Arise: A Simple Story
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Über das Spiel

Begib dich auf ein Abenteuer, durch die sich verändernden Landschaften voller Erinnerungen an Liebe und Verlust. Jeder Moment dieser Achterbahnfahrt bietet eine neue Herausforderung und eine Chance, dein Leben aus einem anderen Blickwinkel zu sehen.
Erkunde die wunderbare Welt voller Erinnerungen und Gefühle, die von den talentierten Künstlern von Piccolo Studio zum Leben erweckt wurde. Entdecke dank der gefühlvollen Musik und kunstvollen Spielgestaltung die tiefgehende Magie deiner persönlichen Hindernisse des täglichen Lebens.
Steuere den Lauf der Zeit und ändere deine Umgebung, entweder für ein paar Sekunden oder ganze Jahreszeiten. Verändere die Zeit, um deine Erinnerungen erneut zu erleben und überwinde jedes Hindernis auf deiner Reise.
Lade einen zweiten Spieler ein, um das Abenteuer zu zweit zu genießen. Arise ist einfach zu spielen und lässt alle die Geschichte in vollen Zügen genießen.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i3 4340 3.6 GHz or AMD equivalent
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 2 GB or AMD Radeon equivalent
- Software: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 (64 bit)
- HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX 9.0c Compliant
- DX: Version 11
- Peripherie: Recommended input: Controller
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i7 3770K 3.5 GHz or AMD equivalent
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB or AMD Radeon equivalent
- Software: Windows 10 (64 bit)
- HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX 9.0c Compliant
- DX: Version 11
- Peripherie: Recommended input: Controller
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.22 20:25
Es wird im ganzen Spiel kein Wort gesprochen, aber durch den wunderbaren Soundtrack und die gute Umsetzung wird die Geschichte super erzählt.
Grafik auch super. Es hat alles zusammengepasst.
Man sollte sich komplett auf die Story einlassen, allerdings sollte man auch versuchen, die Sammelobjekte zu finden, weil über diese die Story detaillierter erzählt wird.
Dieses Spiel wird mir sehr in Erinnerung bleiben. Gerne mehr davon
Ganz klare Empfehlung
424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 18:54
Ich habe das Spiel echt gemocht und fand es okay. Das Spiel hat Stärken aber auch Schwächen. Was ein großer minus Punkt ist, das man keine freie Kamera hat und immer einen festen Punkt gezeigt wird.
Das klingt zwar nicht nach Problemen, aber Irrtum. Eine feste Kamera ist hier nicht von Vorteil, wenn man zum Beispiel diverse Sprünge absolvieren muss und mann kann null einsehen, ob ein Sprung gelingt oder nicht.
Das fand ich einfach schade, das das nicht gab.
Aber trotz allem, ist ein gelungenes Spiel und kann es jedem empfehlen, der gerne eine tiefgründige Geschichte mit tollen (Puzzle) Rätsel haben möchte.
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 13:20
1034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 07:39
Für jeden Abenteurer empfehlenswert. Die Geschichte dahinter, denk ich, ist nicht für jedermann/frau gedacht, jedoch zeigt sie Schicksalsschläge wie im wahren Leben. Grafische Umsetzung ist hervorragend, das Spiel hat seinen eigenen Stil und da gibt es nichts daran auszusetzen. Die Sounds passen perfekt für die jeweiligen Level, sind super abgestimmt und passen zu der Stimmung/Emotion. Das Design ist abwechslungsreich, wird nie langweilig. Was die Steuerung angeht, ist Arise etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig, ich persönlich wäre gerne der Herr über die Kameraführung, die hier nicht möglich ist (lediglich etwas Hilfe mit der Perspektive ist minimal gegeben).
Aufgrund dieser ist so manch ein Level schwieriger zu bewältigen, besonders Jump&Run Momente. (da ist Geduld angesagt) Jedoch läuft das gesamte Gameplay sehr flüssig und geschmeidig von der Bedienung her.
Ganz großer Kritikpunkt meinerseits: die Errungenschaften.... das man nicht alle beim ersten Run schafft ist denk ich jedem klar, jedoch für 2 Level musste ich mehrmals (und da mein ich MIND 5x !!!!) dieses wiederholen, weil mir die Errungenschaft nicht angezählt wurde was mich not amused! :( Zumal um das Spiel perfekt abschließen zu können, muss der Koop freigeschaltet sein... bitte WAS??? Warum ??? gibt also keine Möglichkeit das Spiel perfekt als Single Player zu Spielen ???? Schade, sehr schade. Mich persönlich hat das sehr enttäuscht.
Fazit: tolles Spiel, auf jeden Fall eine Kaufempfehlung.
1210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.22 21:55
artwork, and a compelling soundtrack, I have very mixed feelings about this game, There are some truly magical moments. Most reviews focus on the emotional depth of the narrative (which is powerful) but make little mention of the game-play itself.
This is where I have my issue. Arise is not a 'simple story.' It is a precision platformer with some incredibly creative mechanics. You change the environment (winding it forward and backwards) to build pathways. It is a complicated and shadowy landscape with many twists and turns. There is a lot of puzzling your way through, especially if you are looking for memory collectibles. These are often on side paths and are not obvious.
I used a controller (the keyboard was not manageable for me) and the right stick shifts the physical landscape. This is quite a departure from other games that use the right stick for scanning or changing direction and it took me awhile to adjust. There is nothing like having a cliff collapse when I hit the stick, thinking I was turning my head! The camera angles are fixed and it is often hard to tell if you are positioned correctly. This resulted in me sending my character leaping to his death more times than I can count. If you do die, the game usually respawns you close to your point of departure.
However, there is no save on exit so you are likely to return to a much earlier position than you had hoped for. I ended up playing more hours than I wanted to in order to avoid potentially repeating tricky segments. I am still not sure when the game saves during a chapter.
Achievements are by chapter: (1) completion, (2) finding all collectibles, and (3) performing some task (touching things, avoiding things, not dying, etc.). I've already abandoned the idea that 100% is even a possibility for me, as I have died far too many times!
I spent hours getting through the first 3 chapters, with success. Then, I hit Chapter 4 which adds running gauntlets of dark sorrows that swarm and kill you. Given the weird camera angle, it was difficult (for me) to run a straight path through them and I got a bit overwhelmed. Later chapters add fire that burns you, cold that freezes you to death if you don't move fast enough, and darkness that overwhelms you. Yikes!
I recommend this to those with strong platforming skills and good coordination (using multiple keys or buttons/sticks in concert to perform tricky maneuvers). Most of all, you need more patience than I have. If you are looking for an emotional game to just chill and enjoy, then this may not be the adventure for you. But, if you are willing to trudge through the hard parts, then Arise is quite a ride!
Nicht Empfohlen
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.22 17:02
775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.22 12:41
It is a perfect example of different game elements working in tandem together to create something tangibly emotive and beautiful. The gameplay is varied and satisfying, the audio and visual elements are simply stunning and the story is a moving tale that will resonate with a lot of people. The game is utterly heartwrenching at times but it is ultimately an uplifting and satisfying experience and one that I highly recommend!
My full review of this game where I go into detail about gameplay, narrative and styling can be found on Indie Hive.
857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 18:29
Depending on personal experience, this game can hit like a meteorite upon your earthly heart, killing all the little dinosaurs of your past… and not with malice either; after all, those dinosaurs were relics and memories, people and experiences in your life.
Loss is a funny thing because in order to feel it, you must have something originally. You cannot lose what you don’t have. You can close up your heart and not let anyone in and, sure - you won’t suffer as much but also you won’t live at all. So much of popular media focuses on the haves especially when discussing matters of the heart, but they don’t tell you the whole story: they don’t tell how much it hurts to lose those you love, how inevitable it is and how seldom pain of such magnitude can be mended.
The silent protagonist is a man stuck in limbo portrayed as a snowy mountain peak of memories. Traverse through his life, his romance and heartbreaks in a poignant tale of loss and hope. Watch him Arise, guided by the soul of his love… and hopefully it’ll make you think of and appreciate those that keep you whole.
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 06:27
201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 01:34
This game is beautiful, super chill and relax, short on lenght but with a beautiful story and gorgeous graphics. Great use of time manipulation mechanics, very well thought out puzzles, challenging without becoming annoying. The story made me have tears in my eyes sometimes because it's so beautiful and touching.
More people should play this game, itś really engrossing.
498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 19:49
It's criminal that not a lot of people know about this game but it's one of the most beautiful games I have seen lately. Just like its name, gameplay and longevity is simple and short. You may get a little bit teary eyed while playing because the game's gist is so sweet. Also, original soundtrack composed by David Garcia Diaz (Rime; Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice) and it's definitely spectacular. Along with the visuals, it's one of the most crucial elements of the game and it's indisputable that I will listen it all the time.
If you like Limbo, Ori Franchise, Gris or similar artys games with wonderful soundtrack, please don't miss it. It also looks and plays very well on Ultrawide with a community update. Made the game ten times better.
1046 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 13:54
Super Mario 3D World, if everything weren't cats, they removed the Wii U gamepad, and wasn't Super Mario 3D world
Random title cause I felt like it. I'm not sure on whether to give a 'recommended' or 'not recommended' for this game, cause it's a 50/50 split between aspects of this game that I liked, and the ones that infuriated me.
- The Level Designs are amazing. Most games with a persistent time-switching mechanic only have 2 versions of the same map that show the past and the future, and pressing a button transports you to one or the other, but this game lets you slowly see the polygons shift whilst giving you the feeling of manually seeking and rewinding time like it's a tape recorder. While most puzzles require you to only go back and forth between 2 points in time and freeze it, some puzzles [spoiler](like the rolling boulder or the falling log in level 3)[/spoiler] have you constantaneously scrub time and walk at the same time.
- It is technically unique cause it's not a First=person shooter. Since it's a platformer, they have emphasized more on exploration of tightly-constrained maps with really smart locations for the collectibles (much like INSIDE), where you're given a glace at the memory beforehand to peak your interest, but it's in an unattainable spot, so you're made to keep that in mind and continue along the path so that you'll eventually get to a puzzle with a secret 'backdoor' which lets you backtrack and get to it.
- In the level 'Solace', he moans like he just nut, everytime he jumps. That's a definite +rep to the voice actor.
- Locked Cameras. It gets the Super Mario 3D World syndrome with the locked cameras on a 3D platformer. You constantly misjudge the distance between cliffs, the height of a fall in the foreground, the height of a ledge in the background, and you end up jumping and missing the shots to end up with either a big stun or the old man drowning to his death. If not for the mild auto-aim on jumps onto thin logs and ledges, I would've literally cried. So there's atleast some assurance that your jump will land, so this is not a major con.
- Clipping into the ground/ hitboxes can be wonky while scrubbing time too fast. In the snow levels, where the height of the ground changes as you change time, gravity plays against it and sometimes you fall faster into the ground than the snow follows, so you just get thrown off the map. This is most prevalent only if you're in the process of falling while the ground is moving (ice, webs, space rocks), and not when you're standing still (flowers, lily pads), so still not a major con...
- GRAPPLING HOOK BUG. This honestly ruined my smooth-sailing experience with this game. I first faced it with the bees in the second level where holding X while the grappling prompt was active (with the circle locks on and lights up to a certain colour depending on the level) does not start the grapple-throwing animation and just kept making a clicking noise everytime I pressed the button. To continue, I had to die or restart checkpoint, and once I did that, the hook worked normally as intended, but when another grappling spot is available, the animation gets stuck on startup again. After this infuriating clicking experience, everytime there was a grappling spot, I clenched my fists, tried to adjust the positioning multiple times, anxiously hoped the bug wouldn't occur, and pushed my finger into the X button as hard as possible. If it worked, I would breathe a sigh of relief and continue on, but when it got stuck again, it again made me doubt if the next part is bugged too, hence removing any confidence I had in the game about it not making me anxious the more I played it. Small things like this can leave a bad taste in your mouth, cause it's literally a game-breaking bug, as in you cannot proceed without dying or restarting a couple of times. After I beat the game, and came back to the level 'Solace' to get some achievements, that's when it hit me hard in the back. Two mandatory grappling spots consecutively. After the first one works, there is no checkpoint in between to guarantee the second one to work, so you'll have to endure the disappointment you'll face everytime you spam X, multiple times, until you somehow get it to work. In no other video game I've played so far have I not gotten a more unsatisfying feedback loop for pressing a button than this game with this bug.
Whew... got that off of my chest. Other than that, this game is an artistic piece of work, and you should play it if someone gifts it to you or something.
I'm giving it a 'recommended' in hopes that they'll fix the ground-clipping and grappling hook bugs soon.
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 22:20
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 09:44
You fought well old man now rest in Peace, your Journey ends here.
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 21:11
The puzzels mostly revolve around the ability to influence time. While interesting, I absolutely loved together mode! It allows a second person to take over control over time, which allowed my girlfriend to help me through the story while also keeping her engaged. This made a fun story into an adventure for two. It works perfectly and she loved it as much as I do, especially because she's pretty poor with a controller but this was exactly right for any non-gamer like her. Of course, it also caused the occasional laugh when she moved a platform the wrong way causing me to fall into the void/water/fire/ghosts again. PERFECT addition, that I really recommend to any developer to add. I imagine it can work really well with your kid as well.
TLDR: Great game that you should play for the visuals, music and the story. If available, get an SO to control time and have a lot of fun together, especially if they aren't a gamer. At +- 5 hours it is perfect for a lazy Saturday!
Nicht Empfohlen
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 07:21
In this game the main collectibles are memories you can find in the form of pictures that create a slightly more detailed narrative of why you are in the scenario you are, and to find most of these you simply have to follow the level and poke around a corner or 2. However, there are a few that exist seemingly out of laziness, and just simply waste the player's time. Most notably in the first 2 levels: [spoiler]One behind the end setup of the first level, which the player must spend about 2 minutes walking a very far distance out of the way, during a scene where intense level-ending music has started and the game tries it's hardest to force you toward a statue that would end the level. I assume if you miss this, you then have to walk through the entire level to get it (if it's even visible from the end, I am not sure); The other is right at the start of the second level, which you can only find if you walk backward into the camera and explore the whole intro area, as the game tries very hard to have you move forward into the level.[/spoiler]
I understand adventure games, or puzzle games, or games similar to those expecting the player to do stuff like this, but I feel like this game is more intended to give the player an emotional experience, and take in some beautiful scenery. I also understand their intention with these placements may have been a reward to people who want to see all of the scenery from all angles, but I just feel like for this style of game that it really falls short, and just really feels like a time-waste. I am already someone who likes to over-explore things. Though I tend to get bored of games really quickly, because I will explore their world instead of actually playing the game, and then decide the game isn't fun. Maybe their thought was to put stuff in these places so players like me feel rewarded for doing that, but in practice it just feels like an obligation. It removes my ability to pick and choose when I want to explore, and when I want to follow the intended flow of the story.
Like I said, the game has some unique mechanics, but at it's core it's essentially a walking simulator, with neat mechanics to fill in the space between. They then place some of the memories in places that force the player to have to spend more time just walking, and less time exploring their neat mechanics. This feels very boring, and heavily slows down the pace of the game.
If you are someone who just wants to play the game and doesn't care about collecting everything, you will most likely really enjoy this and I would recommend it to you. However, like I said, this review is for people who would start up this game, see there are collectible memories, and feel like they have to find them all. Unless you are someone who has experience with video games and can easily spot when a game is trying to force you away from something, you will most likely end up wasting some time and replaying some of these levels to find all the memories. Replaying levels of a narrative game, with no real reason to replay other than to collect the things you missed because the developers wanted to pad their average play-time.
Hide a memory in a cool looking formation, inside a little crevice carved into the side of a wall that most people will not notice, in a section where [spoiler]you have to change the water level to something that's not a complete extreme, but have the memory in a spot that's only visible if the water is moved more than it has to be[/spoiler]. Hide a memory in a spot where the game tries to get you to pan the camera, and reward players who look in other directions, hide a memory behind a rock wall in the middle of the level that some players might not look for (this actually does happen). But why, dear god why would anyone think it's a good idea to hide a collectible [spoiler]behind the end setup of the level, in a spot that can only be gotten to by slowly walking around the end-level setup entirely, during an epic end-level scene with music, camera suggestion, and the game doing literally everything to try and convince the player they should just go to the end statue.[/spoiler] Just seems like they ran out of places to put them, and it's really a huge pain in the behind.
652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 07:59
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 13:36
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 02:17
The concept is innovative, in that you control time to affect getting from place to place. The cut scenes are emotional and sweet. Is it worth $20? Compared with a lot of garbage out there, it is definitely worth the price.
749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 12:45
Arise: A Simple Story
Arise is a simple yet clever puzzle-platformer that pushes the puzzle-platformer genre in the right direction. Arise is a soulful, relaxing game that revolves around a man’s journey of reliving his bittersweet memories with his partner.
It’s sweet, it’s simple and it’s truly emotionally driven. And combined with its beautiful world and enjoyable gameplay, we have an all-rounder on our hands.
Plot: A simple silent man’s journey after his death. Faith has given him another chance of reliving and rediscovering his bittersweet memories. Memories of his life, childhood, his hardships, and most importantly the one person who meant the world to him.
The journey won’t be easy; the path will be long, but getting to relive your intimate moments one more time is a blessing that none should refuse.
Gameplay: As the title suggests, it’s a simple story of a simple man. But although the gameplay looks and plays out simply, it’s nothing short of a masterpiece.
The whole puzzle platformer aspect of the game is presented right from the very beginning, but the gameplay starts out in such a slow and relaxing way that it took me a while to realize, “Oh! The Game has been going for a while, and I have already walked so far and completed quite a few puzzles without even realizing it”. I had already been enjoying the game, and then realizing how far I’d come blew me away.
The gameplay for the most part went about as a simple top-down, side-scrolling platformer, with its basic WASD movement, and space to jump and climb. Everything ran smoothly and efficiently.
The star feature of Arise would be its Scrub and Freeze time feature. Scrubbing or freezing time in a game is nothing new and many games over the years have done it right, but Arise just nailed it and took it to a newer level.
Scrubbing time; lets you scrub through a limited time period in the game. This can be done everywhere, which works very well with Arise’s puzzles and also its platformer elements.
As you progress further and further into the game, you will face new and complex challenges; challenges that consist of creating a new path for yourself, of finding objects that you need in order to progress, of manipulating elements of your will with limited outcomes, etc.
By hitting the Arrow key left and right, you can easily manipulate elements around you and create new possibilities for yourself.
The game doesn’t have any unnecessary challenges or puzzles; your journey is the puzzles itself, and the way in which you go about using your manipulative powers is the solution.
Freezing time; as you progress through the journey, you will be greeted with a new power to aid in your journey; the power to manipulate time.
By simply pressing the Arrow up and down keys, you will be able to go back/forth, speed up, slow-down, and freeze time for a limited period in every scenario. This will help you cross more complex challenges as you progress.
As you progress many sudden events will take place, which will require you to either slow down or freeze time.
The further out you venture, the more you will have to use both of these powers, scrubbing and freezing time to progress and solve all these simple yet clever puzzles.
Climbing and grappling; nothing much to say about these two. Both worked as named and both play important roles through the game, both separately and together combined with your powers.
Puzzles: I am thoroughly impressed with Arise’s implementation of environmental puzzles and challenges.
Each puzzle and challenge played out very well; nothing too taxing on the brain, yet they force you to think outside the box for a little while.
Most of the puzzles along your journey consist of figuring out how to create a path, remove or overcome obstacles, and manipulate time in order to interact with elements and solve issues, etc.
For someone like me who doesn’t enjoy complex puzzles, this game brought just the right amount of complexity and brainstorming to the table, which I very much appreciated.
World design: Cute, colorful, relaxing, and family-friendly. Very well designed and detailed. Although the lighting at places was either a bit dull or too bright, which detracted from a sense of immersion, it was nothing serious.
As the game progressed and I was pushed into newer locations, I started to appreciate the level of dedication it takes to make the locations stand out from each other. From snowy mountains to colorful sunflower forests, it was amazing work that brought an enjoyable flair to the game.
Music: Brilliant music selection. Relaxing and immersive, it suits the game as a whole, as well as the tone of each scenario very well.
Performance: Constant 60 fps without facing any sort of bug, glitch or issue.
The only minor complaint that I have with the game is that with certain scenarios while jumping, the camera angles and jump machines don’t work that well with each other.
Considering all aspects of the game, Arise turned out to be a great family-friendly platformer. A great combination of silent story, well put-together puzzles and good music selection, making for an enjoyable gameplay.
+ Amazing story
+ Family friendly
+ Enjoyable gameplay machines
+ Good music selection
+ Simple yet clever puzzles
+ Beautiful world design
+ Time manipulation features
+ Good pricing
- Awkward camera angles at places
- Minor lighting issues at places
Faith has given you another opportunity to relive your memories, don’t waste it. Relive your memories with your loved ones one last time. An amazing combination or story, gameplay, feature machines, music and visuals.
Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!
308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 10:48
An Emotional journey.
The Graphic,
The Music,
The Storytelling,
The Mechanic of each level.
Can't spoil too much. but once you play it, you'll experience what I mean! :D
Definitely recommend you to play this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 23:42
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
☑️ Normal/Annoying
???? Hard
???? Dark Souls
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
???? Good
☑️ Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
???? Bad
???? Not special
???? Good
☑️ Beautiful
???? This game has no story
???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
☑️ It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
???? Epic story
???? Free
???? Underpriced
???? Perfect Price
☑️ Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
???? You can run it on a microwave
☑️ Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
☑️ Short (3 - 15 hours)
???? Average (15-50 hours)
???? Long (50-90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
???? No ending
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
☑️ Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
???? Actually pretty amusing
???? Ride of your life
☑️ It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable
???? No
☑️ Wait for sale
???? Yes
This game isn't enjoyable at all and not because of the story but how the movements, jumping, etc., and how stressful the game is.
Nicht Empfohlen
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 20:30
This game is straight up torture and I'd never recommend it to a human
I completed 3 chapters and had enough, if you want a hard/challenging game then buy it
I waited one year for it to leave the Epic garbage store and the wait wasn't worth it imo.
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 16:23
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☑ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
Piccolo Studio
Untold Tales
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
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