• Alternativa: Neue Bilder zum Action-Adventure
  • Alternativa: Neue Bilder zum Action-Adventure
  • Alternativa: Screenshot aus dem Science-Fiction-Adventure
  • Alternativa: Screenshot aus dem Science-Fiction-Adventure
  • Alternativa: Screenshot aus dem Science-Fiction-Adventure
  • Alternativa: Neuer Screen zum kommenden Science-Fiction-Adventure
  • Alternativa: Screen aus dem Adventure Alternativa.
  • Alternativa: Screen aus dem Adventure Alternativa.
  • Alternativa: Screen aus dem Adventure Alternativa.
  • Alternativa: Screen aus dem Adventure Alternativa.
  • Alternativa: Screen aus dem Adventure Alternativa.
  • Alternativa: Screen aus dem Adventure Alternativa.
  • Alternativa: Neue Bilder zum Action-Adventure
  • Alternativa: Neue Bilder zum Action-Adventure
  • Alternativa: Screenshot aus dem Science-Fiction-Adventure
  • Alternativa: Screenshot aus dem Science-Fiction-Adventure
  • Alternativa: Screenshot aus dem Science-Fiction-Adventure
  • Alternativa: Neuer Screen zum kommenden Science-Fiction-Adventure
  • Alternativa: Screen aus dem Adventure Alternativa.
  • Alternativa: Screen aus dem Adventure Alternativa.
  • Alternativa: Screen aus dem Adventure Alternativa.
  • Alternativa: Screen aus dem Adventure Alternativa.
  • Alternativa: Screen aus dem Adventure Alternativa.
  • Alternativa: Screen aus dem Adventure Alternativa.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 23.06.2011
Zum Shop
Preis Update 31.12.24

Über das Spiel

Alternativa entführt dich in eine Welt des Jahres 2045, die jegliche Erwartungen sprengt. In eine Welt, die durch Kriege und Revolutionen zerstört wurde, eine Welt unter dem Joch einer grausamen Diktatur. Richard Rocek lebt in dieser Welt und hat nur ein Ziel ... zu überleben! Bis dato war das auch kein Problem ... doch dann wurde der Bau einer neuen Endora-Firmenzentrale unter mysteriösen Umständen gestoppt. Verbittert will sich Richard nun dem Widerstand anschließen. Menschen, die es wagen, sich dem Staat zu widersetzen. Leider ist nichts wie es scheint, und schon nach seinem ersten Kontakt mit dem Widerstand wird Richard des Mordes bezichtigt...

Alternativa handelt von Menschen, die im Leben Pech hatten. Und von mächtigen Konzernen, die in ihrem Streben nach Macht nichts und niemanden respektieren. Tja, aber jeder Mensch hat eine Chance. Er muss sie nur nutzen.

  • Klassisches Point and Click-Adventure
  • Mehr als 120 detaillierte Hintergründe
  • Schlüpfe in die Rolle von bis zu 4 Charakteren
  • Scifi-Story in einer verrückten Welt
  • Gerenderte Videosequenzen
  • 2 Schwierigkeitsgrade
  • Interaktive Dialoge mit Wahlmöglichkeiten


  • CPU:
  • GFX:
  • RAM:
  • Software:
  • HD:
  • SFX:
  • INET:
  • MISC:
  • LANG: Englisch , CZ
  • CPU:
  • GFX:
  • RAM:
  • Software:
  • HD:
  • SFX:
  • INET:
  • MISC:
  • LANG: Englisch , CZ

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

226 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.14 00:44
Eigentlich ein nettes kleines Adventure.
Die Graphiken sind ansprechend und alle Dialoge vertont. Auch die Atmossphäre wurde durchaus passend getroffen.
Nett ist auch das es an einigen wenigen Stellen zwei Lösungsmöglichkeiten gibt.

Allerdings hatte ich das Problem das das das Spiel während des Spielens mehrfach abgestürtzt ist.
Hierbei sind die teilweise sinnlosen Laufwege im relativen Schneckentempo hervorgestochen.
Die meisten Rätsel sind durchaus fair und nett gemacht. Weniger nettgemacht ist das verschiedene Lösungswege erst freigeschaltet werden wenn man eine bestimmte, nicht immer sinnvolle, Handlung vollzogen hat. Als nur ein Beispiel ist es so das man die Kombination bei einem Tresor erst eingeben kann nachdem man beide Zahlen erhalten hat *und* noch einen Eintrag auf seinem PDA gelesen hat.

Ein wenig irritierend fand ich das der weibliche Charakter der schließlich auch das Werbebildchen ziert nur für kurze Zeit und optional spielbar ist. Während es lobenswert ist das es voll vertont wurde läßt zudem das Voiceacting durchaus noch Wünsche offen.

Das Ende empfand ich persönlich als Unbefriedigend. Zumal eine scheinbar relevante Entscheidung dort leider nicht mehr aufgegriffen wird. Zudem konnte ich die Logik des NSC dort nicht wirklich nachvollziehen.
Allgemein erweckt es auf mich den Eindruck als wäre es er Prolog zu einem weiteren Spiel.
6771 Produkte im Account
274 Reviews
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.13 15:49
Die Geschichte in diesem Spiel ist sehr Interessant. Viel zu einflussreiche Firmen, eine Untergrundorganisation und das ganze in Science Fiction mit Robotern statt Polizisten!

Am Anfang etwas öde, aber wenn man einmal drin ist, sehr interessant!
Kauf nur bei Interesse !
629 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 07:57
Though the end did not convince most, and I would have wished for a bit more as well, I loved the game. The story took me in from the beginning: the game creates an atmosphere of hopelessness but at the same time there is the spark of revolt, personified in our protagonist.

The end is more or less open for me, as I believe, the two will not have given up.

and I recommend this game !

3382 Produkte im Account
239 Reviews
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 14:05
Mediocre game that falls flat. I had just enough fun to recommend it though.
139 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 02:54
One of the most depressing games I've ever played, and then, when I thought this couldn't get any worse... the ending ended up being the biggest rotten cherry on top of this messed up cake. Ugh!
444 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.15 01:00
Clunky puzzles, can easily get stuck and break the game. Terrible ending, developers obviously planned a sequel so ending is open ended and unsatisfying.
234 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.15 18:20
I can only half-recommend this game. The story and the atmosphere are both good, although I have to agree with other reviewers that there are some elements that seem unfinished (pretty sure more was meant to happen with [spoiler] the cat outside the apartment [/spoiler], for example). I liked the setting of a dystopian Prague, since I also know and like the city. The voice acting is decent. but as others have said, [spoiler] the game's ending leaves many questions unanswered [/spoiler] and this is a slight disappointment.

All in all, I'd recommend it for the atmosphere, decent graphics and decent voice acting. However, it's probably more something who really love adventure games and dystopian themes in particular.
2227 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.14 11:57
this is another example of the point and click adventure games' resurgence that has been happening lately.

the best part of the game is undoubtedly its art style. backgrounds are nicely prerendered/drawn, locations do feel different, yet appropriate and both backgrounds and charactess have the same art style. animation of characters could be better at times but is definitely passable (or even surprisingly good for a budget game). 3d characters on prerendered/drawn backgrounds is a decidedly oldschool way of doing things and the developer has chosen to fully accept the limitations apparently without seriously considering mitigating these. it is not all bad as you might think, fixed resolution inherently means that the visuals do fit together incredibly well.

a bit on the technical aspects - i want to say visuals are great in general but unfortunately these remain within the confines of the technical capabilities of the game (or the engine). resolution is limited to 1024x768 and aspect ratio setting only changes the ratio leaving resolution the same - the ar correction setting (that has been mostly misunderstood in forum conversations) is aimed at displays not able to preserve the aspect ratio by themselves. looking at the other settings - without antialiasing the characters are horribly aliased thanks to the low resolution but fortunately enabling it incurs only a very minor performance hit.

story is about a near-future dystopia-ish society with a decidedly eastern- or middle-european take on the sci-fi genre. it is focused on the society and people with sci-fi technology remaining essentially just a backdrop. as customary for this, story does not wrap up too nicely and does not reveal all the details. story progression is slow and calm but not overly so.

story follows richard, a man who in a world of big corporations and oppressive state (more hinted than shown) gets fired from one of the all-powerful corporations of the future and whose future prospects with that go from bleak to worse. standard fare of resistance, conspiracies, family history etc. ensues.

point and click works as well as expected from such a game today. there are not too many interactive objects and these can be hinted at to prevent pixelhunting. puzzles are very logical (but not always easy), the only annoyance is some degree of having to move over 4-5 screens and back for some puzzles. this is not critical though thanks to double-click acting like a quick-move (run to the object when double-clicking on one and practically immediately get to the next screen when clicked on screen transition).

finishing the game took me around 5 hours. definitely recommended for an adventure game fan (who does not dislike sci-fi setting) - it contains several hours of very good fun.
615 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.14 18:10
I cannot really recommend this game. Even thought I had whishlisted it for a long time and expected a lot.

The beginning starts quite well. The base of the plot is well... not very original but one can feel it could get interesting.

Also, the graphics isn't bad -- even though everything is 1024 capped with 4/3 aspect ratio, but I don't mind.

But then you start to notice the very bad voice acting, the clumsy gameplay where you basically have to go back and forth in countless areas just to get an item that you couldn't pick earlier...

Talk to this guy, go there, pick item, come back to the guy, new dialog is unlocked, etc.
Alright that's like the basics of adventures games, but for this game this is really a waste of time.
All of that is made to make the game longer. Really.

The gameplay was so pointless that at the middle of the game I started to use a walkthrough just to PLAY the game instead of wandering aimlessly everywhere just to find a piece of paper or a piece of grass (yeah, true story) or whatnot. I just wanted the story to continue.

Also, the closer you get towards the end of the game and the less detailed everythings gets.
You cannot click on random stuff anymore and have your character comment on it, or having nice description of the surrounding. I believe even the music is gone too near the end. Even though it wasn't that great in the first chapters, it was still a little bit immersive.

And, when the end of the game comes, we can saddly notice that everything has been rushed. The story falls appart and then comes dissapointement.

However there are some dialogues and comments that are kinda funny.
There is a little bit of humour in that game that will make you laugh for sure.

But yeah... no I cannot recommend this game.
179 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.13 21:31
While the overall story/plot has alot of potential and The graphics are decent , the very line driven must look at A before you can do B play style leaves alot ot be desired. The game ending made me feel like I had only gotten the first couple of chapters in a novel rather then a whole book
Logo for Alternativa
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
45.59% 62 74
Release:23.06.2011 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Centauri Production Vertrieb: Morphicon Limited / Peter Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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