You're left there to cope with depression, addiction and maybe even a lethal disease. Survival won't be easy, but remember: the only way is up!

Become the landlord of a run-down tenement
Due to a clerical error, you have received full ownership of an unfinished apartment building.
This rat hole is your base of operations for your upcoming empire.
Upgrade and maintain the building to lease apartments for the Obenseuer's quirky inhabitants, and to build facilities for your growing business.

Decorate your apartment and equip your workshop
Time to make those barren, cold, concrete rooms look nice and cozy.
You can purchase and craft various different furnishing and manufacturing tools that you can place around freely.
The building's basement has enough space for a proper factory of your own.

Grow turnips
Despite the darkness, coldness and wetness of a depressing November, practicing agriculture is still possible!
Farm turnips and potatoes, etc., and convert them into liquid gold for a hefty profit.
Considering one of the probable reasons you ended up in Obenseuer in the first place, you'll probably consume at least some of your own refined turnip juice yourself. Also, having something to eat is pretty nice.

Discover dark secrets
As seen earlier, Obenseuer is home to a myriad of weirdos. Quack! And there are plenty more weird, dark things going on.
Do tasks and quests for various locals and discover what is happening beneath the surface in Obenseuer.

The secret ingredient is crime!
Steal, sabotage and break-in. In Obenseuer there are no rules!
Actually... there are, and the jail, run by the local militia, is not a nice place. So don't get caught!