• AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.
  • AI War: Fleet Command: Screen zum Spiel AI War: Fleet Command.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 21.10.2009
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Preis Update 31.12.24

Über das Spiel

"You are outgunned. You are massively outnumbered. You must win." These are your orders.

Humanity has already fought its war against the machines -- and lost. AI death squads stand watch over every planet and every wormhole, the few remaining human settlements are held captive in orbiting bubbles, and the AIs have turned their attention outward, away from the galaxy, to alien threats or opportunities unknown.

This inattention is our only hope: a small resistance, too insignificant even to be noticed by the AI central command, has survived. These are the forces you will command. The AI subcommanders will fight you to the death when they see you -- but your glimmer of opportunity comes from quietly subduing those subcommanders without alerting central processing to the danger until it's too late.

You do have a few things going in your favor. Your ships are much faster. You have safe AI routines to automate defenses and mining outposts. You have production techniques that can churn out fully-outfitted unmanned fighters in seconds. There will never be more than a few thousand of your ships versus tens of thousands of theirs, but through careful strategy you must somehow reach and destroy the heavily-guarded AI cores.

Go forth into the galaxy, steal AI technology, recapture those planets you must in order to achieve your ends, and save what remains of humanity. But draw too much attention to yourself, and the full might of the AI overlords will come crashing down.


  • CPU: 1.6 GHz CPU (2.4 GHz empfohlen, Dual Core empfohlen für Host)
  • GFX: Grafikkarte muss 1024x1024 Texturen unterstützen (die meisten 32 MB Grafikkarten und besser), 1024x768 oder besser (32 bit Farbtiefe empfohlen)
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB empfohlen)
  • Software: Windows 2000 oder besser, 32 oder 64 bit
  • HD: 300 MB
  • DX: 9.0c
  • INET: Breitbandinternetverbindung oder LAN vorausgesetzt für Mehrspielermodus.
  • LANG: Englisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

38 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 11:55
Well let us be fair with this one...

-Ultra large amount of AI behaviour settings
-Good tutorial

-It is not really that interesting, you wont have fun running 20 hour long games, unlike in Paradox Grand strategy or Total War franchise for example
-It lacks content even with all dlcs it still feels empty
-Overall lack of something that motivates you to keep playing and grinding, it has no real story and no lore, which makes playing hour long grinding games kinda boring and poitnless.
-I really tried to enjoy the game as I like hard strategy games but I just couldn´t relate to this one nether get really sucked into the game, which is always bad for a long lasting strategy game, especially if its global strategy genre like (subjective)

So i would not recommend it after all, the devs wanted to create a masterpiece with this game but failed at the core concepts, kinda really really sad though :(
137 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.19 15:01
Feel the War Lul
2870 Produkte im Account
891 Reviews
618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.18 15:10
AI War: Fleet Command ist ein Echtzeitstrategiespiel mit Sci-Fi Story, minimalistischer Optik und enorm viel Potential. Der erste Moment im Spiel ist erstmal Ernüchterung: Das Interface wirkt so verstaubt und unattraktiv, dann gelangt man nach mehreren Untermenüs in das eigentliche Spiel und sieht winzige primmelige Icons und 2D Schiffchen und Objekte im 2D Weltraum. Nun muss man dem Spiel wirklich eine Chance geben und dran bleiben, das Tutorial ist wirklich hilfreich, denn das Spiel hat enorm Potential und unerwartet viel Tiefe. Sobald man da mal eingestiegen ist, bekommt man es mit gewaltigen Mengen an Schiffen und einer gnadenlosen KI zu tun, dann scheppert und raucht es pausenlos. Für Hardcore-Fans von RTS ist das ein echtes Juwel. Wenn man die nächste Armada durch ein Wurmloch schickt um einen Planet einzunehmen den man dringend für die Ressourcen benötigt, ann ist die Grafik ohnehin nicht mehr so wichtig, weil dann das Kopfkino läuft.

399 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.15 19:40
zuerst möchte ich davor warnen, dass jeder Spieler der hier nach einem Spiel sucht in dem er Multiplayer Schlachten im Stil des klassischen PvP betreiben kann, wird hier enttäuscht.
In diesem Spiel geht es darum mit bis zu 8 Spielern die beiden KI´s zu besiegen (Storytechnisch die Dominante Spezies in der Galaxie die nichts neben sich duldet), was mit den richtigen Einstellungen für alle Spieler herrausfordernd bleibt. Es gibt verdammt viele Einstellungen und Bonis für die KI. Zusammen mit hefitigen kleinen Fraktionen sorgt dies dafür das sich keiner langweilen muss.
Ja, die KI zu besiegen klingt eigentlich einfach (CompStomp). Doch jede Eroberung muss sorgfälltig überlegt sein. Jede Aktion macht die KI aufmerksamer und schwieriger.

Die Spielmechanik - die Inhalte - Einheiten/Gebäude und Regeln sind hier kaum zu bewerten, da sie von Euren Einstellungen abhängen. Alles lässt sich regulieren um ein immer wieder einzigartiges Gameplay zu erleben.
Im Großen und Ganzen kann das Spiel also relativ flach von den Einheitenvarriationen (einfach die Komplexität reduzieren) und Inhalten bleiben oder entsprechend deiner Vorliebe extrem umfangreich.

Die Grafik ist nicht up to date, doch das hat auch Sinn. Ansonsten würde kaum ein Spieler die Schlachten mit über 3000 Einheiten miterleben können. Die Grafik ist hier auch nicht der Fokus, sondern die KI und die Mechanik.

Ein Manko hat das Spiel allerdings und das ist die UI. Übersichtlich ist was anderes. Es lässt sich nahezu alles mit Hotkeys lösen und steuern, doch diese müssen erstmal in den Schädel gedrückt werden. Doch mit etwas Geduld lässt sich das alles meistern und kompensieren. Zumal ich nicht mal wüsste wie ich die mögliche Komplexität in einer UI anders lösen sollte. Gut möglich das so ein Spiel das mit sich bringt. Dennoch hätte da mehr Arbeit nicht geschadet. Da hilft auch die Automatisierung nur wenig.

Ingesamt erfordert es etwas Arbeit in das Spiel einzutauchen, doch der Aufwand lohnt sich. Speziell mit ein paar Spielern auf gleichem Niveau ist dieses Spiel ein klasse Hammer.

81 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.15 10:07
Zwar spiele ich das Spiel noch nicht lange, aber in der Zeit im Tutorial merkt man eines ganz deutlich; die Entwickler haben viel Wert auf die Erklärung der einzelnen Elemente gelegt. Jeder Button und jede Anzeige sind mit einem freundlich Formulierten und hilfreichem Text beschriftet der in aller Regel alles deutlich erklärt.
Das Gefällt
1664 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
7912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.14 20:46
AI War ist ein sogenanntes Globalstrategie- bzw. 4X-Spiel (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate), in dem ihr die letzte Bastion der Menschheit gegen zwei teuflische AIs führt, die vor langer Zeit die Menschheit an die Grenze der Auslöschung brachten, bevor sie ihre Aufmerksamkeit etwas anderem widmete. Man weiß nicht, was genau die Aufmerksamkeit der Ai beansprucht, doch dies ist nun eure Chance endlich zurückzuschlagen. Da die AI größtenteils abgelenkt ist, setzt sie keine Großangriffe gegen euch.

Das Spiel ist in mehrere Planeten innerhalb einer Galaxie aufgeteilt, der Spieler kontrolliert einen Planeten und die AI alle übrigen. Die Anzahl der Planeten kann individuell angepasst werden von ganz wenigen (20) bis zu extrem vielen (120+). Auf je zwei dieser Planeten befinden sich die AI Hauptrechner, dies sind die Computer, in denen die AIs residieren, zerstört ihr sie, wird auch die AI ausgelöscht, zu der der Computer gehört. Ziel ist es also, beide Computer ausfindig zu machen und zu zerstören, jedoch hört sich dies einfacher an als gedacht.

In AI War kämpft ihr stets gegen einen euch in allen Dingen überlegenen Gegner. Er ist besser bewaffnet, hat mehr Einheiten, extrem mächtige Verteidigungsanlagen und Technologien, von denen ihr noch nie etwas gehört habt. Wie besiegt man also so ein Monstrum?
Zuerst einmal ist da die Tatsache, dass die AI euch nicht mehr beachtet. Nachdem die Menschheit fast ausgelöscht wurde, sah die AI die Menschen nicht mehr als Bedrohung an und hat sie sich selbst überlassen, um außerhalb eurer Galaxie sich anderen Dingen zu widmen. Aus diesem Grund weiß die AI nicht, dass ihr einen Gegenschlag vorbereitet. Um im Spiel voran zu kommen, müsst ihr andere Planeten erobern, um so deren Ressourcen zu sichern, mögliche Technologie, die euch fehlt, zu erbeuten und eure eigene Flotte zu erweitern. Durch Überfälle, kleinere Gefechte und Planeteneroberungen erobert ihr Stück für Stück die Galaxie zurück und nähert euch den AI Heimaten. Zudem erhaltet ihr technologie, die euch vorher verwehrt blieb, entweder durch Wissen, dass ihr aus den eroberten Planeten extrahiert oder indem ihr Fabriken der AI erobert, die dann einen Raumschifftyp für euch herstellt, der vorher der AI vorbehalten war.
Die AI wird jedoch durch diese Angriffe auf sie immer aufmerksamer auf eure Anwesenheit und ihr wird langsam bewusst, dass die schwachen Menschen dennoch eine Gefahr darstellen könnten. Der sogenannte AI-Fortschritt zeigt daher an, wie bewusst sich die AI eurer Anwesenheit und eurer Bedrohung ist, wie viele Gegenmaßnahmen sie vorbereitet hat und noch mehr. Allgemein zeigt der Fortschritt einfach an, wie schwer es in Zukunft wird. Das heißt stärkere Angriffe auf euch, bessere Befestigungen und mehr.

Das kampfsystem in AI War ist sehr komplex durchdacht. Raumschiffe haben Hüllen- und Kampfmultiplikatoren. Die hülle bestimmt, aus welchem Baumaterial das Raumschiff besteht, der kampfmultiplikator gibt an, gegen welche Hülle das Raumschiff besonders effektiv ist. So entsteht ein Schere-Stein-Papier System, bei dem man bei jedem kampf individuell entscheiden muss,w elche Raumschiffe man in die Schlacht schickt, da ansonst selbst eien Flotte aus Mark IV Raumschiffen aufgerieben werden kann, wenn sie eine Schwäche gegen die gegnerische Flotte haben.
Auch "Gebäude" (welche im Grunde genommen fliegende Raumstationen und Befestigungen sind) besitzen Hüllentypen, weshalb man mit bestimmten raumschiffen leichter Gebäude des Gegners zerstören kann, etwa mit Bombern.

Was AI War so einzigartig macht ist seine riesige Variation und Komplexiät, die ich bis jetzt in noch keinem anderen Spiel entdeckt habe. Nicht nur, dass jedes Raumschiff ganz individuell seine eigenen Stats und seine eigenen Waffen besitzt, zudem gibt es eine GIGANTISCHE Auswahl an unterschiedlichen Raumschiffen, weshalb ihr bei jedem Spieldurchgang noch neue Raumschiffe entdecken könnt. Auch die AI besitzt ganz individuelle Charakterzüge, die ihren Spielstil massiv beeinflussen. So spielt etwa eine Turtle AI sehr defensiv und startet keine Angriffswellen gegen euch, hat dafür aber übermächtige Festungen, die schwer zu überwinden sind.

Die Zahl der Möglichkeiten steigt zudem noch durch die unterschiedlichen, sehr günstigen Erweiterungen, die neben neuen AI-Typen und Raumschiffen auch gänzlich neue Features bieten, etwa die sogenannten Champions, welche man als "Heldeneinheit" bezeichnen kann. Auch neue Alienrassen werden durch Erweiterungen eingeführt, die sowohl für euch als auch gegen euch agieren können.

Der Multiplayer in AI War ist reine Kooperation, Spieler gegen Spieler Aktionen sind nicht möglich, was natürlich daran liegt, dass die AI so ein mächtiger Feind ist, dass die Menschen sich gezwungen sehen trotz Differenzen, die sie vorher hatten, zusammen zu arbeiten. Mehr Spieler bedeutet, dass ihr als einzelner Spieler weniger Raumschiff egleichzeitig besitzen könnt, insgesamt aber die Gesamtanzahl der Raumschiffe höher ist. Auch könnt ihr von unterschiedlichen Winkeln die AI angreifen, weshalb sie ihre Aufmerksamkeit mehreren Orten gleichzeitig widmen muss. Das Spiel ist aber deswegen nicht einfacher, im Gegenteil, mehr Spieler bedeuten, dass ihr auch die Planeten unter euch aufteilen müsst und die AI schneller auf die Bedrohung aufmerksam wird, was frühe starke Angriffe nach sich zieht.
Ein Multiplayerspiel zu finden bzw. zu starten ist eine Qual. Arcen Games weigert sich massiv gegen ein richtiges Matchmakingfeature sowie gegen eigene Spielserver, weshalb Spieler ein Multiplayerspiel selbst auf die Beine stellen müssen, was sich oft als problematisch herausstellt. Das dürfte auch bisher der größte Kritikpunkt meinerseits an AI War sein, da so der Kooperationsaspekt des Spiels, welcher meiner Meinung doch einen sehr wichtigen Teil des Spiels ausmacht, schwer zugänglich für viele Spieler ist und daher nicht gespielt werden kann. Gerade hier wünschen sich viele eien Besserung, die leider nicht umgesetzt wird.

Abgesehen davon überzeugte mich AI War sofort. Zwar ist es schwer zugänglich für Casual-Spieler, aber dafür wurde es auch nicht konzipiert. AI War ist Hardcorestrategie auf höchstem Niveau, die hohe Komplexität gepaart mit dem Schwierigkeitsgrad machen AI War ein heftiges Erlebnis, bei dem man mehr als einmal feststellt, dass man sich in eine auswegslose Lage manövriert hat, bei dem nur ein Neustart hilft. es sei noch gesagt, dass eien Spielrunde bei AI War sehr lange dauert. Eine Spielzeit von 8-16 Stunden ist hier der Standard, sowohl in Multiplayer als auch in Singleplayer. Da trifft es sich gut, dass man diese Runden nicht am Stück durchspielen muss.
Ich empfehle AI War jedem Strategen, der mal endlich eine Herausforderung sucht. Casualspieler hingegen sollten einen Bogen um dieses Spiel machen, dieses Spiel ist sicher nicht für Anfänger auf dem Strategiemarkt gedacht und wer nicht bereit ist mehrere Stunden alleine dafür zu investieren, das Spiel zu lernen, sollte es einfach sein lassen. Es ist sehr zeitaufwendig.
726 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
7115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.14 17:30
Episch..... von klein bis große schlachten, geiler Co op modus für einige spieler gegen die Ai. 10 verschiedene schwierigkeiten, viele schiffe, einstellbares Ai verhalten, Karten größe und Random Fraktion und Man kann sich seine start position aus suchen. Schon alleine macht es spass aber erst im Multiplayer :D Flotten ZUM ANGRIFF!!!!
255 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
10401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.14 20:34
Sehr anspruchsvoller, auf höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden extrem schwieriger Spaß, fast unbegrenzte replaybility da dutzende AI Typen, Subtypen und AI Verfeinerungen. Dazu etliche DLCs und ordentliches maintaining durch die Entwickler. Wer Grafikprotz und/oder ein einfaches Spiel erwartet sollte sich lieber woanders umgucken, für Strategie-Nerds aber bestens geeignet :-)
140 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 20:51

Before I played: I had a small cock, no girlfriend and little will to live.
After I played: Nothing has changed, but it's a good game.

52 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 22:45
AI War: Fleet Command
1500 Produkte im Account
1500 Reviews
1004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 18:51
Despite it's simple appearance this is a pretty deep strategy game. You don't start off against the enemy on even footing so it will take some level of strategy to survive while growing to a point at which you can take on the AI without getting completely crushed.

There are a bunch of neat units and tons of things to do so you'll be quite busy managing it all. Mechanics seemed pretty solid and no significant bugs even though it's an older game. A great game for fans of space combat or strategy games!
1539 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 13:14
This seems like an interesting game and is very detailed. I, however, am not smart enough to play it.
125 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 07:08
Imagine stellaris, but remove everything except fleet management and combat. It's not bad by any means, but not my cup of tea.
21 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
5387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 10:59
439 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 00:45
No UI scaling, unplayable at 4k
150 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 09:14
didnt understand it.
557 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
4105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 01:05
For an older game and the genre, I had a lot of fun playing this. It has a sharp learning curve and you need to play thru at least once to get the hang of it, but it's a good game. Lots of depth and tons of different units you can get in different play-thrus.
870 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 12:59

Error 404

While I do recommend this game I recommend AI War 2 even more as it's a vast improvement on what you see and get in this game. But this game has a bit more content due to the DLC list.

If I had to describe this game it'd be zerg rush the game. Keep an eye on your resources, take over planets the AI holds, simple enough premise. But if you aren't careful the game can turn into tug of war, as the AI will escalate its own forces as it sees fit, and it doesn't take much to escalate.

Again, simple enough premise, which leaves a lot for the gameplay. While it's not Sins of a Solar Empire level, it is similar, adjacent. I can't stress enough that AI War 2 improves on it a lot, but giving a thumbed down review would be very unfair if so, especially when there's not really any faults with this game. And again it is fun, their is a level of tension with the back and forth with the AI, as you struggle to gain and keep footholds that grow from there.

The only criticism I have is the UI is not very good, which, again and again, is improved in AI War 2.
433 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 00:05
is there a player still playing this game
267 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 15:41
Tried but couldn't get to like it. Definitely for a niche audience.
67 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 00:50
Found it incredibly boring. - terrible graphics - blob-like tactics - somewhat boring spaces of time building things up; and twitch like game play - doesn't really build intended atmosphere
838 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 13:01
Only reason I wouldn't recommend this is because everything is so freaking tiny (text and stuff) that it hurt my eyes. Being bigger might clog the screen, but I struggled through my hour of this. That, and it's really complicated! Would probably suit an RTS veteran, but just made my head hurt so not compelled to continue.
548 Produkte im Account
364 Reviews
22727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 16:37
This is a positive review but with the warning that all of the AI War game series are very niche products. These are intentionally super-difficult and frustrating tests of you versus a cheating AI with an incredibly difficult learning curve.

Minimal graphics, hours of reading instructions and hours of practice later, you'll still be losing; until you get just the right balance of approach and solve the galaxy wide test.

If you ever wanted to turn a spreadsheet into an RTS wargame, this is the series that does it. Tedious accounting and an exacting balance are required to build up your forces while appearing to not be a threat (or the AI will wipe you out) until you finally have just the right pieces in place to wipe them out instead. It's a multi-teir galactic chess game against an opponent that can choose to win whenever it feels like it, and your only solution is to play cat and mouse until you can overwhelm them without them noticing.

I'd be tempted to not recommend AI War games, but the reality is they are just built for a very niche audience and the difficulty is intentional. For those that want the steep learning curve and a chance to overcome overwhelming odds, that's what this series delivers. And you can usually get them on sale for pretty cheap.

Bottom line, you should know if this is the type of challenge you want and the satisfaction that comes from failing a dozen times before succeeding.
126 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
2818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 20:11
It is definitely not a casual game. This game will appeal to you if you enjoy a prolonged strategic game of attrition. You cannot win this game by brute force or fast expansion like in vast majority of 4X games because your opponent's (the Galactic Skynet) forces scale exponentially with your linear expansion.

You cannot take every star system that you can attack. To win you'll have to devise a long-term plan and take only those systems that have very high strategic value (resources, position, bottleneck, superweapons). You will need to do extensive reconnaissance of enemy star systems and fleets and become a master of guerrilla warfare.

There is a large array of ships and defence fortifications that you can build, and there are many game options that you can tweak to suit your playstyle. You can even have an RPG component in parallel with the grand strategy aspect of the game. There is an option to have an additional very powerful ship at the start of the game that can scout otherwise inaccessible nebulas and participate in special battles that level up your ship, give you special unique ships and also allies (ships not under your control but which will be fighting for you).

I have spent hundreds of hours playing this game (mostly offline; that's why my hours look so low).
419 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 18:37
This game is way too complex for me, the GUI and controls feel clunky and I really have a hard time enjoying myself.

It looks intresting but I just cant get into it - even the tutorials are so boring I cant play it for longer than an hour
723 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
88 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 08:49
I've tried to play this game at least twice over the years I've had it and never even managed to get past all three tutorials. I've never even seen the third tutorial because after playing through the first two I'm always so exhausted I need to take a break. By the time I've recovered enough to try to finish it, it's already been three years and I can't remember what I learned so I have to start all over again from the first tutorial.

I think this game is very probably a good game, but it's a good game designed for people who are hardcore invested in the strategy genre and also good at processing whatever the heck is going on here. I am not that person. At all. I didn't know that ten years ago when I first got it, but I do know it now. Because it's for a pretty niche market, I couldn't really recommend it to anyone besides people already in that market, and if they are already in that market than they really shouldn't be taking recommendations from me anyway.
45 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 05:13
You know of those 'one more turn' feeling in turn based game? now make it as an RTS game
51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 16:54
11/10 i believe me and my friend is stupid
165 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 01:42
Great game, but stay away from part II
20 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 22:05
Holy Yes! Every time I play this game it rewards me with a scaling difficulty based on my direct actions, truly feels like playing vs an AI
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
23859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 11:06
It is a challenge, the AI is not stupid. Stuck with it and it is worth every penny. This game takes a long time to master. The weak will just give up in frustration. It is that type of game.
244 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.20 17:14
135 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.19 18:48
Game looks good (and probably is) but it's unplayable on a small screen because of the overabundance of details and the small everything. I'll edit when my machine overlord let's me buy a new screen. If I remember.
100 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
6052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.19 00:35
This is not a game for the faint of heart. Think of it as a brutal game of chess, played against a sadist bent on causing you the HIGHEST amount of emotional pain. While you're in a volcano, while people around the lip of that volcano hurl rocks at you.

The AI is brutal. The game is brutal. You will loose systems and watch hours of progress get swept away like cobwebs because you THOUGHT you could tank a counter-attack. Play this game with the assumption that not only is there a very difficult AI, but one that actively hates you, personally.

All that said... the sweet, sweet taste of victory after 10+ HOURS (or more) of brutal system-by-system knifefighting is pretty much indescribable. You need a smoke break after you win - weather or not you actually smoke!
929 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
6677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.19 17:06
This is the BEST RTS ever progammed. The enemy allways outnumber and outgun you, yet you have to win. So you have to be subtle and smart. Piss the AI too much and you are comdened.

The AI is not a real AI, but sometimes you are going to believe that it´s smarter than you, when it retrats on desfavorable battles and comes back when you are not prepared and your strike force is several jumps away

The expansions add several ship types for you and the enemy, new game modes and new victory conditions.
224 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.19 23:02
Cool strategy game with a unique experience: you are trying to defeat the AI, but it doesn't think of you as a threat. However, the more you take, the stronger you get, the more the AI takes notice of you. It has this nice balance where you want to get stronger things, but you can't take over the whole map like in other games, otherwise you will lose.
71 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.19 11:21
I have played this game, in all it's versions, on-and-off for 10 years. The replayability level of this game is unmatched among RTS games. It's design approach, at the time was unique and that was what drew me to it. Something New.
That something new, for me, has not gotten old in ten years of play. Of course I don't play it 24/7 however I do go back to it as there is nothing else like it - even ten years later.

For an RTS it has a lot of depth - many layers of thinking are required but not in a grindy way - it is actually interesting to pause it and apply the imagination to what may be happening in the dark areas of the map, and then formulate a plan based on that and dare to execute it. Usuallly I play solo, but the few times I have played co-op I have enjoyed it which is usually not the case with me for co-op games.

I am mainly writing this review because a new AI-War game is being released soon and this got me playing the old one, even though I don't play it on steam I thought I had to share my experience.

I am optimistic that the sequel will not disappoint me the way so many games do these days, Arcen Games don't compromise on their design philosophy to make another version of something that has proven popular - they just make good games that I like and I like AI-War.

tldr; This is probably my favourite game in general over ten years. I play lots of games and a few of them are very very good, but this is my favourite.
131 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.15 23:54
This game plots you against 2 super powerful AI's, and starts you with one planet, one base, and you must build up from there.

So my 2 other friends and i have a fleet of over 3000 ships. We have captured 12 combined planets, and we are doing amazingly, when we find the husk of an ancient ship.
It calls to us, and asks us to repair it.
We start repairing it with everything we had.
10 minutes later, it gets fixed, and we get a ship called the 'Exodian Blade.'
The Blade shoots a laser that instakills most ships in its path. However, it is super, super slow.
We become greedy, and we start capturing planets, with the Blade singlehandley defeating everything on it.

But when one of my scientists conducts a survey and finds a strange subspace signal, the AI gets mad, and launches a full scale assault.

Even with the Exodian Blade, we couldn't defend forever.

We had lost all but 2 of our planets; only our capital and a far-off isolated colony remained.
We had repositioned the 300 ships left from our 3000 ship fleet at the capital.
When suddenly, my friend completes a nuke.
He had been building it all game.

We use the nuke, completely destroying every ship and planet except for one AI's home and our captial.
We track down the AI home, and send the Exodian Blade there.

Meanwhile, a devourer golem appears, which slowly moves and instakills any ships next it, at my capital.

Fast forward, I had kited the golem away, and the Blade arrived at the AI home.
We were surprised to see that there were only 300 ships there. Nothing that we can't handle.

Then we realize that we needed to destroy 13 different shield generators around the planet that protected the AI core.

"We can do that! We have the most overpowered ship in the game! We can just instakill them all," we all exclaimed.

"The most overpowered ship in the game" looked like crap to what came in next.

A exogalactic wormhole appears, and through it come 3000 different max level ships, ships with missiles, ships with integrated shields, ships we have never evever seen before.

It took a minute for the Exodian Blade, with 200 million hitpoints, to die.

We hadn't destroyed a single thing on the AI home planet.

We had lost on difficulty 'very easy.'

I cant even imagine what the highest difficulty level is like.

This game is the only game that can make you go from amazing to crap so quickly, and still be fun.
This game is the only game that makes losing fun.
This game is the spawn of Satan.
But it might have well been a gift from heaven.
0 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
16415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.15 10:49
Ai War: Fleet Command feels like playing chess - without knowing all the moves, and with a cheating opponent.

First off, the opponent doesn't really cheat, but it feels that way to a new player. The learning curve is extremely steep, which means you will probably only lose for the first few dozen hours of playing - unless you choose one of the very easy difficulties.

The main problem most people will have is the completely different playstyle. Yes, it is an RTS, it looks and even plays as a classic RTS, yet when you go out from your home planet lasers blazing, burning and capturing new resources, you will lose. Always. How discouraging, right?

The reason to this is asymetry. Your opponent does not share your options. He does not build, he has everything. You on the other hand have but a single planet. Why not crush you in an instant? Cause he doesn't care, you're not important enough to be crushed. However if you blow up a few planets of his.. he might as well decide it's time for the human remnant to die.

All this said, the game *punishes* you for capturing important assets - planets, technology, etc. Each time you do such an action, the ai gets more aware of your "threat", which will mean stronger and more frequent attacks. From now till the end of game.

In conlcusion, there seems to be two games hidden under this title:
First, a guerilla war, in which the player gathers strength and tries to avoid antagonizing the enemy too much in fear of brutal retaliation.
Second, the glorious moment when the carefully prepared guerilla finally decides to go on par with the ai and fight a full on war - no more hiding.

Replayability: High, assuming you don't mind defeat. There are plenty of ai structures, and only some of them are used on each map. Throughout the expansions, a lot more has arrived to make the game entertaining and keep the player busy.

Multiplayer: Brilliant. The player slots can be changed on the fly by the game host. Playing a single player game and having a friend who wants to join? No problem, open a slot for him, give him a planet and you're playing within seconds. He's leaving again? No big deal, just close his slot, grab his units and go on with your game.

You probably don't want to play this if:
- You dislike frequent losing
- You dislike slow-paced games
- You dislike games with a steep learning curve
- You dislike constantly analysing the situation and like to just order your units to go and pillage instead.

You probably want to try this if:
- You like complicated strategy games
- You like analysing the strategic situation a lot
- You like slow-paced strategy games, in which fortifications actually work
- You are a hard-core strategy game player and like a challenge
- You like dwarf fortress and space strategy games
363 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.14 21:30
This game is a rare gem, the type of game that only comes out of a small studio.

No other title I've played in the last several years has offered this kind of tactical depth, but to say it's just a great strategy game would be doing it an injustice. It's also a game that, despite its rather basic 2D graphics and rudimentary sound, truly captures the essence of the universe it portrays.

It's a dark, cold universe where humanity has been flung to the four winds, and is pursued by a ruthless alien AI hive across the galaxy as it fights, vainly, for its survival. It evokes the imagery and sense of encroaching dread of Ender's Game as it puts you in charge of organizing mankind's last stand - a suicidal breakout and attack directly against the AI homeworlds.

To get there, you'll have to cut a swath through AI controlled worlds, each with layered defenses, guard posts, mobile fortresses and a plethora of other tools at it's disposal to remind you that they are the masters of this domain, and make your beachhead a costly failure. And even if your beachhead is successful, you will quickly learn that you have but stumbled into the lion's den.

Each tactical victory comes with a price that is higher than the sum of all the troops that fell in achieving it - the closer you get to the AI homeworlds, the more viciously, effectively, and stubbornly it will fight. Well before you get within stone's throw of their homeworlds, the AI will begin to recognize you as a real and growing threat, and it will respond appropriately.

By appropriately, I mean it will attempt to destroy you using everything in its near-infinite disposal. If you expand zealously, like the scourge it believes humanity to be, it will crush you mercilessly without batting an eye. From star systems and galaxies near and far, it will draw from the hive and send the combined weight of a thousand navies against you. You cannot win this war traditionally. You must wage it like a guerrilla campaign, striking hard and fast deep in enemy territory at specific, high value targets, and hoping to escape with your remaining forces back into the night. You must attrition down dug in positions carefully, lest you give away your true presence and tip your hand. It is a war that demands long-term strategic thinking, tempered aggression, the careful use of ruse and concealment, and a sixth sense of when your foe is strong and when he is weak. It requires you to revise your tactics and force compositions constantly, as the AI will adapt to your strategies quickly. Like using hordes of cheap, fast, throwaway ships to attrition down the enemy? Well, right now the Ai is building a stealth smart bombing fleet that will be able to annihilate your blob before it can even react. Like bunkering up and covering your inlet wormholes with shields and hordes of turrets? The AI just hacked your shield and turrets with the hacker drones right on the other side of the wormhole you havent scouted lately, and not only have they assembled a strike force just on the other side, theyre now making a beachhead into your territory, using your shield and turrets for cover. That system, well behind the front, that's been quiet as a ghost for the last hour? As we speak there are AI stealth drones surveying its defenses, helping to paint a picture of precisely how much force and what tools will be needed to push you out of system and split a gap in your supply lines. Steamrolling the AI with your superfleet, sitting off the enemy's sector, waiting for orders to jump? It knows you're there. It's just waiting for you to commit, to jump into system, so it can spring on the black hole generators so you cannot escape. It will hit you with tractor beams, smart bombs, and long-range standoff fleets that outrange your crippled battleships. And then, as you helplessly watch your fleet picked apart, that massed invasion fleet that has been assembling just outside your territory gets the go order, and before long you are looking at a massed attack all along the front as the AI carries out probing attacks at your industrial centers - just as you are at your weakest. It only wanted you to think it was weak, to draw you into a fight on favorable terms, on ground where the tables were turned. It wanted you to commit the bulk of your forces to suicidal action, as it planned to pin your fleet down, envelop your industrial base, and destroy you.

The AI is THAT good. And that's on one of the more modest difficulty settings. On the higher settings, it goes from being a somewhat difficult campaign into a brutal, oft-unwinnable fight for survival. You have to employ the same cunning tactics as the AI to stand a chance. It amazes me that this was a two-man project; the gentleman who wrote the AI script for this should be working for the NSA skunkworks.

This game has been out for a while, and has six or so expansions now; if it sounds like the kind of title you're interested in, I'd reccommend the bundle. The expansions offer a number of new tools, ships, modifications, and functionalities to the game.

It's not the prettiest game to behold, but the gameplay is awesome, the AI is beyond amazing, and the replayability is tremendous. One of the best PC purchases I've ever made.
107 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
81724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.14 00:30
At the time of Writing, I have over 1000 hours clocked in this game.
I have won four times on difficulty 7, once on difficulty 8. I got crushed in 3.5 hours on diff. 9
Any other strategy game I load up (against AIS), the results are a foregone conclusion. I will win.

It has taken me over four years and six expansions, over a thousand hours... AND I LOSE ON 9.

This game is not simple. it is not forgiving, and it sure as heck isn't easy to learn.

If you are all about grand strategy but micromanagement leaves a bad taste in your mouth, this may be the best $20 you ever spend. Get the bundle.
669 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
27368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.14 04:12
Do you like skirmishing against computer players in RTSes, but don't think they simulate humans enough? Great, you'll like AI War. It's asymmetric, about halfway between skirmish and campaign modes, and it doesn't try to act like a real human.

Do you like really long RTS matches, but don't like that they usually turn one-sided after the first half an hour? Great, you'll like AI War, it stays tense and balanced for the entire 5-20 hour struggle.

Do you like HARD games? Play AI War. The difficulty levels you can select start low but go up to truly legendary heights.

Do you like constant battle? AI War may not be for you. Yes it's real-time, but you will spend a fair amount of time thinking and plotting and planning. Anxiously.

Do you like games that you can finish in one sitting? Don't play AI War. Just don't.

Do you like an easy, relaxed gameplay experience? Probably don't play AI War. You can set the difficulty low, but it's boring...and the difficulty goes up as time goes on, not down. Unless you're playing way below your skill level, the endgame is always a brutal nailbiter and if you are careless you can get wiped out. AI War needs you to think about what you're doing for the whole game.

This game is not for everyone, and it takes a big time commitment. If you're sitting on the fence, I'd recommend avoiding it. There is no "let's sit down for half an hour and see how it is", it will take a lot of time no matter what. Also, you will absolutely want to sit down and play the tutorial, even though it takes a couple hours. It's basically just a short version of a full game that walks you through the unique strategies of AI War with kid gloves on. Playing this game like it was any other RTS is the biggest mistake you can possibly make.

As for what makes the strategy different? You have to pick your battles. The AI is generally not that aggressive, at least not in a planet-by-planet way, but every single time you expand it's like kicking a hornet's nest. Discretion is the better part of valor, and not just because you risk your current armies: In this setting, your opponent is much bigger than you, but it also has other interests much bigger than you. If you stay small and pick your targets carefully, you can keep from drawing too much ire, but if you try to take over the whole galaxy then your enemy will say "oh maybe these humans are a real threat" and stomp the hell out of you. Don't do that.

All in all, it's a truly unique entry in the RTS genre. If the above caveats don't scare you away, give it a shot. It might not be your favorite game, but it's a truly memorable one, and worth the time commitment to play a few games.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
84.69% 1029 186
Release:21.10.2009 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Arcen Games Vertrieb: Arcen Games, LLC Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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