It's been a month since we whetted your appetite with news of us putting together a proposal to obtain the rights to take Alice off on a 3rd adventure, and we just wanted to stop by and let you all know this is still progressing.
Especially in the realm of art.

You'll be happy to know that we have Joey and Sonny (previous Alice artists) back on board and we are also very happy to be working with the incredible Omri Koresh

But as with any type of independant development, we need YOUR help.
Spread the news of Alice Asylum far and wide.
Pay particular attention to this handy list of 4 things you can do to help over at...
Also, if you're feeling particularly awesome, why not check out our Patreon, that was recently re-jiggled to make it even more of a bargain at the various tiers.
Thank you all for your continued support of Alice and we hope to see you all along for the Asylum ride in the coming months :)
- Cheers