A New Beginning
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Über das Spiel

Der ehemalige Bio-Ingenieur Bent lebt zurückgezogen in den tiefen Wäldern Norwegens. Als leitender Wissenschaftler eines zukunftsweisenden Projekts zur Erzeugung sauberer und erneuerbarer Energie stand er kurz davor, sein Lebenswerk zu vollenden. Doch ein schwerer Schicksalsschlag zwang ihn, die Forschung an seinen Sohn zu übergeben.
Eines Tages bekommt er Besuch von der jungen Fay, die behauptet, aus der Zukunft zu kommen. Sie erzählt Bent, dass die Erde in der Zukunft durch den Klimawandel vollkommen zerstört ist, und bittet ihn, seine Forschung weiterzuführen - denn nur so kann die Auslöschung der Menschheit verhindert werden.
A New Beginning - Die Zukunft der Erde liegt in deinen Händen! Der ehemalige Bio-Ingenieur Bent lebt zurückgezogen in den tiefen Wäldern Norwegens. Als leitender Wissenschaftler eines zukunftsweisenden Projekts zur Erzeugung sauberer und erneuerbarer Energie stand er kurz davor, sein Lebenswerk zu vollenden. Doch ein schwerer Schicksalsschlag zwang ihn, die Forschung an seinen Sohn zu übergeben. Eines Tages bekommt er Besuch von der jungen Fay, die behauptet, aus der Zukunft zu kommen. Sie erzählt Bent, dass die Erde in der Zukunft durch den Klimawandel vollkommen zerstört ist, und bittet ihn, seine Forschung weiterzuführen denn nur so kann die Auslöschung der Menschheit verhindert werden. FEATURES:- Das neue Point-and-Click-Adventure der Erfolgsautoren von Edna Bricht Aus und The Whispered World- Unzählige detaillierte, von Hand gezeichnete Hintergründe und Charaktere- Hochwertige Sprachausgabe und ein epischer Soundtrack- Einzigartiger Graphic-Novel-Look mit über einer Stunde animierter Comic-Zwischensequenzen
- CPU: Pentium mit 2 GHz oder 100% kompatibler Prozessor
- GFX: DirectX 9-kompatible Grafikkarte mit mind. 256 MB
- RAM: 1 GB
- Software: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
- HD: 4 GB
- SFX: DirectX 9-kompatible Soundkarte
- LANG: Deutsch
- CPU:
- GFX:
- RAM: 2 GB
- Software: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
- HD: 4 GB
- SFX: DirectX 9-kompatible Soundkarte
- LANG: Deutsch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 18:03
Eine Gruppe Zeitreisender macht sich also auf den Weg in die Vergangenheit, um dort zu versuchen, ein Umdenken der Gesellschaft zu erreichen und eine alternative Art der Energiegewinnung zu fördern, damit sich die Katastrophe eben gar nicht erst ereignet. Aber werden sie erfolgreich sein?
Gerade aufgrund dieser auch knapp 10 Jahre nach Spielerelease immer noch sehr präsenten Thematik fand ich das Spiel wirklich überraschend interessant.
885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 14:03
Und man kommt schon gut ins grübeln.
Besonders spannend finde ich immer wieder, wie sehr die Spiele von Daedalic zum denken anregen.
KANN es nur empfehlen
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 10:10
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 17:56
Zeitpiloten und die Rettung der Menschheit
- Eine spannende Story wenn man sich ins Spiel reingefunden hat und gutes Character-Development
- mehrere spielbare Charaktere
- abwechslungsreiche Szenerien
- viele interessante und humorvolle Dialogoptionen
- meistens wirken die Aufgaben logisch und nicht aufgesetzt
- Rätsel sind unübersichtlich und vergleichsweise schwer
- Cutscenes sprengen das Trommelfell xD
- keine integrierte Rätselhilfe oder Tagebuch um nochmal nachzulesen
740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 07:13
Abenteuer Indie von 2012.
Es handelt sich um ein Thriller, ganz im Stile einer Graphic Novel. In dem mit Charme und Witz erzählten Adventure gilt es, an verschiedenen Schauplätzen die Menschheit vor einer drohenden Klimakatastrophe zu retten. 2D-Point-and-Click . Aus Sprites zusammengesetzte Figuren agieren vor Hand gezeichneten, teil animierten Kulissen. Comic-Zwischensequenzen als erzählerischen Hintergrund und Spielfortschritt.
Soweit der trockene Teil zum Spiel der jedoch alles andere als langweilig ist.
Zum Inhalt selbst werde ich natürlich nichts schreiben.
Du übernimmst die Rolle der Funkerin Fay die Teil einer Gruppe von Wissenschaftler ist. Sie kommt aus einer nicht näher definierten fernen Zukunft. Dort droht der durch Umweltkatastrophen gebeutelten Menschheit die endgültige Auslöschung durch eine Sonneneruption.
Als Zweitcharakter spielst du auch den Wissenschaftler Bent Svensson der an alternativen Energiequellen forscht. Er ist im Ruhestand und lebt in einer nahen Zukunft.
Hier eine Hilfe in deutsch die ihr sicher mal braucht:
Es gibt auch in englisch Hilfsangebote. Als dieses Spiel neu war gab es etliche Probleme, die jedoch alle behoben wurden, zudem ist diese Version deutlich erweitert.
Ausgesprochen liebevoll gemachter Umweltschutz Krimi. Spannend erzählt mit mittlerer Schwierigkeit und einem tollem Plot. Sehr sozialkritisch und lustig zugleich. Klare Empfehlung.
Hier findet ihr meine Gruppe und mein Archiv mit über 1.050 Reviews. Viel Spaß beim stöbern.
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A New Beginning - Final Cut
Adventure indie from 2012.
It is a thriller, in the style of a graphic novel. In the adventure, told with charm and wit, the aim is to save humanity from an impending climate catastrophe at various locations. 2D point-and-click. Figures composed of sprites act against hand-drawn, partially animated backdrops. Comic cutscenes as narrative background and game progress.
So much for the dry part of the game, which is anything but boring. I will of course not write anything about the content itself.
You take on the role of radio operator Fay, who is part of a group of scientists. It comes from an undefined distant future. There, humanity struck by environmental disasters is at risk of being finally wiped out by a solar flare.
As a second character, you also play the scientist Bent Svensson, who researches alternative energy sources. He is retired and living in the near future.
Here is a help in German that you will need:
https://www.gameswelt.de/a-new-beginning/komplettloesung/keine-geheimheiten-mehr,6739 There are also help offers in English.
When this game was new, there were a number of problems, but all of them were fixed, and this version is significantly expanded.
Extremely lovingly made environmental crime thriller. Excitingly told with medium difficulty and a great plot. Very socially critical and funny at the same time. Clear recommendation.
Here you will find my group and my archive with over 1,050 reviews. Enjoy browsing.
???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German / English ????
and discover more reviews from me ????
868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.19 21:40
Ein schönes wenn auch altes Click & Point Adventure & Si-Fi Game.
Eine interessante und spannende Story, obwohl man manchmal hängen bleibt bei Minigames. Der Plot Twist am Ende hat mich voll überrascht.
Die deutsche Synchro ist nicht schlecht.
Die comicartigen Übergänge zwischen den Kapiteln sind ziemlich cool, weniger gut finde ich, dass diese nicht für die deutsche Fassung umgeändert wurden.
Für damalige Verhältnisse hat das Spiel eine ziemlich gute Grafik und ein cooles Design.
Der Soundtrack hat mir nur mäßig gefallen, da er sehr einseitig war, wenn auch der Creditsong ziemlich gut war.
Die Rätsel waren überwiegend gut, einige schwierig andere nicht so schwierig.
Die Charaktere waren interessant, wenn auch vom Design her nicht alle perfekt waren, wie zum Beispiel die Wachmänner und Salvador.
Zum Abschluss möchte ich noch sagen, dass mir das Game sehr gut gefallen hat, wenn es auch nicht das beste Click & Point Adventure Game war, welches ich bislang gespielt habe. Man muss jedoch auch berücksichtigen, dass A New Beginning - Final Cut aus einer Zeit stammt, wo Deadalic Entertainment noch in den Kinderschuhen steckte.
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.19 18:26
mit genialen Dialogen in einer sehr mitnehmenden Atmosphäre
Sehr hübsch gezeichnet und für jeden, der gern genauer zuguckt und - hört genau das Richtige
Danke für dieses tolle Spiel !
761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.15 14:03
Mein Fazit für Fans von Point and Click Adventuren spielenswert.Für Leute die sich das Erstemal ein Point and Click Adventure kaufen sollten lieber mit einem anderen ,wie Deponia in das Genre einsteigen
722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.14 00:55
A new beginning
Die Story hat mich ziemlich gepackt, ich empfand es als eine Mischung zwischen Krimi und Si-Fi.
Die Grafik/ bzw. der Zeichenstil sagt mir sehr zu und die Cut- Scenes sind in einer Art Comic- Design gehalten.
Ich habs für 99 cent gekriegt und muss im nach hinein sagen, ich hätte auch mehr bezahlt also wenns nicht all zu teuer ist und Ihr auf adventure games steht. Kaufen und zocken. Viel Spass
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.13 20:44
Von mir bekommt das Spiel somit 8.5 von 10 Punkten.
799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.13 10:05
Nicht Empfohlen
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 09:08
The voice acting is not even trying. There is a complete lack of sound control either, so voices get louder and quieter throughout the game, as does the music.
The story lacks any creativity or imagination, and is horribly designed. The constant unexplained ideas, randomly being magic to progress to the next nonsensical thing, make trying to follow the story frustrating and insulting. The brief moments that the games attempts to discuss real science, it does it completely incorrectly. For example, tracking a solar flare that will hit in two weeks. This is right at the beginning of the game, and shows zero research and zero understanding of the topic was done.
This game is clearly written by someone who did not know the subject that they were attempting to create. The entire story is boring, badly paced and without even an attempt of logic or reasoning.
I would say that this game is not worth it, even for free.
I do not recommend this game for anyone. It is absolutely horrendous on every level. Even the audio and minimal motion of mouths do not even sync. There are better low end games that you can get for 99 cents, that at least had something worth experiencing. As is. I feel I wasted 4 hours of my life.
Nicht Empfohlen
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 16:28
I preface everything I say here with my overarching point: if you are in ANY WAY scientifically literate, this game is absolute trash, because the story is both ridiculous, and makes no sense from the very outset. (Why would you try to stop climate change if Earth is ravaged by megaflare’s twice? That’s like trying to stop a blackhole by going back in time and assassinating the inventor of the fidget spinner.)
As usual, Daedalic have put together a visually pleasant, audibly competent, suitably voice acted, and mostly solid game.
The idea of trying to make a game to raise awareness about climate change is as decent now as it was a decade ago, the ideals of sustainable development and alternative technology are as valuable today, if not more in the current climate. (Pun intended.)
The little side puzzles here and there offer a nice degree of challenge, each taking a good 5-10 minutes to solve. The devs have also kindly provided a ‘skip’ button for these, in case you’re just not into it.
The twist at the end was actually interesting. I didn’t see it coming because of the volume of poor science in the game, I just assumed they devs had messed up another point and so I was pleasantly surprised to see one of my core annoyances addressed.
OK, so, I can’t stand by and let the HORRIBLE level of scientific literacy in this stand, I’ll keep this part brief though, sticking only to the things immediately on my mind.
Solar flares are not climate caused.
That’s not what a nuclear reactor looks like.
Nuclear power is our largest ally in the fight against CO2, that’s not to say it’s friendly or nice. It’s its own evil but it should not be depicted as an evil in the climate change debate.
A nuclear disaster would not be that expansive, and in fact, if Chernobyl is anything to go by, would probably be better for the Rainforest and the life there.
Toxins do not kill wildlife that quickly, and if they did they’d kill the human user that quickly too.
That’s not how pressure works.
Enough H2 would have killed the occupants.
The beam would remain hot for significantly longer.
That’s not how a mass spectrometer or microscope work.
That’s not how cryogenics works.
That’s not how electricity works.
That’s not how explosions work.
That’s not how fuses work.
That about covers my nerd rage. As a note, if the game WASN’T CENTRED on science, I’d be fine with any of these as I could suspend my disbelief throughout… or at least forgive it as my own quirk. This game borders on disinformation, however, and that won’t fly.
This game has the usual Daedalic treatment of women and female characters. Which is to say over sexualised, and treated like they’re idiots. If that’s a trigger for you, don’t come near it.
The game is poorly synced. The voices don’t match the animations, in game or in cutscenes, the animations clip, I had several parts where it was in Russian instead of English, the mouse pointer is about a cm outside of the centre of the circle. – This last one made me rage a few times. It’s a pixel hunting point and click, not knowing where the cursor is at any given time means I needed to resort to a guide several times, only to find it was something I had attempted to carefully examine.
The game suffers the usual point and click problems, rubbing things on things, hunting, annoying dialogue, occasionally illogical logic puzzles. Things worth noting as downsides.
Suggested improvements:
A skip cut scene button would have been nice. I wasn’t interested in the comic bookish format, though I can see some people being really into it.
A little more optimisation, making sure things align and are in the right language would go a long way to improving the experience.
Overall recommendation:
The game features a bland and forgettable cast doing incoherent things using terribly misunderstood science. It has a main character from the distant future that doesn’t know what a microwave is, and makes frequent mistakes in basic story telling. I don’t think it’s for the average gamer, or even a person with a high school education in science.
If you’re a legendary level point and click enthusiast, a Daedalic mega fan, or know literally –*nothing* about science or climate change, then you might get a meaningful experience from this and be introduced to a story with something different and new. Other than that? It’s a no from me.
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 15:18
Dialogs were interesting and especially when Bent Svensson was involved, full of humor.
The story is a pretty generic eco-thriller about saving the World from pollution before it's too late, but with time travels, that will allow you to rectify past mistakes in order to avoid the end of all forms of life on Earth.
Good controls and inventory management.
I had to follow a guide to get past some puzzles but I generally liked the challenge they provided me with.
Nicht Empfohlen
904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 07:01
The puzzles are clumsy, the voice acting is mediocre, and just playing for a couple hours I already had to download a savegame from the developer to get to the next chapter after a quit to desktop bug. I wish they could have spend more time fixing this game and the story focused on more of the science instead of the bad character development.
3437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 22:50
The story is another post-apocalyptic disaster, this time, focusing on humanity’s inability or unwillingness to stop climate change, which leaves the future with a devastated planet that is about to be wiped out by a solar flare. In the future a team team is sent back to the past to bring about change to save the planet. You play alternately as two protagonists, Dr. Bent Svenson and Fay. Bent is a retired scientist who had been working on a sustainable energy source. He’s bitter and disillusioned over the slow progress of his life’s work and the sacrifices he made for his research. Our other protagonist Fay is optimistic and a bit naïve, but truly believes they can save the world. Overall, the story does sometimes feel a little preachy about the environment and climate change, but it is a pretty big element of the story and the motivation for the characters, so it makes sense in the context of the story.
I did enjoy seeing that there was some character development throughout the story even if they way they developed seemed pretty predictable. Like the characters themselves, the story too had a lot of predictability and it was of course filled with some pretty common time travel tropes. That didn’t mean it wasn’t still enjoyable, though, and it was interesting to see the characters as they developed some of the realizations of their roles in those tropes. Unfortunately, they only come to those realizations towards the end of the game.
Visually, I really enjoyed the game. The characters are done in a 2D hand-drawn style that looks like an animated graphic novel. They carry the graphic novel theme though to all of the menus, intro, and cutscenes featuring comic layouts, speech bubbles, and minimal animation. All of the sprites are well-drawn and remain consistent throughout the game, and they all have been really well animated except perhaps a running scene towards the end. The characters' walk paths are smooth and logical and they don’t seem to get stuck anywhere. The backgrounds were all done really well and quite detailed.
The soundtrack for the game fits the moods and tones of the game very well. I liked that it gives the option to adjust voice, music, and sound FX separately. You can also choose to have captions on or off. The voices were all professionally recorded and there were no noticeable pops or breaths, the sound was even and consistent. However, the voice acting is a little odd and sounds too artificial. Fay often sounds as if she’s being voiced by Amazon’s Alexa. Bent isn’t much better, though he sounds like an actual human being more often than Fay. It’s not that the voice acting is terrible and it certainly isn’t unbearable to play through, but it does strike me as odd every time I hear them talking in this artificial sounding way. There were one or two times I noticed the voice was correctly done in English but the text on the screen was not and was probably German.
I did encounter a sound issue where mid-game, all of the sudden, I had no sound of any sort. I had not done anything unusual and had just left clicked a dialogue to advance it. I checked the game's menu and all the sliders were at zero so I brought them back up. Nothing had changed so I saved and exited the game and restarted but there was still no sound. I checked my computer and the sound was fine so I opened up the Visionaire Configuration Tool (you can choose it at startup instead of opening the game) and somehow the master volume had been set to 0. I put it back up at 100 and it solved the problem. I still have no idea why mid-game it suddenly got set to zero.
The UI is pretty standard, especially among Daedalic’s earlier Point & Click adventure games. It’s one of my least favorite styles, though. You left-click to move, right-click to bring up your inventory, and have to hold the left button down for a moment to pop up your available interactions at a given hotspot. The interactions will usually be pretty standard, like look, pick-up, move, touch but sometimes involve an interaction like connect where you then pick up part of the object and have the option to use it with something else nearby in the environment. You can combine items in your inventory as well as look at them and open/search them among a few other occasional options. I did notice that in the latter half of the game there were several times where the menu options had not been translated to English and appeared in what I assume is German or maybe Russian. It’s not hard to figure out those basic options are still something like “look,” but it might throw some for a loop.
Personally, I found the system difficult to use well and often found the options tricky to pop up, or they would disappear before I could select something. I also had times where the menu would seem to get stuck and you couldn’t quite get the mouse to move over an option. Most of the time hitting the escape button would free me from the frozen option or dialogue menu, but sometimes I only got out of it because I could utilize my touchscreen interface to select the option.
The game does, unfortunately, have quite a bit of pixel hunting involved. You can press the spacebar to highlight all available interactive hotspots, but they can be hard to notice if you are standing in front of the hotspot. Additionally, you often need to revisit hotspots as they may not have all their available interactions enabled yet. Many of the ways in which you use the objects or combine them are fairly logical, but there are a fair number of times when you will encounter “moon logic” in this game. Some of the answers to solutions or even some of the mini-games are pretty frustrating in that sense. Most of the game plays through pretty well without the need for a walkthrough, but I found myself needing one twice for difficult to find items that I didn’t pixel hunt well enough for, and once for one of the mini-games that I just could not figure out what I was supposed to be doing.
I appreciated the variety and quantity of achievements in this game. There are 28 total and 12 are story unlocked. 6 are related to minigames and the remaining 10 are achieved either through various optional interactions or by trying all the available options. 4 of the achievements are related to a choice, so you cannot get all of the achievements in one playthrough unless you use strategic saving. All of the achievements are reasonably easy to get though.
Overall, I enjoyed the game despite its flaws and would recommend it to other experienced Point & Click aficionados. I would caution those who are new to the genre to try other Point & Click games before trying this one as some of the more negative aspects of this game may turn them off from the entire genre. I did experience an odd thing where even though I exited the game and couldn’t find it in my processes list steam wouldn’t recognize that the game had closed. This caused my playtime to be quite a bit higher than it actually was. Based on when achievements unlocked for me and on the times which I recall being active, I believe this game probably has a playtime of 10-12 hours for more experienced players and probably 15+ for those with less experience. At the full price that makes this $1 or less per hour of gameplay which I think is a good deal for what you get out of it.
1282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 15:25
Nicht Empfohlen
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 23:08
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 13:37
It has a good story, engaging puzzles, likable characters, at times humorous dialogues and decent voice acting.
I especially like the comic / novel-style graphics and animations.
826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 00:49
I would say that the voice acting (at least in English) was great. I don't understand why others complain.
If the actors can deliver flawlessly the humor from the script, that means they did a great job.
I'm not big on puzzles in general, so I can't judge on their quality. They weren't very hard, but sometimes I had to go on YouTube to check the walkthroughs to proceed. I wish there was some kind of a hint system.
Anyway, I recommend this game, even if just for the entertaining story.
Nicht Empfohlen
734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 15:27
Nicht Empfohlen
510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 17:30
Liked: It's from Daedalic.
Disliked: Robot voice overs & poor dialog placements.
Graphics: Black bars on fullscreen, suck!
Rating: ⭐⭐☆☆☆
Verdict: Frustrating point and click I've ever played.
Spoiler: [spoiler]You will get stuck, just use a walk through[/spoiler]
Nicht Empfohlen
1136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 10:58
Gameplay is riddled with outdated P&C nonsense, and due to the artstyle, hotspots are often camouflaged.
There's no proper item highlighting happening which doesn't add any challenge, just frustration.
Daedalic has been doing that for quite some time now, definitely last game I'll ever buy from them.
Nicht Empfohlen
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 01:36
I kept hoping the game would throw a curve ball where in the algae actually destroyed the atmosphere, because the game suggested that an explosion in a nuclear power plant could take out the amazonian rain forest, which to me seems extremely unlikely considering that a reactor core cannot explode like an atomic weapon.
Consider the Chernobyl region which today is filled with wildlife that actually thrive there today. The region has unusual biodiversity, because of a lack of humans..
Bad game.. don't buy unless it's in a bundle for a minimal fee or for free.
Nicht Empfohlen
928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 16:53
The story is ok. It starts alright, but I felt particularly unimpressed by the end of the story. The characters are fine. Fay was cute, but that's about it. I found Bent Svensson to be clearly the more interesting one, and I found the subplot story with his family better than the main plot line.
The user interface is really one of the low points. The click-and-choose system was really awkward to handle. It feels weird to say, but this is a point-and-click game with bad controls.
As for the puzzle, I may not have done enough point-and-click adventures to compare, but I felt that some were quite unintuitive. Anyway, keep a walkthrough in a tab, it'll save you time.
All in all, it's not that this is a bad game. It's just not good enough to stand out in the mass of video games.
Nicht Empfohlen
825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 17:16
A New Beginning, more like A New Repetition
Another point and click adventure by Daedalic Ent., just with the themes: Climat, Time Travel.
Story of real world issues locked behinde nonesense item combinations.
Decent story but kinda generic and boring. Used guides to finish, i regret nothing!
1347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 15:57
The story itself is ok. It carries the message that we are polluting our planet and it doesn't even try to be subtle.
Thing is, everything in this game is a bit off. On many occasions, the characters aren't acting as you would expect. Some side characters are just plain stupid. Solutions to certain problems are either too easy or overly complicated, not fitting the situation it's trying to represent.
Technically, the game isn't perfect either. Got some audio popping during cut scenes. It uses an awkward context menu. Has some out of sync subtitles here and there. A few translation errors.
The game is quite lengthy though. And it's fun to be playing two main characters, alternating between them from chapter to chapter.
Personally, I didn't think the voice acting was as bad as some are saying. Have seen worse.
It's really a mixed bag. Don't regret playing, but doesn't end up high on my list either.
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1018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 03:21
Nicht Empfohlen
1100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 09:52
I truly believe that if you're young, this game may work for you. You won't recognise how stupid the characters are. You may like their naiveness, one-dimensionality, lack of knowledge and lack of sense-of-responsibility. Many JRPGs have stories like this, where characters are completely naive and stupid but save the world anyway. It works there because the journey is great, dialogs are great and the gameplay loop is intuitive. The stupidity of the character does not hinder the game's progression. In a point-and-click though, if you cannot identify with the character it quickly falls apart.
Point-and-click adventures require that you thirst for exploration and problem solving because each scene requires that to advance. It needs a great story or good character arcs coming from great dialog, preferably both, to achieve that. A New Beginning gloriously fails at it. The dialog comes with a meaningless 'dialog tree' where the game pretends to offer you a choice but in effect its either: skip dialog or continue until you've exhausted all options. All characters have dialog that's so painfully stupid that you'd rather just skip it but you won't know which option skips the dialog and which one continues it. Then you have the puzzle minigames. None of them are immediately intuitive. You're going to simply exhaust all the options or consult a guide to advance. How is that good? It's not. It sucks. So what's there to drive you forward? Not much, the story setup is great, so you might want to see it through. But I'd recommend watching a Let's Play over dragging yourself through this game.
923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 14:14
Amazing indie adventure, bit naive story but picks up
Saw someone play it on YT where after couple of minutes I stopped the video and instantly wishlisted it. I was taken by great voice acting, overall quality of the intro and the first scene in the game. Futuristic Sci-Fi setting only solidified my decision. Can happily report my gut feeling did not fail me, despite some negative reviews casting shadows of doubt.
It was developed by a German team where the game was initially released in 2010. You can tell it's not your usual run-of-the-mill adventure by its overly ambitions and idealistic storyline, superb realistic visual style, but also oscillating quality with voice acting. Majority is amazing but there are few occasion where some quirks exists: voice cut offs, missing translations, even the credits at the end cut off prematurely. It's minor however and will hardly impact seasoned adventurer.
I suppose due to development starting years before release date, screen ratio is fixed to 4:3 because it was more common than what we use today. Takes some getting used to, even for me who is not phased by such things, mostly because the beautiful graphic makes it seems like it was released recently so it looks bit awkward. Again, not an issue but you should know.
Plot starts in some distant future, cca. 22nd century, where remnants of humanity are surviving underground due to effects of global climate collapse. As if that wasn't enough, imminent natural disaster threatens what's left of them with extinction withing 2 weeks time. So they scramble and send a team back in time to prevent the event that caused climate to collapse. As usual things don't go according to plan (when they ever did when time travel was involved, eh) and our story begins with an old grumpy man who is the key to saving the world.
He is one of two characters you'll get to control, at first on separate occasions and in different time periods, but as you get closer to the end their path will cross where they'll seamlessly assist each other while sharing a scene even. It's done similar to a book style where two or more separate sections exchange places in linear narrative just when you least want it to. Resulting you wanting more just to continue where the story pulled you out from last time. I always hated to love this approach, but it does work best for me.
There are tons of high quality 2D drawn scenes full of detail, split into 8 lengthy Chapters with each one having some 15 scenes on average, all spread across multiple timelines and cultural environments with all the diversities it brings to satisfy your adventurous senses. Frankly the game felt so big it seemed to me like I was playing it for a week or more. Have in mind the game support smart screen transition by quickly loading new screen if you double-click near the edge (game was not long because of slow walking speed I can tell you that), a feature I gravely miss in some older adventures.
Puzzles are more or less classic object A in place B with some additions that crept in the genre over the years. Most puzzles are logical. Only one caused me to use universal hint system, the rest you will manage if you have any intuition or persistence. In that sense it is on the mature side of things where knowing how things work will only help you. UI is minimalistic but very effective in both staying out of your way and ease of use.
Besides classic puzzles there are some 5 minigames which are basically self contained, more complex puzzles, typically mechanisms on some kind that operate various machinery. Things like: assembling radio antenna, regulating current flow, defusing a bomb, and so on. Personally, they came as a welcome breather from the regular game and in stretching other dormant parts of my brain.
Animations explaining the story are told through many charming comic book sized boxes. The likes seen in first two Max Payne games, but fully animated. A nice cost-effective method. Music is pretty good, both in animated sections and as relaxing background pieces while you are brainstorming your way forward.
Voice acting is great and there is a metric ton of it. Every little action you can perform on any object in the world or talking to a NPC has lengthy audio cues attached. No idea how they put so much voice content into this and yet that's only English. There are three more fully voiced languages.
* * *
It ain't perfect however and I'll shortly point what suckes.
Suffers from serious case of pixel hunting. Although every object has own text highlight once under under the cursor, 5 items in particular gave me headaches because I wasn't aware I needed to find them or that they were relevant in the scene. Imagine wandering around for an hour being stuck only to discover that unremarkable small smudge was an important missing piece of the puzzle. Higher resolution and graphic fidelity is a good place to hide items in. In the past such items stood out due to low resolution and later devs made them stand out by modifying contrast and sharpness. Something that was neglected here. Happened only 5 times but they hurt me.
UPDATE: I wrote the whole thing at around 90% game beaten and only in the last few screens I had discovered (via forum post) you can press SPACE and every God damn object in the scene gets highlighted. I'll leave the paragraph in original form as it's amusing. Laugh it out at my expense. In hindsight it kinda ruins the immersion and sense of accomplishment but greatly increases solving speed. Use at own discretion. Like I said only in 5 places it's preferable.
Story is a bit far-fetched and naive in the early stages and the young eager female protagonist does not help matters much. I looked passed that as it reminded me of Capitan Planet cartoon, in a good way. When did innocent child like idealism hurt anyone? If you manage past the cringe worthy brid death scene early on, bigger and better things await.
Half the times you'll feel lost when a new section starts. The task ahead of you will make your head spin as you have no idea how or where to even start. Only by exploring every little bit first will you get closer to seeing the full picture. You will sometimes have to joggle more balls at one time than you are comfortable with.
Voice acting rarely cuts off before the sentence is completed, usually 1 word sooner, and sometimes the pause between two neighboring sentences is cut out too so it comes off weird. I counted around dozen such cases which is negligible considering voiced lines are in the thousands. But it was still enough for some reviewers to trash voice acting into the ground, lol. It's not that bad people. Faithful emotion delivery could be better true, but is nowhere near as bad as many make it out to be.
* * *
All things considered I enjoyed this relaxing Sci-Fi story with moral messages about our fragile ECO system. Time lost on pixel hunts was more than compensated by time saved with logic intuitive puzzles, slick UI, and instant scene transition.
It's my first Deadalic game I ever played and from their huge assortment I can tell it will definitely be first of many. The future looks bright.
553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.19 06:20
Good scifi story too.
Only con i can find is that there are some misspelling on certain thing, a few non english action dialogs and chat. And there is also a bit of a sound/subtitle sync issue near the end of the game. Nothing that really affects the playability and enjoyability of the game :)
Daedalic Entertainment
Deep Silver
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos