App ID
App Type
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Supported Systems
First Record Import
October 18, 2018 - 18:54:12 UTC (2097 days ago)
Last Record Update
July 03, 2024 - 15:55:05 UTC (13 days ago)
Release Date
18. Okt. 2018


A New Story of Swords and Souls
A New Story of Swords and Souls
Creating History
Creating History
A Chosen Warrior
A Chosen Warrior
Their Names Shall Live On
Their Names Shall Live On
A Transcendent Tale
A Transcendent Tale
The Stirrings of a Soul
The Stirrings of a Soul
The Astral Fissures Beckon
The Astral Fissures Beckon
The War for the World Begins
The War for the World Begins
Entrusted with a Mission
Entrusted with a Mission
Unleashing the True Sword
Unleashing the True Sword
Farewell to a Bleak Winter
Farewell to a Bleak Winter
Warrior's Respite
Warrior's Respite
The Power of Partnerships
The Power of Partnerships
Never Fight on an Empty Stomach
Never Fight on an Empty Stomach
Dive into the Fray
Dive into the Fray
No Misfortune Too Difficult
No Misfortune Too Difficult
Interdimensional Warrior
Interdimensional Warrior
Edge Master
Edge Master
True Edge Master
True Edge Master
Power Hungry
Power Hungry
A Swordsmith's Best Friend
A Swordsmith's Best Friend
Local Hero
Local Hero
Pioneer of Prosperity
Pioneer of Prosperity
The Hunters Become the Hunted
The Hunters Become the Hunted
A Body Like Steel
A Body Like Steel
Master of Style by a Mile
Master of Style by a Mile
The Memories of Those Who Came Before
The Memories of Those Who Came Before
Sharp Blade, Sharper Skills
Sharp Blade, Sharper Skills
The First Step on the Path to Greatness
The First Step on the Path to Greatness
Keep Your Eye on the Gold
Keep Your Eye on the Gold
Glory Beckons
Glory Beckons
All Journeys Start with a Single Step
All Journeys Start with a Single Step
No Sweeter Taste than Victory
No Sweeter Taste than Victory
The Only Way Is Up
The Only Way Is Up
A Hero Is Born
A Hero Is Born
The Battlefield Beckons
The Battlefield Beckons
An Unquenchable Thirst for Battle
An Unquenchable Thirst for Battle
Critically Acclaimed
Critically Acclaimed
Deadly Precision
Deadly Precision
Making an Impact
Making an Impact
May the Best Warrior Win (That Is, Me)
May the Best Warrior Win (That Is, Me)
The Power Within
The Power Within
Boundary Issues
Boundary Issues
Breaking the Ice
Breaking the Ice
Bull in a China Shop
Bull in a China Shop
Assault and Battery
Assault and Battery
Chasing Shadows
Chasing Shadows
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
82.25% 5216 1126

Der neueste Teil der SOULCALIBUR-Reihe!
Erleben Sie brandneue Spielmechaniken und die atemberaubendste Grafik, die es je in einem waffenbasierten Kampfspiel gab!

?Brandneue Kampfmechaniken!
Umkehrklinge: Halten Sie den Ansturm des Gegners auf und gehen Sie zum Gegenangriff ?ber!
Seelenladung: Nutzen Sie einen kurzen Kraftschub und wenden das Blatt im Kampf.
Setzen Sie geschickt t?dliche Treffer ein und besiegen Sie schreckliche Gegner mit gewaltigen Kombos!

?Gro?e Auswahl an Einzelspielermodi!
STORY: Erleben Sie in der Seelen-Chronik die Ereignisse des ersten SOULCALIBUR erneut.

? ? Eine gro?e Auswahl Spielmodi!
Treten sie im Online-Modus gegen Spieler aus der ganzen Welt an!
Erschaffen Sie im Modus "Erstellen" einen eigenen Charakter!

Geralt aus der The Witcher-Reihe von CD Projekt Red st?rzt sich in den Kampf!!