Alone in the Dark 2
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Über das Spiel

- CPU: 1.8 GHz Processor
- GFX: 3D Graphics card compatible with DirectX7
- RAM: 512 MB RAM
- Software: Windows: Windows XP or Windows Vista
- HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 7.0
- Peripherie: Mouse, Keyboard
- LANG: Englisch, Englisch
- CPU: 1.8 GHz Processor
- GFX: 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9
- Software: Windows XP or Higher
- HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 9.0
- Peripherie: Mouse, Keyboard
- LANG: Englisch, Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 11:32
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 05:33
743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 09:41
808 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 20:33
Great atmosphere, amazing graphics for the time, the sounds and music so creepy that it actually gives me chills till this day.
The stories are quite familiar and considered to be a classic horror stories taken from known books.
The puzzles are freaking insanely hard, and the games (1,2,3) as a whole are not easy at all to say the least.
I'm ashamed to admit that I never managed to finish any of them as a kid but oh man now that iv'e done it it was quite a ride, an epic blast from the past!
10/10 to the series AITD 1,2&3.
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365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.19 17:22
Since the engine is the same as in Alone in the Dark 1, the graphics and controls haven't changed much. What stands out is that the game's title is no longer where it's at: the player is neither alone nor in the dark. The enthusiastic voice acting is still there, only slightly lower in quality. The story is best described in keywords: pirates, mafia, undead, voodoo, christmas and ninjas ...
The gameplay consists of puzzles and combat, which is regrettably prevalent in the beginning but becomes more bearable with progress. Today, some elements are reminiscent of Hitman, namely that there's gunplay, avoiding alarms and slipping into a disguise.
Alone in the Dark 2 is not entirely unfun but it takes too much, in terms of time and nerves, to get into and overcome the forever terrible controls. The absurdity of the story is what carries this title but it's not enough to warrant a playthrough.
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.19 04:39
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.18 12:41
I beated this game and it's very hard, puzzles are difficult to figure them out, combat is unfair (not enough ammo) and hard
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.18 08:54
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.18 22:06
It is Christmas of 1924 three months after the Derceto house incident you think after that nightmare you take a long brake especially since It’s Christmas time.
But nope not for Edward Carnby the private investigator from the first game, he and his partner and friend Ted Stryker are investigating the kidnapped young girl named Grace Saunders.
After following the trail of clues that led to an old mansion named Hell's Kitchen the home of an infamous and powerful gangster and his gang, Ted Stryker goes to investigated.
But soon he disappears so it’s up to Edward Carnby to find out what happened to his friend and find the kidnapped young girl.
Okay now let’s talk about the game itself and its likes and dislikes, well the voice acting seemed to me have improved a bit it does not sound as corny like first was.
This game is all so more action packed then the first game witch I kind of liked; I mean the first game had action and combat. But it was few and far between, but this game has a bit more combat witch again I like.
All so like the first game if you pick up a book and hit read it, it reads it for you witch is nice and like the first game the story in the logs/dairy books were the best.
The music was good, and some of the puzzles were okay. But the best was the inventory were you can pick up stuff and the inventory does not get full and if you use an item like something to heal it disperse so you don’t have to put it down.
Controls all so feel a bit easier to use then first game.
Now for the annoying parts of the game, well to start with this game’s horror theme has been significantly de-emphasized, I mean we get Voodoo black magic and stuff but it was not as scary as it was in the first game.
There were all so a lack of unique enemies, I mean there are just gangsters and pirates to fight but no dogs or monsters to fight witch is sad.
And like the first game combat could be annoying especially fighting the blow dart user and the swordsman, and sometimes you can get lost and don’t know what to do next, and the game is a bit short but not too bad.
So all in all Alone in the Dark 2 is a pretty good sequel and another nice classic horror game.
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389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.18 17:44
So, what would you expect from a direct Alone in the Dark sequel? Even more spooky, even more dark, even more survival?
Well, here is what you are getting. Carnby from the first game is now a pro detective on anything supernatural so he is going to pirate mansion at midway and blows the gates up to heavens with an explosive then proceeds to rush in to duel few undead pirates in a gunfight. Pew pew pew. You don't even get search command anymore.
And not a single horror was given that day. It's all straight goofy. Kinda fancy sometimes. I mean, it includes XMas theme in it for some reason, it's out of wack, someone stop em!! And undead pirates at times merely politely greet you whhen they see you.
You see, it's not a survival horror anymore but a survival comedy.
But well, apparently, publisher wanted to make a more action-oriented take on AitD and the original team disagreed and mostly left. Thus this part was done by other people. And probably the way that publishers wanted. And oh boy. Combat.
Imagine survival horror. Fixed camera. Tank control. Now put in gunfight. At awkward camera positions that don't show everything in a room. The priority of who gets hit is out of whack, so enemies can stunlock you at times. Collision detection sucks. Like, melee works only 40% of times and ranged weapons at melee range work only 10% of times. Which you can abuse by getting into enemy face, the one that has guns, and fisting them instead. And yea, you have to fight few times like that. It's a nasty game. Like, this game focuses on wrong aspect that doesn't fit to core gameplay system.
It's full of glitches too! Small glitches. Glitches that can put you into dead end. For example, going into left corner in front of main entrance to the mansion for some reason send me into later dungeon, as if dev forgot to disable a little debug wrap. Or how there is a statue that can throw a trident that is both homing and instakills but it gets stuck in statue itself and for the rest of the game you have to hope it doesn't get unstuck.
Oh, and puzzles now suck too. Less about survival. More of old adventure style. Dead ends are still there too. And yea, stupid. You know, there is a puzzle where you have to push a key out of keyhole. Well, here is a thing: you don't know that there is a key in keyhole to begin with. Awesome.
So unlike AitD1, I had no fun playing this one. Well, maybe a bit. Background graphics are really good this time, better than before, because the artists gave them love with animations. Animators gave love to models too. And controls were hugely improved. You can actually easily run this time around by double pressing forward. 100% of times.
Oh, and you get to play a little Grace. A very naughty girl. She is badass. And lovely animated. As in, I am surprised of how much cartoonish animations she got and how game designers made her puzzles to be more cute or childish. So I respect that. But eh, even those sections aren't any good puzzle-wise.
So yeh. AitD1 made me want to explore the mansion and then made me want to explore this franchise. AitD2 killed this mood. This one jumped the shark.
Which is hard to say when Illumination exist, but you know, no need to lower the bar standard.
16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.18 11:02
Game works very well! I only miss a config system (and i read around that GOG version has one), so I have to set everything up on windos notepad, I also could set up my 360 controller to play it on my TV and it works better than most recent games.
A very good game at a very good price that I played as a child that I can now revisit!
You can buy it withot worries that is working perfectly!
THQ Nordic
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Alone in the Dark
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