• Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.
  • Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo: Screen zum Spiel Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 16.12.2021
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Preis Update 14.10.23

Über das Spiel

Ed Miller, ein Schriftsteller, hat den Sturz seines Autos im Brody Canyon in Kalifornien unversehrt überstanden. Im Wrack des Autos wurde niemand gefunden, aber Ed behauptet, er sei mit seiner Frau und seiner Tochter unterwegs gewesen. Er ist von dem Unfall traumatisiert und beginnt, an starken Anfällen von Höhenangst zu leiden. Als er sich deshalb in Therapie begibt, versucht er herauszufinden, was an jenem tragischen Tag wirklich passiert ist.

Machen Sie sich auf zutiefst verstörende Recherchen im Innern des menschlichen Verstandes gefasst: Die Wahrheit ist manchmal schlimmer als der Wahn.

  • Eine ganz neue Geschichte über die Besessenheit, die Manipulation und den Wahnsinn, inspiriert von Alfred Hitchcocks Meisterwerk Vertigo (Aus dem Reich der Toten).
  • Erleben Sie eine packende erzählerische Erfahrung, die sowohl in visueller Hinsicht als auch in puncto Storytelling eine Hommage an die Techniken des Thrillers darstellt.
  • Stellen Sie aus der Perspektive dreier verschiedener Figuren Ermittlungen an: Jeder hat eine andere Geschichte zu erzählen.
  • Erkunden Sie die Ereignisse mithilfe von Flashbacks und versuchen Sie, zwischen Realität und trügerischer Erinnerung zu unterscheiden.
  • Vom preisgekrönten Adventure-Studio Pendulo Studios entwickelt.


  • CPU: Intel Core i5 (3GHz) 4? generation or equivalent
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 960 or AMD R9 285 2GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or later, 64-bit
  • HD: 22 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: Intel i7 (9º gen) (>3GHz)
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB or AMD Radeon RX 580
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or later, 64-bit
  • HD: 22 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1842 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 14:08
Genau SO sollen Computerspiele sein!
Vertigo mag in den ersten Minuten Spielzeit etwas clumsy wirken, so dass man sich fragt, was das denn für ein Erlebnis werden wird, aber man gerät extrem schnell in einen nahezu hypnotischen Sog, der einen an das Spiel fesselt.
Das liegt vor allem an der sehr guten Story (hier merkt man, woran es 95% aller anderen Games mangelt: echten Autoren), die die Originalvorlage in die moderne Zeit versetzt, und den sehr vielschichtigen Charakteren, von denen jeder seine eigenen Motive und Bedürfnisse hat.
Der Wechsel zwischen den Charakteren und Zeitebenen wirkt unglaublich immersiv und bewirkt das Wichtigste: totales Eintauchen!
Das Genre der filmartigen Spiele hat in den letzten Jahren leider auch darunter gelitten, dass es vielen der Geschichten an Tiefe, Wendungen und charakterlicher Vielfalt fehlte und zu viel Arbeit in die technische Umsetzung floss, was eine grobe Fehleinschätzung der Entwickler ist, denn die bis heute besten Titel dieses Genres Life Is Strange und die Walking Dead-Reihe waren technisch nicht up to date, aber inhaltlich großartig. Und Ähnliches trifft auch auf Vertigo zu. Nicht falsch verstehen: die Grafik ist sehr gut, atmosphärisch top und liebevoll gestaltet, doch es gibt schon einige technische Fehler (Handlungen wie Trinksprüche werden angekündigt, aber nicht ausgeführt, es gibt Lippenbewegungen ohne gesprochenen Text, unnötige QT-Events...). Diese spielen allerdings nicht die geringste Rolle, weil das Spielerlebnis viel zu fesselnd ist, um Nörgeln zuzulassen.
Tatsächlich vergehen die rund 10 Stunden Spielzeit wie im Flug und lassen einen ergriffen und tief befriedigt zurück.

Hitchcock wäre stolz auf dieses Spiel, das eines der besten der letzten Jahre ist!
35 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 23:22
Am Anfang noch etwas merkwürdig...aber schon nach kurzer Zeit Packt einen das Spiel. Die Story ist extrem gut verpackt und entwickelt sich dann plötzlich sehr schnell. Eine absolute Empfehlung für Spieler die eine sehr gute Story mögen
564 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 00:39
Dieses Spiel ist ein absolutes Muss für Fans von storydriven Spielen! Die ganze Atmosphäre und die Charaktere waren absolut stimmig und mitreißend. Was das Storytelling angeht, gab es immer wieder überraschende Wendungen, so dass man der Wahrheit bis zum Schluss richtig entgegen fieberte. Trotz teilweise schwer zu verdauender Themen eine totale Kaufempfehlung!
1070 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 19:04
Mein absolutes Spiel des Jahres!
Ich weiß nicht, wann mich das letzte Mal ein Spiel so gefesselt hat. Von der ersten bis zur letzten Minute Spannung, gute Einfälle und Plottwists. Natürlich ist es spielerisch keine Herausforderung (wie so fast alle Storygames) und ein paar Audiospuren passen nicht perfekt, aber das verzeiht man diesem Meisterwerk gern. Ab ungefähr der Hälfte hatte man immer das Gefühl, kurz vor der Auflösung zu stehen, nur damit das Spiel einem die nächste Wendung um die Ohren hauen konnte. Dabei wurde es niemals langwierig oder unlogisch. Es blieb bis zur letzten Minute einfach nur Spielspaß. Danke Pendulo Studios!
93 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 19:29
Grundsätzlich mag ich das Entwicklerstudio Pendulo Studios.

Vertigo hingegen macht es einem echt schwer es zu mögen.
Die Grafik, Story, Musik ist gut, aber ...

es ist schlichtweg unglaublich langweilig. Immer und immer wieder spielen sich die gleichen Szenen ab, die man entweder mit der gleichen Personen erlebt oder aus der Perspektive anderer. *Schnarch*
Hinzu kommt das die Entscheidungen und Quick Actions etc. 0,0 Einfluß auf den Verlauf haben.
774 Produkte im Account
216 Reviews
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 15:26
Good adventure with interesting story and only a few weaknesses.
This game took me much longer than I thought. Some details in the story did not totally convince me in the end, but it was a solid experience. My only criticism goes to the sound design, which sometimes was just not good, even not there at all.
I would recommand this game to anyone who likes Telltale and Dontnod games.
203 Produkte im Account
152 Reviews
593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 10:59
Vertigo is a narrative game with strong cinematographic vibe very similar to interactive drama from Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, Detroit: Become Human), Telltale (The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us) and Dontnod (Life is Strange, Twin Mirror). Pendulo Studios are based in Madrid and have a long experience in point & click graphic adventures. This is their first try with interactive drama and the result is quite amazing. Don’t expect for the same technical quality as the aforementioned titles from Quantic Dream; the game is produced by Microids with more limited budget. Animations and facial expressions of characters are a bit stiff and poor in comparison, and you can notice lip sync issues; however the result is quite satisfying, I would say AA tier. Quality of voice acting, texts and music is very high.

As suggested by the title, Vertigo is a heartful homage to the cinematographic art of Hitchcock. It’s not a remake or reinterpretation of the movie with the same title; it takes inspiration from several Hitchcock’s movies as Rebecca, Spellbound, Psycho, Vertigo, Marnie, Birds, etc. The work from Pendulo has also references other than Hitchcock movies; I’ll talk of them in the second part of the article in order to avoid spoilers. The writing is masterful. Pendulo managed to condense many of the British director’s paranoia and anguishes into a storyline that has few flaws and that keeps you tense and glued to the screen for almost 10 hours, though not until the very end. As in Hitchcock movies, there are few moments of black humor; overall it’s a work of entertainment not aimed at expression of deep committed contents. However it’s aimed to adult and mature audience, tackling very dark themes, tense and uncomfortable situations, heavy psychological trauma. Here you have no teens drama, no superpowers, no zombies, no fables, no fantasy. We are very far from the usual gaming productions aimed at teens or young adult. This is a genuine interactive noir experience. It’s not marred by stupid challenges or puzzles, maybe just one exception that confirms the rule (the scene at the rent car). Don’t expect for the contemporary rawness, harshness and violence of movies like Seven or The Silence of the Lambs; as said, it’s a very good homage to the classic thrilling noir a la Hitchcock, like Psycho.

Up to here it seems that I am talking about a film rather than a game. Don’t worry, interactivity is quite high; but don’t forget that we are talking of an interactive drama coming with a lot of cut scenes, multiple choice dialogues and QTEs. I provided a in-depth insight of the genre in the article Special: Interactive Drama. In short, actually we have two kind of interactive narrative in video games: interactive drama start from movies and go towards games, while so called walking sims start from games and go towards movies. I like both but prefer the latters. A mix of the two would be the best! In my opinion, most of actions performed by the protagonists should be interactive, part of the gameplay, in order to avoid too many cut scenes, especially in the most dramatic moments. However passive cut scenes are so far less expensive than complex and long interactive narrative sequences. So, we have to deal with compromises.

Multiple choice dialogues are very well written. They are not meant to branch story depending on your choices; the latters have quite no consequences. They are meant to make you feel part of the story, and they succeed. Vertigo comes with just one good storyline full of mysteries you have to unravel like a ball of wool. This is good, I don’t like the excessive branching of story depending on player’s choice, a sort of gamification of storytelling; I prefer developers to focus on one single but very good story, as in this case. Like in every interactive drama, prepare to face several QTEs; some of them require unusual movements of the sticks on your controler, just like in Heavy Rain. (continues)

Read the complete review here:
67 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 03:13

A Phenomenal Story with Too Many Bugs

This game impressed me in a lot of ways. Although it has a slow first few hours, by the end of the game I was in love with the smart and emotional story it had to tell. The plot is very well thought out, and there are several ingenious twists that kind of blew my mind. I cared about the characters too, which isn't something I can say for all games.
The gameplay is great, too. While the game is mostly dominated by dialogue choices, there are several fantastic detective sections that really invested me in the plot.
This game additionally has a phenomenal soundtrack. Almost every track was unique and impressive.
Unfortunately, this game also has some pretty big problems. Characters' mouths move when they aren't talking, objects constantly clip through each other and constant loading screens ruin the immersion that the great story provides. There are also cringey moments galore, whether in strange scenes where people sing or unnatural dialogue.
Overall, I was impressed by this game, but it is far from perfect. Despite the glaring visual issues, it was still a fun game with an unforgettable and intelligent story. I think it is worth playing, but only if you have the patience to deal with its problems.
30 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 11:10
A brilliant film / story with very simple controls and puzzles. I haven't watched, this Alfred Hitchcock film but, I will at some point give it a go. It is the only one of his that I have not. Highly recommend it, but expect lot of breaks and a long journey.
890 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 10:39

Vertigo and Rear Window are two of my favorite movies of all time and after playing and loving Blacksad, I was eager to try Pendulo Studios’ latest title: Alfred Hitchock – Vertigo. I should start off by mentioning that the game has nothing to do with the movie. It’s not a sequel, a prequel or a spin-off. It’s a completely different story, which obviously takes inspiration from many Hitchock classics (Vertigo, Psycho, The Birds) and then tries to find its own route. After more than ten hours of gameplay, I have only one question left: was the Hitchcock license really needed? What I mean is that you could probably tell the same story in the same way without any need to attach the name of a famous film director on the game’s title. Somehow, it could even spare many cruel comparisons with the director narrating style, framing and editing, which is obviously superior for many reasons.

In Pendulo Studios’ Vertigo we take the role of three different characters: Ed Miller, a man suffering from vertigo due to his personal trauma, his psychologist Dr.Julia Lomas and sheriff Nick Reyes who is trying to solve a case that could be connected to Miller. Although we play as all of them at different times, much of the story takes place through flashbacks and hypnosis sessions where Dr.Lomas investigates Miller’s past; these sessions require us to revisit the same moments from a different perspective, analyizing the environments to find (not so) hidden clues and finally reveal the truth.

Sadly, the gameplay is mostly non-existent. Just like Quantic Dream games, we can only do ordinary gestures to interact with some predefined objects or during quick time events, but this is not the main problem, because even if Quantic Dream does that, we know there is a point when things can go A, B or C and then D, E, F etc. In Vertigo, this point never arrives. Our actions and choices don’t have any impact on the story and we feel just like passive and omniscient viewers who need to move the sticks and push the buttons when the game asks us to do so. The story is already decided from the start to the end and we, as players, don’t have any influence on it. So, since the gameplay is mostly absent, I can only focus on the quality of the story and the technical problems I encountered.

I must say that I was having a great experience for about half of the game. The story premise was exciting, new characters were slowly being introduced, and going through the therapy sessions was very interesting and brought me back to Remember Me (Dontnod first game) mechanic of analyzing memories to unveil the truth. After all these sessions, everything went downhill. It’s worth noting that at that point the story was already predictable, but when the mystery was finally solved I could only feel disappointment for how sensless the reasons behind the main antagonist were. Too many plot holes, unexplainable characters actions/reactions and moments when adults’ logic was being applied on kids (which never works).

Now I know that this can be subjective and not make much sense without going into spoiler territory, so I will move on to the next subject: story pacing. It’s painfully slow, like… imagine characters who stop speaking and then watch the camera in silence for countless times, or characters doing meaningless tasks as slowly as possible. With all these dead moments I felt like the story was being stretched from a 4-hour interactive movie to a 10-hour one. Some cuts could definitely avoid wasting players time and make the experience far more enjoyable.

The narration was also affected by multiple technical issues in the visual and audio departments. I like the unreal comic book style of the characters (which reminded me of Telltale games), but facial animations lack many expressions. A recent update slightly improved the situation, but animations still don’t fit characters’ emotions, along with some lip-sync problems. There is particularly one issue, inherited from Blacksad, where characters’ faces are completely blurred, which ruins many good scenes. Minor issues are also visible when characters grab an item (like a bottle of wine) but you can clearly see it’s not attached to their hands.

Graphics look good enough, very colorful and vibrant, despite being a psychological thriller. Environments are very detailed, but unfortunately there isn’t much to interact with, except for the story-related objects (at least Blacksad had collectable cards and missable clues hidden around) and I must say that I felt tired of revisiting the same locations over and over again (particularly Miller’s house).

Moving to the audio department, the quality of the voice acting is great, but I found some sounds too loud and others wrongly placed (like heavy breathing in a quiet forest). During some moments I could even hear the microphone turning on and off in the recording studio, which shouldn’t happen. The main soundtrack is good and made me feel like I could be murdered anytime, but I think it was used too often in most of the scenes, probably to hide the lack of sound effects that would make those scenes silent.

Optimization is bad. Despite playing on a powerful rig I detected frame drops in the mid 20s. The curious thing is that performance often decreased when the camera was very close to the characters (could this be the reason for those blurred faces?) and even scenes that shouldn’t be demanding, if we consider small environments and loading screens, were running at around 30 frames. This didn’t ruin my “cinematic” experience, but someone with specs lower than the recommended ones could face more serious problems.

✅ Pros ❌Cons
  • The first part of the story is well told and hypnosis sessions are engaging
  • Interesting cast of characters
  • Good voice acting and soundtrack (although used too often)
  • Choices and actions never influence the story
  • Antagonist’s lack of purpose, logic and motivation negatively affects the ending
  • Slow narrative pacing with multiple dead moments
  • Basic non-interactive gameplay
  • Facial animations still lack many expressions
  • Visual and audio glitches are quite recurrent and ruin many scenes
  • Repetitive environments with not enough interaction
  • Poor optimization and a few technical issues
  • [/list]

    Verdict: 6/10

    If we take Vertigo as a videogame, then it fails on every single aspect of what makes videogames what they are. It takes many steps back from Blacksad and removes every gameplay mechanic (such as the possibility to link clues together). But if we take it as a slightly interactive movie, then I guess it’s okay; you are buying a ticket for a good show. Keep in mind though that the ending might be a big disappointment and nullify all the little good things the story could offer.

    Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own.

    For more reviews, game giveaways and much more come join us at Zeepond and The Cpt Froggy Club Steam Group.
    263 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
    639 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.01.22 20:30
    this is how you do a great story
    10825 Produkte im Account
    434 Reviews
    693 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.12.21 17:07
    Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.

    Is this game a masterpiece? When I grew up, games based upon movies were generally considered to be bad. Often a large part of the budget was used for the license, and the game consisted of a few random, short scenes from the movie, sometimes made based on the script before the movie was even released. Well, we have come a long way since then.

    Vertigo is a cinematic masterpiece, a really well-written, exciting and surprising story presented in fantastic graphics and fully voiced. It is made by a studio that released a few rather good point and click adventures (Runaway, Yesterday), but this games is not a classic pnc anymore but uses a more life-like interface like in games as Black Rain. Objectives show you what to do next, so you are quite taken by the hand.

    The story is inspired by the movie, but covers a completely new story taking place in the present. You start playing a psychologist, treating a patient with a serious case of vertigo, and a massive trauma as well. Your patient, a writer, believes to have killed his girlfriend and his baby in a car accident. You are going to replay key moments of his life, and analyzing them during hypnosis sessions. In between, you try to find out more information about your patient from his house or relatives, but his creepy aunt simply ignores most of your questions. There are some really unexpected plot-twists and additional main protagonists to play soon, and the game is longer than I expected.

    It is a narrative game, asking you to make choices all the time. Since the story is quite well-presented, this is fun. What is no fun, though, is the (beautiful) 3D world in which you move around, because the third person camera is fixed very close above your shoulder and you don't see much of your sourroundings at all. It is possible to get lost in your own house, because your vision is so limited due to the fixed camera perspective. It would have been so much better if you could just zoom the camera a bit away to see more of your sourroundings, at least during the calm, peaceful moments. Most of the time when you discover a hotspot, you have already run past it because they pop up so close.

    Technically there is (apart from the dizzyness inducing camera and some serious loading time) not much to complain. You'll hear a great soundtrack based on the original movie score, can use ultrawidescreen and the gamepad rumbles in your hands.

    A psychological thriller inspired by a classic movie (actually one of the greatest films ever made) from the Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock. And a long narrative game with a far too close fixed third-person camera.
    80 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    731 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.12.21 14:56
    Awesome and interesting story.
    199 Produkte im Account
    50 Reviews
    139 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.12.21 12:45
    It is very well done.
    Nice story and setting.
    Well done developers !
    287 Produkte im Account
    63 Reviews
    699 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.12.21 06:21

    Disclaimer: If you're expecting the same quality as Telltale or Quantic Dream you might as well stop reading this and go spend your money on something else.

    I'm not familiar with Hitchcock's work but I gotta admit this one took me by surprise.

    I must add that I went 100% blind without any expectations since this game had zero advertisement I almost completely forgot about it. likely for me a short trailer I came upon on YouTube reminded me of it, and so I've decided to give it a chance, and after beating it I was very pleased with my decision.

    The characters are intelligent and likable, visuals are gorgeous, music is beautiful, the story is intriguing, and of course, the plot twists are very amusing and mind blowing.

    Here comes the part where I was hesitant to give this a positive review. yes, this game suffers from many flaws If not dozens, and here are some of them starting from the Terrible Lip sync, dialogue felt unfinished almost random at times? The performance is horrendous (4K
    RTX 3080) the game has a hard time maintaining a stable FPS in some sequences the FPS dips to 30-40 even on High Settings, music will just randomly play over dialogue very loudly even after adjusting the
    these are just a few of the issues that bothered me during my play through there is a couple of more I haven't mentioned but they didn't bother me as much. but still even with all the issues I really enjoyed my time with the game the storyline is too good to miss on.

    Lastly, here is my theory of what happened. firstly, the studio most likely ran both out of time and out of budget therefore I believe they took this build which I assume is a few months old set a date during the Holidays, and earn as much money back as possible. secondly, I won't be surprised if the studio went bankrupt (I hope I'm wrong) considering the all-time peak on Steam which is 46 according to SteamCharts. It does not look promising at all this is very saddening to me because the fundamentals, the love, the passion, and the details are there. It was just poorly executed and most likely fell due to Budget and Time.

    Rating: 7/10
    122 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    803 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.12.21 05:41
    Closer to a Movie than a game, but in a good way.

    Your choices don't really matter since there's only one ending, but they all have a small effect that gives the a nice illusion of choice.

    Good exemple : The game let me decide that a character was vegetarian, so everytime there was meat during the game the character would ask for something without meat.
    47 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    741 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.12.21 00:38
    I enjoyed Blacksad a lot, and this is so far almost just as good. Keep on producing these type of games Pendulo studios.
    29 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    844 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.12.21 01:40
    I really enjoyed playing this game. Rich story line - you will enjoy it.
    105 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    6 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.12.21 00:18
    'what happens if a girl takes male viagra? Clueless' GachiPls gachiHYPER
    oh no no no he doesn't know about phase 7 don't tell him pepeLaugh

    Logo for Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo
    Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
    77.63% 59 17
    Release:16.12.2021 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Pendulo Studios Vertrieb: Microids Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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