Steam DB Steam DB Vision

App ID
App Type
Valynx Studio
Valynx Studio
Supported Systems
First Record Import
April 08, 2019 - 16:05:30 UTC (1972 days ago)
Last Record Update
February 09, 2024 - 08:16:18 UTC (205 days ago)
Release Date
6. März 2018


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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
73.68% 28 10
Vision is the world?s first fully customizable music visualizer made for virtual reality!

Vision can be enjoyed with or without a VR device.

Designed from the ground-up with virtual reality in mind, Vision makes use of space and depth to provide a whole new music visualization experience. Spectrum analysis and beat detection allow for all kinds of possibilities as colors, lights and shapes surround you, dancing to your music. Vision utilizes a custom audio capture method, allowing it to play with anything that comes out of your speakers: Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, iTunes, musical instruments, even your own voice!

Vision is a fully 3D, scene-based, script-driven music visualizer.

Vision provides multiple levels of customization. With a multitude of options for changing the visuals you can tweak myriad settings to your own preference, or add your own assets and write your own scenes from scratch.

Start some music, launch Vision and let the beat surround you in a whole new way!