Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
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Über das Spiel

Befehligen Sie mächtige Kulturen aus Europa und ganz Amerika oder beherrschen Sie die Schlachtfelder Asiens in atemberaubendem 4K Ultra HD und mit einem vollständig neu gemasterten Soundtrack.
Zwei neue Spielmodi: Historische Schlachten und „Kunst der Kriegsführung“-Herausforderungsmissionen, inklusive aller bisher veröffentlichten Erweiterungen und allen 14 Kulturen sowie zwei brandneuen Kulturen: den Schweden und den Inka.
Fordern Sie online andere Spieler netzwerkübergreifend im aktualisierten Online-Mehrspielermodus heraus und nutzen Sie die Vorzüge moderner Funktionen wie einem Zuschauermodus und Mod-Support.
Komplettieren Sie Ihre Sammlung mit diesem letzten Kapitel der Reihe Age of Empires Definitive Edition.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i3-2105 @ 3.1GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 973 with an average CPU Passmark score of 3735 or better
- GFX: GeForce GT 430, Radeon HD 5570, or Intel HD 4400 with an average Passmark G3D Mark of 570 or better
- Software: Windows 10 version 18362.0 or higher
- HD: 42 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG:Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i5-3300 @ 3.0GHz or AMD FX-8350 or equivalent with an average CPU Passmark score of 4100 or better
- GFX: GeForce GTX 980 or Radeon R9 Fury or equivalent with an average Passmark G3D Mark of 9500 or better
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10 version 18362.0 or higher
- HD: 42 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG:Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 21:57
8176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 18:45
Diese Änderungen empfinde ich als durchgehend positiv; dazu gehören:
-Neue Nationen Inka & Schweden
-Deutlich verbesserte KI (keine Söldnerschwärme mehr)
-Einige Bug Fixes; besonders im Bereich der Bewegung
-Aufhebung der Verbindung zwischen Heimatstadtlevel und Karten
-Deutliche Verbesserung der Revolutionen für Europäische Nationen
-Kosmetische Anpassungen für Heimatstädte, die dies zuvor nicht konnten
-Keine Trennung mehr zwischen Deathmatch und Vorherrschaft Heimatstädten
-Neue Karten
-Richtige Flaggen für Russen und Holländer
-Perfekt funktionierende Steamanbindung
-Austausch des Tanzplatzes durch den Gemeindeplatz bei Amerikanischen Zivilisationen
-Afrika Karten auch ohne DLC
-Die DLCs; bin zwar kein großer Fan der Amerikanischen Zivilisation aber sie ist solide; und die afrikanischen haben mir beide sehr gefallen. Bin gespannt was Mexiko und die Zukunft sonst noch bringen wird.
Was mir nicht gefällt:
-Die Kampangenvideos sind nun in englischer Sprache
-Ich bin kein großer Fan der neuen historischen Schlachten – als ich diese aber damals kurz nach Release getestet hatte waren auch diese vollständig in englisch gesprochen und teilweise geschrieben; ich beherrsche zwar die englische Sprache aber von einem Spiel wie AoE-III erwarte ich eine vernünftige deutsche Umsetzung zu Release. Da ich diese Schlachten jetzt auch länger nicht noch mal gespielt hatte, weiß ich auch nicht, ob dieses Problem weiterhin besteht.
-Deutsche Flagge statt Preußen das HRR; die Preußen hatten nie was mit der Neuen Welt zu tun, war aber immerhin für die frühe moderne ein richtiger Staat und eine lokal Macht – ähnlich den Osmanen. Das Heilige Römische Reich hingegen war nur ein loser Staatenbund und hatte noch weniger Macht Einfluss und erst recht nichts mit der Kolonialisierung der Welt zu tun.
-Die Umbenennungen der Irokesen und Sioux sowie einiger Gebäude und Einheiten; Aus einer Plantage einen Gutshof zu machen – meinetwegen aber Plantage war schon der richtige Begriff: aber Irokesen ist nach wie vor der deutsche Name dieses Volkes. Bei Japanern steht auch nicht Nippon, und ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass in der englischen Ausgabe da ‚Germans‘ und nicht ‚Deutsche‘ steht obwohl Deutsche nun mal unsere selbstgewählte Eingenbezeichnung ist.
-Neues Münzsammelsystem für Irokesen und Lakota (Sioux) – Ja es mag nicht historisch korrekt sein, den diese Völker haben keinen Bergbau betrieben, jedoch müssen die Zivilisationen nun Holz bezahlen um ein Abbaugebäude zu bezahlen und haben keinen Weiterentwicklungen mehr dafür, sodass sie einen Nachteil bekommen haben. Besonders die Lakora, welche eigentlich eine starke früh Phase haben leiden meines Erachtens darunter besonders.
Trotzdem ist die DE gut gelungen und ich glaube jeder alter AoE-III Fan kann sich an ihrer erfreuen; so wie ich.
Außerdem empfinde ich den Kaufpreis von ~20€ auf Steam sowie regelmäßigen 50% Rabatten und Preisen in Keystores von >10€ als ziemlich fair.
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25800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 00:31
1260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 17:40
7032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 00:42
Eine super lange und ausgiebige Kampagne wo auch Anfänger gut in das Spiel rein finden. Dazu mit der DE sehr gute Grafik für ein AOE.
Ich kann es nur jedem Strategen ans Herz legen, für mich das beste Strategiespiel aller Zeiten.
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12218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 10:28
Ich würde so gerne wieder mit meinem bruder zusammen über internet dieses Spiel spielen können, aber solange das nicht mehr geht ist das Spiel für mich NICHTS mehr wert - und natürlich kann ich so auch nicht empfehelen es zu kaufen, ebensowenig den kommenden nachfolger (Ich warte nun schon seit Monaten auf einen fix für diese Situation)
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9113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 14:10
18028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 21:45
The Devinitive Edition is eaven better. The African DLC is absolutly Great with completly new Game- Mechanics.
AGE3 is for me the best AGE of all Time !!!!! And i playd em all for Years - im a Age Gamer sice the First was released.
Age3 with his Home-Shipment Card-System unbeateble and for me the best Strategy Game ever !
No other Strategy Game deserves 10 of 10 then Age3 !!!
I never liked Age2 Half that much as i like Age3 !
7567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 17:20
Doch hat man das Prinzip und die Spielmöglichkeiten einigermaßen verstanden, dann wirkt meiner Meinung nach AOE1 neben AOE3 wie ein Blatt Pergamentpapier neben einem dezimeterdicken Roman... und das sag ich als Fan aller drei Teile!
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85230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 19:35
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21352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 19:01
If you are interested in the worst balance in AoE III till the will blow your mind.
The publishers gave us an incomplete game with bugs, OP nations and disconnecting players. I paid for that....funny isn't it?
After a few months i could get along with the game, the bugs were cleared and you could play some nice games.
BUT! After all this time the multiplayer is still crap, you can barely find a game and once you disconnect, you cant rejoin the game...very bad for a multiplayer game in 2021...
Last week I waited 1 hour just to find a game in ranked multiplayer.....lifetime. Btw. ranked system ist crap...including a ranked system in casual games...who needs this? I am one of the players who has the 2 pistols...nobody wnats to play with me anymore... :(
Last but not least: the balancing of AoE III:
We all know the OP france or Japan from AoE III, but here comes the OP Argentina.
You cant play a ranked match without this revolution-state from spain. Absolutly OP frenadiers on horses....i mean WTF?! These guys cost you just some food and they got just one population space....means that you can have 200 (!!!) of them.
I tried with:
Husars in Age IV --> no Chance
Dragoons in Age IV --> no Chance
120 Muskets in Age IV --> no Change
They are just too fast, too tanky, too many and too destructive.
I don't really know why a 14 year old intern is allowed to balance the nations / troops again.... unbelievable how you can destroy a nice game with one OP nation....bravo publisher team
Can't wait to play AoE IV in a few months... i would recomment you guys to buy it - if u want to go straight to the asylum.
Have a great day!
3539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 16:36
Age of Empires 3 HD macht Laune auf mehr, mir gefallen dabei besonders
die Mechaniken rund um das Senden von Ressourcen aus der Heimatstatt und das classische Age of Empires Gefühl beim zocken. Ich finde es ebenso lobenswert, dass man das Spiel nicht nur grafisch, sondern auch inhaltlich Überarbeitet hat! Weiter so und let's go Age of Empires 4 !!!
★★★★★ | Gesamtwertung
- ★★★★★ | Story
- ★★★★★ | Gamedesign
- ★★★★☆ | Grafik
- ★★★★★ | Interfacedesign
- ★★★★☆ | Soundtrack
★★★★☆ | Multiplayer / Coop
- ★★★★☆ | Multiplayer
- kein Coop
★★★★★ | Sammeln und Ingamekäufe
- keine Ingamekäufe
- ★★★★★ | Erfolge
- ★★★★★ | Sammelkarten
★★★★★ | Technik und Bugs
- keine größeren Spielfehler
- funktioniert auf Win10
Lasst eure Meinung da, gerne mit einem Like oder einem Kommentar!
1766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 19:19
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 13:35
es ist ein gutes Spiel,aber AoE2 FINDE ICH BESSER.
2850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 03:15
If you compare this one with the original game from 2007 you can tell the developers put lots of work into this.
About the game itself: It cannot compete with its older sibling, AoE2, but it's still worth to give it a try.
I can't tell anything about the campaign though - but I did have a great time in online multiplayer matches.
Nicht Empfohlen
2412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 23:31
Wenn sie das spiel nicht rückerstatten können, so wie ich, empfehle ich es ihnen aus tiefstem Herzen zu deinstallieren, bis die Probleme behoben werden ODER singleplayer zu spielen, da gibt es kaum lags und macht auch spaß
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2482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 23:20
Andernfalls ist dieses Spiel UNSPIELBAR!!! 0 Sterne!
English Version:
The game is lagging BRUTALLY! The Game is no fun anymore when playing online with friends. Please optimize. Otherwise this game becomes UNPLAYABLE! 0 Stars!
4484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 11:04
Preis ist auch völlig ok, da man alle Nationen inbegrifffen hat, so dass Erweiterungen nicht nötig sind
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172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 17:23
-constantly crahses
-runs like shit, aka unoptimized
-takes 35 gb instead of the 3 gb that took the original
-drives you crazy cause of stupid numerous bugs
-pretends to be more realistic with Political correctness that only a bunch of nations got applied while others are contradictory as ever
-hides real history cause the devs find real history offensive or pretends that things which they didnt like didnt happen
Its a gamble if the game runs good for you, some seems to have less problem but there are too many players who cant enjoy this game cause of too many problems. If we got lucky the game may get playable in the far future. If the devs are supporting the game for so long.
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11060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 22:29
Here is my list of things I am concerned with:
- TONS OF BUGS!!! Shift-click not working, REVOLUTION DECK CHEATING, random crashes, cards not working properly and much more.
- Horrible graphics. Just horrible. Cant see anything, regardless of settings.
- NO quality of live stuff. No observer UI, no ranks in the game, you CAN NOT USE THE SCROLL BUTTON AT THE LEADERBOARDS, you could not scroll in the lobby section which is fixed now, you dont see opponents rank in quicksearch ETC ETC ETC
- Political correctness bullshit. Sioux (LAKOTA) did not REALLY mine gold? buhuu cry me a river, this is the least important thing to fix in a 15 year old computer game that nobody plays. Plantations are Estates now (WAY TO GO, remove this part of history altogether) ETC ETC
- Balance is horrible, Inca are just retarded with 45k Strongholds, invisible buildings, invisible units that can NOT be snared, invisible units that can spawn shipments - the whole civ is just an insult to any aoe3 player. Swedes still strong as hell, the devs have absolutely no idea about this game, also, probably nobody is even playing the game.
I played the game since 2005. I competed in ESL, ESGL, aoe3tepee and RTSL (2nd place Season 2 TWC). I absolutely LOVED this game. I am so utterly disappointed now.
There is also a list of issues at the ESOC forums ( and to be honest, I am not playing any longer until they important issues are fixed.
1987 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 09:31
- bessere Grafik
- 2 neue Fraktionen
- viele neue Maps
- Überarbeitung der Ureinwohner für eine korrektere Darstellung
- Multiplayer-Spiele nun speicherbar
- neues Ranked-Matchmaking-System
- Verbindung im Online-Modus nun viel stabiler -> läuft somit viel flüssiger
- alle Heimatstadtkarten von Anfang an freigeschaltet -> keine Nachteile im Multiplayer für neue Spieler
- neue bzw. überarbeitete Mechanken (z.B. Revolution)
- einige Balancing-Änderungen
- Spiel stürzt manchmal ab -> wurde schon besser
- einige Bugs noch vorhanden -> wurde schon besser
- neuer Content ohne deutsche Syncro
- Ranglistenspiele werden teilweise nicht bewertet
Insgesamt ist es ein gutes Remake und genau so wie ich es erwartet habe.
Das Spiel hat zwar noch einige technische Probleme, aber diese werden durch die regelmäßigen Updates nach und nach behoben.
Nicht Empfohlen
926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 18:32
Nicht Empfohlen
2865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 15:18
4732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 08:04
Age of Empires 2 is Legendary
Age of Empires 3 is a worthy upgrade and sequel that tried new ideas to push the series forward and succeeded. Lets face it... when people love things, they hate change. Which is why I feel like this game didn't ever get as much praise as AoE2. As a non-purist, casual player, I really like where they took the series and have to say this is probably my favourite one out of the three. Really like rotating the camera to my liking, the graphics are aesthetically pleasing and the story/campaign is a lot of fun.
3841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 10:58
You get loads of new content for free, including a few new civilizations, the Arts of War coaching scenarios, which teach you basic but super important concepts about the game so you can have a smoother transition into the multiplayer atmosphere, and the Historical Battles, which depict important moments in history and allow you to play as one of the sides.
Otherwise, the experience is just streamlined and cleaned up, the menus are easy to navigate and are intuitive, you have a bunch of new accessibility options and a reworked multiplayer UI which is much simpler and easier to use.
The gameplay itself is basically unchanged, it is just as you remember it, with a few updates to modernize and update it, such as a wider camera angle, and a cleaned up ingame UI to maximize usable screen space.
Notably, the multiplayer experience is much improved stability wise, going from unstable with a lot of delay to a mostly smooth and responsive experience in the Definitive Edition - competitive players will have a much smoother experience here.
There is a built in mod manager in the game, allowing you to install and activate mods and custom scenarios with a click of a button in the menus. This is a welcome feature for community created content.
Unfortunately, the Definitive Edition is not a direct port of old content, meaning old mods or scenarios aren't guaranteed to work flawlessly, meaning some of the fun custom gamemodes aren't as visible in the multiplayer lobbies, even though some do pop up.
Finally, graphically and sonically, the game is much improved, sporting updated textures and lighting, redesigned unit and building models, and redesigned sounds and ambient effects that make the game feel current and super enjoyable to hear and look at.
Overall, super enjoyable experience for new and especially old players, there's a lot to both discover and rediscover.
10039 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 08:21
New Cards some same nations by event explorer skins new civs and updates and units
also new Battleship / ship of the line comes to england
also this game have little mods too like 40 deck limit scenario and random maps etc
also old aoe3 have perfect mods my dream same things happen this game too simple wars of liberty
I recomend this game but may need good pc or ram about 16 32 gb cuz i have a bit lag with 8 gb unplayable 4vs4 max i have 2vs2 better performance
11190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 20:52
6224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 12:19
The Good
Age of Empires III DE is a classic real-time strategy and that is just great. The idea of getting experience in order to get shipments from hometown is an idea I loved first time I played the game and still enjoy it. The campaign is also enjoyable and even interested me enough to finish it, which is more than I could say about campaigns in previous installments. Overall I would say that AoE III DE has everything a good RTS game should have.
The Bad
Age of Empires III DE has much to offer while also lacking some features from previous installments which would enhance the game experience in my opinion. When I focus on what is missing, first it is setting maximum population limit for the game, but I see that the limit (200-220) is necessary because the game is poorly optimized and would not handle higher numbers.
Another thing I'm missing is possibility to set difficulty for each AI separately. There are quite bug jumps between moderate, hard and hardest difficulties so it would be nice to have an option to mix them. And the most annoying missing feature is a possibility to play LAN locally - now you have to play LAN games on online servers even though me and my wife, whom I play with, sit next to each other and because of this the game sometimes goes out of sync or just lags because of connectivity problems.
Last thing I'm missing is from the original game (not DE) - it is an option to get experience for each civilization and unlock new home shipment possibilities for you. Now you start with everything unlocked which makes sense for competitive online playing, but they took away the possibility of making a progress in the skirmish game, and it was one of the things I loved in the original.
✪ Hometown shipments
✪ Explorers - adding Heroes to the game works good
✪ Enjoyable campaigns
✪ Great graphics
✪ Easy to learn, hard to master
✪ Quick paced game
✪ New well-arranged UI
✪ Bad optimization
✪ Population limit in skirmish is unchangeable
✪ Removed hometown progress from the game
✪ Online servers even for LAN
✪ Poor AI difficulty scaling
✪ Unbalanced civilizations
Simply put, the game is great, but could be even better.
If you want to play competitive modes (against other players) I would recommend you to just go and play age of empires II, which is much more adjusted to these purposes. But if you like to play solo or with friends against AI there are not many good modern RTSs to choose from and this one would be great fit for you.
1686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 04:39
But AoE3 is REALLY freaking fun.
I love the card system, which effectively allows you to customize your playstyle and build to the kinds of things you enjoy in a game. I especially enjoy that you can have different decks that specialize you in different ways. So if for example you're playing a team game in the pocket, you can have build KILLER econ. If you're on an edge defending, you can build for a turtle style, or hyperfocus one of your military units.
I love that each civilization feels unique with multiple unique units, and different core mechanics for basic things like villager construction or age advancement. This is a major draw for me, actually, over AoE2, where most of the civs have a sort of subtractive design (there's the big tech tree that everyone shares and each civ is restricted to only certain parts of it; their flavor is defined entirely by civ bonuses and their single unique unit/tech). The only sameyness I felt in AoE3 was between the different European civs.
I love the experience system and how controlling trade routes is really important. It gives an important objective and a reason to keep moving out on the map to expand and defend.
I love that there's only three primary resources instead of four. Stone always felt a bit extraneous in AoE2.
I love the DE's options to change up the UI, and the other quality-of-life features.
TL;DR: AoE3 is a ton of fun as a casual customizable RTS, and it plays best in that spirit, I think!
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2422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 02:33
1462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 10:57
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1613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 04:27
66792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 23:43
AOE 3 Definitive Edition is one of the best games i have played and cant get bored of playing it.
A big thank you to the creator.
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1277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 19:04
I don't believe this a good a customer strategy and If I knew it existed I would not have bought the game to replay it and try the new dlcs.
1669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 12:29
It's the old game with a new coat of fresh paint and many other improvements.
There's also new content, both free and paid DLCs.
If you liked Age of Empires III, you'll love the Definitive Edition!
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 15:43
+Factions are varied and unique
+AI difficulty can be varied to the right amount
+A lot of options with buildings and units
+Home City influence Boosts are interesting
+Hero characters that are the right amount of powerful
+Games play at the right speed
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5568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 10:35
The crashes. oh the crashes.. Please fix the crashes...
I so badly want to play this game with my brother but I have constant crashes.
Please fix the bad optimisation to the game.
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3064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 14:05
Don't waste your money on this until it is fixed. AoE 3: The Broken Edition
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2373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 19:55
No attack move so your units just sit and get hit until you get everyone to shoot at the same target. Not even close to being as good the second game.
14568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 21:24
3131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 12:42
I'm off to play the other campaigns.
Edit: Finished the Fire and Shadow campaigns. A plug in to the original story. Similar in terms of dynamics. More of the same but not in a bad way.
Edit: Finished the Asian Dynasties campaigns: A breath of fresh air with completely new civilisations. Recommended.
8679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 12:31
That being said, this is a good remaster and pretty much a direct upgrade over original. The visual boost is self explanatory, albeit some changes I disliked - mainly the increased contrast and saturation.
A welcome change was improvements to UI (cleaner and with higher resolution), AI (first thing I noticed is that AI now uses 'hit-and-run' tactics with ranged cavalry) and Skirmish settings (ability to have more than 2 teams, for example). And of course there's tons of small flavor and details that enrich the immersion.
I enjoyed the original and honestly I enjoy this one even more.
8338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 00:51
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407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 04:26
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3985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 19:06
2978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 17:25
2041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 10:36
-3 masterpiece campaign sections which covers almost every nations stories from east to west.
-Perfect and realistic graphics specially after the last update release.
-Beautiful and amazing stories that pushes you to experience an enjoyfull gameplay.
-Smooth gameplay.
-More advanced 3D map with the perfectly designed climates and cities.
-Maps with various buildings, trees, animals, ancients and ...
-More realistic battles and wars.
Weak Points
-Selective Attack AI is terrible that it's better for you to let your troops attack by themselves.
-Boring cut scenes with bad or no musics in it.
Overall: 7/10
66367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 05:17
There are less hacks, less balance issues (no OP abus, no old han or bust, no 10/10 sepoys always wins) and while sure sweden and inca needed adjustment Im really really happy with the state of the game and how well the developers supported the game. They really listened and after 15 yrs of lack of support this past year was a very welcome one!
Thank you Tantalus and Forgotten Empires games and really look forward to the 10th and future work done by you! :) Thank you AOE3 DE Dev Team!
UPDATE: Thank you @TremoR - Thanks to Tantalus and Forgotten Empires for the work on AOE3 DE
3512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 04:14
Were there bugs at launch? Yes. Did they make weird, politically correct name changes? Yes. Did they change the UI? Yes, but you can revert it back to the old layout in the settings. Are there still broken exploits for almost every civilization in the game? Yes, but they were always there. But most importantly, this is not Age of Empires 2, stop trying to directly compare them because Age of Empires 2 will always come out on top and it's not a proper way to review a game.
I was going to write more, but I just got bored. No clue how people can write more than two paragraphs... If you were a fan of the original, I would recommend buying this.
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411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 21:00
In the end, i wish i had a refund this game is a pile of crap. go play the original age 3 there is no age 3 remaster never heard of it.
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5756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 16:23
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2563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 06:41
The second issue is in the historical revisionism. While the “Age of Discovery” was not a pleasant time, it was a fact of life of the time. The European Powers sent out colonial charters and tried to claim as much land as they could. So renaming the first two ages: from Discovery and Colonial to Exploration and Commerce is odd. With the fact that a game based on the entire institution of colonialism being afraid to label it as such is jarring at best and pathetic at worst. The second part of this will be on the second campaign from the war chiefs expansion. Where the entire story has been redone to fit a new narra to be. In the original release. The half Lakota protagonist is caught between increasing tensions of the Lakota people and the settlers coming during the period of westward expansion. With the character’s mother Amelia Black describing a crucial fact of humanity “ Like all people, some are gentle, and others not” when referring to the portrayl of the Lakota by the settlers. With the campaign coming down to what side the protagonist will side with. In the remake, this narrative was thrown out the window. With the story going from Westwood expansion forced the hands of the Lakota, to detecting the settlers as monsters and entirely in the wrong. With the story removing all combat with Lakota for the first two thirds of the campaign and forcing the player to fight “bandits” then having the player fight the settlers and a repainting of General Custer. From the first game’s “follow your conicense, but you must pick a side.” to the remaster treating him like Governer Radcliffe from Pocahontas. All that was missing was the musical number. As a consequence , it turns the whole campaign into a few hours of misrepresentation, something the original addressed well. For these reasons, I can’t recommend the remake, while the changes to multiplayer are a nice addition to the game. If you want a themeatic game on the period. Then this remaster sadly fails to hit the Mark.
498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 02:37
The new civs are pretty cool but not exactly revolutionary or game-changing in the ways Asian Dynasties/ Warchiefs were. Sweden is essentially a splice-up of other European powers whilst Cusco (Incas) is essentially a more AOE2-like warchief civ. Overall the content actually added by the release is minimal but functions and is the first in a long time.
The team has made some strange artistic decisions in the name of historical accuracy. For a game that was not particularly historically accurate (or even intending to be) much of the effort in re-releasing this game has gone into changing the way colonialism and native Americans are represented in the game. The names of most of the first nation civs have been changed to endonyms e.g. Iroquois being changed to the Haudenosaunee which is not exactly an issue by itself. However, it brings up the question of why other civs haven't been changed to reflect their own endonyms. Why are the Indians not Bharat? Sweden Sverige? or Germany Deutschland? This seems like a very Americentric design approach based off of recent historical revisionism, there is not really an effort to change the depiction of any Asian or European civs and the effort gone into changing the (admittedly crude) representation of native Americans is ultimately jarring as it cuts and rearranges elements of the game. Elements of audio are awkwardly cut and changed with new voice acting that is honestly pretty poor in performance. Ultimately some of the changes to civs actively make them worse to play.
Perhaps the biggest problem with the revisionist element of this remaster is the fact that near all mention of 'colonialism' is erased from the game. The Discovery Age is now the 'Exploration Age' whilst the Colonial Age is now the 'Commerce Age' and plantations are renamed 'estates'. From a historical perspective there was not really such a thing as a 'Commerce Age', these changes just seem to shy away from and deliberately misrepresent the Early Modern period of History, scrubbing out any reference to anything that could be deemed controversial. Andrew Jackson being simply referred to as 'American General' is very strange also as it goes against the team's previous ethos of 'accuracy'. It really just feels like an attempt at concealing history and as such the changes really only took away from my experience of the game. They were unnecessary and kind of patronising, especially to anyone with an interest in the time period.
Most things I enjoyed about this game were already present in the original release and its expansions but it has had a much-needed graphical and performance upgrade. I'd recommend it on the basis that it breathes new life into the game.
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51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 15:52
In short, Definitive Edition is fine, but the implementation of 1984's Newspeak is too big a turn off for me.
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12809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 21:02
20930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 14:08
A note on Historical Revisionism:
As someone with a BA in History, and who understands the current political climate, I understand and support why you changed the names of the Sioux and Iroquois to their preferred name. That doesn't bother me in the slightest, and it really has only positives for people of those backgrounds and cultures to support their representation. However, I find it problematic that you are attempting to erase the word Colony/Colonial from a game that is about the whole colonial system. You guys felt the need to apologize for creating this game in a climate that generally had no issue with these words, and you changed them to appeal to changing political climates. What you fail to understand, is that at least your campaign does a good job of explaining the brutal and unjust nature of imperialism and colonialism. The whole India campaign is an amazing scorch of British imperialism, as the Warchief section is a scathing and honest representation of US imperialism.
By changing terms and pretending this game is something it's not, all you're doing is attempting to conceal history. Terminology matters when discussing history, changing terms makes no sense. In the academic community, we don't alter colonialism from our terminology, rather, we acknowledge it for what it is/was and write or study it. Also, be mindful this game greatly exaggerates all societies and communities, and while some portrayals can be considered unsavory in our 2020 world, just note that the European communities represented are also stereotypes. Why is this important? Because it's a VIDEO GAME!
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241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 21:29
3262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 22:43
But right now its all fixed.Great game Loving the new edition and all unlocked card from homecity.
though missing old tree style card system.But gameplay is solid .loving it.Still preparing for mP.
and it has some very useful video tutorial for beginners for that any new Rts gamer its a must buy.
if youre looking for Rts aoe3DE is a great choice.
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