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Kein Event Dynamic Sound AI von Wolfrug & Sickboy
Armed Assault - Dynamic Sound AI von Wolfrug & Sickboy
Armed Assault
21.04.08 17:24 Addons
Eine Neuauflage von Wolfrug´s DSAI, überarbeitet und MP-kompatibel gemacht von Sickboy. Das Paket ist im gepackten Zustand 35Mb gross und birgt jede Menge neue Features und Bugfixes.
Eine Neuauflage von Wolfrug´s DSAI, überarbeitet und MP-kompatibel gemacht von Sickboy. Das Paket ist im gepackten Zustand 35Mb gross und birgt jede Menge neue Features und Bugfixes.
Wolfrug hat in Zusammenarbeit mit Sickboy sein Dynamic Sound AI überarbeitet, und kann uns nun die erste Vollversion zum Download anbieten. Das Addon ist jetzt mit dem Multiplayer kompatibel und kann nun auch dort eingesetzt werden. Extendend Init Handler (XEH) von Solus & Killswitch ist für die Lauffähigkeit absolut erforderlich.

Quote Wolfrug:
Since this version of RUG_DSAI is in most matters entirely revamped from the old version, I figured it needed a whole new topic. The reason it's entirely different is thanks to Sickboy, who overhauled all my clunky old scripts, made it MP-compatible, and messed with the configs until they look like they do now (really sleek). Aside from that, RUG DSAI still does what it used to: gives your and the enemies' AI a voice beyond the stale radio messages.

Look at the above page for advanced instructions on installation, MP-usage, mission-maker/server admin options, and creating/editing the language packs. Here's the short version:

  • Ready made scripts for Dynamic Sound AI that is easily modifiable by the end-user.
  • Your AI will shout curses at the enemy, tell you when they're reloading, throwing a grenade, engaging, when they're hurt, fleeing or when they've scored a big kill! And much more.
  • Works in both SP, client-side MP and server-side MP
  • Features English, Arab, Russian and Spanish voices by default
  • Can assign voices to all sides (BLUFOR, OPFOR, Independent, Civilian, SideEnemy)
  • Easily activated/deactived by mission makers, addon makers or server admins as required, using global variables and config entries (see below for more information)
  • Auto-initialization using XEH(fully XEH compatible)

Note: this also requires XEH to work, of course.

Installation (for dummies):...

- Place the RUG_DSAI.pbo, RUG_DSAIGen.pbo + any language files you want - I suggest just putting them all - into a modfolder (such as @RUG_DSAI\Addons), and start up the game. You should notice your teammates talking a lot more now (note: only English voices are extensive, the other languages are mostly combat-oriented)
- NB: you need the latest version of XEH loaded as well.

Advanced installation notes on the BIKI page.
Quelle: BI-Forum

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Release:30.11.2006 Genre: Militär Simulation Entwickler: Bohemia Interactive Studios Vertrieb: Morphicon Limited / Peter Games Engine: VBS2 Engine Kopierschutz:SecuROM Franchise:keine Infos
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