• Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.
  • Almighty: Kill Your Gods: Screen zum Spiel Almighty: Kill Your Gods.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 5.05.2021
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Preis Update 24.01.25

Über das Spiel

Hunt demons, monsters, and gods solo or online with friends in this action RPG. You are an Alpha, a magical warrior infused with the power of your ancestors.

Run, leap and fly across islands, ripping your foes to pieces, and rebuilding your shattered Home Island with their remains. Bring low the oppressive false gods, protect your kindred and become Almighty.

  • Use magic gauntlets for devastating ranged or melee attacks, and amulets to summon powerful spells in this 3rd person Action RPG.
  • Play in solo or co-operative online play with up to 4 players.
  • Craft and customize powerful gear to create your own unique character class and play styles.
  • Upgrade and defend your Home Island, a strong home gives you power. Visit your friends’ Home Islands and help each other upgrade and defend from enemy raids.
  • Fight in reactive, changing environments. Anger the gods and see the islands change before your eyes.


  • CPU: intel Core i5-2500K
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950 or GTX 960
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: intel Core i5-8400 or i7-4770K
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

538 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 19:59
Aktuell zu viele Bugs im Multiplayer
83 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 21:51
I know it´s early access but this game does not know wich direction it wants to go.
It´s some kind of loot shooter/slasher but then it has like zero story and on the other hand a bad implemented and not needed Tower Defense system.

Basically you have a home island, wich can be attacked by the AI and you have to build this base you got on the home island up for better defense and more ressource gain.

The game is badly optimized and has low framerates even on high end machines and low graphic settings.
Ok, can be fixed but, the game itself is no fun, even ANTHEM is way better in loot shooter regards.

I really was looking forward to this game but it´s really a big dissapointment.
152 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 22:49
Doch macht spass. schnelles gameplay so das man sich in anderen spielen plötzlich ziemlich langsam fühlt^^
73 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 08:29
Ein Spiel mit großartigem Potential!
Vorab: Nehmt euch die negativen Rezessionen bitte nicht zu Herzen. Das Spiel ist gerade erst raus gekommen und ist ein Early Acces Game, denke, das wird meistens komplett ignoriert und ein Triple A Titel erwartet....

Das Game macht richtig Laune, vor allem, wenn man mit den Leuten auf der Map im Pack spielt. Der Loot geht somit an alle und die Gegner platzen nur so vor sich hin :D Ist man ohne Pack unterwegs, bekommst man halt nur das, was man auch selbst erledigt hat.

Natürlich hat das Game noch einige Bugs und Optimierungsbedarf aber es kam bereits der erste Hotfix und die Entwickler nehmen sich auch das Community-Feedback zu Herzen und setzen dieses auch um! Wenn euch also was auffällt, schreibt ins Forum und wartet mal ab anstatt direkt schlecht zu bewerten...

Auf seiner Home Map hat man unglaublich viel und vermutlich lange zu tun, für Content ist als jetzt schon gut gesorgt. Für einen Loot-Shooter finde ich das Mats grinden auch sehr angenehm, da es sich nicht wie normales grinden anfühlt^^

Um zum Abschluss zu kommen, das Game ist eine wirklich nette Abwechslung zu den anderen aktuell, kommt mit einem fairen Preis (vor allem mit dem aktuellen Rabatt) um die Ecke, versorgt euch mit vielen Stunden Content, einem Clan System und viel Loot-Action für 1-4 Spieler auf der Map.

Bin gespannt, was die Entwickler daraus noch machen und freue mich darauf die Entwicklung des Games zu beobachten :D
123 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 16:32
Hello Team of Almighty: Killyour Gods,

just want to say it's a very good conzept of the game. Characters and quests are the best of these game. Learning by doing so far and.

BUT: There are a lot of bugs and unballanced features. The respawns are to fast from gods and monsters. There is no balance between the Anger Steps, switching between 1 up to 3 in just a few seconds and spawning GODS in just a moment near by portals or towers of elements. The digging has a lot of bugs and at the beginning there is no chance to survive against the monsters, when there targetting u. The fireballs or chargings from the gods are to overpowered and the towers are to strong. The god u can spawn at the giant tower with the artefact is to mvp, he can kill u in one POWER BALL of DOOM.

But if u balance the game and nerf the gods and monsters or the characters (alpha) the Game had a lot of potencial.

113 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 09:01
Man muss sich im klaren darüber sein, das man hier einen EARLY-EARLY-ACCESS Titel kauft wenn man es zum Aktuellen Zeitpunkt Kauft.

Das Spiel Prinzip und die Aufmachung finde ich sehr gelungen. Grafiktechnisch würde ich mir noch ein paar Anpassungsmöglichkeiten wünschen, und was auf jedenfall nett wäre, wäre wenn zeitnah zumindest Grobe Deutsche Untertitel kommen würden.

Manche Gegner Fliegen bei bestimmten Zaubern Quer über die Map, Eber und andere Tiere sind auf der Map sehr Rar gesäht was ein bisschen Zeit mit sucherrei mit sich Bringt .

Ist wie gesagt EARLY-ACCESS und dessen muss man sich bewusst sein aber wer Titel gerne im E-A Kauft um die entwicklung mit zu verfolgen und die Entwickler zu unterstützen wird hier Vermutlich wenn es etwas Länger drausen ist viel spaß mit haben.

Von mir eine ganz klare Empfehlung unter der Voraussetzung das es zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt ein Spiel mit einigen Fehlern und teilweise Lustigen momenten gibt aber man die Fortschritte der Entwickler verfolgen Möchte.
278 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 21:26
Grafisch nicht unbedingt das beste, geht aber auch schlechter.
Das nervigste an dem Spiel sind eigentlich die Gegner, die man anschießt, welche dann erstmal km weit fliegen.
Das Tutorial kann man so machen, wenn man keine Ansprüche hat.
~2 Std Spielzeit um zu sehen ob es besser wird, aber nope. Es fühlt sich durch und durch kacke an.

Refund beantragt.
181 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 18:10
Game ist schmutz. Frame drops die teilweise 30 sekunden anhalten. Kollision fühlt sich bescheiden an, dafür bleibt man ein ziemlich viel Schmutz hängen sobald man die Wege verlässt. Grafik ist hier auch nicht unbedingt das highlight. Steuerung eher mau. Trefferfeedback ist definitiv da (Mobs fliegen oft in hohem bogen durch die Luft). Lautstärke ist auch nicht so das ding vom Entwickler. Hab alles auf 1 gedreht aber die Schüsse der Mobs ballern einem das Trommelfell raus. Hab ein Refund beantragt würde dem Spiel aber schon potential bescheinigen.
2210 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 09:49
This is a very Early Access Game, like I mean it feels like it just left beta, so I suggest you hold off on getting it until there's more to the game

not many things to do other than grind up your town/gear

enemies are either one hit mobs weak or hope you're ready to continuously re-spawn and chip away at health walking forts that will curb stomp you repeatedly until you get better gear

getting is a long a grind for each piece unless you pry to RNJesus and get lucky to find useful gear drop

look there are some good thing in the game that I do like, such as the lore and maps, but with how the game works right now I get bored too easily or some random boss cheap shots me and it gets frustrating, not to mention weird difficulty spikes in the beginning, so I can't recommend this game
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 12:52
so i got this and really enjoyed it but lost interest cause once you start getting up in levels theres literally nobody else playing around your level and you basically gotta solo everything unless you have friends or people you can join up with
636 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 03:28
4 different attempts to run the game. I had to sit through the unskippable videos every time all to reach a loadbar that's half full and never moves. 10/10 would refund again.
80 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 01:54
It's been month now of bosses not showing up which makes progressing impossible, i've been waiting for months for them to fix it and they havn't, not worth playing untill they finish it, which it seems they don't plan to do anytime soon.
196 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 21:52
The game has a lot of potential, but it can only be considered early-early-access as it is now.

The concepts are very original, and the lore had me hooked. But some mediocre mechanics plus the horrid optimization makes it hard to enjoy playing.

The developers seem to really care about the game and are likely doing their best to fix everything, but as of now it is not playable at all.

I'd recommend returning about 2 years from now, once it becomes playable.
386 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 05:02
Let me make this clear, this game is early access like how dinosaurs were earth's early access.

This game could be fun. It's currently not.
This game could be optimized. It's currently not.
This game could fantastic. It's a long way from that.

What this game does well in its current state is crash, and show you just how much potential it has.

It has combos, it has ranged and melee combat, interchangeable.
It has farming and grinding. It has goal posts for the casual and hardcore gamer.
It has crafting and base building. It has open world combat in that there are big islands, and they are connected by portals to your home base.
It has gods that can be killed through immense effort of your own.
It has giant godlike body parts you can rip and loot.

It doesn't have a stable framerate on a high end gaming pc.
It doesn't have a well designed storage and active inventory system.
It doesn't have a strong starting key layout to easily introduce people to the game.
It doesn't have very good tutorials, and if you exit the game during them, it has no tutorials.
It doesn't have much in the way of balancing, from combat, to quests, to crafting, to currency.
It doesn't have a good feeling, yet. But it feels like it could if you give the devs six months.

I really think the devs should pull this game off steam, work it in house for six more months and release in a far more polished state. Taking time away to address front end stuff like balance and progression while having unsolved back end problems creates a much large bottleneck to making a finished product and selling it to the intended crowd.

Early access is to help polish the game, and right now devs need to throw this into a rock tumbler to get the rough bits out. Do that, and I will come back. Until then, do not buy this game, the current state of it is nearly unplayable and definitely not fun. Yet. See you in six months.
1687 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 13:55
Almighty: Kill your Gods by RUNWILD is very interesting mixture between an action RPG like Diablo and a game like Monster Hunter, with giant monsters to kill.

Before you read further: full disclosure, I am a Herald for Versus Evil, the publisher of this game.

While the combat and the gameplay mechanics initially seem very simple it becomes very clear that this is done in favor of achieving the maximum amount of customizability for the parties to get various roles such as tank, dps and healer together. A good setup in terms of abilities and role can make the difference between life and death in this game. The game can be a little bit grindy, but it never becomes really a chore since the monsters are very varied and the strategies taking them down the easiest way are also different.

Currently it is very solid in terms of content (obviously there is still some stuff missing, since it is Early Access) and you can get a lot more hours out of it than I did. The devs also released two major updates since I have bought this game, so they are hard at work to make it right. The game still somewhat suffers from a few technical hiccups but nothing too major, so you can still enjoy it.

While solo playing is a viable option it can get a little dull after a while, so I will definitively recommend you grabbing some friends and grinding your way through the game.

This game is on a very good track right now and I cannot wait to see what the developers do next with it. I cannot wait for the full release and see RUNWILD's magic at work!
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 19:08
Cant travel to any islands. game unplayable. Got 12hrs out of it. now stuck with a game that i cant play being 2 hrs over the steam refund policy...
873 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 20:27
Sadly this game is not ready yet due to very bad performance.

There are not enough optimization and options to make it playable on a system that can handle Big Banger Games like RDR2 or demanding Simulations.
And it doesnt even look good ... the performance here is not justifýable!

Will revamp my review after it became playable.
551 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
1800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 15:57
To my experience, the game is above average, but not very high. I can easely give it a rough 6/10 at best, or going a little lower to 5.5/10.

For an Early access, when it came out, the game was a mess, almost unplayable. With patches and some optimisations, it starts to run smoothier on my end. They also included some quality of life for an EA to get more stuff in the game itself. That's the plus.

As for the gameplay, Almighty is litterally a HOARD type of gaming. You kill. You rescue. You Capture. You dig. You loot everything as you can find for your need and for your village and you extract your ressources to the Extractor Portals around the Islands you visit. That's pretty much what the main gameplay mechanic is.

As for the combat, I would say that the game is way more oriented to a Shooter style and far less for the Melee. Melee has its use, but way lesser than shooting magics to your enemies. But on my part I quite use melee due to my build I created: With my spells, I create some kind of sticky bombs that they can stick on enemies. I shoot many before I strike them with my fists, making them explodes in their radius. Since they usually arrive in groups, I can easely kill them in a short moment of time. A good and fast way to clear the area during the extraction.

For the maps themselves, they are average. Quite empty at the start, but as angrier as the gods are, the more the current map will be filled with more and new enemies, getting more aggressive too. So from the start, it's really a slow pace, easy to gather some low tier ressources without any troubles. But if you want more complex stuffs, you need to increase the anger level.

In overall, kill and hoard your ressources to extract them, then return to your city to improve it, including your Tower. Because your tower is your main source for your base stats, while your city creates revenue to buy stuff from your merchants and also that you can try to taunt the enemies to invade your island. By doing so, you will get more loot from them. But be fully prepared for that first. The enemies can destroy your buildings.

In the end, for an Early Access, Almighty got a very small thumbs up, just saying that it went a lil' up above the average. It's not bad, but it is not good either. You have some fun moments, but you also have some boring moments. I will consider this game to play in small sessions, not for hours of gameplay during one day. It has lot to do to work on, for sure.
165 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 02:34
Had to rewrite this review after playing a bit more of the multiplayer, but with that being said keep in mind this is Early Access still;

The game itself is amazing i enjoy every aspect the game has to offer from just farming materials to upgrading/repairing your island. Only problem i have with the game is the multiplayer; Its just so buggy from invisible overseers to loot not being dropped and the game always crashing. There's a lot of issues when it comes to the multiplayer but again its early access so i expect these bugs will be worked out as the game progresses.

Game rating 8/10 would be 10/10 if not for the amount of issues i ran into playing multiplayer or even just attempting to play it.
780 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 16:53
Very buggy, to the point where it is (almost) unplayable.
46 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 02:03
Have you ever wanted to play an open world, sarcastic, gory, hack and slash, funny, etc. Just buy it. It takes the same amount of time to learn as any other game and it is fun as hell. It is simple enough to jump right in, and hard enough that you get shit kicked in 2 seconds if you aren't careful. Going to be a masterpiece for the ages once it is completed. Think WoW and bard's tale had a baby, and it was raised by Deadpool and Link, and had a good friendship with Dauntless in high school. Also, since it is an Early Access. I get to be excited about who this kid will grow up to be. I am looking forward to what this company comes up with next. Very well done.
514 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 20:24
Awesome game so far!

I see a lot of potential, and I can't stop playing! hah
1630 Produkte im Account
138 Reviews
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 18:33

Follow my Curator Page for more Strategy Games!

Almighty: Kill Your Gods is an action RPG fully playable in co-op.

Rebuild your Island, explore new ones, collect and extract resources from different islands, beat enemies up, level up, upgrade buildings and defend your island. In Almighty, there is a lot to do and it won't get boring.

You are on your way to become Almighty. But first, you need to defend your Island because monsters are attacking it. This is where the game starts. After your first victory, you'll learn the basics of the game. Mission after mission, you'll learn more about the world and how everything works.

The game is good at holding enough features and mechanics back to not make it too complicated at first. The tutorial is excellent. It will hold your hand just enough to not make it boring. It's not too slow or easy.

Let's take a look at different aspects of the game.

Your Island

This is your home. You need to rebuild it. Kindreds are there to work for you, gather resources, and more. You will need to rescue more, as well as gathering resources or animals from other islands to get everything back up and running. There are farms, towers, and more.

Main Hall

There's also one special building from where you can control and upgrade everything else. It's the main building of your island. There, you can find the prayer wall for new quests, the tower of might to upgrade your towers (which makes you stronger in the end), a kitchen, a trader, an archive, and a lot more (over 15 right now).

Different islands

Whenever you visit new islands, there are new resources to collect and enemies to beat. To take resources with you, you'll need to summon a portal and defend it. After that, everything you took gets send to your island. If you die before that, everything is gone.


Fighting mechanics in Almighty: Kill Your Gods are a bit boring. You can shoot and beat enemies up but there is no impact on hits. This is unsatisfying. Also, shooting is pretty weak and there is just one button to hit enemies. No combos or anything. Yeah, there are a few different moves but when I say a few, I really mean it. Physics is also a bit weird. If you hit an enemy, they'll fly away several meters. It feels out of place in this kind of game.


You can find new gear to wear like gauntlets, amulets, and stones. Each of them has different stats and abilities. You can combine them however you want.


The game is full of content already. There are several islands, over 60 missions, over 15 'stores' within your main hall, different enemies, and more. You'll need dozens of hours to reach the endgame.

Bugs and Performance

This is where it gets rough. The game feels unpolished and clunky especially while fighting. It has a lot of bugs and performance issues. 4 out of 5 times I started the game, I got an infinite loading screen. FPS drops down to 10 or 15 sometimes, the game crashes, or icons get stuck and you don't know where to go because of that. This is just what I experienced. Other players report similar and heavier problems. My rig is above the recommended specs.


While there is a wide variety of missions and this certainly is a good thing in a game like this, some missions are just annoying. Trying to find some small animal on a big island is just boring. Especially if you don't know where to search. It took me 30 minutes to find a boar. Then there is a mission where I need to find and heal 10 kindreds. I found one and healed him but nothing happened. He wasn't hurt I guess but how should I know? Kindreds are pretty small, especially when running around trying to find them. It makes sense to make them harder to find since they are precious but a mission like that just gets tedious because of that.


Almighty: Kill Your Gods has many flaws. It sucks to start the game because you don't know if you can play in one or ten minutes thanks to the infinite loading screen... And that's even BEFORE you can finally play. But it's early access and the devs constantly push out new updates and bug fixes. It's also pretty cheap considering all the content it has and will get in the future (Especially with the discount right now). But the most important thing is, that Almighty is a damn fun game overall. It's fun to play alone, meet a stranger and beat enemies up together. It's also fun when suddenly new enemies show up at night and fight with monsters themselves and you can watch them fight or attack, too.

I definitely recommend Almighty: Kill Your Gods if you're okay with many bugs and performance issues otherwise I recommend waiting 'til it leaves early access.

If you like my review and strategy games, please consider following my curator page on Steam!
50 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 09:34
I don't tend to enjoy anything like an MMO, but this game has pleasantly surprised me. You can get around combat in a wide variety of ways, gliding through the spraying enemies down from above, comboing devasting charged AOE attacks into the melee charge attack that's very fun to use, or even spamming the AVP2 Predator-esque crouch jump and aerial slam. Aiming projectiles to hit the weakspots of large enemies or setting up an oppportunity to clamp onto the enemy's power stone and pummel it to dust keeps combat engaging. The game looks good for the most part, but some higher up parts of the terrain look like the vertices they have could be counted on two hands, and they are textured by what looks like a grass JPEG (on default settings). You'll only find that if you look for it though. However, the game runs badly on my GTX 1660 Super, Ryzen 5 3600, 16GB 3600Mhz RAM PC. Worse than other poorly optimised titles like Hell let Loose and ArmA 3. The game is also pretty buggy, but not like ARK or Fallout New Vegas- all of the bugs I've seen so far are graphical and go away either when you pause then unpause, or when you exit the island you're on.

Here are my feelings sort of summarised on different areas of the game.
(for context I have played up to level 15)
+ There are a lot of different attacks you can use.
+ Intense combat music is good, but as far as I'm aware there's only one track that can play so it gets repetitive.
+ I only played on a server with other players once, but it was fun to play support for higher level players who were probably angering the Gods a bit too much. There's a lot of variety in abilities that could potentially clutch a CO-OP fight.
+/- Amulet abilities which are sort of ultimate moves which feel good to use when you're using a strong one. However, a lot of them seem either super situational or useless than the AOE damage ones. The AOE damage ones just feel too good compared to the others, for the levels I played at they could decimate any group of enemies or a large enemy in one use- it's cool, but it makes Q into a win button.
+/- Melee is fun to use especially with overcharge (charge up whilst static for a couple of seconds then gain massive melee damage until your magic bar runs out), but I think the hit detection is a bit off and I think there should be aerial attacks other than the slam- the slam always takes you to the ground and does very little damage if you use it from a low height. Maybe have a more standard attack if you hold movement whilst in the air? Furthermore I think that the melee combo is awkward to perform. The starting hits can knock enemies out of your reach, at which point I'll probably give up trying to use the combo and just go for a charge.
- I don't think you get much feedback from dealing damage to enemies or taking damage yourself. When you hit an enemy, their healthbar goes down and they might ragdoll. Speaking of ragdolling, enemies can sometimes go flying away, but this doesn't feel cool- it just means you'll have to run all the way towards them to finish them off and get their loot. The ragdolling is so inconsistent that getting a good ragdoll doesn't feel rewarding, and getting a bad ragdoll is just annoying. When enemies deal damage to me, I often don't notice it unless I'm actively looking at my healthbar. You should get more feedback from hits that deal 10% of your health in damage.

The Home Island
+ It gives context to your actions out in the wilderness, every kindred you rescue, every ore you mine and every animal you hunt will contribute towards your home island becoming prosperous.
+ Rebuilding destroyed buildings is satisfying.
+ Building high ground is the best way to become stronger (tower of might)
- It's cool to see that what I do in the wilderness helps the home island, but so far I don't see how anything other than the tower of might helps me in the wilderness.
- You can quick travel to any non destroyed building from a shop near your tower of might, but I don't think you can quick travel back, which makes finding specific buildings you want to improve time consuming.

The wilderness (other islands)
+ They are fun to navigate
+ I really like the extraction portal mechanic- loot you collect on islands, kindred you rescue, or body parts of giant enemies must be extracted at a portal before you leave via a travel shop if you wish to keep them. The portal takes time to set up, in which quite a lot of enemies attack
+/- The one time I met other players was a good experience, although neither of us knew how to communicate other than using healing beams and spamming crouch. One concern that I have about working with other players is who gets the loot- if player A activates an extraction portal and kills a giant enemy, then player B takes the enemy's loot filled head to the portal, who gets the head? If any of my friends got this, it would be very nice to have this clarified.
- Taking kindred or prey animals to extraction portals from a long distance is just boring. You move more slowly, can't double jump, can't use your left arm, and can't use melee attacks. Taking large items feels better since the slower speed is more justified and you can perform a really strong melee attack by whacking enemies with the item (also the rewards are much better).

Overall, this game provides a fresh experience with a lot of charm stemming from the music, the way some bosses give you the finger if you die to them, the kindred shopkeepers falling asleep at their stores, having mam's cawl be one of the better healing items in the game, and the strongest amulet that I have being called a 'Predator shitstorm amulet'. There's a LOT of room for improvement in optimisation, bugfixing, balance, and some gripes I have with combat, as well as the home island improvement island. It's really not as bad as many of the reviews say however. This is a game that with time will hopefully become something that will put Wales on the gamedev map.
£15 for an early game is a bit much for me given that most of my games cost less than £4 (I play a lot of old classics), but it doesn't feel that early access, having a very clean UI, and the only bug I saw that effected gameplay was one type of enemy being able to shoot through certain walls (the laser beam one). If you're happy to pay £40 for a game, giving this one a try is a no-brainer, otherwise, I might recommend waiting for a sale or free weekend to try it out.
471 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
10204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 08:20
Right now it has a few issues and bugs. All of which seem to be getting some love or in line to get some love.
I have played 113 hours at this point. I have crashed once but my entire PC rebooted which it 'never' does so I have no idea if it was the game or my PC. I have found one thing that directly and predictably caused my FPS to plummet to around .3FPS while I was doing it and the bug that enabled the scenario that I could make it do this has been addressed but at this instant is not live. Fingers crossed.

So..... It's got a few issues and a few more are coming to light over time. It's EA. It's getting lots of developer loving. Don't let any negative posts or reviews about bugs put you off trying this little gem.

At it's best it is frenetic. You will have gods falling from the sky attempting to terminate you with extreme prejudice. This game will seriously damage your calm.

If you play nice and avoid any agro you can do the normal resource farming and such in relative peace. If you wind the gods up you better be prepared for the consequences. Unpleasantness lurks [strike] around every corner [/strike] behind every cloud.

Never AFK in the field. If you do you will probably die no matter where you choose to hide. Not many places are safe.

It's definitely a different twist on loot gathering where killing the enemy and gathering the drops is only the first stage in getting to keep your ill gotten gains. No extraction = No loot! And completing an extraction can be the hardest part of the game at times.

It's cheap as chips and a lot of fun. Don't play if you have to deal with RL issues mid game. It's unlikely the game will allow you the time to do anything much safely. Even a bio break can be too long to AFK.

The entire time you are in a combat area you will be moving. It is almost never safe to stand still. If your wrists cannot deal with this then it's not for you. The combat can set a relentless pace.

Anyway.... there is quite a few things I hope they tweak and some changes that would (in my opinion) make things better but at it's core it's immensely fun, addictive and frustrating all at the same time.

It's not for everyone but it's absolutely my game of choice at the moment and I cannot wait for more content.

If any devs are reading this you need to stop and go make me more game.


43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 23:09
It's just not ready yet, I would not be comfortable taking money for this if it were my game.

Every time I try to get on I have to sit through the five minute opening sequence, then the tutorial, then the following cinematic, and if you try to swap between online/offline guess what? Do it all over again. So you're looking at ~8 minutes of startup before you can play every time, which for someone like me who only gets to game in little spurts is a real downer. It also deleted my save twice.

As others have mentioned the combat is just not that great yet, very unpolished and anything but melee is almost pointless, and the melee itself isn't very good. The physics sends enemies flying far away all the time. I have to run the game at minimal settings and it's still slow and clunky.

The idea behind the game and what it looks like they're working toward made me buy and I will be following along. But I probably won't try to play again for a few months until some things have been improved.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 19:48
This game is, as advertised, clearly in its Early Access. The ragdoll physics have been the source of both frustration and hilarity. I've fallen through the map a couple of times. Stuff spawns weird. Animations are a bit stiff. There are features that have yet to be added (see: assignable hotkeys for consumables and mid-air recovery).

Despite all of this, I've been absolutely LOVING this game. I haven't poured this many hours into a game in a while. Looting is a blast, especially when you're harvesting giant monster organs and appendages. Finding randomly-spawning chests in the world is a nice bonus, too. Harvesting minerals to craft and build your city feels - to me - more fun than tedious. Needing to 'port out your loot can make a simple materials run into a Giant-monster-slaying rollercoaster. If you have other people to slay monsters with - even randoms that spawn into your lobby - it's a blast.

Does the game need a hefty amount of polish? Yeah, it does. But it doesn't stop it from being very, very fun. I'm happy that I bought it, because I now know for certain that I want to support this developer. If this game is this much fun in its early stages, I look forward to what they'll be able to do with a little time and money.

Buy it!
Logo for Almighty: Kill Your Gods
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
66.55% 189 95
Release:5.05.2021 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: RUNWILD Entertainment Vertrieb: Versus Evil Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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