In den BI-Foren hat Nicholas Bell seine Map Schmalfelden geupdated. Er hat in der neuen Version ein paar Fehler ausgemerzt, sodass die Map jetzt stabil laufen sollte. Auch die Probleme mit Fahrbahn sind erstmal soweit behoben. Nun ist die Community wieder gefragt, Tests und nochmal Tests, viel Spass!
Revisions History
Version 0.81
- Desaturated greens on satellite map and eliminated some of the whitest farm fields. I believe these white fields are ripe oats. The tan/brown fields are wheat.
- Toned down the brightness of the quarry and the gravel pit.
- Decreased the number of trees by 25,000 in the 2 woods in the center of the map and large portions (but not all) of the forests in the northwest corner. I have experienced improved frame rate. I plan to continue to thin out the forests.
- Modifications to road network.
- Cleaned up some road intersections. I am aware of others than need work.
- Added road reflector posts on some of the roads. Unfortunately they are backwards from the actual German posts. Not much I can do about this.
- Corrected building heights which where above or below grade (ie "floating" or "sunk")
Plus other miscellaneous corrections and improvements.