Steam DB Steam DB Darksburg

App ID
App Type
Shiro Games
Shiro Games
Supported Systems
First Record Import
April 14, 2019 - 05:15:17 UTC (2079 days ago)
Last Record Update
November 15, 2024 - 10:34:05 UTC (37 days ago)
Release Date
23. Sep. 2020


Keep 'Em Coming...
Keep 'Em Coming...
Didn't Even Break A Sweat
Didn't Even Break A Sweat
Is That All You've Got?
Is That All You've Got?
I Didn't Choose The Zombie Slaying Life...
I Didn't Choose The Zombie Slaying Life...
Blowing Out The Candle
Blowing Out The Candle
Witch Hunter
Witch Hunter
Brain Over Brawn
Brain Over Brawn
Not So Big Now, Are You?
Not So Big Now, Are You?
How Many Times Do I Have To Teach You This Lesson?
How Many Times Do I Have To Teach You This Lesson?
It Was No Ax-ccident
It Was No Ax-ccident
How Do You Like It, Huh?!
How Do You Like It, Huh?!
The Hunter Becomes The Hunted
The Hunter Becomes The Hunted
To Kill A Ravenbird
To Kill A Ravenbird
Air Control
Air Control
Choke The Raven, Forevermore
Choke The Raven, Forevermore
My First Catch
My First Catch
Like Shooting Fishmongers In A Barrel
Like Shooting Fishmongers In A Barrel
Intensive Fishing
Intensive Fishing
Down With The Hierarchy!
Down With The Hierarchy!
Ooooh, Look At Mr. Responsible Over Here
Ooooh, Look At Mr. Responsible Over Here
Am I The Only One Working Here?
Am I The Only One Working Here?
What's That Smell?
What's That Smell?
An Explosive Entrance
An Explosive Entrance
2-for-1 Discount
2-for-1 Discount
Now You See Me
Now You See Me
Bomb Squad
Bomb Squad
I meant to do that.
I meant to do that.
I'm Not Trapped In Here With You...
I'm Not Trapped In Here With You...
When A Brute Force Meets An Immovable Object
When A Brute Force Meets An Immovable Object
Now You Don't
Now You Don't
I Get By With A Little Help...
I Get By With A Little Help...
Better Together
Better Together
Welcome to Darksburg!
Welcome to Darksburg!
We Have Normality
We Have Normality
Things are getting serious now
Things are getting serious now
It's only just begun
It's only just begun
More challenges!
More challenges!
Onward and upward!
Onward and upward!
Halfway there!
Halfway there!
Into the darkness
Into the darkness
Belly of the Whale
Belly of the Whale
There's a Light
There's a Light
Almost there!
Almost there!
Escape From Darksburg
Escape From Darksburg
Here for the Ferry First Time
Here for the Ferry First Time
Flee Market
Flee Market
Where the Scare Grows
Where the Scare Grows
Fresh Out of the Grave(yard)
Fresh Out of the Grave(yard)
The First in a Long Series...
The First in a Long Series...
This tomb will be... err.. YOUR tomb!
This tomb will be... err.. YOUR tomb!
A Mysterious Ore
A Mysterious Ore
Striking Gold
Striking Gold
What the Cluck?!
What the Cluck?!
Hobbyist Collector
Hobbyist Collector
Antique Hunter
Antique Hunter
Curiosity Trader
Curiosity Trader
Custodian of the Cabinet
Custodian of the Cabinet
Owner of the Cabinet
Owner of the Cabinet
Again and again and again and again!
Again and again and again and again!
Have Any Change?
Have Any Change?
Pocket Money!
Pocket Money!
Fair Wages
Fair Wages
Hoarder's Delight
Hoarder's Delight
Can't Spend It All In One Place
Can't Spend It All In One Place
Every Penny Counts
Every Penny Counts
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
65.72% 740 386

Darksburg ist ein Rogue-lite Actionspiel, in dem du mit anderen Spielern ein Team bildest, um gemeinsam den Horden der Infizierten zu entwischen, die sich in der idyllischen Kleinstadt Darksburg breitgemacht haben.

Schl?pfe in die Rolle eines der heldenhaften ?berlebenden?? jeder mit einzigartigen Fertigkeiten und Charakterz?gen?? levele ihn mit den unz?hligen Verbesserungen und Fertigkeiten hoch, die du bei deinen Durchl?ufen entdeckst und besiege die schurkischen Wiederg?nger und unz?hlige Untote, die diese einstmals friedliche Stadt heimsuchen.

  • Meistere die Kunst des kooperativen Gameplays und ?berlebe den unaufh?rlichen Ansturm der Horden von Infizierten, die Darksburg terrorisieren.
  • W?hle bei jedem Stufenaufstieg zwischen 3 zuf?lligen Verbesserungen und kombiniere sie, um die perfekte Build zu bauen.
  • St?rze dich in ein prozedural generiertes Abenteuer?? die gesamte Stadt Darksburg und ihre Beute ver?ndern sich bei jedem Durchlauf; deshalb ist kein Spiel wie das andere.
  • Erkunde mehrere von Zombies heimgesuchte Schaupl?tze in der Stadt?? mit verschiedenen Zielen, Feinden und Gegenst?nden in jedem Durchlauf.

(Es gilt zu beachten: Weder die Stadt Darksburg, noch ihre offiziellen Vertreter und Partner sind f?r die etwaige Zerst?ckelung, Verwandlung, Verspeisung oder Verbrennung von Besuchern haftbar.)