Steam DB Steam DB ?NekoGakuen?Matthiola Reverie Verse

App ID
App Type
?NekoGakuen?Matthiola Reverie Verse
Supported Systems
PC Mac
First Record Import
August 13, 2022 - 11:54:01 UTC (750 days ago)
Last Record Update
July 05, 2024 - 02:35:21 UTC (58 days ago)
Release Date
11. Juni 2022


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?NekoGakuen?Matthiola Reverie Verse
100% 0 0
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NekoGakuen is a team that produces free RPG and AVG games.

Currently, the team's representative game is "Singspiel", a puzzle-based fairy tale game.

We are now working on creating more games.

If you are interested in our other works, please feel free to visit us on Twitter.

This is a love story about a girl who is bullied and how she survives in this seemingly isolated world.

Players can experience the situation of an isolated student and how she interacts with others at school.

The girl suddenly wakes up to find herself on an isolated island.

The oppressive sky, the indifferent air, and the malicious classrooms.

Things that she used to take for granted now seem unacceptable.

The girl silently makes a decision.

Can she make some changes in the last three days?

If everything is the same as before,

she will no longer try.

Game Time: About 40 to 60 minutes

Endings: True End x1?Normal End x2?Bad End x1

Production Team: ??????Papernight?Shiro?Dot?Mag?????Tsun Tsai?Mirai

As our game is non-profit, we do not have enough funds to hire professional translators.

The current translations into other languages are all machine-translated.

Therefore, the translations may not be accurate. If possible, please report any errors to us.