• Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.
  • Advent Rising: Offizieller Screen zum Action-Adventure.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.06.2005
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Preis Update 30.12.24

Über das Spiel

Advent Rising is einn Third-Person Science Fiction Adventure. Es sollte der erste Teil einer Triology werden, die jedoch aus finanziellen Gründen eingestellt wurde.

Eine weit verbreitete Legende besagt, dass ein hochintelligentes Volk früherer Zeiten dem Universum eines Tages Harmonie bringen wird: Die "Menschheit". Während manche die Menschen als gute Erlöser betrachten, halten andere Völker die Legende für Einbildung und die Menschen schlichtweg für Fantasiewesen aus Kinderbüchern. Die einflussreichen "Seeker" hingegen wissen von der Existenz der Menschheit und wollen sie als potenziell starken Gegner vernichten. Sie durchkämmen die Galaxien und radieren die übrig gebliebenen Kolonien der Menschen gnadenlos aus. Jedenfalls bis jetzt ...
Advent Rising ist das erste fesselnde Abenteuer innerhalb einer Trilogie von kinoreifer Qualität und epischen Ausmaßen. Die "Unreal Warfare Engine" sorgt für präzise Spieldynamik und verblüffende visuelle Effekte. Zudem besticht die Handlung des Science-Fiction-Autors Orson Scott Card durch intergalaktischen Tiefgang, politische Intrigen und überraschende Wendungen. So entsteht das Gefühl eines schnellen Actionfilms, in dem der Spieler auf die Ereignisse selbst einwirken kann und mit jeder Entscheidung nicht nur das Geschehen im aktuellen Spiel, sondern innerhalb der ganzen Trilogie beeinflusst.

  • Epische Handlung mit vielen Wendungen und Intrigen, die durch Entscheidungen des Spielers beeinflusst wird
  • Übernahme des Spielstandes in die nächsten Teile der Trilogie
  • Beeindruckende Cut-Scenes mit Pause- oder Replay-Möglichkeit, in denen der Spieler häufig normal weiteragieren kann, sodass kein Bruch im Spielgeschehen entsteht
  • Großes Arsenal an Waffen und Entwicklung übernatürlicher Kräfte, z. B. Levitation und Energiefelder
  • Flick-Targeting: Akrobatische Moves, beidhändiges Hin- und Herwechseln zwischen Waffen, Gebrauch der übernatürlichen Kräfte und dabei zielgenaues Anvisieren der Gegner
  • Motorisierter Kampf am Boden und in der Luft
  • Wechsel zwischen Third-Person- und First-Person-Perspektive jederzeit möglich
  • Atmosphärischer Soundtrack, realisiert mit einem preisgekrönten Hollywood-Orchester und Chor.


  • CPU: Pentium 4, AMD kompatibel, 2.0 GHz
  • GFX: DirectX kompatibel, 128MB, ATI Radeon 9000, NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX
  • RAM: 256 MB
  • Software: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
  • HD: 5,5 GB
  • SFX: DirectX 8.1
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

449 Produkte im Account
512 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.18 09:37
Nicht zu Empfehlen.
2850 Produkte im Account
891 Reviews
606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.16 12:40
Advent Rising ist ein Science Fiction Shooter und ursprünglich als Trilogie geplant gewesen, allerdings konnte nur Teil 1 veröffentlicht werden.

669 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.16 10:13
Ich kann leider nicht verstehen, wie dieses Spiel so positiv bewertet wurde. Ich finde es grottenschlecht. Warum? Weil Gegner einfach so, meist direkt hinter der Spielfigur spawnen. Man kann sich so unmöglich ein Gefühl über das aktuelle Kampfgeschehen machen.
Man überlickt ein etwas grösseres, weitläufiges Gebiet. Kein Gegner ist zu sehen, also läuft man los. Plötzlich steht hinter der Spielfigur ein Gegner, den nietet man um. Nun dreht man sich wieder um und schwupps - befinden sich weitere 5 Gegner direkt vor der Spielfigur. Diese hätten in der kurzen Zeit eigentlich gar nicht so nah herankommen können, wären sie von weit ausserhalb in das Gebiet gekommen.

Super Spwan Technik! (Ironie!)

Noch ein Beispiel? Hinter einem umgestürzten LWK befinden sich 2 Gegner. Schätzungsweise insgesamt 4 oder 5 Gegner hätten hinter diesem LKW Platz. Also haut man die beiden Gegner um und auf einmal kommen 25 (!!) weitere Gegner alle hinter diesem LKW hervor. So, wie der LKW in der Gegend herumlag wäre es unmöglich gewesen insgesamt 27 Gegner hinter dem LKW in Deckung gehen zu lassen.

Dieses Spiel kann man nur spielen, wenn man absolu Null Wert auf Realistätsnähe legt, und einfach nur ballern wie blöde möchte. Ich für meinen Teil mag so etwas nicht (es sei denn Serious Sam^^).
Daher bewerte ich dieses Spiel als schlecht und gebe natürlich auch keine Kaufempfehlung!

EDT: Ich habe es trotzdem noch etwas weiter gespielt, bekam dann irgendwann die Schild-Fähigkeit. Hierbei gibt's zu bemerken, dass Gegner durch das Schild durchschiessen können, ihre Waffen durch das Schild durchdrücken können, ja sogar durch das Schild durchspringen können. Also wo bleibt denn da noch der Nutzen des Schildes?

Wirklich ein Müllspiel!
344 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.16 22:48
Kurz gespielt und das wars für mich. Einstieg - scheiße, Steuerung - auch nicht der Hit - erste Aufgabe erfüllt - Spiel stürzt ab. 99 ist das Spiel nicht wert, wenn es überhaupt was wert ist.
128 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.15 15:19
Cooles Spiel, leider nicht spielbar!

Coll, weil es selbst Heute immer noch Spaß macht, wenn man es auf der alten X-Box spielt.
Am PC ist das so eine Sache, Aus irgend einem Grund dreht sich die Kamera mit maximaler
Geschwindigkeit im Kreis. So schnell, dass man noch nicht einmal mittels Tastatur / Kontroller
dagegen halten kann. Der Fehler besteht mit und ohne angeschlossenem Kontroller / Tastatur.
Das war auch schon bei der nicht Steam Version so. Bei der Steam Version ist das leider immer
noch das gleiche Problem. Somit bleibt das Spiel am PC unspielbar (Man schafft es noch nicht
einmal am Anfang das Raumschiff an die Raumstation anzudocken!).

Fazit: 10 EURO in den Müll geworfen. STEAM; sowas ist Schei%$§%$ !!!
1210 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.15 20:00
Habe bisher erst 1 Std gespielt, kann aber sagen, dass dieses 10 Jahre alte Scifi-Action-Abenteuer sogar ein wenig Humor und Romantik beinhaltet und die Story einiges von Mass Effect hat (oder eher umgekehrt). Die Steuerung ist leicht gewöhnungsbedürftig, funktioniert nach einigen Anpassungen und paar Minuten Übung flüssig.

Allein von der Grafik darf man nicht allzu viel erwarten, da diese neben veraltet auch leicht buggy (habe aber nach 70 Min auch nichts gravierendes finden können) ist

10€ könnten etwas viel sein, aber im Sale oder über Humblebundle, G2A.com oder Bundlestars eindeutig zu empfehlen.

8/10 würden mit Alien-MG und Raketenwerfer Akimbo-schießen
527 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 16:38
I just could not like this game. It has style. Charm. Ultimately, I just didn't feel it.
1071 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 20:13
It's ok, bit old, bit wonky in places. But not bad.
starts quite interesting. Proceeds then to feel pretty generic (and chewy) 3rd person wave shootery. In some utterly pointless back and and up and down story bit. Then, just about when you might get bored with that something interesting happens and you go somewhere else and get superpowers and it gets interesting again.

Apart from that, it has quite the Halo vibe. Sadly including the weird mouse look vehicle control. It also looks old but ok. Except the 240p cutscenes. The modern launcher (inofficial patch build in) only offers resolutions up to 1080p. via mydefault.ini you can go higher (4k, Ultrawide stretched) and it works.
Crashes occasionally. Thankfully always exactly after a checkpoint (and before a cutscene) so you reload into that cutscene.
244 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 16:34
WAY better than almost all the new games out at this time, seriously. 9.8/10
The ONLY reason it's not a 10 is because, yes, the graphics and voice acting are a little dated; but if you can get past that, this game is definitely a 10/10 hidden lil' Gem.
64 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 21:53
Amazing game, underappreciated gem, the only issue is that they never finished this series
156 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 01:07
i was told this game was an underrated gem. it doesn't hold up at all. and it feels very unfinished

it's bugged af but still beatable, and not that hard. in most cases you can run past enemies to the objective. once you get the force push ability you can blast any aliens in your way.

the cutscenes are compressed to hell. some are used as a break between level sections but they provide no plot progression. they just copy paste hordes of enemy ships clipping through skyscrapers while shooting at nothing.

even when there is plot i wasn't engaged with the characters. non-memorable one-liners. generic story. everything was very linear and there wasn't nearly enough world building for the scope that this project was aiming for. the beginning teases you with a ship docking, hinting maybe there's gonna be some kind of space travel element, but the game is just running and shooting though like 5 locations. the only thing i was remotely interested in was the sibling rivalry between Gideon and his brother.

i get that this was supposed to be the first in a trilogy but even then, don't you want a strong opener?

3270 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 12:26
So, I never really heard about that game before I played it now so no nostalgia here.

It was overall a pleasant experience, but also not something I will think much about after finishing it either. It's a rather linear game (there are choices, not dialogue ones but defined by what you do, but they don't change much). Very action movie like, you don't really have much time to rest/take a break, being thrown out of one action to another, things just keep happening.

The plot could have potential (it was supposed to be a trilogy so maybe we would get some more insight into it if the other games were made) but for as it is now, the story seems to be er... well, I mean, it's filled with several tropes you already know either from games or other media, but that's probably also a difference between looking at the game as someone playing this years ago and someone who only plays it now (me).

Played on Linux using Proton.
Got a few crashes before some cutscenes but seems it's something that happens on Windows too (after you restart, you continue the game starting with viewing the cutscene so nothing is lost).
48 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 21:44
Please make the sequel a real thing this game has a lot of potential!
Amazing story, cool guns abilities, characters.
Yes the graphics are from 2005 but it has its charm.
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 04:32
Game was ahead of its time and had potential to be a block buster series. Id consider it the Mass Effect of its day and has some aspects I think ME could use to up the action intensity.
478 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 18:18
I had fun with this game, the combat was enjoyable and the powers varied. The story is easy enough to follow along and could have evolved into a pretty amazing epic if the series had been able to continue.

But despite the game being fun, I can't in good conscience recommend the title.

-Controller support is wishy washy requiring 3rd party support as triggers are not detected, thumb stick support is rough and you'll have to setup your own config, after starting once before I gave up on controller and just used m+kb. (This was not a bad experience and with targeting on the scroll wheel it felt fairly smooth)

-The amount of crashes, There are a lot. One crash is guaranteed as it happens in the initial cutscene when docking. It's a known issue and booting the game back up bypasses it so its not the worst, but this brings us to the next issue.

-The title is old and can't expect any patches or fixes from the official side of things, meaning as time goes on it will accumulate more bugs and issues as the world passes it by.

-bugs, There are many visual bugs (random geometry of color when lots of explosions and projectiles are present) disappearing UI when too many items are rendered.

If you believe you can ignore this, you'll find a genuinely good game under it all.
195 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 03:48
This game is a rare gem. Ive played it a lot, Way before Steam, on PC. It had problems, but there are patches, and theres an unofficial community patch called Advent Revising, what i highly recommend, to fix some issue what the game had, plus add some more content to make the story even more rounded.

This game is 10/11 for me. 10 because its always good to play, and out of 11 because it was way ahead of its time. I havent met any other game what had a this good story till Detroit Become Human, where they took it and turned the story part up to 22.
10/11 for me because of the music. I just love the music!
10/11 because its running pretty nice on Linux through StemPlay Proton.
153 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 02:10
I can't really get the game to run. But i loved it on console. If you can get it running its worth it. Still waiting for the sequel,
1506 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 18:01
I wish this game got the recognition it deserved. I wish it wouldn't end on a cliffhanger. Alas, that was not to be. Still, even despite that it's worth playing. Graphics may look a bit dated now but it still has charm and awesome story written by Orson Scott Card - the author of Ender's Game. What hasn't aged at all is the soundtrack (the Advent Rising Suite has even been performed by the VIdeo Games Live).

There's a lot going on in there: spaceships, 3rd person combat, varied locations - and all that way before Mass Effect has been created.

If you can stomach the cliffhanger give this gem a try.
109 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 02:56
Great Game!
217 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 13:57
Mass Effect before Mass Effect was a thing. Wish it got the trilogy it deserved.
24 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 11:33
This game is halo, meets mass effect all rolled into one. A great game and one i am sad they didn't make more of.
416 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 22:42
One of my favorite games. They really should do a remastered version with the latest unreal engine and physics etc, with such awsome gameplay and story, this game could make a great comeback in my opinion.

1. Great story
2. Fun gameplay
3. Good mechanics
4. Not too shabby controls

As with most games, there is room for improvment on this one. Still really well made game.
152 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 15:02
Pleas give us a trilogoy
536 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.20 22:14
Another classic from a bygone era. I hope they fired their marketing team. Seriously, their attempt at marketing was to try and lure people to buy the game with a sweepstakes scavenger hunt. They literally advertised like a million dollars to the person who could find it in game.

It wasn't the best game during that era but it definitely was memorable.

Then, they ported it to PC. Like most games from that time, there's issues with resolution and bugs. But, don't worry, most can be fixed by a few extra mods.

Games not technically bad, just doesn't hold up to todays standards. If you feel a little nostalgic, wait for a sale.

5/10 - My memories of this game were better than the actual game itself.
446 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 00:11
This is an early 2000's video game in every sense of that term - and i love it (yes I know it came out in 2005). the controls are better than people give them credit for and the second half of the game with all the powers unlocked makes everything worthwhile. The only downer is the low bitrate of videos but that's easy to overlook. The story and music are also fantastic and it feels like a lovechild of Star Wars and Halo.
162 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.19 12:41
*spoilers to anyone who hasn't played or seen it*

Honestly, I enjoyed it. The story is what kept my attention; I've been wanting to play it since I first saw the trailer back in 2004. It struck my fancy because I was dying for something like Star Wars (I didn't have a PC to play Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy).

I can see where they cut corners in the story; they were banking hard on it being a trilogy, but if certain things were fixed (namely the ending), Advent Rising could be a good standalone story. The parts that made me raise my eyebrow is the sections when Gideon got new powers - it was literally powers as the plot demanded it. I tried to rationalize it by saying that with each tragedy he suffered (the capture of his brother, the human race getting Death Balled, the high priest of the Aurelians getting stabbed in front of the council, and his girlfriend drowning), it triggered more of his potential. But the corner-cutting became more and more obvious.

At the end, a time-skip happens right before the final boss, and Gideon's new love interest (who was going to be the star of the spin-off game before it got canned) suddenly has powers like his too, seemingly because she's human. Also, there's a scene where Gideon and an Aurelian find a shrine to humans and they find an unexplained artifact, then boom - Gideon can perform temporal distortions.
There's several things that come way out of left field, like the bounty hunter boss and the skinwalker boss, but I figured that the creators had to make cuts. Having Orson Scott Card write your story, I wouldn't fathom that he'd leave so many plot holes as wide as the San Andreas.

Now for the gameplay. I can't really compare to Xbox because I never had a chance to play it there, but it was cumbersome in several places. Ledge-pulling, targeting with telekinesis, hit detection on some bosses (namely the two I mentioned). If you can get past this, it's a good shooter. I know I was putting in work with the HAZE blasters, still my favorite gun in the entire game.

The graphics were par the course for 2005. The design choices are amazing - it felt like it could be an anime, especially with the alien race designs.

All in all, I'd play it again without hesitation. It wasn't too long, wasn't too difficult. I honestly wish it'd gotten more attention, a sequel, or its spin-off. Or if anything, do the series as a novel trilogy.
534 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.19 05:49
This is the best game you've never played. A crime that its story was never continued as intended, Advent Rising takes you through the beginning of a fantastic sci-fi story that haunts me more than a decade after playing it for the first time.
108 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.19 20:51
Targeting is a massive pain on PC, the maps are buggy and the movement, jumping etc frequently glitches
209 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.15 13:28
Advent Rising is a game that I randomly found. I saw many steam reviews saying that it was one of their favourite games of all time. And had a person in my steam friend list who also was super excited about it. So, I recently played the game to find out if it was all nostalgia or if it really is a masterpiece.

You start the game off by getting on to a spaceship and receiving your training. You visit an alien form that warns you of another alien group that is about to attack. When you return to the ship it is under attack and you have to escape. I have to say the first 2 hours of the game really felt boring to me. The gameplay felt like you were just going from room to room killing aliens. The only positive was that you have choices in the beginning. Which you, sadly and strangely, don't have as you continue further into the game.

After those initial 2 hours it finally starts to get interesting. Also your weapons are levelling up and you are unlocking new cool powers (It comes over weird in the story that you randomly unlock new powers though). The game has so many powers and weapons that I haven't been able to try them all out. This may be because you are limited to one weapon or power per hand. Also, I have to say that the end bosses were pretty challenging overall, I wasn't expecting that. The driving sections in the game can become really exciting, except if you have to shoot. In the end the game took me 10 hours to complete on normal difficulty.

The story is pretty well written and had me coming back to the game. I am sometimes amazed that they actually did what they did with the story. I reached a part of the game that made me wish to stop playing, but the story helped me push through it. There are times when the story felt cheesy and cheap (And sadly the not CGI cutscenes looked really poor). It is also obvious that the screenwriting took inspiration from movies popular at the time of the game's release. The game has many slow-motion animations while jumping or finishing an enemy to make it more cinematic. This is pretty cool but after a while it can be really irritating, because you are just waiting for the animation to end.

The sound design of the game sadly feels strangely rushed. There are too many instances to list: The game is missing walking and explosion sounds and there are a lot of other strange audio issues. Such as an NPC having the same voice as the protagonist when they get hit. The soundtrack on the other hand is really great and done by a real orchestra. The Graphics thanks to the style and can look really great, but sadly the textures mostly look bland.
( I had that the game crashed several times, and sadly it never putted me at the last checkpoint. )

I would recommend if you play this game:
To use the Advent Revising Mod
Turn off auto-aiming

Final thoughts:
I think it is sad that Advent Rising is a forgotten game. The game was much too rushed in production and had a boring beginning and ending. However, I still think that if you can accept the complaints there is a great experience to be had in the game.
879 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.14 21:09
Extremely enjoyable third-person action-adventure game, involving space, alien worlds, super powers and a great soundtrack. Kinda like a Star Wars Jedi Knight game, but without the lightsaber. Shame it didn't sell well, the worst thing about the game is that it ends with a cliffhanger and we will never see how it continues.
991 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.14 02:20
One of my most favorite games, sadly ended with its first chapter because of a stupid Alphabet Letter Finding Game in the Xbox. Storyline is fantastic (Star Wars meets Halo), Combat is fun (slightly reminescent of 3rd person Unreal/Halo mix). It is a little Glitchy but still stable enough to play.

I do recommend getting the Advent Revising UnOfficial Patch that fixes video playback (especially on Vista/7 or higher).


EDIT: Brought to my attention that the contest was an Alphabet finding game. I dont know why I thought it was a Red Crayon.
Logo for Advent Rising
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
78.72% 270 73
Release:30.06.2005 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: GlyphX Games Vertrieb: Majesco Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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