• Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.
  • Anomaly: Warzone Earth: Screen aus dem Level Editor eines Entwicklers zum Spiel.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 31.05.2011
Zum Shop
Preis Update 01.01.25

Über das Spiel

Anomaly: Warzone Earth ist eine unglaublich intensive Mischung aus Action und Strategiespiel, in dem Sie die Erde von fiesen Aliens befreien müssen, die sich in Großstädten wie Bagdad oder Tokio eingenistet haben.

Das Spielprinzip kann am besten mit den Worten „Tower Offense Game“ beschrieben werden. Im Gegensatz zu einem klassischen „Tower Defense Game“, in dem man die Rolle des Verteidigers übernimmt, versetzt Anomaly: Warzone Earth Sie in die Rolle der angreifenden Partei. Hierbei können Sie auf sechs verschiedene Truppentypen mit eigenen Stärken und Schwächen zurückgreifen. Neben dem erfrischenden Rollentausch bietet das Gameplay noch weitere Neuigkeiten im Vergleich zu klassischen Tower Defense Games.

Durch eine direkt steuerbare Commander-Einheit, ist der Einsatz von verschiedenen Spezialattacken möglich. Ferner kann die Route der Einheiten in Echtzeit jederzeit flexibel geändert werden, um einen optimale Weg durch das Kampfgebiet festzulegen. Somit entstehen neue strategische Herausforderungen während des Kampfes und ein vollkommen neuartiges Spielerlebnis. Je höher Ihr Fortschritt in der Kampagne sowie in einem der zwei “Squad Assault Modes” ausfällt, umso mehr Upgrades und neue Einheiten können von Ihnen freigeschaltet werden um das ultimative „Squad“ in den Kampf gegen die Aliens zu schicken.
  • Genießen Sie einen innovativen Gameplay-Mix aus Action und Strategie in diesem „Tower Offense Game“. Sie sind der Angreifer!
  • Befehligen Sie den Commander. Mit der richtigen Auswahl von Spezialfähigkeiten sowie durch schnelle Reaktionen entscheiden Sie über Sieg oder Niederlage.
  • Entscheiden Sie über die richtige Zusammenstellung und über die Marschroute Ihres Squads, nur die richtige Taktik und Strategie führt zum Erfolg.
  • Treffen Sie tiefergehende taktische Entscheidungen, durch das sammeln von Ressourcen, können Sie z.B. neue Einheiten kaufen oder Ihre Truppen aufrüsten.
  • Stundenlanger Spielspaß: Spiele Sie die herausfordernde Kampagne oder kämpfe Sie sich durch die zwei „Squad Assault Modes“.
  • Tauchen Sie in ein Spiel ein, dass großartige Grafik und Sound bietet.

Der Release von Anomaly: Warzone Earth für PC, Mac, iPhone, iPod touch und iPad ist für Anfang 2011 geplant.


  • CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz oder AMD Athlon 64 +2800
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon X1800 oder vergleichbar
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Software: Microsoft Windows XP SP2/Microsoft Windows Vista/Microsoft Windows 7
  • HD: 1 GB
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c kompatible Soundkarte
  • MISC: DirectX: 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch , Deutsch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

444 Produkte im Account
118 Reviews
2434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 03:27
Anomaly: Warzone Earth ist ein Tower Defense Game aber im Gegenteil! Diesmal muss man seine Transporteinheit entweder alle Türmen zerstören oder bestimmten Missionen im Zeit durchkommen. Ihr seit die Trupp 14. die gegen die Aliens bekämpfen müssen, hin und wieder scheinen Nachschub für Euch. Da man die Verantwortung seiner Trupps nun eben hat, braucht man natürlich auch Versorgungs-Items für Fall der Fälle! Hierzu gibt es die Reparaturkit,Nebel,Täuschungsbild und Bombenanschlag.

Die Einheiten in Anomaly: Warzone Earth gibt es genau 6, die anderen Kampfstyle folgen: Der Apc ist der billigste Einheit hier, der kann Durchschnittlich schnell schießen mit der Minigun macht allerdings wenig Schaden. Der Crawler ist ein Art Goliath, der Raketen von großen Reichweite angreifen kann dazu braucht der Crawler etwas länger seine Rakete abzufeuern. Der Tank und der Dragon sehen gleich aus, nur der Tank hält länger aus dazu kann der Dragon zwei Zielen gleichzeitig angreifen. Der Schildfahrzeug gibt zwei Einheiten Schilde Hinter.-vor ihm. Der Crafter craftet von der zerstörten Türmen Items.


+Gutes Tower Defense in ein anderen Perspektive
+4-8 Stunden Spielzeit

-Die Erfolge sind ziemlich Grindhaft, da es oftmals dazu kommt Missionen 2-3 mehrmals durchzuspielen damit man die Gold Medailien bekommt.
-Manche Checkpoints erscheinen nicht


Fazit: Für 10€ kann man sich geben im Sale aber besser, wenn man bedenkt lieber gleich das ganze Paket zu holen lohnt es sich mehr! :D
1135 Produkte im Account
466 Reviews
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 14:23

Die etwas andere Turmverteidigung

Wer will schon verteidigen, wenn man auch angreifen kann?

So ziemlich jeder kennt das Prinzip einer TD, einer Tower Defense. Allerdings spielt “Anomaly Warzone Earth” hier mit unseren Erfahrungen, dreht den Spieß um und gründet ein neues Genre namens „Tower-Offense“. Statt Türme zu bauen und einfallene Mobs zu prügeln, steuern wir einen kleinen Trupp an Fahrzeugen durch Feindesgebiet und versuchen nicht nur, durch das Level zu kommen, sondern auch möglichst viele Türme zu zerstören und dabei Corussaurum, die Währung des Spiels, zu bekommen. Dabei starten wir meist mit 2 Fahrzeugen, dürfen nach und nach zusätzliche Fahrzeuge anfordern und aufrüsten. So haben manche Fahrzeuge eher eine Schutzfunktion und Andere dienen dem Austeilen von Schaden. Und manche sind eine Mischung aus Beidem und ziemlich exotisch. Die feindlichen Türme sind wiederum auch sehr unterschiedlich und feuern beispielsweise sehr stark, dafür aber nur in eine Richtung. Jederzeit lässt sich das Spiel anhalten und der Weg sowie die Wagenreihung kann verändert werden, wobei beide Aspekte absolut notwendig sind. Wir selber steuern dabei noch den Commander, der mit taktischen Hilfsmitteln wie z.B. Rauchgranaten den Trupp unterstützen kann.

In der Geschiche des Spiels ist eine mysteriöse und sehr große Anomalieblase in Bagdad und in Tokio aufgetaucht und hat die Einwohner getötet. Da über diese Anomalie nicht viel bekannt ist, wird ein kleiner Trupp entsendet, der die neu entstandenen Strukturen untersuchen soll. Und zack, wird der Trupp von alienartigen Verteidigungen angegriffen. Die Geschichte mag zwar eher im Hintergrund liegen, dennoch wurde viel Wert auf ein vernünftiges Intro und Dialoge gelegt. Schließlich bleibt die Frage zu beantworten, was dort eigentlich geschieht.

Ok, darum geht es jetzt vielleicht nicht, aber das Intro gefällt mir bei dem Spiel immer noch. Ansonsten hat das Spiel natürlich schon ein paar Jahre auf dem Buckel, sieht aber für ein Tower-Defense ziemlich gut aus. Auch der Soundtrack und englischen Sprecher wissen durchaus zu überzeugen.

„Anomaly Warzone Earth“ war in einem der ersten Pakete, die es auf „Humble Bundle“ zu kaufen gab. Ich bin sehr froh, mir die Spielereihe damals noch DRM-Frei gekauft zu haben. Ein umgedrehtes Tower-Defense ist zum Einen ungewöhnlich und zum Anderen ist die Spielereihe auch noch sehr gut umgesetzt, sodass man nicht nur zuschaut, sondern auch pausenlos am Handeln ist. Die Ableger „Korea“ und „Mobile“ sind übrigens baugleich, aber dafür etwas abgespeckt. Erst mit „Anomaly 2“ verändert sich etwas am Gameplay. Ich kann aber sowieso eine Empfehlung für alle Spiele der Reihe geben.

Du spielst doch lieber mit Türmchen anstatt gegen sie? Kein Problem, auch das eine oder andere TD habe ich bereits in meiner Steamgruppe als Review gelistet. Schau doch mal vorbei!
1030 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.15 05:03
Erstmal vorab:

Das Spiel wurde 2011 veröffentlicht und ich habe bis heute noch nie ein Wort darüber gelesen.
Deswegen bin ich sehr überrascht, denn das Spiel lohnt sich ;)

Zum Spiel:

Normale Tower-Defense Spiele waren mir bekannt, das man das Spielprinzip auch umdrehen kann wiederum nicht.
In Anomaly: Warzone Earth Steuert man den Kommandanten des 14ten Platoons und versucht mit dessen Hilfe genau diesen Platoon in form eines Konvoi durch die Karten zu ziehn.
In den ersten Missionen seid ihr noch auf das Angewiesen was euch zur verfügung gestellt wird, im weiteren Spielverlauf könnt ihr euren Platoon aber beliebig zusammenstellen.
Je weiter man im Spiel vorranschreitet, desto mehr Fahrzeuge und Power Ups stehen einem zur verfügung und dementsprechend gestalten sich auch die Missionen.
Die Steuerung (mit Controller gespielt) könnte nicht besser sein und die Grafik ist für das Alter immernoch recht ansehlich.


Im Spiel gibt es eine Ranking um zusehen in wie Weit man zum rest der Community abschneidet.
Leider ist das unnötig daher Ränge wie z.b. 56912 / 194251 zustande kommen und damit alles uninteressant wirkt.
Sammelkarten gibt es natürlich auch, wer sie Sammelt hat hier gleich ein Pluspunkt.


Für ein Spiel aus dem Jahre 2011 immernoch UpToDate, hat richtig Spass gemacht und es kam keine Langeweile auf.
Nach etwa 6 Stunden Spielzeit und das durchspielen der Kampagne bin ich sehr überrascht, ob ich es nochmals spielen werde denke ich nicht.
Ein Spiel für zwischendurch bei dem Leider der Steam-Preis sehr hoch angesetzt ist, empfehlen würde ich es also nur im falle einer Sale oder an Fans aus dem Hause TowerDefense.

Grafik: 7 / 10
Sound: 8 / 10
Steuerung: 10 / 10
Story: 8 / 10

Wiederspielwert: 2 / 10
201 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.15 19:46
Tower Defense mal etwas anders !

In Anomaly-Warzone Earth stürzt ein Raumschiff einer außerirdischen Rasse auf der Erde ab . In Bagdad und Tokyo gehen Wrackteile nieder . Um die Bruchstücke bilden sich Anomalien . Seltsames geht vor sich ...

Anomaly-Warzone Earth ist ein Spiel das auf dem klassischen Tower-Defense basiert .
Mit dem kleinen Unterschied , wir sind der Angreifer !
Wir befehligen einen Trupp mit maximal Sechs Fahrzeugen und einen Kommandanten den wir auch direkt steuern können . Als Kommandant ist es unsere Aufgabe den Konvoi durch die Mission zu führen und greifen mit Spezialausrüstung in den Kampf ein wenn dir z.B. ein Fahrzeug reparieren oder eine Ablenkungsdrohne auslegen .
Auf dem Weg zum Missionsende bekommen wir es mit fiesen Geschütztürmen der Alien's zu tun . Und auch noch weitern gefahren auf die ich auf Grund von Spoilern nicht eingehen werde ;-)

Im großen und Ganzen ist Anomaly Warzone Earth ein sehr gutes Spiel für ne kleine Runde am Abend oder auch auf dem Smartphone ! Man darf kein Story-Wunder erwarten und eine Grafikbombe ist es auch nicht . aber das muss es auch nicht ! Es ist eingänigig und doch auch vordern zu gleich ... Geht ab !!!


Grafik/Design : 6/10
Gameplay : 8/10
Story/Atmosphäre : 6/10
Handling/Balance : 8/10

Jalo sagt : 7/10
1357 Produkte im Account
1449 Reviews
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.14 22:14
Ich dachte ich muss wieder eine nagative Bewertunge schreiben als die Screenshots gesehen habe, aber mitten im Spiel wurde meine Meinung komplett geändert. Klasse Gameplay. Geniale Idee und gut umgesetzt. Die Grafik kann sich auch sehen lassen. Sehr gute Steuerung. Bin eigentlich nicht der Tower Defense und Strategie Freund, aber bei dem sehr guten Gameplay konnte ich nicht widerstehen :)
8621 Produkte im Account
258 Reviews
3415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.13 11:12
Anomaly Warzone Earth ist ein gelungenes Strategiespiel. Die Steuerung ist einfach und die Grafik ist gut. Soundeffekte sind ebenfalls gelungen und die Story ist passend. Ein wirklich gelungenes Spiel :))
487 Produkte im Account
108 Reviews
858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 23:17
Solid, fun strategy game
229 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
1488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 07:07

Anomaly Warzone Earth

Summary out of 10

Gameplay - 8 Adding more depth and a fresh take on the standard tower defense genre. Its fun and has quite a few variety added to its missions and its units

Graphics - 6 Its a decent looking game despite its age. Environments looks good still and the lighting is pretty decent

Sound - 5 What is there works, and voicework is entertaining in the b-grade film kind of vibe

Story - 3 Honestly you are here for the gameplay, the story serve its purpose in pushing you forward

The Review

Anomaly Warzone Earth takes the standard tower defence formula and turns it on its head literally. When it first came out in 2011, it honestly felt refreshing as 11 bit studios took the old tried and true tower defence formula and gave it a new lease of life. Which in this case meant playing the role of the enemy heading towards the intended goal of destroying its core instead of the standard build towers and defend as long as you can.

Anomaly Warzone Earth starts simple enough, you are a part of the 14 platoon left to investigate an anomaly appearing in Iraq which then leads to some sort of alien invasion. The story won’t win any awards but it’s just there to push the game forward. What the game excels at it’s the gameplay and the variety of missions for you to experiment. The developers have provided some well thought out level and enemy design which makes the game more strategic. For example allowing you to choose the best or strategic route to minimize damage on your platoon. Or maybe the best route to get more money to better equip your vehicles in destroying the invader towers. You also have a variety of items at your disposal to boost your units or distract the enemy towers. There is also quite a bit variety of unit types to upgrade and mess around. Picking the right unit to fit the mission add some layer of experimentation. All the elements mention above combine with multiple unique scenarios or missions helps keeps the game fresh and engaging such as choosing the best route to clear enemy towers to protect an air carrier. There is definitely quite a bit of replay value here as there other modes for you play around with.

The graphics is overall decent enough for a 2011 game, with some unique visual elements to the environment. Smoke and ash fill up the air, destroyed cars as well as destroyed buildings lay littered all over the environment. Enemy have a blueish hue and eerie glow which shows some pretty cool lighting effects when the combat arises. There are some interesting levels design to give it some variety from the more open desert streets of Baghdad to the narrow alleys and roads of Tokyo. This also translates to the gameplay elements as well. It helps that the UI is also to easy navigate and understand. The sound design works well enough to provide background music although it gets repetitive as you listen to the same tunes being played over and over again. The voice acting for what it is worth is rather entertaining in a so good that is bad kind of way which helps with the B-grade movie vibes gel with its story.

In short, the developers did an excellent job with this game which spawn quite a few sequels to this title. Although from what I heard, the sequels have not quite captured the magic of the first game. However if you are looking for a unique take on the tower defence formula, you can’t go wrong with 11 Bit studio first outing offering a simple yet fun gameplay while adding more depth to the standard tower defence genre and providing quite a bit of content with a reasonable price tag.
51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 17:05
Really fun game, you can get it for super cheap and it's worth it.
1210 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 22:40
Many thanks for the support from the tens of thousands of Donbass civilians who were killed and wounded by the Ukrainian Nazi forces. Your support during these 8 years of civil war has been invaluable. And the game is so great (no).

Greetings from Malta.
424 Produkte im Account
160 Reviews
402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 17:42
old but interesting
125 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 13:52
Fun tower defense (more like you raid enemy’s tower defense), somewhat challenging and puzzled, looks good. Game has a fair price on it, really cheap on sales, good job!
695 Produkte im Account
482 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 22:26
This aged pretty well. You wouldn't think a game based around escort missions would be that good but the back and forth between setting the route and defending the convoy is very satisfying.
131 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 08:26
Bu seriyi anomaly 2 oyununu bitirip oyuna hayran kaldıktan sonra oynamaya başladım, oyunda ilk bölümler kolay olduğu için istediğiniz gibi farklı stratejiler ile oyunu bitirebiliyorken, son bölümlere doğru oyun karşınıza en güçlü iki düşman kulesini spamlayıp durduğu için zırhlı araçlarınız hiçbir işe yaramamaya başlıyor bu yüzden oyunun son yarısında oyun zevkim yok oldu diyebilirim.

Oyunu kolayca bitirmek istiyorsanız crawler+shield+crawler yapıp crawlerları fulleyin bu oyun 2.oyun gibi bir denge kavramına sahip olmadığı için armor statının bir anlamı kalmıyor ve güçlü düşman kulelerini yıkmak için tonlarca hasara sahip olmanız gerekiyor.

Oyunda Jason Statham var.
813 Produkte im Account
203 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 23:46
Interesting reverse Tower Defense mechanic where you control the troops destroying the towers. But that's the only thing interesting about this game. Unit variety is irrelevant. Once you have a winning strategy, there is no need to change it.

The voice acting and story are AWFUL. But if you skip them, you miss the dialog that explains new enemy tower types. Sometimes you also miss what your mission objective is. Terrible cutscene design.

The game adds an enemy mechanic near the end that makes the game entirely unfun.
326 Produkte im Account
252 Reviews
116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 14:58
I've played close to two hours, and while there seems to be a lot of game left, I felt I got what was going on well enough to write a review.
It is in essence a reverse tower defense game. Aliens have invaded Earth, and you lead a small force thru the maze-like streets completing objectives and destroying towers with your units.
There is pathing, in that you get to decide what path you take at every intersection. Sometimes things change, and you need to be quick on the map to avoid walking your units in to danger.
There are several kinds of units, as well, that you purchase and control.
Your, however, play a commander. You get several tactical options, smokescreens, repairs and such that you can use to alter the course of battle. These are limited, and more appear on the map occasionally, requiring you to run around and collect them.
I get the impression you can't die, but you can be taken out of action for a short period of time, and that time can often be critical, so you do try to avoid getting shot.
The story has some interesting twists and turns, I won't put up any spoilers, but it keeps your attention, and in my case at least, draws me forward.
Any easy two thumbs up.
907 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 18:23
Will not run when launched directly from Steam. Gets stuck in loading screen. Will only work when launched from command line. (Ubuntu 20.04 64bit)
491 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 07:36
the game isn't a long one but it's still fun. your player gets a body suit with powers that you unlock the more you play,

i was happy as i never played a game with this type of game play, as long as you play on the hardest you'll like it, anything less and it wouldn't last as long
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 08:36
If you're running Linux I hope you enjoy compiling scripts to make games load - 11bit have been aware of the bug for six years and still haven't fixed it.
186 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 20:34
We need sequel
87 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 00:04
The game is fine, played it a little
511 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 22:08
Thumbs down and not recommended. This is a great game for its time, and the start of the ANOMALY franchise, however... it should only be played on mobile, due to this surprisingly inept port to PC. Technically, yes it's playable, but only if you don't need to change many settings. 11 BIT STUDIOS should be ashamed to make money off this, until they re-release it properly (and KOREA) with a few more configurable settings. (Note: Windowed mode is priority, see reviews for many more suggestions. Also: ANOMALY 2 and DEFENDERS are adequate ports and plenty enjoyable on PC.) My rating for ANOMALY: WARZONE EARTH: 2 out of 5.
564 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 23:36
I played this game close to release and could not bring myself to finish it. Almost 10 years later, I tried again thinking that I missed something the first time. I like tower defense games, and one that reverses the role sounded interesting.

I got through the game eventually, but had to force myself to finish it (thankfully it's not very long). I found the game very lacking in any strategy and it's sole gimmick is too one dimensional that it quickly becomes boring and repetitive.

Didn't have fun with it 10 years ago, didn't have fun now.
97 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 19:28
Great game, got it for free but wouldn't regret buying it.
233 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 22:03
Fun TD.
824 Produkte im Account
119 Reviews
3715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 13:20




OF A SIMILAR NATURE TO: Other tower defence games.
Militaristic setting. Alien invasion theme. 4x gamemodes. Focused strategy and tactics. Only six units and four commander abilities. Formulaic gameplay. Very good production values. Tricky micro-management. Sometimes fiddly controls. Difficult latter scenarios. Can frustrate and overwhelm. Well-acted voice-overs. Designed for replayability. 3x difficulties. Requires persistence to complete. Some grindy achievements. Singleplayer only.

More info below....


Anomoly: Warzone Earth (A:WE) is a reversed tower-defence action-strategy game with a sci-fi theme and semi-contemporary military units. Set in (the now recent past) Iraq a comet lands near Baghdad containing the fragment of an alien starship, loaded with hostile invasion force. Later on the action moves to Japan around the city of Tokyo, with the core of the alien force providing a stiffer challenge.

Cue numerous maps with crisscrossed roads a paltry military force must navigate, to fulfil various goals and reach their final objective. The player plans the route of the convoy making changes as and when they please. A commander unit activates actions to aid progress, collecting credits to upgrade units and reinforce them with additional ones. The action is viewed from top-down, planning in paused-mode and orders given in real-time. Campaign missions take around 5-15 minutes to complete. Other modes substantially longer. All missions are rated with one of three badges from bronze to gold depending on their performance. None if was particularly poor. Medals consist of: Killing all enemies, most direct route and efficiency.

Post campaign there are two additional scenario modes to unlock. Bagdad Mayhem is a wave survival mode consisting of dynamically spawned waves on a single map. The objective is to destroy the core structures at the heart of the new wave. The Tokyo Raid plays like a dynamically generated campaign with a series of varied inter-linked maps and dynamic spawning. Both modes incorporate existing gameplay elements from the campaign. The goals here vary from exiting the map to destroy x towers and then some. Some levels have time limits. In both modes as per the campaign the composition of a force is up to the player but here the amount of available credits in far greater, so the range of options is greater. There are no checkpoint saves or restarting a particular level in either mode.


+ Random events mix-up mission maps.
+ Good range of upgradeable units.
+ Good range of enemies.
+ Re-playable missions.
+ Very slick production
+ Atmospheric cut-scenes with high quality voice-over.
+ Pretty graphics.
+ Very good voice overs (ENG).
+ Simple, balanced and effective tactical elements. Can upgrade units. Re-order convoy. Use abilities: heal, smoke screen, missile bombardment,
+ Very forgiving checkpoint system.
+ Speed up time with shift-key.
+ Great production values: graphical and audio. Parts of soundtrack bond-esque.


- Units do not gain experience or level-up.
- Focused gameplay gets repetitive.
- Cant use strategic map to re-position commander.
- Can infrequently CTD on a shift-tab.
- 100% Completion will require the highest level of plotting precision.
- No unit history between campaigns.
- Some tricky micro-management.
- Fiddly controls during most overwhelming situations.


* 4x game modes: 1x main campaign, 1x wave survival, 1x dynamic wave scenarios and standalone missions.
* Compact campaign of 14 missions.
* Only six unit types. Only four commander abilities.
* Difficulty changes only damage inflicted or received by enemy units.


In the end A:WE proved to be better than average tower 'offence' RTS with some engaging gameplay and its fair share of exciting and frustrating moments.

The near futuristic setting, military theme and Sci-Fi aliens as a package were an initial pull. Production values deliver a game visually above average and very good audio. The voice-acting mission objective delivery added a touch of immersion and provided some handy hints on how to progress. Game design was overall good, varying the obvious repetition from continuous play. The balanced introduction of new units, commander abilities and enemies aided this. Together making the pace of assimilating new mechanics easy. All of these aiding the general learning curve throughout the game.

Campaign length felt about right in terms of length. Though the un-dynamic nature of spawns and enemy composition fuelled a certain amount of repetition. The true driver to replay missions were achieving gold medals for achievements. At least the post campaign modes were very dynamic in comparison. Still once all medals and achievements are obtained, rising through the leaderboards will keep the hardcore playing.

Early to mid-game proved to be fun, balanced and rewarding. On later levels the weight of enemies and wide-ranging capabilities allowed some frustration to creep in. It forcing alot of stop-start micro-management. Most of this occurred during tense moments when too much action was happening at any given time. When it was not enough to just pause the game to plot the next course of action. Literally I found myself pause on and off continuously until the situation was back under control. Another reason for the very generous checkpoint save system.

If like me you need to restart checkpoints rather frequently then you will likely come across the problem of having to re-do aspects of the game that were or were not saved before it was made. Things such as re-ordering the formation, picking up drops, upgrading or swapping out units. Otherwise you guessed it, you will need to restart the checkpoint again and again.

Completing AWE to the highest levels will require above average memory muscle. At least in terms of the strategy and tactics required to gain the hardest achievements. Otherwise Steam and video guides are sure to be employed to avoid re-playing the same missions (and checkpoints) many a time. Being unable to remember what to focus on at a particular point in the mission, will become frustrating towards the latter stages of the campaign. Such as when to change the march order of the convoy or ensuring the necessary commander ability is in play at the right time and location. The application of these core elements are paramount to gaining the hardest achievements.

If you plan on acquiring this game be warned what is in store for you. Many people on my Steam list have played this game. Only two have completed it. Maybe a handful more than 10+ hours invested in it. Persistence and some adaptability will ensure mostly enjoyment and to some degree game completion. I initially stopped playing this for a good while because of the frustrating nature of micromanagement in the more 'enemy-heavy' areas of the maps. The partly fiddly controls when placing abilities added to this.

Perhaps the single-most feature that I would have loved to have seen was to have a permanent unit roster. Keeping the same units from mission one to the last, so they became veterans would have added a little extra to the pull of this game.

Overall AWE fulfils a decent tower 'offence' experience for those looking for one. Its production values bring its level to above average to good. The frustration delivered during the more intense latter stages of the game is something to be wary of. If it wasn't for the achievements I would have played each mission twice and plugged away not caring how many times my commander was downed or which units were destroyed. As it was I lost count of the number of checkpoints that were restarted from.
76 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 15:49
Was ignoring this game for years in my library.( To a point that I dont even remember how i got it. )
What can i say after completing it? Well, I kinda regret not playing earlier.
Its not a perfect game, heck maybe even not a great one, but it sure is a decent one.

Challanging difficulty and interesting idea of reverse tower defense, I actually would like to see more games try something like that.
Took me around 38h to complete this game on 100% ( Achievments ), so keep that in mind if its of any interest to you,

Lack of any screen mode outside of fullscreen. ( Sad Borderless noises )
Story is super short
Some achievments are annoying to complete. ( *Cough* Yes im looking at you destroy 5000 towers )

P.S. Would suggest getting it on discounts or giveaway.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 05:57
354 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
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21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 01:26
579 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 08:43
Nice spin on the tower defense genre but the difficulty curve is way too uneven even on the Casual difficulty setting, Missions start getting way too tough especially towards the end. Got way too annoyed at some of them and abandoned it.
80 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
882 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 21:26
cool, fun, if you like tower defense - you'll enjoy it.
1372 Produkte im Account
653 Reviews
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 23:25
Surprisingly fun for a game entirely about escort missions.
55 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 17:01
646 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 09:50
Escort Mission: The Game

It's alright at what it does, the inversion of the tower defense concept worked for me for a little while but I got bored too quickly. If you like tower defense you will probably get more of a kick out of this than me.
148 Produkte im Account
473 Reviews
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 23:24
Anomaly: Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign
Anomaly: Warzone Earth?

Definitely Anomaly: Warzone Earth is so much better game. You get to run around the map as a small player taking care of your tanks.

Also COD4 Captain Price is back!
528 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 23:31
A 2020 Review - Anomaly: Warzone Earth

Score: 7/10
Mediocrity Score: Not Mediocre.

In Anomaly: Warzone Earth, alien spacecraft crash down to Earth and form giant domes of which the aliens spawn protective defensive towers and structures. None of this is acceptable to the civilizations of Earth which is where you, the commander, come in. You are to lead a convoy on-rails across a map to designated targets in an attempt to take down the aliens thus saving humanity.

Avg. Time to beat: 6 hours and 30 minutes.
Quickest Speedrun: ~3 hours (estimated)

Retail Price: $9.99
Lowest Historical Price on Steam: $0.99
Lowest Historical Price outside Steam: $0.80

Anomaly is a game I pick back up every year or two and put in about 2-3 hours worth before putting it back onto the virtual shelf. I rarely play it through to the end as the final chapters become very bullet-hell like while juggling protecting and healing an escort convoy. Having recently become pretty burned out on tower defense games, this came as a nice refreshing take as it goes for a reverse tower defense or perhaps tower offense is a better name. In any case, this is an on-rails action strategy game worth checking out when it goes on sale. I wouldn't ever recommend the full $10. Graphics were a strong highlight for me and were not something I anticipated to be so standout. Constant cheesy British military radio chatter is a bit bombastic and over the top, but perhaps that is to be expected for a game named Anomaly: Warzone Earth. This game is unlike anything I've come across and for me would fall under a subgenre of the tower defense genre. It's fresh take, sweet graphics, and fun gameplay make this title stand out in a positive way. It may not be the greatest, and certainly gets repetitive pretty damn quick but it is fun. Especially if you catch it at its steepest discount at $0.99 cents.

- Unexpectedly gorgeous graphics for a top-down on-rails shoot 'em up game. The scenes, explosions, and armaments all look spectacular and are appropriately peppered with rubble and signs of destruction from the alien invaders.
- Typically UI isn't something very mention-worthy, however this is a bit of an anomaly in that Anomaly Warzone Earth's simplistic yet beautiful UI is quite nice to look at and intuitive to navigate. It truly is mention-worthy. I especially like the way the map view looks.
- The gameplay is straightforward and simple to understand. No large learning curve. Just strategy.
- An appropriate duration for this style of game. Since it isn't particularly in-depth in any way, it was a good choice to keep it around the 5-8 hour mark.

- Later stages become a bit too difficult for my taste. As the enemies scale in difficulty and density, your options do not change other than you get more supply drops.
- British military radio chatter is over the top obnoxious. I get the styling, but I personally find it tiring.
- The lack in depth of enemy types was disappointing. I was hoping for more variety in enemy combatants rather than different positioning and clustering challenges to overcome.
- The story is straight out of a can. It's too bad they couldn't have come up with something a bit more compelling.
- For those wanting more out of the campaign, unfortunately, it does run rather short - even if the difficult does spike at the end, slowing down some players.

Thanks for reading!
1583 Produkte im Account
177 Reviews
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 21:47

Follow our Curator Group for more reviews

Anomaly: Warzone Earth is a serviceable tower defense (offense) game. It has some unique features, such as you playing as the wave of enemies in a normal tower defense game, as opposed to playing as the defenders. In gameplay, this doesn't actually have a huge impact as it still feels a lot like a tower defense game with some minor alterations. At times it feels like a mobile game that's been ported to PC, primarily due to the weird UI and locked camera. You also have some simple but important ways to interact with the game, in the form of 4 power-ups you can use. The levels let you pick your own path, adding an interesting element, but not much impact to the overall gameplay. Ultimately, Anomaly has some very unique ideas and a decent gameplay loop, but needs to be expanded on before it shines as a great game.

82 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 00:01
Awesome Tower Attack game, love it!
415 Produkte im Account
253 Reviews
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 04:06
Awesome Tower Attack game, love it!
403 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 14:42
Tower defense game, but you're the attacker instead of the defender.
544 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 23:21
Broken on Linux for years. No attempt from developers to fix it or to give any kind of update on this matter. Would be a lesson for me to buy game bundles from indies. had to play it from steam play (windows version).
The game itself is not exactly a tower defense game (or tower offence) because you do almost nothing (healing/repairing your units as they drive, or applying decoy etc). It's boring escort with awful controls. I failed missions multiple times because camera and controls jump from side to side when you try to deploy something, you end up deploying it in the wrong space if you want to be efficient and want to move fast.

Absolutely not recommended.

Linux, Debian 10, Nvidia, Proton 4.2 (5x works as well)
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.20 04:56
215 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.19 16:30
Do you like escort missions in video games? This whole game is that. Not as bad as most escort missions but still not good enough for me to recommend this game.
202 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.19 03:47
It's a reverse tower defense. You destroy towers with your vehicles that you can upgrade and such. It's nothing special. The idea sounds great but the execution was lacking. Once you figure out the basics it becomes too easy and robotic. You look at the map and choose which way to go at forks on the road. Not many paths, so you do what's logical and there is really no choice if you want to win. You have to go left the first time, then loop around, then go right the second time. Boring, even though i played it to the end. There are many better tower defense games out there. 2 STARS OUT OF 5
776 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.19 14:41
Gameplay: 8/10
Graphics: 8/10
Sound: 7/10
Story: 7/10
Replay/Value: 7/10

Overall: 7.4/10
437 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.19 04:50
Extremely good game. Every level feels different than the last with new mechanics being thrown in all the time. Difficulty can spike up quite a bit in later levels, but the levels are always doable.
802 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.19 23:01
It's a great time killer and a nice twist on the old tower defense genre.
954 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.19 01:22

An important reason I enjoy tower defense games, including the ones with a player character like Sanctum and Orcs Must Die!, is having space to solve problems creatively. And the developer intentionally creating a distinct experience/image with the game's atmosphere/tone, art style/direction, and audio/music. Anomaly has very little space for creativity, being more about figuring out the one or two ways in which the developer wanted you to beat a level, then doing it. Rinse and repeat. And it lacks that strong impression. Pizzazz. Artistic or creative direction.

The pacing on most levels is moderately too slow, even with the fast-forward feature.

The audio and visuals didn't engage me much. The levels grow stale. The new mechanics/tools you discover/learn are underwhelming. The narrative forgettable.

It's just another average book with an interesting cover that's going to collect dust in my ever-expanding library.
Logo for Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
83.92% 1430 274
Release:31.05.2011 Genre: Echtzeitstrategie Entwickler: 11 bit Studios Vertrieb: Just A Game GmbH Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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