Steam DB Steam DB Cybermotion

App ID
App Type
Supported Systems
First Record Import
April 08, 2019 - 17:40:35 UTC (1973 days ago)
Last Record Update
September 17, 2023 - 18:45:33 UTC (350 days ago)
Release Date
28. Juli 2017


Diamond medal
Diamond medal
Win 10 gold medals
Win 10 gold medals
Win 20 gold medals
Win 20 gold medals
Win 30 gold medals
Win 30 gold medals
Win 40 gold medals
Win 40 gold medals
Win 50 gold medals
Win 50 gold medals
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Secret Achievement
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
84.91% 45 8
You have levels to beat. You have body to control. Animations aren't just visual like in almost all other games, but 100% physics based, so they define how you move through the environment. Combine animations and poses to move your robot through levels full of obstacles.


The goal is to finish levels in time, win medals, unlock new content.


Controls are inspired by controls of real humanoid robot. You?ll switch between full body animations which are assigned to the buttons. Servos in your robot are trying to follow these animations, but they have to deal with gravity, mass and other static or dynamic objects.


You can add and upgrade many functions of your robot. For example you can upgrade armors, servos, batteries and attach new components to the robot, so it can do new things.


Cybermotion has no storyline. However key background is University of Cybernetics where
are few students working together in team, trying to finish their final assignment and get degree in cybernetics. They choose to build and program robot that can move like a human in complex dynamic environment. Their Professor of Cybernetics (who is also Professor of PE) is testing their work the hard way and gives them nothing for free. Except for some spare wires and scrap parts...

Future Of Cybermotion
Cybermotion is being remastered durring Early Access to 3D in new engine.
I would like to implement steam workshop for sharing user animations and levels.