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Age of Undead major update to version 1.1.0! - Hell Mode + Tower Defense feature
Age of Undead
27.09.22 11:41 Community Announcements
Hello, Generals!

Finally, the time has come for the release of the Hell Mode and the new feature that allows you to play Age of Undead even in a tower defense style.


- The Hell Mode has been unlocked and is now playable in both Quick Battle and Campaign Battle.

- I've implemented the ability to distribute the maximum capacity of your troops and static defenses according to your will! This new feature is also available in both Quick Battle and Campaign Battle.

- Given the new feature, the code of the defensive structures has been optimized, so their greater number does not cause the framerate to drop.

- The bug that prevented some defenses from being built near the player's base has been fixed.

- Partial balancing of defenses statistics; to carry out a complete balancing, I am waiting for your feedback, especially regarding the new features of this update.

- Some interface elements have been changed to suit the new features, so if you encounter any bugs related to buttons, info boxes, or similar, please report them to me immediately so I can fix them.


A few weeks after the release of Age of Undead, I had the idea of creating a mode where the player could be even more immersed in pure combat, rather than resources' production and management.

In recent updates, I had already introduced the new Sandbox mode, in which the player had no reason to think about resources, but could build the army he wanted most and send it towards his enemies.

In this new mode, the Sandbox concept also extends to bots (allies and enemies).

Now all the players will have the following benefits:

- Unlimited resources.

- Unlimited Support Points.

- Significant reduction in units' creation time.

- Significant reduction in buildings' creation time.

- Reduced reload time of the Tactical Aids.

Players controlled by artificial intelligence will receive the related changes:

- A greater inclination to the offensive.

- Greater intensity in the spawn of new units.

- Resource production facilities will no longer be built.

- Decreased the time until they first attack in the battle.

The Hell Mode was not designed to make the gameplay more difficult, but to allow the player to have a more combat-focused gaming experience.
If you find the new mode not difficult enough for your skills, you can increase the game difficulty in the pre-battle settings, as always.


Some players have pointed out to me, each in a different way, that they would like to experience Age of Undead in a more tower-defense style.
Since I also like tower defense and your satisfaction is important to me (within the limits of my abilities, of course), I didn't waste time and implemented this new feature.

When you enter the battle creation screen (both Quick and Campaign), you will notice a new vertical slider next to the number of your troops.
This slider will allow you to distribute, according to your will, the maximum number of troops and defenses you can have in battle.

There are some aspects to consider, like the balance between offensive and defensive capacity, because the defensive structures are generally more resistant than the units, but they are static, therefore completely useless when attacking an opponent.

To experience the most "tower defense" experience possible, I suggest you select a game mode more focused on defense, such as "Defend the supplies", then increase the difficulty level you usually use and move the new slider until the maximum number of defenses is quite higher than the maximum number of troops.
I recommend you always leave some space for the troops so that you can recruit a good number of builders, planes, and maybe some artillery or helicopters.

As these two are quite important changes, unexpected problems could arise, so if you find one, please report it in the Community or use the Insane Dreamers email.

Advice on how to enrich/modify these novelties is welcome; tell me your ideas, and I will evaluate if and how to add them and make Age of Undead a better game for everyone!

Future updates, barring unforeseen circumstances, will focus on balancing defenses, other buildings, units, and tactical support.
The more feedback you give me, the more fun Age of Undead will be for everyone!

If you haven't done so yet, I kindly ask you to leave a review on the shop page; for you, it may be a small thing, but for me, it means a lot. Thanks, friends!

I am hoping this new Major Update is to your liking, and I leave you with some curious questions so that we can chat a bit in the community:

1) A zombie about 5 meters away is slowly charging you.
You have only one shot at your disposal, a 9mm with poor penetration.
Assuming that the undead has a good helmet and you can't hit his brain, where would you aim?

2) You are in a tiny room you do not know, and you have a couple of zombies about 2 meters away from you, approaching.
You discover three objects behind you that you could use as a defense; which one would you use?
a) A gun, but you don't know if it works or is loaded.
b) A "prison knife" - a toothbrush with a very pointed handle.
c) A large book that explains the evolution of human philosophy from Plato to Nietzsche in an extremely detailed way.

3) In your opinion, to damage a small group of 5-6 zombies that are slowly charging you, would it be better to use a fragmentation grenade or a Molotov cocktail?

Please leave your answers below and maybe write some new ones, too! Perhaps a discussion will arise that will give us valuable information for a real future zombie apocalypse! :D

See you in the next update, survivors!
Logo for Age of Undead
Release:26.07.2022 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Insane Dreamers Vertrieb: Insane Dreamers Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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