News Liste 3D-Coat V4.8

3DCoat Updated to v4.9.37
3D-Coat V4.8
01.05.20 08:49 Community Announcements

We have just rolled out a massive 3DCoat 4.9.37 Update. It has a ton of improvements and a bunch of new tools that will come very helpful to many of you.

The key changes include:
  • 3DCoat now has native support of Blender via built-in AppLink! See videos on how to install and the export options - video2 and video3.
  • Full compatibility with Quixel Megascans added! If you download a Quixel material into "Downloads" 3DCoat will automatically notify you that a new material has been downloaded and will offer you to install it as a material or shader.
  • The same happens if you download a Smart Materials pack from the 3DCoat PBR Scans store.
  • Real-time Cloth Simulation in 3DCoat is now at a new level of quality and speed!
  • Sculpt room got a new Bend tool added.

Many other changes and improvements have been included. Full changelog available here.

Enjoy and let us know what you think of the latest features and improvements.