Alien: Isolation
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Über das Spiel

Als Amanda schlägst du dich durch eine immer feindlicher werdende Umgebung, in der du es nicht nur mit einer panischen und verzweifelten Bevölkerung zu tun hast, sondern auch mit einem unvorhersehbaren, brutalen Alien.
Unterlegen und unvorbereitet gilt es, das Beste aus dem Vorhanden herauszuholen, zu improvisieren und das Köpfchen zu gebrauchen - nicht nur, um die Mission zu beenden, sondern um einfach nur am Leben zu bleiben.
Überlebe eine immerwährende tödliche Bedrohung - Erfahre die ständige Angst, wenn ein komplett dynamisches und reagierendes Alien seine Sinne benutzt, um dich zu jagen und auf jeden deiner Schritte reagiert.
Improvisiere, um zu überleben - Hacke dich ins System, nutze lebensnotwendige Ressourcen und baue deine eigenen Gegenstände, um mit jeder Situation fertig zu werden. Umgehst du deine Feinde, lenkst du sie ab oder trittst du ihnen von Angesicht zu Angesicht gegenüber?
Erkunde eine Welt voller Geheimnisse und Verrat - Tauche ein in die detaillierte Umgebung von Sevastopol, einem ehemaligen Handelsposten am Rande des Weltraums. Begegne seinen zahlreichen Bewohnern in einer Welt, die von Angst und Misstrauen geprägt ist.
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
3960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 19:05
650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 02:28
Spiel-Umsetzungen von Filmen sind ja oft eher mau, aber Alien: Isolation ist wirklich allererste Sahne. Die Atmosphäre der Filme wurde super eingefangen und in den Sektionen des Spiels, in denen man von dem Alien verfolgt wird, fühlt sich die Gefahr wirklich sehr allgegenwärtig an. Die Lüftungsschächte rumpeln, man hört es sich bewegen und auch der Motion Tracker piepst ordentlich rum. All das während man selbst herumschleichen muss, um nicht gehört zu werden. Gefangene macht das Vieh nämlich auch nicht - wenn man erwischt wird war's das und es geht vom letzten Speicherpunkt aus weiter.
Für Horror-Fans eine klare Empfehlung!
1934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 01:23
1467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 21:26
1659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 18:01
Was dieses Spiel jedoch so besonders macht, ist das Gameplay und die Atmosphäre. Man versucht an sein Ziel oder einen Wegpunkt zu gelangen, steht aber immer unter Druck des Alien, welches plötzlich aus dem Luftschacht vor einem auftauchen kann. Wegen dieser Tatsache muss man sich immer vorsichtig vor arbeiten und die Risiken seiner eigenen Handlungen abwägen. Dies wird durch die Verteilung der Speicherpunkte erschwert. Man kann nur an diesen speichern. Wenn man also schon 20 Minuten unterwegs war, muss man daher besonders vorsichtig sein. Aber ich glaube, dass macht eben so ein Spiel aus. Die KI war aber in einigen Situation ziemlich unfair. Bspw. hat das Alien oder ein Androide einen Raum nicht mehr verlassen und somit hatte man selbst nicht mehr die Gelegenheit diesen zu verlassen ohne zu sterben. Das waren aber nur Ausnahmen...
Die Atmosphäre ist wirklich sehr überragend. Durch die Ego-Perspektive und die Geräuschkulisse vom Schiff und den Schritten des Alien im Luftschacht wirkt das Spiel sehr immersiv. Dies wird durch das Benutzen von Kopfhörern noch verbessert (zumindest bei mir).
Durch die oben genannten Punkte empfand ich das Spiel als ein wenig psychisch anstrengend. Ich war teilweise etwas verschwitzt nachdem man 3 Stunden mit einem Tunnelblick auf den Bildschirm gestarrt hat und in ständiger Angst spielte, weil man vom Alien erwischt werden kann. Aber nach genau so einem Spiel hatte ich gesucht ;)
877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 19:07
Genau das ist es was ich von einen guten Horrorspiel erwarte!
Mein einziger Negativ punkt ist ab einen gewissen punkt fühlt sich das Game ziemlich gestreckt an ansonsten eine absolute 10/10
1622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 12:43
LG euer Signa mortis
2305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 16:36
1463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 18:13
Das Spiel macht technisch erstaunlicherweise eine gute Figur. Mit einer GTX 1060 habe ich in FullHD und maximalen Einstellungen dauerhaft 144 frames erreicht. Hätte ich das Releasedatum nicht nachgeguckt hätte ich gedacht, dass das Spiel aus den letzten 3 Jahren wäre.
Das eigentliche Gameplay macht auch gut Laune. Man ist nicht eine schwache Frau die nix kann außer wegrennen. Man kann ballern oder mit dem Schraubenschlüssel auch Leute lautlos ausschalten.
Das einzig schlechte am Spiel war die Balance. Auf Schwer kann die Alien-KI hier und da echt unfair sein und dann stirbt man einige unverdiente Tode.
Empfehlen kann ich das Spiel jedem der First Person Spiele mag.
1090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 02:21
Ich schätze das ist einfach der Lauf der Dinge, wenn einem Spiel eine Film- oder Romanvorlage zugrunde liegt.
Mit Alien: Isolation - meine Freunde - haben wir allerdings das vermutlich prächtigste Glanzstück der Reihe vor uns.
Ziel des Spiels ist es die Kampagne voranzutreiben, während das bekannte Alien aus dem 1. Film uns durch verschiedene Bereiche des Spiels jagd oder besser gesagt stalked!
Zum Zeitpunkt des Releases waren Survival Horror Games á la Outlast gerade im Kommen und dementsprechend präsentiert sich auch Isolation in diesem speziellen Gruselgewand. Das heißt einige Zeit verbringt man hier unbewaffnet, was die Spannung um das Alien fast ins unermessliche steigert. Später bekommen wir nach und nach immer bessere Werkzeuge und Möglichkeiten uns zur Wehr zu setzen. Ich möchte nicht spoilern, aber das Ganze gipfelt in einer Waffe, die sich die bekanntlich Größte Schwäche des Aliens zu Nutze macht. [spoiler] ...und sich auf Ammenschärfer reimt... [/spoiler]
Die Geschichte ist zeitlich nach dem ersten Alien-Film angesiedelt, in etwa zur gleichen Zeit wie der Roman Alien: Out Of The Shadows, und erzählt die Bergungsgeschichte der Black Box der Nostromo durch Ripley's Tochter Amanda Ripley, welche wir spielen.
Die Kulisse befindet sich fast ausschließlich im Innenbereich des Raumschiffs oder der Raumstation Sevastopol. Insgesamt erinnert die Aufmachung stark an frühe 80er-Jahre Sci-Fantasy/-Fiction Filme und ist wirklich sehr gelungen.
Die Atmosphäre innerhalb des Spiels ist nicht so dunkel, wie man es in einem Horror-Spiel erwarten würde, schafft es aber das Szenario wirklich glaubwürdig rüberzubringen! Es gibt immer wieder Momente in denen das Alien einen in einer dunklen Ecke bzw. aus einem dunklen Schacht heraus überrascht!
Insgesamt ist die Atmosphäre wirklich sehr gelungen!
Bei meinem Spieldurchlauf sind mir außerdem soweit keine Bugs untergekommen. Das einzige was ich zu bemängeln hätte, wären die DLC's. Die kann man sich wirklich sparen, da man hier für den Preis in meinen Augen nicht viel geboten bekommt.
Alles in allem aber ein sehr gutes Spiel, welches ich Horror- und/oder Alien-Fans nur wärmstens ans Herz legen kann!
Preisempfehlung: bis 9€
13030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 14:29
1118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 11:53
Alien Isolation
Der First Person Action Shooter in dem nicht viel geschossen wird und glaubt mir das sage ich bewusst, denn das letzte was ihr wollt ist die Aufmerksamkeit des namens gebenden Aliens.
Noch nie hatte ich so viel Angst vor einem Horrorspiel wie vor diesem. Das Gefühl wenn ihr auf euren Herzschlag Sensor guckt, um zu gucken wo sich das Alien gerade herumtreibt und der kleine Punkt dann auf einmal genau über euch ist. Einfach unglaublich gut gemacht und meiner Meinung nach das beste existierende Alien Spiel auf dem Markt. Packende Story, atmosphärische Grafik, tolle Beleuchtung und von dem Alien brauchen wir erst gar nicht anfangen, 1 zu 1 wie im Film. Die leichten Survival Elemente runden das Spiel ab und machen es perfekt. Wer Horrorspiele liebt sollte sich das hier definitiv anschauen.
Ihr werdet die ganze Zeit das Gefühl haben in Lebensgefahr zu schweben, und naja das tut ihr auch ehrlicherweise! :D Werdet ihr mit Amanda entkommen?
Macht diesen Albtraum, es lohnt sich!
Bilder sprechen mehr als tausend Worte. (Von mir erstellte Screenshots)
1054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 19:27
Das Gameplay lässt aber wie in den meisten Horrorspielen zu wünschen übrig, sehr viel schleichen und jede einfach Aktion wird leicht verkompliziert damit diese in stressigen Situation noch mehr Panik und stress auslösen...Synths und Menschen als Gegner in das Spiel zu packen war nicht unbedingt notwendig, da Menschen nicht wirklich einen Horrofactor ins Spiel bringen und relativ dumm sind...die synths sind sehr creepy aber mit dem stunbaton auch sehr einfach zu überlisten...später dann mit der Bolzenpistole one shot.
Das Alien sieht super aus! Wird aber nach und nach immer nerviger. So weit ich mich erinnern kann wurde damals viel damit geworben das das Alien einer bessere Ai haben soll, als es bisher so gab in Videospielen...für mich als Casual Spieler und wenig IT begabten, gab es keinen merklichen unterschied. Es nervte mich gegen Ende so sehr das ich es mit dem umschreiben einer Datei, das Alien gezwungen habe in seinem Luftschacht drinnen zu bleiben und nicht mehr raus zu kommen.
Hier genaueres dazu...damit kann man auch Sevastopol in all seinem Glanz erkunden...wirklich schön da.
2344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 14:46
2567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 21:15
Was den Xenomorph angeht: Lasst euch nicht snacken! :)
1131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 13:34
Wo fängt man da an?
Da ist so Viehzeug auf einem Haufen Schrott von einer Weltraumstation - einiges lebendig, anderes weniger - Ripley und das Alien. Ripley versucht herauszufinden, was mit ihrer Mutter passiert ist, also läuft sie hin und her, muss sich alle 3 Meter verstecken, weil hinter jeder Ecke etwas [strike] großes, schwarzes, langes und [/strike] gefährliches lauert. Man könnte meinen das Alien möchte nur kuscheln, aber dabei stellt es sich schon sehr ungeschickt an und ist nicht gerade zurückhaltend - leidtragend ist immer Ripley.
Beim ersten Date gleich mit Zunge? Nein danke! Das Teil ist oft ein komplettes Arschloch und scheint Freude zu empfinden, wenn es Leute erschreckt.
Das Umfeld ist maximal abwechslungsreich gestaltet. So abwechslungsreich wie es auf einer eintönigen Raumstation nur werden kann - mal andere Farben, mal ist das Licht an oder aus, mal brennt was oder explodiert. Wobei das Alien fleißig mitdekoriert. Tatsächlich ist ein Grad Abwechslung da, weil neue Bereiche mit besserem Equipment freigeschaltet werden. Einige Animationen sieht man echt zu oft - tausende Wege einen Schalter umzulegen - aber das ist dann halt so, was will man machen.
Oft hatte ich vor der Musik mehr Angst als vor den eigentlichen Gefahren. Dem Alien. Den beingrapschenden Androiden. Nichts flößt mehr Angst ein, als die Musik in diesem Spiel.
ASMR auf höchstem Niveau wenn die Androiden sterben oder man einem Facehugger begegnet.
[spoiler]Wollte das Richtige tun. Einen heldenhaften Tod sterben. Den Fusionsreaktor überladen lassen. Ist leider nicht drin. Schade.[/spoiler]
3980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 02:43
*Sufficiently scary
*Nightmare difficulty definitely offers a challenge (you may find the other difficulties too easy, at least after a while)
*Great graphics, sound, and general atmosphere (a lot of detail in the environment)
*Androids are fun, enemy humans less so
*Average story, decent characters
*Fun gameplay; occasional bugs and some repetitive tasks
*Some replayability, especially for completionists; Survivor mode is nice but there's only one map without dlcs
Overall: 8/10
2650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 09:34
The AI it uses is masterful work and makes you feel like the alien is real.
The graphics are beautiful and it recreates the alien environment of the 80s movies very well.
If you are an Alien fan, probably is the best game of this franchise.
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 19:54
Yes Its amazing in VR and one of the best horrors that will quake your pants.
An amazing Alien game outright, that's as close as your get to the feel of the film.
3238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 01:17
Also easily one of the best survival hoor games, period. If you have not played this game yet, play it NOW.
1620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 10:05
Over the years I have watched new Alien movies as they've been released, from Alien vs Predator, to Prometheus/Alien: Covenant, and I have seen the various games that have been released; and whilst they've added to the universe in their own ways, nothing has ever compared to terror from the very first movie... until Alien: Isolation.
Alien: Isolation puts you right into the tight, claustrophobic, nail-biting terror of the original Alien movie. You move around a ship's small corridors, facing various human and non-human threats. You must stay silent, and stay hidden. You have weapons but you must choose to use them wisely or the game will punish you. There is a constant threat from the Alien as it hunts you and learns from your unique playing style. The game makes you feel like you've been transported into Ridley Scott's universe, and just like his universe everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. You will find yourself escaping from the Alien by the skin of your teeth, only to have to face it again in more unforgiving environments - it's absolutely outstanding.
The sound design of this game is truly a work of art, and the Alien's AI feels ultra-realistic. The developers were given terabytes of data from the movies to help them create this game authentically, and you can feel the passion come through with the awesome amount of detail that they placed in the game. There's no closer feeling to the original movie than you can get from playing Alien: Isolation. This game is one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had, and if you can get past the fear-factor you're in for such an amazing treat. If you love the Alien franchise, this is an absolute must play.
1608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 18:07
It is an extremely well designed game. Very immersive.
The Alien is very intelligent- your best chance is to keep moving and remain out of sight.
It's a long game, too. Prepare to sink a good few hours into it, 20+.
I wish we had more games of this level, and not games that rely on cheap jumpscares.
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 21:10
Nicht Empfohlen
780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 13:09
It’s games like this one that make me wish Steam would add a middle option between “recommend game” and “don’t recommend game”. I chose to go with a “don’t recommend” in the end but as I’ll point out in this review, this can very much turn into a recommendation if you are only interested in certain aspects of the game.
Let’s look at the basics first. Alien Isolation is set fifteen years after the events of the original Alien movie and features Amanda Ridley, daughter of Ellen Ripley, in search of her mother. This leads to her & a small crew arriving at the space station Sevastopol, where she hopes to retrieve the flight recorder of her mother’s ship. Of course, as this is an Alien game, a certain Xenomorph makes an appearance, things quickly go wrong and surviving becomes priority.
In terms of priority for the developers, it seems that recreating the architecture and atmosphere of the Alien movies was most important. And, without doubt, they not only met my expectations but exceeded them. The retro-futuristic design of the movies is fully recreated to the point where “playable movie” is not just a marketing term. The moment you’re taking the first in-game steps, you just know you’re in the world of the Alien franchise: from the neon-lit padded corridors to the otherworldly design of the Xenomorph itself, it’s all here.
For Alien fans, this should be the biggest selling point of the game. If you ever wanted to know how walking a spaceship like the Nostromo feels like, here you go. Even now, seven years after the initial game release in 2014, Alien Isolation is beautiful to look at and even better at recreating the dense atmosphere the movies are known for – visually and audibly. Crawling through dark air vents, visiting the med station, or passing by the sleeping pods – all of this immediately caused me to think back to the original 1979 movie.
However, Alien Isolation is not a simple memory trip to virtually explore the aesthetics of the franchise, it’s a space survival horror game. And unfortunately, this is where I’ll have to start talking about why I still can’t recommend the game to everyone.
Let’s take a look at the gameplay basics first. In order to survive the dangers lurking on the Sevastopol, Amanda Ripley has to linearly complete tasks all over Sevastopol to survive. Four enemy types are trying to stop her from doing so, the noteworthy one of course being the Xenomorph itself. Amanda’s tools of survival are mostly stealth-based and while she does get options for more confrontational approaches later, limited resources are always going to make think twice about doing so. Additionally, various materials can be collected all over Sevastopol to craft certain items such as med kits.
In practice, this makes for an uneven mix. Sometimes you’re stacked to the brim with materials and items, wondering why you should even search through containers anymore. Sometimes you will realize that most of your tools are useless in the current situation and the ones that aren’t can not be refilled through crafting. But especially early in the game, you won’t have any choice but to sneak past enemies without using any tools to begin with.
While that does sound like the Alien feeling, sneaking around, hiding under desks or crawling through air vents, it quickly started to become more of an annoyance than a tense horror escape. There are multiple reasons for that.
First, it’s important to note that the Xenomorph AI is unpredictable. The Alien is not going to always perform the same actions, even if you reload a checkpoint. Sometimes it might go this way, sometimes that way, sometimes it disappears in the vents. Amanda might’ve access to a tracker, allowing her to see the location of the Alien, but this does not mean you can always tell what it’s going to do.
Sounds great on paper - an unpredictable Alien, that’s just how it should be, no? Unfortunately, less so when the game does only allow saving at certain predetermined checkpoints. There are no quick-saves or something similar. This can be quite frustrating, as you’ll never be able to come up with a better plan after being killed by the Xenomorph. With the unpredictable Alien, you’ll get a new situation on your hand every time you reload – meaning you can’t make proper preparations beforehand. As such, even trial-and-error problem solving only works to a limited degree.
Where things get even worse is the actual checkpoint placement. Some checkpoints are unnecessarily far apart from each other, meaning you’ll have increased chances of still being killed during an encounter even after successfully avoiding all enemies so far. Especially during the parts where you got no last-resort-tools to narrowly avoid a death, you might see quite a lot of progress simply vanishing because you made one little mistake at the end.
And this mistake might not even be something you could’ve prevented. Even though Alien Isolation relies heavily on stealth, there’s no indication if you’re currently visible or making any noises that could alert enemies. I once hid behind a table, crouched, making no noise at all. Still, for some reason, the far away Xenomorph managed to spot me instantly. At another time, I was sitting in a corner, waiting, when suddenly a screaming NPC ran by me, chased by the Xenomorph. Guess who the Alien went for – the NPC it currently haunted or me, who just happened to sit in a corner next to the corridor the NPC just passed through.
Besides these encounters, which quickly turn the Xenomorph from a horrifying entity into a frustrating unpredictably, the gameplay mainly consists of walking through the station and performing the same tasks. I can’t recount how many generators I restarted or door panels I hacked. There are a few moments where things get shaken up a bit but it’s quickly back to the same old tasks. With a runtime of about 13 hours, Alien Isolation would’ve benefitted from more variety – or a shorter runtime.
It'd have been great if the story could make up for these gameplay weaknesses - but unfortunately, it doesn't. It mostly feels like an Alien-best of, delivering some (expected) moments but not doing much beyond that. All characters are underdeveloped, even the protagonist - which is not really surprising, considering each character got a few lines of dialogue at best. Discoverable text and audio logs might flesh out the world a bit more, but the main plot is incredible thin for a game of this length. I would like to dedicate more than one paragraph to the story but there simply isn't even enough to discuss here. It serves its purpose of guiding the player through the Sevastopol, it has the moments one would expect of an Alien game but there isn't anything leaving a deeper impression.
Concluding, the main reason to buy this game is certainly the recreated Alien aesthetic as well as dense atmosphere. If you want an Alien sightseeing game like this, this is as good as it gets. Everyone else should ask themselves if they can endure the weaker gameplay and story for a long amount of time - or if another space horror game might be a better fit in that regard (e.g. the first Dead Space). Engaging with an unpredictable Xenomorph might sound fun on paper, but with uneven tools, bad checkpoint placements and little gameplay variety, reality might look different.
6180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 12:04
794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 11:58
Firstly, this game isn’t that scary, you will be on the edge of your seat but its always the fear or what will happen which spooks you, not what does happen. The gameplay is fun for a while as you stealth around a space station pressing important buttons and pulling important switches. Where the gameplay excels is its use of the alien. Not only is the alien very smart, there is a director who ensures that the alien will always be around to spook you but wont always just follow you around or wait where you are hiding. The visuals are really good, the alien itself looks terrifying and the environments (or environment) looks very retro.
This leads me onto my main issue with the game, which is its length, its way too long for what it offers. Eventually every encounter just blends into one because almost all the environments look identical it just gets so boring at times. They do try and mix up the gameplay by changing the enemy type from alien, to human and robot but it still doesn’t justify the 15 hour ish run time.
Overall if you enjoyed horror and or tense games then you will really enjoy this, but it does get a bit samey after a few hours.
1092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 23:09
Alien: Isolation is a first-person survival game. Stealth is usually the best way to approach this game and use all of the gadgets as self-defence. It is a survival horror game that takes place 15 years after the events of the original movie from 1979. You play as a young engineer, Amanda Ripley, who is the daughter of the legendary Ellen Ripley, the protagonist of the said film.
????Positive aspects | ????Negative aspects | [/tr]
Legendary AI. | Lots of back-tracking. | [/tr]
Impressive visuals despite being seven years old. | [/tr] |
Scare factor and atmosphere are flawless. | [/tr] |
Runs on low-end devices. | [/tr] |
This review contains no spoilers.
Survival elements
Lots of players firmly believe that this is a pure horror game. That is simply wrong, as your goal for most of the game is to survive. Most gadgets are purposefully handed to you to survive an attack and not to kill the Xenomorph. Another impactful addition would be the crafting system. You will find various materials throughout the Sevastopol space station. All of the assets collected can be used for crafting functional items, and for ammunition or medkits. The inventory makes things a little more challenging: You will have to make decisions about what to keep and what to craft later on in the game. Finally, the AI of the Xenomorph is simply fantastic: It adapts to your every move and tries to predict your movement, which is simply impressive. Anxiety will be a constant feeling while playing this game. Always being on the run and hiding after hearing the slightest sound will be the norm. Some players consider this a drawback because this makes the game extremely challenging, even on lower difficulties. Fortunately, I’m not one of them.
Scare factor
The atmosphere helps a lot to spread the spooky feeling. The Xenomorph is the main obstacle in this game, but this isn’t the only issue you will have to avoid. There is a plethora of hostile humans that you have to either evade or kill. Even the synthetic humanoids called “Working Joe” are militant. Let me tell you, androids are creepy while watching them through the vents. Now comes the clear-cut part, the Aliens AI is godlike. It is the perfect solution to avoid the overuse of scripted scenes. The jumpscares you get are frightening and left me with anxiety disorders due to playing this game on the max difficulty once.
The game executes the Alien plot perfectly. All of the characters that play a somewhat important role are memorable and interesting. The game starts slowly but the more you progress, the more action and drama you will get. The ending is stunning, as well as the entire pacing up to the climax. You can find even more lore hidden in audio and text logs scattered within Sevastopol.
????Graphics / Audio
Alien Isolation uses a unique engine called Cathode.
The soundtrack is so good that it deserves its own retail version.
In Game
Minimum framerate: 91.7 FPS (loading)
Maximum framerate: 144.1 FPS
Alien Isolation is a must-play masterpiece. There are barely any negative aspects to the game. You can only gain from playing this game. Everything, from visuals to game workings, is legendary. Buy this game, play this game, you won’t regret it.
????Overall rating: Excellent
The rating system I use.
2036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 10:07
Surprise and terror factor are very nicely implemented with the AI of the xenomorph and even other enemies. This game will make you jump from your chair a couple times even if you are a great old fan who admires this perfect organism.
Very long game with a good and involving story that you will start uveiling yourself. You will get scared with this game and you will jump from your chair, and by doing so you will learn how deadly a xenomorph is.
Lot of suspense involved in this game that will make you want to move forward until you feel completely safe and at peace; but soon you will see that this game is phsycologically cruel and its impossible to be safe and you will love this game for that same reason.
Very simple, intuitive (for veteran gamers), yet fun and excellent gampeplay mechanics with also excellent responsive controls.
Itemization is fun and interesting to play with.
I feel my review does not even do justice to how good this game is.
1220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 16:20
The game atmosphere is second to none, and I have to admit I crouch walked through pretty much the whole game to try to minimize getting seen by the alien. The audio quality including both the music and sound effects is absolutely fantastic and is what really sells the whole atmosphere of the game.
There is a reason it won so many game of the year awards, and I would absolutely recommend this game to anyone who likes horror/scary games or frankly just excellent games in general.
1213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 22:26
1591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 02:13
If you are fan of the first movie... this is a direct sequel (to the original movie).
Part action, part stealth... but pure suspense and horror! So many scares for sure!!! And a huge story line (around 18-20h of gameplay with the main story!)... And many cool DLCs too!
The audio in this game is soooo awesome! Recommended with good headphone or surround sound for sure!
So recommended!
1036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 06:40
A very tragic story about a Xenomorph isolated from the universe.
Nicht Empfohlen
589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 15:07
1702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 04:44
I enjoyed the shit out of Alien Isolation, even tho i usually don’t play horror games. If you get this game, i highly recommend playing it with a decent pair of headphones, as it will make the experience so much better.
Overall score: 9/10 (maybe even a 9.5/10)
1301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 09:07
The game starts off brilliantly with environmental graphics that have aged very well and an incredible level of immersion. There are even points where it starts to offer you a level of choice of how to deal with encounters. When faced with a party of hostile survivors blocking your objective, do you throw a noisemaker to attract the alien to eliminate them with the added consequence of having to deal with the alien afterwards, take them head on, or try sneaking past them instead of the terrifying xeno? Messing with the different AI inhabitants of the ship and watching from the shadows was a really fun aspect while it lasted. There were also quite a few nice details that made the stealth gameplay a much richer experience, particularly being able to go prone to hide underneath desks, tables, gurneys, etc which you would not be able to do in a game like Amnesia. Because of this, the environments on the Sevastopol contain a ton of hiding spots and planning your route through a dangerous area becomes a really fun part of the game.
Unfortunately about midway through the game takes a nosedive into sections that emphasize all of its weakest aspects. The sophisticated alien AI is traded for synthetics that just follow you around and that have to be killed in sections involving pretty weak gunplay (which the game was obviously not designed around). The level of choice and clever ways to deal with enemies are completely removed in favor of linear chores where you go around the ship flipping switch after switch after switch after switch after switch after switch after switch after switch after switch. The complexity and depth that earlier parts of the game promise aren't developed and the whole experience ends up feeling pretty hollow. The gameplay ends up being sacrificed for the story and the story itself does not do anything that the films haven't already done. I don't think I've ever played a game like this where I went from enjoying it so much to thinking it was a chore to play.
Despite the game's flaws, Creative Assembly really deserves credit for creating some of the best stealth gameplay in recent years.
Nicht Empfohlen
691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 05:33
The alien just spends WAY too much time hanging around 1-20 meters around where you are at any given time. In a huge sprawling level with plenty of humans walking around making tons of noise, the alien is completely fixated on finding you even if you're nearly perfectly silent.
I just spent 15 minutes hiding in a closet with my motion detector pinging and the SOB chilling 0.17 arbitrary distance away in a vent directly above me. He'd occasionally shuffle back and forth a couple feet. Eventually I got bored and hit it with the one molotov I'd crafted (which is supposed to make it run away), but the thing moved so fast that the death animation started before it felt the burn.
If the alien would just f*** of for like 5 minutes at a time or something, then it showing up might be tense + nerve-wracking. As it stands, it's just a chore because you have to splinter cell your way through every single room and corridor when it's around. Crafting and throwing a noisemaker to distract it will buy you like 30 seconds of peace.
Maybe some people like grinding away hours of their life on stuff like this, but I don't.
2074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 07:20
Gameplay is great, heavily concentrated on stealth and hiding and you need to outsmart your enemies as you can’t take them head-on. Apart from our perfect organism you can meet with nervous humans fighting for survival and they will not hesitate to attack you, and with androids which will quickly help you into nothingness. As you keep exploring through the almost abandoned station Sevastopol you will find some materials which you can use to build medkits, bombs or noisemakers. Your weapon arsenal will also grow, but be careful when you use them, because you want to stay quiet as much as possible.
Even though the station you are on has been sealed off there are many locked places you need to go. You have few tools to help with that - wrench, plasma and ion torch, hacking tool. Anything you do, you do it in real time, only when checking map you get paused. So when you are working on terminal or you are cutting through closed vent or you are saving (!) - you are vulnerable, nowhere is safe!
As you progress through the story you will meet with our perfect one. I have read that they made some extra hyper AI for him and for sure he seems to know where you are all the time. The longer you are in one position the more he will sniff around. You have some places to hide, but when you are not careful he will find you and sometimes it’s almost by surprise. It was really scary when he came and pulled me out of the closet. XD
If he catches glimpse of you, there is almost no chance you will get away from him, of course you can scare him off, but the more you do it the more bold he becomes. He is very sensitive so watch your steps and don’t start firefight or punch the walls with wrench as he will be there by second, of course you can do that and make him to kill enemies blocking your way, don’t forget that he ignores androids though. But I have always preferred that he stays in the vents as long as possible, because once he gets down to you he is horrible to avoid. I have stumbled right into him many times, he is just impossible to see in the dark, smoke, flashing lights and so on. Great thing in this is the noise he makes, you can tell if he is in the vents, stomps around (he really stomps) or when he jump back into vents.
I was scared of using vents at first, but you have no choice. He went after me few times as he saw me entering it, but when I got there unseen I was safe there or so I thought - till the end... I was sitting there, listening to a record when I heard something, I turned around and there he was, oh god, that was creepy how he crawled at me. XD The visuals are great, it’s fun to look at the many ways he can hunt you down. ;D
So, something negative? Nope. Story is simple, you are fighting for survival after all. Atmosphere is perfect!!! Gameplay is without any problems. I have really enjoyed it! I can only recommend this game! :)
5090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 04:53
1. The replay value.
There is a reason people still play this game today, even though it was released in 2014. Each play-through gives a new experience, and there are several difficulty settings and free community-made mods that help make the game feel completely new, as well as some lovely DLC that comes very cheap when the game goes on sale. The community is active. The love for this game runs deep. And for those who want a challenge unlocking all the steam achievements, this game will keep you busy.
2. The game holds up graphically.
Even today, this game looks beautiful. There are some tweaks that you can make to make the graphics slightly better, but it looks superior (with the exception of some facial animations) to many games released today. The design of the level is the true thing to pay attention to, however. I would not hesitate to call this game a work of art. Seriously.
3. Makes you think on your feet.
Horror games are very often walking simulators with a few jump scares thrown in. This is not the case here. As you up the difficulty, more and more tactics will be necessary to get past certain points of the game. Even if you're one of those people who looks up how to play through a game online, you won't be able to simply copy someone else's play-through of a section and be guaranteed to succeed. As a result, finishing this game can give a sense of accomplishment even on the second or third time run.
Something many horror games lack. In most games of the genre, you can tell when the game gets dangerous. The music picks up and you are alerted well ahead of time. In this game, you're constantly anxious, and for good reason. Make too much noise in the game, or even in your room while playing (ps4 and xbox 1 only - these allow for noise detection), and the Alien will come for you regardless of where you are. In this game, YOU cue the dangerous music; the dangerous music doesn't cue you.
5. The story.
The story itself is beautifully told. Not only do we get to know a lot about the main characters, but there are also many discoverables that reveal the fates of others. You can get lost in this game.
Final words?
I have played Alien Isolation so much, when I close my eyes, I can imagine playing it in my head. To me, the locations have become as memorable as the locations in my daily life. I have even used it as a memory palace for several exams, so I owe a lot to the fiction world the developers created.
Astounding game. In my opinion, at least a 9 out of 10.
IGN can fight me.
35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 00:14
Dedicated to the most famous xenomorph in cinema, it will take you to space where fear will dominate. Graphically excellent, stealth phases, pure tension. Always watch your back.
2573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 07:02
2889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 19:11
I have played this on my old X360, as well as on PS4 and PC too. So you can guess that I really love this game.
This masterpiece.. I understand why many people don´t like this game. Difficulty is really hard, even on the easiest mode. Alien is unpredictable, you´ll never know what will happen next, damned androids, and even other crewmembers that are trying to constantly kill you. It´s understandable, why many people stopped playing this game after 5th mission, or 14th.
But if you love challengs, you´ll love this game. From atmospheric soundtrack, which totally suits the atmosphere, to level of detail, that really makes this game looks like it´s future nostalgia.
Creators really captured the soul of first Alien movie and all I can say is, if you like horror and survival games, you´ll love this one. Cause I am 24 years old and so far only this game made me almost loose my own s**t!
1652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 21:59
2315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 13:33
1506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 18:50
Also, the audio engineers did an especially great job with this one, could be the best audio I ever experienced in a game.
For what it is, a story driven survival horror game, it's worth a 10/10 there is no equal.
827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 00:02
One of the few great video games based on movies
More often than not we see video games based on movies fail miserably at capturing the magic that made said movie special. It's as if converting a cinematic experience into an interactive medium simply wasn’t meant to be. Yet Alien: Isolation does something differently that makes it stand out among your typical movie tie-in games. Alien: Isolation is its own story, although having seen the films beforehand would serve as the best introduction to the Alien franchise if you aren’t yet familiar with it. Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986) are also some of the greatest horror and action flicks in cinematic history, and you have no excuses not to watch them!
Seeing as this game is currently lying dormant in many users’ libraries after the -95% sale a while back. I thought that it would be worth a shot to try and convince some of these users to give the game a chance.
Alien: Isolation is set between the first and second movie. You play as Amanda Ripley (Ellen Ripley's daughter), who's just been informed that the flight recorder of the Nostromo has been recovered and taken to a space station called Sevastopol Station. Amanda is then taken on board the Torrens, a star ship heading for the station, with the intent of finding closure about her mother's presumed passing. Once arriving, it's clear that something is seriously wrong. As you're about to board the station, you're split up from your crewmates and left on your own trying to regroup, whilst slowly uncovering the mystery of Sevastopol Station.
This is a stealth focused horror game where sneaking past your enemies is in most cases the better choice rather than running and gunning. The Xenomorph isn’t the only threat as there are other hostiles, such as other survivors and a rogue AI system that’s in control of the station’s synthetics, which eventually ties into the story. During your playthrough you will have to consider your approach to various environments, as detection means you risk attracting unwanted attention. You’re given quite the arsenal to make your way through the 18 different levels, that provides a lot of freedom in terms of your approach. There will be times where you find yourself in situations hiding in lockers and ventilation shafts, holding your breath in-game as well as in real life, because at any moment the Xenomorph might sense your presence and hunt you down.
At its core you’re mainly advancing from point A to point B in a linear fashion with numerous threats in between. As well as completing hacking and welding minigames in order to gain access to the next area and progress the story. This is fine at first, but after doing this for several hours it can get a little repetitive. It’s a shame because the only solution I found to this issue is to either make the game shorter than it already is, or add an excessive amount of features that potentially risk taking away from the actual star of the show: the Xenomorph.
I believe the difficulty you decide to play on will directly impact your experience. I completed the game on medium, which was enjoyable but eventually I reached a point where I had way too much resources, which consequently made the latter part of the game (i.e the climax) a lot easier than I think it should've been. I'd encourage you to give hard a chance, while bearing in mind that dying is a part of the learning process.
Visuals & Sound
I think it’s fair to say that Alien: Isolation is a good looking game even years after its release. It uses dynamic lightning to create gorgeous yet creepy looking environments that had me stop on multiple occasions just to appreciate the visuals. The models for objects and NPCs such as the Xenomorph and the Working Joe synthetics all hold up in my opinion, although some of the human models can look a little wonky. Especially during cutscenes where the facial animations can express a different emotion than what the voice actors are trying to convey.
My only issue with the visuals is the poor anti-aliasing. However this can be solved through third party modding.
Not only is it important to be able to express the right mood visually but also through the usage of soundtracks/soundscape. Alien: Isolation uses sound to full atmospheric effect through its ambient soundtracks making for an overall immersive experience.
This is all wrapped into a 13-25 hour experience with the main selling point being the fact that it's an Alien game, and a very good one at that. I think it’s apparent how much love for the franchise clearly went into the making of this game. The environments and sounds all come together nicely in order to enhance the immersion and the storytelling, of which I have chosen not to reveal much about. In the end I found this to be quite an enjoyable experience and if you already have the game in your library, then why not give it a go?
832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 09:01
A game i havent reviewed for some reason.
A phenominal horror game. And hands down the best alien game.
The experience, the atmosphere and the music is perfect.
Its a must play for horror fans. I have great memories from playing this title.
It is my favorite horror game of all time. And, i love the alien franchise.
Its the perfect combination and creates what the first movie did so well.
You are in space, a monster is stalking you every move and no one can hear you scream.
Enjoy the game !!!
129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 13:05
A fantastic addition to the Alien universe, Creative Assembly absolutely NAIL the feel and tone of the earlier films, with wicked atmosphere and gorgeous visuals.
This is also a genuinely scary horror title and one of the few that had me jumping out of my chair, if you liked Outlast 2 and that feeling of getting lost and disorientation then this captures that same feel (although maybe not as intense)
A great game for both fans of the Alien franchise and sci-fi stuff in general. Creative Assembly killed it with Isolation and I hope to see them return to the franchise one day!
1207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 23:44
This game goes to great lengths to replicate the atmosphere of that first movie in a way that is accessible to fans and newcomers alike. Fans will have an added appreciation for the attention to detail in the level and sound design, whereas those unfamiliar with the series will be introduced to a world of horror they were not expecting.
This game is nothing short of brilliant and is a mastery of the genre of survival horror. The maps and equipment available to you allow for a variety of gameplay decisions and styles, keeping each playthrough fresh while also creating diversity among the player experiences.
The stand-out highlight of this game is the titular character of the alien itself, the Xenomorph. The unkillable predator that stalks you throughout the game with no chance for escape once it has you in its clutches. The Xenomorph's A.I is the best I've ever encountered in a game, with so much variety to its decision making that it is guaranteed to outsmart even the best of players at least once. It actively learns from experience as you play and is completely organic in its behaviour, this means that outside of a few scripted encounters, you can literally encounter the alien at almost any time. It can randomly start hunting you, or be drawn by loud noises such as gunfights with dangerous humans or the killer androids that also stalk the space station you are attempting to survive in.
My only major complaint with the game as a whole would be the inventory system. There's a way to quickly switch between your guns but not your other equipment, such as bombs, molotovs etc. The clunky inventory can sometimes lead to being too slow or selecting the wrong item in a moment of panic.
I am, however, willing to put that complaint aside. Whether you are a fan of Alien or just a fan of survival horror, this is a game you can't miss out on playing at least once!
542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 17:54
How to recommend Alien Isolation in one sentence? - It's 6y old game, which didn't aged at all.
Maybe I'm playing only few hours but even now I can tell that almost everything is done well here. Dense and dark atmosphere is with us since begining and game can become really spooky even by locations design or enviroment sound effects alone. All technical aspects are done at least very good here, but what is the best in my opinion? It's tension building scheme and game progression design. The creators didn't explain to us most of the game mechanisms
directly. To be honest there are some informations and in game tips from time to time but most of the time we have to think ouside the box and learn from our mistakes. Despite this, player don't have any problems with understanding what he need to do in certain situations, because developers took care of it. Let's take Alien encounters as and example. At the begining we didn't know what to do when he shows up or how to hide from him, don't provocate him, etc. But when we progress throught the game all these gameplay mechanisms are shown to us by suitable locations and enviroment project. So, because of this design we know more and more about our opponent, with each passing hour, without any pop-up windows with information appearence on the screen. There are many examples like this and it clearly shows how well designed Alien Isolation is.
Besides this I have to tell about really nice audio-visual setting, very good AI, great and original minigames, or complex systems inside the game, such as crafting items from collected junk. That's why Alien Isolation is highly recommendable game, even in 2020!
Jak polecić Obcy Izolacja w jednym zdaniu? - 6 letnia gra, która, w 2020 w ogóle się nie zestarzała.
Gram co prawda dopiero kilka godzin, ale już teraz muszę powiedzieć, że prawie wszystko tutaj zagrało. Atmosfera jest gęsta i mroczna, a gra potrafi momentami przyprawić o ciarki na plecach samymi dźwiękami otoczenia czy designem lokacji. Cała strona techniczna jest tutaj zrealizowana na co najmniej bardzo wysokim poziomie. To co mnie urzekło jednak najbardziej to schemat budowania napięcia oraz to jak postęp w grze został zaprojektowany. Twórcy bezpośrednio nie tłumaczą nam większości mechanizmów gry. Co jakiś czas dostaniemy co prawda informacje jak poradzić sobie z czymś konkretnym, ale przez znakomitą większość gry musimy radzić sobie sami i uczyć się na własnych błędach. Mimo to gracz nie ma raczej problemu ze zrozumieniem tego co ma robić w danych sytuacjach, ponieważ twórcy zadbali o to, żeby można się było tego domyślić. Weźmy na przykład walkę z Obcym, gdzie na początku nie wiemy zupełnie nic. Ani jak się przed nim ukryć, ani na jakie zachowania on reaguje agresywnie, itp. Z czasem jednak wszystkie te mechaniki są nam przedstawiane poprzez odpowiedni projekt lokacji oraz otoczenie. Tak oto z każdą kolejną godziną wiemy coraz więcej o naszym przeciwniku mimo, że żadne wyskakujące okna z informacjami nie pojawiają się nam na ekranie. Takich przykładów jest znacznie więcej i to dobitnie pokazuje jak dobrze zaprojektowane zostało Obcy Izolacja. Prócz tego warto też powiedzieć o ślicznej oprawie audio-wizualnej, dobrej sztucznej inteligencji, świetnym i oryginalnym mini gierkom, czy chociażby rozbudowanych systemach wewnątrz gry, takich jak chociażby crafting przedmiotów z zebranych surowców. Gra naprawdę godna polecenia, nawet w 2020 roku!
1422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 06:40
In Space, no one can hear you scream
I have played a few horror games, but Alien: Isolation has surprised me with what it can do with its atmosphere. the game was developed by Sega who captured the feel of Alien by giving us the old 20th Century Fox logo making the game feel like an old movie, with their use of sounds and visuals. feels like it’s an old movie just by the sounds and looks. It manages to feel and be special among other horror games.
Pros and Cons
- Terrifying “gameplay” that doesn’t allow you to rush everything.
- A scary alien will stalk you and with no way of killing it, knowing as the Xenomorph.
- Fantastic atmosphere, with a beautiful space environment.
- The story is mediocre at best; characters don’t develop and the story somewhat drags on a bit.
- Nothing is really added to the gameplay, as it’s the same objective over again.
- Combat is not engaging, as there is nothing really unique to keep it interesting.
- The A.I of the humans can be a little weird.
The story takes place 15 years after the first Alien movie. You play as Amanda Ripley, the daughter of Ellen Ripley, and are looking for her mother. Amanda gets an invitation from Christopher Samuels to board Sevastopol Station, as a flight recorder from the Nostromo was found that contained information on Ellen’s lost ship. Nina Taylor is also on board, as she needs to look into the Nostromo incident. When she gets on, she finds out that the entire crew has formed smaller groups, because of a monster, that is lurking on the station, and it’s a kill or be killed situation.
The story of the game is mediocre at best, such as the characters don’t develop and have nothing going for them that make them feel like characters. You get a bland cast of characters that bring nothing to the table, and I can’t even remember most of the names, they are that bland. The Xenomorph has more character development and the only thing it does is kill people and hides in vents, and it’s very aggressive. It also does not help that the story tends to drag on a little too long, and near the end, I started to feel that the story, at that point, was a little rushed. The game is, at most, 18 hours long and that the story would have been better if it was shorter.
The gameplay is where Alien: Isolation shines the most, it is terrifying. It manages to make sure you have a false sense of security around you. You are going to be running from the Xenomorph with no way to fully kill it and oh boy, is it aggressive. You cannot run in the game sometimes, because if you do, the Xenomorph will be sure to come out and kill you. However, there are ways to deal with it; you can use Flares, Noise Makers, Molotov’s, and you can get your hands on a Flamethrower. Make sure to utilize these tools to defend yourself or you’re going to end up as a Xenomorph's next snack. You can find these tools scattered throughout the station, or you can craft them with materials you find, providing you have the recipes to craft them. However, there are other threats on board that you will need to deal with, there are hostile crew members, that will shoot you on sight, and there are Working Joes that are androids. The Working Joes are really tough to deal with, as they can sometimes block melee hits and take a full drum round to take out. The humans, on the other hand, can be taken out in more ways than the androids, but they will usually carry weapons of their own and may attack when they see you. Whenever a human fired a gun, I get startled; this I found unique as no other horror game has ever made me scared of human enemies. You can use the darkness to hide as well but the Alien uses it’s senses. Make sure to use the sounds around you to know when something dangerous is approaching. Not all humans aboard the Sevastopol Station are hostile so it’s best to leave the ones that don’t attack you to their own devices.
Now, as fun as the gameplay is, it does have three issues that I came across. The first problem is that, as soon as I was done with the first few missions, I realized that I would pretty much going to be doing this for the whole game. Like, go to one area, get an object to help you get into another area, or get a piece of machinery working. Nothing changes with the gameplay. Combat is not engaging either, as it has nothing really fun about it and feels dry. The A.I of the humans can be a bit weird as well, but it’s nothing to really hinder the gameplay.
Survivor Mode
Survivor Mode is just a challenge mode, that gives you extra challenges, and adds nothing really, in terms of story. They are there in case you want to challenge yourself as they don’t really don’t change much of the gameplay.
Graphics and performance
Alien: Isolation ran really smooth for me, I came across no issues whatsoever. This game was tested on my computer with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, AMD Ryzen 5 1500X Quad-Core Processor 3.50, and 16 GB of RAM storage. I ran the game at 60 FPS and at high settings. The graphics for the game are really well done and look beautiful visually; the game may be old, but that does not mean the game looks bad. Close
Final Verdict
Alien: Isolation is a fantastic horror game, that is perfect for fans of horror and the Alien franchise. You will love how old school the game looks and feels, as Sega wanted to capture how the movies feel. At the end of the day, they did a great job and I am happy with the final product despite the issues that I mentioned.
2064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 22:36
Alien: Isolation is a first-person survival horror game developed by Creative Assembly and published by SEGA. The game is set 15 years after the events of the original (1979) Alien film. You play as Amanda Ripley an engineer, also the daughter of the Alien protagonist Ellen Ripley on a mission to unravel the truth about your mother’s disappearance.
As Amanda Ripley you explore Sevastopol searching for the flight recorder which is known to have your mother’s final message. But in doing so you find something much worse, an alien organism which is hunting everyone on board. The games focus soon changes from finding the flight recorder to eliminating this creature. Throughout the game you are presented with various tasks to complete but you have to be careful as the alien isn’t the only threat you should be afraid of. The tasks you receive are fairly simple and straight forward to do, they mostly consist of pulling levers, accessing a terminal, getting supplies and reaching a certain area.
Things I Like About The Game:
• The Aliens AI, the first couple of times you encounter the Alien it is unpredictable, but it soon learns your paths and playstyles, so you have to adapt and change. Hide in a locker for too long and it will find a way to lure you out, use the flamethrower a lot it becomes more resistant to it.
• The motion tracker is great. Not only does it keep track of any threats that may be in your area, but it helps with the navigation, pointing you in the right direction. The space station is vast, and you will be backtracking for some of the missions, so it was very helpful on making sure you are going the right way.
• How the Alien behaviour changes on how you play, the things you pick up, things you interact with, the pace you are moving with the game. It all factors into the creature’s behaviour, showing aggravation or being suspicious. Watch the tale, it tells you a lot.
• How each threat has a different way of dealing with them or avoiding them. That’s why the supplies you loot throughout the game is so important when encountering these different threats.
• How they characterized the Alien to be the same as the 1979 film version. Instead of going for a straight kill like all the other Aliens, this one study’s its victims fear right before it decides to attack.
• The save-game system, this might be a strange one to mention but I like the old school way of having to save manually. So, each time you die you have to go to your latest save. It’s not automatically saving so it gives you more of an incentive to survive.
• How they make each encounter with the Xenomorph feel just as scary as your first. It’s not something you get use too, a threat you are no longer bothered about. It scares me each and every time I hear or see it.
Things I Dislike About The Game
• One thing I found very annoying is when using the terminal and the alien either drops down from vents or sees you, it doesn’t give you enough time to exit therefore killing you.
• Even though the tasks you are given are easy, I would have liked to have more of a variety as it does get repetitive. Also, most of the tasks you are doing doesn’t seem necessary, just basic maintenance for the ship.
• I would have liked to see more character interactions, ones that you could develop a meaningful connection with. Not only would this have added more development and story to her character but to you as a player.
Graphics & Sound
I know the game isn’t known for the visuals, but they look amazing still to this day. The amount of detail that’s been put into your surroundings and the alien design, it truly looks amazing. The only downside I have to the graphics is the character models they don’t like as good as everything else and the cutscenes, some of them look really nice and someone of them don’t. You are chancing 50/50 with them. It’s sad that you can’t just stand still and take in the visuals as your constant fear of the alien showing up.
The soundtracks were great, it creates fear and keeps you on edge all throughout the game even if nothing is happening. It fits perfectly with hearing the alien crawl and hiss through the vents. Use the sound to your advantage it's your best friend, let it guide you. Even though you do have a motion tracker you are constantly looking over you should cause all of the sudden, you will hear a sound and automatically think that it’s found you. The voice acting sound great too. Definitely something you have to experience wearing a headset.
Did I Experience Any Bugs?
During my time playing I didn’t experience any bugs or issues.
Would I recommend Alien: Isolation? Yes, it has got to be one of the best survival horror games out there. Definitely a must play for any horror lovers or fans of the Alien franchise. With that being said you don’t have to have any knowledge of the Alien franchise to understand it. The ending did leave me unsatisfied especially due to all the setbacks the player goes through, but this shouldn't discourage you in anyway. It’s still an amazing game and even though the game is normally heavily discounted I do believe that it is worth the full asking price. I would like to see another game but sadly I don’t think that it’s possible. Do yourself a favour and buy it, don’t miss out on this incredible yet frightening experience.
1178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 11:20
The story takes place between the 2nd and 3rd movie. You are the daughter of Ellen Ripley, Amanda.
Amanda is a Weyland-Yutani employee and hears that the flight recorder of her mother’s ship, the Nostromo, has been recovered at the remote trading station Sevastopol. So she travels to Sevastopol and soon she realizes that something is desperately wrong.
In order to uncover the truth about her mother, Amanda is forced to confront the same terrifying thing that separated them.
The player must explore a space station and complete objectives while avoiding, outsmarting and defeating enemies, including hostile humans, androids and of course the alien.
From my point of view is Alien: Isolation the best Alien game up to day. There is barely anything that can be done better. It has a great story, a great scary atmosphere and great graphics.
Every fan of the Alien movies should try this game.
Sounds 9/10
Graphics 9/10
Gameplay 8/10
Atmosphere 10/10
If you liked my review, please feel free to follow me and/or my curator group:
1013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 11:34
☐ I would not recommend this
☐ You may get this on sale :)
☐ I would recommend this
1434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 13:05
It gets everything right, from the story, to the lighting, the graphics, the enemies, the game-play, and the alien. I definitely recommend playing on hard as it felt like a good challenge, and there's still plenty of supplies for crafting. The only shortcoming I can think of is the lip syncing both in game-play and in cut-scenes.
The two original movie DLC are a decent one hour distraction, and theres lots of dlc challenge maps you can do if you really love the core gameplay.
This game goes so ridiculously cheap on sale that you can't afford to pass it up.
Nicht Empfohlen
740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 20:02
It is scary, it really is; that point they got right. The atmosphere and especially the sound/music design is excellently done. I was constantly afraid of running into the Alien. You run into the Alien you die.
And that is what broke it too, the dying. You will die a lot. And that means losing some progress which you have to redo when loading the last save. All that dying took away the scary part. Instead of prioritizing the next objective I ended up looking for a new save point where to save the game so I don't lose much progress. And at that point the atmosphere and scary part was gone.
The Alien is close to you way too often to be scary in the long run. It's great at first but later on it's not scary any more.
You are just way too helpless when the Alien comes.
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 16:34
1482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 17:55
For anyone who is wondering today (04-26-2020) --- buy it
I got 25hours out of it. Solid story and perfect atmosphere. Definitely a bit nerve rattling ... well worth the $2 in these troubled times :-)
2537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 10:38
200 character summary
Alien Isolation is a nerve racking 1st person stealth horror game, Explore a huge space station, Complete tasks while remaining hidden from the Xenomorph, Craft tools to distract and try to survive.
Story & Characters 10/10
The year is 2137 You play as Amanda Ripley, Daughter of Ellen Ripley who went missing 15 years ago. The flight recorder from your mothers ship the Nostromo has been found and is currently being held at Sevastopol. You are being sent on the salvage mission with a small team aboard the Torrens to finally get some answers. Once you arrive you notice the ship seems damaged and is not communicating.
Since the ship is not communicating you and your team decide to spacewalk and use the manual override to enter the station, But tragedy hits and you barely make it alive inside, Now you will have to regroup, but you will soon find out the Nostromo Flight Recorder has been cleared and there is more on board than just humans and androids, It is a story full of anarchy and betrayal trying to survive in absolute fear.
The story is great, I love how it is a bit like a sequel to a movie trying to figure out what happened in the first movie. Ellen was ofcourse the last Survivor in Alien, a 1979 movie which took place 15 years before this games story. some DLC allows you to play as Ellen and play one of the last acts of the movie.
Gamemodes & Gameplay 10/10
The game is mainly focussed on the single player campaign, it is a Stealth Survival Horror game, You can Hide, In closets, Under tables, in the Vents, But don't run, Making noise will draw the alien right to your position, If he sees you and you don't have anything that can light him on fire you are dead, You might get extremely lucky, but 9 out of 10 times you are as good as dead, Especially on the harder difficulties.
The missions are mostly restore power here, grab this keycard, find this code in a terminal. It are pretty simple missions mostly, What makes it hard is finding the correct way and staying hidden while you do it, Sometimes objectives are clearly marked on the map, but sometimes it just displays a general area, But most of the times the map is not yet completely visible until after you been there.
Savepoints are a godsend, Seeing that strange emergency telephone device just makes you so happy, Just knowing you don't have to go trough the hell again you just went trough, And this is valid for at least 2/3rd of the game. It really is hell. Your most valuable tool is your motion detector, Notice Motion detector, It just detects motion, So if enemies stand still you can not see them on the detector. You can use it without worrying about the battery or anything. You also have a flashlight, This one will drain battery, But I would also recommend against using your flashlight because enemies will spot you.
You have access to several weapons. You get access to a Revolver, a Shotgun, a Stun Rod, a Flamethrower and a Bolt Gun, Using them will certainly attract the alien, And Ammo is very scarce anyway, So it might be wise to really safe up ammo for emergencies and the times you really need them.
There also are a lot of Craftables, You have Flares, Molotovs, Med kits, EMP mines, noisemakers and a whole lot more. I did not really use them a lot, but they certainly are damn handy, Just throw a noisemaker between human enemies and just watch how the alien kills them for you, Then just hide or throw a molotov on the alien to make him go away. EMP mines are extremely useful against androids, There are a few moments in the game where you have to deal with a lot of them, and they come in handy here.
If you own the DLC you get 2 small separate missions and also get a survival mode where you have to complete objectives without dying, These are very challenging don't have different difficulty levels and don't have any savepoints, The goal is pretty much the same, complete certain objectives while not dying, They are extremely challenging but get easier over time because they do not change. If you think you master them you can even play all of them in 1 run in a random order. The Survivor mode DLC are nice extras if you are really into the gameplay.
Graphics & Soundtrack 10/10
The game truly has Amazing graphics, And even better sound design, Somehow the sound knows how to raise the levels of fear even higher. The spaceship or at least the visual style looks exactly like it did in the movie, Everything from the walls, doors, ladders, but even the chairs, the toy birds and terminals. The game sadly has Pre rendered cutscenes which look a bit odd, I feel my hardware could do a better job in real time, But it is an older game ofcourse, I do think the game itself aged pretty well, The characters look a bit emotionless, Even when under these kinds of circumstances, But you don't see a lot of them. The Androids and especially the Alien look great.
Performance & Support 10/10
Runs like a dream, I got 120+ fps for most of the game with Absolutey 0 issues, Ofcourse it also has the top of the line support from Feral, I don't see what could go wrong here.
Endgame & Replayability 8/10
Endgame kinda sucks, Once you have beaten the game you can reload the last checkpoint and play the final part over and over again. You can load a mission save, But this will overwrite your progress. Collectables carry over between games tho. You can always start a new game on Nightmare but you will know what to do and where to go so it won't be the same thrilling experience as it was in your first playtrough, Survival mode does add a lot of new content but this is also not endless and just knowing what will happen is something that will come over time.
Conclusion 10/10
If you thought the movie was scary, This game will have you screaming on the inside, frustrated but paralysed by the terrifying gameplay, I do think it is a great experience that you should at least try if you don't have any heart problems, Yes it is scary, Yes you will probably hate the game, But you will love it at the same time. It is a unique experience and there is nothing quite like it.
Game Info
# of players | Single Player Only | [/tr]
Steam Cloud Save | Working fine | [/tr]
Controller Support | Yes, Xbox One Bluetooth Working | [/tr]
Achievements | Very hard, but doable. | [/tr]
FPS on Ultra 1080P | 90 - 150 | [/tr]
Ram Usage | 2.5GB | [/tr]
Installed Size | 28921MB | [/tr]
Launch Command | gamemoderun %command% | [/tr]
Issues | None | [/tr]
Operating System & Hardware
OS | Arch Linux | [/tr]
Kernel | 5.6.5 | [/tr]
DE | Gnome 3.36.1 | [/tr]
CPU | Intel I7-6800K Hexa Core @ 4.2 Ghz | [/tr]
GPU | Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080 (Nvidia 440.82 Drivers) | [/tr]
6139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 06:27
1349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 02:18
You start the game as Amanda Ripley, the daughter of Ellen Ripley. Still searching for your mother, you're informed that the Nostromo Flight Log has been found and is being kept on the soon-to-be decommissioned Sevastopol station. At arrival, you find the station near-abandoned, with something Alien on board.
You'll spend your time exploring, trying to stay alive and finding a way off the station. All while being hunted by the Xenomorph. As if that wasn't enough you also have to deal with rogue Androids and not-so-friendly humans.
The story is good, better than what we're used to both with the latest movies and games in the franchise, but it does end on a weak note since there have been no words on a follow-up game. As for game length, it's mixed. Some feel the game overstays its welcome during the last quarter of the game, while others absolutely love every minute of it.
I am a massive fan of this universe, so I couldn't get enough. I ended up checking every terminal for information, searching around for voice recordings and exploring what I could, when I could. If you love the first Alien movie, and the way it looked, you'll love this game. Everything on this station, from the open rooms to the cramped vents feel authentic to the movie in a way that no game has nailed as well as this. The attention to detail is beyond what you'd expect, and almost 6 years later, it still looks absolutely beautiful. It has a rich atmosphere that is easy to get immersed into, and a stellar soundtrack to accompany it.
However, there are faults that I should mention. Like the Alien AI. For all the praise it gets, and for it being so 'unpredictable', you'll still encounter occasions where it will box you in, moving in a way that either force you into hiding or prevents you from moving forward. The game does give you tools to get around this, but there are times where you don't have the option to do so.
You'll also end up with a fair bit of backtracking, and to some, it'll be really tedious. I, personally, found it to be okay, and it made sense within the story, but I fully understand people who don't agree and didn't like it. However, a station can only be so big.
As with all games, this isn't for everyone. If you like horror games, sneaking around, scavenging and crafting, this game is for you. If you're looking for a game with more action in it, then I might suggest AVP 2010 to you. Regardless, this is probably the best game in the franchise, if you're a fan I highly recommend getting it, even more so if it's on sale.
If you're not a fan of the franchise then the game might be more of a mixed bag, and the negatives, especially game length, might be more of a issue.
As a little side note: There is plenty of DLC to bite into as well if that's your thing. Like 'Crew Expendable', which sets you in the final stages of the 1979 Alien movie. Highly recommended.
4726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 17:19
* The best game that you enjoy dying in.
* The whole story is just brilliant.
* You cannot kill 'everything', so don't go in thinking you can -which is why cabinets are your 'best friend'.
* you find tons of locked areas that you can go back to when you find suitable equipment.
* The best Alien portrayal in any game.
* Replayabilty, replayability.
**The working Joe's** Enough said!
2591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 21:03
Overall I really enjoyed it initially how powerless you feel and should hide in shadows to make it from room to room to survive. You can't win this game buy playing it action like even though you have some means to attack NPC and aliens. Weapons are weak and not very precise on purpose which serves well this game. But going pretty far the story line I was really tired how slow paced it is. So I couldn't finish it the first time around.
I only returned to the game probably a year later to complete the story and because I was in the mood for this kind of experience again. It still wasn't as exciting as when I played about first half of the game the first time around but I wanted to see it through although I had a feeling what to expect from the ending. Which I knew I guessed right once I reached the end. I can't say I was disappointed but also not terribly surprised.
Yet I mostly enjoyed the journey and reading all the logs to get the story behind this Alien disaster. The gameplay also was solid for this type of experience.
The biggest upside was of course the atmosphere. I really believed I was on the ship and of where sh*t went down. The game is very beautiful and perfectly shows how I would imaging the Alien world to be.
It's one of the better games I played even with some cons I experienced.
Horror Action-Adventure
Creative Assembly
Engine:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos