Nicholas Bell hat in den frühen Morgenstunden seine Map Schmalfelden mit einem Update versehen. Viele kleine Feinheiten wurden überarbeitet und hintzgefügt. Dank der guten Communityleistung ist sie zwar schon eine Version weiter, aber noch nicht fertig. Wir lassen uns überraschen, was Nicholas weiter plant.
v.90 16 May 2008
- Reduction of tree quantity in all forests now complete - a major task. Frame rates should show improvement.
- Added additional fields with hay rolls.
- Added brush to numerous locations along roads, lanes, and between fields. This consists of krovi_long bush type sunk 1.5 meters below the surface. When used in combination with Durg's Vegetation Fix, these low bushes provide concealment when the player is prone.
- Eliminated incorrectly located road reflector posts in towns and farm roads.
- Further improvments in roads and intersections. The road smoothing script doesn't seem to be going the best job for some reason, and many roads remain somewhat bumpy.
- More improvements in the satellite image, toning down the bright fields.
- I continue to find floating or sunk buildings which I am fixing. Some I swear I have already addressed. Either my memory is bonkers (probable) or Visitor has gremlins (possible).
- Odds and ends you probably won't notice.
v.90 20 May 2008 Minor Update
- Ladders and doors now work. Thanks to Fitzee on the BIS forums for his help solving my problems with this.
- Fixed a mask conflict at the quarry entrance.