• Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.
  • Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX: Screen zum Spiel Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 24.06.2021
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Preis Update 27.01.25

Über das Spiel

Der legendäre Alex Kidd kehrt mit Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX zurück!
Der kultige Alex Kidd ist zurück!Spring direkt zurück in die Wunderwelt und erlebe sie, wie du sie noch nie zuvor gesehen hast.
Genieße brandneue HD-Grafik, Gameplay-Verbesserungen und Animationen in den Leveln aus dem Originalspiel sowie in brandneuen Leveln, die die Geschichte von Alex Kidd erweitern.

Vernichte den bösen Janken den Großen und rette die Bewohner von Radaxian ein für alle Mal!Die Welt braucht einen Helden – worauf wartest du noch?

Erlebe im Boss-Rush-Modus die legendären Schere-Stein-Papier-Kämpfe erneut!
Mach dich bereit für ununterbrochene Boss-Action im Boss-Rush-Modus! Nimm es in einem Bosskampf ohne Verschnaufpause mit den legendären Gooseka, Chokkina, Parplin und Janken dem Großen auf!

Erlebe den Klassiker mit dem Retro-Modus!
Tauche mit dem Retro-Modus direkt zurück in die 8-Bit-Nostalgie ein. Während des Spiels kannst du jederzeit zwischen der verbesserten Grafik und einer Nachbildung des ursprünglichen Grafikstils wechseln!

Die wichtigsten Merkmale
  • Eine wiedergeborene Legende – tauche ein in eine atemberaubende Neuauflage von Alex Kidd in Miracle World mit beeindruckender neuer Grafik und einer angenehmeren, flüssigeren Steuerung.
  • Nostalgie geht immer vor – springe auf Knopfdruck direkt zurück in die 80er Jahre. Egal, wo du dich in einem Level befindest, du kannst zwischen klassischer 8-Bit- und HD-Grafik wechseln.
  • Neue Level – erlebe neue Level, die die Geschichte des Klassikers erweitern.
  • Alternative Bosskämpfe – erlebe neue und verbesserte Bosskämpfe mit intuitiverer Mechanik.
  • Remasterte und brandneue Musik – genieße eine große Auswahl an neu gestalteten Musiktiteln sowie remasterten Titeln aus dem klassischen Originalspiel!


  • CPU: Any
  • GFX: Intel HD Graphics 4000-5000 series (game in 720p)
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Japanisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

491 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 15:49
Lang lang ist es her. Für mich Nostalgie pur! Alex Kidd kenne ich noch aus meiner Jugend vom Sega Master System bzw. Sega Mega Drive.
Hab ich damals schon sehr gerne gespielt und so dachte ich mir, kaufst das eben für die Sammlung.

Finde das Spiel sehr gelungen, schöne Grafiken, haben sie wirklich toll umgesetzt. Vor allem gefällt mir, man kann es auch im Original spielen !! Die Restaurierte Neuauflage son nenne ich das mal, ist aber nicht 1 zu 1 wie damals, die Figur ist oder wirkt etwas größer als das Original, auch die Steuerung kommt mir ein wenig hakelig vor, sind halt so Kleinigkeiten die einem beim Spielen dann gleich ins Auge fallen.
Denke aber im großen und Ganzen hat man damit seinen Spaß und um die 13,99€ finde ich sind ok fürs Spiel. Macht man gerade nicht viel falsch. Testet selbst, von mir aber gibts den Daumen hoch.

Würde mir auch noch Quackshot, Castle of Illusion & World of Illusion und einige andere wünschen. Gab schöne Titel die es zu 100% verdient hätten restauriert zu werden.
131 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 16:12
Nach dem 3. Kommandant, wird es im Braunen Schloss richtig schwer. auf dem Sega Master System 2 war dieser bereich nicht so schwer als in dieser Version..
105 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 16:42
Alex Kidd, wie lange musste ich auf dieses geile Spiel als Remake warten. Und dann auch noch so eine geniale Umsetzung. Sound, Grafik, Spieleprinzip, hin und her switchen, die kniffelige Steuerung, Stein, Papier und Schere! Wow.

Eine wirklich gelungene Umsetzung, plus Errungenschaften. Von mir 9/10 ???? für Alex!

Ps: Ich erwarte Alex Kidd in shinobi world, Psycho Fox, Lucky dime carper, Fantasy Zone , kunfu Kidd, wie auch die Mickey Illusion Teile in dem tollen Format. Bitte!!
68 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 22:37
Mein erstes Game überhaupt (oder wars doch Sonic The Hedgehog?)...

Das Spiel haben meine Schwestern mit mir gern gespielt. Damals hat es aber niemand von uns bis zum Abspann geschafft. Erst Jahre später konnte ich das Game in die Knie zwingen, danach konnte ich mit erhobenen Hauptes meine Hausaufgaben erledigen.

Dieses Remake ist sogar kniffliger und an manchen Stellen auch frustrierend. Paar neue Elemente wurden implementiert, aber welche es sind solltet ihr selber herausfinden. Für Neulinge ist diese Version sicherlich frustrierend und nervenaufreibend. Allein deswegen klare Kaufempfehlung! Alex Kidd in Miracle World war das prähistorische Dark Souls damals. Der Preis ist in Ordnung auch wenn der Umfang marginal ist. Alte Sega Master Systemlinge werden vielleicht auch auf den Gedanken kommen, dass die Originalversion jetzt wie eine unvollendete Fassung wirkt. Schließlich gibt es jetzt deutlich mehr auf die Ohren. Und so manche neue Level erfüllen ihren Zweck!

Die Steuerung ist so eigen wie damals - egal welche Grafik ihr einstellt. Aber die Lernkurve geht steil nach oben und nach einer Weile kann man nach x-maligen Continues diverse Sprungtechniken akkurat ausführen. Viel Spaß!
107 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 18:37
Alex Kidd in Miracle World war mein erstes Videospiel, was ich gespielt habe! Da ist dieses Neuauflage natürlich Pflicht für mich! Ich kann mich komischerweise an fast alles erinnern. Man kann mitten im Spiel, zwischen Original und Neuauflage, wechseln! Meiner Meinung nach spielt sich die Neuauflage etwas schwieriger, kann aber auch täuschen!
Nice Game :) Sega Rulez
258 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 16:37
Nostalgia at its finest.You made a Beautiful Game even more Beautiful.Thanks for taking me back <33333
3787 Produkte im Account
321 Reviews
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 22:12
Dunno what others want - I liked the original back then and I like the new version. ...mostly. There are some optical differences that change the difficulty. So for some scenes I changed to the original and switched back.

How much of the original they changed I can't really tell, because I realized that I forgot most of it during all the years.
It's a good thing that you now finally can save the game and don't have to play it through in 1 run.
So what?! I like the remake.Bought it for 8 Euros and thats ok for me.
132 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 11:58
Alex Kidd in Rage Quit World
904 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 22:02
Turning off V-Sync makes control much smoother and the game a lot more enjoyable; it's almost unplayable with it on.
228 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 03:05
This is a lovingly crafted remake of the original Master System classic. This game's brilliant new soundtrack, new graphics and art, and a world of fixes to controls and gameplay make overlooked 1980s adventure game a modern masterpiece. Toggle retro style graphics with one button is a cute gimmick and I won't lie, and unlocking new play modes by beating the game actually had me coming back to this title even after beating it. Don't forget to look in the options menu to see the new options for gameplay fixes; this game was made at the dawn of console platforming, they didn't get it quite right at first.
6278 Produkte im Account
953 Reviews
152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 21:42
If you had a SEGA Master System before the new millennium, then Alex Kidd is no stranger to you.
The acrobatic monkey child was a bit of SEGA's mascot next to Sonic BUT Alex Kidd in Miracle World was even built into certain versions of the Master System, especially in a series of the first generations of the console.
Now the game is back with a finished remake as 'Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX'.

In this video you can notice differences in graphics and world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVxP-NtJ95k

Anyone who played the original Alex Kidd in Miracle World years ago knows all too well that it was a very challenging game. A lot of gamers have never even finished the game and this DX version is not a breeze either.
The in-game shop where you could buy certain items or vehicles were and still are a good stimulation to try to reach the finish of the game again.

The gameplay is still identically the same.
If you are hit by an enemy, you are still instantly dead.
Jumping is a precise job just like it used to be, especially since Alex Kidd always slips that little bit when landing a jump, but that's part of the job.
Add to that that you barely have any lives and you know that reaching the end of the game is not for the faint of heart. (But pss, this is the PC, and there will be mods on the PC, but don't tell them)

Not that there have been no quality of life changes, for example you now have faster access to your special items, although it is still not explained exactly what they do or how to use them, so you just have to use all the buttons once to discover it and yes, there's even an option to play with an infinite number of lives, quite surprising, and something we can give the devs extra thanks for.
The only difference this mode makes is that you get certain achievements that you can't get.
If you now lose all your lives, you can also continue playing from the last level you hit, although you will lose all your money.
Fortunately, a save system has also been thought of to save your progress, so that you no longer have to make those one hellish routes through the game.

If you play with the mode of infinite lives, you will quickly notice how quickly the game is finished,
'back in the day' when the game was only built into the console, then you needed at least 2 days to get good enough to finish the game in 1 session.
But now, if you've now completed the game, you can get started with the Boss Rush, in which you can hit all the bosses again, and the Classic Mode, which is a remake of the original on the Master System.
Everything works and looks like it did all those years ago. So if you are looking for the original experience, you can also come here, pure nostalgia food.
410 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 14:47
Alex Kidd in Miracle World - if you're reading this you probably know the outline. SEGA's mascot before Sonic the Hedgehog, built-into Master System units, blah blah blah.

Despite the developer's efforts to update Alex Kidd in Miracle World with modern quality-of-life improvements - optional infinite lives (that, of course, when activated makes 'certain achievements' unachievable because ???), reworked hitboxes, and reworked controls - Alex Kidd, the player character, nevertheless handles like absolute garbage. As far as I can tell, the 'modern controls' only make it so that Alex stops moving immediately without input, and give you a microsecond of 'coyote time' to jump while running off a platform. However, whichever control scheme you choose, Alex still has far, far more horizontal 'oomph' than he should - which makes intuitive platforming impossible, as you'll always, always find yourself launching Alex over where you expected him to land.

(Side note - when choosing the modern control scheme, the game helpfully points out, paraphrased, 'Are you sure? This will make the slide move impossible, and thus make it impossible to reach certain areas.' - without bothering to explain how to perform the slide move to begin with, or where it would be helpful to use the original control scheme. Likewise, although the game has a new introductory animation explaining Alex, his world, and his mission, there's absolutely no explanation of what power-ups do, or even how to play the game. The original Alex Kidd in Miracle World came with an instruction manual; whereas this version has no manual, no in-game help or tutorial, nothing.)

Another issue I have is that, as always with modern re-imaginings of 'classic' platform games, the modern graphics are indeed very, very pretty, and you can almost-instantly toggle between 8-bit and 'modern' graphics - however, enemies fail to stand out against the lushly-detailed modern stage backgrounds. This is a problem as brushing an enemy is insta-death, and will send you back to a checkpoint; so get used to seeing the Game Over (Retry) (Exit) screen, because you will be seeing it. Over, and over, and over again.

It's a shame. I want to like the game, because of how different it is for its time - it has platforming levels, swimming levels, vehicle levels, scissors-paper-stone boss battles - and there's obviously been attention poured into the updated visuals and soundtrack. The trouble is, the game's just plain awful to control.

So, my feeling is that either the developer's been unable to sufficiently smooth off the 1986 game's jagged edges - in which case, I suppose the DX game needed more time in the oven; or it's simply impossible to bring the 1986 game up to a more modern, playable version, without inadvertently changing it into a different game altogether - in which case, why bother with a re-imagining to begin with?

Either way, I'm left with a shiny polish on a big, stale, three-and-a-half-decade-old turd that, frankly, deserves to be forgotten even as a 'historical artefact'. Don't bother with Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX, you'll find better platforming action elsewhere.
340 Produkte im Account
190 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 07:02
Audiovisually attractive remake of a mediocre-at-best platformer. Offers a few options to make it play a little less awkwardly, but you'd have to be seriously blinded by nostalgia to overlook the flaws in this.
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 10:29
I was awesone
740 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 01:58
This was the first game I ever owned. It came with the Master System II that I got for Christmas. It's still fun and still hard. And I commend the developers for including both modern graphics and the original graphics, for nostalgia. If you like classic platformers, this is a must-have.
71 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 05:17
I had a SMSII when growing up.
Alex Kidd was built into it.
While I never did manage to beat the game when I was young(between homework and parents wanting me off TV and being less skilled) I do remember a lot of the original fondly.

I remember all the boss battles and the tricks needed to beat each one.
Even how if you had enough speed with the bike you could kill the bear in the dark forest with in a few seconds.
The boss battles have some changes made to them it that was a pain but i adapted.

I dislike how the top of the screen(in open areas) is has collision and you can no longer jump above the screen like you could in the original version, this makes it harder to jump from blocks that are near the top of the screen.
Stopping you from doing this was not really needed IMO.

Controls feel a tad odd, not sure why(not locked to FPS like SMS version?)

I do like the Retry function so you do not need to start from the start when you die.
Not played the emulated version with in the game fully yet

Could be nostalgia but the added levels dont jive with me

But all in all, I loved it
96 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 19:12
Alex Kid was one of the first game i ever play as a kid, and see it like that make the nostalgia sink in! Amazing job Highly recommend it! Thank you so much Merge Games for this dream come true!!!!
392 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 13:50
At first I wasn't convinced by the looks and music. But after half an hour I started to love it. It has lots of extra content that the original game didn't have and I'm just enjoying it a lot. Can't wait to 100% it. If you liked the original game or played it as a child, give it a try, you won't be disappointed! Also I'm playing it like old school, when I game over I restart from the beginning, but there are a lots of options to make the game easier if you find it challenging! Personally I also love the original controls <3 but you can switch to less slippery if you prefer. Honestly, if you played this is a child, you don't have an excuse to try this excellent remake!
131 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 19:35
Very well done remake, hope the team will be inspired for a sequel with SEGAs blessing
36 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 14:26
My first console of choice was the Sega Master System. It's easy to deduce that I would have naturally had this game. Though I was more into the arcade style games like Action Fighter, Space Harrier, and Kenseiden, I hated Super Mario Brothers (and Zelda), especially the music, so I glossed over this SMS gem and continued with Phantasy Star and R-Type. Like everyone alive, I got nostalgic for some classic gaming because being 40+ sucks, so why not make it better. I did not like the game. The controls are way to floaty and haphazard. collision detection is horrible, and you simply die whenever they feel like you need to. I admit that's a bit of a stretch to claim, but I'm feeling dramatic.

Yes, it's a fun game. It looks amazing. Pure, vivid, and evocative. I just hate the controls. I kept dying. Over and over. Finishing it wasn't too hard, I just needed to come back after a day of dying over and over by some spikes, a boss you can't get to close to due to the awful collision detection, or that one jump you can't make. The slide feature is impossible to do. I can not figure it out. It's simple to do on the SMS, but not here.

I changed the control response at their recommendation and noticed an improvement. I didn't die before I made it to the water. I need to go through the game again and see how it goes, but this game is quite nice to look at. Some play features are fun, but the slippery controls stop the flow. Not the best SMS game, but an important one with much better music, game play ideas, and look than any SMB game.

Thank you, Sega!
498 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 13:13
The very first game I ever owned as a child and for a long time, it was my favourite game. I so badly wanted this to be good. But sometimes we don't get what we want.

First off, it looks amazing. The visuals have been drastically enhanced, while still keeping to the spirit of the original. I also really appreciated the new levels, as brief as they are.

That's all the nice things I have to say. My main problem is with how the character controls, and pretty much every other issue stems from that. Alex constantly slides like he's moving across ice. This is not so bad in the opening levels, but as you progress further, the platforming becomes more precise and deadly, leading to a lot of cheap and unfair deaths. The game was already difficult without adding another layer of artificial difficulty.

The best quality of 2D platformers (or any platformer, actually) is the precise control of the character that allows freedom of movement within the world of the game. The fact that the developers can mess up such a fundamental part of their game is unbelievable, and ultimately unforgivable.

What a shame.
975 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 17:19
Got around 20-30 minutes into this and it just doesn't feel right at all. Played a lot of the original game back in the day and have regularly returned to it over the years. Something about the controls and collision detection feel terrible and left me not wanting to play it at all.

There seems to be some issues with the framerate or frame pacing too, as it doesn't not feel smooth or consistent. what troubles me is that a lot of the overwhelmingly positive reviews don;t mention this at all. So do be wary before jumping in at full price for a piece of nostalgia, as it really doesn't hold up to the original in either mode you decide to try.

I may try it again in the future once it's received some patches and is on deal. But right now, refunding and recommending avoiding it and playing the original game for now.
457 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 12:29
I have a deep attachment to this title, since it was the first video game I've ever played.

I tried it, I liked it.
I knew it was coming out, but I've never seen trailers, so I was pleasantly surprised to see some new levels and mechanics;

other than that, the game is pretty much as I remembered it, including the infamous spot underwater, with the spears, which is pretty much a dead end if you haven't bought the right item.

It must be said that, for someone who hasn't tried it in his childhood, this game may seem trivial, or not be understood (And now that I think about it, why the heck would I have to fight guys playing paper, scissor, stone, It's beyond my mind), but it's worth a try.

I loved being a small dumb child again for a day.
Now I'm just a insignificant dumb adult, and that's not so funny. But that's another story.
39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 07:14
My first game as it was built into my master system II. Never finished it but I always found myself playing it, even on emulation.

Controls feel more slippery in this version and Alex's punch hit-box feels smaller compared to the enemy's hit-box which seems a little easy to touch and die.

Lastly, I live in Japan and have played Janken daily with my students for more than 10years; never has anyone said Jan Ken 'Pon'. It's said and spelled (in Romaji) as Jan Ken 'Poi'('Hoi' for some pronouciation). My Japanese wife, who tried the game, also asked why it says 'Pon', I told her it's bad translation. Though, Everytime I enter a boss battle I shudder when I hear 'Pon'
1171 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 11:04
This game is a masterpiece of bad game design. But it's now covered in a more digestible package! This remake sounds and looks fantastic. The music is so cheerful and the lovely are style really make up for how shitty the game is; which is not the developer's fault. Thank god they added an infinite lives mode. I hope to see this dev make something of their own in the future and just leave alex kidd in the ground where he belongs. Ugh, I cannot stress just how terrible this game is.

Tl;dr FU** Alex Kidd.
161 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 05:23
Live playing this again after so many years. I have my original master system with this built in. But having it with a wireless controller and being able to switch between old versions and new versions is awesome.
354 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 14:08
I'd had this on my wishlist since it was first announced, as Alex Kidd was my favourite game as a preteen. I have no interest in the new graphics/music/story, I just wanted a version of the original for the PC that I could play with a controller. Unfortunately, it would seem even the 'original' options aren't original. There's no old-style map, either. Nostalgia demanded the same experience, but it's still out begging. Very disappointed.
287 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 13:42
I love Alex Kidd and grew up playing it on Sega Master System II. When I found out about this remake, I was really excited and hopeful that they could pull off the amazing success that Lizardcube had when they remade Wonder Boy III: The Dragons Trap. Unfortunately, this remake falls far short of what it could have been.

The controls and mechanics are wildly different from the original game, and make Alex a nightmare to control. He is too slippery, making precise platforming incredibly difficult. He will also now slide off platforms or clip through them slightly, which has caused me no end of frustration. The hitbox for Alex with the remastered graphics feel a little off; I have died several times from being too near an enemy even though I made no contact. The projectiles from both the ring and from the peticopter feel far smaller than in classic mode, and almost never make contact with the enemies. I had to play the peticopter levels in classic mode to be able to finish it. The duck and slide mechanic has become almost impossible to pull off. Some levels have been altered altogether; on the Secret Island in the original game, you could break the bottom row of blocks at the beginning of the level and walk under the rest, but now you need to break both rows.

Aside from the mechanical issues, there are a lot of disappointing design choices. The music is off in a number of levels and it doesn't capture the original well at all. The most egregious change is the complete rewrite of all in game text. This was devastating for me, because the huge text boxes and the original dialogue were some of the most charming elements of the game. To see this new script pushed into the classic mode just felt really gross and awful.

I do like some elements that have been introduced. The infinite lives is a nice addition and the diet option gave me a good chuckle. But overall, this is a very poor remastering of a classic and well loved game. I will keep at it and give it more time to see if any changes are made, but suffice to say I am really disappointed. This could have been brilliant.
135 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 23:08
I played the original Alex Kidd for hours and hours as a kid, and this remake has been like going back to those times. The art is splendid, and I enjoyed the game a lot. I will also listen to the music on loop while working. I highly recommend it.
126 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 17:56
This is more than a remake, it's a childhood nostalgia
1292 Produkte im Account
127 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 22:51
I really wanted this game to be good. I've been anticipating it since it was teased, and as a fan of the original SEGA games, I was wondering what improvements would be made to the Alex Kidd formula to modernize the game a bit. Sadly, outside of a new coat of paint, it's not much of an improvement. In fact, there were aspects that made it worse than the original game.

I noticed a lot of input lag in this game, where Alex would not move right away, or would continue moving after the joystick was released. In a difficult game like this that requires a lot of precision and skill, a flaw like that makes it literally unplayable. There are also areas of the game that were notoriously unfair, such as the acid near the end, that players used a glitch to pass. Well, the glitch is gone in this remake, but the acid hazard was not tweaked either. Even jumping a little bit in that room (which you need to, to hit the block) brings you death. There's a lot of trial and error and stuff that's not introduced to a new player in a controlled environment the way, let's say, a Megaman game might. However this is in the spirit of the original game, so your mileage may vary.

Worst of all, when I got to the final castle and decided to save it for the next day since it was late at night, I opened the game the next day to see that my save had been completely wiped. Why even make it saveable if it will just wipe itself out at the most important part of the game?

I know these developers are really passionate about Alex Kidd, so I am hoping that improvements will be made to make the game better. As it is now, I can't recommend it to anyone.
583 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 06:22

I'm sure like many of you out there this was one of the first games I ever played, Its been well over 20 years since I last even looked at it but from what I could tell this plays pretty much exactly the same(few boss changes for the better, maybe controls tightened a bit but cant confirm) just with a stunning new paint job and redone audio, accessible on the fly at the touch of a button.

I've seen a few people complain about the controls and yeah its a bit dated I guess, but honestly to me it just felt like playing a Master System game again. Don't go into a remake/remaster of a 35 year old platform game and expect it to control like Ori and the Blind Forest.
There is a 99 lives cheat toggle in the menu for anyone struggling and a huge amount of checkpoints, you pretty much start where you die(I cant remember how checkpoints worked in the OG if any)

I'm more than happy with it and the devs seem very active in the forums which is always nice.
Great jobs all round and I look forward to showing the game to family and friends who also haven't seen Alex in many years.

Massive thumbs up.
351 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 19:03
A fine revival of a nostalgia-scented game.

An infuriating game, to be sure, but absolutely the best in the Alex Kidd series. I thought some of the new levels were a little obnoxious here and there, and having to do janken matches before each boss in Boss Rush mode was a pain, but Alex Kidd's difficulty originally came from obnoxious design in the first place.

Altogether it's a faithful recreation of a classic. I'd recommend it (after first having cooled off and done some deep-breathing exercises).
Logo for Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
81.29% 139 32
Release:24.06.2021 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Merge Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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