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Kein Event Neue HLSW 1.4 Serie erschienen
Allgemein - Neue HLSW 1.4 Serie erschienen
30.07.11 10:57 Download Plattform: PC
Neue Serie des Game Server Browsers HLSW erschienen.
Neue Serie des Game Server Browsers
Bereits Mitte dieser Woche ist die neue 1.4 Serie des kostenlosen Game Server Browsers HLSW erschienen, womit unter anderem nun auch Teamspeak 2 + 3, Brink und Battlefield – Bad Company 2 unterstützt wird. Hier der komplette Changelog zur brandneuen Serie ( des Tools:

  • Added support for games using a TCP-based query protocol
  • Added support for games that HLSW could not automatically detect by entering the ip address
  • Added game selection drop down box in front of the address bar.
  • Not detectable games are displayed in the address bar as ip:port/
  • Extended HLSW URLs and ip:port field: Supporting now ip:port/ additionally to ip:port?Game=
  • New Tools: TeampSpeak 2, TeampSpeak 3
  • New Game: Battlefield Bad Company 2 (it is not possible to connect to game servers)
  • New Game: Brink (inclusive rcon support). Thanks to Matthias Schenzle for his support.
  • Browser: Added throbber
  • Browser: Back/Forward icons are disabled if the button would have no effect
  • SSLF Import: Minor faults in SSLF files produce now only warnings and do not stop loading the file.
  • Added text server lists as import/export
  • HL2: Supporting the new S2A_LOGSTRING2 UDP packet for receiving server log
  • BugFix: Browser: Problems on resize on win7
  • BugFix: Server Details View: The country flag of the last game server was displayed if no country was availables
  • BugFix: D3 rcon was not working

HLSW ist eine kostenlose Software, die Online-Spielern das Auffinden von Spielservern in aller Welt ermöglicht und Gameserver-Besitzern oder Betreibern die Wartung sowie Administration ihrer Servern erleichtert.


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