Steam DB Steam DB Holy Potatoes! We?re in Space?!

App ID
App Type
Holy Potatoes! We?re in Space?!
Daylight Studios
Daedalic Entertainment
Supported Systems
PC Linux Mac
First Record Import
June 02, 2018 - 03:09:02 UTC (2462 days ago)
Last Record Update
August 31, 2024 - 16:01:23 UTC (179 days ago)
Release Date
14. Feb. 2017


Skilled Craftsman!
Skilled Craftsman!
Exquisite Artisan!
Exquisite Artisan!
Artificer Adept!
Artificer Adept!
Grand Architect!
Grand Architect!
Worldly Conqueror!
Worldly Conqueror!
Slayer of Solar Systems!
Slayer of Solar Systems!
Galactic Gladiator!
Galactic Gladiator!
Inter-Galactic Warmonger!
Inter-Galactic Warmonger!
Final Frontier Pioneer!
Final Frontier Pioneer!
Extraterrestrial Explorer!
Extraterrestrial Explorer!
Solar System Surveyor!
Solar System Surveyor!
Galaxy Trotter!
Galaxy Trotter!
Inter-Galactic Interloper!
Inter-Galactic Interloper!
A for effort!
A for effort!
For Science!
For Science!
To Infinity and Beyond!
To Infinity and Beyond!
Here we go... !
Here we go... !
Blood, Sweat and Tears!
Blood, Sweat and Tears!
Queens of Pain!
Queens of Pain!
Task Mistress!
Task Mistress!
Azuka Kyuryu!
Azuka Kyuryu!
Kyurei Anayami!
Kyurei Anayami!
Silver Spudder!
Silver Spudder!
Tarth Tater!
Tarth Tater!
Dr. What!
Dr. What!
Kale-o Ren!
Kale-o Ren!
It’s the Eye of the ... !
It’s the Eye of the ... !
He’s not fat! He’s … !
He’s not fat! He’s … !
Going for Gold!
Going for Gold!
Settling for Silver!
Settling for Silver!
Gotta go… uh, wham!
Gotta go… uh, wham!
Her hair was Pink!
Her hair was Pink!
Go! Chillimander!
Go! Chillimander!
Get ‘em! Squirturnip!
Get ‘em! Squirturnip!
Let’s go! Broccosaur!
Let’s go! Broccosaur!
We are the Champions!
We are the Champions!
In a bit of a Pickle!
In a bit of a Pickle!
Love is the way forward!
Love is the way forward!
Spirited Today!
Spirited Today!
Book of Dead Names.
Book of Dead Names.
Explorer! Curiosity killed the...
Explorer! Curiosity killed the...
Explorer! Sleeping Beauty
Explorer! Sleeping Beauty
Explorer! A Hero's Journey!
Explorer! A Hero's Journey!
Explorer! Raiders of the Lost Quark
Explorer! Raiders of the Lost Quark
Explorer! Who you Gonna Call? PestBusters!
Explorer! Who you Gonna Call? PestBusters!
Explorer! Return of the Cheese Heroes
Explorer! Return of the Cheese Heroes
Explorer! Familiar Faces
Explorer! Familiar Faces
Explorer! Phantom of the Space Opera
Explorer! Phantom of the Space Opera
Explorer! Secret Story: Phantom of the Space Opera
Explorer! Secret Story: Phantom of the Space Opera
Explorer! Pirates of the Carrobean
Explorer! Pirates of the Carrobean
Explorer! Secret Story: Pirates of the Carrobean!
Explorer! Secret Story: Pirates of the Carrobean!
Explorer! Whale, Whale, Whale! What do we have here?!
Explorer! Whale, Whale, Whale! What do we have here?!
Explorer! Secret Story: Whale, Whale, Whale! What do we have here?!!
Explorer! Secret Story: Whale, Whale, Whale! What do we have here?!!
Explorer! Jail Break!
Explorer! Jail Break!
Explorer! Secret Story: Jail Break!!
Explorer! Secret Story: Jail Break!!
Explorer! Familiar Faces...?
Explorer! Familiar Faces...?
Explorer! The Crimson Ruins
Explorer! The Crimson Ruins
Explorer! The Edge of the Universe
Explorer! The Edge of the Universe
Explorer! The Other One
Explorer! The Other One
Explorer! Fay Story: Stones of the Ulaya!
Explorer! Fay Story: Stones of the Ulaya!
Explorer! Cassie Story: Stones of the Ulaya!
Explorer! Cassie Story: Stones of the Ulaya!
Explorer! Dancing with the Devil
Explorer! Dancing with the Devil
Explorer! The Loyal Hound
Explorer! The Loyal Hound
Explorer! The Unpredictable Doctor
Explorer! The Unpredictable Doctor
Explorer! The Thorny Rose
Explorer! The Thorny Rose
Explorer! The Summer Triangle
Explorer! The Summer Triangle
Explorer! The Final Siege
Explorer! The Final Siege
Explorer! The Dreamers Awaken
Explorer! The Dreamers Awaken
The Evil Eye stalks you!
The Evil Eye stalks you!
Maximum Efficiency!
Maximum Efficiency!
Revved up and ready to go!
Revved up and ready to go!
Just a little bit more...!
Just a little bit more...!
Enlightened engineering!
Enlightened engineering!
Tank up!
Tank up!
Hot iron! Strike it!
Hot iron! Strike it!
Ever ready!
Ever ready!
Duct tape salvation!
Duct tape salvation!
Everything is under control!
Everything is under control!
Someone's looking out for ya!
Someone's looking out for ya!
Show me the money!
Show me the money!
Fortitude of the mind!
Fortitude of the mind!
Zombies?! Aliens?! Kaiju?! No problem!
Zombies?! Aliens?! Kaiju?! No problem!
Amazing for an amateur!
Amazing for an amateur!
Keep on rocking, rookie!
Keep on rocking, rookie!
Great job, greenhorn!
Great job, greenhorn!
Very nice, veteran!
Very nice, veteran!
Marvelous, maestro!
Marvelous, maestro!
Hah! A Fluke!
Hah! A Fluke!
Pfft! Lucky!
Pfft! Lucky!
Alright, you've got some skill!
Alright, you've got some skill!
You've proven your point!
You've proven your point!
Fine! You're the best! Geez.
Fine! You're the best! Geez.
Holy Potatoes! We?re in Space?!
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
62.25% 315 191
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! Ist ein Space Adventure Game mit Management Elementen und rundenbasierte K?mpfen. Manage dein eigenes Raumschiff und erkunde ein prozedural generiertes Universum mit dutzenden Planeten, die f?r Ressourcen erkundet werden k?nnen, und Feinden, die du in intergalaktischen Weltraumk?mpfen besiegst.

Begegne einer F?lle an Weltraumrassen, wie beispielsweise kosmischen Karotten, seltsamen Zucchini, schr?gen Schalotten und sogar Weltraum Wale! Gewinne epische Bossk?mpfe und rette deinen Gro?vater Jiji, der von der b?sen Vereinigung, Der Eklipse, gefangen genommen wurde.

  • Stelle hunderte Waffen f?r dein Raumschiff her.
  • Stelle Teschniker in deine Crew ein, um dein Schiff zu bemannen.
  • Erkunde dutzende Planeten und Galaxien. Warum nicht gleich das ganze Universum?
  • Sammle Ressourcen um dein Raumschiff aufzur?sten und Waffen anzufertigen.
  • Bek?mpfe b?se galaktische Brokkoli- und au?erirdische Karottenraumschiffe, und viele mehr!
  • Bestehe epische Bossk?mpfe!