Time has come! We are releasing the first planned content update! Thank you for all the feedback that you have given us trough all our communication channels, we have been addressing it as fast as possible and we have some future plans to work on some of the points mentioned in the reviews.
Let's cut it short! Come visit us on the Developer Stream and check out the small teaser about the new area (except if you want to discover it directly in-game)!
What's new?
Mining Town
A new whole area to explore and scavenge, with more hints on seems to have happened in the area.

UI Rework (Part 1)
While technically complete, we are at a stage in which to improve the UI we need a larger base of users and feedback. So let us know what you think about the new interface!

What's next?
I want to remember that the Early Access phase of Arid will not last long, as it represents for us a learning experience on how to handle live content updates and player feedback.
Still, we have more content planned:
- More bugfixing!
- A third - and last - additional area.
- Metalforging: When makeshift tools are not enough!
- Sleeping mechanic rework! To smooth your day/night experience!
- Voicelines and improved narrative
- Player based iterations on the UI & Interface
Patch Notes
- Improved climbing system movement
- Reworked cover system for sandstorm
- Camera shake now doesn’t occur if the player is inside a cave.
- Added coffee items near the rock at the start of the game
- Changed water filter time from 5 seconds to 3 minutes
- With older saves, the drawers might not be opened correctly.
- FIXED - Player getting stuck in climbing animation after exiting rope while sandstorm is active
- FIXED - Sandstorm being blue when certain settings were set to low
- FIXED - Cover not always being applied properly when player is in cover during sandstorm
- FIXED - Sandstorm not always properly loading after saving inside it
- FIXED - Player can grab torch inside sandstorm under specific circumstances
- FIXED - Leather icon not showing in crafting menu and inventory
- FIXED - Narrative pickup text not scaling properly
- FIXED - Key bind options for menu navigation not checking for rebound keys
- Added mine entrance broken repair sound
- Added step sound for barrels
- Added step sound for little things made out of wood
- Added step sound for bed
- Added sound for grab bone
- Added sound for grab item sack
- Added sound for nicotiana
- Added sound for broken table
- Added open/close UI sound for radial disassembly Menu
- Added step sound for metal sheet, barrel, bed, crate, tank and shelf
- Added music for mining town
- Torch sound playing in menu
- Ambience music playing in menu
User Interface
- Added new art assets for the character menus
- Added new art assets for the off-game menus
- Added new backgrounds
- Changed the buttons in the pause menu and the save menu
- Save menu now takes a screenshot when saving
- Readability improvements to all fonts used in menus
- Added new art asset for the progress bars
- Changed the notifications and pick-up popups background textures
- Sleeping interface is now overhauled