Hey renovators! It’s time to review what tools will be left at your disposal in Airport Renovator. Those of you who played the demo are likely to know exactly what kind of equipment is available and what each piece is used for. Those who didn’t play the Airport Renovator demo can utilise this knowledge to become renovation experts in a very short period of time.
The trusty Axe is your second best companion – considering that the goat is your first. You can use the axe to break padlocks, demolish trash and obviously, chop down trees. It will be very useful in clearing out the area around the runway and clearing the airport out of unwanted scrap.
The Dust Blower is a handy device that can easily clear the runway from sand and dust for a smooth landing and takeoff. It also seems to work like kryptonite for the overly friendly goat. If you need some time alone, just point it at the little bugger and see what happens.
The Pressure Washer is by far one of the most powerful tools in Airport Renovator. It removes stains and dirt with unimaginable force. Think about a pod of 100 whales blowing out water all at once – it is nothing near to what our Pressure Washer is capable of. Sadly, it won’t remove blueberry stains from your favourite shirt.
Grass Trimmer does not have an easy life in Airport Renovator. If you want your airport to look flawless, you’re going to have to use the trimmer very often. It does exactly what you expect – gets rid of all those pesky weeds around the runway, terminal and hangar. There’s nothing like the smell of freshly cut grass in the morning.
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