Steam DB Steam DB Huusuienbu - Chapter spring and Summer

App ID
App Type
Huusuienbu - Chapter spring and Summer
REAL co.Ltd
REAL co.Ltd
Supported Systems
First Record Import
April 08, 2019 - 17:25:10 UTC (1973 days ago)
Last Record Update
July 05, 2024 - 04:46:51 UTC (58 days ago)
Release Date
28. Mai 2019


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Huusuienbu - Chapter spring and Summer
Rating auf Steam Positiv
92.31% 12 1
Genre: RTS + TD + ADV

You can enjoy this easy to play real-time strategy and adventure game.

This is how the game progresses.

Adventure mode.


Map movement.


Real time strategy battle.


Adventure mode.

?Only chapter one is included in this game. Estimated play time including challenge mode is about 5 hours.

? Battle mode

Real-time battle using Huusui.

Summon the Huusui Tower and enjoy an intense battle.

In addition, there is a challenge mode where you can get special items and STEAM trading cards.

? World view / Story introduction

Huusui is the source of everything that exists in this world. The Huusui Masters are those who manipulate it.

Huusui has long been worshiped by people as an entity that protects them from natural disasters by manipulating the weather using wind and water as a medium.