• 1954: Alcatraz: Neue Screens zum Adventure.
  • 1954: Alcatraz: Neue Screens zum Adventure.
  • 1954: Alcatraz: Neue Screens zum Adventure.
  • 1954: Alcatraz: Erster Screen des neues Daedalic Adventures.
  • 1954: Alcatraz: Erster Screen des neues Daedalic Adventures.
  • 1954: Alcatraz: Neue Screens zum Adventure.
  • 1954: Alcatraz: Neue Screens zum Adventure.
  • 1954: Alcatraz: Neue Screens zum Adventure.
  • 1954: Alcatraz: Erster Screen des neues Daedalic Adventures.
  • 1954: Alcatraz: Erster Screen des neues Daedalic Adventures.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 24.01.2014
Zum Shop
Preis Update 27.06.24

Über das Spiel

1954: Alcatraz entführt uns ins San Francisco der 50er Jahre. Dort wird ein gewisser Joe für einen bewaffneten Raubüberfall zu 40 Jahren Haft verurteilt, die er in dem berüchtigten Gefängnis Alcatraz absitzen muss. Klar ist, dass er dort nicht ewig einsitzen will und so plant er seine Flucht mit Hilfe seiner Frau Christine. Allerdings hat sie den gemeinsame Gangster-Kumpane Mickey am Hals, der die Beute für sich haben will, jedoch nicht das Versteckt kennt, denn dieses kennt nur Joe. So muss sie einen Weg finden ihr Leben zu schützen und gleichzeitig ihren Mann bei der Flucht helfen.

1954: Alcatraz bietet 90 handgezeichnete Schauplätze, die auf Fotorecherchen der Gegend basieren und von über 20 3D Charakteren bevölkert werden sollen. Für die Dialoge und das Spielscript zeichnet Gene Mocsy verantwortlich, Gründer von Entwickler Irresponsible Games und Co-Autor von 'Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island' und 'A Vampyre Story'. Der Soundtrack stammt von Pedro Macedo Camacho, der sein Können unter anderem auch bei den beiden Spielen unter Beweis stellte.

  • 90 handgezeichnete Schauplätze, basierend auf Fotorecherchen zu San Francisco, North Beach und Alcatraz.
  • Über 20 3D-animierte Charaktere
  • Knifflige Rätsel und Dialoge von Gene Mocsy, dem Co-Autor von Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island.
  • Stimmungsvoller Soundtrack von Pedro Macedo Camacho (Fairytale Fights, Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island, A Vampyre Story, Audiosurf).
  • Alternative Enden


  • CPU: 2,5 GHz (Single Core) oder 2 GHz (Dual Core)
  • GFX: GeForce 200er/Radeon 300er/Intel HD 3000er oder besser
  • RAM: 3 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c-kompatible Soundkarte
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

603 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 17:13
Niemand liest Rezensionen, also sag ich einfach mal dass ich schwul bin!
1182 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 09:35

Willkomen in Alcatraz

  • Die Story von 1954 Alcatraz ist wirklich absolut grandios.
  • Wie entscheidest du dich? Die Story glänzt mit tiefgreifenden Entscheidungen und interessanten Enden,.
  • Die Charaktere sind charismatisch und wirklich gut vertont.
  • Die Grafik und Musik ist originell und wirklich gut umgesetzt.
  • Leider leidet das Spiel bei den Achievments unter einigen Bug's. Ich persönlich hatte das Glück alle Achievments freischalten zu können.
1939 Produkte im Account
442 Reviews
692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 16:47
Schönes Adventure!

Hat mir gut gefallen.
Unterhaltsame Gangstergeschichte mit guten Sprechern.
Die Grafik ist ganz ok, an einigen Stellen fehlen doch ein paar Texturdetails, hat also eher was von einem Telltale-Spiel.
Alle Rätsel sind machbar, sollte also auch für Einsteiger geeignet sein.
Über die Spielzeit kann ich nicht meckern, für mich war es lang genug, bei anderen Games wird es ansonsten schnell mal langweilig und mit viel Leerlaufzeit bei Laufarbeit und Planlosigkeit bei den Rätseln unnötig gestreckt.
Bei den Steam Errungenschaften gibt es wohl ein Problem: vorher habe ich alles bekommen, beim Spielstart heute dann aber nichts mehr. Sehr schade.

Fazit: Alles in allem in rundum gelungenes Spiel und vor allem im Sale klar zu empfehlen!
288 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 11:39
Da man das Game für einen Euro oder so erwerben kann, kann ich das Spiel schon empfehlen.

Es ist zwar das schwächste Daedalic Game was ich bisher gezockt habe, aber insgesamt kann man das schonmal spielen wenn man diese Art von Games mag.

144 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 13:57
Warmes atmosphärisches secondary Kultlevel Spiel auf richtig passender german synchro

-Hank, 99 Jahre
519 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 05:44
1954 Alcatraz
Abenteuer Indie von 2014.

Etwas zum Spiel.
40 Jahre hat Joe für den fehlgeschlagenen Überfall eines Geldtransporters aufgebrummt bekommen, sitzt im Hochsicherheitsgefängnis auf Alcatraz ein. Die Beute ist irgendwo draußen versteckt, nur Joe weiß, wo. In den Straßen San Franciscos machen sich Joes Ex-Komplizen und seine Ehefrau Christine daran, das Geld zu finden. Wer soll die Moneten bekommen?

In diesem interaktiven Point & Click-Adventure übernimmst du sowohl Joe als auch Christine. Du kannst mit 30 Charatere interagieren.
Alles Spielt in den 50er Jahren an Orginalschauplätzen in San Francisco, North Beach und Alcatraz. Alles in Comic Style.
Interessant ist auch das der damalige gesellschaftliche, historische Zeitgeist gut dargestellt ist. Je nachdem welche Entscheidungen du an den über 60 Handlungsorten triffst entwickelt sich die Geschichte zu einem Ende hin das sehr unterschiedlich seien kann.
Alles was du errätseln kannst oder finden und nutzen kannst haben ein logischen Aufbau oder Zusammenhang. Dies ist es was mir besonders gut gefällt, aber es ist teilweise recht schwer herauszubekommen wie es nun weitergeht. Leider gibt es keine Hilfe.
Wer auf Musik aus dieser Zeit steht hat hier vermutlich seine Freude daran, wer nicht schaltet sie einfach aus.

Für Freunde dieses Genre klare Empfehlung.

Hier findet ihr meine Gruppe und mein Archiv mit zur Zeit fast 1.000 Reviews. Viel Spaß beim stöbern.

Für alle die mal nicht weiter kommen eine sehr gute Übersicht:

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1954 Alcatraz
Adventure indie from 2014.

Something about the game.
Joe has been tormented for 40 years for a failed robbery of a money transporter and is in Alcatraz maximum security prison. The loot is hidden somewhere outside, only Joe knows where. In the streets of San Francisco, Joe's ex-accomplice and his wife Christine set out to find the money. Who should get the money?

Take on both Joe and Christine in this interactive point and click adventure. You can interact with 30 characters.
Everything takes place in the 50s at original locations in San Francisco, North Beach and Alcatraz. Everything in comic style.
It is also interesting that the social, historical zeitgeist at that time is well represented. Depending on which decisions you make at the over 60 locations, the story develops towards an end that can be very different.
Everything you can puzzle out or find and use has a logical structure or context. This is what I particularly like, but it is sometimes very difficult to figure out how to proceed. Unfortunately there is no help.
Anyone who likes music from this time will probably have a lot of fun here, who doesn't just turn it off.

A clear recommendation for friends of this genre.

Here you will find my group and my archive with almost 1,000 reviews at the moment. Have fun browsing.

A very good overview for everyone who can't get any further:

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and discover more reviews from me ????
137 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.19 15:00
Nice Game
636 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.15 08:37
Sehr gute Story, gute Charaktere. Man kann den Ausgang der Story beeinflussen, wodurch sich sogar das mehrmalige durchspielen lohnt. Das handeln des einen Charakters hat Einfluss auf den Anderen. Die Stimmung die das Spiel erzeugt, sowie die Athmosphäre sind absolut in ordnung. Alle Rätsel sind lösbar und nie zu schwer, auch nicht unbedingt zu einfach. Die zeichnungen sind gut umgesetzt und harmonieren mit den Videosequenzen. Dieses Spiel ist sein Geld wert.
167 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.14 23:31
Für Adventure Fans ein absolutes MUSSS!!!

Die Story ist sehr ernst, wobei ich finde das die Charaktere es grafisch etwas vermindern!!!

Man spielt 2 Protagonisten, wobei man jederzeit wechseln kann.
Ich persönlich mag das Spiel sehr... Grafik ist super, deutsche Syncro defininitiv nicht zu verachten und die Rätsel sind logisch.
Selbst wenn man mal nen Hänger hat, empfehle ich .... pause machen statt direkt zu ner Lösung zu greifen.
Von mir gibts 7,5 von 10 punkten, obwohl es eines der besten Adventures in letzter Zeit ist!!!!

Habt Spass beim spielen.... ich empfehle es!!!
72 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.14 01:07
Als Neuerung gibt es nun 3D animierte Charaktere in einer 2D Welt. Das alles wirkt in sich sehr stimmig. Die Dialoge sind - wie auch die Story - recht ernst gehalten.
Ein übertrieben Humorvolles Spiel ist hier nicht zu erwarten. Teilweise wirken die Dialoge ein wenig gekünstelt. Die Rätsel sind interessant - teils aber auch verwirrend. Die Interaktion mit Objekten kann sich hier nach Interaktion mit einem anderen Objekt ändern, was schnell in Klickarbeit und anhören der gleichen Dialoge ausarten kann.

Dennoch ist die Story interessant und die Atmospäre stimmt meiner Meinung. Allerdings sind die ersten Spielstunden teils etwas zäh da die Erzählung nicht richtig in Schwung kommt.

Es ist somit nicht eine 100% Empfehlung für alle Adventure-Fans, kann sich aber durchaus sehen lassen.
1200 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 23:05
Got this game at 90% off for $1 and it is often on special so if you're a game collector might want to add it to you're wish list. As for the actual game cannot say I tried it yet but if I do I will be sure to update this review.
252 Produkte im Account
138 Reviews
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 21:57
1954 Alcatraz is dated, and yet an overall enjoyable experience. It is, however, a bit demanding in setting up. The game requires to be run in compatibility mode, from the exe file and not the steam shortcut, with admin permissions. The end experience, it is worth it if you are willing to take those steps.

The story is humorous, with well delivered lines. The voice acting also is well done, and fits the scenes and situations. There are times where you might want to reload and take alternative options in dialogue, which will provide additional humorous scenes to enjoy.

The game, while dated and requiring time to run it properly, is smooth and without issue.

The graphics are artistic and nicely done. It almost has a less dark Tim Burton kind of feel to it.

In all, this game is an enjoyable and relaxing experience, with adult humor, for the casual player.
93 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 21:19
Stopped getting achievements or cards after a little bit. Not recommend because of technical issues.
2293 Produkte im Account
557 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 06:23
Recommended for game farming
450 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 07:43
Το συγκεκριμενο παιχνιδι θα μπορουσα να πω οτι θυμιζει παλιες καλες εποχες οπου τα point and click παιχνιδια ειχαν περιοπτη θεση στην καρδια των gamers. Αυτο μπορω να πω ότι εχει πρακτικα εξαφανιστει μιας και βγαινουν ελαχιστα παιχνιδια στο ειδος και αυτά από συγκεκριμενες εταιρειες. Η Daedalic Entertainment είναι μια από αυτές και μπορω να πω ότι δεν τα παει ασχημα. Η ονομασια του παιχνιδιου προδιδει και το γενικο concept. Ενας ανδρας ο Joe μπαινει φυλακη στο Αλκατραζ για ένα εγκλημα και μαζι με την κοπελα του Christine προσπαθει να δραπετευσει. Οι διαλογοι είναι υπεροχοι και συνοδευονται από ένα μοναδικο noir στυλ μαζι με κλασικη jass beat μουσικη που δενει αψογα την ατμοσφαιρα μαζι με την πλοκη και τους χαρακτηρες. Το παιχνιδι νομιζω εχει οση διαρκεια πρεπει είναι περιεκτικο σε αρκετα πραγματα και to the point χωρις να μακρηγορει για ασχετα θεματα περα από αυτά που θα μας απασχολησουν. Τα πιθανα τελη είναι 4 αλλα είναι λιγα τα σημεια που παιζουν ρολο ώστε να αλλαξει αυτό. Σε κανα 2 σημεια κολλησα και χρειαστηκα βοηθεια αλλα γενικα το παιχνιδι εχει λογικους γριφους οποτε με σωστη σκεψη και αφοσιωση στην πλοκη βγαινουν. Αξιζει να του δωσετε μια ευκαιρια ειδικα οι λατρεις των point and click θα περασετε ωραια. Θα μπορουσε να είναι καλυτερο? Αναμφιβολα αλλα μου εβγαλε νοσταλγια οποτε περνει καποιους ποντους από εκει. 8/10
868 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 00:49
I last played the game to the finish about 6 years ago and just re-downloaded it to try and get some missing achievements but the game won't start with the latest and greatest Windows 10. It switches my desktop resolution, hangs, and then needs to be killed via task manager. After reading some posts in the Community Hub, it seems I'm not the only person with the problem and not the only person without a solution (compatibility mode and/or running as administrator has no effect). It is my understanding that the developer no longer provides support for this game either.

Buyer beware.
345 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 23:40
The game overall, was fine. It reminded me of the LucasArts point and click adventure games of old; the find one item drop it on another one and then using that item to progress the story to the next phase. The graphics were very reminiscent of Bullfrog and I loved games from that developer as well as the story; whilst being a bit generic and tropy of the era, went off without a hitch. My main gripe is with the achievements not unlocking; which is a dealbreaker for myself and I daresay for a lot of people on this platform. The developer has had a long time to patch this.... and they still haven't. So it's a no from me
1090 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 17:31
Pretty average point and click adventure. Environment itself is interesting. The story is ok to finish it one time, puzzles are quite easy. Also ability to switch between two characters at any time is a little confusing because sometimes it's not simple to understand who should act next. Overall not bad to spend 2-3 evenings with it.
911 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 13:46
Interesting point & click adventure due to its interesting premise. Character were great but it wasn't properly fleshed out and the story during the climatic scene falls short. The interesting part is actually doing Christine side of the game instead of Joe's. I am recommending it, but don't expect a highly polished, epic chase, grand point and click adventure when you play this.
413 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
1229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 19:20
wow this has to be the most intense point and click game
has some funny lines in there
i would definitely recommend this
249 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 00:04
Achievements are bugged (won't unlock). Devs have done very little to fix this issue in the last 6 years. People have found different solutions to unlock them as time as gone by, but none of them have worked for me so far.

I've gotten through maybe 30 minutes of the actual story (not bad). The rest of my time was replaying the beginning several times trying the different solutions to un-bugging the achievements. Do not get this game if you are interested in achievements.
160 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 12:16
Code Played on Linux using Steam Play Proton 6.3-4 (more on protondb.com).


It's a nice Point & Click adventure game in which you have to make Joe escape from Alcatraz with the help of his wife Christine.

The story is fine, with a lot of hidden content which trigger only when you take certain decisions or dialogue paths.

The voice acting is superb.

The soundtrack fits well to the year (1954) with its jazzy vibes.

The graphics, while not being photorealistic, add up to the general atmosphere and are enough to bring you into the whole thing.

I recommend the game, it won't take you an eternity to complete and you'll have a good time completing it multiple times.

For achievements hunters

Can be done very quickly with well-written guides here on Steam (2 hours minimum and more if not using a guide for the first playthrough).

Careful, some achievements are missable and will require you to save often in order to not mess up (once again, guides will help you if stuck).
197 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 16:18
Buy it if its cheap, very short game but a decent enough story and easy point and click.
365 Produkte im Account
180 Reviews
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 19:01
159 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 19:19
A fairly good game, but I won't recommend giving money to Daedalic for a game it has refused to fix for years now. Even if it were just Steam achievements that remain broken (which it isn't).
529 Produkte im Account
279 Reviews
413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 11:38
A really nice point-and-click game with good voice acting and a nice 50s-style atmosphere. The story and choices you can make are well thought out. The puzzles are a good mix of easy and slightly more complicated ones.
480 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 11:17
Overall I was pleasantly suprised by this game. For someone who is usually more into FPS and fast paced games I was kept engaged and interested throughout my time playing. I would highly recommend this to anyone who just wants a chill game to. Will I play this more? Certainly
Story : 7/10
Gameplay : 5/10
Animation : 3/10
Voice Acting 9/10

For a more indepth look I have made a youtube review over at : https://youtu.be/hyLWg2VLfhI
2858 Produkte im Account
560 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 21:54
1954 Alcatraz is a point and click adventure game set during the beat movement, where you play as two different people at the same time.


You play as Joe and Christine, a husband and wife duo. After a heist Joe is sent away to Alcatraz and he's the only one that knows where the loot is stashed, all while Christine (also an ex-accomplice) tries to find the money, while mob debt collectors try to collect the money Joe owns them.

The story of 1954 Alcatraz is really decent and I might even say really intriguing for the most part. The writing is decent and the fact that you can switch between characters at will to move along the story and there's even multiple endings for you to achieve. Albeit I wish more could have been done with the setting, as the San Francisco 1950's is barely used to it's full potential, mostly as just a backdrop for the characters to look cool.


Overall 1954 Alcatraz looks fine, but nothing special. The characters all look distinct from one another and you can easily tell them apart, but it does have the very early 2000's point and click CG characters where they look incredibly cartoony. It's in no ways bad, but a lot of the facial animations seem just overall low quality.

The backgrounds however are great, it's great exploring Alcatraz and San Francisco and look really great, The prison looks very muted in colors, with most it of looking pretty same-y, while the city of San Francisco looks really nice, since most of the segments are set during the night, not to mention you go through a lot of locations in the city. There's also some cool features like the dialogue boxes being different for both Joe and Christine, with Joe's representing a chain link fence and Christine's a painting frame.


The voice acting itself is really decent, albeit not all of it is amazing. I think for the most part everyone does a great job with their roles, but a few of the side characters don't really do that great of a job, which makes their characters sort of forgettable.

The music however is great, ton's of great jazzy songs that really set the mood of the time and really make the backdrop of the 50's San Francisco fully shine. I really enjoyed the tunes and they were incredibly relaxing while solving puzzles, or just listening to characters talk.


1954 Alcatraz is a full on point and click adventure game, where you pick up items, combine them and talk to other characters to solve puzzles. The biggest difference between most other point and click adventure games is that you can switch between Christine and Joe at will. Every so often you will hit a dead end with either character which will force you to switch and continue onwards with the other character.

This works fine for the most part, but I felt this was really made needlessly complicated instead of simply switching to the other character when the story required to do so and sometimes make the game much harder to progress through. Sometimes you need to do something as one character so the other one could progress forward, which isn't bad on paper. However at one point I was stuck as Joe and Christine with basically nothing I do progressing the game forward. I actually thought I soft locked the game, but after breaking down and looking up a walkthrough I found out that I missed one dialogue piece that was needed to progress forward.

Apart from that one moment where I was stuck, the puzzles are incredibly easy and often can barely be called puzzles. Everything is very logical and even something that might seem complex at first, ends being really simplistic. It's not really a bad thing, but I wish there was at least a few puzzles that would have been just slightly more challenging.


1954 Alcatraz is a decent little adventure game. It has a great story, with some ok puzzle design, but it still doesn't reach it's full potential. The setting is a waste and the switching between characters isn't that great, but it's a fun enough game to play through at least once, if you like adventure games.

Final Rating:

+ Intriguing story
+ Art style is very eye pleasing
+ Great jazzy soundtrack

- Switching between characters is useless for the most part
- The setting is underutilized

For more reviews consider joining https://steamcommunity.com/groups/completingthebacklog and https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ImperialReviews
440 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 18:21
what a living legend alcatraz
576 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 20:35
8 hours for an adventure game is very short (for multiple run-throughs), yet at the same time it was tedious to play the entire time.
UI was buggy as hell, and having to launch outside of steam to get achievements to register didn't help.
334 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 03:01
Nice Story, atmospheric ambient sound, cool graphics. I really like this Game!


Be aware that still YEARS after the release, there is this annyoing [no Achievement] Bug. If you just start steam and play the game, chances are VERY HIGH that you play, and play but receive no achievement at all.

To circumstance this, you need to right click the [steam.exe] file and set the compatibility mode to [windows 7] AND make sure the exe is executed as administrator.

AFTER that, you can earn achievements (but only such ones not allready earned!). So if you think you want ALL achievements, then you need to start a new game...

Oh... and do not forget after playing to disable the compatibility mode and the admin rights.

But beside of that a very atmospheric game, nice music, interesting characters...
183 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 04:38
Could have been a nice little game! It did run well on my modern rig. The graphics, music, storyline, etc., are great...Just like watching a cool movie you have a role to play in.
But, like most point-and-click games, the only activity here really is trying to figure out where 'da f**k' to click to move to the next stage!
For me that story ended within one hour of gameplay when I couldn't find the f***king [spoiler] winter melon [/spoiler]
Then tried everything for another hour...
...Then, thankfully I had no problems finding the 'uninstall' button!
271 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 20:15
Interesting game, but it's incompatible with modern operating systems. It takes some tuning to make achievements work. Steam overlay is not working at all. I had black screen issue once and one crash (game goes not autosave btw).
242 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 13:32
Among the reviews, I've seen a lot of negative feedback about the game design. I'm a fan of [very] old games, so the graphics for me rarely comes first - except when it directly affects the usability or even the ability to play the game as a whole. As for 1954 Alcatraz, I've found myself among those who are dissapointed with the number of bugs in the game and the compatibility with the main versions of Windows used. Interaction bugs, achievement bugs... A lot of them.

Yes, there are good old games for which you won't be too lazy to get into the system settings to ensure their normal operation. This case, alas, doesn't apply to them.

Nevertheless, the game can be really fascinating. However, sorry, this will be my first negative review, as the convenience and justified expectation (even minimal) is very important. It's hard to get yourself to enjoy what annoys you at every turn. And, as a result, it's hard to get yourself respectful of one of your favorite studios, either.
55 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 03:29
Incompatible with Windows 7/8/10
exe file must be run in Vista compatibility mode
573 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 10:32
A decent film-noirish point & click adventure about a prison break. It has alternative endings too, three of them if I remember correctly.
72 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 04:28
Deep and funny story, great design and music, and funny dialogue. Some kind of Bonnie and Clyde adventure.

Only drawback was a known but unfixed bug which may cause you not to switch between characters anymore where you still would have to in order to be able to finish the game. But could be resolved by loading a previous savegame.
2160 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 21:48
Very short, five hours can be realistic. None of the characters is in any way bearable, let alone likeable. Dialogues are disgusting and insulting. Voice over is really bad in German. English is a bit better, but stil a far cry from good. You can click thouhg it just to see the tiny puzzles; with the hotspots, they are doable, Anyway: Look elsewhere.
1465 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 21:41
Alcatraz - a classic place you don't want to be in. Unless you're going on a tour to Alcatraz and you're not staying there permanently. Nobody wants to be imprisoned on an island, especially our Joe.
It's a story of two star-crossed lovers named Joe and Christine falling into the depths of murders and lies that they set up along their journey. Both of them are playable characters. Joe's goal is to escape Alcatraz and swim for shore. Doesn't matter who he takes out along the way. Christine's goal is to help Joe from the outside of prison since he has a leash on her - a huge amount of money that keeps her grounded by his side, and maybe her love for him. I can't tell what she loves more - her husband or her husband's money.
This is a great noir game and it has a swell amount of Jazz. Sure, loading times are a little long and the characters' movement is rough and awkward, but it's definitely worth a play. It's a unique point & click game and it's definitely not for kids. The game has 3 endings, save early and make sure to play them all! I recommend playing as a bad guy with a bad attitude all the time just to see the extra gameplay. Some of it is NSFW.
If you ever wondered how it feels to be a criminal but you weren't born one - just play this game!
I give it 5 bags of ????????????????????
And a fat load of ???? that will be enough to leave your old life behind.
483 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.19 04:43
67 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.19 20:02
Can't click on any conversation options. No support in the Steam forums and the page linked to doesn't exist. I went to Daedalic's website, which badly needs work as it's not responsive to different screen sizes (I'm a web developer...this is easy stuff to fix!), and after some digging found the (pretty much hidden) support section. No board for this game. So now I can't play and I can't return since it was part of a bundle I bought over a year ago. Very disappointed.
1135 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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1363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.19 10:56
4/10: Mediocre

This is a very average, or in some respects below average, point and click game. The most interesting part of the game is switching between the two viewpoints as the story progresses, but this isn’t enough to be engaging. The story is fine but nothing special. The voice acting is pretty good in fairness. The graphics are highly stylised, so no issue with them not being realistic, but they still manage to be fairly ugly to look at. It’s quite underwhelming as a package
629 Produkte im Account
565 Reviews
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1142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.19 22:56
1954, the land before time, when dream girls had funnel heads and the visuals were in 144p with film grain and sepia filters.

It's another one of those point&click adventures, really nothing special, it has some amusing part, but in the end it's jsut decent.

The Snoop options helps by highlighting clicking spots, but ingame does nothing else pin-point what to do.

Rating: VisitAlcatrazInRealLife/1954Alcatraz
173 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.19 13:38
This game is quite good for those who love classic point and click adventure but the graphics is so old so it can be annoying, i recommend it to buy at discounted price.

1954 Alcatraz 1 minute review:

300 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.19 19:24
I like the music, voice acting and the setting but the story is uninspiring and I don't care what will happen to the main characters, they are criminals after all. I wish there was some early bad ending so I can get some completion but as it is I will never see the end of this game. Also achievements don't work which is strange, it's the first time I have a problem with that on steam.
Logo for 1954: Alcatraz
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
74.93% 517 173
Release:24.01.2014 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Irresponsible Games Vertrieb: Daedalic Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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