Arcania: Gothic 4
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Über das Spiel

Alte Bekannte und neue Charaktere werden dem Helden zur Seite stehen oder versuchen, ihm auf seiner epischen Reise Steine in den Weg zu legen. Vor allen Dingen die Damen werden eine größere Rolle spielen. Wer weiß, möglicherweise werden sie dem Helden sogar Herz und Verstand verwirren? Aufregende Quests und herausfordernde Kämpfe gehören ebenso zu den Highlights wie Intrigen, Verrat und Ränkespiele. Wird der Namenlose Held auch diese gewaltige Aufgabe meistern?
Arcania - A Gothic Tale beruht auf einer Welt, die den Spieler einlädt, unzählige Sehenswürdigkeiten und Details zu erforschen. Unterschiedliche Klimazonen mit liebevoll ausgestalteter Pflanzen- und Tierwelt, unterirdische Verliese sowie Städte und Festungen mit einzigartiger Architektur warten auf den Entdecker. Wolken verdunkeln den Himmel und verschiedene Wettereffekte – wie z. B. Regen und Wind – beeinflussen die Spielwelt, die durch ihre fantastische Grafik, Tag- und Nachtwechsel und den bezaubernden Wechsel von Licht und Schatten stets fasziniert.
Untermalt wird all dies von stimmungsvoller Musik und hochwertigen Soundeffekten, die eine unvergessliche Atmosphäre für den Spieler schaffen. Unzählige Quests, herausfordernde Kämpfe, undurchschaubare Figuren sowie eine anspruchsvolle Story sorgen für viele Stunden aufregenden Spielspaß. Die Südlichen Inseln warten auf dich!
Krieg liegt über den Südlichen Inseln wie ein ölgetränktes Tuch und macht auch vor Feshyr nicht halt, einem beschaulichen Flecken Land, weit draußen im Südlichen Meer. Als der Held der Geschichte in diese, seine Heimat, zurückkehrt, steht sein Dorf in Flammen. Die Fremden, die unter dem Zeichen des Adlers angriffen, entkommen und segeln davon.
Nun verlässt der Held seine zerstörte Heimat und sucht nach Rache. Doch schon bald erkennt er, dass hinter dem Angriff auf Feshyr weit mehr steckt als nur die Willkür einer finsteren Söldnerbande ... Eine böse Macht lauert an der Schwelle zur Welt. Der Held stellt sich dem Bösen entgegen, und er steht nicht allein: Eine geheimnisvolle, wunderschöne Dame ist fest mit seinem Schicksal verbunden, und ein Artefakt aus längst vergessener Zeit spielt eine gewichtige Rolle in dem grandiosen RPG-Abenteuer von JoWooD.
Die Gothic-Chroniken
Auf dem Höhepunkt ihres langjährigen und grausamen Krieges gegen die Orks, drohte die Streitmacht von König Rhobar II. an einem ganz profanen Problem zu scheitern - dem Mangel an hochwertigem und magischem Erz, unerlässlich für die edlen Klingen und strahlenden Rüstungen der Paladine, ihres Zeichens der Stolz der königlichen Armee.
In Windeseile wurde auf der Insel Khorinis, rund um die wertvollsten Erzlager, eine magische Barriere errichtet, in die Sträflinge, und waren ihre Taten auch noch so geringfügig, geworfen wurden. Tag und Nacht sollten sie schuften, um das Erz für die Armee zu gewinnen - und sie taten es auch, bis einer der ihren, ein namenloser Sträfling aus dem Herzen Myrtanas, unter den Augen des mysteriösen Dämonenbeschwörers Xardas eine grauenvolle Kreatur, genannt der Schläfer, niederstreckte und die Barriere zerstörte.
Unter Tonnen von Geröll begraben, konnte nur Xardas‘ Magie den Helden retten, der sich in die Inselhauptstadt Khorinis aufmachte, um das sagenumwobene Auge Innos zu finden. Anfangs von Miliz, Bürgern und Paladinen skeptisch betrachtet, schuf er sich mit harter Arbeit und hehren Heldentaten einen Ruf, der seinesgleichen suchte. Und so war es nicht weiter verwunderlich, dass sein Stahl, sein Bogen und seine Kenntnis der Magie es letztendlich waren, die den untoten Drachen, Avatar von Beliar, dem Gott des Todes, zerschmetterten. Der Held, begleitet von seinen Getreuen, die er im Laufe der Abenteuer um sich geschart hatte, segelte Richtung Festland.
Dort traf er auf die kläglichen Überreste des einst mächtigen Reiches von König Rhobar II., das mittlerweile fast vollständig von den Orks überrannt war. Mit kluger Taktik, mit der Macht des Schwertes und den läuternden Flammen seiner Magie setze er dem Krieg ein Ende und hoffte auf ein geeintes Myrtana, in dem Orks und Menschen wenn schon nicht in Freundschaft, dann doch wenigstens in Frieden leben würden. Gemeinsam mit seinem mächtigen Mentor, dem scheinbar ewig lebenden Schwarzmagier Xardas, zog er sich in ein Exil jenseits der bekannten Sphären zurück.
Doch der Frieden währte nicht lange, als ein Mensch namens Thorus, der unter den Orks in die höchsten Ränge aufgestiegen war, diese erneut ins Feld führte, um die Herrschaft über Myrtana zu erlangen. Nur mit Mühe konnte der zurückgekehrte namenlose Held einen erneuten Flächenbrand verhindern, und schwor sich, das Reich ein für alle mal zu einen - um dies zu gewährleisten, krönte er sich schließlich selbst zum neuen Herrscher und nannte sich fortan "Rhobar III".
- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.8 GHz / AMD Athlon II x2 @ 2.8 GHz
- GFX: GeForce 8800 GTX
- RAM: 2 GB
- Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7
- HD: 9 GB
- SFX: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
- DX: DirectX: DirectX 9.0c or higher
- CPU: Intel Core I7 @ 3 GHz / AMD Phenom II x4 @ 3 GHz
- GFX: GeForce GTX 295
- RAM: 4 GB
- Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7
- HD: 9 GB
- SFX: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
- DX: DirectX: DirectX 9.0c or higher
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 12:06
1334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 20:00
Errungenschaften: Nein
- Nette Story
- Gutes Kampfsystem
- Flüssiges Gameplay
- Guter Sound
- Einige Quest wirkten nicht fertig durchdacht
- Viel Regen
- Grafik und Schatten schlecht
- Zu linear
Arcania... oder Gothic 4... oder auch nicht! Es mag zwar sein, das es vielen nicht gefällt, aber Arcania ist trotz vieler Kritikpunkte ein nettes Rollenspiel mit einer soliden Story. Meine Meinung: Es hat zwar viele Elemente und Figuren aus der Gothic-Reihe, bringt aber nicht dessen Charme rüber. Deswegen heißt es wahrscheinlich auch Arcania! Trotzdem hatte es viele Elemente die mir gefallen haben. Der Sound war schön anzuhören und verbreitete in dem ganzen Spiel eine schöne Atmosphäre. Das Kampf- und Skillsystem ist gut, wenn auch nicht allzu komplex. Allgemein war das Gameplay sehr flüssig und sorgte auch nicht für Frustmomente.
Was mich jedoch gestört hat, war die Grafik. Auf dem ersten Blick sind die weitläufigen Areale schön anzusehen, aber auf dem zweiten Blick... Einige Charaktere hatten z.B. ein Loch in der Brust, wodurch man die dahinter liegende Textur sehen konnte oder irgendein Schatten fiel auf deren Gesicht und färbte es dann grün... Was mich an der Grafik jedoch am meisten gestört hatte, war der Blick auf den Horizont! Sobald man die Maus bewegt hat, verschoben sich die Himmelstexturen und ein schwarzer Balken entstand.
Das Questdesign hatte zwar viele Elemente aus Rollenspielen, aber einige davon wirkten nicht richtig zu Ende durchdacht. Während in Gothic eine Nebenquest zu einer nächsten führte oder eine optionale Voraussetzung für eine andere war, kann man hier getrost viele auslassen. In den ersten drei Gebieten, funktionierte das noch einigermaßen, aber danach war es nur noch ein abhaken von Charakteren welche man so auf seiner Reise trifft. (Was brauchst du?... Ja habe ich hier oder besorge ich dir!... Hier hast du es! Der Nächste bitte).
Die einzelnen Gebiete waren zwar weitläufig und es gab auch vieles zu entdecken, jedoch wirkte alles sehr linear. In den alten Gothic-Teilen konnte es passieren das man als z.B. Level 4 - Charakter mit rostigem Schwert, beim erforschen in einer Höhle auf einen Schattenläufer traf, der einem gleich zeigte wer den der eigentliche Boss dort ist. Sowas passiert hier nicht, weil jedes Gebiet auf den Level zurechtgestutzte feindliche Einheiten hat, mit denen man spielend leicht fertig wird. Tatsächlich bin ich nur einmal gestorben und das nur, weil ich zu weit in irgendein schädliches Wasser gelaufen bin... Des Weiteren braucht man nicht in alte Gebiete zurückkehren, sobald man alles dort erledigt hat.
Das schlimmste jedoch war: Der Regen...! Klar befinden wir uns auf einer Insel mitten im Meer, aber es ist dann doch ein bisschen zu viel Regen gewesen. Zu mehr als 50% hatte es bei mir nur geregnet. Klar sieht es im ersten Moment schön aus und es ist lustig zu hören wie irgendeine Frau flucht, das ihre Wäsche nass wird, aber später sorgte das triste Wetter nur noch für Abneigung...
Trotz vieler großer Mängel hatte ich trotzdem viel Spaß mit diesem Spiel und sage mal: Empfehlenswert!!!!
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1234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 15:00
-Pro Liste
-Flüssige schnelle Kämpfe
-Einsteiger Freundlich
-Schnell Belohnend
-Leicht mit zu verfolgen
-Contra Liste
-Unsichtbare Barrieren in der Welt (Zb wen man über einen stein hüpfen mag)
-Charakter Kann Weder Schwimmen Noch Sprinten (Sprinten ist ein zauber der 10sek anhällt)
-Lieblose Geschichte
-Wenig Abwechlung (Quests Wiederholen sich Unangenehm)
-Linearer Spiel verlauf
-schwaches Craft System
-Kleine Halb Open World
-Wenig Befridigendes Ende
-Schnell am Ende
Ich Kann nicht behaupten das Arcania mich Abgeholt hat. Es hatte Tatsächlich manchen guten Ansatz aber am ende wurde dieser nicht richtig zu Ende gedacht. Die Bewegungs und Entscheidungsfreiheit ist so stark eingeschränkt Das man sich weder verlaufen kann, noch es einen großen Einfluss darauf hat wem man etwas sagt. Im crafting bereich gibt es Ein einziges taugliches schwert und selbst dieses wird am ende von einem Drop abgelöst.Die Geschichte war wenig mitreißend auch wenn die kämpfe Spaß gemacht haben...Das war dann Nebenbei auch das einzige was Spaß gemacht hat.Nichtmal Das sammeln konnte man genießen weil die Welt sehr karg und leer ist im Gegensatz zu titeln wie Gothic 1-3 oder Witcher 1-3. Für RPG anfänger Vieleicht zu empfehlen wen man Ganz viele Augen zudrückt. Für erfahrenere RPG Player Eher eine Dicke Enttäuschung. Man kann mit Arcania Spaß haben! (Nur nicht als Gothic Fan).
Trozdem Viel Spaß an Jene die sich Dennoch entscheiden es zu spielen.
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1791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 01:49
917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 14:47
Dieses Game ist kein riesen Rollenspiel aller Witcher, Final Fantasy macht aber in seinen guten 15h Spieldauer auch sehr viel Spaß.
1065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 09:04
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30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 01:44
Die Story ist absoluter Abfall, in jeglicher Hinsicht uninterressant und vorherschaubar. An Linearität kenne ich nichts vergleichbares. Nebenquests existieren quasi nicht. Die Charaktere, altbekannt sowie neu, sind schlicht nervig und teils auch super cringy. Keine Ahnung wer hier für das dialogue writing zuständig war, aber das könnte von einem zehnjährigen stammen.
Was soll man noch sagen; Grafik ist absoluter mist und die Kameraführung eine Katastrophe, Gegner werden einfach todgeklickt (das macht sogar Witcher 3 interessanter).
Alles in allem wahrscheinlich das schlechteste Spiel was man je auf den Markt geschmissen hat und eine Frechheit für jeden RPG Enthusiast und besonders für Fans der Gothic Reihe.
Verschwendet hierdran weder Zeit noch Geld!
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2102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 17:19
1) It has no open land map like the previous Gothic games. Instead it has an one line map with no return possibility. That an big downside of the game.
2) It has not swimming ability anymore like in the previous Gothic games. You just straight die by go into the water.
3) It has not guilds ability anymore like in the previous Gothic games. Instead you can choose between three armors at one mile stone, and choose between another three at the next mile stone.
4) It has not skills ability anymore like in the previous Gothic games. As an example: You just have alchemy as an default skill instead.
5) The main charakter and the friends charakters like Diego, Xhardas, Milten do not have the same faces and look anymore like in the previous Gothic games.
6) You have no sprint ability anymore at all. In the previous Gothic games was forward move sprint (fastest), run (faster) and walk (slowest). Now it's removed sprint complety. The default movement is walking (slowest) instead of the default movement run (faster) like in the previous Gothic games. You can change the movement to run as default by edit the config file by follow my Steam Guide. But even with this trick is the gameplay very slow.
7) There is no Mods at all. You can't find a single Mod at the Internet for this game. Not even one. Only some small Graphic Mod on Steam is found. But on Google search results is it complety invisible. Also are the existing Mods so small that i would even not call it as Mods. Its just some small changes on the game.
8) Instead of call the Game Gothic 4 they called it Arcania Gothic 4. The title is placed in the front like its an complety different game.
9) The game has no balancing. At the start of an new savegame, do one already die at the first monster. Only with cheats is an playthrough possible without die every few moments.
10) The developer has divided. With the separation from Piranha Bytes was an big quality loss follow. It show how big PB's quality impact was for the game.
11) The game (especially the boss fight) has lack of creativity. It's very poor and does not satisfy claims.
12) The game charaker is not bold and tough anymore. Instead he is exhausting and make bad jokes. Also does he make an uninterested impression. It's supposed to be an adventure game. What adventure has lack of motivation? The charakter just cry all game long how he not want this adventure, and he not suppose to save the word, and that he missing his wife so much. Its just super obnoxious.
4779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 01:29
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713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.20 18:37
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1512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.20 23:24
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1300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.22 05:24
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554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.22 22:51
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143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.22 00:08
I play Dark Souls, but I was finding Elden Ring a bit obnoxious in difficulty (and kind of underwhelming in other regards) so I thought I'd try this as it for a more casul experience. However, this game is just very dull.
Maybe I'll change my review if I play more, but right now I can't recommend it when there are similar games out that are better like Kingdoms of Amalur and Divinity 2 (not to be confused with Divinity: Original Sin 2). Also, Skyrim...I'm even thinking of giving Two Worlds another try after this snoozefest.
And if you really want to play with the big bois, give Dark Souls a go. It's not that bad once you get familiar with the controls and, if you're having trouble, consulting a guide can make the game considerably easier.
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61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 04:06
Gameplay wise this is a worse Risen.
3751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 10:18
ArcaniA Gothic 4 is a action RPG build on the grave of the gothic series. Pros and cons
1 The combat ArcaniA Gothic 4 has decent combat the game has some good difficulty to it the melee combat feels good, the ranged combat feels good and the magic while being overpowered feels good. While you can simply beat the game by just spamming magic like you can in fable… the archery and melee combat has a nice feel to it. The game has a few good hours of content but you will spend lots of it grinding and running around.
2 The port of the game is not very good you may want to consider the console PS3 and xbox 360 ports as they are less likely to crash however the PC port has the best visuals. The game will not run unless you force you PC to run it in DVD level audio quality not a defualt setting on most PCs the game can crash often and you may need to turn of shadows and stuff like that to fix it.
3 The sound quality and audio of the game is quite good I liked the soundtrack and felt it was above average and lots of effort was put into it. The game sounds nice on surround sound and was made well for that. The graphics look average for the era, they do bug out often and some texture can turn all black the game does not look very good overall.
4 The RPG elements in the game, the game is one of those classic RPGs where it was less about choices and more role playing as the MC. You can turn on the option to sit down wash your face to cook to sharpen your sword etc but when it comes to your choices, your choices don’t matter much, you can pick some weapon’s change your relationships in a few story events adding a little replay value but overall I don’t suggest this game if you really care about your choices mattering to the story.
5 It has to be said as a fan of the gothic series this game is disgraceful to the series. It is not as bad of a game as I think most people see it as but it would be like getting the IP to a racing game famous for it choices in racing games and how you could rebuild your cars and customize and all that but then taking away all of that and making fans of that franchise have to play with premade cars. In turn gothic 4 has taken out many core elements of classic gothic RPG games and made the game a more dumbed down action RPG more action than RPG while it may have been disgraceful to the gothic franchise I think if this game was published under a different name with no connection to gothic it would have been liked far more.
6 The game has a very nice UI its PC port settings are nice, the inventory system is much better than ones in fable 2 and 3 it also has many collectables that are fun and worthwhile to collect (you only need 30 or so not hundreds) but its other flaws are that there is too much walking, you walk too slow and unless you span the sprint ruin this game will be much harder to play. The game could have benefited more from respawning enemies when you kill a monster on this game they stay dead and only respawn after quests a limited number of times. I think the game should have had more monsters spawning, more difficult crafting to do, you need to run faster, and the game would have been a better experience.
To Conclude, gothic 4 Arcanina has fun combat, a good soundtrack, the PC settings are really nice, the inventory system is really good, it has lots of content, and collectables however it is a disgrace to the gothic series, the game does not run very well and can crash, it has issues even starting unless you force your sound quality to DVD level, it has too much walking, the RPG mechanics need work, the NPCs are really bad looking they act weird but it is kind of funny how stupid they are, the game feels a little under cooked, it looks decent but the textures turn black sometimes. To sum up it’s a mixed bag.
Do I recommend you get this game? Yes, but only on sale if you like action RPGS and you can accept an average game, this is also on xbox 360 and you can beat acanina gothic 4 and import your save to the game ArcaniA: Fall of Setarrif. The game is not a great game but it is a good game if you like action RPGs. I suggest this mainly for the combat.
5351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 16:07
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1166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 15:43
Arcania is infamous for being the game that killed the gothic franchise. Now, gothic 3 released in such a buggy state that even the devs left the publisher and made their own game, probably because they were forced to release it unfinished. So, the publisher was stuck with a famous IP and got some developer that was only known for desperados and made them make gothic 4.
Arcania plays a lot like some sort of third person hack&slash. You cannot make decisions in quests or are faced with any dilemmas, you can’t even deny quests. You move into one area, do some or all quests there and move on when you finish the main quest in the area which often involve a chain link of fetch quests that make you go down into dungeons.
The levelling system is awful, you have magic, archery, and melee, but melee feels like the only proper way as for each type there is only 1-2 useful skill trees compared to three useful skill trees in melee. There are only three magic abilities in the game. After I reached the level that maxed out all my melee-based skills I just ran past all enemies until I was a couple of hours later at the final boss.
The combat itself isn’t that bad, its just kinda bland due to the repetitive nature. You will mostly do the same thing in the 14-16 hour campaign: try to find the main quest, fight enemies by stun locking them so long until they charge up a heavy attack. Then you either do a heavy attack to stun them first or dodge. Repeat.
The story is a mess. I like that they tried to continue the story and not just reboot the franchise, but at the cost of retconning a lot of old information. The canon ending was the adanos ending, where the gods are basically banished from the world.
So they invented a new one, made the old protagonist the antagonist and gave us some protagonist that starts out like a fool and in a timespan of a couple of minutes he suddenly becomes super edgy and ruthless.
Also they retconned how magic works.
It was a boring story, old characters that supposed to do thing x for their entire life from now on are now not doing what they do in their canon ending making all past events useless to know about since everything is screwed up anyways. Its still nice to see that somehow the game connects to old characters albeit in a very forced way.
The worst aspect are the dialogues. They are written in a very tedious and uninteresting way. Especially with a “yes-man” protagonist that never will say no or give any decisions for us to make. Therefore its more like an action adventure and less of a rpg.
Doest come close to any of the music pieces from the old games. Generic fantasy stuff, nothing really awful nothing really interestening.
Combat attacks on the other hand, especially melee have a certain punch to them that really helps with making the combat having more impact.
Generally the game looks really neat, for some reason they even have two colour pallets available, one that is full of colours and really bright, while to other is oversaturated and looks more like the colour scheme from the first gothic.
I was really surprised how some of the characters models, especially the faces and their animations during dialogues can look good. Until you meet some that look completely hideous and glitchy. Especially a lot of the women’s faces.
I must admit the animations for the combat is pretty neat, melee has a certain weight to its movements that makes it feel quite satisfying.
Bland is what this game is best described as. There is nothing really awful in this game but there its also not worth to check it out and people who either played gothic or any rpg or hack&slash game in their life will be bored as soon as the tutorial ends. Combat is repetitive, quests are boring and the story aswell.
Additionally there was just a single guy in the entire steam hub that knows a fix on how to make the game run under windows 10 even tough its not a really old game. The first fix was to use the hex editor, I was about to uninstall the game until I scrolled down and found that this madlad actually made an executable for people who absolutely don’t want to bother with one.
4/10 Below average
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 22:28
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1288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 15:35
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2045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 18:38
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5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 22:15
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2119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 22:22
They simplified the skill-system to the point of it barely even an RPG anymore. The decisions you make are completely inconsequential, fights are extremely easy to cheese, since the AI is predictably braindead and the entire game feels as if the developers had absolutely no idea what to make of this. The main story makes no sense, and it takes like... 15-20 hours-ish to even start, beforehand all you got is completely unimportant fetch quests that add nothing to the main story and the characters it introduces will all be left behind when you move on.
They brought back fan-favorite characters and then did nothing with them. You talk to them a few times and they send you on some fetch quests, and that’s about it. They are also irrelevant for the main plot, you could cut all of them out of the game, would make no difference, they are here for fanservice, nothing else.
Oh, and the game does NOT look like the screenshots. The shadows and lighting effects are completely broken, graphical glitches everywhere (I more then once could see through the character I was talking to, because there were literal gaps in the textures...), lip-synching is... horrid, sometimes doesn’t work at all and on top of that, big effects, like the max out fireball sometimes dropped the FPS to what felt like 10... considering I have mid tier gaming laptop from almost a decade after this game was released, there’s no excuse for that.
Also, this is NOT an open world RPG. It pretends to be, but you are HEAVILY railroaded with very, VERY little freedom in where can you actually go.
If you want to play a janky RPG-light and have already played pretty much everything from Pyranha Bytes, then I guess you could do worse if it’s on a sale, but that’s the best I can say.
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329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 07:13
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37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 20:27
Will not start unless patched from external sources.
Has a myriad of bugs (solid black character textures on certain settings, solid rain you can't see through, ...).
Worst thing: It somehow crashes on certain NPC encounters -> had to stop because there is no manual fix for this.
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254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 05:29
1781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 22:41
Modern quality of life features are present, such as quest markers and a minimap, also a limited fast-travel system I found useful a time or two. Voice acting is pretty terrible, I turned voice to zero and turned on subtitles ... which I do for most games. Substantially improved the experience.
2555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 23:15
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460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 22:39
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46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 19:03
Combat was bad, clunky and slow. I think there were fewer items than previous games. Story was meh.
2649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 17:48
- graphics (still looks pretty nice on max settings)
- high variety of viable builds - hybrid builds are very solid here (e.g. melee with magic support, bows with melee etc)
- good music/sounds
- a lot of items in the world can be interacted with (e.g. cutting wood, smoking with water pipe)
- could use a bit more side quests/activities, especially near the end of the game
- ranged combat tree should have had at least one skill that boosts reloading speed
- sometimes enemy hitboxes can be wonky (at times you get hit even though you were at the enemy side when he was performing a strong attack in other direction)
- why is there no merchant that sells bolts for crossbows.. crossbows are fun to use here but unfortunately a very limited amount of ammo can be acquired for them (plenty of arrows and arrow merchants though).
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1578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 20:03
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1388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 03:13
I had fun in the first part, even if the game is very linear, i found it pretty relaxing and interesting. But then it changed into an endless dungeon crawler and i got super tired of killing for the 150th time the same kind of enemy. It really feels like they tried to make the game longer with very little work, and the end game is even worse.. super rushed! What a shame :/
1788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 00:12
The game has decent enough graphics especially considering it came out in 2010. The controls, again, are decent enough. Things could be tighter but they don't hinder defeating enemies. Character progression feels sort of dumbed down as in there is a smallish set of skills you can rank up on leveling. Pick your skill and get +1% health and +1melee power for example. Not many choices or ability to add attribute points to various stats.
The combat action is fairly quick and gives the player limited control over what to do. Quick press weak but quick hit, hold the button down and charge up a big heavy hit. .Overall the game in my opinion feels too easy. I have it on Hard setting now and rarely die or have trouble with enemies. Just mixing in spells, various melee, and ranged attacks means you can always attack your enemy with their weakness. Cast a spell and stun an enemy, run in bash them a few times, dodge back and fire off a few arrows, etc. It allows you to take on whole packs of enemies.
The story is there and average enough. Didn't really suck me in that I had to know what the next step was. At the same time it wasn't so bad that I just completely ignored what was going on in the game world. Good amount of side quests if you choose to do them. The voice acting in the game for the dialogue was good most of the time.
The game did feel a bit like it was not finished for certain things or stuff was thrown in just because. For example you can use many things in the game, but they do nothing. Meaning your character goes through the motion like sitting in a chair, turning a skewer over a fire, using a forge, but that's the extent of what happens. Just the graphical effect of using it.
I don't want this review to be too long so will wrap it up. I do recommend the game, but ONLY if you get it on sale cheap. It doesn't do anything great or introduce any new innovative gameplay. The game though was pleasant enough running around bashing things, clearing dungeons, finding loot, and exploring(the game does seem to reward exploring all the nooks and out of the way places with chests and items) that it has me coming back until I beat it.
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1892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 13:06
3478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 23:50
1129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 02:10
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1124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 18:55
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15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 01:03
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3257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 22:34
Finally, I was able to play it and finish it and I can say that Arcania is one of the worst sequels for a game ever. It is not just a saying, I really mean that. The whole story about the old hero, now possessed by a demon, and the new hero is just the transposition of the “bad” PiranhaBytes that did not join project Arcania and the new developers’ team. New hero, I have bad news for you: you suck.
• The graphics have sensibly improved.
• I like certain new ideas: the canes in the swamp where you can be trapped, and it is difficult to come out from. It is realistic.
• There are collisions and invisible walls everywhere.
• You just need to follow a certain path, there is no freedom during the gameplay. I mean both when you need to reach a place on the map and in regard to the personal choices of the protagonist in the plot.
• You can choose basically nothing. The only thing you can choose is if you want to become a Warrior, a Mage and a Ranger(?). wait wait wait it is even worse! You do not need to earn it, there is no quest or something like that. You just level up and you choose where to add skill points.
• Exploring surrounding areas does not make sense and I will explain to you why: for the whole game you need to find 3 different typology of objects in order to receive 3 different rewards BUT if you do NOT want to die then you do not want to jump around looking for hidden spots. The reason is if you jump close to the edge in 99% of the cliffs, you just slide down without any chance to jump or make any movement at all. You just need to be patient and wait in front of the screen the whole time and when your fun and slow slide ends… you just die! And the best part is when you reach a certain spot where you do not die, but you will be stuck there forever. This is why you want to run or walk without jumping and when you reach the edge of the cliff the character will just hit an invisible wall. Do you wanna die? Then you just need to jump a little bit. Unplayable.
• You cannot swim anymore. Why? You could do it in the previous Gothic! Even in the first one! You could even jump in the water from different heights without dying. I miss PiranhaBytes a lot.
• Often during a fight, if you are in a spot where the enemy is not able to come… it magically will appear next to you and hit you immediately. Even worse: if during a fight you run away like a coward, the enemy will stop following you and it will go back to its original position slowly. During that period of time, it will not react to anything and it will be immortal, making it pointless to attack it. Sometimes, just for fun, I start running after them during their weird walk, I overtake them, and I could wait for them in the original spot where I found them.
• Most of the NPCs share the same body model and say exactly the same thing with the same voice.
• Instead of creating new monster and animal models… they have just given them different strengths, and they added something in front of their name like “XXX NAMEOFTHEANIMAL”, “YYY NAMEOFTHEANIMAL”, “ZZZ NAMEOFTHEANIMAL”.
• I played the hardest difficulty: GOTHIC. I never used a single health or mana potion in spite of being a Mage, and I only did it for the final enemy.
• [spoiler] At the end, why is Thorus, a warrior, joining a magic ritual??? WHY!!! IT DOES NOT EXPLAIN THAT AT ALL! Did he become a mage in the spare time, and we do not know it? Was he hit by a magic lightning bolt in the buns? Well, I think we will never know. [/spoiler]
In the end I would say that if you are a real fan of the Gothic series, then Arcania is a disappointing experience.
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285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 18:55
is good... I mean you can walk around... It is open world but doesn't feel like open world... actually it is not open world but it is trying to feel like it is open world.
is good... you don't need to learn how to swim... water areas are just for environmental feeling effect...
is good... the game has lots of bugs... you kill lots of bugs walking around.. and lots of bugs kill your desire to play the game... in both ways lots of killing goes around...
is good... It is good for your English... the dept of the conversations and the story is very very simple... so you feel like doing some listening with Rosetta Stone or attending to some online English listening exercise... you can choose some simple responses too wohoooo.
Is good... you get the quest... walk walk walk... kill the monster walk walk walk... take the gold.
Is good... especially for your heart and emotions... because it is monotonous... not exciting... I mean good for your health.
Is good... you hit slowly but enemy hits fare more slowly... When they start for an attack you can dodge back wait 15 minutes to finish their move then move forward to kill them... Easy... You may finish the game in one go without dying... If you do not die because of boredom.
Is good... makes you realize how unnecessarily you spend for unnecessary things.
Is good... this game can keep you busy for years... complete a quest, get bored, close the game, open it next month, complete a quest, close the game... goes on life time... amazing.
Is good... Not many spells around to confuse you... I mean the game Magica has plenty when compared to this one. You fireball then fireball again... then fireball... Never mind.
Is good... it is not a RPG but rather a walking simulator with some spells, weapons, enemies and lots of quest like conversations.
Is good... No I am not comparing it with Elder Scrolls 5... That is definitely unfair... But I can compare it with Neverwinter Nights.
Is good... to keep you away from RPGs... even from the PC... so you do something far more exciting... like solving some Sudoku.
Is good... made me so out of mood and bored... I couldn't even become offensive and sarcastic as I used to be... made me bored and polite.
This time I was overdose polite.... Happy?
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4840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 13:38
1554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 20:09
Never the less enjoyed it.
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2161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.20 01:46
The game is awful from the start, I had a really huge desire to drop it right away. You are running through an empty cave as Rhobar III (used to known as the Nameless Hero) killing some monsters. It's really boring and the cave is endless. If you managed to finish it, you'll learn that this was just a dream of some nameless (of course) shepherd who's going to be the new protagonist. Once you finish a pretty big tutorial, Rhobar III, who is possessed by some evil power, will destroy your village. And you are going to avenge him.
A deep, strong story embedded in the successful Gothic universe franchise accompanied by highly diversified side quests. And most can be solved in different ways.
I am not gonna tell you how the story evolves because it's hardly a story. Even compared to simple plots from the original Gothic series created by game designers without a proper story writer, it's abysmal. There's no antagonist, just a bunch of dull villains you will never remember, there's no even slightly interesting twists, no logic and motivations, just a number of simple fetch and kill quests.
As for solving quests with different ways, there are a few times in the main story where you can choose which fetch or kill quest to solve or which way to reach your destination point (via teleport or through a teeny tiny dungeon). How's that for diversity? Don't be fooled, you can't even choose different answers in dialogues, the hero will gladly agree to every fetch quest without any reason.
Dialogues overall are horrid, depressing and redundant. Especially with the ones you know from the original series: Diego, Milten, Gorn, Lester and a bunch of other characters like Lord Hagen. I've really tried to read everything but in the end I was just skipping this nonsense once I realized this is just a verbiage and graphomania. Believe me, fetch and kill quests can be solved without these instructions.
A COMPLETELY OPEN WORLD: Enjoy the complete freedom & the almost unlimited options known from the Gothic series.
What a bold claim for a bunch of passages. It was written on purpose because 'open world' label is definitely selling the game much better than 'we were going to make open world but ended up with hallways from rail shooters'. To be frank, it's slightly better than that, especially in the beginning, but in the end it feels like The Witcher 2.
Freedom, my a★se. In this poorly executed console-ish game you can't even get off a cliff because invisible walls are everywhere, even in the very unexpected places. Not to mention that our nameless hero, who grew up on a small island, can't swim. If you managed to avoid invisible walls and jump into a lake, he literally dies on the smooth surface of water. There is also a great deal of doors which can't be opened and a few stone walls like that as well: you can interact with them and nothing happens or you get a message like 'you can't do that now'. Some of them do open and break when the time is right and you picked up the right quest, some don't. There's also a big city called Setarrif on the edge of the world but you can't enter it. Fascinating.
Level design is amateur at the very best. It's sloppy. It lacks ideas. It's repetitive. If you like to explore game's world thoroughly like me, leaving no stone unturned, it's almost a waste of time: there's no environment storytelling and no rewarding for your curiosity but some chests awkwardly hidden among redundant assets. That makes exploration really boring. I am also wondering what genius decided that you need a special repulsive camera for looting dead enemies. I was forced to press 'E' very quickily to loot everything instantly just to skip it.
When the hero jumps, it feels like he's walking on the moon because gravity in the game's world is both strange and discouraging. There are also a few animations for interacting with some objects in the game like stirring something in the big pot, sawing wood and other options which remind you of original Gothic. The problem is, some important mechanics are missing. Your hero can't sleep. You can lie on the bed but you can't really use it to rest a bit. So, if you wish to skip a rainy night which prevents you from exploring, you just can't. Deal with it.
The combat system is really simple. Just click your left mouse button and dodge hits you can't block or interrupt in any way or level up your hero as a mage with items for mana and mana regeneration and easily kill even the most deadly enemies from a distance using thunderbolt which stuns for 4 seconds everyone but two or three bosses—this is way more satisfying than sword fights.
To sum it up, if you are looking for a Gothic kind of game, Arcania is definitely fail to satisfy your desire. The whole game feels like a weird flawed MMORPG with 3rd person camera but with all these exclamation points above quest givers, quest items and enemies you ought to kill for a quest one can get a feeling it ought to be isometric.
There's no living and breathing atmospheric world, no NPCs with daily schedules, no ambient dialogues (just a few stupid barks) and no teachers to learn something from them. No hidden places with loot but a few boring secrets and no rewarding for exploration. Everything is plain and simple. The game is bad even as a standalone title. And more than awful as Gothic series successor.
Still, it can be a pretty good time killer if you are desperate for an RPG game.
P.S. This game was divided in two parts (you can finally enter Setarrif in the second game which approximately has only 4 hours to beat) due to the greed and agony of its publisher JoWood struggling to survive after a number of incompetent moves since the release of Gothic 3. They been bleeding a popular series dry with no luck and were officially filed for bankruptcy.
Good riddance to them, I'd say, but it's not that simple. These beautiful people now working in THQ Nordic and recently announced a Gothic remake with Gothic Playable Teaser, giving the series into the hands of inexperienced developers once again (as it also was with Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods) forcing them to make a Gothic game over the one they had in mind. So don't put too much hope on it. Probably, another Arcania is on the way with a taste of YOBA sweetened by familiar places and story.
1118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.19 16:47
This one I like compared to 3rd ( you can check my review on that also )
The game feels just more enjoyable and relaxing. Love the store simple but nicely mix up.
Now this game also have problems and bugs just like 3rd, but honestly still more enjoyable to play.
Everything is better here, combat, weapons, magic
Love the the enemies, many many secrets and locations to explore
I know I am one of that 1 % that prefer this game over 3rd any time, just feels more enjoyable and relaxing to explore and play .
Vision Engine
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