Hellenic Warfare Mod
Armed Assault - Mod - Hellenic Warfare Mod
Armed Assault
06.03.09 18:50
[b]Hellenic Warfare Mod[/b] by [color=maroon]Aplion[/color], [color=maroon]Sparky[/color], [color=maroon]Mainframe[/color], [color=maroon]Liongreek[/color] & [color=maroon]Arigram[/color] Das [colo ...
GameTyp: Single+Multiplayer
Autor: Hellenic Warfare Mod Team
Veröffentlicht: 20.08.2007


Hellenic Warfare Mod by Aplion, Sparky, Mainframe, Liongreek & Arigram

Das Hellenic Warfare Mod Team hat ihr erstes Paket veröffentlicht. Dieses wird jetzt von Zeit zu Zeit geupdated.

Aktuelle Version 4.0
Inhalt/Content v4.0

This pack also includes a selection of Markers that can be very useful for the mission makers. Also as we've promissed we've made all the Air vehicles (AH64A/UH1H) compatible with XEH. We've also created a special pbo installation structure that can be more flexible as far as the modfolders (refer to the manual for more installation information).

This pack was the hard effort from a combination of people, except for us the core team (Aplion, Mainframe, Liongreek, Sparky, AnzacSASSteve)in this pack Dr Eyeball got involved in order to create the amazing MFD/TADS/FLIR/IHADSS system and bring our AH64A closer to the real thing. Also for the first time in this pack people can sample sounds from our Sound Engineer AnzcsasSteve in his first debut in HWM. All weapon and Air Vehicle sounds have been replaced with new ones.
Another very important thing that we present in this pack, is the Mission Pack. In all the previous packs we had a gap into missions and although we can produce addons we have problems in mission making, due to limited men power. That mission pack is the result of the hard work of Contributors in our Mod. So we like to give our thanks to Wolfrug, Mathias Eichinger and UH60MG. We also like to thanks OFPEC for supporting our effort into this task.You can find more information about missions in the manual located inside the folder "missions" of the .7z

Installation Note:
This Pack is offered in 2 different ways.
1)The whole addon Pack 4.0 in a .7z can be found in HWM website Download Section, in Addon Pack category.
2)or each Pbo as Seperate Download

This pack must be installed on top of HWM Addon Pack 3.0 (For the greek versions), or on a fresh but you have to add manually the missing HWM_Units Version 3.0 and HWM_Vehicles Version 3.0 in order to have the HWM complete. For those that don't have the HWM Addon Pack 3.0 you can download the missing 2 pbos seperetely from our download section.


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