Steam DB Steam DB Wrecked: Get Your Ship Together

App ID
App Type
Wrecked: Get Your Ship Together
Business Mouse Studios
Business Mouse Studios
Supported Systems
First Record Import
April 08, 2019 - 16:05:46 UTC (1972 days ago)
Last Record Update
July 05, 2024 - 03:22:11 UTC (58 days ago)
Release Date
13. Apr. 2017


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Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads.
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Wrecked: Get Your Ship Together
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
64.86% 24 13
What's that? A FREE Vive game?? That's right, it's time to dust off your headset, we've got something you should try.

Wrecked is all about making the most of your Vive's roomscale capabilities. Transform your living room into a vast alien planet and traverse it like never before. No teleportation no blink; just you, your spaceship, and the open road.

Map your chair into the playspace and transmogrify it into a badass hovership cockpit.

**Disclaimer** This game has a lot of VR motion, if you're prone to motion sickness, proceed with caution.

Use your hovership to alternate between driving and walking as you traverse the world.
- Travel on foot through the Starhopper, your beloved mothership.
- Drive your hovership to travel across the planet to find salvaged parts.
- Dock with scuttled ships and rummage about again on foot.

Hurtle across dazzling landscapes, investigate alien wreckages, get your ship together.

C'mon, it's free, why not?