Etwas aussergewöhnliches in ArmA zu erleben ist garnicht so schwer. Man nehme ein gescheiten Modder, packe mit Hilfe der Community neue Ausserirdische und passendes Material in eine Mod, fertig ist der Aliens Mod von Ryan_D. Jetzt ist er schon mit Version 4.0 am Start, es wird aber die letzte sein. Passende Multiplyerschlachten liegem dem Mod bei, ausserdem liegt dem noch eine umfangreiche Readme bei.
What's new since 3.0:
- All UFOs now have working turrets.
- The Mothership has been greatly modified to improve performance and ingame experience.
- Plama grenades for Alien Infantry.
- Missing Addon Bug in some MP missions fixed.
- Two additional alien related MP missions, which both don't use this addon (as they were actually created way before this addon was made).
- "Demon" Alien Infantry, who attack at close quarters.
- Laser weaponary have decreased recoil.
- New Shielded and Stealth Aliens.
- Additional Game Logics, for greater customisation in Missions.
- Many other fixes including the "out of ammo" bug, "black texture" bug and much more.
- Ryan_D: Config Work, project leader, conversion from OFP format.
- Damarus: Creator of the Zabrak AddOn.
- Sileny Murdock: Creator of the Murdock UFO addon.
- Black Baron: Creator of the Blackhofen UFO addon.
- Spad: Creator of the Laser Gun models and the Barracuda and Tigershark UFOs, also created many of the sounds used.
- Solus: Creator of the Model used for the Alien Lifeforms.
- IceBreakR: Modified the model made by Solus for use in this Addon. Created some of the Alien Skins.
- Colonel Well: Created some of the Alien Skins.
- Linker Split: Provided valuable help in getting turrets working.
- D@VE: Created the Stealth and Shielded Aliens. Optimised some of the Models for use in ArmA. Completely to blame for the readme.