• Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura: Screen zum Spiel Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.
  • Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura: Screen zum Spiel Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.
  • Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura: Screen zum Spiel Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.
  • Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura: Screen zum Spiel Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.
  • Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura: Screen zum Spiel Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.
  • Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura: Screen zum Spiel Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.
  • Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura: Screen zum Spiel Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.
  • Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura: Screen zum Spiel Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.
  • Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura: Screen zum Spiel Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.
  • Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura: Screen zum Spiel Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 22.08.2001
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Preis Update 12.05.24

Über das Spiel

An Industrial Revolution in a World of Magick
Imagine a place of wonder, where magick and technology coexist in an uneasy balance, and an adventurer might just as easily wield a flintlock pistol as a flaming sword. A place where great industrial cities house castle keeps and factories, home to Dwarves, Humans, Orcs and Elves alike. A place of Ancient runes and steamworks, of magick and machines, of sorcery and science. Welcome to the land of Arcanum.

Character Design allows you to customize your character any way you choose
  • Whether you choose magick or technology, the Arcanum world adapts and responds to your character's development
  • Classless, point-based attribute system allows for limitless creativity in guiding your character's development
  • 8 basic stats, such as Strength and Charisma
  • More than a dozen derived stats, from Poison Resistance to Character Speed
  • 16 Primary skills, including Gambling and Healing
  • 80 Spells with 16 Colleges of Magick
  • 56 technological degrees within 8 disciplines


  • CPU: 1.0 GHz
  • GFX: DirectX 7 Compatible 3D Card
  • RAM: 256 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
  • HD: 1200 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible
  • DX: Version 7.0
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: 1.4 GHz
  • GFX: DirectX 9 Compatible 3D Card
  • RAM: 512 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
  • HD: 1200 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

147 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 17:11

Magie und Technik

Arcanum war in den frühen 2000er ein einzigartiges Spiel, das dem Spieler viele Entscheidungen selbst überlassen hat, z.B. welchen Weg er einschlägt, wenn es um die Frage nach Technik oder Magie geht. Ich habe damals unzählige Stunden in dem Rollenspiel verbracht; das Spiel ist extrem textlastig. Ich habe sicher alle Möglichkeiten ausprobiert, gut und böse, Elf oder Mensch; egal was. Jeder Spieldurchgang hatte ein anderes Spielerlebnis. Der Soundtrack ist heute aber kaum noch zu ertragen, es ist ein fürchterliches Geigengefidele.

Arcanum als Steamumsetzung

Zunächst einmal muss man festhalten, dass es sich hierbei nicht um ein HD Remake oder so handelt. Es ist das ganz normale alte Spiel. Allerdings mit ein paar Problemchen. Das Spiel ist nur auf englisch verfügbar. Zum Glück gibt es einen deutsch Patch.

Natürlich empfehle ich Arcanum. Ich finde, man muss es zumindest einmal gespielt haben. Leider konnte ich nicht die Muße und Zeit finden, es als Steamumsetzung nochmal zu spielen.
75 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 06:36
Be careful with the quick save/quick load feature. You'll corrupt your save file.
Always create a standard save instance. I've been bitten by this twice now.

Game is great, but getting hit twice by the 'corrupt file' issue kinda ruins the effort you put into it.
304 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 00:19
I wish there were more games like this. Truly a classic and hard to replicate. 150% worth the price
46 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 13:56
no matter how old this game gets i always find myself coming back for a playthrough. this game is a work of art and will forever be a childhood favourite. 10/10
2063 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 21:16

Mechanics and Magicians

Check out our full review on the 2 Headed Hero channel!

And here's a guide that can walk you through necessary and helpful GAME FIXES for modern systems!

The struggles between the forces of magick and tech, the juxtaposition of steam and sword, and the morally gray choices presented to the player at every turn help make Arcanum a memorable cult classic that should be enjoyed by all fans of good reading and great worldbuilding. It’s flawed and messy at times, but also beautiful, funny, engaging, and enraging at others.

A lot of the same team behind Fallout 1/2 helped bring Arcanum to life. While Fallout endeared its fans with cutesy cartoon characters, nuclear annihilation, and 50s retrofuturism, Arcanum shifts its focus to gentlemanly language, flintlock pistols, and locomotives.

Fallout's through-lines of player agency and enormous roleplaying potential are even stronger in this steampunk pseudo-sequel. A massive game, a forgotten classic, a must-play for fans of oldschool RPGs that still holds up today.
296 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 02:10
Gnomes are deviants and need to be punished for their crimes.
1027 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
3964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 04:16
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 07:31
love it kills time very addictive game
30 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 10:52
I have been playing this game since it came out, literally since 2001... It is until this day one of my most favorite RPG's, the story, the voice overs, your ability to be good, evil or anything in between. To follow multiple paths, hours upon hours of freedom. Tolkien would be proud. BUT! WHY HAVE WE NOT SEEN AN UPDATED GAME!? Like a new arcanum, arcanum 2? A First Person Arcanum? The world, the steam punk, the strange realism when someone gets shot in the head with a cannon pistol!. CMONNN Mannn! Give us another Arcanum, after all these years this has been the best game Ive ever played, why can you not give me another!?
155 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
2949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 18:21
This kind of setting (medievalish fantasy + steampunk) didn't appeal to me at first. However, it's an acquired taste, and Arcanum eventually grew on me.
The game is buggy and requires a bunch of patches in order to be playable, but once you've installed them and started playing, it becomes an incredibly satisfying role-playing experience you definitely won't forget. The choice and consequence component in Arcanum is probably better than in many other classic RPGs. Your character can literally impact on nearly everything in this game and gradually change the world.
88 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
4554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 20:49
Good game, cheap game, get the unofficial patch too.
104 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 14:52
Top hats and magic, baby.
149 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 08:42
10/10 с патчем 2x размер окошка.
Квесты, секретки на высоком уровне.
Очень сильно понравилась прокачка, лут, спутники. Заклинания очень вариативны и их комбинации. (даже есть выбор среди имбовых) Огромное пространство для отыгрыша. Игре не хватает доработки для современных машин и исправлений ошибок (я прошёл квест на алтарь Halcyon до встречи с призраком и он отказывается работать).
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 09:11
Good game needs remake
127 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 21:36
Wildly unbalanced but with a very cool world
135 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 08:06
I love this game. I love this game immensely, but no matter how I try, there is no patch, download, or anything of the sort that has managed to get it to run functionally in Windowed mode. The old Hi-res mods from Terra-Arcanum don't work for me, neither do some of the simpler fixes as well. All in all the game just seems to be busted. If theres no intent to make any kind of fix on Steam's end to make it playable, it probably shouldn't be sold.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 00:05
i like it when the thing goes bing and the other goes BWOAAM out of nowhere without context
699 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 03:30
Perfect example of a diamond in the rough. Definitely shows its age with some missing QoL features and even with fan patches this is super buggy, but it also manages to excel in many ways. Fantastic voice acting along with a charming orchestral soundtrack help elevate its presentation, and mechanically a lot of variety is offered with the combat and your characters background, with many unique and fun presets that can drastically change your game. Depending on your build you may have trouble with some fights, but luckily you can rely on companions to do most of the work if you dump a bunch of points into charisma. Combat aside there's still lots to like here with interesting varied quests that offer loads of different approaches and outcomes.

Admittedly my tolerance for jank is quite high but this is honestly a lot better than I was expecting, and a decent remaster would probably have people talking about this in the same regard as something like Planescape.
42 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 16:36
if you like fallout 1 and 2 this is really the only other game out there that can scratch that itch
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
68904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 19:48
One of the best games i ever have played.
84 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
4462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 21:35
Arcanum is a great game....but you have to have a bit of patience to get it working properly.
there are official and unofficial patches you need to make it not crash on you. even then, it's still a little buggy.
but, it's one of the best rpg's out there...the story is great, the characters are fun and varied, and it has i think the most unique rpg character system.....you choose either tech or magic....the replayability isn't necessarily endless, but i've had a great time building 4 very different characters, and assembling 4 different teams of follwers, and making different decisions in the game so every quest isn't the same.....there's multiple ways to accomplish most things you just have to think a little about it...

keep a notepad handy to jot down notes, because the journal won't keep all the pertinent info and it can get hard to remember all the details.
save often.
44 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
3490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 11:47
One of the best CRPGs ever made, yet p. flawed.
413 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
2419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 19:14
Great Steampunk RPG.
65 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 11:41
I must have completed at least 5 different play throughs of this game in the early 2000s. It's still one of my all time favourite games and having replayed it recently I think it still holds up. I would recommend it to RPG fans in particular, I can see why it might be too old for others. The story is complex, many of your choices will matter, and they really nailed the steampunk atmosphere. Had a lot of fun, would play again 10/10
37 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 22:08
I recommend this game because the story is really well done. The depth and richness surprised me being that it's from 2001 BUT it is clunky and can easily get bogged down. There are numerous patches and fixes but they never really worked for me. This game would make for a killer remake. I got it as part of a humble bumble so not free per say but I didn't buy it by itself.
52 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 01:59
For fans of early Fallout. I enjoyed playing this one for sure.
671 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
1421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 19:15
Completion Update:
It's still good,I had zero problems/crashes thanks to the patch I assume. It's a great setup.
In my 22 hours, I barely scratched the surface of content.After I completed the game, I went back to see some stuff so It won't be a spoiler for me. I missed tons of companions. I was only a bowman. No magic/no guns/no crafting. In one play through its nearly impossible to try everything properly. So you definitely need more than one. There is at least 40-50 hours worth of content. Worth the money.

Initial Note:

It's a great game but I am here to help you out with things you need to run this game on Windows 10.
I am seeing tons of reviews how hard it is to get it running under W10. That is correct.
Somebody made a great patch that can make the game run under W10 in a neat package(It's not little it's 405 MB's) Don't bother with guides and multiple files or whatever.


Go to the link install the latest patch. There are mods and other things mostly QoL stuff. I went with vanilla and just got the patch to run it under W10 and wide screen(2560 x 1080), it works very well. Thank you Terra Arcanum / Drog.
83 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 19:54
great game, prob more character choices than anything else but it can be a chore to play, like all old pc games..
103 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 10:32
Despite this being a very old game with incredibly outdated graphics, it has a beautiful soundtrack and one of (if not THE) best story I have ever encountered in a game. It is perfection. If you can just pretend you're playing someone's indie game - give this game a go (Just install the unofficial patch)
58 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 10:55
The game I have played thus far that feels closest to the freedom of a TTRPG experience. The amount of not just player choice, but harsh consequence for those choices, was something I did not think was possible for the video game medium. One moment you accept a small side-quest, next you might never be able to get back to a city easily anymore where you still have objectives, because every guard there wants you dead.. and it was all your choices, your doing.

The world actually reacts to you. If you kill (enough) people, it will not go forgotten. If your armor is broken and you are naked, it will be remarked on. If your character is ugly as sin, or one of the more monstrous races, people will treat you with the harshest bigotry. If you do something great, everyone in the city will gain some respect for you. If you are doing evil acts, good followers will not be happy for long. If you are a magic caster, don't expect to be allowed on trains when you get too strong, because your magic will mess with the steam engines.

There are so many possible builds and individual experiences that the first 4 or so hours, I was just trying out different characters that I wanted to play. I was questioning my choice as half-orc, as everyone treated me badly. I was afraid my experience would be severely halted by this, but it ended up bringing so much flavor for me and influenced how I reacted to the world back, wanting to prove that my character was more than the world told her she was. It informed my every decision, kept me immersed. It influenced where I put my points, rather than what would be most meta or beneficial. If I would have gone with that charismatic elf instead, my choices would likely have been different... but you bet it makes me want to come back to it for that reason. I want to have that other experience.

.. So the roleplay aspect is absolutely spot on.. however, what is outside of that somewhat suffers. Combat is a mess (especially real-time, which I started out with and therefore stuck with), navigation is a chore and most of the time you are questioning if something is intentional or just broken (I had Raven attack me continuously with stray arrows and I am still not sure if it is a bug or if she was just bad at hitting those arrows). If you don't save every few moments, you will regret it, because you can't walk far without assassins on your ass or the game risking a crash (even with unofficial patch).

It is an amazing game, but it absolutely had me frustrated on the regular. It is the sort of game you think about so fondly whenever you are not playing it, but curse out as you are playing it (... sometimes). Overall, I love this game, but it is another broken Troika masterpiece. Flawed, but you can't help but like it.
44 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
9410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 00:06
I owned the PC CD_ROM game Arcanum when it released just before 9/11 in 2001 (sorry for morbid reference, but that's why I remember when I got the game). It is an open-world, point & click adventure game that was the first open-world game I played since the original Legend of Zelda. It was released by the people who made the original Fallout game. It was released with Sierra Online. I did not like the open-world games in the early 2000's because they never held up to Arcanum to me. It felt so ahead of its time when I played it back then, and it holds up today. For example, I felt that the original Fallout was a good game, but the map was so small by comparison to Arcanum (which I played first even though Fallout came out in the late 1990s). Arcanum feels more expansive than its contemporaries, and still feels huge even now. I played thousands of hours of this game and I played as at least 10 different characters. good, bad and neutral, until my cat was caught munching on the disc after Troika went under. I wanted to rebuy it, but couldn't find it for over a decade and a half. When I saw Arcanum on Steam, my nostalgia bug made me buy it immediately, as I never forgot how much I loved this game.

First of all, magic and steampunk technology...what?! Hello? Let's go! I love a good fantasy game, esp. when there's magic and technology. And just so you know how much I love the game's aesthetic, I redecorated my bedroom in steampunk not long before the pandemic.

Weapons and armor can be light or heavy, tech or magic, given as a gift for completing quests, cheap or expensive, or you can make some of them yourself. Learn from tech masters or the magic colleges. Worship the ancient god of each of the races. Do it right and you'll be like a god yourself! Not bad for someone who was getting his or her level one ass handed to them by basically ailing wolves and kites (look like little red cobolds).

God-like powers aside, my favorite thing about this game is the freedom to do what you want. You can play it a thousand times and never play the same character twice. The followers are all so different, and I dig the way the good vs evil vs neutral runs of the game can give you such diverse experiences. Even the followers are diverse. There are 25 permanent followers (unless they leave or you kick them out), of all alignments and 5 or 6 temporary followers who will hang with you until you complete their side-quest. Some followers who don't share your alignment may leave you or even attack you if you do too much they don't agree with.

If it's your bag, there is a great strategy guide by Prima's Official on Amazon, with all maps, all items, main story, side quests, hidden quests, followers and who they will travel with, secret items, character creator options, where to find masters to train with for magic/technology/skills, and the full descriptions of even hidden things that are harder to find including where they are. You can even find out which items are sold by which merchants with a description of what percent of the time they'll have them in stock. It's super-comprehensive. However, I would suggest at least trying on your own first, though. If you explore the whole map, you'll find pretty much everything, including a lot of surprises. Like stalk the whole map in every nook and cranny/ Just wandering around will also build up XP quickly by killing whoever/whatever you meet that attacks you, and it won't put off your good or bad followers if the people you kill attacked first. I played on my own first then went back with a relatively neutral half-elf and played with the strategy guide so I'd see what I missed. There's so much to find, with or without the guide. Now, I just use the guide mostly for the maps (I'm lazy about remembering locations). Finally, a quick review of the game mechanics is on Wikipedia, along with a synopsis that I recommend you don't read unless you've played before. The surprises are half the fun of the story.

In summary, this game remains one of my favorites, and I am not alone. It sold well, was well-received by critics, and won some awards. I highly recommend it even now, despite all the open world games that are newer. The few things people complained about never affected my gameplay, and it plays just as well on Steam as it did on CD_ROM. It's a download requiring about 1 GB of space, so it's a large game for when it came out. Make sure you have room. If your friends also have it, it has a multiplayer mode. Play turn-based, fast turn-based, or real-time. So many options and replay potential...I missed this game and I appreciate so much that Steam brought it back.

Good luck if you decide to try it! This rabbit hole runs deep, but what a great ride!
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 20:41
Won't work properly on Win 10. Several serious compatibility issues on the game graphics.
28 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 23:27
How to play Arcanum:
Step 1: Get the game. It's cheap.
Step 2: Find the unofficial patch. It's free and it adds widescreen.
Step 3: Enjoy.
335 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
6722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 02:59
Extremely good rpg
103 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 05:09
An underappreciated gem that didn't get finished or recognized, still one of the deepest RPGs ever despite it. EA should let the license of this loose, let this Troika masterpiece live!
120 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 18:50
A classic. Get mods to fix issues with newer pcs/os'. check out the communities section for links to those mods
14 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 23:32
A Classic that stands the test of time.

True to the 1990s/early 2000s heavy story based RPGs. Finally decided to complete it after having Charles' recommendation on Lex Fridman podcast. Remember looking at this game in PC-Gamer as a kid and wishing I could have bought it LOL. Glad to finally have played through its myriad of story lines.

Only gripe is the scuffed shop interface where you have to toggle items back to your main character to sell... and random shopkeeps rejecting/accepting your items... kinda makes it fun though in its frustration lol
23 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 04:19
Hey Hey People
435 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 04:37
If you love the original Fallout n’ Fallout 2, this is basically same platform but enhanced with real time combat, day and night cycles, magick and technica. Dwarves, Orcs, Elves, half-breeds, humans and even Gnomes.
A ridiculous amount of writing and story and dialogue. It’s a worthwhile experience when time permits.
I would recommend getting a particular ‘mod’ which helps it to run on our modern powerful rigs.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 01:59
It is everything I remember it was. about 100 hours of play time to finish one character and makes you want to try another class/spec for another run through.
2082 Produkte im Account
479 Reviews
8213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 22:47
Arcanum. The game that was released nearly 20 years ago, and still considered one of the ten, maybe one of the hot five best games in the steampunk setting. And one of the deepest RPG universes, with all those magic vs. technology Yin/Yang collisions, with so much diversity in the possible playstyles, characters, situations, and all that jazz. And It Is actually one of the greatest videogames I ever played, all hands down. It still has its 'one more quest, one more turn' needle of the strong addiction. I've played it on the release, and I still enjoy playing it now.


With all that deep immersion, all those tons of quests, stories, and other nice and cozy stuff, Arcanum always had that ugly taint of the bad coding. Only the list of its technical problems can be longer than the compilation of all dialogs in many modern RPGs.

It all starts with the resolution. '800х600х65536' was already dated when the game hit the shelves. I remember some tweaking we did about it with other boys from the neighborhood, and it was before we get access to the Internet, because it was much more expensive and overall complicated than now. And you know what? Every time when I was reinstalling Arcanum after that, there were some new issues to fight with. But every time, it was something about weird resolution and screen behavior, for starters.

And what about now? Is it working? Is it dead, or still alive?
Well, you can play it out of the box, just by installing the game (thanks to the GOG release with resolution fix, I presume). Like I said from the start, it is still one of the greatest isometric RPGs. It is still providing just as much delight for any genre connoisseur, as it did in 2001. But, there are 95% chances that you'll need to download some unofficial, fan-made patch, to fix something. So tread consciously.

Speaking of the overall rating for Arcanum, it's a really complicated issue for me. For the provided content, it's kinda 9.5/10. For the technical realization, I dunno... 5/10? It's bugged as hell, and it still bothers me even with the latest patch installed. I love Arcanum, and it haunts and hurts me. A great game. Burns like the summer sun.
383 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 04:00
A decent CRPG but lacks polish. Most of the dialogue and quests in the game are extremely dry and uninspired. Most of characters you talk to feel like they're just interactive sign posts to point you in the direction you need to go, with no defining characteristics.

The game play is also very unbalanced, with magic being much better than any other build. The combat is also fairly janky, ranging from massive RNGfests to effortless steamroll depending on your build.

You NEED to install the unoffical patch unless you want to play at extreme low resolutions without widescreen.

Give it a go if you want to try a CRPG in a unique setting, but don't expect a game with the same quality of Fallout 1/2.
157 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 01:42
A jankier Fallout set in a fantasy land undergoing an indrustrial revolution.
55 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 01:34
An RPG classic. In-depth story, multiple branches for progressing your story — an all-around solid RPG from yesteryear.
69 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
14518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 06:57
Surprised myself by really enjoying it. Reminds me of Fallout Tactics but as an RPG version.
203 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
3091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 23:21
Just leaving a thumb's up because goshdangit if somebody doesn't resurrect a Troika-like studio here in the new decade, the world will have missed out.

This has one of the best character creation set-ups I've ever played with in a game, old or new. Oh, not visually. But as far as building an interesting, ready-made character: definitely.

The actual gameplay is a bit of a slog. I didn't play old-school Western RPGs back in the day. Took me a minute to figure out fast travel, and frankly combat is boring and the palette is dark and makes it hard to distinguish buildings and NPCs at first glance. Also they missed a golden oppurtunity not making Virgil a love interest and I'm still salty about it.

But this is a fantastic world with so much promise, and I still keep tabs on former Troika Game devs to this day in hopes of coming across hidden gems like Arcanum.
853 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
2644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 07:34
This is one of the greatest, fundamentally flawed games you will ever play.
It's was a huge creative achievement, everything from the music (it has one of best soundtracks in video game history) to voice acting, to story itself is amazing and just as enjoyable today as it was back in the day.

I don't think there ever was a CRPG title where you could roleplay charismatic leader leading a group of competent and deadly individuals. Point is, you can play Arcanum in million and one way, and although there are superior character builds (magic in particular is overpowered) each is viable in it's own way.

Now for the bad. Even for the time Arcanum was rough around the edges. It's not ugly but it lacks polish other CRPG titles had (Baldur's or Planescape or even Fallout).
AI is atrocious, there's simply no way around it. You cannot modify the behavior of your followers which makes certain party members almost useless. For example, embracing technology makes it so your character resists any magic influence (healing spells included). If you get hurt while having a Virgil (magic healer) in a group, he will proceed to spell himself into a coma trying to heal you. Balance is all over the place and it can be difficult to get of the ground if you're low charisma technologist for example while mage will stomp everything into a pulp.

But even with everything said there's just something about arcanum that makes me want to play it over and over again. Not sure if it's nostalgia inducing melancholy soundtrack or the fact that crafting in this game is actually purposeful and can support variety of playstyles.
It's a game well worth your time.
35 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
8392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 13:27
Great character build and storyline options
4 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 03:13
Like an old puzzle and storybook all in one; Arcanum takes you on a fascinating journey through a world where magic and technology collide. The elves master magic, the dwarves, technology and humans are caught in the middle. You find yourself on an airship as it is attacked by a mysterious group. You must piece together this mystery if you and the world are to survive!
387 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 23:49
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
730 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
1350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 03:00
Great RPG, first RPG where magic fight against technology.

Tip: Install Arcanum Multiverse Edition before starting game.
17 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 19:51
10/10 Would buy rights from the Arch-Necromancer Activision if i had the money so this game can be brought back from the Void. The self proclaimed Master-Thief Vlastimir Cinderfallow will have his remastered turn based Thieving glory...one day......
171 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 00:30
One of the games made by troika that demmands the fan pacth to run properly and as per usual with all the games that they made it is flawed, buggy and brilliant in equal parts. Worthy for RPG fans and those who are interested in steampunk mixed with fantasy.
Kill every gnome that you see.
124 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 15:20
Doesn't get talked about as much as Fallout, Balder's Gate, Planetscape etc, but its just as good. Don't let reviews complaining about win10 compatibility deter you; the unofficial patch takes 2 clicks to install.
119 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 06:57
very good classic game. world sucks you in and before you know it you've dropped over 50+ hours in the game.
36 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 10:53
Nice game - I've played Fallout, Baldur's gate, etc. many times. But this one has really a nice spirit of that Jules Verne kinda era and magick smthng like an old game The Gene Machine.....Victorian era. Kinda like it. For all who played RPG classics, this is surely for your collection!
And awesome soundtrack.
32 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 04:26
They should make an HD remaster of this game!
395 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 03:33
Great game, if you like Baulders Gate, and/or Fallout 1 or 2, you'll love this.
122 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 23:13
tough to start without melee, hope it progresses better
36 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 18:39
I'm having so much fun, it's unreal! It's been a long time since a game pulled me in this much. The world feels so organic and alive, you can talk to NPCs so many different ways and get quests done so freely. If you have a better idea than doing quests straight on, you will find that you can!! You can absolutely do anything!!! It almost feels like playing D&D or an adventure book!
247 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
3997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 01:57
While the gameplay is rather jank, and it takes a bit of fixing to fix the lag issue, this is potentially the best CRPG on the market.

Arcanum's story isn't told via it's plot. In fact, it's plot is rather loose and open ended. Instead, Arcanum's story is told through the world presented to you, and that's what makes it great. The world itself is teeming with life and personality. I urge you to speak to every npc, complete every quest, read every book, and search every cave. It doesn't take much for it to begin pulling you in, which will leave you wanting for more. This accompanied with the melancholic yet hopeful soundtrack is what makes this game be known as a broken masterpiece.
94 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 22:46
Best class system I've seen in a RPG.

We need a sequel.
20 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
10306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 02:24
Hands down one of the best Rpgs ive ever played, better than baldurs gate or icewind dale, which were it's main competition. the amount of thought put into it is extroadinary and i strongly reccomend this game to anyone who plays Fantasy Rpgs. note that it's a bit dated and may need some mods installed to run smoothly on newer computers, but that's an easy fix.
5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 05:15
Loved this game when I was a kid and was stoked when i found it on steam! Still holds up in 2020 i really enjoyed this world/game/story a lot. Really fun
24 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 05:30
this is the best rpg ever made
219 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 16:03
Amazing game. Huge nostalgia trip down memory lane. FIX THE LAG
1383 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 07:15
I miss these kinds of RPGs where whole branches of the story and quests are just closed off and never even discovered depending on yout type of play (in this case: evil vs. good and tech vs. magic build). Discovery in general is sort of lost in newer RPGs. I played Arcanum several times through and I frequently discover something new to do or to see.
74 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
9022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 20:45
This is the best steampunk game ever made, period. If you loved the first two fallout games, you will probably love this. There are many meaningfully different ways to solve every problems.
262 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
4414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 07:40
Arcanum is a world where magick and technology co-exist in perpetual competition. It's like Shadowrun in the 19th century. But instead of hacking you can become a technologist who can assemble firearms and explosive devices out of stuff found in garbage bins around cities. If you focus your training and become really good, you can make machineguns and powerful steam-powered machines that fight alongside you. Or you can be a sorcerer who throws fireballs and heals himself with blue magic lights... The choice is up to you, but the latter choice definitely sounds boring, you can do that in thousands of other games... :)

The story, the dialogues are clever and really well written. The whole world is really charming and captivating, it is a big open world. Arcanum is the best RPG ever made, along with Fallout and Fallout 2. It's not for the modern players though, no quest markers and hand-holding typical for modern games. And that is also part of its greatness. If you like classic games and their complexity, you can't miss here.
128 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 01:01
One of the weirdest, best rpgs ever made.
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 17:47
Loved the game when it first came out - playing it retro now is fun too. *DO* read the community posts and get the graphics fixes though, otherwise it crawls and glitches on Windows 10 >.< Once you tweak the graphics by editing the SierraLauncher ini file, deleting draw.dll and downloading the recommended addons, it runs great :)
22 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 14:20
The Steam version of this game is a joke and totally worthless even for a couple bucks.

Firstly its the official release, so it lacks any of the 3rd party patches, which are 100% needed in order to play on a modern PC, or at least get rid of all the game breaking bugs. Second, installing said patches yourself causes the launcher to crash, so you have to use the executable to play and playtime isn't recorded... It only shows the time I had the Sierra Launcher open, so I may have played it over 5 hours, but there's no way to know.
452 Produkte im Account
229 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 19:58
This Steam version sucks! Go buy and play this amazing RPG on GOG!
146 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 23:33
This is the only game you need.
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 21:00
Arcanum is a classic. Set in an industrial age filled with creatures of old fantasy it makes for a very unique combination of technology and magic. Filled with mystery this game will keep you entertained.

Some downsides to the game are compatibility issues and general bugs. It will not play on a new PC how it is sold on Steam. I recommend installing the unofficial Arcanum patch. You will also need to fix the DDraw issue to be able to play this on a Windows 10 machine. Simply google Baldurs Gate DDraw fix and copy the three DLL files in it to your install directory and you will be able to play without slow loading and crashes.
174 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 01:53
I brought a game, i got a recipe for banana bread, you should try it is pretty good, not better than the game tho. The game is a masterpiece, ignore my play time, i played this many times before i ever got a steam account and i can say that there are very few games that give you so much in terms of narrative.

Banana bread/10 would 100% recommend
12 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 23:32
This Game is from time when i was very young and still this is on of the Best RPG games ever seen.
2044 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 17:54
Code This review is an excerpt. To view the full review, go here on our website.
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Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura Review | Arcade Theory

The title’s quite a mouthful, isn’t it? Let’s just call it Arcanum from now on. This is an old game for sure. So old, in fact, that on a modern setup, it won’t work straight out of the box. Be sure to install this patch to ensure your game doesn’t crash and burn on launch. Yet the fact that people even bother to go through such hoops to run this game is an indication of how good this game is. Indeed, Troika Games may be defunct now, but there is but one game the studio will forever be known for: Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines.

The setting that the game takes place in is unique not because of the overall worldbuilding but because of the industrial revolution the land of Arcanum is experiencing. Magick has always been the predominant force in the land’s history, the elves being the most magically-attuned race, churning out generations of the greatest mages. Technology has also existed in some form or another, with the dwarves being expert technologists, but has never been as powerful or as venerated as magick.

In comes a man called Gilbert Bates (a completely fictional character, I assure you), who kicks off the industrial age with the introduction of the steam engine to the human world. Unfortunately, magick and technology are not compatible with each other, as technology follows the rules of natural law while magick is a supernatural force with no constraints from the natural order. When the two forces meet, instability results.

This brings us to the issue of coexistence between magicians and technologists. Since the invention of the steam engine, many cities in the kingdoms around Arcanum have become industrialized and thus utilize technology to its fullest extent. Spellcasters will find themselves unable to make use of their repertoire while within the cities (lore-wise, at least). In fact, should they get too close to a piece of machinery, they risk causing it to malfunction due to the abnormal nature of magick. It is less of an issue with weak magicians, but nevertheless, they must choose to either segregate themselves within the cities (e.g. ride the back of the train, avoiding the engine room) or distance themselves from cities altogether. Such is the course the elven races chose for themselves, living in their forested communities away from humanity.

Translated into game mechanics, the antagonistic duality of magick and technology is clear. Your affinity toward either magick or technology depends on your aptitude, a score based on how many points you put either to magical spells or technological disciplines. If your technical aptitude is high, you gain bonuses toward using technology but will find the use of magic to be less potent or even nullified. Similar effects occur the other way around, with extremely high aptitudes having effects on the game world itself (you simply cannot ride a train if your magical aptitude is too high). This means you have to choose between one or the other. No gunslinging wizards.

Should you choose technology, you get access to guns. What else could you really want in a fantasy world? Here, you have access to eight different technological disciplines:

  • Chemistry
  • Electric
  • Explosives
  • Gun Smithy
  • Herbology
  • Mechanical
  • Smithy
  • Therapeutics

  • Each time you spend a point on a discipline, you increase your level of understanding known as your expertise. Higher expertise lets you utilize more complex schematics for that discipline. Schematics are like blueprints. Get the crafting materials you need, be it batteries or a tonic, and you can craft items from grenades to poisons to robotic spiders. It’s a lot more work than magick, but magick doesn’t let you blast someone in half with an elephant gun.

    Then you have magick, with 16 spell colleges and five spells each, for a whopping total of 60 spells total. High willpower is required to learn more spells within a single college. Here is a list of the spell colleges available:

  • Conveyance
  • Divination
  • Air
  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Force
  • Mental
  • Meta
  • Morph
  • Natural
  • Black Necromantic
  • White Necromantic
  • Phantasm

  • There’s plenty of spells to learn. Resurrection lets you fully revive any fallen comrade, teleportation lets you fast travel to any location you’ve visited, and polymorph lets you turn anyone you want into a harmless animal like a bunny or a sheep. Once you learn a spell, you have no limit on how many times you can cast it, save for fatigue. Hopefully you’ve been increasing your fatigue points if you’re a mage because once it goes below 0, your character passes out on the ground and won’t wake up until it is back in the positives. So, if a spell costs 60 fatigue points and you only have 1 fatigue point on hand, you’ll be doing a lot of waiting.

    When we begin the game, we are greeted by a lovely cutscene of a zeppelin in flight, moments before it is shot down by a pair of half-ogres in fighter planes. Turns out, you were on that flight. You miraculously survive as the sole survivor, but not without being greeted by the best character in the game: Virgil.

    Virgil is a member of the Panarii religion, based on the teachings of Nasrudin, who you are supposedly a reincarnation of. “And the spirit of Nasrudin shall be reborn on wings of fire in hills shrouded in fog, and fight the last battle with the evil one,” so sayeth the Panarii altar near the crash site. Seeing that you did just crawl out of a burning wreckage and that the nearest town over is named Shrouded Hills, you don’t really have cause to doubt the prophecy. So, you set out with Virgil (unless you killed him) on a quest to discover the owner of an engraved ring which you took from a dying gnome from the crash site.

    The story takes you places all over Arcanum, meeting important individuals that are essential to the plot. So essential, in fact, that you can straight up murder them. You have plenty of choices you can make in this game, both in dialogue and in quest progression. This applies to the main story as well. To prevent players from softlocking themselves for being a murderous psychopath, there will always be a method to continue the story despite an essential NPC being dead, such as a journal or note that happened to be on their corpse. Anyone can be killed off, even Virgil, although you should spare him. His alignment is dependent on your own actions. If you are a good character, he too shall become a good character. If you choose to be a heartless scoundrel, he shall follow in your footsteps.

    There are many other companions you can recruit—some of them having a great deal of dialogue and significance to the story—but none of them had the same impact as Virgil. Without spoilers, his subplot and related character development will make you glad you didn’t cut him loose at the start. [...]
    68 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    1463 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.07.20 02:26
    This is clearly a good game, especially for anyone who enjoyed playing the original fallout series. I am giving the game a positive review, but Arcanum has serious issues playing on windows 10, at least for my computer. A lot of die hard fans are saying 'download this patch' and 'follow these instructions to reduce lag' etc. I spent several hours trying to figure this out, and nothing worked. The game just doesn't run very well on my computer. And I don't think it's just me. Imagine having to wait 4+ minutes to watch your avatar run out of the city so that you can fast travel. It would take less time to read or write this review. The good folks at Steam should put some effort into adapting this game to the modern operating systems, so that we can all enjoy this classic game the way it was meant to be played.
    105 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    8274 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.07.20 22:05
    Arcanum is one of my favourite games, it has a vast world with about 70 side quest scattered throughout the world.
    The game features a large amount of recruitable party members which you can find in towns and dungeons, all brimming with personality.

    Arcanum excels at is expanding your vocabulary, it's filled with English commonly used throughout the industrial revolution period in England and mixing it with vocabulary you would find in fantasy type games. Arcanum allows you to solve various problems your way using upgrade skills, items or abusing the way the combat system works to it's fullest, speaking of which, it's not very balanced; you can change between real time and turn based combat based on which is more favourable to you.

    The plot is grand, it's interesting to follow but it isn't any LISA game, but the lore is pretty damn big and also enjoyable, for this alone I recommend that you read the manual but I also recommend it because it's necessary if you don't want to spend hours trying to figure out how everything works, also it has a banana bread recipe at the end, unfortunately I do not like bananas but maybe you do.

    The graphics aren't all that impressive, however they feel nostalgic since I've had this game since my 12th birthday, but the soundtrack is pretty good

    Unfortunately time passes and as a result this game is old, you're going to need to install the unofficial patch for this game to fix the slowdown issue among several others. Also the game doesn't have support for online multiplayer, you can only really do that through LAN or some alternative method of fixing multiplayer (if you really want to jump through hoops).

    It isn't too difficult however progression somewhat relies on utilizing the many quests available to level up as a preferable alternative to grinding, it encourages exploration but you don't have to 100% the game.

    Wish it got remade with bug fixes and server support.

    85 Produkte im Account
    29 Reviews
    3019 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.06.20 20:56
    1. To play on windows 10 without issues install this mod: https://terra-arcanum.com/drog/uap.html. It fixes the bugs, enhances gameplay including high resolution.
    2. DISABLE G-sync and steam overlay. Delete your old save files.
    3. Read the patch's readme PLEASE. It explains everything.

    This is how I got the game to work flawlessy through steam on windows 10 ver.1909.

    Otherwise HILARIOUS game, I love how absurd it is, it's a true rpg by essence. If you're ugly, all the NPCs notice and some refuse to talk to you, if you're stupid all the NPCs react to that. If you got some fugly zombie summons behind you, NPCs get scared and refuse to talk to you. Your choices do matter, your good/evil alignment matters. If you love technology or magic that MEGA matters.

    One huge gripe I have about this game though is the maps in the main city hubs don't mark what the buildings are and I find myself running around the darn map looking for the same NPCs over and over. (and 1 main city is HUGE).

    *WARNING*: If you're looking for a FULL STORY playthrough DO NOT make an EVIL alignment character. There is a COMPANION called MAGNUS that is CRUCIAL to the story and he won't join your party IF YOU ARE EVIL ALIGNMENT! (I made a dark elf character that has a permanent evil alignment, mistakes were made :/ )
    529 Produkte im Account
    51 Reviews
    489 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.06.20 02:48
    This game is definitely old. But if you're an RPG player, you'll likely appreciate the sound, the cutscenes and the atmosphere as you jump into the world.

    Character creation is interesting and somewhat flexible. The writing is fantastic and the concepts are admirable for an RPG. Race relations, Steampunk elements, all play a role in the game world. You can read newspapers, and when you walk around a city you actually get that industrialized feeling thanks to the excellent background art.

    Of course, the character interactions are fantastic as well. I won't give any examples to refrain from spoilers, but this is definitely a game that requires you to THINK and TAKE NOTES. It's one of the grand-daddies of modern RPGs.
    488 Produkte im Account
    16 Reviews
    707 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.06.20 13:25
    You'll need to disable G-Sync on your monitor and disable the steam overlay to get this game to work along with installing https://terra-arcanum.com/drog/uap.html (default install location won't work and it will need to be the second Arcanum folder in your first Arcanum folder in your steamapps) for modern computers.

    Its essentially original Fallout including the ability to play as a low int brute who responds like a complete simpleton and who will be treated like one in kind. If you know what I'm talking about then you will probably like this game. Also if you plan on playing a spellcaster you will absolutely need to take Harm and Charm Animal at first, but from there you can just go along whatever path you feel like.

    There's a number of small nuances that are unique to this games mechanics and UI but theres plenty of answers to everything on google with how old this game is now.

    I feel bad giving Activision any money for this since I doubt the original Troika devs see a cent from its sale, but still worth getting on discount I guess.
    62 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    18 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.06.20 22:57
    Doesn't work on modern computers even with compatibility mode and custom .dlls, I've heard it works fine on other retailers but I don't know if that's true.
    185 Produkte im Account
    43 Reviews
    66 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.06.20 10:24
    Hey, hey, people.
    271 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    4087 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.06.20 18:08
    classic rpg
    if you enjoy fallout 1, you will enjoy this too!

    10/10 will play again!
    371 Produkte im Account
    157 Reviews
    430 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.06.20 13:00
    An old game with :
    - interesting craft/skill
    - bad mouse scrolling
    - no keyboard customisation
    - clumsy combat, even in turn mode
    12 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    9839 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.06.20 09:50
    I'd never played a serious RPG game before Arcanum and now, after looking into others, it might not have been the best to start the journey with as there's no in-game prompts to learn. However I still really enjoyed it from the very beginning - it reminded me of growing up playing Dungeons & Dragons with how engrossed I became!

    There are a number of choices for characters and I wasn't aware how significant these choices would be on the game as it progressed. You can reach your maximum level (50) quite quickly and can then become a bit stuck if you've kept your skills too general (ie without enough specialisation). I also didn't realise how crucial a team was to the success of this game and so my character became very strong but had not picked up enough team mates early which became problematic later in the game. So it's probably worth doing a bit of research before you start instead of diving straight in like I did!

    I did have a lot of trouble playing this game on Windows 10, and so I learnt to save very regularly! I tried the unofficial patch which seems to help a lot of people (as well as resolving the level 50 cap) but it never worked for me. The main issue was extreme lagging when any sort of 3D graphic was introduced, this got to the point where the game was almost unplayable. Once I worked out what was causing it, I tended to save the game just prior to the 3D part, slog through the section with it and save, then restart the game which would get rid of the lag. Not an ideal experience but I was committed at that point!

    I will always remember this game as the one that kick-started my RPG gaming experience, and from that side of things, I think it set the bar high!
    103 Produkte im Account
    39 Reviews
    281 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.06.20 21:35
    Quite possibly the best CRPG ever made, but it aged like milk lol
    Used to play this 10 years ago on a shitty laptop, and back then I was amazed at the amount of freedom to do whatever you want in this rpg.
    Many rpgs have stats like Charisma but they never really do much with that, but in Arcanum all your stats actually matters and change your playthrough. It`s the only game ever to really show the difference between science and magic. Your character`s race matters, their Intelligence, their Strenght, if he is able to use magic at all, how knowledgeable he is with technology, how ugly or beautiful he is, etc...
    The developers are probably not together anymore, but man if Arcanum ever got a remake...it could be a masterpiece.
    99 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
    1586 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.05.20 10:53
    Killed myself trying to use a shootgun 10/10
    2007 Produkte im Account
    234 Reviews
    14 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.05.20 16:26
    A true hidden gem. If Fallout and Baldur's Gate had a steampunk baby...this is it! One of the best storied RPGs ever with a super unique setting. Great writing, choices, and dialogue system. Character creation is unique though a bit complex. Only the soundtrack was a letdown, very bland, I ended up muting the music and playing the 'Twister' soundtrack in the background instead. For fans of story rich, classic Fallout-esque gameplay I cannot recommend this game enough... I'd kill for an Arcanum 2!
    361 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    5312 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.05.20 21:23
    One of the best cRPG's that was ever made. Good story that starts cliche but then shows to be anything but. Mechanics are not balanced and the game is quite buggy, but is stil very enjoyable.
    113 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    5526 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.05.20 00:21
    The most complex and charming rpg in existence.
    7 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    232 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.04.20 08:17
    Great game but very buggy - may need to do some digging to install patches to enable it to run smoothly. Love open ended alignment games.
    193 Produkte im Account
    72 Reviews
    167 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.04.20 13:46
    I had this game a long time ago. I still enjoy it now. I was hesitant to purchase at first after reading a concerning bug regarding not properly playing on modern PCs. So far I have no issues with my Win7OS.
    189 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    20 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.04.20 22:02
    This is a great game, and despite the rather primitive mechanics, the story and characters prove just as lively as they ever have. My big complaint, and perhaps my only major one, is that this is not optimized for modern machines. Even having downloaded the Unofficial Patch (which is why my play hours are so low, since it doesn't allow Steam to log in-game time), it was still rife with bugs, predominantly graphical ones, which made having to traverse large areas a total lag-fest. That aside, this game belongs to the same category as the classic D&D games of the era and the first two Fallouts, and since we have all this free time now, it wouldn't hurt to crack it open and immerse yourself in one of the better video game universes.
    201 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    1996 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.04.20 22:23
    This game is a great, often overlooked, RGP classic. Any fans of Fallout, Baldurs Gate, Vampire: The Masquerade, would love this. Made by some of the same crew from Diablo and the Wasteland series as well. The soundtrack alone is worth the cost of admission
    17 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    1053 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.03.20 03:33
    This game just something that will never be done again.
    242 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    50 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.03.20 01:42
    Underrated classic. Defined a lot of my life.
    937 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    832 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.03.20 21:34
    Fond memories. Having a re-run. Great game.
    104 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    32839 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.02.20 21:19
    I loved that you could use resurrection to raise a corpse near a site to question them about what killed them. Then watch them freak out about having come back. This is a great way to depict the awesome power that magic is capable of.
    46 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    6823 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.02.20 03:20
    An addictive masterpiece
    60 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    41057 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.02.20 03:22
    Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura... oh, this game...

    In spite of my low ownership, I am more than familiar with this bizarre, wonderful masterpiece, a game I sometimes thought was a complete fever dream from the depths of my imagination, among a strange number of other games including an action game involving Skittles and a dark knight. I'm still not sure that one still exists, though.

    Arcanum is NOT a fever dream, however, and does in fact exist and is a masterpiece of a forgotten era where computers had the ability to deal with the unique and antiquated graphical features on their own. Because Microsoft doesn't know how to keep good features from previous operating systems, it is imperative that you look up a tutorial on how to play this game, and while on your way, pick up an unofficial patch and maybe a few mods; one of which being Virgil's Debug Menu. You won't regret it.

    Arcanum is a very unique CRPG, created on the same engine as Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planetscape: Torment and Fallout: the Infinity Engine, but shares very little else with those other four games. Its mechanics are unique, relying less on the classic alignments and statlines in favor for showcasing its unique flavor. Your stats are Strength (obvious), Constitution (which, while it helps HP, it is more focused on improving your resistances), Dexterity (your most important physical stat), Perception (your most important mental stat), Willpower (where you get more HP and Fatigue), Intelligence (your other most important mental stat), Beauty (which affects how people like you) and Charisma (which allows you to bring more followers). There are no classes, everything is based on proficiency which takes up the same skill points as your Stats, making each level up a vital decision on how you improve your character. Give up hope on creating an ultimate, unstoppable character with 20 in all stats and fully maximized skills unless you desire abusing Virgil's Debug Menu. The races are your usual fare of Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, Gnomes, Half-Ogres, Dwarves, Halflings, and Half-Orcs, familiar to anyone who's ever seen a Fantasy game before, but their portraits are lovingly crafted to resemble those of Victorian photographs.

    However, the main star of the show is the dichotomy between the eponymous technology and magic, as the game is highly affected by how you use both of these aspects of the world. You see, this world is undergoing a Victorian Era-esque industrial revolution, and technology is changing the world for the better and the worst. To represent these changes, the balance between magic and artificial technology is shifted, and how your character deals with this balance depends on your build. You can create a hybrid that doesn't mind either casting or creating gadgets, but by specializing in one or the other, you lock yourself from certain allies and make magic either less effective against yourself, or make science-y solutions less effective. Classism exists between those of magic and those of technological bent, as you'll be put on the back of the train if you are a dirty mage, or be seen as a spooky not-magical witch to the more superstitious. You can't win with people.

    Your skills are also incredibly vital, and Troika, whose pedigree with Fallout can be clearly seen with a nifty little nod and the careful crafting of this world and its mechanics, has made every stat matter, with the way your character is built affecting nearly everything about this game. You can insert yourself the way you think you are, play as a mentally deficient man/womanchild with special needs and discover that everything changes based on your inability to learn names or concepts properly, and even whether or not you play as a Good or Evil character.

    It is, however, a hard game. Most classic CRPGs are, but Arcanum can bring things to a different level. Early on in the game, you will be forced to brave a dungeon with monsters 10-15 levels stronger than your character, and can shatter your weapons. Of course, there are ways around this that don't involve cheating or massive amounts of grinding, but I prefer not knowing of such heresies. Don't fret, however, because whether you are good or evil, a master orator, a special needs Half-Ogre created by decades of selective eugenics and inbreeding [spoiler]and I wish I was not kidding about that part[/spoiler], a gunslinger that makes Roland Deschain look like a pansy, or a wizard that can put Elminster to shame, the game is worth it all the way to its climactic finale.

    Now, if you excuse me, I have to find out if that Skittles game exists.
    32 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    742 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.02.20 13:48
    Well, Arcanum is exeptionally deep and complex game. I have been playing it for some 15 years or more and I still like to play it now and then. Most probably because even now I find new things to discover in it. That said yes, it will take a lot of time to get used to and for a begginer it could be frustrating at times. As reported it is badly optimized (and it is my biggest complaint as well). For me it help to restart the game if it gets to sluggish. Otherwise a really great game to get into. Story is decent too.
    47 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    2689 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.12.19 07:00
    Decided to play as a barbarian, spent nearly the entire game being insulted by jerkass NPCs. Impoverished orc worker/10 would recommend.
    162 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    2635 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.12.19 17:16
    I shot a gnome in the face
    9678 Produkte im Account
    202 Reviews
    105 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.11.19 04:19
    +1 RPG
    62 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    114 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.11.19 08:23
    Ok so at the time of writing this, I have only just started, BUT I have read a lot of reviews regarding the technical state of the game, please take a look at this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMQN5D7veU8 this is what I followed to set up the game and it works almost perfectly. Only issue is my mouse is very laggy on the main and pause menu. So please judge this game off the actual game and not the technical state, as it isn't a problem with these instructions.
    Logo for Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
    Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
    84.47% 696 128
    Release:22.08.2001 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Troika Games Vertrieb: Activision Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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