Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!

  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.
  • Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!: Screen zum Spiel Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Gesch?ft!.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 08.03.2022
Zum Shop
Preis Update 27.11.24

Über das Spiel

Schwere Aufgabe - hohe Belohnung
Die Leitung eines Aquariengeschäfts ist eine echte Herausforderung! Die Kunden betrauen dich mit schwierigen Aufgaben, die du bewältigen musst. Im Gegenzug wartet eine Belohnung auf Sie. Für die Geschäftsentwicklung gedacht - Kauf neuer Fische, exotischer Pflanzen, eines Geschäfts oder Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten

Recycling und Ökologie
Jeder Unternehmer, der etwas auf sich hält, macht sich Gedanken über sein Geschäft. Die Wiederaufbereitung und Verarbeitung von Aquarienteilen spart viel Zeit und Geld und ist gut für die Umwelt.

Lass deiner Fantasie freien Lauf
Gestalte ein Aquarium, in dem sich jeder Fisch wohlfühlen wird. Dank der Vielfalt an Objekten im Spiel kannst du selbst die verrücktesten Ideen umsetzen! Eine grüne, blühende Oase oder rohe, antike Büsten? Die Wahl liegt bei dir.

Underwater dance
Wir stellen dir viele Fischarten und Süßwasserpflanzen zur Verfügung. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, ein Ökosystem zu schaffen, das ausgewogen und sicher für die Bewohner Ihrer Aquarien ist. Denken Sie daran, dass eine geringfügige Abweichung von den Parametern, die für das Überleben einer Art notwendig sind, für das Überleben einer anderen Art entscheidend sein kann!

Eine umfassende Perspektive
Betreibe deinen Laden so gut du kannst! Kümmere dich um die Ausstellung, verkaufe fertige Projekte und führe individuelle Aufträge aus. Vergiss bei all deinen Aufgaben nicht deine Schützlinge - du bist für ihre Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Verpflegung verantwortlich.

Gestalte und beobachte Aqua World! Lernen Sie mehr über Fische und ihr Verhalten und übernehmen Sie die Verantwortung für ihr Leben. Kontrollieren Sie die Temperatur, die Umgebung und die Ernährung, um eine geeignete Umgebung zu schaffen. Vergiss nicht, dein Aquarium auszubauen und nach einiger Zeit kannst du ein Aquaristikgeschäft eröffnen!

Richte das Aquarium deiner Träume ein - viele Fische, Korallen, Algen und Dekorationen, um einen perfekten Platz für deine Schüler einzurichten!
Erwecke es zum Leben - schaffe ein Ökosystem, das ausgewogen und sicher für die Bewohner deiner Aquarien ist. Eine kleine Abweichung von den Parametern, die für das Überleben einer Art notwendig sind, kann für das Überleben einer anderen Art entscheidend sein!
Führen Sie Ihr Geschäft - Kümmern Sie sich um die Kunden und schwierige Aufgaben, um Ihr Aquaristikgeschäft zu entwickeln.
Erforsche die Natur - Lerne mehr über Fische und ihr Verhalten.


  • CPU: Intel Core i5
  • GFX: NVidia GeForce GTX 750
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • LANG: Englisch, Polnisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch Türkisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Koreanisch, Russisch, Türkisch, Arabisch, Bulgarisch, Tschechisch, D?nisch, Niederl?ndisch, Finnisch, Griechisch, Ungarisch, Japanisch, Norwegisch, Portugiesisch, Rumänisch, Schwedisch, Thai, Chinesisch (traditionell), Ukrainisch, Vietnamesisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i7
  • GFX: NVidia GeForce GTX 1050
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • LANG: Englisch, Polnisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch Türkisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Koreanisch, Russisch, Türkisch, Arabisch, Bulgarisch, Tschechisch, D?nisch, Niederl?ndisch, Finnisch, Griechisch, Ungarisch, Japanisch, Norwegisch, Portugiesisch, Rumänisch, Schwedisch, Thai, Chinesisch (traditionell), Ukrainisch, Vietnamesisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

29 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 19:30
Review in English:
It's a pity that there are only positive or negative, because this game deserves a neutral rating at the moment
The game is very well made and extensive, but I think you could go into more detail
that means:

its in need of improvement:
the cleaning of filters and co. Since I own an aquarium myself, I know that turning the filter 5 times in circles to make it clean again is not enough.
the soil should also be personalizable, so that you can shape it up or down or hilly as you like.
I also don't quite understand the principle of the basement shop, so I can sell the aquariums in their entirety directly, or wait for customers to come and tear the aquarium apart.....??
would understand if the customers buy the fish, or if you could build a tank just for plants so they can just buy the plants, a shelf for decor only for example. But the fact that the customers buy away the decorations, the plants and the lamps that the fish need for their well-being is extremely annoying. would be very nice if you could adjust what is to be sold as example. only fish, only plants, etc. because the way it is now, it's extremely annoying.

what I would also wish for would be conscious breeding of the fish. that you can, for example, set up small aquariums for it, and breed different types of fish consciously, so that, for example, other colors, patterns, etc. come out, there are, for example, so incredibly many types (colors, patterns) of guppies alone..

and what others have already mentioned, decorating is not exactly easy as it is now and is therefore not that much fun

Otherwise I think the game is TOP, but FIRST I give it a negative rating in the hope that the developers will accept the suggestions.

Review in german:

schade dass es nur positiv, oder negativ gibt, denn dieses spielt verdient im moment eine Neutrale wertung

das spiel ist sehr schön gemacht und umfangreich dennoch finde ich man könnte mehr ins detail gehen
soll heißen:

verbesserungswürdig ist:
die Reinigung von Filter und co. da ich selber ein aquarium besitze, weiß ich ,dass es eben nicht damit getan ist, den filter 5 mal im kreis zu drehen, damit er wieder sauber ist.
der sand sollte genauso personalisierbar sein, also dass man ihn beliebig hoch oder runter oder hügelig formen kann.

ich verstehe auch das prinzip des kellershops nicht so ganz, ich kann also die aquarien direkt komplett verkaufen, oder warten, dass kunden kommen und das aquarium auseinander rupfen.....?? ( leute ich habe das tutorial verstanden, und verstehe wie das spiel funktioniert, aber der Sinn, bzw was die entwickler sich dabei gedacht haben , das checke ich nicht)

würde es ja verstehen, wenn die kunden die fische kaufen, oder man zb ein becken nur für pflanzen errichten könnte. oder man die kunden das komplette aquarium im shop kaufen lassen könnte (nicht wie jetzt per hand durch mich) aber dass die kunden mir die Deko, die pflanzen und die lampen wegkaufen die, die fische für ihr wohlbefinden brauchen nervt extrem. wäre viel logischer und besser, wenn man einstellen könnte, was verkauft werden soll also zb. nur fische, nur pflanzen, etc. denn so wie es jetzt ist, nervt es extrem und macht auch keinen spaß.

was ich mir auch wünschen würde, wäre BEWUSSTES AKTIVES züchten der fische. das man zb kleine aquarien dafür errichten kann, und verschiedene fischarten bewusst züchten kann, damit zb andere farben, muster etc bei rauskommen, es gibt ja zb, so unglaublich viele arten (farben,muster) alleine von guppys..
(ja, ich weiß die Fische vermehren sich so oder so unter guten bedingungen aber das meine ich damit ja nicht!)

und halt das, was andere auch schon angesprochen haben, das dekorieren ist so wie es jetzt ist nicht gerade einfach und macht daher auch nicht so viel spaß

ansonsten finde ich das spiel TOP, gebe aber ERSTMAL eine negative wertung in der hoffnung, dass die entwickler sich den vorschlägen annehmen.
291 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 22:46
dafür das das spiel neu ist und frisch in der es version, würde ich bisher sagen sehr gelungen, einziges manko ist die steuerung beim einrichten, das ist schon fast eine quälerei, dafür sollte eine einfachere lösung gefunden werden ohne das man gleich seine finger verrenkt ;)
35 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 21:03
es macht sehr viel Spaß wenn man Aquarien einrichten mag es gibt von mit 9 von 10 Sternen da ich noch ZWEI Verbesserung habe die ich mir wünschen würde und zwar das drehen von Gegenständen ist sehr schwer bitte Drehung mit e. q einrichten das 2 Th bitte eine Funktion um manche Objekte vom kauf auszuschließen wenn die Objekte im gleichen Becken sind (keine pflanzen kaufen aber trotz die fische
131 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.23 05:23
so far the game plays ok as a game, but as someone who is an actual aquarium hobbyist, it's lacking or inaccurate. not to mention the story involving a lot of ~mishaps~ that leave me cleaning up a lot of dead bodies, or just fish laying on the ground, which is stressful when it happens in real life. why would my self-proclaimed aquarist father leave several tanks to wallow with many dead bodies in them? kinda leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
96 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.23 16:20
fishies go blub! My dad is a fish enthusiast, and this game made me understand his passion for it better. This game helped me connect with him better as well, many thanks!
149 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.22 01:58
At this point I don't recommend the game. First you start with a tutorial, and it's a long tutorial so be sure to have some time since as far as I can tell you can't save in between. Then when you've made it through and think this is the moment you can start building your own shop, the game just tells you some more of what to do. And then when you've finally made it through the tutorial and the starter phase of your own shop, the game throws in a timer. Which really takes any relaxing aspect of the game and just throws it out the window. Especially considering how short the time is you get.
You start your day at 6.00 and you open your shop at 14.00. In that time you have to do everything, build aquariums, clean existing ones, feed fish, sell/buy fish, restock your shop... You name it. And at 14.00, when you open the shop, your day is over. You can't keep working or doing anything when customers are there. Also, you have to walk to the door/computer and open the shop. At 14.00 you get a red blinking text telling you to open your shop RIGHT NOW because heaven forbid the poor customers have to wait 5 seconds.
It gets tedious. By the time you've finished your existing tasks and can finally start building an aquarium you wonder if it's really worth it to start building one at all.

When you progress you can buy an exhibition and later an ocenarium (or something? sorry for the spelling). I was hoping the exhibition would be like your 2nd shop where you can sell more and better aquariums but so far it seems to be mainly for showing them. Which means the basement shop is your one and only shop. And I'm sorry but when I earned 40k I'd much rather spend that on getting a bigger, better and prettier shop.

Because of all the tediousness, the short days, the endless tasks you need to achieve each day and the very limited options it doesn't really feel like you get a lot of freedom. Yes, you can build aquariums. As long as you follow the fishes demands (and they work like zootycoon, having demands in amount of plants, water temperature, amount of fishes and number of decorations) and only build basic ones.
There is no sandbox mode and the creative freedom you get is extremely limited.

It doesn't help the gamecontrols are pretty wonky too. It's pretty tricky to get something on the spot where you want it to be.

I hope the game will get better since I do think it has potential. So far from what I've seen the items and fishes are actually pretty fun and very colourful. I think the focus should be less on customer requests and like, making entire buildings/houses for those and more on the core aspects of the game. Having an aquarium store and creating aquariums.
39 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.22 23:16
I have really enjoyed this game and I'm excited to see whats added as it grows.
423 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.22 02:15
After picking this game up for the price that it is, i wasn't realy expecting much of it. Thought it would be quiet simplistic and non meaning. After a few hours in to it i was proven wrong :D The game is so much fun and there's actualy whole lot more depth to it iff u want to have some triving aquariums. The game is realy well made for what it is. Graphics aren't to bad and the mechanics are pretty well thought off.

On my way to getting 100% satisfaction on the exhibition and then moving on to the sea aquariums. For me it all comes down to finding a theme for the aquarium and then sorting out the fish that i want/can put in to the tank, with all the right values that they need. It's quite intriging to mix and match all the fish u can get and get the values/ amount of decorations/ amount of plants right.

This game is still in early acces and could do with some quality of life improvements and some more jobs to do. The jobs that are in the game (not the ones in the basement store) are actualy pretty nice but there is not enough of them. The potential is there and from what i can see in the steam discusions the devs are folowing up on the feedback. Then again idd expect nothing less from a PlayWay game. Looking forward to where this is going
280 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.22 19:45
I finally have a dad that's proud of me.
75 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.22 15:02
Aquarist (or Achuarist) is a fun, if cursed game. The controls are quite cumbersome, the animal variety is a bit lacking, and the game does not feel particularly close to reality (the currently sole shark in this game is the great white shark, which is delightfully ridiculous if you know anything about fishkeeping). But that aside, the game is a fun, short game to play, assuming you are into games like Houseflipper or similar. Only real negative point is that the game has somewhat limited tank building, a few annoying aspects (the Hunger mechanic, alongside the fact that autofeeders are not available in the final location, which is also by far the largest one) and the fact that especially in the late game you have very little freedom when it comes to how you stock your tanks (culminating in the cave area). I am also somewhat sad that we can't build a new Aquarium building from scratch, which while seemingly achievable with the current and a few new mechanics, is currently not ingame. But well, despite the flaws and higher hopes, I had fun with this game, and others might too - just. Be prepared to do a lot of busywork.
136 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.22 18:39
I enjoyed the game until i got to day 2 on the basement shop. Day 1 was okay, since we already had everything stocked and ready. Day 2 there was a timer to open the shop which was not helpful at all because it was so quick to end! There was literally no time to clean all tanks, feed fish AND build a new tank from scratch. I would like it if there was an on demand OPEN SHOP, in order to have the time to do everything. Finish everything around the shop and of course have the time to build a new tank, which believe me it takes a LOT of time if you want to get creative, and then hit the open shop button.
2) It would be better if there was a smaller task/quest window on the right so it's not always in the way and we need to keep hitting the show/hide button.
3) We can see on the left the problems that are present. But these icons do not have any explanation what they are. How are we supposed to know what is the problem and where?
4) There was also an issue with the seahorses I had in the tank in Day 2 of the shop. An exclamation mark appeared on top of their heads, clicked on it, saw that they were hungry. By the time I read about the fish food they need and bought it, they were dead. It was about 2 or 3 minutes. We really need more time between this stuff,

Will keep an eye on it for improvements since its early access and update the review with any other things I notice. Good job though, keep it up.
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.22 03:11
I got this game because i saw BestInSlot play it and I do quite enjoy it!

However the game isn't very realistic. For starters the game doesn't talk about cycling fish tanks like checking for nitrites, ammonia, making sure there's beneficial bacteria etc. It can take a long time for a fish tank to cycle especially salt water aquariums. If you put fish in before cycling they could die because you didn't wait long enough.

It doesn't talk about acclimating fish ether, if you put the fish in right away they could die from the shock of temperature change.

There’s also no doing water changes.

For taking dead fish out, you shouldn't flush them down the toilet as dead fish could have diseases or parasites that could effect the native species, ether put them in the bin or bury them.

And with putting water into tanks, you can use tap water but only if you use a dechlorinator because tap water can be deadly to fish because most drinking water contains chlorine, another option is a water tank which is just rain water. You also shouldn’t wash your filter in the sink because the beneficial bacteria from it will die from the chlorine and won’t be good for the fish, just use your fish tank water when doing a water change to get the muck off.
Although if you have a salt water tank and want to keep corals, you must use reverse osmosis freshwater because corals don't like the stuff that is found in tap water.

Lastly the scenario with your friend, she has goldfish and Angel fish in the same tank. Goldfish are cold water fish and Angel fish are tropical fish they should not be in a tank together.

I know this stuff because I've been keeping fish for a few years and I'm just getting into keeping a reef tank, I hope that these changes will be implemented so that people who play this game and have never owned a fish tank won't make any of these mistakes like I and many other fish keepers have.
25 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 02:23
Kind of fun at first but after a few day's of playing it's done. The lack of thing's to do and very limited number of fish, plant's and so on make the game not worth it. THEY had something good but then dropped the ball.
169 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 13:37
Good idea but the mechanics of it are way to janky. The tutorial could be way better. The good thing is that it doesn't really cost a lot of money. I really think this needs much more work.
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 03:32
It'd be a nice game if the creator didn't add stupid mechanics like ghosts leaving trash when there's no visitors -_-. Also, on the topic of the trash, why can't we just press a key to get rid of it? Why should I have to waste 4 in game hours picking up all the hidden trash around the place when I'm trying to build aquariums? And when I spend 4 hours doing that, I then barely have any time to get a good-looking aquarium before 2:00pm hits because of the stupid mechanics that come with building the aquariums and placing decorations and plants. Needs a lot of work. I understand it's early access, but this is like, cyberpunk 2077 early. Not enough thought put into it.
44 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 18:25
After just over 3 hours game play I decided I did not like repetative nature of the game play. I also found the gameplay wrong. The fish dynamics was wrong, certain fish do not mix.
I tried to get a refund but was refused on amount of time I played. This will make me make better choices, also if I want to give steam any more of my hard earned cash.
Since a refund was not an option, I carried on playing. Got enough money for the exhibition. But Why oh why all the trash, it absolutly sucks.
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 17:07
Would really like a break down of items that were sold.
Plants etc

A description of what is needed to reach the next level.
872 Produkte im Account
381 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 13:18




???? Learn the mechanics of Aquarium keeping and design your own tank layouts.
???? Open a store in your father’s basement.
???? Design it how you want, then breed fish and sell them + Equipment.
???? Save up enough cash and then you can enter competitions.
???? Early Access.



✔️ Super Easy to learn.
✔️ Looks nice.
✔️ Really chilled out gameplay (most of the time)
✔️ Enjoyable and fun to play.
✔️ Decent soundtrack (nice and chilled out)
✔️ I like the store and how you can breed and sell.
✔️ Quirky Placement controls are really precise (Some people can't figure it out)
✔️ I love how the plants grow and can be shrunk again to make money (CBB).
✔️ It looks like there is MUCH more to do and that is awesome.
✔️ Price is really decent.


❌Some core gameplay mechanic issues are REALLY Annoying.
❌Inventory management is terrible (always something in your hand)
❌Not for sale setting unset themselves causing seriously annoying time-wasting issues.
❌Super buggy ATM camera issues, stuff stops working, glitches and getting stuck.
❌No auto save (big issue when the game gets stuck, you can lose a lot of work)
❌Not enough fish.
❌Not enough variety of items (pick the same rock 3 times I want 3 diff. shapes).
❌Cannot put 2 small fish tanks on a table.
❌Should not have to MOVE a fishtank to clean it.
❌It really does not make sense that customers buy the ornaments OUT OF THE FISHTANK!



⭐ The store and the ability to build and make your own layout (although far too limited)


????Let us decide where we put shelves and tables.
????Let us hold 3 x items in one inventory slot.
????Allow us to press # key to put item away.
????Do not keep defaulting to having an item in your hand)
????We need to be able to put 2 x small fish tanks on a table.
????We need places to hang up/store items instead of them being slung all over the place
????More control over the purchasing and selling of goods in the store.
????Let us take snippets from plants and place them in diff. tanks.
????Let us have a tanks for plant growth and sales.

???? POI✔️ Pos❌ Neg???? Ideas????Video⭐ STAR ITEM
95 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 12:35
I love it, I have an aquarium in my home too and doing those same things in the game is so much fun but its easier than real life xD.
5 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 01:06
774 Produkte im Account
602 Reviews
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 00:03
Aquarist is a wonderful piece of art for fun or any sim enthusiast. Pass the time, relax to great music and wonderful aquascapes that you create and take care of.

Blockhead APPROVED!!!

Blockhead Recommendations
333 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 23:08
Unfortunately too many bugs at the moment to enjoy this game. Placing objects in the tank is difficult as well. The game has a lot of potential in future updates but it seems unfinished
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 21:54
I played it for over 2h today and had at lot of fun. The price is real cheap but the graphics are good so far and for oldschool Fish Tycoon gamers like me it's a pleasure to see a studio pick up the idea of making your business as aquarist and so on :) It's an early access game and it still has potential to get better (like how to place items etc.) but it's lovely and worth your money and support!

If you like simulations and are into stuff like house flipper it's worth a shot.

Thanks to the developer team! Keep up your good work, I'll be watching your progress and send some annoying bug reports if I find any :D

If you guys give it a try and like it then please help the devs by leaving a positive comment down here. ♥
255 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 21:43
Needs a LOT of work. It is almost impossible to place items where you want them, you are constantly fighting with the interface, and it is generally janky. Hopefully it will be better in the future, but right now, if you want to make a nice looking aquarium, this game is not yet fit for purpose unless being frustrated and angry is the goal.
201 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 18:56
It's a Great Game for People like me who have 0 Idea about how to get started with building my first Aquarium, In that 0.9 Hours, I have learned so much, thanks to this game. Definitely give it a try.

Score - 8/10

My Gameplay Walkthrough -
52 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 17:40
It would be easier to set up a real aquarium. The orientation or disorientation to place items in the aquarium is
too frustrating. Not even worth the $9.00 .
Logo for Achuarist - Baue Achuarien, Geldfische, entwickle dein Geschäft!
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
83.89% 177 34
Release:08.03.2022 Genre: Gelegenheits-Spiel Entwickler: FreeMind S.A. Vertrieb: PlayWay S.A. Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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1 Prisoner hat dieses Spiel schon
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