News Liste Altitude

Altitude is now free!
05.09.14 20:22 Community Announcements
Altitude is now completely free. There is no full version to purchase: new players will automatically gain access to all of Altitude's planes and perks as they level up.

Widescreen Support: Altitude's native resolution has been updated from 4:3 to 16:9 (widescreen). Players can now see 25% farther ahead of their plane horizontally and about 6% less far vertically.

Expanded custom server support:

Server Console Commands:
modifyTournament - for adjusting tournament participants while a tournament is in progress (-1=not part of tournament, 0=left team, 1=right team)
overrideBallScore - for manually adjusting scores in ball mode
overrideSpawnPoint - for dynamic spawn positions in custom game modes
* any spawn attempts by the playerId associated with will use x/y/angle instead of a normal spawning location
* pass x=0,y=0,angle=0 to clear the override and resume normal spawning rules for a target player, otherwise overrides are cleared on map change (after "mapLoading" but before "mapChange") and on player disconnection

Servers can now disallow (or enforce) the use of random plane configurations via a disallowedPlaneRandomTypes block. Edit launcher_config.xml and just before the line starting with " Code:

Server JSON log message updates:
"kill" now includes "victimPositionX","victimPositionY","victimVelocit yX","victimVelocityY"
"powerupPickup" now includes the powerup's "velocityX","velocityY" at time of pickup

Clients will now automatically leave a server after 5 minutes of idle time only if the server is full (for non-full servers, clients will leave after 60 idle minutes).

1DE (objective) game mode timers have been updated to encourage team play:
* Increased bomb plant time from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds
* Increased bomb defuse time from 3 seconds to 4 seconds
* Increased bomb detonate time from 14 seconds to 22 seconds