Steam DB Steam DB Riley Short: Analog Boy - Episode 1

App ID
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Riley Short: Analog Boy - Episode 1
Supported Systems
First Record Import
April 08, 2019 - 15:50:34 UTC (1973 days ago)
Last Record Update
July 05, 2024 - 02:52:39 UTC (58 days ago)
Release Date
1. Juni 2017


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Riley Short: Analog Boy - Episode 1
Rating auf Steam 2 Nutzerrezensionen
50% 1 1
Riley Short: Analog Boy Episode 1 - ?In Cupcake Memoriam?

This is the story of a kid who doesn?t fit in.
Hovering cars, sentient refrigerators, robots living alongside humans, and Riley can?t touch any of it.
You are Riley Short, a weird little brother who shorts out any electronics he touches in his near-future world, and you?re out for revenge in your older sister?s room. With your family?s refrigerator, Fridge, egging you on, you will ransack Clarice Short?s room to find electronic items to short out in the name of little-brotherly vengeance.

? Featuring the vocal talents of Mela Lee as Clarice Short & Paul Rugg as Fridge
? Characters designs by webcomic artist Andy Klute
? Original music to get you in the shorting mood. Soundtrack also available
? Powered by VRTK ? Virtual Reality Toolkit
? Includes fancy original animation sequences in glorious 2D
? Your Vive Controllers become the grabby hands of Riley. Do be careful
? Riley can ?dash? around (Vive Touchpad) if your play space is confined, or you can walk about as normal if you happen to be play-area-blessed
? 11 Achievements to discover
? A couple rather awesome hidden areas
? New arcade mode: Riley Rush

Recommended Vive volume: 50%