06:50
Needed x of resource y to progress. Due to RNG of map creation, there was x-n of resource y. This is a bug and makes the game broken.
960 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 21:12
This might be the weirdest and most heartbreaking thumbs down I've ever given. I love everything about the game....Except the visuals. And I don't mean the graphics, I mean the screen is so incredibly dense with visual information that I becomes incredibly taxing for me to process all of it. A single hex might have 3 different resources (visualized as multiple 3D objects, a worker (called Pupil) with a distinct model that informs you of it's function, multiple balloons (that acts as worker selectors and representations of current stage of work) and some additional status information, or a model of a friendly caravan passing by. And the screen consist 8+ similarly packed hexes. It's just to DENSE. If some of it were less embellished, or there were more empty space between hexes, or some information would be relegated to icons...I'd love it. As it is it's just...exhausting to play.
1207 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 17:03
Want to be confused and frustrated? Then this game is for you. The tutorial is there just to upset you, and the UI and micromanaging is boring and dumb. Great concept, very poorly delivered. 2/10
550 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 21:04

A surprisingly intricate rouge-like strategy game.

-Presentation – graphics, music and sounds are all great
-Massive amounts of replayability on the back of the random aspects of the game
-Campaign (which is pretty much just the tutorial of the game) delivers charming story snippets
-Core gameplay loop is easy to pick up, but much deeper than appears at first sight

-While the title makes sense once you know what the premise of the game is, it’s still a horrible one, I doubt I would’ve picked this game up if it wasn’t for Humble Choice
-A way to map out movement step by step would be a great addition
-Gameplay is on the slower side which might not appeal to some
-RNG involved might also push many away

Pair the surprising complexity with simple, but beautiful visuals, the charming background music and good soundwork, add to this the replayibility offered by the random nature and voilá, you’ve got a great game on your hands. You’ll probably adore it just as much as I did, as long as you’re the patient type who doesn’t mind attempting to think ahead while keeping in mind RNJesus can take a shit over their plans any minute.
For more detail on the above points and a look at gameplay, please join me as I elaborate on my thoughts in this video:
** Click Me ** .
1567 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 00:16
Feels like it's still in the early stages of early access. If you look at the achievements, only 1/3rd of people who play the game even finish the tutorials. I understand why: I had to restart two tutorials because of very specific requirements that were unclear. It's not like they're complicated; just unclear... and they lock you if you don't do it exactly right.

In general, the writing is barely comprehensible and needs to be scaled back a few notches. The UI is absolutely horrid: tiny buttons with lots of submenus everywhere. Lots of things look the same and your guys change appearance if they do a different job and there's no way to keep track of them. There's no summary of what people are working on and where.
Everything's super bright so you can't make out individual things. So much mis-clicking because you can't see. ...and the gameplay boils down to hitting 'next turn' a BUNCH and praying that the place you're at has enough food and resources to get to the next place.

Was excited for this one, but the devs really need to do a QoL pass or three.
362 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 17:56
Kind of puzzled by some of the reviews. This game isn't that unfair or difficult. It's a bit tricky and there's some RNG but with some good planning attention you can mitigate most of that. Are you going to win every run? Probably not, but some of the failure rates mentioned in the other reviews seem unreasonably high.

I've been really enjoying this game so far. It's a fun and stylish resource management 4Xish game that provides a decent challenge. If you're a fan of the genre and don't mind a bit of RNG, I'd definitely recommend it. It's kind of like the Slay The Spire of resource management games.
276 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 02:33
This is a love-hate sort of relationship.

One of the hardest games ever due to the way RNG creates runs-I think it could use some tailoring for balance and allow for more difficulty challenges that way, but it DOES give you the option of customizing your games. Except to die multiple times...in the tutorial.

Lovely art and soundtrack though! Very calming and relaxing while it gives you lots of time to ponder your mistakes. Decisions you make definitely feel impactful, but connecting the dots can sometimes be a challenge.
62 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 17:55
Fun game,but be prepared to fail... A LOT. Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but there is a lot of luck involved in whether you succeed or not. It is so easy for one small event to completely ruin that run, you have to really plan to make it through. I recommend looking at tips & guides to help. Also play the campaign first, it is actually a tutorial.
120 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 07:50
This game is beautiful, charming, and full of great ideas. I can't recommend buying it unfortunately.
I can see these designers embracing mechanics they've developed here to make a truly delightful and rewarding roguelite strategy game, but what they have in this game is a little too dense and unfocused to get there. If they polished the UI a bit to highlight important elements over the course of turns, and tightened up the progression between stages I would probably change my tune, but what's here now is doing too many things at once without highlighting any of them enough.

Lovely and frustrating.
149 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 14:41
Concept behind this game is flawed. On one hand, you're forced to think ahead, on the other hand, your plan may or may not be totally undermined by factors completely outside your control. You may think that the solution is adaptability and flexibility, like it usually is in roguelikes. Not here - most of the time the game punishes you for flexibility.
It's like the core mechanic of the game was supposed to be planning and careful management, but then the designers decided to make it roguelike without adjusting the core or giving us tools to deal with the randomness appropriately. It's simply not enjoyable. Pity, because the sounds are amazing and it looks pretty.
299 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 12:40
I want to like this game, but there are several flaws that make the game not enjoyable. The pawns have to be micromanaged between buildings to gather resources. The buildings are not labeled on the map and can be difficult to see with all the bright colors. The RNG from events can end a game quickly because of the limited time and resources.
150 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 02:42
Honestly more stressful than fun. The game's quirky art style, sounds, and music didn't encourage me to really WANT it either. So combine a game I'm finding extremely difficult with little to no reward... No way I'm ever playing this again.
115 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 08:36
Just a RNG mess
146 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 21:46
I love the artstyle and the general 'gather ressources you need -> get to the next zone' playstyle. And I also like challenging or even hard games! But I can't give an overwhelmingly positive review. It is cute, fun to play and challenging but at times literally impossible. But I probably need more hours in this game.
Example: To get to the next zone you need 600 metals, there's 200 harvestable in your zone and the 'best' trading option you can do is stone with a 4 stone = 1 metal ratio. Well great, you need 600 stone as well to get to the next zone!
I know, better luck next time or should've got the perk that let's me see what I need and prepare more careful in advance. But with all food gathering, ressource management, upgrades and so forth this becomes A LOT to worry about.
Again, probably need more hours in this or generally be better prepared for it but it sometimes feels 'too much effort' to really enjoy the game.
323 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 17:25
I loved this game, thought the concept was amazing, it's unique, fun to play, but as soon as you unlock some negative traits you're just going to experience frustration until you've had enough. I still like this game and want to play more, but i'm saving myself the time and frustration of how the game changes and uninstalling. The RNG of some traits just make things impossible.
336 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 08:02
Graphics: 10/10
Story: 9/10
Gameplay: Intermediate/Hard.
Stream worthy: Niche

At the time of this review I’ve played nearly six (6) hours of this game. I originally wanted it thinking it was going to be a colony simulator. I was both surprised and disappointed in this assumption. It is enough of a colony simulator to start to scratch around that itch but not enough to fully satisfy it, however, the game has enough to do that you’ll likely not realize it.

The game is down right beautiful, down from the character and world design, to sound design and story. Don’t let that fool you. This game is not easy at baseline and I shudder to try and play this on “hard.” Now I’m not going to yank your chain and tell you I’m the best strategist gamer, but I’m not completely stupid either. But this game made me pull my hair out sometimes and the way the story likes to knife you in the feelings when you fail makes you want to try and do better. All in all I liked the game and will be continuing my play.

71 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 02:07
Absolutely gorgeous game, love the color scheme and the design. It is really unforgiving as others have said but it is also very satisfying when you make it through to the end. There is also luck involved as you never know what type of pupils you get or what natural disasters are coming to get you. The only complain I have is the tutorial is already difficult so it is possible to fail it and have to go through all the dialogues all over again (pretty annoying tbh). I just skipped some of them and went to the campaign to learn through playing instead. If you are the type of person who doesn't mind trial and error then this is a game to pick up. Definitely would recommend!
1572 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 04:37
A pretty game with a brilliant concept hampered by bugs, bad UI/UX, and poor balance.

There are some unfortunately severe bugs present given that the last bugfix patch was in Oct 2020. Things I have encountered include the game thinking I don't have enough population slots (if you have 4 workers but 3 slots, only 3 can work. Multiple times I had 4 slots but only 3 workers were allowed to work, which is a massive setback) and sometimes the game flat out loses/deletes resources & units when you load a saved game (in a game where you will regularly only have 3 or 4 units, having 1 disappear is essentially game over).

I understand that the game is random and balance is often luck. But there are too many random things that will kill your run if just 1 happens early. Also you might as well restart if you get a bad set of starting units, because the difference between getting a balanced squad and one that has useless skills is huge. Not to mention that some unit traits (i.e. Agile) are game-breaking powerful.

The UI/UX is really bad. I had an event that said idle units will get sick, and a unit en route to interact with a Caravan (friendly NPC) was counted as being idle without warning. Sometimes the game notifies me when a unit has no job, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I get a bonus at the start of a run due to last run, sometimes I don't, with no indication why. Given the state of the game it's difficult to say if those are bugs or bad UX. In the UI it's too hard to see what unit you have selected (and the game constantly swaps selection on you without warning), it's too hard to see at a glance what units are doing, and since they all look the same it's too hard to remember which unit you want to specialize in which job.

The concept of a moving base is brilliant, and the way you have to manage production and unit skills and cargo space is really fun. The bad UI/UX alone could have been tolerable quirks, but the bugs push this review into the negative. Stay away if you don't want to be disappointed by what could have been a fun game.
132 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 05:47
I've never written a review before, despite having thousands of hours on steam (like a degenerate). I feel like I need to counter out all of the negative reviews.

First of all, I do not even love this game. I like it, but thats it. I'm writing this because I am a guy who cruises through the negative reviews on every game I'm interested in before I buy it. So many people were saying this game is impossible and that they've never completed a run after [so many hours]. I really don't know what to say about that... This game is hard as hell, you need to think out everything you're doing, and its unforgiving (these are all qualities that I like). ----but It is not impossible.

I read like 20 reviews by people who could not complete a single run, but I just beat the game on my first try. I beat it on my first try, and honest to God, I'm a complete idiot. I like to get shit-faced drunk (I'm hammered now, forgive any grammar issues), and play video games. I beat this on like 16 beers. It is not impossible.

If you're interested in worker-management games, and you want to play against a difficult rule-set, this game is pretty solid. If you can't afford to drop $20-30 bucks or whatever, don't go for it. If you're like me, and you like difficult games, and make more than minimum wage, buy it. Its pretty solid; you'll have some fun with it (I only have like 5 -6 hours prolly at the time of writing this, so I don't know about replayability).

Biggest cons? For you 'negative review' guys out there? The art (though I do like it) makes it difficult to understand whats going on without paying close attention. Second, all of the characters are explicitly genderless. Draw your own conclusions from that. I have a friend named George who is gay. I would not recommend this to him, or any of his Gay friends (this is not a judgement of homosexuals generally).
47 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 20:31
Deciding whether or not to recommend this game was very difficult. While the game has many positive qualities and I really appreciate what it is doing, it is also significantly flawed. I would like to imagine that since this game is fairly new, it might be improved down the road since it shows so much promise. So here's how I'd break it down:

Pros: Interesting concept, great strategy elements, cute characters, great skill progression system
Cons: Random disasters are excessively punishing to the point where I have yet to make it to the eye ONCE after playing for 20 or so hours. You can plan and strategize all you want but you'll get nailed by disasters you could never predict and it feels like the game is largely luck-based.
I spent hours thinking that I was missing some major aspect of the game and just wasn't understanding how to play, but it's as simple as it seems, it's just excessively difficult in the wrong ways. It's discouraging to make it all the way to the last stop only to realize that the resource I need to get there isn't even available AT ALL and trading is so uneven, there is absolutely NO way to acquire the needed resource in time.
All of my problems with this game are fixable, so I really hope the developers actually listen to some feedback so this game can live up to it's vast potential.
67 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 01:52
I was surprised at how much I like this game. It reminds me of kind of a mix between Rimworld, Age of Mythology, and Civ. It takes some time to get used to the mechanics, but once you do, the game is very enjoyable.

You start with a small tribe and you get to decide what they'll work on to guide their career advancement. Each campaign is a journey to the eye broken down into small halts, or maps. I really like that you can unlock techs with knowledge, keep your pupil's skills, and build mobile buildings to give yourself a leg up in the later game halts.

The major problem I had on my first 2 campaigns is that I would get to the last mission before the eye and deplete all of the resources before I could get to the eye and either my Pupil's would starve, or the flood would come. I found that the longer campaign feels like you have more control as you have more missions to accumulate techs, buildings, and skills. I also found it helps to look at the map and highlight the future paths. I try to start gathering the resources needed for the next round before it even starts. Also the size of each Halt matters. The larger the Halt the more resources there are. I try to avoid small maps at all costs.

This game is honestly very enjoyable and extremely cute to see your pupil's transform into different animals when they become different professions. I really like the mystical feel of the game and the ability to improve and build up making future halts easier.
211 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 05:38
This could very easily be an excellent game with just some minor tweaking. All the elements are there, except every time you even get close to getting to the Eye, you end up losing in a way that is completely out of your control and that's what's frustrating about it.

You could min/max all day long, hit the last stage, and be (like I was the last time before I quit) trading cereal and spices and wool into a fully upgraded market to desperately try and get enough ore and stone to get out. Even fully upgraded the ratio is 6 to 1! This could be adjusted- make the upgrades scale just a little harder. Or maybe get the halt resources to lean in your favor just a little bit so the resources you need are actually available if you only have one path out. If you're going to give me that few choices, you have to make the resources more forgiving. Maybe just give me more choices! Why is there only one path if you're traveling from one specific place to another specific place? Maybe I can pick between two routes but still end up at the same halt. That would at least give me the illusion of control.

There is nothing more frustrating in a game than when you are defeated by a factor out of your control. Give me agency. One unlucky vagary can destroy your game. One time I literally lost a whole pupil to an explore... I have no words for how overtuned that is. Like it was well written as heck (he met his reflection and just followed it through a portal to god knows where), but I honestly ragequit right after. I'm not the sort of person who plays games on easy, but I can't even get past the first campaign...

All that said, this game is so beautiful, it's skill system so charming and fun to play with, I just wish you would stop murdering my cute little guys like a monster. Pretty please?

I know there is a custom option, but just turning vagaries or food off? That's a different kind of unbalanced, too easy to engage with. Possibly, you need a difficulty slider, my guys. Noobs don't want to play on deity, okay?
45 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
9243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 21:32
This is a great game!
I finished all the levels except for the last one involving the long journey with the north tribe.

This game is really difficult, but that's a good thing because if I beat all the levels too quickly, it wouldn't really be fun or challenging, and the game would be over too soon! I lost so many times, however, the soothing soundtrack and beautiful visuals were what got me to come back to play more.

Unlike other turn based hex games, or civilization survival games, each session you play doesn't last forever, making it the perfect activity for a half hour or hour between my meetings.
120 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 17:11
Incredibly difficult and unforgiving, brutally punishing, and so satisfying.

At first, I thought the game was just unfair because some maps just don't give the resource you need to get to the next. In reality, I needed to be spending knowledge points to see the future & get more cargo space so I could plan ahead by bringing resources I'd need. I needed to use markets to exchange for that last item I couldn't farm. Disasters can be punishing, but you have the ability to cancel a small number of them.

As far as the Eye is incredibly rewarding once you realize long term planning is the key to success. When that planning pays off it feels great.
36 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 13:30
I wholeheartedly recommend this - not just for the game itself, but also for the ideas behind it.

At first glance, dealing with random* traits,environments and events might make the game difficulty feel anywhere from very easy to impossible. Know that the devil is in the details - especially when you have a rough time.
Don't listen to the haters - in any game where there are casual players that barely beat the tutorial, there's gonna be crybabies.

The way you interact with the environment has consequences(which may influence your 'luck'), and yes, sometimes bad things you are unprepared for do happen. You have to lose multiple times in different ways if you want to know what can kill you and when(before it does, that is).

The game is far more complex than it seems, especially when you have to min-max everything on a bad start roll just to increase your long winter win streak. Also, the 'meta' is different for each type of tribe - and it really isn't about what to do if things go well, but about how to make use of the unlimited time to make them go well in dire situations.

If you are bored of getting good rolls and lucky events by restarting on bad draw, try playing the bad draws the same way one plays chess - as in,take you time, have patience, and try to see as many moves ahead as possible in order to outsmart your 'luck'.

Yeah, some balancing might be needed, some bugs need to be fixed. There is lots of potential in this though.

For developers: I bought your other recent game because I wanted to support the makers of this game. Maybe you don't give up on it? - even Among Us was for years less popular than AFATE is now before it got to shine :)
33 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 11:06
This is my impression after having only played the tutorial (campaign) so far. The graphics and music are very relaxing. The resource management aspect of the game resembles that of Age of Empires, but the unit movements are similar to that of Civilization. A word of caution: this game seems to be meant for relatively experienced strategy game players, as you already need to think a decent amount in the campaign despite the fact that you are heavily guided. If you're good at turn-based strategy games and enjoy slow-paced relaxing gameplay like myself, the game looks very promising.
149 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 23:28
Very easy to learn, but challenging enough for hours of gameplay.
95 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 18:22
If you want a challenge, this game is for you. It's a turned based survival simulator that doesn't hold your and and will let you fall flat on your face if you aren't paying attention. The UI is sleek, if a bit hard to get used to at first.
- I like to rename the characters based on the jobs I assign them.
- The bow tie color on the pupils can be changed
- Clicking on the resource in the upper left shows all resources on the map
- The campaign is a tutorial for the game
329 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 08:04
The premise of this game is promising, but it's ruined by its frankly terrible UI. Resource gathering (which is the central point and challenge of the game) is frustrating and confusing because many buildings have unintuitive dependencies -- I expect mastery of the game relies on just knowing that in order to create a level 2 herder's hut, you need a supply of wheat and stone, but that's difficult to remember, as there's no way to know until you build a herder's hut and it doesn't really make any sense. You need to direct your people on what to do, which is complicated by the fact that they are basically indistinguishable from one another, and hard to see on the hexes, so even if you're clicking on the correct one, it's difficult to tell.

Then, because the frustrations of the game design aren't enough, we have every modern game's friend: procedurally generated maps and random events. It's not uncommon to arrive in a new area and find it's completely unsuitable for the tasks that are required to advance to the next by dint of the terrain being more than 50% unusable mountain, ruins, and lakes. Should you manage to thrive, there are no shortage of random events, all of which are negative, that will damage your buildings and hurt your villagers, seemingly without rhyme or reason. Occasionally, a friendly caravan will happen by, at which point they will offer you a completely random assortment of trades with no regard for whether or not it's even possible for you to complete what's on offer (for instance, offering you 200 meat in exchange for 50 wool... on a map where you have not been collecting wool and therefore have 0).

I enjoy the premise of this game, but in practice it's an exercise in frustration and playing it doesn't really feel meaningful. I'd recommend sticking to more polished 4X games over this mess.
125 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 13:56
If you like the genre (survival, city builder, strategy...) I think it's worth value purchase it. I won't make spoilers but I like to point a positive / negative thing:

-The tutorial is nice! I love games whos designers invest time in create a usefull and nice tutorial to encourage players to play. And make them easy to do it... I don't want to spend like 3 hours in youtube videos for learning...
-Music is nice!
-The art is cool!

-Something with the technology tree is wrong: I miss a real campaign were you can use the knowledge you learn (investing points) or at least the possibility to use it more. The game is so challenging ; it's easy to die and if you die all points invested are lost... and they are hard to obtain even if you finalice the campaign they are lost also... so... my point is the whole thing with the technology tree is big, it's not hard to understand but... you really spend time here making decissions... what if 5 mins after you're dead?. So to me the technology tree is wrong designed. I lack something I could invest to develop my profile or something. May be something permanently for the tribe; even if I finalize a campaign with a tribe would be nice to keep some developments.
83 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 11:08
The game seems fun and I really like the style, but I couldn't beat the tutorial, neither by following the game's instructions exactly nor by trying on my own. I wish that it was easier or you could save during it. Repeating each step for the fourth time left me not wanting to play anymore.
256 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
6091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 23:44
Not a brilliant game, but a nice little rouge lite/civ-lite. It's not going to be something you dive as deep into as civilization or FTL but it's got some nice ideas and nice execution. Players can have fun with it without having to commit twenty-thirty hours of their lives to a run.
427 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 15:25
This. You were fun, you just didn't do a great job at explaining yourself. What is someone meant to do? Especially when the map tile screws you over and there's not much you actually can do before the wave washes you away and you die. There's some definite unfortunate RNG elements in this game, that can be very punishing. Once you understand it, the game is great. The issue is, do you want to put in 40 hours to work towards understanding? That's what you've gotta think about. The learning experience can be fun, it won't be for a lot of people though I feel. 6/10.
351 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 20:08
It's refreshing to find a challenging turn-based resource management game that doesn't involve combat! The game is fairly slow-paced, but there is an underlying tension because the land is going to flood, and you have limited time to prepare your Pupils.

Decisions are at the heart of this game.

Which path will you take to the Eye? Different paths lead to different lands with differing resources to be gathered. There are also different obstacles to overcome, so some routes might be inherently easier, but you also need to match your route with the skills and strengths of your Pupils.

You need to decide how you will feed your Pupils. Maybe raw pepkins are good enough, but you should consider the alternatives of fish, meat or grain. Your choice will depend on the resources available within the Halt, but also the route you will take, and again the skills and strengths of your Pupils.

Where will you place buildings? You want them to be close to the resources, but you will also want to cluster them for camp bonuses. Will you build cheaper permanent buildings, or more expensive mobile buildings you can take with you? Mobile are great if you can upgrade them too, but they need more advanced resources to build and also you can't carry too many because that will limit the number of resources you can take with you too. Should you build a market, workshop or council building?

There are no right or wrong answers. Much will depend on your play style and there are many viable strategies to follow. Much could depend on the random starting stats of your team. Will you prioritise gaining knowledge or resources? What will you spend your Knowledge points on? How will you balance your team? Will you choose to have a Druid? How will you deal with vagaries?

Speaking of vagaries, these are negative events which hamper your progress. Many can be safely ignored, but eventually some will cause you problems. You will always have some time to prepare. Can you adapt? So many choices!

I'm only 16 hours in, and haven't faced any of the more difficult challenges yet. So far it's all well within my comfort zone. I will edit this review once I have tried the 2 & 3 star challenges.
463 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
2716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 12:22
The most relaxing and pleasant game I have ever played where your workers are shapeshifting animal people fleeing a biblical-scale deluge. A deluge that washes them all away and kills them if you are unable to advance them across the map quickly enough.
466 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 08:38
This game, as a premise, is sound - travel, manage your supplies, and make it to the Eye. It's a premise that we've had since some of the earliest days of gaming. It's something we go back to frequently. And it works.

And boy does AFATE fail at it. In a way that makes me wish I hadn't sunk as much time in as I did, and instead refunded it when I had the chance.

See, the game tells you to take your time, to optimize, to plan and make the best use of your villagers. But it woefully lacks any sense of control or agency over your travelers that would enable to you to correctly plan. The system has depth, but lacks meaningful choices - there is often a singular best choice, and that is to make Food.

See, the game starts you off with a decent supply of Cooked Meals to get you going. These meals are consumed every turn by your travelers, and you very easily start to see that they begin to dwindle away at a rapid speed, increasing for every additional villager you require. But in order to replenish your stores, you need *three* of your villagers producing food. One to gather wood, one to gather a foodstuff (of which there are three, and the mysterious *spices* that can't be eaten on their own, but can be used in recipes) and one to actually cook the goods.

Now, that sounds fine in principle. The problem is that you have three villagers. Meaning to prevent your travelers from starving, you need to be constantly producing food using them; which puts you behind in gathering the spices, the wool, or stone you might need to actually progress. And because each villager consumes six food per turn, even if they can't work, you end up having to either continually produce food, or you'll find yourself starving very quickly; switching jobs takes precious time that your travelers could be using to gather resources or cook food, so you're suffering additional losses of productivity that you so desperately need.

If you want to use more than three travelers, you'll need to improve your capacity which requires resources, and travelers use food even if they can't work because you lack the capacity on your caravan. Gods help you if your travelers end up with traits that make them take up 2 capacity, or always take one capacity even when not working. So you *barely* begin to eek out an existence when using more than 3 travelers, but it is extremely expensive to the point where nearly 80% of all the cool upgrades you could get are ignored in favor of simply spent getting more travelers going. And on the hardest clan your travelers require wool in addition to food, making them even more costly to survive.

The fundamentals of a good game are here. But the sheer base system of the game forces you into a specific decision that means as you play and unlock more traits for travelers to have, that are potentially extremely crippling, half your runs may be dead at the start. You generally know if a run is dead a handful of turns in; and every run that lives past the first halt ends up having very similar gameplay: set up your food, use your one or two other travelers to gather whatever you need, and hope that the random events don't smite your run without any way for you to really recover. You barely get to touch on the good stuff in the game such as healing potions and druids, explorations and sacrifices, or the Council Tech system because you're so focused on barely eeking out an existence even with optimal play so your travelers don't die of starvation.

It's not fun, it's not engaging, and it's just too frustrating. This game really, completely, is not worth it, even for rogue like fans.
273 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 12:57
The game's art is very elegant and the images of the pupils are lovely, and the feeling of watching the pupils working together like a family is quite cozy, which brings peace to my heart.
However, I shall warn you that the game isn't that easy as it looks. In fact, it is most challenging and it usually takes me some time to make up my mind before launching the game. You have to plan carefully in order to do an excellent job.
The game might take some time to adapt to. But once you are in it, it should be as wonderful to you as it is to me.
384 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 06:36
This is a really neat take on turn-based strategy. The challenge is real and the strategy is surprisingly deep. The gameplay is very rhythmic though, and the artistic style is very chill. This is a game to zone out to while also being tough at times, which is a hard space to land on.
715 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
1569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 08:13
Hard as nails, brutal, unforgiving, oppressive even at times, but also cute, fun and deep.

As it is a turn based recource management game, it requires you to keep a very close eye on your recources at all times and gives you a lot of other things to watch too. Actually requires more attention than most games on the market which is also the source of most of the negative reviews so don't pay too much attention to reviews which complain about difficulty.
The game is just not for them.

If you want a game that plays itself and holds your hand all the way to the bitter end:
better move on because this isn't that game.
If you don't back away from a challenge on the other hand:
go right ahead.

Easy to learn, hard to master.

(minor glitches)

recommended for fans of the genre
155 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 05:20
4/5 stars fun game. Little buggy. Very chill single player game.

Gather resources, build buildings, train skills, invite others to join your caravan, it is just a very pleasant strategy game.

Notable bug:
On occasion units will finish gathering resources, bug out and then immediately start collecting again, losing those resources. Could be game losing if it happened at a bad time. Whenever this happens, the unit has been assigned to two tasks via glitch and you need to reassign them to a task you don't care about to fix their state before reassigning them to what you actually want them to do. Not sure what causes this glitch just yet.

I think there may be some glitchiness regarding resources protected by aura, but I honestly just don't understand that mechanic well enough to say.
10 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 22:30
One of the most frustrating games I've ever played. It feels almost impossible to actually win. You do your best, gather resources, keep them safe and bam! The game adds an extra resource that has to be gathered in order to move on, like ore, or stone, and often is a resource you don't have on that halt, or don't have enough of it. Ok, that's fine you say, I'll use the market. The thing is... there's nothing to trade! I need stone to trade for the ore, but I need all the stone on the halt to move to the next one. I could trade wood, but it's 14 to 1, so no way in hell I will ever be able to gather enough wood for 300 ore. I really love this game, but there was always something that ruins my experience: vagary that kills the little guys, something ruining my buildings, or just no food on the halt. And I did try it before buying! And it was way easier and much enjoyable, one of the earliest releases. But no, they had to ruin it with updates that make it unwinnable. Such a pity...
86 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 17:38
In summary; A game with beautiful lore, artwork and music, terrible balance.

As Far As The Eye is a gorgeous game set in a beautiful world full of music and myth. The Aesthetics of the game are really soothing, friendly, warm and misleading.
There is a real tragedy felt when playing this game, because you see a wonderful world filled with elegant and memorable characters and designs, being killed mercilessly through every play through.
You can be doing everything right, with ample food, resources and storage for taking it all with you, and then the wrong combination of circumstances will destroy the game.

For Example;
I had extra storage sorted at the start of my game. Ample cooked meat from my game hunter and chef. Everyone was at full health. Enough wood, stone and ore without being too greedy, just enough to pass the level and enough to start me on the next.
Then, catastrophe. Fog appeared, and covered the map so I couldn't see anything. Then, mosquitos in the jungle began making my people ill. 50% of my halt was jungle, so navigating around them in the fog was unavoidable. I couldn't move on, and there weren't any spices for medicine.
My people died.

The game will punish you relentlessly, and with each failure you have learnt little to nothing. The music lures you into a false sense of tranquility, before tearing your progress from you.

All this game needs, is a little balance patch.
211 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 06:26
A neat concept, it's like Civilization except a rogue like. You get a few buddies and try to reach the end by completing a handful of stages. In each stage there is challenges to overcome as well as opportunities for you to explore, gather resources, and improve your buddies. I don't particularly like strategy or civ games but this provides it in a sort of bite sized format. You can finish a full run in an afternoon.

I'd love if there were a form of progression that persisted through runs, but other than that my only complaint is that the tutorial is a bit long.
114 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 01:04
I do recommend the game, the experience is really enjoyable! The music's great and matches the gameplay quite well, creating a relaxing and casual atmosphere...
BUT it's a shame there isn't an easier mode, for players to really get more familiar with the whole thing. At some point, losing repeatedly got annoying and that kind of stopped me from wanting to play more.
The whole concept and the aesthetic make it great, it's just too stressful and difficult for now, which is paradoxical when you see the soft and cute character and game design, the pretty pastel colours and the scenario. The story told by the game doesn't lead to understand you'll have a hard time winning!..

PS. The tutorial is quite long and messy. Never have I ever restarted one so many times in a row!
329 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 19:24
As Far As The Eye is very medium, so there's some good and some bad, but I think fundamentally I won't be recommending it to anyone.

Pros: The art is very stylized and looks good, even if it can be hard to visually distinguish between different thing. The leveling system with the different animal hats is really interesting and cool.

Cons: The biggest problem is that the game just should not be a roguelike. A single run takes FAR too long since everything is so slow, and every run feels like you're doing the exact same tasks with barely any variation. Adding onto that, the game doesn't feel difficult at all except for some spikes that result in annoyance more than anything else. There's just no way I will ever do run after run with this game when I'm already feeling really tired of it after the third one.

I genuinely think As Far As The Eye has some really good material, but it needed more time in the oven and perhaps an overhaul to better take advantage of what it has going for it while stepping away from the roguelike genre.
689 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 20:17
Fun strategy/management game with a simplistic but well-built background story and lore that synergize well with the game game mechanics.
124 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 21:30
I wanted to make sure I had a decent amount of time invested in it prior to writing a review. At the time of writing this review, I have approximately 38 hours of gameplay in this game and I have completed the main campaign along with 3 of the 8 scenarios, along with many attempts to complete the remaining 5. So yes, I do have a lot more to do in this game.

Things that I liked:

At the end of completing a scenario, you receive new perks for your pupils. I was particularly excited about obtaining one that allowed one of my pupils to walk on water.

I love the art and the music. It is really relaxing and unique. The design of the game is different from anything else I have played.

I like that the game is challenging. It requires you to use your brain and think. You cant just blast through a halt without planning. In order to do well, you have to have your pupils specialize and pay attention to what you are having them do.

What I did not like:

I did not like the inventory management system when traveling between halts. I like that there is a puzzle in what you can bring, but it is difficult to move things around in the box and arrange. I know that this is probably designed this way to make it more difficult, but I feel like it could have been better executed.

Some mechanics can be a little confusing.

The RNG of vagaries can get very frustrating. For example, when a wave is about ready to hit and you need wood to move on…. Yet you get hit with a vagry that makes workers in forests sick… it has the potential to break your game if you are not prepared.

All in all, this game has way more positive aspects than negative ones. I enjoy the challenging aspects of the game and I even enjoy the RNG (even when it causes me to fail). I like that you need to take time to learn the game, and I feel like completing a scenario does reward you and give you a sense of accomplishment. I encourage everyone who enjoys turn based strategy games to give it a shot.
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 01:37
I like this game, it is very easy to lose but most of the losses are fair. Go as fast as possible, have a lot of food, and be prepared to need extra resources. If you cant get it together at a halt it can snowball and become unwinnable. But you play the percentages.

Kind of like Oregon trail but you lose a lot.
538 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 23:05
Game looked pretty good.
I thought the game was a ressource manager but its actually a crisis management game.
Your building is burning; mosquitos in the jungle; all buildings near lakes take damage; all fixed buildings take damage; one of your villagers got sick.... yadda yadda yadda. Thats the game. Every three turns another thing that keeps you from the core gameplay. If you are intrested in this kind of challenge go ahead.

Apparently it gets even worse as you mainly unlock more negative events the more you play.

Hard pass.

Also tutorial takes like two hours, too late to return it.
182 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 02:29
This game was incredibly brutal until I discovered the Council building and the Knowledge resource, and then it became an incredibly fair and deep city-building/roguelike/4x game.

The biggest problem with the game is there isn't a good reference for how all the mechanics work. I think it will be better once an online wiki is available.

My tips for a winning initial game:

1. Get 40 wood and build a sawmill. Assign one of your workers to be a gatherer and gather wood. Later, when you don't need wood, switch this worker to be a food gatherer and build a fruit hut for 80 (you can do this earlier if you get a 4th worker). You should have enough rations for this, and the carpenter/fruit gatherer jobs share the first 3 levels.
2. Get 120 wood and build a dispensary. Assign one of your workers to be a druid and harvest herbs. IMPORTANT: Druids generate a ton of Knowledge after they hit level 2, so just keep leveling the druid
3. Have your third worker be a dedicated builder/explorer. Explore the map and do all of the following:
* Find a source of stone, build a quarry for 100 wood, and gather stone until you have 120 stone
* Find a source of ore, build a minefor 100 wood, and gather ore until you have 120 ore
* Find one packbeast and recruit him
5. Now, you can build the Council auxiliary building. It has to be built on a plain next to your starting location, so make sure you leave some space! Build it and click on it and open the tech tree that you never knew existed.
6. Look at the bottom left. See that technology? It saves 6 rations/turn for your WHOLE TRIBE. You want to beeline to this thing as soon as you can. You need to upgrade your Coucil twice, and it requires some combination of Wool/Wood/Stone/Ore (I don't remember exactly). Then, this perk costs 900 Knowledge. Rush this ASAP.
7. The tree on the right hand side is key to managing Vagaries. You can skip ANY vagary by paying 350/400/500 knowledge (increases as the game goes on). You can also get earlier and earlier warnings by upgrading this tree, so you can be selective (e.g., you are on a map with no jungles, and the next vagary places disease in jungles)
8. Also prioritize a market and upgrade it to Tier 3. You need 5 different resources to do this (Knowledge/wood/ore/stone/wool). Don't be afraid to rotate workers around. The market is pretty much useless if you don't upgrade it, but it can really save your bacon if you specialize in one/two resources.
9. Mobile buildings are overrated early-on. You will have plenty of wood; have your woodcutter keep leveling up and SPEND your resources
10. This leads me to...DONT STOCKPILE early on. If you have harvested enough ore/stone for a tech upgrade, get it and move on.
11. Always get the first upgrade on the fruit hut (-1 harvest time), even on permanent buildings. Trust me, it's amazing, and will level up your gatherer even faster (gatherers can cost no food per turn when fully upgraded, depending on your build).
12. Select skills that increase knowledge-per-harvest whenever you can (e.g., if you aren't having food problems, have your fruit gatherer take the +Knowledge per turn instead of fruit per turn)
13. In the council building, there are relatively cheap tiers of knowledge that reveal the path costs for both one- and two- paths later. Use these to plan your routes! Not all resources are available on every map!

Anyhow, all the people who are upset about the randomness of Vagaries and needing too little food probably didn't rush Tier 3 Council. And yes, the devs should have made it more obvious how critical this building is for early success. But don't let that turn you off from this game; it's an incredible resource management game, with a relaxing atmosphere and beautiful art. It is challenging without being crazy 4X (think Stellaris) level deep. If you think you'd like it, ignore the negative reviews here, give my advice a shot, and enjoy
493 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 04:56
Short rundown: This game has a great concept, that I love. It has a lot of great gameplay elements to it, and I've been following it for a while expecting it's release.

Unfortunately, the game is let down by the developer's conscious decision to rob the player of meaningful decisions through high impact randomness. Ultimately, the game is designed such that you have no ability to predict, mitigate, or play around the random events. Every turn is like playing XCom, except instead of 95% you're looking at 50. Roll well and you succeed, roll poorly and you fail. The frustration is very high, because the random events rob you of your ability as a player to make meaningful goals and achieve them, and give you no opportunity to plan or react around the randomness. You simply have to accept that this game will be affected by a slot machine about once every five minutes. The specific mechanics where this is painfully frustrating are Vagaries, visiting Caravans, and to a lesser extent the explorable random benefit/punishment tiles that profess to be predictable once you progress far enough to have a high level pawn to use.

Summary: The random elements in this game are prevalent, high impact, and give you no ability to play with, towards, or around them. This is very frustrating.
96 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 16:59
This game is great! Love the art style. Very peaceful game to chill and play. I was pleasantly surprised at how difficult it is. A good challenge.

The dev team are super cool and I have high hopes for this game. Definitely recommend.

If you wanna check it out before buy and get some tips, i made a tips video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l72RLsYhXQ

Good luck on your adventures to 'The Eye' <3
1678 Produkte im Account
333 Reviews
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 16:57
As Far As The Eye is an atmospheric & charming base building survival game, that does things in an elegant and fun way. The sounds and animations fit the world they have crafted perfectly. The skill tree the pupils have allows for deep customization and give each one its own unique characteristics. There are 5 campaign missions that show you the ropes, and then you get into the normal play, where you pick from 4 different tribes to start with. Each with its own starting resources and background.
Here is what gameplay looks like if you want to see it in action.

If you enjoyed my review join my steam group.

Mature Minded Gamers

131 Produkte im Account
167 Reviews
159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 16:17
Amazing game. I love the focus on your pupils, how you specialize them in different areas. Also the idea of having a nomadic village/city builder is very cool. Very fun game.
Here is some gamepaly for those curious:
692 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 16:04

I made a longer, more in-depth video review here:

As Far As The Eye is like a 4x strategy roguelike that is one of the most innovative and fresh ideas for a roguelike I have seen in a long time.

One of my favorite things ever is when a game takes a pre-existing genre and then turns it into a roguelike. So Slay the Spire did that for deckbuilders, Spelunky did that for platformers, and now As Far As The Eye is doing that for 4x like turn based resource management games like Civilization. So it is kind of like a roguelike version of Civilization.

So in As Far As The Eye, apparently every like hundred years or so the entire earth floods and kind of resets the land and so it's a tradition for all the creatures of the world to migrate to this specific place in the center of the world that is protected from the floods.

To do that though you will need resources to make your journey. So you can look at this branching path map similar to the map in Slay the Spire and see where you want to go. Each new area you goes requires a certain amount of resources to get there.

So one path might be blocked until you get 200 wood and 100 stone in order to repair a bridge. Or another path might be super cold so you might need like 250 wool and 100 of the default food in order to make it across.

So after you settle your caravan you get a couple of pupils that you can tell to do different tasks. You can have them start gathering basic things wood, or basic food like pumpkins and they will continuously gather it and bring it back to the caravan over and over and then you can build more complicated buildings that allow you to do more complicated things.

Each of your pupils have a massive skill tree as well that allows them to get new abilities and perks depending on what type of work they are focusing on which is really cool.

I absolutely love the concept, the artstyle, and the execution of As Far As The Eye.

So if you are a fan of 4x games like CIV and you are a fan of roguelikes this is 100% up your alley and I would recommend checking it out.
4448 Produkte im Account
195 Reviews
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 16:03

As Far As The Eye is a building simulation game with roguelike elements that will involve a good amount of thinking.


There are several game modes available, including a player-custom mode. The campaign mode is actually the tutorial with 5 different campaigns. On the other hand, the actual main game also has a small tutorial.

There are 4 different tribes with their unique positive/negative traits.

Starting with a caravan and some pupils within, your first task is to find the best place to settle the caravan. After that the pupils can explore, gather resources, build stuff, etc. The game is turn-based with a time limit--a limited number of moves before the flood will arive, so you need to be sure to get to the next level before the time is up.

Seemingly easy, the game is complicated by the limited movement points of the pupils and their need for food each turn. If you find extra pupil around the map, you will get an extra hand BUT you will also have an extra mouth to feed.

If you die, it's game over. You will have to do it all over and hope to do better.


Everything is in pastel colours, it looks great.

Music & Sounds

The music is very relaxing, and the sound effects are pretty good too.


This game can be fully played with a mouse

Gameplay Video (Blind)



As Far As The Eye is the first roguelike building game that I have played. It's also a relaxing game. Almost everything is explained in the game, and you will have to think a lot about what you are doing. Every action has consequences. You really need to keep in mind that it is a combined roguelike building game. I really enjoyed the combination of both genres. But if you don't like roguelike games, maybe this would not be a good game for you.

Score: 7,5/10

I received the product for free. I did not receive any compensation to write this review. The opinions represented here are entirely my own and were not influenced in any way.
4913 Produkte im Account
175 Reviews
1083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 16:02
I was a few turns away to win the game, then a rodent event happened and lost a huge amount of resources to it. The result? The wave catched me and my tribe was flooded. The fail was expected. The fun brought by this game was unexpected.

As Far As the Eye is a very challenging resource management 4X strategy game and the developers spiced it up. They moved the whole game into the field of roguelike games. Not a common combination for turn based strategy games.

If you curious what contents the game offers and how it is look then check out my short video about this game:

You will always be short on resources, you will feel that your workers eat too much food while they produce too few resources. In the meantime the wave is coming… It is hard to master the game and easy to fail in it. Understanding the mechanics, react to the deadly events all required if you want to finish a run at least once.

Don’t be mad if you can’t do it tho. Custom Game is available so you can adjust the game to the way you want to play it.


I enjoyed my time with this game.

Story: 7/10 Water is coming, it could be the story of our world while the ice caps are melting. Kevin Costner would disagree.
Replay value: 8/10 Roguelike game so replay value is huge, but the game could be uninteresting after you win it a few times.
Atmosphere: 8/10
Visuals: 9/10 I believe the visual of the game is very good. Very artistic.
Music/Sound effects: 9/10. Relaxing and charming soundtracks offered by this game.
Game difficulty: 8/10 While there are custom game achievements not available on that mode and the regular gameplay is very challenging. Finishing a run is far from easy.

Hey, I am an achievement hunter!

Perfection time: Now this part will be updated at a later point when the game will be listed on my curator. Achievements awarded for unlocking new traits, what then could be on your worker. How to unlock those? Probably awarded for your actions you done during your gameplay and unlocks ONLY once the game was won. Because of this, it will be always hard to predict what unlocked a new trait, therefore 100% achievement will be quite hard and time consuming.

If you liked the review or you like to earn achievements, but in enjoyable, fun and entertaining games, then please follow my Average Achievement Hunter curator or just check out our curated games. Thanks
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68.75% 374 170
Release:10.09.2020 Genre: Strategie Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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