Armed Assault - Mod - CSLA3
Armed Assault
14.12.08 13:34
Czechoslovak People’s Army (CSLA) Mod – Phase 1 Modification of Arma: Armed Assault Die Czechoslovak People’s Army (CSLA) Mod wurde veröffentlicht. Sie enthält jede Menge neues Material un ...
GameTyp: Single+Multiplayer
Autor: CSLA Team
Veröffentlicht: 14.12.2008


Czechoslovak People’s Army (CSLA) Mod – Phase 1
Modification of Arma: Armed Assault

Die Czechoslovak People’s Army (CSLA) Mod wurde veröffentlicht. Sie enthält jede Menge neues Material und neue SP & MP Missions. Im gepackten Zustand ist die erste Version knapp 230MB gross.
Unpack mod to main folder of your Arma installation, keeping the folder structure.
You need patch 1.14 to run the mod properly.

Running the mod
In properties of your Arma shortcut, add following parameter to the path
to executable in „Target“ field:
"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe" -mod=@CSLA

You may also use template settings of "ArmA MOD Launcher" utility, which is part of the mod package.
These templates are stored together with launcher in "@CSLA" folder with this readme.

No other addons are required to run this modification.

SP & MP Missions...

All features are MP-compatible.
  • New units, vehicles, weapons and objects made according to real-life documents
  • New MP and SP missions
  • Armament, equipment and parameters of CSLa units are as close to real-life specs as possible
  • New fully animated weapons
  • RPG-75 dispsable AT launcher is capable of firing only single round.
  • New intro animations for all official maps
  • Many new additional features on CSLA units, weapons and vehicles:
  • numbering of combat vehicles (turn off by "CSLA_noRandomNumbers=true;" in mission init)
  • random animation on vehicle destruction
  • AI uses vehicle-mounted weapons efficiently, including use of fire bursts
  • AI uses pistols as auxiliary weapon
  • ...and many more
  • Improved AI behaviour in formations
  • Improved behaviour of wheeled combat vehicles

Special thanks belong to our wives and girlfriends, children, families and friends who kept supporting
us durings the months we spent working in the project. We sincerelly hope they will keep supporting us
in the future.

We do NOT allow unauthorized modification of our PBOs. Any form of commercial use of
any part of CSLA Mod including use for military training purposes are forbidden due to valid Arma:
Armed Assault EULA. If you want to obtain permission to use any part of CSLA Mod, please contact
development team.

CSLA Mod development team is associated neither with Bohemia Interactive a.s. nor with any Arma:
Armed Assault Publishers.

Use at your own risk. CSLA Mod development team is not liable for any damage or loss of data caused
by using CSLA Mod.
12th December 2008

Copyright © 2008. CSLA Development Team and respective authors.
CSLA Studio (http://www.csla-studio.info)


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14. 12. 2008 um 13:34
14. 12. 2008 um 13:34
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