Amnesia: Rebirth
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Über das Spiel

„Ich kenne dich. Ich weiß, wozu du fähig bist.“
In Amnesia: Rebirth bist du Tasi Trianon, die tief in der Wüste Algeriens aufwacht. Einige Tage sind vergangen. Wo warst du? Was hast du gemacht? Wo sind die anderen? Verfolge deine Reise zurück und füge die Scherben deiner kaputten Vergangenheit zusammen. Das ist die einzige Möglichkeit, den gnadenlosen Schrecken zu überleben, der dich zu verschlingen droht.
„Erlauben Sie sich keine Wut, keine Angst.“
Die Zeit ist gegen dich. Schlüpfe in Tasis Rolle und führe sie durch ihre tiefsten Ängste und Schmerzen. Während du dich durch eine trostlose Landschaft kämpfst, ringst du auch mit deinen eigenen Hoffnungen, Ängsten und versäumten Chancen. Und trotzdem darfst du nicht aufgeben, denn du weißt: Wenn du versagst, verlierst du alles.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Core i3 / AMD FX 2.4Ghz
- GFX: OpenGL 4.0, Nvidia GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 5750 / Intel HD 630
- Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10, 64-bits
- HD: 35 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Core i5 / Ryzen 5
- GFX: OpenGL 4.3, Nvidia GTX 680 / AMD Radeon RX 580 / Intel Xe-HPG
- Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10, 64-bits
- HD: 35 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 13:28
Sehr gute (XSX) Controller Unterstützung
Fands nicht spannend.
Zeug nach Streichhölzern absuchen und entscheiden ob man jetzt ein Streichholz opfert oder nicht.
Wenn man zu großzügig war ist das Spiel quasi aus, weil man nichts mehr sieht.
Verstehe möglicherweise einfach das Spielprinzip nicht, das was geboten wird ist aber öde und letztendlich frustig.
585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 15:18
Verloren in der Wüste…
Ich bin ja ein ziemlicher Fanboy des Entwicklers Frictional Games und war froh, jetzt endlich wieder alle Spieler des Entwicklers gespielt zu haben. Die Spiele lohnen sich grundsätzlich alle und bereits das erste Spiel hat mir als Junge wirklich Angst eingejagt…Aber jetzt erstmal zu diesem Stück hier.
Spielerisch orientiert sich “Amnesia: Rebirth” am bewährten Prinzip des Entwicklers. Uns erwartet ein lineares Horror- und Rätselabenteuer, in dem wir den Weg finden müssen, Dinge untersuchen und Rätsel lösen. Kommen Feinde vor, die uns jagen, müssen wir uns verstecken oder um unser Leben rennen. Dabei war es angenehm, dass die Jagd- und Verstecksequenzen nicht übertrieben viel, wie teils in den Vorgängern, eingesetzt werden, sondern sorgsam überlegt sind. Aber keine Sorge, auch so gibt es den einen oder anderen Gruselmoment. Als Spieler muss man sonst nur aufpassen, dass unsere Figur nicht zu lange im Dunkeln ist und sich das Lampenöl als auch die Streichhölzer, mit denen wir die Umgebung beleuchten, gut einteilen. Das Prinzip ist simpel, aber Spiele von Frictional Games glänzen dafür umso mehr mit der Geschichte und den interessanten Orten.
Die Ideen der Rätsel als auch die Umgebungen sind hier wirklich schön unterschiedlich und kommen, wenn auch auf andere Weise, durchaus an den großartigen Vorgänger SOMA ran. Vom Horroranteil fand ich das Spiel jetzt nicht übermäßig schlimm, die Bezeichnung Horrorspiel hat es aber dennoch klar verdient. Wer die Nackenhaare lieber schonen möchte, kann den entspannteren Abenteurermodus spielen, in dem der Horror deutlich gedrosselt wurde.
1937. Während eines Fluges in die Wüste Algeriens stürzen wir als Teilnehmerin einer Expedition, Tasi Trianon, mit dem Flugzeug ab. Dabei wacht Tasi zwar alleine auf, hat aber immer wieder Flashbacks an die Orte, die sie besucht. War sie etwa schon einmal an diesen Orten? Verzweifelt begibt sie sich auf die Suche nach den anderen Mitgliedern der Expedition und insbesondere ihrem Mann, während sie von düsteren Kräften verfolgt wird und auf ein Rätsel stößt, worauf diese Expedition definitiv nicht vorbereitet sein konnte…
„Amnesia: Rebirth“ bringt ein doch recht ungewöhnliches Setting mit sich, wobei man deutlich die Handschrift vom Entwickler spürt. Die Geschichte ist verworren und als Spieler bekommt man zunächst viele Fragen, aber wenige Antworten. Die Geschichte hat mehrere Ebenen und das Bild klärt sich Stück für Stück auf. Ich habe auf jeden Fall viel darüber nachgedacht und jeder neue Hinweis wurde bei mir im Stream neu bewertet.
Das Spiel weist zwar keine so krasse Metaebene wie SOMA auf, aber die Geschichte ist auf jeden Fall sehr gut und wird auch sehr gut erzählt. Gerne mehr davon!
Gerade im Bereich der Grafik und der Animationen merkt man, wie stark sich das Team im Vergleich zum Vorgänger verbessert hat. Die Animationen sind deutlich flüssiger und glaubhafter. Im Vergleich sehe ich dabei gerne das grandiose Outlast 2, wobei „Amnesia: Rebirth“ da jetzt nicht ganz heranreicht. Allerdings hatte ich auch 2-3 Clippingfehler, die bei so einem Spiel natürlich die Atmosphäre nehmen können. Aber spätestens bei der Soundkulisse ziehe ich einfach meinen Hut. Abgesehen vom guten Soundtrack sind die Geräusche verdammt gut geworden, was bei einem Horrorspiel natürlich sehr wichtig ist. Aber auch die englische Synchronisation ist wirklich gut geworden und lässt die Charaktere wirklich glaubhaft wirken. Ich erinnere mich noch an die Schreie…
„Amnesia: Rebirth“ ist von Vorne bis Hinten einfach spannend. Die Geschichte ist komplex und hält die Neugier konsequent hoch, ohne zu große Happen preiszugeben. Auch spielerisch fand ich es angenehm, sich nur in kurzen Abschnitten immer verstecken zu müssen. Ich habe oft genug erlebt, dass sonst einfach nur Langeweile und Frust aufkommt, wenn man ständig nur weglaufen und verstecken muss, während man eigentlich ein Rätsel lösen soll. Da macht das Spiel wirklich viel richtig. Ich kann das Spiel voll empfehlen, wenn man wieder Lust auf ein spannendes und storylastiges Abenteuer im Gruselversum sucht.
Persönlich fand ich das vorherige Spiel, SOMA, allerdings besser. Das liegt zum Einen an der philosophischen Ebene, aber auch daran, dass ich einfach Sci-Fi liebe. Wenn dir dieses Review gefallen hat, schau dir doch auch mal das von „SOMA“ hier an.
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12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 00:25
Denn, ich komme noch nicht mal ins Menü, weil das Spiel ein Problem mit meinem Soundtreiber hat. Schalte ich den Realtelk HD Treiber ab, dann kann ich das Game starten, höre aber nur noch über Headset.
Das von einem Spiel von 2020. Nicht schlecht...
Selbstredend habe ich den Fehler gegoogelt, bis heute, mehr als 1,5 Jahre nach Release, ist kein Bugfix gekommen.
Nice Arbeit..
Nicht Empfohlen
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 10:39
No spoilers in the following sentences
Annoying flashbacks
Imagine you play a game and every minute, a guy comes in the room, takes away your keyboard and mouse, then waits 10 seconds, talks two or three sentences and then gives it back to you so you can go on playing: Wouldnt that be annoying? Yes. Yes it would. The flashbacks and commentaries and postcards and letters and stones and everything are so goddamn annoying. You cant take 5 steps without finding a new letter and reading it or have a flashback about some lovestory sh_t. During that time you cannot do anything which get annoying instantly. Why dont you let me just play the f____ game? If I wanna read that, its fine, I will do that, but with my pace.
Moronic protagonist
Another bad thing is how moronic the protagonist is. Girl! There are candles and torches all around you! Why are you not taking the whole thing with you? You know, human people made candles as movable objects, they can be put up and put down. And torches are inventend with a handle, so you can use your hand and grab the thing! Instead that idiotic women only drag matches with her and need to light the candles and torches and just leave them there. Is she nuts? And it seems that her pockets or hands are the smallets in the world, since she can only carry 10 matches. A matchbox with 200 matches is as big has one third of the palm of your hand. What is going on?
866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 15:13
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585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 16:44
Durchgequält deswegen weil es zu Beginn recht interessant wirkt aber dann sehr schnell durch ständige nicht überspringbare Sequenzen einfach nur noch nervt und man aus dem Spielfluss herausgeworfen wird.
Richtig extrem wird das im letzten Abschnitt des Spieles wo man zusätzlich durch künstlich herbeigeführte Stürze bzw langsames Gehen sinnlos ausgebremst wird.
Es wirkt nicht authentisch, es nimmt mich nicht mit.
Im Spiel kommt bei mir keine richtige Verbindung zur Protagonistin auf.
Von Horror- oder Gruseleffekten will ich hier gar nicht erst reden, die sind schlichtweg nicht vorhanden.
Nein das ist nicht Amnesia, das ist belangloser Schrott.
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44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 14:57
Und auch kommen für mich Puzzle und Horror viel zu knapp.
938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 08:25
Auch die Rätsel machen Spaß und sind nicht schwer.
Die Story selbst war wieder super gut durchdacht und hat mich gefesselt.
Ich kann euch das Spiel nur empfehlen.
Nicht Empfohlen
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 18:40
Amnesia Rebirth der Dritte Teil von der Amnesia Reihe aber Amnesia Rebirth hat mich am meistens Entäuscht.
Streichhölzer die in 4 Sek. wieder aus gehen.
eine Lampe mit wenig ÖL und die verbraucht sehr viel ÖL.
Zu viele Rätseln.
Das Monster Jagd zu oft damit man nicht weiter kommt um Das Spiel in die Länge zu ziehen.
Klar gibt es auch Positive Sachen!
Das Spiel fand ich am Anfang mega Spannend und auch Gruselig.
Die Grafik im Game ist der Hammer.
Es gibt 3 Verschiedene Endings (Gutes,Böses,Secret) die wirklich gut sind.
Wär die Reihe von Amnesia nicht kennt sollte erst Amnesia Dark Decent Spielen weil es in Amnesia Rebirth auch um Amnesia Dark Decent dreht
Amnesia Rebirth
Vorbestellt 24$
522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 20:32
Its a new good entry in the Amnesia Series.
The only thing i disliked was that there are very few times where you actually have to outsmart a enemy, usually its like a Chase scene (just run straight ahead / towards the light and you will get away with it), but when you actually have those moments where you have to hide and outsmart the enemy its a great fearful moment.
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 13:55
Jedoch war dieses Spiel extrem unterhaltsam und Spaßig, Anfangs war der Horror Aspekt groß kaum licht alles Dunkel nur Streichhölzer und die wirklichen Feinde kannte man nicht. Doch nach und nach nahm der Horror Aspekt ab und es ging eher Richtung Exploring. Ein richtiges Mumie feeling, überall Wüste dann ging es Richtung Alien, die andere Welt. Ich kanns nur weiterempfehlen, ich finde die Zusammensetzung gut etwas Story, Horror und Exploring.
Freue mich schon auf die Zukünftigen Titel <3
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115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 10:22
Da mir der erste Teil super gefallen hat, habe ich mich über den Release gefreut.
Nach der Spätschicht direkt am Release angeschmissen und nun ja, ich war nach 2 Std immer noch ernüchtert.
Irgendwie haben mich die Welt und Charaktere nicht gecatched.
Die Welt sieht super aus, übernatürliches ist eigentlich genau mein Ding, aber es war mir irgendwie alles relativ egal.
Sobald man etwas aufhebt, findet uws., was Story relevant ist, wird man direkt durch eine Cutscene aus dem Spielfluss gerissen. Und das jedes Mal. Vielleicht hat es mir das ganze schwerer gemacht damit warm zu werden.
Zusätzlich finde ich das Management der Lichtquellen nicht gut gelungen. Das Lampenöl und die Streichhölzer gehen einfach zu schnell aus. Die angesprochenen Cutscenes machen es nicht besser, da sobald diese laufen trotzdem eure Lichtquelle weiter angezapft wird,
Ich hoffe es wird gepatched, damit sich die Leute damit nicht rumärgern müssen.
Postiv möchte ich die Physikrätsel hervorheben. Diese waren gut in die Welt eingebunden.
Mehr kann ich leider nicht sagen, weil ich es nur 2 Std gespielt und dann refunded hab.
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129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 08:55
Amnesia: Rebirth feels like another game, though the way to play is almost the same. Game feels like a lack of work or under a limited budget, the CG are just slides and the voice acting is plain. After 2 hours I am utterly confused by the story, as too many times it does not answer previous questions yet give more. Amnesia can be a supernatural game but basic logic still requires a steady story line. The CG keeps showing the previous events, however the timeline is so confusing and unrelated, I cannot picture what happened earlier and the relationship between them. Maybe when beating the game eventually everything can be explained, but it is too much for me to take all in once.
I thought this game was a walking simulation, but proved me wrong by adding puzzles. The puzzles themselves are not hard, the hard part is to locate the object in the darkness. You have limited matches and an oil light to see, when you consume they are gone, but that mission object may still lay somewhere in a dark corner watching you laughing. It feels like some outdated game made a decade ago which is not player friendly, you know what to find but spending time on locating them, wandering in a dark fortress with a lot of locked doors is not fun, not to mention I got stuck in a wall once I made a bold jump.
The story seems interesting, the deformed soldiers, the mystery compass to reveal a secret path... but the dull gameplay ruins it. I am also curious about what happened, whether there was a baby kid before the plane crash. Maybe I will google, but definitely not going to spend another minute playing.
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 21:30
1038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 04:03
Random grab bag of thoughts:
- The story is good but it reveals too much too fast.
- The fort is probably one of the best levels in any horror game ever. The fact that this takes place in the Algerian desert is a unique and welcome choice for horror. Enough damp castles and spooky forests, am I right?
- Enough with HPL engine already. I’m tired of pulling open drawers and turning wheels with my mouse.
- People complaining about Tasi talking too much are a bit off base. It’s part of the story. The part is well-written and well acted.
- The dream sequences are a bit dumb. Why do games do these?
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67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 01:43
It's okay though, the nondescript, seemingly endless caves don't seem worth the mileage.
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708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 20:21
1254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 14:30
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108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 21:02
There's no instant feeling of dread and being utterly alone that The Dark Descent gave and the main character's constant comments and noises are annoying and takes away from the horror.
As a stand-alone this would honestly probably be a pretty good game, it just shouldn't have promised to be Amnesia style.
621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 15:01
- Strong middle game and actually a pretty decent end game despite what some say. Got to take what is offered even though this is not something that will be remembered.
- Good protagonist design
- Once the vitae business from earlier Amnesia games is introduced then the game really begins. It is like hitting a button. The ride really starts to pick up from there.
- Some really sick stuff with the protagonist 'condition'. Note this game is really NSFW as people passing by might be going a little 'wtf are you doing' with some of the stuff going in the screen pretty disturbing POV stuff. So i guess the old rule 'play this alone in a dark room' still stands. More so now than usual as the horror parts are brought up close.
- By far the most atrocious early game of just about anything i have played lately. Who's idea was it to attempt to shoehorn into the player visuals and audio 'explaining' the background of the protagonists? Way way too much way too early. It fails completely to make the player care at that early stage. Only much much later is there some kind of meaning to it all. I see many have quit the game at 2-3 hours and given a negative. I was so close myself too i just wanted to quit. Considering the way the protagonist was designed a much lesser approach or even a Gordon Freeman type of non-speaking protagonist would have had a bigger impact and shortened the plain bad early game.
- Walking sim early game. By the time you are suddenly forced to do puzzles it is really hard. Physics engine in the elevator puzzle is atrocious and it took way too much time to solve it considering how dead simple it was. As for the cannon puzzle it was fine but the player is just not in the 'mood' to solve it as the game has been a walking sim this far and as a result the two first puzzles in the game are the hardest. Not because of actual difficulty but because physics engine or player just not understanding that bringing a big object near a another key object will suddenly make the object 'snap' into place. Later on puzzles that are much harder are solved easily as now the player is 'in the mood' as directed by the game. It is hard to explain what i am trying to say here so i guess i'll just conclude here that 'early game has very little in common with mid to late game'. it is like two different games. And this thing cannot be just ignored. This difference is probably why so many are conflicted with the game.
Recommended but only barely. Get it on sales but not worth full price.
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873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 11:03
Lackluster story, boring environment.
The puzzles were good at least.
I can't recommend it, there's nothing memorable about any of the events that happened. I expected more from an Amnesia title.
1269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 21:13
In terms of gameplay it is a blend of everything that came before, from Penumbra to SOMA, with some debatable choices about fail states. I guess that is why some people found the game “less scary”. However these games were never about what happens to you if you get caught, but rather the anticipation of getting caught. So I would say Amnesia Rebirth still succeeds at being scary and more importantly tense in some sections.
Also, the choice of the main protagonist and the central plot point revolving around her is quite brave, but divisive. It’s hard to explain without spoiling anything but I bet many of you will find it hard to really care about the personal story of Tasi Trianon, some might even find it silly or repulsive. My feelings about it could be summarized as such : “Yes, very sad. Anyway…”
In contrast the introduction to SOMA was so much more immersive, in a few scenes with very few exposition I felt Simon Jarrett could have been me.
The game still shines in the two aspects that matter the most for me : lore and ambience. I really liked the way this title expanded the lore of the Amnesia Universe even though you discover it as a witness more than anything else.
Frictional Games still manage to make you feel lost and helpless in a foreign place, facing existential dread as there seems to be very little hope of escape.
The art direction and their masterful use of sound and lighting (or darkness) is top tier. The dark areas especially have been drastically improved as you really can’t see what lies ahead before stepping in. The scale of the world around you is also much bigger this time around in the areas where it matters anyway.
If you liked their previous title it is likely you will like this one too, even if it does not end up being your favorite. Also, I hope we get Amnesia 3 to learn more about this universe.
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 00:47
They finally found my kryptonite
Ever stopped playing or watching something because you couldn't handle the severity of it?
Well, I'm horror fan and most horror games got nothing on me. But the main character [spoiler]on this game is pregnant[/spoiler] It is not a spoiler because this is shown right at the start, but I can blur it just in case. I just can't play the game because of that.
Because I'm afraid I will eventually have to watch her die with such a tummy and this is one thing I have zero stomach for. They probably won't show anything really graphic, but I still don't want to see it and I don't trust my gameplay style. To make matters worse, you can hold a button so you can talk to it, good to lift the spirit and to remember to keep your ass alive, but this is attaching you ever further and quite possibly crushing your heart into bits, if you're ever caught by the enemy or if the plot evolves into that. So far I haven't, but I'm not taking any chances. Won't play on super easy mode either, it is not my style... so I lost the war.
Now if the character was someone like Doomguy or a Doomgirl in that case, then I would play it, it is the only style I guarantee intermediary to marginal success. It would actually pump my blood 10 times more with hatred, if Doomguy was a waifu that had been banged.
Finally the devs won, first game I ever had to give up due massive, weakling paranoia. Final score, ten outta ten. I hope you fools can sleep well at night. Scarying people like that and inducing primal fears at the point I can't even play it. If you have the guts, by all means go for it.
I love you bastards.
If you wish, you can support my curator's page by following me right here!
801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 12:37
10/10. If you're thinking of buying the game, GO. FOR. IT.
628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 09:25
602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 18:43
The latter two thirds I enjoyed more. I had the familiar tools back (Lantern + matches), had a good sense of when I was / wasn't in danger, and got to see many great locations that were visually spectacular. The melodrama of the second half of the game was 'okay' to me, I wasn't strongly drawn in but neither was I put off.
The other worldly setting and narrative was pretty predictable, we've seen the sort before, but it was realized in such a visually compelling way with amazing alien outdoor vistas that I thoroughly enjoyed it anyway.
It never reached the adrenaline rush of my initial play through of Dark Descent, but it was more engaging to for me overall than Machine for Pigs, falling in right about the same as I felt about SOMA, though I enjoyed the outcome of SOMA's story more overall.
Definitely don't regret having played it, though I can also understand the critiques I've seen in other reviews.
Nicht Empfohlen
688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 01:05
Most of the mechanics designed to convey fear are awful, the 'fear' QTE's disrupt the gameplay, the same with the mechanics regarding the baby. They feel like artificial barriers that take me out of the actual game, that you need to deal with them before you are able to progress.
A lot of revelations that should've had their emotional punch just don't carry their weight because the legwork that should make us care about the other characters is non-existing. There's a huge dissonance between what Tasi feels and what we feel when these revelations happen. And then there's certain cutscenes that are clearly designed to make us feel sad about Tasi's past, they are so artificially inserted that they really miss their intended punch and feel like cheap grabs to get to our feelings.
The timeline of a lot of events don't make sense, this was always a good part in the previous games, the environment and notes always give you a good idea what went on, but that's missing in this game. How did the protagonist end up in the plane again at the start of the game. Frictional wanted their mystery to be unfolded from Tasi's eyes as how she backtracked what she and her team did after the crash but the legwork to give it their logical conclusion isn't there, it doesn't make sense at all how she got there again. There's similar issues like that scattered through the game.
World events (monsters getting a scripted attack etc) don't make sense after the initial attack (enemies drop their chase etc). Characters that you need to chase are blatantly waiting for you to get close enough before they progress. This takes away all immersion and scream that they are sacrificing logic and solid worldbuilding to get their cheap dialogue in.
The main story had a lot of potential, and again, it misses the legwork to carry the emotional impact. I will look forward to Frictional Games next game because I know that they are capable of making some of the best horrorgames with engaging stories. But this game isn't one of them.
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 12:52
The graphics are so good and you have to make right choices if you really want good ending :D
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 22:06
597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 16:31
AR is less than the sum of its parts; in a vacuum, almost every part of the game is masterfully sculpted for maximum impact. To give a few examples of these pros:
- The overarching narrative (and how it links to the now decade old original Amnesia) is intriguing and invites the player's consideration both while playing and afterwards.
- The decision to [spoiler]have the protagonist deal with the real life horrors, complications and difficulties of pregnancy[/Spoiler] compounds the overall horror found within the 9 hour runtime of the game.
- The sound design, including voice acting, is atmospheric and oppressive, capable of being calming and suffocating at the game's whim. It knows when to use cacophony and when to leave the player alone in silence.
- Interacting with the world is the same immersive mouse moving as always - when you crank a wheel, you will be moving your hand just as Tasi is.
- The game is graphically an improvement over the original Amnesia and even SOMA - the environments Tasi encounters are spooky, otherworldly and impressive.
In practice, though, most of these points (and others not enumerated above) are lessened by some misstep of direction or another detracting element. To provide examples, allow me some repetition as we revisit these points:
- The game insists that you engage with the narrative at almost all times. Of the first 90 minutes of gameplay, I'd wager 60 minutes is spent reading notes or viewing cutscenes/vignettes. They're all excellently voiced and well crafted, but the result is that Tasi must be the most well informed amnesiac in the entire world.
- When the game finally does let up on the exposition, it is quickly replaced with [spoiler]caring for your pregnancy, up to and including talking to your unborn child[/spoiler]. The insistent and constant nature of this makes sense, but it increases your feeling of connectedness. Horror thrives on isolation.
- I won't belabor the point - the voice acting is top notch, but there is entirely too much of it. I don't mean that there should have been more notes, but rather that there should have been less cutscenes that required voice acting.
- More than other offerings from the developer, AR is split into very clear 'puzzle' and 'spooky' moments. You can immediately tell when you're going to be tasked with completing something and you likewise know when the game's expecting you to sneak, crawl and scavenge your way through. All games are like this - including Amnesia and SOMA - but here it feels extremely obvious and defined.
- Graphically, I truly don't have many complaints. A very minor one being that horrific environments maybe should not be made 'pretty,' but that feels a cheap blow. The game itself is very good looking and deserves any accolades on this front. I think I saw one minor graphical glitch my entire playthrough.
If it isn't obvious from the above, let me be clear about my chief complaint for AR - the game does not let itself breathe in its pacing, nor does it let the player contemplate the narrative as they encounter it. It is a constant, breakneck rush towards the next plot point, the next piece of exposition that the very talented writers and world builders at Frictional Games want you to experience. Their enthusiasm and excitement of sharing this world with their players left me exhausted from over explanation by the time I had made it three hours in.
I don't mean to paint AR as a step backwards by any means - like SOMA before it, I completed it and found myself thinking long and hard about its themes, about Tasi's decisions and about the worlds explored and what it must be like to inhabit those terrific locales. Talking through its conclusion with others (and writing this review, actually) has helped solidify for me that the game is indeed worthy of praise and play, even if it's an imperfect union of what made SOMA and the original Amnesia masterworks.
It is unfortunate, for both players and AR, that the media we are most excited about or hopeful for register as the largest disappointments when they are 'just good' instead of 'excellent.'
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583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 23:15
The puzzles and the interactions with physic Objects were the most time actually really entertaining.
The Story was ok-ish and the visuals: graphics, animations, sounds, were all awesome... well, the times i actually saw something at least...
..and thats where the main Problems begins.
The most time of the game one walks through dark caves and temples and can just imagine what the sourrunding area looks like, while spending time searching for hidden matchsticks or trying to flee from Monsters without seeing even where to run.
Then comes the half implemented features:
- Like the Monsters that appears only truely in the last half of the game and sometimes even just despawn after the player respawned when killed, what makes it not really scary at all.
- Like the Fear mechanic that appears in areas where i wondered often why even and keeps out in areas where i even felt the atmosphere myself.
The atmosphere is fine but thats all, it's a bit spooky but not scary at all, mostly because of not being able to see anything at all, the impactless monsters and not being able to truely die ingame.
The game should have been a puzzle game with tighter story telling and scary atmosphere, as horror game it definately missed the point.
1102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 18:36
Also one more thing, the story is really fucked up. I just can't wrap my head around how Frictional Games are so good at making top-class horror games. Instant super-recommendation for everyone, even for people who don't like horror games. The story alone is worth it.
My mind is shattered.
12213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 06:22
800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 22:33
566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 08:46
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484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 03:47
+Connections to the first Amnesia
+Embraced and explained more of the eldritch-like world that other two games dealt very little with
+The lantern requires fuel again
+The match system is improved
+The setting and location is nice
+Memories/flashbacks are done better than the first game
-Story is bad and boring
-Different way of story telling from the previous two games
-Took about two hours to get to a point where I feel like I could get attacked
-The insanity system is toned down to the point that is basically gone
-The initial and main monster looks generic
-Monsters will disappear or move to their next area if you die
-No build up to monster sections
-Very linear and no more hiding in closets
-Puzzles could have been better
-The baby system is annoying
-Compass system is good, but underutilized
•Inventory system is back, but is underutilized and is almost pointless
•The lantern runs out of fuel a lot faster than it did in the first game, so there is more of an emphasis on using matches
•Lots of pointless achievements. You get an achievement for every area.
•Not a lot of interactable/physic objects
Elaboration and More thoughts:
I really wanted to like this game. It starts off intriguing, but slowly gets worse. Tasi as a character is good, but her story is uninteresting and makes the overall story worse. The story telling is more like SOMA, which would be good, but it doesn't work with Amnesia. They went with less horror and more story. Tasi also talks way too much. There aren't a lot of monster sections either and the main monster is generic looking. There is only one monster with a cool/creepy look. There isn't any tension outside of the monster sections. I also don't like that the insanity system is toned down a lot. You don't need to manage it and monsters won't randomly spawn, but you will still die if you stay in the darkness for too long. You also won't die by looking at the monster, which is a good change. I feel like the puzzles were too easy and they didn't make much use of the inventory system like the first game did. The game is also pretty linear and there aren't any closets to hid in. Something I did like is that memories/flashbacks are improved. They are drawings of a scene with the people talking instead of just voice lines while you slow walk and have the screen blur. I also liked the compass that opens portals, but it was barely used outside of the story and it seems like a missed opportunity.
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18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 01:26
Launched the game. Saw my MSI stats saying im running in OpenGL. Plane crashed. Got outside. Almost puked my guts out to how awfull this game runs and looks. Uninstalled the game.
507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 19:31
Amnesia: Rebirth has the player take control of Tasi Trianon, a French archaeologist lost in the Algerian desert after her plane mysteriously crashes and wakes up with fragmented memories. Alone, afflicted with a mysterious illness that seems to get worse every time you die, and [spoiler]pregnant with her second child after losing her first one the previous year[/spoiler], she sets out to find the rest of her crew (and her husband), but it becomes increasingly clear that she is not really alone...
The game is mostly a walking simulator with stealth and puzzle mechanics. What makes this game stand out is that it does a really great job establishing a sense of dread throughout the whole thing, and you really empathise with Tasi as you play her. When she gets frustrated and frightened, you do too. [spoiler]If you are a mother or a woman who can become pregnant (I'm the latter) you will ABSOLUTELY feel the pain and desperation Tasi goes through as she tries to protect her unborn child while suffering from extreme physical trauma. The game will also make you question if Tasi's devotion to her baby is really as altruistic as she thinks it is.[/spoiler]
This game was very difficult for me to play but I'm glad I did. I'd say the game is worth checking out at least once if you're a fan of horror games and/or want a game with a strong female lead. It may not be the most groundbreaking gaming experience, but it's a worthwhile experience at any rate.
1259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 19:14
i really liked this game, in spite of getting lost at times and needing some help. the game has multiple endings and i never did trigger the ending i preferred, but i'm not sure any of the endings were actually happy.
i recommend the game, i can't imagine not liking it. i give it a 4 out of 5 stars.
551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 02:36
I wasn't entirely sure what I was expecting with this game, but it took me by surprise where the story led me and I adored the different aspects that the game had to offer, e.g. forming a bond with your unborn child. It has it's own way of filling you with anxiety and fear (with the occasional jump scares); but that anxiety and fear alone creates a good atmosphere while playing the game.
I felt that the story was good, if you pay attention to the characters script and are reading the notes left around, you can get a better understanding of what you're aiming towards. The graphics were nice, I had no issues running the game. Although, I felt I had some issues with the movement of my mouse when performing actions like opening and closing doors.
Overall, I would rate this game an 8/10
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923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 19:45
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429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 06:07
The game goes from the classic setting of an indoor castle type environment to weird futuristic alien type rifts/portal technology thingys that you have to traverse through which really breaks the focus of the game.
Moreover the player is met with constant cutscenes and the baby kicking you every 3 seconds. Even the death animation is not an animation, it's the same cutscene every single time the player dies. Therefore there is no real fear of getting killed. Speaking of which the game is not scary. The monster chases are countable on one hand, they are way too rare to have any horror impact on the player. Further than that the constant uncreative puzzles completely break the pace of the game or any kind of fear buildup that the developers tried to achieve.
Again, it's a weird futuristic amnesia puzzle game. I do not recommend it for Dark Descent fans.
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15616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 02:47
Let me preface this by saying that I do not discredit the several talented designers, artists, animators, programmers, voice actors, etc. who have worked on this game or were involved with its production, nor do I necessarily blame them for its shortcomings or faults. Many of these people were clearly passionate about the game they were creating, and many were involved in the development of previous titles (particularly SOMA). The fault here lies with poor decision making on the part of project leads and the heads of the company.
I have “played” this game for upwards of 400-600 hours in total, many of which are not recorded due to the usage of the included NoSteam.exe in a custom game configuration for modding. I have worked with and played through a version of the main game for over half a year, and am the author or am a contributor for several mods (Quiet Protagonist, Half-Life%, Monke Island (in a very small capacity), and the work-in-progress mod Amnesia Classic). I have dedicated a considerable amount of time this past year into improving and refining several aspects of Amnesia Rebirth in order to make it into something that I could enjoy. All in my spare time.
What I have been left with is an intimate knowledge of a deeply flawed game and engine, which exists as a symptom of a company which is now completely different than the Frictional Games that made Penumbra, Amnesia, and SOMA. It is a game full of wasted potential and rushed level design, shoddy and nonsensical programming, broken features, cut content, and poor creative direction. Is it the worst game I have played? No. Is it even necessarily a bad game? Also no. It is, however, a symptom of what has happened to the company, and a testament to the complexity of game development and of the gaming industry as whole.
I wanted to write a full, comprehensive review for Rebirth and go into its issues further – what exactly it did wrong and what it did right, what was interesting about it and what was trite, how it struggled as a narrative and as a game and how it failed to make me care about its world or characters. How the company outright lied to its fanbase about the nature of the game in prerelease blog postings and intentionally cherry picked the “best” segments of the game to showcase in it’s marketing campaign. How said marketing campaign was almost nonexistent, had very little to do with the actual game, and very heavily tried to depend on the support of streamers, content creators, and let’s players in an effort to replicate the success of the original Amnesia: The Dark Descent. But beyond the highlights it’s unlikely that I will.
All I will say is: If you are the long time Frictional Games fan such as myself, you will be disappointed. It’s something that’s still probably worth playing at least once for the experience alone, but overall Amnesia: Rebirth is something that is nowhere near the quality of their past titles, and is not associated with the original creative talent that was responsible for spawning and/or supporting an undeniably influential era of horror and storytelling.
577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 17:52
796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 21:39
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373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 20:11
873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 06:04
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756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 01:53
I restarted halfway through on original mode so adventure mode won't really affect my review but I have to say if you only plan on playing this in adventure mode it's not worth playing at all. Unlike Soma, so much atmosphere and so many story beats have been removed that the entire experience just feels completely dull.
As for the game itself, it's just light years behind Soma and Frictional's other titles. The story is overly complicated, lacks a point, is filled to the brink with unnecessary information through countless notes/flashbacks and has extremely one-dimensional characters. It is extremely difficult to relate to the protagonist or any of the characters at a writing level, and the surface level interactions intended to further connect you only deepens the wound. Some of the scares are good and the atmosphere is genuinely spooky at times but it simply isn't enough to carry the rest. The puzzles leave a lot to be desired and the environments get repetitive as well but the writing and narrative are still the biggest issue for me.
Soma is such an incredible game and they learned so much so it pains me to see a complete misunderstanding of what made it so great. This game was a big disappointment as a fan of Frictional but I wish them the best on their next title.
938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 21:38
Its really more an adventure game with some horror than a horror game. But as I like both, horror and adventure games, I didn't have to much of a problem with it. Besides that its also a shame that the game doesn't seem like a sequel of The Dark Descent. In fact I don't know what these games have in common at all. Again, its better to see this game as a game standing for itself and not as an Amensia game.
So lets talk about the game itself
The story is all right, but not great (pretty much like the game as a whole as well).
The graphics are ok at best, voice acting is good.
The gameplay is pretty fun I'd say. It has definitly more puzzles and more complex ones than in AMFP but not as tough than in TDD. Pretty much the same thing applies to enemy encounters I'd say.
The game even got an adventure mode very recently which basically removes most of the horror aspects and puts in more puzzles.
What I didn't like though was that the oil in the lantern is being used so quickly and that you can carry so few oil cans and matches. I did like that the matches aren't as useless than in TDD, even though they extinguish very quickly and you basically can't run around with them.
Another annoying thing is that the game has to much cut scenes or other stuff where you can't do anything, for example when your character stopps walking and starts speaking to her unborn child. This happens too often.
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622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 04:45
The story is a total mess, and the intensity & quality of scare sequences don’t match previous Frictional Games titles - this isn’t the perfect matrimony between Amnesia’s scares and SOMA’s story, because it fails miserably at the latter and is just good at the former. The game’s primary chase monster, the ghoul, is both generic-looking and nonthreatening, making it a poor antagonist after just a couple encounters. Puzzles are about the same as the original Amnesia - somewhat nonsensical machines, hard-to-find parts, and eldritch artifacts that amount to fancy doorknobs. The sanity meter is back and worse than ever, to the point it was nerfed several times after release due to how invasive it was, with constant visual and aural interruptions. There are some visually impressive environments and fun scares here and there, but those don't come close to making up for how awful the game is in every other area.
On the bright side, there’s mod support, so maybe fans will make something good of it soon.
912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 16:04
Do not get me wrong though, while the abovementioned has definitely been a big downside for me, it certainly doesn't call for a bad game, not to mention it is quite easily fixable and could be patched in the future.
Besides that Rebirth does a very good job at every other aspect you would expect from an Amnesia game and especially a sequel to the iconic original - Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
All the checkboxes are there:
• A compelling, dark and unique story;
• Immersive gameplay and visuals;
• Excellent puzzles;
• Superb sound & ambience still remain to be Frictional's specialty, as in tradition;
Now the game isn't perfect by any means and in my opinion could use some minor tweaking on a couple of small things (like adjusting the overly repetitive middle of the screen flash-scare sequences for example) but overall it certainly holds well both as an Amnesia game and a sequel.
If I have to put it on a scale between Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs and Amnesia: The Dark Descent it is certainly towards ATDD's direction. By a lot.
Not nearly as poor as AAMFP and close to be as good as ATDD.
Would recommend.
925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 18:35
And here are some thoughts on why:
The story line and the way it is told is actually better than the first game, for sure. It is less confusing and the pace it is deliver is also better.
I absolutely loved the sound design of it. You constantly have the feeling of being followed, or watched. There is always something lurking. You here footsteps, breathing, things falling. The feeling of never being alone is constant.
The main character being a [spoiler] pregnant woman [spoiler/] just spice things up so much! The mechanics might be annoying for some people, but it does make a lot of sense as you go.
The story is very sad in general. As the game says at the very beginning: do not play it to win.
[spoiler] None of the endings is happy or good. They all leave a bitter taste behind. [spoiler/]
The game also has their faults, unfortunately.
Some mechanics are indeed very annoying and doesn't let you observe pieces of the environment. Sometimes you just want to see the details, and sometimes you need to solve a puzzle, and to do so, you need to stare at things, but the game doesn't let you.
One of the monsters is the most annoying thing I've ever seen. It is not scary, it is just a pain in the as*.
Overall, I think Amnesia: Rebirth is better than its predecessor and definitely worth it.
I also have a complete gameplay of the game in my channel if anyone has interest to see:
1555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 12:35
What is different in Amnesia: Rebirth to the Amnesia: The Dark Descent is that the main character is a female. Without spoiling too much, Amnesia: Rebirth will take you through a lot of psychological dilemmas where it mainly will test your ability to make the right decisions supporting your own thoughts and beliefs as well as taking care and thinking about others.
From my own perspective, I did enjoy playing the game. However, I thought I would share some pros and cons about the game, to maybe give some clarification to other people, considering buying the game.
Amnesia is generally said to be a scary horror game and I would say I agree with it to some extent. It does have some scary elements to it but it is not the main focus. The main focus is the story-telling and trying to learn more about the main character.
In Amnesia: Rebirth, a positive thing is definitely how well-crafted the atmosphere is and how intense the episodes are, when you try to escape the monsters coming at you – the audio and sound effects are very good to give the player a frightening feeling of what might happen, if the monsters catch you. Additionally, the game also includes well-made puzzles to solve – however, if you are not the sharpest knife in the box, most of the time you will be walking around, not knowing what to do – this way, the game can be very irritating to play.
A negative thing is that the game has no telltale of what to do much of the time and that you can be stuck in the same area for long until you figure it out. A thing that is also very outstanding to me is that you do not get punished for making wrong decisions. If you make a wrong decision, you will most likely be lucky enough to spawn later on in the story, which kind of takes away the thrill and satisfaction of doing something correctly.
Overall, the game was worth my time and money. I would not have wanted to be without the experience. I would definitely recommend trying this game out.
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550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 05:13
Story - fairly predictable and just not that interesting
Puzzles - not great
Items seemed mostly pointless except for 1 or 2 specific areas. Lots of running down hallways to get to the exit with stuff chasing you. Just seemed kind of uninspired.
Overall take - if you really like Amnesia, maybe. Otherwise, would not recommend.
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40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 20:23
One of the big new concepts was to create a stronger contrast to the claustrophobic horrors of the previous games, by contrasting it with the horror of being small in a very big and vast empty space. (the desert in the beginning)
Here's how they executed it:
You spawn in the big desert in the beginning, completely encased by rocks, immidiately communicating to the player that they can't wander out into the desert and there's nothing of interest or danger out there. Ooga booga, very scary stuff.
Felt like I was forced to walk through the worlds longest (and dustiest) basketball court.
The rest of the game seems to stick with gamedesign decisions of this league, so it's a 2/10 from me, would never dream of installing again.
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139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 16:47
1199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 13:44
Amnesia: Rebirth
Rosemary's Baby by way of H. P. Lovecraft
If metaphors where games, Frictional Games new entry in the Amnesia series, titled Amnesia: Rebirth wouldn't necessarily be a masterwork from the studio, instead it's just smart fun that is enjoyable to play. With just the right amount of scares to ensure your teeth remain on edge and with a clever story that is never heavy-handed considering the subject matter around bereavement, mental health issues and the lengths one will go for self preservation through biological means, especially when that biological basis of human behaviour is truly tested. It does occasionally get a bit silly at times when you have to continuously press a button to bond with your unborn child in order to reduce your sanity and keep your character from completely flipping out given the nerve jangling shredder the plot puts the main character, Tasi Trianon, through.
Frictional isn't exactly interested here in pushing the mould they help define forward and in many ways Amnesia: Rebirth plays out a like a curio its protagonists seek, making the game feel oddly dated for a 2020 release especially given how Capcom has recently found the path back to their horror roots with Resident Evil 7 and the Resident Evil 2 remake. Amnesia: Rebirth employs the same gameplay loop as the previous two adventures, where you are mostly pushed through linear levels avoiding things that go bump in the night all the while solving puzzles (some of which are simple, some a little more complex). Nothing in the puzzle department is overtly difficult though and with a little trial and error most should be able to solve them.
It's clear, especially from the first entry in the series, that Frictional Games is heavily inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's works and Amnesia: Rebirth is no different. I did find the story this time around to be more cohesive than that of Amnesia: The Dark Descent, although personally I prefer the dark and depraved story of Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs over the cosmic-styled horror of the Frictional entries. I find the second entry's story way more disturbing because it speaks more to the dark corners of a human's heart.
Amnesia: Rebirth can be a bit plodding at the start and I can see many a gamer getting quite listless during the first few hours of the game, because much like Alien: Isolation those first few hours are spent on the setup, dressing the stage for what is to come. Where the game really comes to life is in the dark, claustrophobic tunnels Tasi soon finds herself exploring. From here on the game builds tension with minimal fuss but displaying little imagination which was slightly disappointing; and while the game can be diabolically clever at times, it stays within the narrow limits of its own cleverness so that it doesn't appear too pretentious. Recommended for gamer's who enjoy a slower, although no less scary, horror adventure that addresses some thought provoking issues around grief, motherhood, mental illness and the lengths one mother will go to protect her unborn child even despite the titles shortcomings.
One word or phrase to sum up the experience
Effective storytelling tied to a formula that has grown stale thanks to countless imitators.
Performance/Bug related incidents
No performance or issue related incidents happened during my playthrough
Similar to games
Alien: Isolation, Outlast, Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Rating ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
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591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 02:06
Was very excited to see this game getting announced and very excited to play it once it had finally came out, but sadly Rebirth was a disappointment for me. The game has a few bright spots with the cool sci-fi aesthetic and decent characters, but it doesn't feel like an Amnesia game at all. I felt like I was suppose to be emotionally connected with the protagonist and while I did find her story very interesting toward the end, it overall fell flat at the start for me so anything that happened afterward was stuff I didn't care about. The story is a pretty big drag and the game trolls you at least 3 separate times making you think you were about to be done, but then something goes completely wrong which just made me hate the game more.
The worst part about this game is the puzzles in my opinion. They aren't fun to do and don't require any brainpower to actually complete. There is literally one puzzle where you're just suppose to trial and error the entire thing without any hints which is horrible game design and shouldn't even be considered a puzzle at that point. Don't get me wrong, some of the puzzles are somewhat decent and actually nice to do at certain points in the game, but I don't blame people if they look up guides for some of these puzzles because most of them are poorly designed, have really vague clues that barely help you actually finish them, and don't feel rewarding to go through.
One of the main parts of the Amnesia games that I loved was being terrified while hiding and running from the monsters. In this game, there are barely any parts where I was hiding from something, let alone felt at least in danger. The chase parts where you're running away from monsters didn't make me panic or scared at all and instead just left me wondering when I was going to be finished with this game. There was literally a bug in the game that I encountered where the monster just spawned and stood in one spot and didn't attack which made me completely lose any sense of fear for the rest of playing that I once had. (One of the many bugs I encountered in the game)
Overall, this game is super mediocre and for an Amnesia game, this is pretty bad and I think this is the worst one in the entire series. There are only slight references to The Dark Descent in the story which is the only part that ever made it feel close to an Amnesia game (the references were at least cool). If you are a fan of the Amnesia series then I don't think it's that bad of a decision to buy this game, but I would prepare yourself to be let down. I hope if another game is added in the series that Frictional Games will learn from their mistakes and realize what went wrong in the development for this game.
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1163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 00:23
Instead, and it's with a heavy heart, not recommending is me declaring that this is for me the second weakest FG game ever released (better than Penumbra Requiem... and also understanding that Machine for Pigs was not developed by them.)
I say that despite it being, by a mile, the best looking FG to date and the music and sound design is as excellent as always.
For one thing, you spend a good third of the game, going into 3 fifths, 'chasing' stuff instead of 'stuff' chasing you. Then when the game finally starts to introduce creatures, you are left incredibly and utterly underwhelmed by it. They are not scary. Nothing much happens when they actually catch you (and they will, at some point)... no death, no significant punishment.
It's not a numbers thing, because I think of the spiders in the early games, I think of Clarence, and I think of the creature from Dark Descent. Less can well be more, hell I prefer it that way. But what is in this game just simply isn't scary. I'll take as much blame for that as necessary, I am now around 10 years older since I played Penumbra: Overture. But ultimately I'm putting it on the game. The atmosphere just isn't quite there. The dread around every corner simply isn't there barring maybe a couple of moments here and there, but certainly nothing newsworthy (Even A Machine for Pigs made me more apprehensive) and, many times, it just becomes a frustrating game to play (The Hank maze, also running from Harvesters in tight dark corridors etc.)
Likewise, Tasi was annoying, her Amnesia for certain things was implausible... none of the other characters were much better, the story itself and the documents just weren't interesting. I could go on.
One of the FG team teased that after SOMA they were making something that had new ways of scaring us.
Well, the new ways of scaring is perhaps just not scaring people at all, because this game just didn't do it for me. Infact, the darkness would be the only new mechanic but you are always with matches and plenty of oil (I had loads left over) which negates that.
A massive shame and I just don't know what they can do about it for the next one. I fear they have already peaked.
958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 16:37
You can tell this game has a much bigger budget and they were very ambitious in creating a futuristic apocalyptic city. The focus on sci-fi elements is cool but I wish they had done more to really try and make it scary maybe with some creepy enemy designs that could have been thrown anywhere in the story. and a real sense of danger would have helped the experience.
The game has alot of callbacks to the original Amnesia, you learn more about the orbs and even get to explore the other world that is only mentioned in ATDD.
Its worth the money in my opinion and I recommend it but don't go into it expecting something that its not.
618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 14:39
+ Excellent, poignant voice acting.
+ Variety of settings whilst maintaining its focus on dark gloomy environments.
+ ATDD nostalgia, with the memory tubes, door icons, sanity sounds, matches etc.
+ 3 varying endings with differing moral choices towards the games conclusion.
+ Thoughtful puzzles.
+ Exploration to find light sources/memories
- Very convoluted, disjointed, and difficult story to follow with multiple characters and jumbled memories.
- Lack of character development.
- Pregnancy mechanics, checking your baby bump to increase sanity becomes tiresome very quickly, especially with the protagonist’s comments.
- Lack of enemies. Many areas are totally safe and remove any tension previously created.
- Constant, forced immersion ruining cut-scenes
- Can only hold 10 packets of matches at one time.
The protagonist, Tasi Trianon finds herself in the heart of the Algerian desert after a plane crash. Stranded and alone, with fragmented and scant memories, she ventures off into the unknown, impelled to move forward and search for her missing husband. During her trek, Tasi realises that she doesn't only have her own life and survival to consider, but also that of her unborn baby. Driven by her maternal instincts and strong will, she ventures deeper into the darkness, compelled to escape and find normality once more. This becomes the core of the game, in a quite mature and maternal approach to the survival horror genre, however, this may understandably, not appeal to everyone.
Gameplay: Enemies & Horror Elements
Understandably, most players, including myself, are going to compare this to ATDD and whilst gameplay is somewhat similar, I wouldn't say that it is an improvement on its predecessor. The harrowing atmosphere which we know so well from ATDD I found to be completely lacking. I played for hours without bumping paths with a single enemy and once I did, the constant baby coddling and reoccurring cutscenes were sure to remove any feelings of dread previously created.
All enemies (there are just 2 types) can only be found in the last 2-3 hours of the game. Gratefully, Frictional Games have kept their sanity mechanism which can be increased through light, but also uniquely through touching your pregnant stomach. At first, I thought this was interesting and realistic in that it would give a sense of comfort, however, at least for me, this became trite very quickly. A monster could be just around the corner, staring right at me and I can touch my stomach and speak to it with the same repeated baby-talk 'shh little one, it will be ok' and the enemy doesn't hear me and my sanity is suddenly improved.
I actually question Rebirth as a survival horror game, as these elements are so few and far between, I found it to be mostly a narrative Sci-Fi-horror mix. Those looking to relive the fright and jumps of ATDD should look elsewhere. Although I consider myself a veteran horror player, I did not find this game scary in the slightest and it should not be played with only this in mind. The game is dark and gritty, but has more of a focus on a Sci-Fi, SOMA-like atmosphere as opposed to fear inducing elements.
Furthermore, Rebirth is extremely forgiving in its gameplay. I believe I only died once when I was lost, but if players do die, you are respawned closer to the exit and sometimes the enemies even despawn. With already so little enemy interactions, the areas that do require stealth/hiding are thrilling. To make this even easier seems counterproductive if the aim of the game is to have a survival horror tag but remove the survival aspects.
Cutscenes & Choices (No spoilers)
There are multiple NPC's scattered throughout the journey, some can even be spoken with. For any ATDD fans, we know that this is a strange concept. I found that it removed the fear and loneliness that was once curated so expertly before, creating yet another safe environment.
We are introduced to an array of characters within minutes of starting the game, most of which I forgot shortly after. Followed by an ever-increasing convoluted story and lack of character depth, I found myself not really caring about her baby or any of the other people.
Tasi's memories are scattered, but she remembers the people she was travelling with, her husband, who she was etc. Completely opposite to ATDD where everything was unknown until the end. It is also not clear how she got amnesia although players can make assumptions. The cut-scenes are forced throughout the game, triggered by progress but becomes more of a nuisance in their recurrence, especially in the beginning areas which are just memories of Tasi's happy family life - boring.
On a positive note, I liked the inclusion of moral choices relating to her baby as well as the 3 different ending paths. With each ending contrasting one another, this encourages replays, combined with the motivation of Steam achievements.
Graphics & Sound
I don't remember once playing an Amnesia title and stopping to think how stunning the environment looks, but that's exactly what happens with Rebirth. Instead of sticking to the gloomy, caliginous paths, Frictional Games decides to switch things up with including both indoor and outdoor areas, sunsets, ruins, water features and more. That being said, the gritty areas are still just as dark as in their previous titles and the need for illumination is ever prevalent which is fantastic.
The voice acting is very well done, as expected. The decreasing sanity sounds are just as I remember in ATDD, however the monsters are not and I didn't notice any outstanding factors in the sound design as a whole, which is disappointing. Yet, I understand that the developers are taking on a new approach, trying to find a happy medium between SOMA and the original Amnesia, between Sci-Fi and horror and this must be a daunting task. Combined with the new addition of a female, pregnant protagonist which is not commonplace at all in many games, so I praise their bravery to try something new. Without a focus on the horror factor/monsters, I can understand why the sound design wasn't as memorable as the series used to be, but I hope this can be improved upon in future games.
[quote]This game was played with the following PC specs:
Intel i5-9400 2.9 GHz
GeForce RTX 2060 6GB
1920x1080 resolution
Windows 10[/quote]
I experienced no issues or glitches and the game played smoothly.
Amnesia: Rebirth is daring in its approach, deviating so fiercely from its immensely popular predecessor and whilst it is severely lacking in survival horror elements, it does manage to find its footing within its narrative story-telling and Sci-Fi focus. Despite its convoluted story and odd pregnancy mechanics, it is clear that Frictional Games are trying to merge the success of SOMA and ATDD into Rebirth but narrowly misses the intended mark and ends up being a decent game which I enjoyed, but is immeasurable to their aforementioned titles.
Rating: 7/10
[url=][quote]Feel free to follow our curator page: Devils in the Detail.
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55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 23:20
I have played everything developed by Frictional, liked all of their games, loved Soma with a passion. I was a bit late to the party for Soma, actually, finished that game just two weeks ago and had correspondingly high hopes for Rebirth. Much has been said about Soma's masterful storytelling and the deep themes it tackles. I loved the game for that, but I loved it even more for how effectively it build an oppressive atmosphere, how real Pathos-II felt as a place. Soma was, in that regard, a natural evolution from Frictional's earlier Penumbra games and the first Amnesia, which were already great at doing this, Soma just being the product of years of experience and honing the craft. So, while I naturally didn't expect a Soma 2, I was hoping for an Amnesia game exhibiting the same level of immersive world-building and storytelling Frictional have shown with their earlier games, and in particular their 2015 masterpiece.
What I got instead in my hour of Rebirth was a never-ending cascade of interruptions. Walk two steps, have some item you step upon trigger a flashback. Walk another two steps, find some piece of writing in an improbable place, read it, and have another flashback trigger upon putting it down. Walked two steps without a flashback? The protagonist will comment on something utterly obvious, and if everything in the scene is commented on, will move on to comment on her husband or baby. Between flashbacks, have a dream sequence filled with flashbacks. Without exaggerating, I don't think I had a full minute in my time with this game that I was free to simply explore and breathe in the world without interruption. Even the fear mechanic felt much more invasive and annoying than it did in the first Amnesia. Half an hour in, I was annoyed to the point of exhaustion, and when the game was starting to throw its otherworldly elements at me at a time when I was still desperately trying to care about the world and its characters, I decided my time is probably better spent differently.
Maybe it gets better. Maybe there's a great game to be found after wading through a few hours worth of audio files playing over still images, interspersed with moments of actual exploration and discovery. I will simply never know.
Nicht Empfohlen
489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 06:48
The Short and Sweet
Amnesia: Rebirth is the third game in the Amnesia series made by Frictional Games, this being the latest installment by quite a few years. Unlike A Machine for Pigs, which made the occasional reference to the original international hit Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Rebirth’s story heavily ties into the lore and world of the original, including bringing back old characters and plotlines, like the Algerian Expedition and the Orb.
Just like the other Amnesia games, Rebirth is a story-heavy horror game focused on Tasi Trianon, who appears to have lost her memories and companions in a plane crash over the Algerian desert. As Tasi tries to reach her missing friends, she encounters and traverses both remnants of the past and fragments of the “other world” Alexander was trying to reach in The Dark Descent.
- The world of Rebirth is just as visually engaging as Frictional’s other works, including the new addition of the “other world”.
- The horrors that stalk Tasi are solidly presented, with great organic introductions and presence.
- The references to Dark Descent are numerous, and the story greatly expands on the lore of the series in enjoyable ways.
- The story and character of Tasi are overbearingly focused on heavy maternal and childbirth themes, which don’t resonate well with some people, like myself, a 23 year old male college student that doesn’t really care about having kids.
- The plot is very convoluted and feels like it keeps taking steps to intentionally revert progress, making it both hard to keep track of and hard to stay motivated to complete.
- The entire game is so dark it genuinely hurts the eyes when set to the “correct” display gamma. You are only given matches and a lantern to counter this, both of which run out within seconds.
- The monsters aren’t anywhere near as memorable as the abominations of Dark Descent and SOMA, coming off more as generic ghouls than anything more significant.
Short Conclusion: Not Recommended
In-Depth Analysis
Just like the Dark Descent, the core of the gameplay in Rebirth is avoiding monsters, being unable to fight back, and solving puzzles using the environment. People that played the other two Amnesia games will find it nearly identical to what they are used to, and will perform well. Enemies are also similar, in that they wander around somewhat aimlessly seeking the player, but this time some of them can smell you out if you stay still for too long. Their introductions and encounters are the most memorable parts of the game, but they feel underused at times, with long stretches of the game not including a single enemy.
Sadly, this is really the only positive gameplay feature of Rebirth.
Since the majority of the environments are pitch-black, Tasi is provided with light sources to help her navigate them. These two light sources, matches and the lantern, are both absolutely terrible at their job. Matches last for mere seconds, burning out even faster when moving, and don’t shine light more than five feet in front of you. In comparison, the lantern is also nearly worthless, as unlike the classic Dark Descent lantern, it only shines light in a single, narrow circle, barely lighting up the area. It also requires the much rarer oil, which it burns through in barely over a single minute of use.
Additionally, Tasi must manage her “Fear”, a mechanic pretty much identical to Insanity in The Dark Descent. Too much darkness and looking at monsters will trigger episodes and flashbacks, along with temporarily incapacitating the player. Light staves off the fear, but it can only be brought back down through a mechanic I really dislike, which is checking on your unborn child. In a borderline memeish vein of “Press F to Pay Respects”, you can press a button to rub your stomach and talk to your child, which restores your courage, I guess. This mechanic feels incredibly forced and in-your-face, with its intended effect falling on my deaf, uncaring ears, since I don’t really care for the miracle of childbirth.
The parts of the story that add into the world of The Dark Descent are the highlights of the experience. Running across the abandoned expedition camp of Herbert and seeing his surprisingly informed opinion on The Orb was a delight, as was seeing references to Daniel in the notes found within the tents. Depressingly, this is the minority of the experience.
The rest of the story focuses entirely on Tasi trying to reach her friends after the plane crash, with setbacks that become too predictable over time. The story has a habit of causing the entire, literal floor to collapse from under you, robbing you of progress you thought you earned. Early on, you spend over an hour trying to create a mortar round to clear a locked door, only for the abandoned tank you get in to fall straight through multiple floors, dumping you into a tomb far below. This sort of cliche joke occurs multiple times throughout the game.
Additionally, the maternal and childbirth themes of the story get annoying and out of hand very fast, and feel disconnected from the rest of the world’s story discussing the events of what happened. Many flashbacks and cutscenes are solely focused on Tasi’s child, which I have been given little to no reason to care about. This was a very hit or miss topic to deal with, and at least for me, it was a major miss.
Tasi also talks a lot, even more than the main character of SOMA, with most of it being unnecessary commentary on the current set of circumstances. Her voice actor is good, but there doesn’t need to be so much self-talking going on.
At least in this section, the same amazing Frictional team that designed SOMA was back on full display in Rebirth, crafting believable and immersive environments to explore and interact with. The Algerian desert fort, the other world, and the tombs below all look beautifully real and enjoyably creepy.
The new monsters, while pretty uninspired in design, still do their job well, very similar to the Wendigos of Until Dawn, both in visual design and twitchy stalking. The camerawork for the encounters and the glimpses you catch of them spying on you from behind cracks in walls add a ton of immersion to the experience.
There’s nothing much to report here, it’s all serviceable, but nothing to write home about. The music is good but somewhat bland, and the world gives realistic cracking to rocks, padding to feet, splashes to water, etc.
The voice actors are great, but underused.
Specs: GeForce 840m 2GB, 8GB Memory, i7 CPU, Windows 8.1
I have only one major technical malfunction to report: If your computer is incapable of running Rebirth at a steady 60fps at all times, Dynamic Resolution will potentially bomb your resolution down into 480p territory just to try and reach that goal. My computer could not handle it. I ran at about 25 - 30FPS on 720p resolution. Budget computers will struggle to handle this game at times.
While Amnesia: Rebirth was Frictional’s most ambitious work yet, it took too many risks in changing the formula that didn’t pay off nearly as well as they did in SOMA. Compared to The Dark Descent, Rebirth was a letdown that I desperately wanted to like, but just couldn’t bring myself to give a positive rating in light of its numerous inadequacies. Hopefully Frictional takes lessons from this and creates something even better in the future.
699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 22:21
Finding out that a new Amnesia game released just in time for the Halloween season was a pleasant surprise. One impulse-purchase later I am keen to pick up on the seventh entry into the Frictional Games’ review series, which explores all the titles from this developer. It is hardly back-to-back playthrough at this point, nonetheless I will try my best to maintain the franchise-spanning perspective for this review. Amnesia: Rebirth is an indirect sequel to the Dark Descent. While it tells its own self-contained tale, this title also explores and expands multiple themes present in the first game. That said, familiarity with the Dark Descent is not required to enjoy Rebirth – the game handles the connection by shining a new light at the past events rather than anything else.
Walk in the desert
Amnesia: Rebirth tells a story of Anastasie “Tasi” Trianon, a young french artist working as a drafter for a mining company looking to start a new enterprise in French Sudan. The story takes place in 1937, nearly hundred years after the events of Dark Descent. At the time, significant parts of Nothern Africa were still French colonies. The history and politics get quickly swept aside though, as a plane carrying a small expedition crashes amidst the desert. The player wakes up in the middle of the wreck completely alone, the crash site itself oddly dated. Naturally, the protagonist herself has a big white blank as to what transpired after the crash. There is little choice left for Tasi but to press on. Soon she will have to face her own troubled past, as she retraces the path that other survivors took before her. As more and more memories gradually come back, the player very quickly realises that being stranded on the desert is by far the least of the protagonist’s problems.
Truth be told, even the demons of the past will have to wait as a far more immediate threat takes its place. Not before long, the survivor’s trail leads Tasi outside of this realm – into “the Other World” referenced multiple times in Dark Descent. Not only the protagonist will be forced to face trials of peculiar alien technology, to make matters yet more complicated – Tasi is pregnant and interdimensional travel appears to hasten the process. Amnesia: Rebirth is a tale of odds-defying struggle for survival against both mundane hardships and utterly alien, sinister presence from another reality.
Flickering flame of a match
Gameplay loop of Amnesia: Rebirth is a meeting point somewhere between the first Amnesia and Soma, although I would say it leans towards the latter. On the very beginning of the game, the developer’s request the player to immerse in the story rather than play to win. This is a vital notion as the player must be able to “feel” the character of Tasi for Rebirth to work. Much like in Soma, Frictional Games once again decided to keep the gameplay elements at the minimum, focusing instead on delivering an interactive story. The entire HUD is but a single dot signifying the middle of the screen. The journal, present in all Frictional Games’s titles makes a pleasantly refreshed return. Not only does it keep the track of the story, it also holds all the notes found by the player throughout the game. Amnesia: Rebirth’s journal is also filled with dozens of beautiful drawings, a reoccurring theme in the game. Progress in each section of the game can be kept, by checking a gradually-filling page in the sketchbook.
[url] [/url]
The inventory is also very simplistic and serves mostly to keep track of available light sources – the only gameplay element consistent throughout the game. Having access to a highly limited matchbox and oil lamp, the player will have to carefully manage their sources of light. It is quite easy to burn through the supply and once the darkness sets, Tasi’s sanity quickly deteriorates. Finding further illumination is also a primary incentive for exploration. Both matches and oil cans are hidden in all manner of unexpected places. Once you get a hang of light management it is possible to stay fully-stocked with supplies for most of the playthrough.
On the downside, the puzzles in Rebirth are slightly lacking. While there is far less absurdity to them than in the Dark Descent, the puzzles are also less organically integrated in to the world than they were in Soma. At times they fully serve the story, at others they do drag the player away from it. Furthermore, the “manual interaction” – a staple Mechanic of Frictional Games of turning, pulling and dragging objects with specific mouse movements seems to be somewhat downplayed in comparison to the previous games.
Stranger things
I believe that certain issues which Rebirth has in comparison to previous Frictional Games titles stem from its core premise – the fear of the strange. Similar to the first Amnesia, this game also heavily draws inspiration from works of H.P. Lovecraft. Not in a widely popular tentacle-menace sense. Instead, after a very old-school brand of horror, where suspense is drawn from the strangeness of the events, utterly incomprehensible to a human mind, often succumbing to madness by simply trying. Truth be told, this premise is extremely well executed in Amnesia: Rebirth – the problem is that it is a double-edged sword.
[url] [/url]
The issue is that the story about something beyond human comprehension is inevitably difficult to follow. It takes plenty of careful attention to piece together anything beyond the most basic understanding of the story from the notes and the environment. Without an extra effort, it will remain largely unknown until the very conclusion of the game. Story of the strange doesn’t always provide a sufficient driving force for the player. To make matters worse, Amnesia at times struggles to maintain a tense atmosphere. There are precious few immediate threats in Rebirth. Don’t get me wrong, they make all the more impact once they do appear and there are sequences delivering heart-thumping frenzy. That said, this title has the least monster presence in any Frictional Games title since the Penumbra days.
Oedipus complex
Ultimately, I consider Amnesia: Rebirth to be a terrific game, although one to be taken with a grain of salt. I intentionally omitted the themes of motherhood present in the game. While one could argue that the game is an allegory of a mother’s struggles, the notion fell apart for me simply by the main character falling down the pit one time too many. The game overall seems to be stuck in a deadlock between first Amnesia and Soma, trying to capture virtues of both and not quite succeeding. I believe that studio raised the bar too high for its own good, especially with Soma – the game that latest Amnesia is by far the most similar to. Rebirth does fall behind in terms of maturity and organic world-building in comparison. On the other hand, worse than perfect is still a solid game. Frictional Games once again delivered truly impressive visuals, and successfully tackled a premise difficult to work into an immersive story. Now with the deadlock hopefully broken I am looking forward to future titles by this studio, wishing for an entirely new story. Until then, I recommend all enthusiasts of the suspense to try and stave off the dark in Amnesia: Rebirth, one fragile match at a time.
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645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 10:14
What I got: SOMA 2 with a light Amnesia skin
You awaken alone in an airplane that has crashed in the desert. As you try to piece together fragments of your lost memory and retrace the steps of the plane’s crew, you are led to a dark cave system… and the horror begins.
Rebirth starts out by showing a lot of promise that it might capture and expand upon the magic of Dark Descent. It does an amazing job, just as the first game did, of making you feel like monsters are always watching from the shadows, keeping you constantly worried you’ll turn a corner and suddenly run into one. The oil-fueled lantern is back, as are the candles and torches that can be lit using limited resources – matchsticks this time, a noted upgrade over the old tinderboxes, as you can use each matchstick to light multiple candles if you’re fast enough. And of course, the sanity system is back – your sanity will lower if you spend too much time in the darkness or if you stare at gross stuff for too long, and it will have… certain effects on gameplay.
Once again, the protagonist has a powerful and personal motive behind her journey – in this case, she badly wants to reunite with her husband who was part of the plane’s lost crew. You can find notes and memory fragments scattered along the trail, many with voice-over narration, and you can slowly piece together what happened to the plane’s crew, what they were doing in Africa in the first place, and most fascinatingly, how the game’s events tie in to the lore established by Dark Descent and answer many of the dangling questions it left. Wanna know more about the origin of the magical orbs? Or more about how vitae works? Or more about where the gatherers came from? Or maybe about where Alexander’s portal might have been going? This game’s got you covered!
So in typical Amnesia fashion, the game forces you to explore some deeply unpleasant environments, occasionally throwing in a monster encounter or a simple but satisfying environmental puzzle. Like Dark Descent, it has some hub areas requiring you to explore several side-zones to piece together a puzzle or a mystery in order to progress. There are a lot of delightful little continuity nods to Dark Descent – for instance, Alexander of Brennenburg is mentioned at one point, and the Kaernk chase music gets an epic reprisal for one monster encounter (but the Kaernk itself gets no cameo, unfortunately).
For act 1, things are set up just right. This is the next-gen Amnesia we wanted for so long! It’s happening! What could go wrong?
Well uh… I’ll put this as bluntly as possible without spoiling anything. Things go completely off the rails in act 2. You wanted a gothic/supernatural horror game? SIKE! Apparently Amnesia is a sci-fi horror game now!
I wish I were joking!
And if that’s not bad enough, act 3 is comprised mostly of playable cutscenes. Story-heavy, completely on-rails gameplay segments. Again, I wish I were joking.
If I had to describe Amnesia: Rebirth in one word, it would be incoherent. Dark Descent was graphically monotonous and lacked variety in its environments, but this was a good thing – it made the whole journey feel long and claustrophobic, and most importantly coherent. You really got the feeling you were on a journey to the ungodly depths. In Rebirth, there’s actually too much vividness and variety to the environments! Sometimes you’ll be walking through the desert, or down a gorgeous mountain ravine, or in sprawling otherworldly cities… And sometimes you’ll have to stop to admire a breathtakingly beautiful view. But why?? Is an Amnesia game supposed to be beautiful? Doesn’t that rather miss the point? When in Dark Descent did you ever stop and say “Oh my god, this area is gorgeous!”?
This isn't even to mention how, not even an hour in, the game introduces a magical amulet with some fascinating powers... and then spends most of the game doing nothing with it.
Also, it's never actually explained how you got amnesia, how you even have your fragmented memories, or how you got back to the beginning of the game after supposedly going through everything once before. There are several baffling dream sequences that serve as character development for the protagonist, but are also never explained. My best honest guess is that the entire game is a dream sequence, but you should play it yourself and come to your own conclusions.
Dark Descent understood the importance of not showing the players everything. It offered a wonderful sense of isolation and loneliness by not showing any other characters, only letting you hear their voices in your memories. It never explained the rules of the monster encounters, it convinced many players that the Brutes and Grunts appeared randomly, and actively encouraged you not to even look at the monsters because of the sanity mechanic. One of the most memorable monsters in the game is downright invisible. It never fully explained the rules of its universe, but it explained just enough that you could follow along with the revelations at the end. Though it had a slight sprinkling of supernatural elements, it was just realistic enough that it could be taken seriously.
By contrast, Rebirth shows the player far too much. It explains the lore of the universe nearly to a fault, to the point where you can have a polarized reaction to the direction it went. It spends a good portion of the game outdoors. It has you meet several living NPCs and have conversations with them. It has you making several optional moral decisions. It gets so otherworldly at times that the tone becomes plain goofy. The monsters are all given great character, but are mechanically simple chase scenes or stealth scenes – you’re forced to understand them, as opposed to the “hide in a corner and do nothing until the monster disappears” moments that made you feel so powerless in the first game.
But don’t get me wrong. Rebirth is a good game, and I absolutely recommend the experience to any fans of Frictional’s horror games. But if we must compare it to Dark Descent (and we must), it bears little resemblance in visual style, presentation, and narrative progression, sadly neglecting most of what made Dark Descent work so perfectly. But it does have dozens of wonderfully dreadful scenarios, memorable scares, and disturbing character moments. It’s not really an Amnesia sequel, but it’s still a dark and thrilling journey worth taking.
7 / 10.
812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 18:16
- A deeper story than The Dark Descent
- More gameplay features than A Machine For Pigs
- New lore of the Amnesia universe had me intrigued (despite some plot holes)
- Resource management is back (mostly)
- Less scary than The Dark Descent
- Later enemies were frustrating
- Some monster encounters were immersion breaking because I noticed [spoiler]if you get caught by the same monster too many times, the game teleports you close to the exit, or removes the monster from the area[/spoiler]
- There is a fear reduction mechanic which constantly interrupts you, ruining some tense moments [spoiler]checking my baby bump every 30 seconds got old very fast![/spoiler]
Overall a decent horror experience with some flaws, and a good hefty dose of LORE!
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 19:17
889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 15:42
667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 02:16
Some of these negative reviews don't seem to have gotten half way though the game, and that's because its called build-up. Like if you paused Alien half way through and then asked someone how the film was overall, they would say its bland and not scary at all.
Overall, if you liked SOMA but wanted more scares, give this game a go!
Frictional Games
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